It’s Like Wingnut Meth

Jamilgate, that is. They get their wingnut welfare checks at the beginning of the month, and BLAMMO! it’s straight to the dealer on the corner for more.

Above: Confederate Yankee as he appears in ‘Faces of Jamilgate’*

Check out this guy, commenting on a Confederate Yankee post (scroll down to the comment from ‘Bill Faith’):

He shoots! He scores! Great work, Bob. I excerpted and linked. That makes 45 posts in my Jamilgate series now.

Obsessed a little, Bill?

Anyway, 45 posts ain’t shit. Why, we know guys who have, like, hundreds of composition books completely filled with tiny, cramped writing on Jamil Hussein, all stashed in their creepy, “Seven”-inspired apartments.

Gavin adds: Remember those Mounds/Almond Joy commercials that were like, “Sometimes you feel like a nut; sometimes you don’t”? These guys have no such self-awareness.

* Animation: Righteous Bubba


Comments: 40


creepy, “Seven�-inspired apartments

That’s a pretty good Jonah Goldberg picture, right there.


Holy shit. That Flopping Aces post Gavin links to is a goldmine.

Like this:

As we have learned quite well over the years the enemy will try to stir the pot with doctored photo’s or outright lies as Patterico documented. Now the story about those Sunni’s being burned alive appears to have been a fairy tale also.

You think we will hear that this raid on two houses maybe embellished also?

Hell yeah! And then we’ll hear that Jamil Hussein made up the whole Iraq War!

I mean the only think I can take away from this report that has a ring of truth to it is the fact that the US and Iraqi forces engaged the enemy north of town killing up to 60 more of the enemy.

Because all the stories about us killing ther doodz sound totally true, but all the stories about them killing our doodz sound totally false!


Jesus, those guys just love phrases like “engaged the enemy.” Gets them all tingly and tumescent.


Hey CY pulled my comment!~ – where I mention SadlyNo has thrown another grenade in your bullshit and inquired as to his employment status. Oh well.


“These guys have no such self-awareness.”

nor timing


You know, I think they’re missing the point, at leats about this “destroyed mosque” stuff.

See, the semantics don’t matter. Maybe AP should have used better wordings, i don’t know. But that’s not really tho point. DO they deny that religious icons and sacred places or worship WERE attacked? Why does the extent of the damage matter?

Consider this scenario. You’re sitting on your front porch, your dog frollicks in the yard.
Suddenly, POW! A loud shot rings out. Your dogs barks wildly and falls to the ground.
Your neighbor, smoking rifle in tow, hops the fence and saunters casually over to you.
Neighbor: Hey-ya, Bob, what’s new? *He he then idly spits on your kids’ chaulk drawing of your family*
You: What the FUCK?!
N: Hmmm?
Y: You shot my fucking dog!
N: No, I didn’t.
Y: What the fuck, you bastard! *gestures wildly to your dog on the ground* You shot him with that damn rifle!
N: This? Oh, yeah. Just got it. Wanted to try it out. A real beauty, eh?
Y: …!
N: Look. I didn’t “shoot” him, okay? “Shoot” implies a kill, right? But look; I only “winged” him, see? In his leg.
*Your dog whines in a slowly growing pool of it’s own blood. Your Neighbor cycles the bolt and ejects the shell, which lands in your credenza garden.*
Y: Well, yeah, I suppose that makes some amount of sense…
N: Right? Look, he’ll be fine, no worries.
*you credenzas smolder, then burst into flame.*
Y: Yeah, you’re right. Hey, sorry I over-reacted there, pal.
N: Hey, what are friends for? We still on for that cook out tomorrow?
Y: You know it!

Okay, does that make any sense? So how is, “Look, it was only damaged a LITTLE BIT in the attack against you and your religion.” supposed to make the reality any better?
It’s like living is some Bizarro Hitchhikers’ Guide to Monty Python universe.


The most annoying thing about these returds is they haven’t changed. They are still putting out the same BS they’ve been putting out for 30+ years.

The scenario NEVER changes- “I don’t like this information, it doesn’t fit in with my worldview so that means LIBS are manipulating information to confuse me and make the world appear differently than I demand.”

Only the names change.


you guys have been ON FIRE lately. And in a good ” u r pwning” way, not a “is Sadly No really on fire?” sort of way.


A final comment I wanted to add to my theory that Liberals caused 9/11.

If you don’t believe me just look at their targets. The very essence of contemporary Liberal thought – Hollywood and San Francisco.

You see, wait a minute there’s a call from my publisher (adjusts phone) -(uh-huh, uh-huh) “So you’re saying they hit Wall Street and the Pentagon with those attacks? And not because they are bastions of Leftist culture?”

OK fine, screw it, for my next magnum opus see, “Why the War in Kashmir is Really about Barbara Streisand and Nancy Pelosi”


“The most annoying thing about these returds is they haven’t changed.”

That’s called consistency, man, consistency.

Anybody can do anything once, but to keep doing it over and over and over, well, that requires real dedication.


Doing wingnut meth will lift you up until you break.


From a small Conservative site (Polipundit) January 11th:

“Earlier this week, I noted that while the AP’s stories were still untrue, their frequent source Police Capt. Jamil Hussein appeared to exist despite suspicion to the contrary.”

No matter what Teh Wingnuts will move the goalposts.

The Meth comparison is a good one and I’ve often thought that the people at Polipundit are truly addicted to hate. The more level-headed blogger got kicked off of Polipundit when he came out against the escalation of the war in Iraq — all that’s left there are the nuttiest, most misinformed of warmongers.


You mock our steadfastness and moral clarity, RubDMC. Isn’t it interesting that you insist on calling it “consistency”?

Do doubt your thinking of that FAMOUS quotation “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds”? Ralph Waldo Emerson said that, RIGHT?

WRONG!!1!!111! It’s a COMPLETE AND TOTAL LIE. The INVESTIGATION proved that it was actually written by Dan Rather, Walter Cronkite, Edward R. Murrow, Norman Corwin, and Joseph Pulitzer while smoking Thai stick in a Vietcong-run whorehouse in Hanoi in 1967.


So, um, they’re STILL proudly harping on a story about a guy they claimed didn’t exist, and yet he really does, and they know this, and yet it somehow doesn’t matter to them, and this somehow proves the Iraq war is going great? And Malkin has never seen a building gutted inside yet with a largely intact exterior, so this also proves something or other about how we should, I dunno, attack Iran?

Or is it just me?


[…] Sadly, No! goes deep inside the mind of the wingnut to see just how far those crazy bastards are willing to run with this Jamilgate thing … […]


But just to show I’m not all talk and no strategery, here’s my plan for the “plus up” or “surge” or “warblogger Cialis” or whatever brand name they’re giving it now: Round up every damn mouthbreather who STILL even now thinks Iraq had something to do with 9/11, and/or is still convinced Saddam moved the nukes to Syria, and/or thinks bin Laden is hiding out in Iraq, and/or thinks we should have been “tougher” to start with, suit them up in BDAs, hand their asses a rifle and airdrop them into the middle of the Green Zone, where they can at least do a little bit of good for once in this massive CF they’re so damn willing to forgive Bush for.

I’ll second your suggestion, Pere Ubu.

P.S. I remember that band. Heard their records a lot back in college.


I see a lot of jealousy here. The writer’s of Sadly, No! will someday die in obscurity, leaving the world no poorer. Confederate Yankee will die gloriously fighting for his cause (“XXXXX XXXXXXXX was found dead today in the bathroom of his apartment with a Cheeto lodged in his throat. He attempted to call for help, but ended up just typing “911” on his laptop over and over again.”) and wingnuts will travel thousands of miles to read his epitaph “He was write about Jamilgate”.

Though, I plan to sneak in to scrawl a “not” after was.


Hmm, a confederacy of Ubus. My hat goes off to you Pere.


Love the animation.


If you don’t believe me just look at their targets. The very essence of contemporary Liberal thought – Hollywood and San Francisco.

Au contraire, mon frere. For Dinesh to be right, the terraists should have taken out Ann Arbor, Madison WI, and Sedona. (and Topanga Canyon)


Good god, that awful illustration on his site. It’s gotta be looked at a little more closely…

Someone who ought to know better taught this rube to dupe a photoshop layer, blur it and put it on overlay mode, and now I bet the guy has glowyblowy images of everything, from his pet dog to faux pornies of Pam Geller Oshry. Nice composition skills–that frontmost cowboy fits in that scene like Rachel Corrie in a Charles Johnson ‘Tuesday Ugliest Beach in LA’ photo. I’m trying to find the reason that the fucker is so big, but it must be that Floppy did it himself, and so we have the million-times-practiced, huge sig at the bottom. Ah, he’s so proud, so very proud, he even has it at Cafe Press. I can’t even look at the ham-handed filter-work on the floor and table, which seems to be a roto’d cellphone-cam grab of a 1985 vintage Unpainted Warehouse game table. And that glaringly unmatched sky gradient outside, its… Okay, enough, I’m overwhelmed by hackery.

Wait, the cards on the floor, like everything else sporting drop-shadows for no good reason…do I see Iraqi guys from the famous 52 enemies deck on there? Tariq Aziz, Saddam, Uday, Qusay and someone else. So…that means the guys shooting Floppy are…Iraqi insurgents dressed as the James Gang? Libruls? Shit, I’m lost at the crossroads of bad wingnut art avenue and halfwit wingnut metaphor road.


Anyone else think Northern Slaveholder looks like Wallace Shawn if he had been abandoned at birth in South Carolina?


Wait! I actually have wrecked a fair amount of shit in my life. I’ve blown up a number of things. And guess what? None of them, not a single one, ever completely de-materialized and disappeared. Every damn last one of ’em was still there, just a little less, er, user friendly….



Do you suppose that if Michelle’s house had two rooms burned out and the roof had a giant hole it it, she’d think it was perfectly all right?


Is it a requirement at Flopping Aces that all plurals be constructed with an apostrophe?


Anyone else think Northern Slaveholder looks like Wallace Shawn if he had been abandoned at birth in South Carolina?

I was thinking he’s the love-child of Wallace Shawn and Dana Carvey.


Hmm, a confederacy of Ubus. My hat goes off to you Pere.



“(and Topanga Canyon)”

I just saw Dinesh and bin Laden sipping lattes at the Water Lily. We’re all good up here.


Pere Ubu-great band.

Hell yeah! And then we’ll hear that Jamil Hussein made up the whole Iraq War!

Jamil Hussein=Kayser Sose.


mikey sez Wait! I actually have wrecked a fair amount of shit in my life. I’ve blown up a number of things. And guess what? None of them, not a single one, ever completely de-materialized and disappeared. Every damn last one of ‘em was still there, just a little less, er, user friendly….

Except for that one episode of Mythbusters where they filled a cement truck with dynamite and set it off from 5 miles away…. that essentially vaporized the truck. Although I guess a largish hole with a portion of an axle sitting in it still kind of showed some evidence.

It took a LOT of dynamite though.


That makes 45 posts in my Jamilgate series now.

Are these morons blogging or collecting Pokemon cards?

You guys realize, that they will not stop, right?

That they’re just going to keep making stupid, refutable-in-45 seconds-of-Teh Google claims in their idiotic posts, which they will then link to other, stupid, refutable-in-45 seconds-of-Teh Google claims made by their companions in fuckwittery, who will then link back to them and to other, equally deluded lunatics until they achieve their goal?

Said ‘goal,’ as far as I can tell, appears to be the eradication of all forms of intelligent discourse on the internet.

Because if that’s not their goal, I have no fucking idea what these dolts think they’re doing.

Mehitabel the Abyssinian

There is no such thing as too many stupid posts, or too many catnip mice. Especially catnip mice stolen from another cat.


>>“(and Topanga Canyon)�

I just saw Dinesh and bin Laden sipping lattes at the Water Lily. We’re all good up here.


OK, Mehitabel, I want you to go look at this: and this: in that first thread where the handmaiden made me type.

That’s right. Two hot Abyssinian babes in MY thread that you did not even bother to show up for.

And they want me BAD. Well, you can see it right there, just from what they typed.

There was even some Max Cat dude in there offering to lick my pasta. Insisting on it, really.

So, what do you say? You know what I say? I say, ‘Get over here, and bring me a guts sammich,’ that’s what I say.

Leave the house apes! They don’t love you like I do! I will kill my sister for you. Well, actually, I’d do it for free if the handmaiden didn’t stop me, but you know what I mean, I love you!

Leave them and fly to me! I can show you how to use the house apes’ plastic thingy that they keep in their pockets to get a ‘plane ticket.’ I don’t know that it is exactly, but I know it’s how the handmaiden goes places sometimes.

So, come on.

This is your last chance. I mean it this time. Really.


Do you suppose that if Michelle’s house had two rooms burned out and the roof had a giant hole it it, she’d think it was perfectly all right?

In the house of her mind where the light are flickering and nobody’s home? Hell yeah!

Herr Doktor Bimler

Apologies to Ganesh Bengal Cat, but Mehitabel is on a no-fly list… this is to stop her catching birds. She is not replying to you in person, on account of being banned from the computer for name-stealing. Not only does she steal names, she also drags them in through the cat-flap, swallows them whole, and then garks them up again, much to the distress of the neighbours whose names they had been previously.


After the cat steals one’s name, swallows it and then uncerimoniously deposits it mid-carpet, does the victim of such theft thenceforth have to go around telling people that they have a new name, and it’s cat-vomit? Inquiring minds, etc…



He’s got no chin. Where ya supposed to rest your balls?


After the cat steals one’s name, swallows it and then uncerimoniously deposits it mid-carpet, does the victim of such theft thenceforth have to go around telling people that they have a new name, and it’s cat-vomit?



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