Shark, Water Skis, Cowabunga
The set-up:
January 29, 2007In the wake of my January
2526 letter to the Board of Directors of the Associated Press concerning the news organization’s inaccurate reporting of the November 24 Hurriyah assault by Shia militias on Sunni mosques–a letter in which I provided to the Board of Directors the real name of AP source “Jamil Hussein”–the official Associated Press web site containing all of AP’s official responses regarding Hurriyah has curiously withdrawn the January 4 article by AP reporter Steven R. Hurst claiming that Jamil Hussein is Jamil Hussein.A screen capture of the AP web page from January 8 containing the Hurst article is captured here.
A screen capture of the AP Web page, minus the Hurst article, as captured this morning, is online here.
Is the Associated Press beginning a walkback of it’s Hurriyah coverage? If so, quietly attempting to scrub their reporting to date is perhaps not the best way to do so.
Perhaps they should start with a formal retraction acknowledging their comedy of errors.
As I have stated from the very beginning of this debacle, what we are witnessing in action via the Hurriyah scandal and the 39 of 40 AP stories attributed to Jamil Hussein that cannot be corroborated by a rudimentary search of other English-language news organizations of the same events, what we are witnessing is a flawed methodology for gathering the news that places far too much credibility in the words of questionable sources and local stringers with dubious allegiances, and no readily apparent internal mechanism for fact-checking the reports provided.
The advice I issued on December 18 is looking better all the time.
Update: Curt at Flopping Aces notes (via email) that while the AP has scrubbed the one file linked above where AP has been consolidating their Hurriyah reporting, they still have the Hurst claim posted here. Don’t worry… if they attempt to scrub that, I have a screen capture of that page, as well.
Update: By the way… notice anything funny about the image used by AP in their “Freedom of Information” section? It appears to be a photo of terrorist detainees at Guantanemo Bay.
Does the Associated Press consider capturing terrorists a violation of AP’s freedom of information?
It certainly does not apply to Jamil Gulaim XXXXX XX-XXXXXXX, who is presently back at work as an Iraqi police officer.
Update: Confirmed. The picture was of detainees arriving at Camp X-Ray in 2002.
Update: Linda Wagner, Associated Press Director of Media Relations and Public Affairs, states that the disappearance of the Hurst article is “purely a technical issue.” It has since been restored to the AP web site.
Does anybody here with an IT background want to explain precisely how AP’s “technical issue” would delete just the one post on the page, and not all of the posts on that page? I assume it could be a technical glitch, but my experience tells me that human involvement is a far more likely culprit.
The punch line:
Above: Confederate Yankee’s link to his screen capture of the ‘disappeared’ AP story.
Say, does anybody here with an IT background want to explain precisely how Confederate Yankee’s ‘technical issue’ would delete just the one image on the site, and not all of the images on I assume it could be a technical glitch, but my experience tells me that human involvement is a far more likely culprit.
Update: By the way… notice anything funny about this image?
Above: Confederate Yankee, prominent
‘citizen-journalist’ of the right-blogosphere
Update: Confirmed. The man in the picture is not under 24-hour involuntary medical supervision.
And if bullshit flops from the rear-end of a deaf ox, and there’s nobody there to hear it, does it make a wet splat! sound?
God, it’s like watching a deranged polar bear at the zoo banging its head on the bars all day. I’m almost begging for them find a story they can prove, just to make them entertaining once more.
Anyone got any pictures of a cross-dressing Jimmy Carter?
Most industrial-strength CMS systems allow a content record to be removed automatically if certain conditions are met. The most common culprit for something like that happening is an accidentally or incorrectly set expiration date, although that is by no means necessary. And since many pages are made up of several content records. As an example, see the front page of CY’s blog. So yes, “part” of a page of content can disappear without intentional human action. And even if human action was involved, it could be as a result of simple error, not intent to deceive.
I don’t know what CY’s experience is, but it apparently runs neither wide nor deep.
Can anyone explain to me why the definition of “malkin” is the following:
1. an untidy woman; slattern.
2. a scarecrow, ragged puppet, or grotesque effigy.
3. a mop, esp. one made from a bundle of rags and used to clean out a baker’s oven.
4. a cat.
5. a hare.
Hmmmmm! Are dictionary publishers part of the liberal MSM? Story unfolding.
this needs an update fast, he seems to have the image up now
How do you suppose the actual journalists at the AP feel when an email or phone call comes in from one of these clowns, each one trumpeting his latest “GOTCHA!!” moment which, it turns out, is a minor server hiccup.
Why is CY bothering with screen captures?
There’s video of Jamil Hussein totally saying the whole thing was a big fat liggity-lie over at Google TV’s beta test. You might have to log in and out a few times to get it to work, but it’s totally worth it.
Main Entry: mal·kin
Pronunciation: ‘mo(l)-k&n, ‘mal-
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English malkyn servant woman, from Malkyn, diminutive of the name Maud
1 dialect chiefly British : an untidy woman : SLATTERN2 dialect chiefly British a : CAT b : HARE
notice anything funny about this image?
You, know, now that you mention it, the kerning is a little off, and the smoke seems, I dunno, somewhat darker than it should and… OH MY GOD HE HAS NO CHIN!
mikey. Dude. If you call me a malkin, I will cut you..
frick a fracka…
I can’t do this someone help.
Geez, teh l4m3, I fixed it, and I’m a fucking Bengal Cat.
BTW, my handmaiden says to tell you she loves you. I think it’s cuz of that pie thread the other day.
Boy, that was really weird. I don’t know how people can get so worked up about pie. Unless it’s got guts in it. And most of them don’t.
This talk of pie makes me miss Fafblog…
So, apart from the rediculousness of mikey’s broken anchor tag</a> Ack… And the hilariousness of mistyping a link on a post about how AP is supposedly scrubbing it’s website.
Did he just not notice that the sidebar has changed between his screenshots? It’s almost like AP is moving things around on their site. Even still, I remain convinced that paranoia is totally justified because the story went missing for a few minutes.
During a site reorg.
There’s just one thing you need to know about Confederate Yankee and his paranoid delusions:
Every night while he’s sleeping, agents from the AP sneak into his bedroom and rub a dead fish on his upper lip.
Someone keeps moving my chair!
Every night while he’s sleeping, agents from the AP sneak into his bedroom and rub a dead fish on his upper lip.
Whoa. That’s awesome. They must be ninja AP agents. Even if they’re not, let’s tell him they are. Because that would my idea of a funny joke, if that ConYank dude kept waking up all night, lookin’ for the ninjas.
Look out, ConYank dude! It’s a ninja! Bwahaha!
Also, what do they do with the fish when they’re through with it?
The AP needs to send Confederate Yankee, Michelle and every other warblogger a Cookie Bouquet with the frosted inscription of “Just STFU Already.” Or maybe a Mosque cake with a hole in the “onion ring” atop.
Another devastating expose by Northern Slaveholder.
Who the fuck does CY think he is? An embedded journalist? He’s a civilian blogger, for Christ sake, who probably works the night shift at Walmart in a little yellow security jacket.
Um, a rudimentary search turns up nothing, he said? I guess he missed this item about the Shiite death squads operating in Hurriyah a from back in November. It’s a hell of a lot more damaging to America’s reputation than the AP news story.
Update: By the way… notice anything funny about this image?
Yeah – he’s not actually showing his teeth.
Given that he looks JUST like the sort of high school dude who reminds you strongly of a weasel and winds up busted for selling crystal meth out of his trailer a few years after you graduate, that’s probably a good thing.
Y’all should have moved on to the second and third definitions:
malkin (transitive verb): to slander; to use one’s imagination for nefarious purposes. Usage: I’m planning to malkin my political opponents.
malkin (adjective/archaic): ridiculous; unworthy of serious consideration. Usage: It was a distinctly malkin piece of investigative journalism.
Reading the dictionary: hours of entertainment for the whole family.
And my man Mortician managed to get there without fucking up the t00bz…
The question isn’t if Shia death squads in Hurriyah are active, they are, the equestion is why does Jamil Hussein(though his real name is not Hussein) have a story that is drastically wrong when compared to the facts. No mosques were burnt down, six people were not burned and their bodies were not taken to the morgue that does not exist (except in Hussein’s mind), 18 people were not burned inside of a mosque which was then used for prayer days later(seems they don’t mind the smell of cooked human flesh).
Shia did attack 4 mosques, I would even wager someone probably died, but the basic facts of the incident are all reported wrong by Hussein. But hey who cares if the AP exxaggerates stories, this is the age of Dan Rather style journalism. If nothing juicy enough is happening, make it up, exaggerate it, tell tall tales.
Anyone remember that line from Vietnam?
“We had to destroy the village to save it.”
I’m sure you remember it. It was one of the greatest lines a reporter could put out for that war and is widely remembered. It is also a COMPLETE AND TOTAL LIE, as attested to by the INVESTIGATION. You know, the answers you get when you actually INVESTIGATE something instead of printing unsubstantiated rumours.
For some reason, I am amused by the coincidence that one of the witches in Macbeth had a familiar named “Greymalkin”: Malkin wasn’t just “cat” but sometimes was “evil, demon cat who serves a hideous witch bent on destroying civilized society”.
So that would be Jesse, I guess?
No mosques were burnt down, six people were not burned and their bodies were not taken to the morgue that does not exist (except in Hussein’s mind), 18 people were not burned inside of a mosque which was then used for prayer days later(seems they don’t mind the smell of cooked human flesh).
At least two mosques were firebombed (nobody checked the other two); nobody has yet produced any counterevidence to dispute the account that six people were burned; Hussein wasn’t even the source of much of the initial story; and I don’t know anything about the ’18 people’ thing, but the ball’s frankly in your court on that one.
Ahem. The Voice of Reason.
Did you read his letter? What an idiot!!!!!! Very first sentence: He states that he wants them to “WRITE a wrong” — the unintended irony!!!!!!!!!! Illiterate “write” wing idiots.
El fixo?
Naieve, lets pretend every bit of what is floating around in your head is correct. (at least in regard to this incident.) Does that in your mind then negate the 20,000 wounded and the 3000 dead Americans, the hundreds thousands of dead Iraqis and the $500 BILLION?
Does it somehow make all the rest of the CIRCLE JERK better?
Why the finger nail desperation of holding onto a complete delusion about how “Its the press not clapping louder what why this war ain’t being won”?
In defending this particularly circle jerk, Naieve (if that’s his/her real name), has led us to another wingnut circle jerk of which I was hitherto unaware:
Well, I tried to chase this one down on the internets. Turns out that a whole lot of wingnuts are really incensed about that line from the first war we supposedly lost because the press refused to clap loudly enough. They’re particularly angry because the line apparently originally appeared in an AP report by Peter Arnett. I say “apparently” because despite all the hysteria surrounding this quote, nobody bothers to actually provide a citation. But I’m willing to believe that Peter Arnett reported it.
So what’s “THE INVESTIGATION” that proves the quote was a “COMPLETE AND TOTAL LIE”? It must be something really impressive to deserve all the capital letters, no?
Well, when wingnuts fulminating about this particular quotation are able to catch their breath enough to note where they’ve found out about this one of Arnett’s many treasons, there are two people they mention: Victor Davis Hanson and Mona Charon. They are apparently the ones who were in charge of THE INVESTIGATION. I’ll wait for everyone to stop giggling before I continue…
OK. What does VDH have to say about this? In an April 8, 2004, NRO column entirely devoted to arguing for a particularly whiny version of the Peter Pan Theory of the Iraq War, Victor Davis Geranium Placebo Sans-A-Belt Hanson notes in passing….
So VDH didn’t conduct THE INVESTIGATION after all. And he seems not even sure who “made up” the quotation in question or whether it was made up at all. Just to be clear, Hanson is a man who, in the very same column, has no problem stating the following as a simple fact: “Despite the horrific barbarism in Fallujah and the gun-toting and killing by the Shiites, the United States is ever so steadily establishing a consensual government of sorts under impossible conditions in Iraq.” So despite not having a pretty low reality bar, VDH doesn’t even really say that the “destroy the village” quotation was made up, much less does he claim to have investimagated it himself.
That leaves Charon, who at least does claim to have conducted an investigation:
(Source: this April1 (seriously), 2003 column).
Now I haven’t read Useful Idiots (though under the circumstances it’s doubly amusing that Charen chose as a title for her book a phrase that is famously, but falsely, attributed to Lenin), but again, this doesn’t really sound like much of an investigation. Did Charon talk to Arnett? Of course not. She talked to one soldier who wasn’t the source of the quotation, or at least insists he wasn’t the source of the quotation.
So what have we learned about “destroy the village in order to save it”?
First, the phrase apparently came from a Peter Arnett AP report (though, still, nobody bothers to actual cite it, presumably because that would require logging off and going to a library). Arnett (apparently) was quoting an unidentified soldier.
Second, because that soldier was unidentified, because the Vietnam War (and especially US behavior in VN) was teh awesome!!!1!!, and because it was Arnett reporting, wingnuts are convinced that the quotation must be false.
Third, Mona Charon apparently “investigated” this by finding a soldier who remembers saying something different to Arnett.
QED (at least so far as folks like Naieve are concerned)
Sorry to go on at such length about this, but it appears that Malkin, Preston, and the Scoobs aren’t even original in their investimagation techniques.
It really is circle jerks all the way down.
On the dictionary thing, I’m delighted to say that a “Coulter” is a “vertical cutting blade fixed in front of a ploughshare”.
Thus, it is perfectly acceptable to say, “A Coulter is a common tool” without fear of litigation.
bimmeln (v.t). To tinkle.
Bimmler (n). Something that tinkles; a small bell.
I don’t like the direction this is going.
Gee, now that you’ve seen the screen capture (which was always there, and I find it strange that you could not access it.), don’t you think it’s worth updating this post with the truth? I knew you were a fan of misleading your readers, but I never expected you to hide the truth from them!
Gavin, you are letting your fans down. Even the most liberal of your viewers appreciates the facts. Let them misconstrue them on their own. Don’t hide them. Update your post. You’re not keeping them safe from the information, you are making them look dumb. That’s inexcusable.
Hmmm… link worked for me.
A lot of people here seem more interested in attacking CY than his argument. This strategy might win elections but it doesn’t discredit his claims. Can you refute them or is this simply a rant?
It seems I have to do a screen capture after commenting here from now on. Why delete dissent? So what if Bryan disproved your original thesis that the AP was telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? It’s not worth covering up. That’s what got Nixon, Clinton and maybe Libby busted. Let the truth come out Gavin! Don’t hide it.
So what if you were wrong about Michelle’s reporting? So what if you were wrong in this post about CY not having proof of his claims? Don’t your readers deserve the truth? I know it’s embarrassing, but the truth is more important than your emotions. Be a man. Update this post with the facts.
Oh, give it up, wingnuts. The quicker you move on to your next big “scoop”, the quicker we will stop laughing at you over this one.
You’ll need to get screen captures of any comments you post to Confederate Yankee before they disappear. He’s one of those candy-ass pussy types can’t handle anyone pointing out fundamental flaws in what he writes.
Unless these chumps find out how to work that fo’shizzle translator it’s hard to imagine how they could get any lamer.
Hot Air is still indignant about the fact that AP has still not retracted the “destroyed mosques” claim which they conveniently don’t link to lest you find out they retracted it inside an hour back in November.
This is all Michelle Malkin’s tour of duty “refuted”. A word. That was corrected two months ago. Before anyone saw it. FFS.
You’ll need to get screen captures of any comments you post to Confederate Yankee before they disappear. He’s one of these candy-ass pussies who can’t handle anyone pointing out fundamental flaws in what he writes.
Unless these chumps find out how to work that fo’shizzle translator it’s hard to imagine how they could get any lamer.
Hot Air is still indignant about the fact that AP has still not retracted the “destroyed mosques” claim which they conveniently don’t link to lest you find out they retracted it inside an hour back in November.
This is all Michelle Malkin’s tour of duty “refuted”. A word. That was corrected two months ago. Before anyone saw it. FFS.
Kevin Says: Gee, now that you’ve seen the screen capture (which was always there, and I find it strange that you could not access it.)
Well for me that link gets me a login page at Yahoo which then asks me to register for Flikr.
Kevin, you moronic fuck, the reason the image didn’t come up was that CY got the link wrong in his post. That was the technical issue. He fixed it very quickly (see comments above).
And the “thesis” is not that the AP is an infallible oracle, but that their wingnut decriers are full of it.
You’re not keeping them safe from the information, you are making them look dumb.
Uh huh.
Naieve, with regards to ‘destroying the village to save it’… I can’t speak to that specific village, but the phrase has become “totemic” because of the simple fact that such things happened, and likely more than a couple of times.
Remember My Lai? Or were all those photographed dead civilians in their destroyed village a Big Lie? You know, like the moonwalks.
Nah, Mike, dontcha get it? If one mosque was reported destroyed and then found to have at least one wall still in a vertical state, then everything ever reported by anyone who the malkin thing and her syncophants don’t like is 180 degrees wrong, utterly false. The conclusion here is Iraq must then be an unreported elysian field of joy and happiness, with no violence, no bloodshed, complete, functioning infrastructure and shiny happy people. QED…
I. Buttocks–
V. thorough and innaresting. Well done.
Mike P–
I thought you were going to say this: that the reason the line is “totemic” is, not only because it may have been literally true here and there, but it stands as an apt metaphor for the whole G-dforsak-n war.
And now, of course, Iraq is that in spades, without even the thin, thin candy shell of “stopping Communism” to justify it.
What? “stopping terrorism”? Ha ha ha, etc.
Just as a reminder here, has Michelle retracted her thoroughly and completely demolished book?
Thought not.
Of course she hasn’t retracted her book bubba. She was spot on! We’re looking at a shining example of it here. you guys are laughing that the right is concerned about an untrue report by an anonymous informant, and deriding people who are trying to give you enlightenment. That is unhinged indeed.
Worse, you’ve been gavinned (lied to) but you don’t seem to mind! Seriously, I can’t even come back here to help you learn while I make fun of you anymore. You seem to enjoy looking silly :(.
“Kevin, you moronic [liberal word for pal], the reason the image didn’t come up was that CY got the link wrong in his post. That was the technical issue. He fixed it very quickly (see comments above).”
Actually, it’s because of Yahoo, not CY. If you don’t have an account with them, they force you to before you can view images there now.
Every night while he’s sleeping, agents from the AP sneak into his bedroom and rub a dead fish on his upper lip.
The Hamsters of Madness:
Every night they visit you,
Every night they come
And bit by bit they steal your brain
And feed it to their Mum.
Worse, you’ve been gavinned (lied to) but you don’t seem to mind! Seriously, I can’t even come back here to help you learn
…about how no-one ever linked Saddam to 9/11.
Yes, do stick around and teach us this Art of Stupid.
Of course she hasn’t retracted her book bubba. She was spot on!
Oh. About what?
That many (percentage remains elusive, but it’s large) on the left are unhinged. You need only look at the left’s latest protest to ascertain this. Trashing the capital building? WTH? Way to promote peace, geniuses.
Now that you know you’ve been gavinned, and know the truth, which is that CY is in fact making accurate statements and that the AP is trusting a source that told lies, are you still willing to make jokes about it? Are you still wanting to condemn CY, Michelle and Bryan? Your next stop on the road to unenlightenment is the obliviousness of koskidzdom.
Don’t go down that path. Admit that CY, Bryan and Michelle are correct, and then make fun of their nationality or beliefs or something if you have to be condescending. Don’t deny facts though. I retract my previous statement that I cannot continue to bring you truth. It’s painful, but it’s now a duty. Don’t be gavinned. Not anymore.
It’s hilarious that the visitors all seem to miss the joke in this post.
That many (percentage remains elusive, but it’s large) on the left are unhinged. You need only look at the left’s latest protest to ascertain this. Trashing the capital building? WTH? Way to promote peace, geniuses.
So firebombing and RPGing a mosque isn’t the same as ‘burning’ or ‘blowing up’ the mosque, but some spray-paint marks on the Capitol steps is ‘trashing the Capitol’?
Fair enough. Say, how about those counter-protesters?
You need only look at the left’s latest protest to ascertain this. Trashing the capital building? WTH? Way to promote peace, geniuses.
So firebombing and RPGing a mosque isn’t the same as ‘burning’ or ‘blowing up’ the mosque, but some spray-paint marks on the Capitol steps is ‘trashing the Capitol’?
Interesting. Any thoughts on these counter-protesters?
That many (percentage remains elusive, but it’s large) on the left are unhinged.
C’mon Kevin, I meant this book. You know, the one with the link I gave you to follow.
Psst! Kevin! The link!
Steve said: “It’s hilarious that the visitors all seem to miss the joke in this post.”
I guess if that’s funny to you, then it should be even more hilarious that someone is ridiculed by gavin because gavin can’t understand how to work the intertubes. No one missed the humorous attempt, but most of us saw the underlying issue that many are now trying to gavin.
“So firebombing and RPGing a mosque isn’t the same as ‘burning’ or ‘blowing up’ the mosque, but some spray-paint marks on the Capitol steps is ‘trashing the Capitol’?”
This is a fine example of gavinning. Confusing ‘trashing’ with ‘blowing up’ to mislead the masses. Sheesh. Shooting RPG’s at 4 mosques is indeed the same as blowing up 4 mosques. But it’s clear that this did not happen. Spraypainting the steps of our greatest symbol of freedom is indeed trashing, and it’s clear that it happened. Stop gavinning, gavin.
Bubba said:”C’mon Kevin, I meant this book. You know, the one with the link I gave you to follow.”
My apologies Bubba. I made an assumption that you meant the Unhinged book, and I was wrong. The fault is clearly mine. Sadly, I didn’t read that book, so have nothing to offer you in the form of debate. I will say that FDR was right to intern people, and that electronic monitoring is the reason that we no longer need to intern people with questionable loyalty. Does that give you enough to get livid about?
Oh yeah, I’m talking about full support for statistical profiling! Unbunch those panties and hit me with it! See, I’m not like Bryan, Michelle or CY. I’ll fight your BS in the trenches. I can’t do it all, but I’ll do my best to see that none of you will be allowed to lie to your masses anymore. Truth wins. Always. We shall not be gavinned (lied to, for the newcomers)!
I will say that FDR was right to intern people, and that electronic monitoring is the reason that we no longer need to intern people with questionable loyalty. Does that give you enough to get livid about?
No, that’s just nutty, no need for lividity.
100% agree with Steve. LOL. I will explain it for the wingers: CY, while attributing something to malice that could be explained by a minor technical error, makes the exact same technical error. Come on people, this isn’t hard.
“No, that’s just nutty, no need for lividity. ”
Well, I was only hoping. It IS my position though. Dunno if it’s Ms. Malkin’s.
Yes sandal, deleting a post is a technical error. It’s extremely easy to delete a post. But, just for the sake of argument… is it? It has rarely happened in situations where the owner didni’t want to cover something up. Why would that be? The comment was deleted, leaving it’s relatives intact. Why? No idea. Has anyone heard of Occam’s razor?
Come on sandal, it isn’t hard.
Well, I was only hoping. It IS my position though. Dunno if it’s Ms. Malkin’s.
Y’know, if you read that link I supplied, you might find out, and might make you think about your position.
This is a fine example of gavinning. Confusing ‘trashing’ with ‘blowing up’ to mislead the masses. Sheesh. Shooting RPG’s at 4 mosques is indeed the same as blowing up 4 mosques. But it’s clear that this did not happen. Spraypainting the steps of our greatest symbol of freedom is indeed trashing, and it’s clear that it happened.
That’s strange, just a little while ago you said that blowing the roof off a mosque with an RPG was not the same as blowing it up.
I’m enjoying this.
Y’know, if you read that link I supplied, you might find out, and might make you think about your position.
And when I want to know her position on that issue, I will! It’s pretty off-topic right now though.
That’s strange, just a little while ago you said that blowing the roof off a mosque with an RPG was not the same as blowing it up..
Actually, I never said that, Gavin. I have no idea what broke the dome on that abandoned mosque. I have never said I did. don’t gavin people, supply the link! For the record, I believe that shooting an RPG at something is identical to blowing it up.
I’m enjoying this.
I’m NOT enjoying this. It makes me very sad to see you mislead or lie to people, and have them eat it up. It’s creepily Orwellian.
And when I want to know her position on that issue, I will! It’s pretty off-topic right now though.
Not at all. The topic appears to revolve around some brouhaha over whether or not the AP misreported certain atrocities in a war full of them, and should therefore not be trusted. Who’s leading the charge? A woman whose book is, to put it charitably, wrong in detail and wrong in thesis, so egregiously wrong that she should be embarrassed to peddle it.
It’s a funny dynamic to watch a determined propagandist rally her addled troops to fight inaccuracy. It’s like a pig’s crusade against mud.
Actually, I never said that, Gavin. I have no idea what broke the dome on that abandoned mosque. I have never said I did. don’t gavin people, supply the link! For the record, I believe that shooting an RPG at something is identical to blowing it up.
Okay. Here’s you at 10:26 PM, January 30th:
So let me recap my position. A mosque that has a giant hole blown in the dome, presumably done with an RPG, as well as having been firebombed, etc., can fairly be said to have been ‘blown up.’ That is, such a claim is not ‘a lie.’
This thing you’re doing — making bizarre, shifting claims while accusing others of Orwellian deception… You know, the smoke-screen method is a venerable one, but you’re going to have to make a cogent argument at some point, and it’s going to have to have something in it besides word-play.
You presume an RPG did the deed. I don’t. I do think ‘hitting something with an RPG’==’blowing up’. I just don’t presume that this is what happened. I guess I’m not as presumptuous as you, Gavin.
I’m not playing word games with you. I’m just pointing out when you gavin people.
You presume an RPG did the deed. I don’t. I do think ‘hitting something with an RPG’==’blowing up’. I just don’t presume that this is what happened. I guess I’m not as presumptuous as you, Gavin.
I’m not playing word games with you. I’m just pointing out when you gavin people.
Perhaps it was hit by a meteor.
Maybe the mosque was hit by hurricane Rita. Or a twister. Or a golfclub-wielding giant playing through to the ninth hole? If only someone had been there to see it happen.
Man’s got a head that looks like a squeezed weasel.
[…] It wasn t the United States that destroyed Ben Tre (a town, not a village), but the Vietcong. And the soldier Arnett was most likely quoting remembers saying, It was a shame the town was destroyed, not the fatuity Arnett made famous. … === MORE === […]
[…] It wasn t the United States that destroyed Ben Tre (a town, not a village), but the Vietcong. And the soldier Arnett was most likely quoting remembers saying, It was a shame the town was destroyed, not the fatuity Arnett made famous. … === MORE === […]
[…] (a town, not a village), but the Vietcong. And the soldier Arnett was most likely quoting remembers saying, It was a shame the town was destroyed, not the fatuity Arnett made famous. … === MORE === […]