More Wingnut Welfare
The following ad is currently posted over at Redstate:
This is ridiculous. I am just as capable of writing a book as ill-informed, poorly researched and logically incoherent as the one Dinesh has just written. In fact, I bet if I didn’t put my mind to it, I could write a book that is vastly stupider than Dinesh’s. But do you see any liberal book clubs or think tanks lining up around the block to help me promote the 900-page tome I wrote about my balls? Haaaaaaail no. I want some moonbat welfare, dammit. Tell Sug Daddy Soros to start ponyin’ up.
UPDATE: I don’t know if Atrios has “wheeeeeeeeeee”-ed this one yet, but it’s definitely worth wheeeeeee-ing about:
President George W. Bush’s approval ratings are now the lowest for any president the day before a State of the Union speech since Richard Nixon in 1974, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll.
Sixty-five percent of those surveyed said they disapprove of how Bush is handling his job as president while 33 percent approve. The rating matches Bush’s career low in a May 2006 poll.
Seventy-one percent of Americans said the country is on the wrong track, up from 46 percent in an April 2003 poll, the month after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. A majority of those polled this month don’t approve of how Bush is handling the Iraq war, terrorism or the economy.
Well. I’m sure Bush’s speech will rally the nation by overtly attacking the leftist parasites that are sapping America’s moral will to defeat evil, right? Anyone? Bueller?
Travis adds: Am I missing something, Alt-Rock? I read that whole article, and I didn’t see any data about impeachment. I woulda figured…
UPDATE II: This is the best one yet:
President Bush will deliver his State of the Union address Tuesday night to a nation that’s strongly opposed to his plan for increasing troops in Iraq and deeply unhappy with his performance as president, according to a CBS News poll.
Mr. Bush’s overall approval rating has fallen to just 28 percent, a new low, while more than twice as many (64 percent) disapprove of the way he’s handling his job.
28 PERCENT????!!!!! My gods, will we ever have enough ponies?!!!?
Somebody rendition Brad
AlthouseAltrocket to Gitmo, now!Forget approval ratings. I’m wondering whether D’Souza’s book will reach negative prices.
Darn those wily Wingers!
Don’t you see? If every redstate reader sends in the box-tops to get their free copy of D’Souzamaphone’s “I hate America for its freedom”, it will certainly double the book’s distribution.
That’s like eight whole copies, people!
Man, I wish we had that kind of messaging machine on our side…
Remember when all the wingnuts were all like: “Greenwald’s book being number one on Amazon doesn’t mean anything”? Well what do they think D’Souza’s book being given away for free means?
Well, he’s beaten his dad at something, then.
Perhaps teh left could write a book even stupider than D’Souza’s (that would be a challenge, but I believe doable). Perhaps a book about how Bush Derangement Syndrome undermines the economy while encouraging the terrorists to support illegal immigration. Anyways, teh left writes this book, it gets sent to Regnery (or some other right wing publishing company). If written well enough, they might publish it. Wouldn’t it would be great if we could fool the wingnut welfare system into supporting a parody?
The book should of course include all kinds of pure gold like the need to return to the gold standard, references to how liberals want to keep us from implementing a flat tax so we cannot prove the existence of God, and of course blaming the outsourcing of jobs on illegal immigration.
Too bad he didn’t release the book a little earlier … I coulda used some free Christmas presents for the sad wingnut faction of my family.
Perhaps teh left could write a book even stupider than D’Souza’s …
His Grace – I’m working on it. Tenative title:
“Uncivil: How the Left is Trying to Make You the Gay Bride of Osama bin Laden’s Goat and Hold a Rap Concert on Your Lawn”
I think that covers most of the bases, but I’m open to other suggestions.
We huff glue, handle snakes, and fuck our brothercousinuncles.
C-SPAN is giving D’Souza a three-hour forum this weekend on their In Depth program. A few debunking phone-ins probably wouldn’t hurt.
I imagine cheerleaders crying into their pompoms. And it’s sad.
Fortunately for America, our Democratic leaders recognize that, despite Bush’s overwhelmingly negative approval ratings, he is still a hugely popular war-time preznit. Thus they know that it would be political suicide to impeach him.
WTF, Congress? Get on the stick! Bush’s many (and well documented) high crimes demand impeachment. The son of a bitch has approval ratings approaching Nixonian levels. How much more unpopular does he have to get before any one of you useless turds says, “Gee, maybe we can remove him and Cheney from office.”?
If Congress doesn’t hurry up, they may be too late: the mobs with torches and pitchforks may well tear Bush and Darth Cheney limb from limb before Pelosi thinks about putting impeachment back on the table.
Hmm… I wonder how many of D’Souzy-Q’s books Redstate has available, and whether Teh Left could suck up the bulk of the supply. Then toss them into the Dustbin of History in some public manner.
The Redstate link doesn’t work for me.
Big Daddy Soros ain’t so big. While discussing how much money he tossed into MoveOn (or some similar venture), the figure $25M came up.
“Twenty-five million? That’s it?” some wingnut said. “If he wants to have an impact, he’s gonna have to be willing to part with much more. That’s just chump change.”
Sadly, yes.
Look, as much as I appreciate the need to tear this wingnut welfare queen a few new ones, there is at least one more pressing issue to which I wish this website would turn it’s attention…
What did Retardo decide about his name? Is he keeping it, and if not, what did he choose as a replacement?
That is entirely the fault of the San Francisco values crowd. If Grandma Pelosi wasn’t offering free abortions with every Slurpee at 7/11 and introducing tax increases for the most intellectual evolved (rich people are smarter, right?) more Americans would think the country was on the right track.
It’s not so much welfare it’s just that dinesh rights for a very select audience of aristocratic elite. If only eleven or so people are going to find anything of value in your book they’d each better be prepared to spend boocoo buckos on it. You can tell what type of audience ol’ dinesh is after because he wrote a book called the enemy at home and it’s not about bush. Definitley directed toward an “upper class.”
Thom Hartmann interviewed him this morning on his local Portland show. There’s a good chance he’ll replay it on his national show or you can check his archives later.
It was hilarious. I think he implemented virtually every logically fallacy and false argument technique in the book.
I am just as capable of writing a book as ill-informed, poorly researched and logically incoherent as the one Dinesh has just written.
I dunno, man…that takes a pretty rare kind of talent.
Writes, jesus.
My gods, will we ever have enough ponies?!!!?
For legal purposes, large dogs may be considered ponies.
I’ll bet, that no matter how much you don’t put your mind to it, that you can’t write stupider book. Go on. I dare ya!
Odds Denish was the kid in high school who never got laid and is damn fucking bitter about it now?
I want 500 free copies!
Primarily because my cave is cold and I need something to heat it with.
Why Buy When I Give it Away for Free: Dinesh D’Souza, the Hilton Sisters and the Marketplace of Ideas
If more Americans are hating on Bush, the world is overwhelmingly sick of him.
Interesting that the Free Market has determined the real value of D’Souza’s writing in pretty much no time.
OK, the give-away so soon after publication has to give Dinesh the crown: Wingnut Welfare Queen
The problem with the international polls is that results like that merely strengthen the “resolve” of the wingnutards to keep doing what they have been doing (or keep advocating what they have been advocating), but even moreso. The mentality seems to be “Well, if all those pansy-ass countries think we’re doing something wrong, then we must be doing something right.”
Which eventually leads to the U.S. standing on a streecorner shouting incoherently at passersby.
Yeah, like those diamonds from Sierra Leone that have blood, tears, and death on them that nobody wants to wear anymore.
Will members of Congress submit to the president or is there simply going to be accusations of treason from the right-wing for the next two years?�
Edited for clarity.
Any minute now, the MSM will compare him to Harry Truman.
Oh, wait…
Brad, I *strongly* disagree with the first part of your article. I seriously doubt that you could write anything nearly as stupid, no matter how hard you tried.
Keeping too many ponies around is bad for the nations mood.
A few ponies is cute, a curiosity…. but morning, noon, and night, PONIES.
I think all these ponies are affecting our collective will to power, er.. desire to triumph over the islamofascists
My favourite review on Amazon:
It’s time aspiring leftist authors stopped looking ot Soros for handouts and pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps. If you aren’t the child of a wealthy and well-connected political hack of some sort, all you have to do is make a few million dollars yourself, create a network of like-minded millionaires and billionaires, take over most of the media outlets in the country, and raise emotionally crippled chldren who will parrot your beliefs. Within a generation you will have control of all three branches of government, and you can publish and pretend to sell as many moronic screeds as you or your idiot children can write.
Of course, one of your idiot children may become president and get the country involved in a farcically doomed but incredibly bloody land war in Asia, screwing the pooch for everybody. But you will still be able to console yourself with the knowledge that you were always right, and spend your twilight years re-reading all the heart-warming literature and all those glowing reviews for which you and your friends, and you and your friends’ money, were responsible.
You folks think you have it rough in the United States. Witness this e-mail exchange between a badly needed real-life educated Canadian scientist and an MBA bean-brain hired to dream up slogans for the neoconservative partay in power:
God bless you, Andrew.
When I read about Dinesh’s house with its leopard skin rug, the first thing I thought of was the old Soviet elite with its special stores and dachas and limos. Like that elite, this new elite will keep its privileges as long as it toes the party line.
Lesley, that Amazon review rocks. Apparently, the whole book can be boiled down to the fact that radical Muslims are more like right wingers than like left wingers and America should be more like radical Muslim terrorists. Unbelievable.
USAToday has given D’Souza a forum to promote his book in an Op-Ed today. Basically D’Souza wrote about how the terrorists are capitalists and love democracy (he gave examples of Hamas and Hezbollah) hence it’s the best not to allow Democracy to expand in the MidEast because terrorists would simply take over. He also wrote that the best solution to address terrorism would be to make this country more socially conservative so to appeal to the muslim terrorists who are also socially conservative. Funny stuff.
What I’m wondering about is how D’Souza’s “book” is being received by the wingnuts. I mean, the lefties and the reviewers view it as tripe, but I wonder how the loonies on the right like being told they have something in common with Islamic terrorists (assuming that is a claim that the book makes–I’m just going by what I’ve heard about it).
Hey, Gavin/Brad/Travis/Retardo, anybody interested in wading into the swamp and observing the wildlife? I’d love to help out, but, um, I’ve got those cats to iron, you know how it is, duty calls . . . .
Wait, I want to hear more about Canada’s Nude Government…
Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed and Dr. Okulitch was reinstated.
In fact, I bet if I didn’t put my mind to it, I could write a book that is vastly stupider than Dinesh’s.
I believe in you Brad, but really, can anything be stupider than Barbra Streisand caused 9/11?
Dinesh had an interesting comment(sic) on the War in Iraq vs. the war in Vietnam today on NPR
Check it out