“Hey Krauthammer, How Does Your Mother Dance?”

The right-wing Boston Herald columnist Jules Crittenden clearly needs a refresher in his sensitivity training:

You Say Ug, I say Ugh … Let’s Call The Whole Thing Off

Romanian skull dated to plus 35,000 years could be the product of Human-Neanderthal intercave love. I’m guessing this kid got beat up a lot. By humans and Neanderthals. Because cave children can be cruel.

Posted by jules crittenden at 11:46 PM

Above: Right-wing Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby


Comments: 127


“Romanian skull dated to plus 35,000 years could be the product of Human-Neanderthal intercave love. I’m guessing this kid got beat up a lot. By humans and Neanderthals. Because cave children can be cruel.”

…Uhh… did I miss the humor train or something? Traffic was bad on Hyperbole Lane today, so I’m a little late…
“intercave love”? That… what?

I’ve read jokes on the wrappers of fun sized candy bars better then this.


Number 1: The Boston Herald doesn’t seem to know that neanderthals were in fact human.

Number 2:Jules Crittendenneeds to put a bigger beard on his racism.


Fuzzy eyebrows tickle my inner thighs.



Hello my crazy liberal friends! Could you do me the honor of watching this BBC video of moderate muslims in England? It might be interesting to you to see what you are not willing to fight against.

Just a heads up. Enjoy your lives!


Crittendon does rock though. Thanks for the link to him.


Hi Kevin! I’m an American living in the UK, and it seems every couple of months the police here conduct a dawn raid on a bunch of perfectly innocent Muslims just to make a show of security apparatus/enforcement. Then there’s that whole catastro-fuck (thanks Jon Stewart) going on in Iraq. Why if it’s possible, the UK authorities are doing as bad, if not a worse job at addressing the issues of terrorism as they are in the states. Can’t understand why they’d be pissed off, can you? Ooh! I have an idea – let’s go bomb some innocent nomads in Somalia!

(BTW those aren’t moderate Muslims FYI)

Thanks for playing, though!


If they aren’t moderate, why would a Lord from your own country say that it’s his favorite place to worship? Are you suggesting that the very first muslim Lord in GB is an extremist!? Perish the thought.

I too am against bombing innocents from Somalia, but I’m ok with killing guilty jihadists in Somalia, many of which came from your very country, and all of which are supported by jihadist donations from your country.

Thanks for playing, though!


This is not possible. The earth was created by the Great Sky Fairy 6,000 years ago, as proven by the dancing badgers.


So wait, Kev. Wahhabists are ‘moderate Muslims’ now?

There must be some new kind of xXx-Treem Muslim around, perhaps with shark jaws and laser beams on their heads…


It’s getting more and more embrrassing for me to admit that I’m from the Boston area just because of the Herald.

Hey, it’s not just my birthday today: It’s also sweet sixteen for Operation Desert Storm! So stop by Pottersville on your virtual perambulations and give the birthday boy and the last war we’d ever competently fought some love.


Happy birthday, asshole. I hope somebody sends you ten thousand cans of Spam. COD, for that matter.

Jesus, I hate that fucking moron and his endless blogpimping.


Why do all right wing bloggers look like this guy? If there’s any consolation for the evil they spew it’s that none of them ever get’s laid without paying for it. Guarantee. Except occasionally for Pasty who evidently pays a different kind of price.


Jeff Jacoby will have the roast duck with mango salsa.


Kevin, are you telling me there are wack job religious extremists in England? I had no idea! Please watch this exciting video production of moderate Britains by Ian Paisely.


Because cave children can be cruel.

He’s been listening to Grandpa Carey’s old, old, old, old high school stories again…


Romanian skull dated to plus 35,000 years could be the product of Human-Neanderthal intercave love.

“She’s so easy, even a caveman can do her.”


I told Riker to stay away from that woman in the thigh boots, but he just wouldn’t listen. Now we have to get his brain back, and, more importantly, find a way to blame Wesley for this whole fiasco.


He was so much more fun without the beard.


Shorter Kevin: Why oh why won’t you all join me in hating and killing a billion people because they worship a different book than me?



[i]Col. Klink said,

January 16, 2007 at 16:54

Kevin, are you telling me there are wack job religious extremists in England? I had no idea! Please watch this exciting video production of moderate Britains by Ian Paisely. [/i]

Which is still quaintly referred to as “the troubles”…


Jesus, I hate that fucking moron and his endless blogpimping.

You know, what bugs the shit out of me about that guy is that he could be much more effective in promoting his own blog by actually contributing something worthwhile to comment threads here and elsewhere, instead of just spamming them like he does.

It would probably take far less time and effort, too.


Gavin said, “So wait, Kev. Wahhabists are ‘moderate Muslims’ now?” Kind of. That is the point of the BBC show. Even moderate muslims are becoming extreme, as wahabism spreads to the madrasas and mosques. You should probably watch the secretly filmed documentary though. I doubt you will listen to me.

Klink said: “Kevin, are you telling me there are wack job religious extremists in England?” No, I’m telling you that the MODERATE muslims in England are only slightly less of whackjobs than the extremists. As the video shows, they want the same thing as the extremists, but know they have to wait a few years so their numbers can grow before they wage jihad on Great Britain. Everyone knows there are whackjobs in England. Not everyone knows that many so-called moderate muslims fall into that category.

Mikey said: “Shorter Kevin: Why oh why won’t you all join me in hating and killing a billion people because they worship a different book than me?”

Good Lord. Is that the only solution you can come up with? If so, maybe it’s better that you don’t believe the truth. I don’t think we need you on the problem solving team.


I doubt you will listen to me.

This is seriously the smartest thing Kevin has ever had to say in a comment. If only he’d follow that thought to its logical conclusion…


Even moderate muslims are becoming extreme, as wahabism spreads to the madrasas and mosques.

Given that madrasahs nowadays are frequently deemed as ideological and political training grounds for hatred against the West, your assertion that wahabi ideology is just now spreading to them is absurd.

Perhaps nobody will listen to you Kevin because you make it clear that you don’t really know what the hell you are talking about.


In fairness to Jacoby i really thought his column “Fire Make Cave Warm” was quite trenchant.

Satan luvvs Repugs

Intelligent Design:
This is not possible. The earth was created by the Great Sky Fairy 6,000 years ago, as proven by the dancing badgers.

Badgers? Badgers???!

We don’t need no stinkin’ badgers!

I don’t know, but Jeff sure does look to me like he empathizes with the plight of neanderthal-human kids. When he was in jr. high, was his nickname “Oook” or “Thag”? Inquiring minds want to know…


Gavin – is this a b.o.g.o.f offer. You have a go at Boston Herald columnist Jules Crittenden and show a photograph of right-wing Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby or are you suggesting that Jeff Jacoby is also a product of Human-Neanderthal intercave love? I suspect that Jeff Jacoby is a product of Neanderthal-Neanderthal intercave love with that large brow ridge.

BTW, I would be interested to see how closely Jules Crittenden’s DNA matches that of cave kid. The cave kid could well be his (great x ~1750) grandfather.


“Because cave children can be cruel”

He should know

The Ghost Of Bill Hicks

Fossils? God put those there to test our faith. Thank God I’m strapped in right now here man. I think God put you here to test my faith, Dude.


are you suggesting that Jeff Jacoby is also a product of Human-Neanderthal intercave love?

Maybe not love, per se…


Yeah, kids can be cruel; and in Crittenden’s case, I’m sure they were. I just hope they still are. I like thinking of Jules Crittenden as the local target; the one that all the kids in the neighborhood try to incite to helpless, stammering rage.

I hope the little buggers taunt him as they ride their bikes on his lawn.


Marita said:

I doubt you will listen to me.

This is seriously the smartest thing Kevin has ever had to say in a comment. If only he’d follow that thought to its logical conclusion…

Give it up Marita. You listen to me all the time. You just don’t necessarily agree with me. So the logical conclusion I should (and do) draw from it is that I need to keep talking until you get it. John S. does! Note that he said:

Given that madrasahs nowadays are frequently deemed as ideological and political training grounds for hatred against the West, your assertion that wahabi ideology is just now spreading to them is absurd.

I’m not sure how he concluded that I’m saying wahabi ideology is just now spreading to them, but it matters little. If a liberal shoots the messenger, but at least gets the message, I consider it a win.

Since you feel this way about madrasahs, John, don’t you think we should do something about them? Or would you prefer we run away and mind our own business, bring our troops home, and not fight the good fight? That idea worked poorly for the civilized world in the ’30s. MILLIONS died because of that idea. That idea in the ’60s (promoted by the hippies) cost 750,000 Vietnamese their lives. It cost 2-4 million Cambodians their lives. It cost ALL of the Laotian Mung their lives.

Who knows how many lives will end if we take the Democratic idea of fleeing and hiding. I’m not willing to risk it, even if you are. Sure, they aren’t American lives, but why does that matter? We have the power to save so many people. Why won’t you let us do it?

Iraq and Afghanistan are but the tip of the iceberg in terms of what needs to be done. Madrasahs have to go. Female genital mutilation (not a uncommon as you’d wish… perhaps 30-50% of muslim women have been abused in this way) has to go, and NOW. Mosques need to be monitored 100% of the time in search of the crazy islamofascist preachers who pose as moderates in the aformentioned video. Monitor some Christian houses of worship if you feel it’s important that we don’t profile the killers. Clerics who preach jihad have to go. And the saddest part of the matter is that we have to be the ones to do it. As Spiderman’s uncle said, “With great power comes great responsibility”. Jesus (please don’t ban me for saying his name!) said it too, but Spidey’s uncle said it better.

Blowback, I think Gavin put a picture of Jeff Jacoby there because he wears a beard, which in Gavin’s mind makes him look like a caveman. Making fun of the way someone looks is liberal humor at its best. Another good way to make a liberal laugh is to use racial or misogynistic slurs. For example, calling Michelle Malkin a Ch*nk or a c*nt is quite funny to a liberal. Do regular people get that type of humor? Sadly, No. But you get that it’s funny! And that’s all that matters, right?


Kevin…I shit you not here. I did my A Levels in Luton, England. Now Luton is about as “Islamofascist” (I love that word) as it gets in the United Kingdom. But the problem with the Muslim community in the UK, if I can get totally funky non-PC here for a minute is NOT that they want to wage jihad on the British Islands. I assure you that much. Rather, much like the barrios of south central L.A. the problem is low levels of education, chronic unemployment or under-employment, and the fact that most inhabitants are from exceedingly rural areas of conservative (yes, by conservative you can read “Cletis-esque”) Pakistan who suffer all the neurotic behaviors associated with recently urbanized populations anywhere. Yes, this can lead to Islamic extremism in the same way the urban German lumpenproleteriat turned to fascism after WW1, but one hardly begs the other. You need a LOT of things to go wrong for that to happen. Now most moderate Muslims, of which there are some one and a half million in the UK, do NOT fall anywhere near that category of Islamic extremist. If they did you’d have a suicide bombing every other day at the Arndale, when in reality most Britons are too busy getting their kebabs at 1:30 a.m. in a drunken stupor to sober up and are far too pissed to worry about such things.


Iraq and Afghanistan are but the tip of the iceberg in terms of what needs to be done. Madrasahs have to go. Female genital mutilation (not a uncommon as you’d wish… perhaps 30-50% of muslim women have been abused in this way) has to go, and NOW.

As opposed to male genital mutilation, which is part of our sacred Judeo-Christian heritage.

I feel your panic, Kevin, but speaking as someone who was personally affected both by 9/11 and by the London bombings, ‘Hulk smash’ is not an effective geopolitical solution.

The error here is in seeking to set up ‘Muslims’ as the enemy, and in seeking to prove it by cherry-picking data and examples. I read LGF probably more regularly than you do. Charles Johnson’s method is to search the world press every day to find one or two instances in which some Muslim, somewhere in the world, said or did something ‘threatening.’ The same method worked very well for generating tales of the International Jewish Conspiracy, back in those 1930s that you mentioned.


“So easy a Herald Columnist could do it”


Thanks, mdhatter.

I didn’t want to be the one to point out the fact that Gavin’s got no funny at all here without leaning on some (rather good) television commercials for an auto-insurance giant.

And bargal20:

If the Boston Herald doesn’t know Neanderthals were “human,” in whatever sense you’ve got in mind there, they (and the scientists they’re reporting on) most likely do know that Homo Neanderthalensis were not Homo Sapiens.


Also, Kevin seems to ignore the inconvenient little fact that Iraq wouldn’t be part of that iceberg tip were it not for the idiotic foreign policy decisions George Bush has made and people like Kevin have championed.


Kevin, I’m getting pretty worried about you. The foam collecting at the corner of your mouth makes you look….distraught.

Here, let’s try a little reality, like a splash of cool mountain water on your feverish pate (look it up). The text accompanying the video indicates that it all took place at a single Mosque, and was taught by two or three rabid “imams”. Where is the data that shows the audience being converted to this way of thinking? Or is their failure to walk out, en masse, somehow enough evidence for you?

Now, you may be willing to crawl up your own ass out of sheer terror, but I think I’ll pass on letting your tiny, overcooked brain decide for me that all Muslims are the enemy.

Here’s a little thought experiment for you, dude. Communism, “the world’s scourge”, as it was known when McCarthy was handing out warrants like candy, continues undiminished in China. They have been our trading partner, continue to purchase T Bills (purchasing our debt to fund the War on a Tactic), and are connected to some of the largest manufacturers in the US. So, if the domino theory (a great line for the neocons of the time) didn’t come to pass when “advocated” by industrial nations, how do you think the Global Caliphate is going to spring from the present day Middle East?



Hey, Neanderthal guys make the best lovers! Not the wingnuts, of course. We all avoid them.


Give it up Marita. You listen to me all the time. You just don’t necessarily agree with me. So the logical conclusion I should (and do) draw from it is that I need to keep talking until you get it.

Oh, yeah, I forgot. You’re bad with logic. I don’t listen so much as read until I find some indefensible idiocy (this doesn’t generally take long), and then either dissect you or snark at you (depending on my mood).

The other kids are right, though. You are sounding a little… strained. Maybe you should go play quietly with your trains for a while. That should calm you down.


OH. MY. GOD! Did Gavin just compare male circumcision with snipping off a woman’s clitoris? OMG. Gavin, either you are ignorant of how women derive pleasure from sex, or you are a pustulant bag of scum. Male circumcision involves snipping off some skin. Female circumcision (as practiced in the muslim world) involves the snipping off of the pleasure organ (the clitoris) so that muslim women will not enjoy sex and be promiscuous. OMG I don’t like you Gavin. I don’t like saying OMG, Gavin, but OMG. You suck. I consider you an enemy of women now, and by proxy, an enemy of me (because I like most women, and would not wish this horror on even the ones I hate). For the record, if I met you in a bar, I’d hit you so hard your kids would be born dizzy.

I feel your panic, Kevin, but speaking as someone who was personally affected both by 9/11 and by the London bombings, ‘Hulk smash’ is not an effective geopolitical solution.

I can only claim to be affected directly by 9/11, but I must say that I don’t reciprocate your feeling of panic. It’s a problem, it must be addressed. Much sadness will occur when it is addressed, but the good will greatly outweigh the bad. It’s one of those things that must be done, only we are dealing in human lives this time. If I can dumb it down a bit, it’s much like a situation where if you don’t mow your lawn for a few weeks, weeds come in and kill your grass. It’s a huge pain to replant that grass, especially when you know that you could have taken steps to fix the problem earlier (mow the frickin lawn!).

Oops, I made a mistake. Let me put it in liberal terms. It’s much like a situation where if you don’t allow your illegal immigrants to mow your lawn for a few weeks, weeds come in and kill your grass. It’s a huge pain for your illegal immigrants to replant that grass, especially when you know that you could have taken steps to fix the problem earlier (get your illegal immigrants to mow the frickin lawn!).

Col. Klink, I hear you. I unfortunately do not know the amount schooling that the terrorists in England had on 7/7, but you have my promise that I will look into it. It’s an excellent point, and I don’t want to belittle it just because you are a liberal. What I DO know is that the terrorists from 9/11 were all very well educated, yet chose the cult of death anyway. I appreciate your opinion, and am slightly embarrassed that I have no idea how educated the English bombers were.

I think you may be going a bit too far in saying, “Now most moderate Muslims, of which there are some one and a half million in the UK, do NOT fall anywhere near that category of Islamic extremist.” If you watch the video, it’s pretty clear that at least a chunk of them are merely biding their time. The size of that chunk is unknown, but I’m willing to bet it’s bigger than you think. It’s important to note that small ‘chunks’ can control the masses, as we’ve seen historically in Saddam’s Iraq, Yugoslavia, the USSR, China, China, and China again, and pretty much any European aristocratical regime.

I know it’s hard for you to understand me. I’m somewhat conservative, and VERY libertarian. So I speak in languages that liberals cannot understand. Again, let me take my message and dumb it down for you. Can’t you agree with this?

World inhabitants: If you want peace, we are your friends. If you are ok with treating women like any other person, we are your friends. If you want to fight for any reason, we are your enemy, and will try to kill you. If you think it’s ok to hit women for any reason, we are your enemy, and will try to kill you.

Doesn’t this sound fair?


Marita said:
“Oh, yeah, I forgot. You’re bad with logic. I don’t listen so much as read until I find some indefensible idiocy (this doesn’t generally take long), and then either dissect you or snark at you (depending on my mood).”

Read that and tell me again who is bad with logic.


Read that and tell me again who is bad with logic.

Nope, still you.

I know this is painful for you Kevin, but there’s bound to be a happier place for you somewhere. A wingnut Valhalla (or at least a wingnut Denny’s), where there are at least some people who aren’t smarter than you. It would ease your pain – perhaps you should go there.


Thanks to Gavin and the pedant for taking kevin to task for his overarching fear of people-who-are-not-like-him and it’s resultant hatred of anything or anyone that falls into his own self-defined category of “Muslim”. No matter how he tries to frame it, his entire goal here seems to be to attempt to whip up racial hatred and contribute to the “muslims are evil and must be bombed out of existence by the bright and shiny united states of america” groundswell that seems to be building among the more, well, neanderthal portions of the wingnutosphere. For my part, I’d like to add, kevin – take your gennocidal racist horseshit on the road. You ain’t gonna sell it here, because the people you loathe the most (even more than muslims, I think), liberals (eek!) tend to have a great deal more humanity than that. And, it would seem, quite a bit more courage than you, also.

Also, let me assure you of two things. First, with America’s existing military power, the muslims aren’t going to able to destroy america, even if every last one of them decided on the same day to pick up a rock and try. Nope, only people like you truly have the power to destroy america, and every day of this administration you come a little closer to accomplishing it. Second, dood, what must you be smoking to decide that hippies killed what was it? 5 or 6 million people in the sixties? That takes some powerful stupid, boy…



Kevin it’s not just education, it’s even more about culture. The largest Turkish city in the world is Istanbul, the second largest Ankara and the third is Berlin. There are 1.8 Muslim million Turks in Germany alone. Now true there are many complex social problems associated with the Turkish minority in Germany, but when was the last “terrorist incident” in Germany? Islamic extremism in Europe is vastly over-rated. It’s no different than when certain liberals learn about the existance of three members of the Klan in Jackson, Mississippi and accuse the entire community (if not entire state) of being a violent, bigoted rascist hotbed.

Smiling Mortician

What I DO know is that the terrorists from 9/11 were all

. . . , trained by someone other than Saddam Hussein, and were all from someplace other than Iraq, which was not a hotbed of al Qaeda recruitment and training until after the U.S. invaded.

If you want to fight for any reason, we are your enemy, and will try to kill you.

But the problem, Kevin, is that the U.S. has made enemies of millions of people who did not want to fight.

Your question earlier, about whether we should mind our own business? Yes. Yes we should.


Ospicious Pedantic said:
“Kevin, I’m getting pretty worried about you. The foam collecting at the corner of your mouth makes you look….distraught.”

Thanks! I wiped it off thanks to your concern for me. Geez, we are already down to badmouthing this soon? Usually it takes liberals hours before they run out of ideas, and resort to namecalling.

Namecalling aside, she does note that “Where is the data that shows the audience being converted to this way of thinking? ” Gee, I dunno. Perhaps the fact that they keep going back? It’s not datalicious, but can’t you put two and two together without statistics? I think you can. Try it. We are all rooting for you.

“Here’s a little thought experiment for you, dude. Communism, “the world’s scourgeâ€?, as it was known when McCarthy was handing out warrants like candy…” Ok, you lost me there. It’s cool that you brought up McCarthy, but when you lie and say he was handing out warrants like candy… well, the rest of your statement has lost face. Perhaps you could rephrase the question you posed with less lying? I’d love to answer it. But not if it’s a fallacious question (hat tip Marita, for teaching me how complicated logic is! /ridicule)

The brilliant marita said:
“The other kids are right, though. You are sounding a little… strained. Maybe you should go play quietly with your trains for a while. That should calm you down.”
‘Kids’ is the operative word, I’m afraid. Trains don’t do it for us adults, but for you… keep playing with them. Who am I to question.


Kevin is a Libertarian? That….um….OK, wait….what?

Oh, right. It is to laugh. Heh. Gurgle.

No, dipshit. A Libertarian doesn’t tug on his government’s apron strings when he feels threatened (or generally behave like a steretypical girl from an ’80s slasher flick, gibbering in terror). No, a Libertarian picks up his gun, gathers his neighbors, and goes to deal with the threat.

A libertarian knows that when his nation is engaged in a mortal struggle with evil for its very survival he– sorry –ponies the fuck up with the his life, his treasure, and his sacred fucking honor.

And a Libertarian doesn’t deploy tens of thousands of troops to a country that didn’t pose a credibel threat to it, or anyone else. So, try again.


Jeff’s got one of those heads you can turn upside down and it looks the same.


I should mention, Kevin, that’s Doctor Marita to you. You should learn to respect your betters.


Oh for cryingg out loud. Gavin, please bring back the old trolls – at least they’re amusing. Kevin? Not so much.

Oh, and while you’re at it, unban yourself…


I’m somewhat conservative, and VERY libertarian. So I speak in languages that liberals cannot understand.

Allow me to translate.

Shorter Kevin: “Help! Scary Musselmen under my bed!”


Kevin: Wingnut eliminationist, fake libertarian, champion of women.

You suck. I consider you an enemy of women now, and by proxy, an enemy of me (because I like most women, and would not wish this horror on even the ones I hate).

Unless that woman had the bad sense to be living in Iraq post-“Mission Accomplished.” Then it’s just, you know, collateral damage and stuff…

For the record, if I met you in a bar, I’d hit you so hard your kids would be born dizzy.

Oh shit. Sound the klaxons. Tough guy talk on the Series of Tubes.


“Here’s a little thought experiment for you, dude. Communism, “the world’s scourge�, as it was known when McCarthy was handing out warrants like candy…� Ok, you lost me there. It’s cool that you brought up McCarthy, but when you lie and say he was handing out warrants like candy… well, the rest of your statement has lost face.

Maybe, you’re right, Kev, maybe this response has nothing to do with your weakness as a writer or debater, and everything to do with using warrant instead of subpoena, or writ, or indictment. There, is Kevvy all better now? After all, I’m so wounded that a man with your intellectual chops would call me a liar. Oh yeah, that stings.


For the record, if I met you in a bar, I’d hit you so hard your kids would be born dizzy.

Ok, a lot of the denizens of this site are well educated, and I have a math question. Actually, it’s probably a statistics question, but as I’ve told you before, I only have a high school education, so help me out here, wouldya?

Seems to me that at least once a week a wingnut threatens me or one of my friends with violence or wants to fight on the internet. And yet, this never happens in real life, in bars, restaurants or other public places. It seems statistically unlikely, at the very least, that I run into all these tough, ready to rocknroll right wingers on the t00bz, but never in the world. What do you guys suppose is the cause of this tremendous imbalance?

I mean, I have disagreements with wingnuts in real life, as do we all, but absolutely none of them ever seem willing to take that disagreement physical. On the other hand, it takes very little for these idiots to get their dukes up in a comment thread. Odd, n’est ce pas?



“even if every last one of them decided on the same day to pick up a rock and try. ”



This is great! I love a debate between a bunch of liberals and a single conservative. It levels the playing field. I’ve got right on my side, and you’ve got… a bunch of liberals. Before this continues, I should mention that I’m using this very thread as an example to my kids of why liberalism is a failed governmental policy, even though filled with great intentions. K. Let’s fight!

Let’s do them in order. Mikey said:
“Thanks to Gavin and the pedant for taking kevin to task for his overarching fear of people-who-are-not-like-him and it’s resultant hatred of anything or anyone that falls into his own self-defined category of “Muslimâ€?.”

Assuming you meant ‘islamofascist muslims’, ‘fear’ is the wrong word, Mikey. I’m no more afraid of muslims than I am of running out of gas. Both are problems, and both have solutions. Neither produces fear. My solution for being out of gas is to fill up at the gas station. My solution for islamofascism is along the lines of the solution for standard fascism in the ’40s. OUCH huh? A lot of dead people. Sucks. But are you suggesting that doing nothing (i.e. fleeing and hiding) will lessen the dead? Because I’m suggesting quite the opposite. Sadly, history is on my side. To be fair, liberal historians say, “If you don’t learn from history, then good on you mate!”

The rest of his soliloquoy (apologies) ensues:
“No matter how he tries to frame it, his entire goal here seems to be to attempt to whip up racial hatred and contribute to the “muslims are evil and must be bombed out of existence by the bright and shiny united states of americaâ€? groundswell that seems to be building among the more, well, neanderthal portions of the wingnutosphere.”

Good ole racial hatred to satisfy the masses huh? Could someone send a note to Mikey that Islam is not a race? I’ve said nothing whatsoever about anyone of any race. I submit that YOU are the racist. Anything a white person thinks must be bad, huh? You racist bastard. I hold you in the same regard I hold ‘ok with female genital mutilation’ Gavin. Screw you Mikey, and everything you stand for. Racist scumbag. You are only slightly less evil than Gavin hmself.

Hey listen. I’m pretty pissed at you guys, but I can’t refute all of the claims you make, ridiculous as they are, since I have a life, and have things to do. But still, coudn’t you watch the video, and respond to that? It’s BBC, your favorite network! Don’t you trust them? If even the BBC realizes that there is a problem, shouldn’t you? I know it’s not Keith Olbermann, or John Stewart or The View, but can’t you broaden your horizons?

I promise to laugh at all of your comments in the future.


“Ok, a lot of the denizens of this site are well educated, and I have a math question. Actually, it’s probably a statistics question, but as I’ve told you before, I only have a high school education, so help me out here, wouldya?”

Geez mikey, take a course on humor or something, wouldja? It’s easily learnable in real life, but for you… yeah, take a course.


I’m a stupid moron, with an ugly face, and a big butt, and my butt stinks, and I like to kiss my own butt.


. My solution for islamofascism is along the lines of the solution for standard fascism in the ’40s. OUCH huh? A lot of dead people. Sucks.

A wild guess here, kevin. You’ve never found yourself in the midst of a great deal of violent death, have you? Lemme tell you something, whelp. It’s not as cool as it is in your video games…



Kevin, as a great man once said, all of our beliefs and ideals didn’t run down our legs in a stream of piss on 9/11, so you’re barking up the wrong tree, dude. We’re not going to get behind your prorgam of killing enough Muslims that the rest are all scared straight. Try peddling that shit at LGF, they eat it up. Chuckie doesn’t like “nuke Mecca” straight out though, so you’ll have to use your impressive intellect to pretty it up. Best of luck.


“Hi Kevin! I’m an American living in the UK,”

“If they aren’t moderate, why would a Lord from your own country say that it’s his favorite place to worship?”

Kevin = Obtuse



Are you familiar with Penny Arcade’s Theory of the Internet?

It explains Kevin, along with a bunch of other Internet specific pathologies.


Male circumcision involves snipping off some skin. Female circumcision (as practiced in the muslim world) involves the snipping off of the pleasure organ (the clitoris) so that muslim women will not enjoy sex and be promiscuous.

Um, male circumcision is recommended in the Talmud to reduce sexual pleasure, and became common in the West, in the 19th Century, for that purpose. It desensitizes the penis.

Also, as abhorrent as all ritual genital cutting is, female circumcision is not synonymous with clitoridectomy, generally doesn’t prevent orgasm any more than male circumcision does, and is common only in parts of East Africa — not ‘in the Muslim world.’

I mean, you could look it up yourself, but that would spoil a beautiful tale of Moozlim depravity.

Herr Doktor Bimler

In an earlier thread you mentioned that you had renounced Bush and all he stood for. We were thinking “Hallelujah, welcome brother Kevin! Testify! Praise the Lord! Hosanna!” [Rattle of tambourines. Wheezy harmonium music in the background].

However, it does sound like you are still in thrall to the whole class-of-civilisations line of rhetoric that has been used to rationalise Bush’s war. Once you start talking about “at least a chunk of [moderate Muslims] merely biding their time”, you’re not a thousand miles away from dreaming up a Protocols of the Elders of Mecca. Back to re-education camp!

It’s no good raising the spectre of female genital mutilation as part of talking up the new crusade. Here’s Wikipedia:
“Female genital cutting is today mainly practiced in African countries. It is common in a band that stretches from Senegal in West Africa to Somalia on the East coast, as well as from Egypt in the north to Tanzania in the south. In these regions, it is estimated that more than 95% of all women have undergone this procedure. It is also practiced by some groups in the Arabian peninsula, especially among a minority (20%) in Yemen. The majority of Muslim countries (except in parts of sub-Saharan Africa) do not practice it.”


Also, Kevin seems to ignore the inconvenient little fact that Iraq wouldn’t be part of that iceberg tip were it not for the idiotic foreign policy decisions George Bush has made and people like Kevin have championed./i>

I think this is the main kookiness involved here: Kevin’s wetting his pants over Muslims (or putting gas in his car to support Muslims) and he doesn’t understand what the appropriate target should be or how to deal with it. He’s a lot like Dick Cheney on a hunting trip.


It desensitizes the penis.

Jeezis, I could be done with the chore of sex so much faster.


All I have to say is I guess Kevin left to go sign up in the army (after he gets done beating up all the liberals here). I think Kevin is a coward. We could spend all night debating and debunking all his stuff but until he joins the military is is posting from Baghdad I will stand by my statement, he is a coward. In fact as far as I can tell the bigest supoprters of this war (who are shrinking bythe day) are the ignorant cowards that have had how many years to join the military since 9/11 to fight this war they so deeply support and yet are sitting around calling liberals cowards. Keep talking Kevin becuase you are just so tough and smart and neat and cool and strong and awesome and manly and all the other garbage you tell yourself.


Geez mikey, take a course on humor or something, wouldja? It’s easily learnable in real life, but for you… yeah, take a course.

That’s right, mikey! Even a liberal like you, whose house ought to be driven into by a Ryder truck full of chemical fertilizer (I kid!), can learn the basics of conservative humor with my new online correspondence course. Sign up today, you subhuman liberal scum worthy of death (joke! I swear! God, is your humor bone broken or something???)


Me, I like the short pithy trolls.

You know: “Heh,” and “Indeed.”

But this rambling Kevin character? Such nonsense, and so much of it!

Smiling Mortician

Hey listen. I’m pretty pissed at you guys, but I can’t refute all of the claims you make, ridiculous as they are, since I have a life, and have things to do. . . . I’m a stupid moron, with an ugly face, and a big butt, and my butt stinks, and I like to kiss my own butt.

Just for the record, Kevin: I didn’t call you any names and I sincerely engaged three of the points you made. I’m quite certain the claims I made are not ridiculous, at least not by a person arguing in good faith, yet you failed to address them. There were other of your claims I was tempted to address, but I thought I’d start slow, y’know, get a conversation going . . .

For what it’s worth, I think it’s all good for people to fling poo when the mood strikes — and that certainly happens around here when people who aren’t wild about lefties drop by to, um, share — but I also think it’s good to try to engage in genuine argument when someone of a different viewpoint seems interested in discussion.


As Kevin’s first post in this thread called folks “crazy,” as he’s since made numerous remarks about how he’s having to dumb it down for the stupid liberals, and as he’s displayed an interest in physical violence against at least two interlocutors, he doesn’t deserve the consideration you’d give to someone actually interested in a real discussion.


I’m a stupid moron, with an ugly face, and a big butt, and my butt stinks, and I like to kiss my own butt.

Mort, that was me as Bart Simpson in a Treehouse of Horror making Kevin as Moe say bad things. Which makes me at least as cool as Comic Book Guy.


I glued my head to my shoulder. Now I have two owies.


I choo-choo-choose you!


Kevin says: Hey listen. I’m pretty pissed at you guys, but I can’t refute all of the claims you make, ridiculous as they are, since I have a life, and have things to do.

Translation: I only discovered I had a life when I discovered I couldn’t keep up. (I hate you all, can’t say way, just know I do…) Prior to this comment, I had oodles of time and no life, apparently, if my many wordy responses to various people in this comment thread are evidence.

Smiling Mortician

Bubba, you’re way cooler than Comic Book Man. Shame on me for not clicking the name — but it sounded so authentically Kevin, especially after the hour I spent yesterday reading Goldstein flame himself in the comments at Tbogg.

And yes, tigrismus, you’re right. I know I shouldn’t feed the trolls. I can’t explain what comes over me sometimes.


Shorter Kevin: Why oh why won’t you all join me in hating and killing a billion people because they worship a different book than me?

Mikey, I think you said it best, or at least fastest. (My low taste in humor require that I add “Of course, if Kevin were any ‘shorter’, he’d have to change his name to Colleen, which Freud woulda connected to his obsession with Islamophascists mutilating women’s genitals.”) Kevin’s sacred book is probably The Road to Serfdom, in its convenient comic-book incarnation, but he is every bit as rabidly dedicated to his understanding of Friedrich Hayek as any imam could be to his understanding of his Prophet… Was it Mark Twain who said “Beware of the man who reads only ONE book and believes it’s told him all he’ll ever need to know”?

On the other hand, maybe K. is just one of those shifty quitters who are engaged in changing the ongoing jest from “A libertarian is a conservative who does drugs� to �A libertarian is a conservative who doesn’t want to share the blame for Operation Enduring FUBAR in Iraq�!

Herr Doktor Bimler

Geez mikey, take a course on humor or something, wouldja?
Kevin, if indeed brevity is the soul of wit, many of your comments have turned into zombies, and right now they are shambling around the thread and eating the brains of anyone who reads them.


Mikey said:

I mean, I have disagreements with wingnuts in real life, as do we all, but absolutely none of them ever seem willing to take that disagreement physical. On the other hand, it takes very little for these idiots to get their dukes up in a comment thread. Odd, n’est ce pas?

*sigh*. Assuming you didn’t see the humor in that statement (a guy from LA saying he’d hit someone so hard their child, born at some later date, would still be reeling from the blow. It’s inherently funny.), so I’ll spell it out for you. It was a joke. I would not hit Gavin in a bar simply because he does not disapprove of women having their clitori amputated without consent. I would not hit him simply because he thinks snipping off a clitoris is no bigger deal than snipping off foreskin. To be fair, I probably would hit him if he were actually removing a woman’s clitoris at the bar, but what are the odds of that? Pretty slim, I’ll wager.

But when you say wingnuts aren’t willing to become physical, I’m guessing you just haven’t met enough wingnuts. Go to a protest and carry a sign they don’t agree with (such as these guys do), and see how peaceful those anti-war wingnuts really are. There are videos of the agressions there if you are not willing to attend a protest.


“…female circumcision is not synonymous with clitoridectomy, generally doesn’t prevent orgasm any more than male circumcision does, and is common only in parts of East Africa — not ‘in the Muslim world.’”

Female circumcision is not synonymous with clitoridectomy, unless you are in the muslim world. I mean, you could look it up yourself, but that would spoil a beautiful tale of conservative idiocy. I’m fully aware that female genital mutilation takes place in non-muslim countries (mainly in Africa). It is typically not a clotoridectomy in those non-muslim areas, but I’m still against it, unless of course the woman wants it done. The most egregious form of the mutilation (removal of the clitoris) is, as far as I know, only a muslim phenomenon. If I’m wrong and it’s practiced by non-muslims then I am equally against them.

“In an earlier thread you mentioned that you had renounced Bush and all he stood for.”

Not all, just most.

“Once you start talking about “at least a chunk of [moderate Muslims] merely biding their timeâ€?, you’re not a thousand miles away from dreaming up a Protocols of the Elders of Mecca.”

Much closer indeed! But I don’t call the book The Protocols of the Elders of Mecca. I call them the Koran and the collections of Hadiths. They spell out death and destruction if they are taken to be the literal word of God. Our goal should be to convince muslims to stop taking them so literally, so less people have to die for the rest to live in peace. Killing the ones who already take them literally and are willing to kill and die for their God appears to be the only solution. I’d love to hear another one though.


Smiling Mortician, I didn’t say “I’m a stupid moron, with an ugly face, and a big butt, and my butt stinks, and I like to kiss my own butt.” That was some liberal’s attempt at wit, using my name (and stealing the line from the Simpsons no less!). I sincerely appreciate your honest engagement in dialogue, but Lesley is right; I can’t keep up with rebutting all of the comments if I want to do anything else with my day.

And I do. After work I’ll search for your comments in this thread and agree or disagree with you in writing. I hope you get a chance to watch the 3 clips from that BBC movie in the interim, so you’ll understand part of how I arrived at my positions. I no longer believe that islam is a religion of peace, nor do I believe that islamofascists represent a tiny minority of islam. They may still be a minority, but not a tiny one.

I disagree with you that there is any good in flinging poo at each other, but I’ll meet you halfway and say it’s pretty fun :). Hippie! (j/k)


One more quick video I hope someone here will watch. It’s about Taj El-Din Hilaly, the leader of the majority of Australian muslims. Majority, as in ‘more than half’. Can you be an extremist if you are followed by more than half of the people?

Smiling Mortician

Can you be an extremist if you are followed by more than half of the people?

Yes. Extremist doesn’t mean minority. History is full of examples, some of them pretty recent and close to home.


Assuming you didn’t see the humor in that statement (a guy from LA saying he’d hit someone so hard their child, born at some later date, would still be reeling from the blow. It’s inherently funny.)

No it isn’t.

Really, our best bet in spotting wingnuts is their total absence of a sense of humor.


“Yes. Extremist doesn’t mean minority. History is full of examples, some of them pretty recent and close to home.”

Exactly. By Kevin’s logic, then, Hitler wasn’t really all that extreme, since he did win an election.



My solution for islamofascism is along the lines of the solution for standard fascism in the ’40s. OUCH huh? A lot of dead people. Sucks.

In that case, I hope you don’t mind if I kill you and your family, on the grounds that you advocate genocide against people who (in your view) pose an immediate threat to civilisation. You, with your murderous stupidity, pose a threat to civilisation. Ergo, conclusion.



I’m no more afraid of muslims than I am of running out of gas. Both are problems, and both have solutions.

Final solutions, in fact.

I would not hit him simply because he thinks snipping off a clitoris is no bigger deal than snipping off foreskin.

He explicitly denied this, you moronic liar.

I call them the Koran and the collections of Hadiths. They spell out death and destruction if they are taken to be the literal word of God.

Unlike the Bible.

I hope you get a chance to watch the 3 clips from that BBC movie in the interim

Oh, but the BBC is biased (Baghdad Broadcasting Corporation) and cannot be trusted. Didn’t you get the memo?

Geez, we are already down to badmouthing this soon?

Your very first comment on this site (and also on this thread) was an insult.

You bloated, fetid, burbling, whiffling, hypocritical, narcissistic, murderous little turd.


Smiling mortician said (and I said, but… well, I’m sure you get who said what)

Can you be an extremist if you are followed by more than half of the people?

Yes. Extremist doesn’t mean minority. History is full of examples, some of them pretty recent and close to home.

I beg to differ. Extremism suggests that you are discussing an idea that is only believed by one end or the other of any spectrum of thought. When a majority supports a position, it leaves the realm of extremism, and enters the realm of mainstream thinking. The Aussie imam is not an example of an extremist view, even though all of us would prefer it to be. Half of the muslims in Australia, knowing what he said about scantily clad women, knowing his view that muslims have more of a right to the continent of Australia than all others, still support him. He’s not extreme, he’s mainstream.

I have not yet read your other comments which you suggested were well thought out and written in the interest of understanding the other side, but I look forward to doing so now.

Ace said: “You bloated, fetid, burbling, whiffling, hypocritical, narcissistic, murderous little turd.”

Ok, I can accept a lot, but you are going WAY too far, Ace. If you EVER call me ‘whiffling’ again, it’s on. Some things, a man just cannot accept quietly.


Darn, mortician, you let me down. You have penned very little to agree or disagree with on this thread. You mention that al-qaeda did not have a home in Iraq before we invaded, but who would disagree with you? The reason for war in Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 or al-qaeda, and only a liberal would suggest otherwise. Saddam was just a bad guy who had to go.

Yes, the Iraq war (as well as the war in Afghanistan) caused jihadists from around the world to congregate, but unlike you, I consider this a very good thing. These people, much like Saddam, need to be disconnected from the mortal coil, for the good of everyone who appreciates peace. Getting them to group up is just icing on the cake.

Then you say, “But the problem, Kevin, is that the U.S. has made enemies of millions of people who did not want to fight.”

I simply cannot fathom how you came to this conclusion. My impression is that they very much DO want to fight, and have for some time. Could you enlighten me on why you believe they prefer peace?


“…It’s inherently funny.

No it isn’t.

Really, our best bet in spotting wingnuts is their total absence of a sense of humor. ”

Well then, I’ll roll you out like used carpet! I’ll treat you like a tornado treats a mobile home! I’ll squash you so hard, boogers will come out of George Washington’s nose from the quarters in your pocket! Still, since we are commenting on a comedic thread where a liberal (Gavin) makes fun of a person simply because someone (Gavin) considers him to be less than beautiful, it’s hard to take offense at your view of what is funny. Since you think making fun of the way a person looks is funny, but that I am not, it’s kind of an accidental compliment. Thanks!


When a majority supports a position, it leaves the realm of extremism

The majority of Muslims do not support terrorism. End of story.

The reason for war in Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 or al-qaeda, and only a liberal would suggest otherwise.

So why did conservatives say that Saddam had ties with Al Qaeda? They wrote a whole fucking book expressly claiming this.

Yes, the Iraq war (as well as the war in Afghanistan) caused jihadists from around the world to congregate, but unlike you, I consider this a very good thing

…and unlike the US counter-terrorism experts, who also consider it a very bad thing.

Ok, I can accept a lot, but you are going WAY too far, Ace. If you EVER call me ‘whiffling’ again

Wow, there’s absolutely nothing funnier than a murderous moron. “Ha ha ha!!! Let’s kill millions of people, quick, quick, quick! LOOK! I tell funny joke! FUNNY!!”

Of course, you have carefully avoided every substantive point, and are telling so many lies it’s difficult to keep up.Could you enlighten me on why you believe you deserve further replies?


Since you think making fun of the way a person looks is funny



Mikey said:

A wild guess here, kevin. You’ve never found yourself in the midst of a great deal of violent death, have you? Lemme tell you something, whelp. It’s not as cool as it is in your video games…

You are correct, sir. I have not been in the midst of a great deal of violent death. Only in the midst of standard random violence, such as South Dallas has to offer. I am in fact a benificiary of this violence, having taken a shotgun blast to the left arm, and I am, sadly, a lefty. Before you pour out tons of empathy for me (as I know you will. Liberals care more than others!) I should mention that besides the ugly scar, the only major problem is the partial loss of use of my pinkie. I can’t type without looking anymore (OOOOUCH!), but it doesn’t stop me from doing my job or volunteering (you’ll have to read other flame threads to hear my feelings on volunteering. I’m not going to defend doing a good thing here again).

But what you seem to be missing, Mike, is that I’m not for fighting bad guys just for the hell of it. I’m for killing some now, so that many more mostly innocents won’t have to die later. People are definitely going to die. Can’t you join me in making that number smaller? Churchill received no support when he offered the same position, but can’t we learn from history?

Or are you of the Neville Chaimberlain frame of mind that no real problem exists, or that it can be talked away? If so, I for one hope you are right, but I’m not willing to bet my family’s future on it.


Mr. Doctor said: “Kevin, if indeed brevity is the soul of wit, many of your comments have turned into zombies, and right now they are shambling around the thread and eating the brains of anyone who reads them.”

Some other dude said: “Me, I like the short pithy trolls.”

Guys, don’t blame me. I have to ‘splain things that are obvious to most educated people when I visit this blog. I too would prefer to be pithy, but your lack of comprehension forces me to rehash so many things that are obvious to most. Still, I’m doing it for you, because I care. Consider it tough love.

Ace said: “Kevin, you ADVOCATE PRE-EMPTIVE MASS MURDER ON THE BASIS OF SOME TV PROGRAM YOU SAW. Nobody cares what you “thinkâ€?.”

Ok, as long as you don’t call me ‘whiffling’. Them’s fightin’ words. Kudos to you for putting quotes around the word ‘think’. It makes it look like I don’t think at all! Sheer genius, at least from a liberal perspective.


Woooh! Here’s more brilliance from the Ace of green rock.
“[me]When a majority supports a position, it leaves the realm of extremism

[him]The majority of Muslims do not support terrorism. End of story.”

And just because you said it, it must be true? Clear thinking, my friend! You are a bastion of liberalism. You can get a job in any liberal organization or even a muslim one with those skills.

I have no idea what percentage of muslims support militant jihad, but apparently, neither do you. It should be noted that for each % of muslims that support jihad, it means 10-15 million more jihadists. I’m all for fixing Islam for the sole reason of ending the misogyny. Ending jihad (unholy war) is great too though. You know the creedo: Peace is good, freedom (of muslim women) is better.


And just because you said it, it must be true?

Kevin, you stupid piece of shit, you said:

The reason for war in Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 or al-qaeda, and only a liberal would suggest otherwise.

Just how fucking ignorant are you? Do you not REMEMBER what they were saying at the time?

Ok, as long as you don’t call me ‘whiffling’. Them’s fightin’ words. Kudos to you for putting quotes around the word ‘think’. It makes it look like I don’t think at all! Sheer genius, at least from a liberal perspective.

As was your THIRD repitition of the SAME joke, you completely brainless fuckhead.


More ace garbage:

“So why did conservatives say that Saddam had ties with Al Qaeda? They wrote a whole fucking book expressly claiming this.”

I’m unaware of this book, but if someone claimed this, they were wrong.

Yes, the Iraq war (as well as the war in Afghanistan) caused jihadists from around the world to congregate, but unlike you, I consider this a very good thing

…and unlike the US counter-terrorism experts, who also consider it a very bad thing.

They do? Could you provide a link proving this statement? I’d love to know who in our government thinks congregating terrorists is a bad thing.

“Wow, there’s absolutely nothing funnier than a murderous moron. “Ha ha ha!!! Let’s kill millions of people, quick, quick, quick! LOOK! I tell funny joke! FUNNY!!â€?”

Instead of acting like a non english speaking foreigner ( I tell funny joke!), perhaps you should try sounding l33t (I tell teh funny!). It might go over better, though only marginally. Humor is unfortunately something you either get or you don’t. It can’t be taught. Don’t be too concerned though. There are many positions that you can fill without an ounce of humor. Someone bless America (entity name redacted for fear of the liberal censors)!


Ace, can you tone your cursing down just a bit? I don’t enjoy speaking with people who can’t use common English. To be honest, it makes me feel like I’m conversing with a 15 year old. Thanks in advance.

The reason for war in Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 or al-qaeda, and only a liberal would suggest otherwise.

Just how [redacted] ignorant are you? Do you not REMEMBER what they were saying at the time?

Yup, I do, if by ‘they’ you mean ‘ President Bush’. He was harping about WMD’s,not al-qaeda. I, on the other hand, was only interested in freeing Iraqis, much like I am now only interested in freeing the Syrians, Iranians, Sudanese, and (no longer) the Somalians. Bush never suggested that Saddam had anything to do with 9/11, and he was right not to do so, since Saddam didn’t. If you bought into attacking Iraq because of something that happened on 9/11, you are less than a fool. Let me put that in a language you will understand. You are a #^$%#!@ fool.

Hope that cleared matters up. Hope you watched the videos!


Instead of acting like a non english speaking foreigner

It was an imitation of a toddler.

Humor is unfortunately something you either get or you don’t. It can’t be taught.

I agree. Your “French flag is now white” crap, which you dug out of a three-year-old compost heap and put on your blog, is pretty good evidence of this fact.



What the hell:



I hope I have replied to all of your readers, dear Gavin. I’m still utterly disgusted by your belief that snipping of foreskin is akin to the snipping off of a clitoris, but at least I now know where liberals stand on the idea of male/female equality. I’ll disappear now, provided no one questions my facts here. I’ll be back though, when things of importance occur, such as those videos I suggested, come to light.

Will you miss me? [insert this blog’s name here]

Smiling Mortician

Darn, mortician, you let me down. You have penned very little to agree or disagree with on this thread.

Kevin, as I said when I first responded to you:

I sincerely engaged three of the points you made. I’m quite certain the claims I made are not ridiculous, at least not by a person arguing in good faith, yet you failed to address them. There were other of your claims I was tempted to address, but I thought I’d start slow, y’know, get a conversation going . . .

I think I was pretty clear that I was offering claims, which are the opening gambit of argument. Since I wasn’t sure you’d respond (and you didn’t for a day — I know, you’re busy, as am I) I thought I’d start with some position statements, to be followed by actual evidence. Sadly, you offer none. Instead, you glibly and disingenuously say, in response to my claim that the Iraq invasion had nothing to do with 9/11, only a liberal would suggest otherwise. Saddam was just a bad guy who had to go.

Even the most cursory reading of the rationales presented by the Executive Branch from late 2001 through 2005 would prove your claim hideously wrong.

You’re a disappointment, Kevin.


Kevin. WTF are you ON?


Ace, can you tone your cursing down just a bit?

Holy fucking piss-Christ jizzing on Ted Haggard’s meth-laced anal fistula dripping with shit. He even clutches the pearls! We have a real mutherfucking prize here. Fuck.


If so, I for one hope you are right, but I’m not willing to bet my family’s future on it.

Wow. Kevin and I actually have something in common; if in fact he has a family, I too fear for them. The poor dears.


Still, since we are commenting on a comedic thread where a liberal (Gavin) makes fun of a person simply because someone (Gavin) considers him to be less than beautiful, it’s hard to take offense at your view of what is funny.

I will not be ignored!


Jeff Jacoby’s Inner Beauty said… I will not be ignored!

Yes you will, JJIB. I’ve read enough Jeff Jacoby to know that you are in the same category as Jeff Jacoby’s Outer Beauty — imaginary.

Although I prefer the identifier ‘Jeff “My Parents Survived Buchenwald and All *I* Got Was This Lousy Column” Jacoby’, because the self-pity is even uglier than the general rancor, bile, and stupidity which make up most of JJ’s ouevre.


“Even the most cursory reading of the rationales presented by the Executive callBranch from late 2001 through 2005 would prove your claim [that 9/11 and Iraq are and always were unrelated is] hideously wrong.”

Could you provide an example? I know you can’t, but I just thought I’d ask.

“You’re a disappointment, Kevin.”

Jeez, I know I said that ‘you let me down’, but now you called me a ‘disappointment’! That’s much meaner. You force me to call you what you really are. You are a meanie. After this comment, I’m going to have to go nurse my emotional wounds. Conservatives have feelings too! *sniff*

Gentle woman said: “Kevin. [What] are you ON?”

“Holy [redacted] Christ [redacted] on Ted Haggard’s meth-laced [redacted] fistula dripping with [redacted]. He even [redacted because it sounded gay]! We have a real [redacted] prize here. [redacted].”

I’m sorry, but I can’t understand you. I only understand English and a little Spanish.

the lame said: “…if in fact he has a family, I too fear for them. The poor dears.”

Thanks! I reciprocate your concern. We live in the booniest boondocks of Louisiana, so there is little threat of us being directly harmed by jihadis, and there is absolutely no chance that they will grow up with the mistaken belief that liberalism is a force for good. Your own kids are probably not as well protected, so, while I appreciate your concern, I’d suggest you save most of your fear for your own children.

Person acting like Jeff Jacoby said:”I will not be ignored!”

Consider yourself not ignored, Jeff Jacoby impersonator!


Ace, do you realize that, in the links you provided ‘proving’ that Bush was suggesting that Saddam was involved in the WTC attack on 9/11, Bush explicitly says:

“Bush: We’ve had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with the September 11th.”

Is that statement too obfuscated for you? You go on to say, “Your “French flag is now whiteâ€? crap, which you dug out of a three-year-old compost heap and put on your blog, is pretty good evidence of this fact.”

You are the second person not to realize that this joke is actually 60 years old, not three. Being a liberal, I don’t expect you to know much about history. But it’s not wise to comment on the past if you are not willing to read about it. And besides, it’s not a white flag! It’s simply a flag with a thousand white stars on a white background. It’s a significant difference. Even more importantly, it’s old news, since the flag has been replaced. The new flag is a white background with a burning Renault on it, and a green moon in the corner with a green star next to it..


Being a liberal, I don’t expect you to know much about history.

As you’re a conservative, I don’t expect you to know much about history. Were my grandfather alive and posting on this thread, he’d set you straight, as he was a WWII veteran. You ask any vet who served in France and they will tell you that America and her allies never could have prevailed there were in not for the sacrifices (often ultimate) of a great number of Frenchman and women who gave their all for the resistance. Their own government betrayed them, but they stood their ground anyway.

Furthermore, Kev, I’d love to see you last one week in training for the French military.

You have know idea what you’re talking about.


Hmm… I wonder if this was the same Kevin who showed up on a Panadgon thread spouting off Randian nonsense about black people…


Charlotte said: “Hmm… I wonder if this was the same Kevin who showed up on a Panadgon thread spouting off Randian nonsense about black people…”

Don’t think so, but I don’t know what ‘Randian’ means, so it’s tough to give a definitive answer. Do you mean ideals supported by Ayn Rand? If so, no, it wasn’t me. I’m not her biggest fan. I’m only libertarian in the sense that I want you to not screw with me, so I don’t have to screw with you. It’s live and let live, but with an arsenal. You want to be gay? Gay it up. You want to smoke weed? Have a ball. You want to tell me and mine how to live our lives, or harm us? Then we’ve got a problem. It’s a simple way of life that shuns people who want to tell me that I can’t smoke and get cancer, or eat trans-fats and get a heart attack. My life is mine to do with what I will, and Ayn didn’t quite agree with me.

the lame said: “You ask any vet who served in France and they will tell you that America and her allies never could have prevailed there were in not for the sacrifices (often ultimate) of a great number of Frenchman and women who gave their all for the resistance.”

This is patently untrue, since we would have prevailed there regardless of what the local citizenry did. There is no question that the french underground helped out a bit, mostly in rescuing downed pilots and the like, but their insurgency didn’t change much, as the years of German occupation proved. Regardless, I’ve nothing against the french people, but I very much dislike the french government. Hence, I did not call frenchmen cowards, I called the french government cowards, much like people have done for 60+ years. A flag is not a symbol of people, it’s a symbol of government. To put it in liberalese, The mother@$&$# french %&*#$ government is and always has been %^*@ bunch of @!%&$ pansies.

I went ahead and asked one veteran of WWII (my neighbor, and a true American, the type you can be proud of), and he told me the key was artillery! Yeah, I wasn’t expecting that answer either, but he said that the bombardment of towns did more to ease the allied movement through France and Germany than anything else. I tried to press him about the benefit of the french resistance (he LOVES to tell a story, and I LOVE to listen), but he had none on that subject. Maybe it was because he travelled through the north of France? Again, regardless, I’ve nothing but praise for french who stood up against Nazi oppression, even the ones who did it for communistic goals. It’s noble, regardless.

But then you have to factor in that they elected DeGaul, possibly the biggest loser of WWI short of Hitler himself. There’s simply not a lot to be proud of that comes out of modern France.


Spencer said:

“[deadbody guy]Yes. Extremist doesn’t mean minority. History is full of examples, some of them pretty recent and close to home.�

[spencer]Exactly. By Kevin’s logic, then, Hitler wasn’t really all that extreme, since he did win an election.

Even though Hitler didn’t ever win a majority, he was certainly not extreme. Evil, yes. Extreme, no.

Maybe you guys don’t know what extremism means? “One who advocates or resorts to measures beyond the norm.” If most people agree with you, it’s the norm. Sadly, most Germans agreed with Hitler.


Kevin, you are an idiot and a coward. When are you going to sign up and fight those terrorists? I could go on forever about all the things you have so THOROUGHLY wrong. But seeing as other poeple here have tried to correct you and you still tink you are right it would be a true waste of time. You are either stupid or massively ignorant.

The simple fact is no army in the world would want you and you would not make it past one week in any army’s boot camp (I just do not see you really being as tough as you think you are). I feel bad for you though, since if you ever happen to talk to someone who has even a rudimentary understanding of history you will realize how much of an ignorant fool you are and I pray for the sake of your family you will just shut up and listen.

Oh and read history, the US has supported so many horrible dictators in the name of fighting godless communism that we should be embarassed. If I send you a list of bad world leaders will you go kick their ass since they need to go. OK I didn’t think so. I hate to hurt your feelings by calling you a coward but you truly deserve the title.

Peopel like you make me feel good to be liberal since I would rather die then be associated with your ignorance!


The lame said: “As you’re a conservative, I don’t expect you to know much about history.”

This is a ridiculous statement, as conservatism is all about learning what has historically worked, and building on that. Liberalism is more about some guy saying, “Hey, I’ve got an idea! Why don’t we… give everyone a pony! It akll works out on paper!” Liberalism at it’s core is silly ideas that have never been tried before, and usually for good reason (ideas with good intentions of course, but it never plays out that way). Regardless of the failures of the ‘great society’, regardless of the utter failure of Canadian health care (it works great! Unless you’re sick), liberals still want to add ‘rights’ to the plate, such as free healthcare, because it feels good to do nice things. I’ll be amazed if Ted Kennedy doesn’t try to make free houses a ‘right’ in my lifetime.

Of course, by ‘free’, I mean ‘someone else has to pay for it, but not me!’ This has certainly been tried before, in the USSR, the eastern bloc, in Cuba, Vietnam, Cambodia, Angola, even China. It always has and always will be an utter failure, but liberals support it because they don’t understand history, and because it ‘feels real good’. Liberals suck as individuals.


Kevin, please read a history book (preferably a college level book), wait sorry you must be busy now that you are in basic training having joined our army. So when did you join up?

I have read your comments and quite frankly I stand by my statement that your ignorance is amazing. I would be offended by your comments but I deep down pity you. I hope you get the help and education you so deeply need.

Yes I am a liberal and I am prayign for you (I am a practicing catholic). Do I still suck?


Rick said”Kevin, you are an idiot and a coward.”
That hurts 🙁

“When are you going to sign up and fight those terrorists?”
A wound to my arm makes me ineligible. I described it above.

“I could go on forever about all the things you have so THOROUGHLY wrong.”
Doubt that, since (on this thread at least) no one has proved me wrong on a single issue. It’s interesting that you don’t offer a SINGLE example though. Probably a liberal thing.

“You are either stupid or massively ignorant.”
What’s the difference?

“The simple fact is no army in the world would want you…”
This is true :(. Good of you to make fun of a handicapped person.

“…you would not make it past one week in any army’s boot camp (I just do not see you really being as tough as you think you are).”
Well, you don’t see me at all, so it’s pretty hard for you to judge, huh? Still, I never intended to sound like a tough guy. Only someone who’s willing to protect my family with his life.

“I feel bad for you though, since if you ever happen to talk to someone who has even a rudimentary understanding of history you will realize how much of an ignorant fool you are and I pray for the sake of your family you will just shut up and listen.”
Holy cow, I was just about to say the same thing to you! We’ve got serendipity going on here. It’s good of you not to bother listing any examples, because that would just clutter things up, right?

“Oh and read history, the US has supported so many horrible dictators in the name of fighting godless communism that we should be embarassed.”
Agreed, ‘cept for the word ’embarassed.’ Other than the fact that it has 2 r’s, aligning with tyrants may not be as big of an embarrasment as you say. We did what we might have HAD to do to defeat communism, which was hellbent on killing us. Now, we have islamofascists hellbent on killing us. I would not be embarrassed if we aligned ourselves with the very communists we recently defeated, such as China and Putin’s Russia. Even if it means we have to attack some of the very islamofascists we supported in downing the USSR. I’d suggest you read history, so you can realize that our methods cost the least amount of life, and really always have.

“If I send you a list of bad world leaders will you go kick their ass since they need to go. OK I didn’t think so. I hate to hurt your feelings by calling you a coward but you truly deserve the title.”
No offense taken. But I will support my government deposing these bad world leaders, if your data proves out. Send the letter as soon as you have written it.

“Peopel [sic. can I fix these? Or will the liberals get angry at me rewriting their comments?] like you make me feel good to be liberal since I would rather die then[sic] be associated with your ignorance!”

Feel good then! I’m not against that. But perhaps you should define ‘ignorance’. The many things I’m ignorant of have nothing to do with world history. I hope you don’t choose to die since you are associated with me (we are both Americans), but I wish you peace in the next life if your mind is made up.


stupid = cannot work a door knob, cannot use a toaster, cannot plug in a lamp, sees a last name like Valdez (their birth name not mairried name) and says “hey is that Polish or Chineese?”
ignorant = not knowing the current popluation of the US, does not know what an aircraft sectional is, cannot recite Maxwells equations, does not know the formula for capcitators in series

There are plenty of people that are not stupid but ignorant. Since I have to explain the difference I will leave it up to you to decide which group you fit into.

I really do not want to go into history with you. It would be waste of time. ButI will say this, we are good frined with the Saudi royal family. 15 of the hijackers came from that country. It does not have an elcted government. Do you see how in your view being friends with them (I am sure you want to be friends with them for their oil) leads to bad things (their people hating us). That is history. Read about it please. OK, I wil leave you alone now (hopefully you will use thetime to read a history book).

One more thing, can we count on your offspring joining our military if the war on terror is still raging when they come of military age?


“Kevin, please read a history book (preferably a college level book), wait sorry you must be busy now that you are in basic training having joined our army. So when did you join up?”

I’d appreciate it if you didn’t bring up my handicap again. It doesn’t affect my abilities much in life, but it does make me ineligible for the armed forces. I promise not to be too angry either way you go though, since I know that liberals think making fun of handicaps, a person’s race, religion or the fact that they are female is very funny.

“I have read your comments and quite frankly I stand by my statement that your ignorance is amazing. I would be offended by your comments but I deep down pity you. I hope you get the help and education you so deeply need.”

Examples required. Otherwise you sound like someone who likes to talk, but doesn’t know much. “You are an idiot because you said…” is much greater proof of intelligence than “You are an idiot, and I’m sad”. If you truly want to help me understand something that I currently do not, please give me an example. What exactly am I ignorant of?

“Yes I am a liberal and I am prayign[sic] for you (I am a practicing catholic). Do I still suck?”

Yes :(. I’ve got nothing against you, Richard, but your religion in no way makes up for the fact that you have read history, yet are still liberal. I’m only assuming you’ve read our history, since you’ve so far offered no proof of this. But if you have, and you’ve come to the conclusion that liberalism is somehow a good thing, then yes, you suck.


Rick said:

stupid = cannot work a door knob, cannot use a toaster, cannot plug in a lamp, sees a last name like Valdez (their birth name not mairried name) and says “hey is that Polish or Chineese?�
ignorant = not knowing the current popluation of the US, does not know what an aircraft sectional is, cannot recite Maxwells equations, does not know the formula for capcitators in series

Oh! Then I am neither, though I only remember a couple of Maxwell’s equations. P Chem doesn’t enter my life as much as it used to. O crap, are capacitors in series the sum of the capacitors, or the sum of the inverses? What a sheltered life you lead, thinking that ignorance has to do with whether one knows how to calculate electrical effects on circuit boards!

“I really do not want to go into history with you. It would be waste of time.”
Most people say that who do not understand the relevance of history. But keep in mind, if that would be a waste of time, this is doubly so. Without delving into history, we can only spout rhetoric. What’s the point in that? I’m quickly coming to the conclusion that you don’t actually have any knowledge of history to delve into.

Ok, I’m correcting this quote. Screw the liberals that complain that I altered his words. Don’t be such hippies.
“But I will say this, we are good friends with the Saudi royal family. 15 of the hijackers came from that country. It does not have an elected government. Do you see how in your view being friends with them (I am sure you want to be friends with them for their oil) leads to bad things (their people hating us).”

I kind of see what you are getting at, but I’m in no way a supporter of our friendship with Saudi Arabia. SA is the main distributor of support for madrasah hatred. I’m kind of glad that today they announced an increase in their oil production (*zing* Iran!), but I hardly consider them a friend. They aren’t looking out for us, so I’ve no desire to look out for them. They’re not real allies. You must be thinking of someone else.

“One more thing, can we count on your offspring joining our military if the war on terror is still raging when they come of military age?”

If they are willing. I’ll be proud of them either way.


One more kind of humorous note. All of these things that you hold important would be learned in the very first year of college. Did you just give yourself away as a freshman?


Kevin have a nice night. I will not bother you anymore. It is just plain pointless talking to you. Assume what you want about me, I have never craved or desired the respect of people like you, I just pity them. See I think ignorant people can truly be helped to become reasonable thinking human beings, they can correct their ignorance if they choose (stupid poepl cannot become unstupid), but I pity you since I feel ignorance is something you truly TRULY value in yourself and others.

I could never pick opn the disabled since I feel sorry for them and wish the best for them. Thus I am not picking on you. Well good night.

I will add this, after reading all your commens about killing people, why is it that conservatives love to talk about killing people yet they are so pro-life (as I am). I mean really if all life is sacred why are you so prone to talk about ending it.


Real quick

BS Chemical Engineering, May 2000, graduated with honors (did it in 8 semesters = 4 years, right out of highschool and no college break)
sucky typist

As I say having your respect is completely useless to me, but I do feel that you shodul at least have my education right.

Oh and for the history I still read it no matter how depressing it is to see how the world really works. I love reading history and have read more books than you can imagine.

Actually you and I might get along were it not for the fact that I truly feel bad for you and do not hang aroudn those I pity.


HAH! I’m ChemE too. I’m surpised coulombs even enter into your life these days (to be fair, I doubt they do. It was just your attempt to belittle someone else’s knowlege. That didn’t work out well for you, did it? Next time, try orthagonal tragetories. I never understood how to calculate those. You could probably make me look dumb with those if you timed it right.) You of course know that you don’t have my respect, since you’ve taken what should have been a great education, yet still fell into the morass of liberalism. There is no one left to blame but yourself. And sadly, only you can pull yourself out. I wish you luck! More importantly, I wish you incentive.

It’s always nice to hear a ‘I worry for you’ story from as liberal, but don’t be so gay about it. I’ve no need of pity. Everyone here is quite happy, and we’ve even got a new puppy, Delilah.I’ve no doubt we’d get along, even disbarring the fact that I get along with everyone in real life.

What we’d disagree upon, if we met in the real world, is that liberalism, or even a single one of it’s tenants, is a good thing.

Have a good life, Richard.


er.. ‘barring’, not ‘disbarring’.



Kevin I will say this. I do not blame anyone. You see I am responsible for all my actions. Of course a company is repsonsible for its actions and thus it should be held liable if it lies, cheats, and steals (conservatives have a distorted view of companies and their actions). Personnal responsibiltlity is soemthing you and I would agree on. And I am quite proud of what i have doen with my eduication. You see I am a pilot (RCA and real planes), scuba diver, computer programmer, Toastmaster, EMT, and an avid reader of history just to name a few. I have taught myself several things since my graduation. My education never stops. I will not attack you since your words speak for thjemselves (and say all there is to say about you).

If you read history you will realize that the answer is not just kill people, because we have the technology now to eliminate all human life on the planet. You know you are right we could have “won” vietnam by bombing Russia and china and then the whole planet would have been a radioactibve lifelesss wasteland (I bring this up becuase Bush adn otehr people claim we lost vietnam becuase of liberals, and hippies, and all that stuff). I suggest you read about Brinkmanship and John Foster Dulles becuase at the end of the day and he talked we really did nothing. When the Hungarians revolted we sat by and did nothing we saw Brinkmanship is hollow (we will not go to war for you if it means our loss, which is the policy of every country in history). There is some history for you. And that is why your tough talk about killing peopel makes me truely doubt you haev he historical chops to back up what you are talkign about. History shows that is a bad end 99% of the time or it is all hollow talk that teh peopel saying it will not back up.

Also for a libertarian you seem to be really fond of war and big government. Well I have said enough, we can talk tough all we want but right now we do not have the military ability to back it up.


(comments are closed)