Ace Almost Has A Rational Thought

Dinesh D’Souza has written the most meretriciously stupid, slovenly, and self-preening book in the history of… Oh no wait, that’s this one. Or maybe this one or this one.

Actually, maybe it’s this one.

But D’Souza’s is right up there, such that even teh Ace of Spades smells something whiffy about it.

Above: A lecture on mores from a
man who slept with Ann Coulter.

Dinesh D’Souza D’umbs D’own D’obson

Hollywood and left-wing university types are to blame for Muslim rage and, therefore, 9/11.

It’s somewhat unfair to deem a book a cynical attempt at troglodytic pandering without reading it, but I’m comfortable making that call.

Us too! Us too! Ace and us are friends now!

But right at that moment, as though sensing the warmth and comity, he had to immediately turn around and throw a mongo Ace spaz:

D’Souza’s thesis is really no different than lefties who claim we must bow and prostrate to Allah — and oh yeah, let the Muslims kill six million more Jews while we’re at it — and subcontract our foreign policy to Islamists in the interests of “peace.”

And we were like, Ace, dude, you can say what you want about us, but when you start picking on Kevin Drum, that’s where we draw the line…


Comments: 44


Why does Ace have to ruin our slumber parties with his “yr in yr office signing yr Jews death warrants” schtick?

I’m in my beantown waiting for my cellio to ringdong sunday morning not before 11!


I’m calling yr cellphone in the morning!1


Hey, I banned you/me! If you/me post again, I’ll have to shut down the site, if I can figure out how to do it.


lefties who claim we must bow and prostrate to Allah

Fuck it. I give up. A great artist is dead today and these toxic animals live on, gleefully squandering their lives writing garbage. It’s a fucking insult.


“lefties who claim we must bow and prostrate to Allah”

man, did I miss ANOTHER memo?

I really need a new fax machine

Herr Doktor Bimler

the most meretriciously stupid, slovenly, and self-preening book in the history of
Are you calling Dinesh D’Souza a meretrix? Something stronger is called for.

I have a theory that the literary inheritors of Eric Blair are paying D’Souza to write, because of the modest but cumulative royalties they receive every time a reviewer uses the phrase “Orwellian double-think”.


Maybe I’m giddy but the graphic on the D’Souza book resembles a certain Seuss character’s head gear more than the flag.


Christ On A Bicycle

“Success is defined by one’s ability to tell the difference between what’s right and wrong, and to strive as best as humanly possible to do what’s right. To me, success and goodness are synonymous.”
— Dinesh D’Souza

Thinking is what D’Souza does, mostly—and he gets paid for it. As an author and political activist, D’Souza makes his living pondering questions such as…”How do we get rid of poverty without punishing the privileged?”


Success and goodness are synonymous? Oh yes, they indeed are, down here where we abide. In fact, a very nice car and a ridiculously large home are very much appreciated. Because, well, that’s GOOD.


More from the velocipedal Christ:

“By all human standards,” D’Souza said, “Socrates was a kind of disgrace. He was poor. He was ugly. He was virtually homeless. He was unemployed.”

So let’s recap: poor / ugly / homeless / unemployed == disgrace, by all human standards, apparently, while rich / greedy / war criminal / general doofus == all-around great guy.

Have I got that straight? Looks like I didn’t get my ‘human standards update’ mailout…


Yep. That’s about it. By the way- has anyone seen annie? She did not report to our previously determined location and I am now forced to locate her through informants-


Maybe I’m giddy but the graphic on the D’Souza book resembles a certain Seuss character’s head gear more than the flag.

Nah — it’s Marge Simpson in profile.


“To me, success and goodness are synonymous.â€?

Doesn’t surprise me in the least. Everything old is new again–this is the past and the future of conservativism. If you’re poor, God hates you. Nuff said.

Next up from Philsouza? “German Scat Porn, and its Responsibility for my Erection.”


Dinesh D’Souza has written the most meretriciously stupid, slovenly, and self-preening book in the history of…

… since D’Souza’s last book?


D’Souza has a new book? I thought something smelled funny.


Hey Gavin,

The next time you’re working on Ace’s logo, would you consider incorporating something like this? It seems only fair to indicate the nature of his arguments.


— and subcontract our foreign policy to Islamists in the interests of “peace.�

Didn’t this already happen in both Afghanistan and Iraq?


lefties who claim we must bow and prostrate to Allah

Waitaminute here. Yesterday they hated us ’cause we were Secular Progressive Atheists out to destroy christianity. Remember coulter’s book “Godless”? Now all of a sudden they’ve decided we’ve all converted to Islam and so they hate us for that? Jeez, I can’t keep up with our mood swings. We must collectively need an intervention…



Mikey, it goes right along with all those abortions we’re always needing after all that gay sex we’re always having. Heck, I’ve had two gay abortions after lesbian hookups this week alone!


“lefties who claim we must bow and prostrate to Allah”

“Waitaminute here. Yesterday they hated us ’cause we were Secular Progressive Atheists out to destroy christianity.”

And we still are, but Ace really should bow and prostrate to Allah, nothing more. Punishment fitting crime and all that.


“and subcontract our foreign policy to Islamists in the interests of “peace.â€?”

Halliburton and Blackwayer are Islamists?!?!?!11?!!!


Uh, if I’m not mistaken, I think it was Christians who killed the first 6 million Jews.


I’m wondering whether the term “cultural left” might simply be a grab-bag for things and people D’Souza doesn’t like.

Please, people, “liberal” is the only Ace-approved wingnut term for this.

Like many bloggers, I’ve struggled over the definition of “conservative.”

And after weeks of careful research with Carter’s Little Pills, Ace has concluded that his bowel movement is being hijacked by crazy religious nutjobs who want to bash gays and take away his porn.


Ace has concluded that his bowel movement is being hijacked by crazy religious nutjobs who want to bash gays and take away his porn.

Ace is right about that. He just can’t seem to figure out that said nutjobs are also known by the term “Republicans”.


Once again, D’souza has eaten some rancid ideological prunes without first checking for a handy comfort station to deposit his wisdom into.

Guess he’ll have to use his pants, as usual



This does raise an important question–what exactly is a gay abortion?


Blahblahdsouza– another played-out festival of unreason from the early nineties.

Whenever I read his name now I start to hear the piercing beep of a dump truck in reverse, about to unload another half-ton of remainders.


Gay abortions are what you have to have after you have gay sex. It’s a secret liberal ritual that I cannot say any more about, as we are not safe from prying conservative eyes here. It’s an integral part of the Homosexual Agenda, though – and that’s an integral part of the Overarching Liberal Agenda to Destroy America.

Just add your fax number to the list, and you’ll start getting the updates.


Don’t forget about Manda and Tory, Jillian. Their hot girl on girl action really gets those prying conservatives’ panties in a bunch.

e.g., Mandatory gay marriage, followed by mandatory gay sex, followed by mandatory gay abortions.


Didn’t you know that we were created by Howard Zinn and Bella Abzug?


ooh, sexy…….I want some hot Manda on Tory action for me!

It’s not easy keeping up with all of this destroying of Western civilization, you know…..the constant gay sex, the scorning of traditional values, the rejection of the nuclear family….it’s taking a toll on me! I have a day job, you know.


It’s always heartening to know that the ideal Republican is completely fucking boring.


Are you calling Dinesh D’Souza a meretrix? Something stronger is called for.

How about scortum?


It may not be your fax machine. Check your email settings. I was missing a lot of memos from librl HQS about eating babies because my email program thought they were spam.


I just want to say that I was demanding that people bow and prostrate to Allah long before it was fashionable. The other beatniks at the commune were getting stoned and rambling on about Ram Dass and Dianetics, but me and Cat Stevens heard the beat of a different drummer.

Peace be upon you all.


Hmm.. eating babies good…. Finding a thought process bad. Left stuck in a quagmire of self defeat- jeeez! What the hell am I doing?




So, is he saying if we institute Sharia Law the Islamists won’t hate us? And is he saying we should? Fucking defeatist!! Lock his ass up.


Dinesh D’Loser, still fighting the ’80s culture wars. And this clown was actually considered an intellectual powerhouse of the right? Evidently the pickings are mighty slim on that side of the political aisle.


And again with the “lefties are anti-Semites” bullshit. Must be news to the vast majority of American Jews who vote Democratic.


“let the Muslims kill six million more Jews while we’re at it”

I had no idea that Hitler and the Nazi party were Muslims…I’m shocked…SHOCKED!1!!


Yeah, I know..but it was begging me to do it.


[…] who needs to read anyway? sadly, no! cracks us up, reviewing ace of spade’s review of dinesh d’souza’s latest tome: but d’souza’s is right up there, such that even teh ace of spades smells something whiffy about it. dinesh d’souza d’umbs d’own d’obson—ace hollywood and left-wing university types are to blame for muslim rage and, therefore, 9/11. it’s somewhat unfair to deem a book a cynical attempt at troglodytic pandering without reading it, but i’m comfortable making that call. […]


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