Dr. Mrs. Ole Perfesser: Idiot Philanthropist
Posted on January 8th, 2007 by Brad
Shorter Dr. Mrs. Ole Perfesser*: “I just set a bunch of my money on fire by donating it to Michelle Malkin’s latest racket. Ha, ha, ha! Liberals are such fools!”
Above: The Mrs. ain’t that much sharper ‘n’ the Ole Perfesser hisself, I reckon.
*Thanks to Roy for letting me use his schtick.
Is it just me, or is it odd that she seems to support the idea, although implicitly, that the media is overplaying the violence in Iraq but then adds (bold added of course):
Byron- Michelle obviously needs extra protection from the fifth-column reporters who will try to take her out for exposing the truth. I mean, duh.
That would be the truth about all the school painting and safety going on in Irakeystan, right Ms. Mouse?
P.S. Looks like I missed all teh Fun this weekend. *sniff*
The comments are comedy gold. Well, maybe just bronze, but comedic nonetheless.
Dr. Helen is an idiot. She whips out the old saw that she & Glenn apologize for Bush when Teh Left apologizes for that list of socialist dictators who some hippie idiot thought was great while high in 1965. Some great shrink she must be.
She says “sorry, boys” to Greenwald & Roy and gets accused on being an anti-semite. It gets a little hard to follow. Saying “Sorry, boys” to a Jewish person is akin to saying “Jew Boy”. Greenwald is a Jewish sounding name and a misspelling of Roy’s site to ‘alciublog’ is close to ACLU. Ipso facto, everyone knows that anyone associated with the ACLU is Jewish, so therefore Roy must be Jewish. The person making the accusation has never read Greenwald or Roy’s site. This of course, allows Helen to bitch about how hard it is to be PC.
Dr. Helen says ‘Thanks Boys’ (with no link of course) to Glenn Greenwald and Alicubllog for increasing blog ad revenue. When I follow a link like I did today from your blog to a site with blogads do I automatically increase her revenue just by viewing the site? I
My question is the same as cia’s. Did she really make anything from my clicking over to her site? If she did, why in the fuck didn’t you warn me? I have absolutely no desire to support that nutcase’s vacaton plans!
Thanks to Roy for letting me use his schtick.
Nitpick: Roy’s made it famous, but let’s give credit where credit’s due. Even tho’ I never do at Freedom Camp, but I’m just unethical that way…
I just donated a crisp, white, $100,000 bill from the Game of Life towards NASA’s Rocket to the Sun for Married Igits.
Thanks to Roy for letting me use his schtick.
Schtick–that’s Yiddish, right?
JB’s here, JB’s there. Everywhere you look, JB’s!
OOooo, you won’t BELIEVE what she’s claiming NOW!
Shouldn’t you be thanking Roy for being the mastermind behind Sadly, No!?11?!1
P.S. The more links between Roy, DMOP, and Sadly, No!, the more yachts the DMOP will buy, thus attracting the IRS…Blogtopiaâ„¢ wins!
I dunno, I like the idea of Malkin actually going to Iraq. I’m holding out for a fairy-tale ending in which the reality opens her eyes and makes her a better and more balanced person.
I believe Piinko Punko stole my name to post that consonantal outrage. I will not stand for it!
….btw, is it permissible to say that Dr. Mrs. is, umm, kinda hott in those pjs?
You can say what you like as long as it doesn’t encourage Mr Dr Mrs Perfesser to start posting pictures of himself lolling around in his PJs with his singularity showing.
Her head may be full of stewed organ meat but her lips, those blood drenched red Red RED LIPS. RRRROWWWWWWW. I.JUST.CANT. GET. ENOUGH.
“I dunno, I like the idea of Malkin actually going to Iraq. I’m holding out for a fairy-tale ending in which the reality opens her eyes and makes her a better and more balanced person. ”
Reality, an IED, whatever works.
MM vs MSM: Consonantal outrage or continental outreach?
Forensic psychologist. She has dead people on her couch?
Reality, an IED, whatever works.
That’s right! – both of these bitches need to get what’s coming to them!
“I’m holding out for a fairy-tale ending in which the reality opens her eyes and makes her a better and more balanced person. â€?
Reality, an IED, whatever works.
I’d be good with that, except it would probably be some poor overworked grunt on his/her third tour who got taken out by the IED intended for Teh Malkintent. If this blog wasn’t intended for members of the reality-based community, I’d say Ms. Malkin is the sort of person about whom my Irish granny used to say, “Heaven won’t have her, and Hell doesn’t want her!”
You’re probably right. Is it wrong to wish a really nasty yeast infection on her anyway?
Wishing IED explosions on anyone is never cool.
And this from the same group that got all uppity with me for wishing Terrell Owens a career-ending injury…
Wait, if perchance Michelle were to give birth in a Baghdad hospital, would that make her the mother of an anchor baby? Oh, wait, they don’t have any laws over there yet…
What about Mr. Malkin? I think you would need Jesse is to get reality as well, before achieving a noticeable affect.
Yea, but Brad, Terrell Owens has some value.
C/mon, you expect reality to work on these people NOW?
Wishing IED explosions on anyone is never cool.
No, it’s not. I won’t do it, and I’m not defending it, but there’s something about the malkin thing’s hate-filled worldview, now with 50% more bloodlust, that makes me hope she gets a chance to see the real-world manifestation of her fevered man-killing fantasies played out real up close and personal.
I get the feeling Pam Atlas would dig it. I somehow believe perhaps the malkin thing might actually internalize a little of it. Or maybe that’s just a little more hope than I know better than to have…
“Wishing IED explosions on anyone is never cool.”
But we can run with the yeast infection, right?
Or an IUD explosion?
Fighting them in Michelle’s cervix so we don’t have to fight them over here…
I think you’re splitting hairs, AshPlant.
I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.
That’s all I want to say.
Until I find a way
I will say the only words I know that
You’ll understand.
Sadly, I don’t think even a little kid getting blown to shit in front of her would change her. She’d claim the kid had it coming.
I hope she doesn’t go. I wouldn’t wish for even someone as hate-filled and reality-challenged as Malkin to put herself in such danger.
More importantly, as Anne Laurie points out, she would also be putting the soldiers and Marines assigned to protect her into unnecessary danger.
Remember the officers who got blown up ferrying Ollie Fucking North and a couple of other ‘journalists’ around? I have a feeling that was not an isolated incident. They happened to be high-profile officers so we heard about it. How many enlisted folks have taken a bullet or a bomb for some asshat VIP on a ‘fact-finding’ visit?
Truth to tell, I wouldn’t worry much down that road, GW. If you were assigned to the security detail you might draw some fire, but you’d be eating VIP chow and living pretty much a “non grunt” life. Hell, most eleven bs would make that deal. Otherwise? The shit starts to fly, I’m gonna protect myself and my guys. If you’re some dipshit civilian playing tourist in a warzone, well, figure out what to do on your own. ‘Cause the rest of us will be putting rounds downrange, calling for support and keeping an eye on our FNGs. You on yer own, cowboy….
Gentlewoman: Maybe a little danger would be exactly what she needed to be exposed to.
thunder: No, but an IUD explosion would split hers.
I doubt direct exposure would change the Malkins’ (they should go together, of course) world view but I definitely support the effort.
Of course, her whole visit would be a Green Zoned, completely protected affair, complete with 24/7 security and sound bites that would give Rove an orgasm (wrap your head around that!).
But maybe just the sound of an IED, the first-person view of a soldier whose lost a limb; MAYBE a conscience can be revived. Maybe.
I’m not holding my breath, but I hold a scant hope of redemption for all.
The liberal in me.
I went to Detroit last month on a business trip, and I just want to state for the record that I did not have a flak jacket, and I did not feel the need for one. (Although I-75 during the evening rush was a little hairy.)
24/7 security and sound bites that would give Rove an orgasm (wrap your head around that!)
Aw, man. I just had lunch, too. Thanks a lot, lemonheads.
God this woman is stupid. Doesn’t she realize there is a war going on over there?
I would venture to say “the troops” in general have no particular opinion of mainstream media coverage of their war vis-a-vis the particular focus on wire services or local stringers because…people are fucking shooting at them.
And I’m sure they eagerly await Commander Malkin’s report on “interaction between U.S. troops and Iraqi Army trainees”. Will it emphasize pre vs. post Saddam gains against a current status graph of potential interactions or will they care, given that people are still fucking shooting at them.
I desperately want to see both of these numbnuts in uniform “man”-ing the bulwarks against the Islam-O-Facists. That’d be sweet.
Ifthethunder, thank you. Detroit gets an undeserved bad rap (we’re rough but we’re not nasty).
And yeah, I-75’s a rough ride. But you get downtown and there’s some cool stuff goin’ on (Greektown, Mexicantown, etc).
Come back now, ya hear?
Those of you who want Michelle to visit Iraq – I guess you do hate the troops after all.
Sadly, I don’t think even a little kid getting blown to shit in front of her would change her. She’d claim the kid had it coming.
Or that the kid’s death was a plot by the liberal media to ruin her trip. And her expensive designer outfit. So her next claim would be to her insurance agency for full replacement value, since her cleaners would be willing to certify that both the body-part-stains on her dress and the nasty streaks on her dainty underdrawers were permanent. Which would lead to another column some weeks later, asking why the liberal media controls all the insurance agencies. Because if the universe doesn’t revolve around Malkin & her tiny circle of admirers, the terrorists have won.
You caught me Snag. Damn, I’m such a hater. Now I’m ashamed of myself.
Why is she in her pajamas?
Malkin is going to get someone killed. Just like Ollie North did.
God this woman is stupid. Doesn’t she realize there is a war going on over there?
What better place for a blog-bunny?
Will it emphasize pre vs. post Saddam gains against a current status graph of potential interactions or will they care, given that people are still fucking shooting at them.
Oh, me, me, me. Those selfish old troops will just have to think of someone else for a few days. I mean, who’s more important to the war effort, a blogger who wants some publicity, or a bunch of soldiers?
No, hang on, that’s not right…