Monday Morning Whoopsie-DoodleNet Update

Another week ahead, and those whoopsies don’t just make themselves!

Citizen-Journalist Ace reports on the latest terror threat [links Ace’s]:

Three Middle Eastern Men Arrested At Miami Airport [sic]

There’s a video report at FoxnNews.

Florida Cracker is following it, as of course is AllahPundit.

One of the men is of Iraqi descent, another one is Lebanese. The driver of the truck seeking entry claimed he was the only man in the truck, but a search following his inconsistent answers turned up two more men in the cab. No explosives found in the truck, and the men are supposedly here legally.

So everyone’s just trying to figure out what they were up to.

Video: GatewayPundit has an embedded video plus is updating.

As day follows night, I guess we know what’s next:

Language Barrier May Have Led To Miami Port Scare

Three legal immigrants in a cargo truck were detained at the Port of Miami on Sunday after a routine inspection raised concerns, but police say the incident may have stemmed in part from a language barrier.


One top ranking federal official told WFOR-TV that the incident was a “comedy of errors,” that turned out to be “much ado about nothing.”

Dan Riehl is, perforce, angry at CBS:

Given the CBS headline, one wonders what constitutes a port threat gone right – one where some number of terrorists succeed in detonating a device? The only comedy here is the black comedy of CBS that, like some other MSM outlets, seems to want to downplay every potential terrorist incident within the United States.

Sorry Dan, maybe something will blow up next time, forcing America to rise up in a righteous fury of long-overdue revenge, etc., etc., traitors, cowards, enemies-within, boilerplate boilerplate.

Meanwhile, Confederate Yankee refuses to let go of the Jamil Hussein disaster, crafting a narrative in which various sketchy claims, citations of other right-wing bloggers, and Wikipedia pull-quotes combine to further unmask the Zionist conspiracy of the so-called Holocaust fraud of so-called violence in Iraq.

Powerline was fouled up and defaced by liberal computer hacker-terrorists whom they will criminally prosecute to the full extent of the um, themselves (scroll).

Also, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei remains embarrassingly not dead.

Also, Pam.


Comments: 32


Ace reported that they were arrested at the Miami airport?!?

Doesn’t he know the difference bewteen an airport and a port?

Seriously – how would people at an airport “seek entry” in a truck? Does he even stop to read what he posts before he posts it?

I have a tip-top national security secret to reveal to y’all right now. Don’t tell anybody I told you this, but……Miami is on the water!! It’s true!

Golly gee whillikers.


‘One top ranking federal official told WFOR-TV that the incident was a “comedy of errors,” that turned out to be “much ado about nothing.”‘

The official went on to say that this was the twelfth night that something this had happened, with two noble kinsmen accidentally detained Saturday, but all’s well that ends well.


Alas, I would claim this Pam as my own as well, but there is a shortage of padded cells down here. Cutbacks, I’m sure you understand.

Herr Doktor Bimler

Day follows night?! Damn. No-one said that was going to be in the exam.


Zee Most Powerful Voman in Zeh Wurrrrld vill poke out your liberrrrral eyes if Villie von’t do me like Mount Rushmore, between my rocky crags.

Herr Doktor Bimler

The official went on to say that this was the twelfth night that something this had happened, with two noble kinsmen accidentally detained Saturday, but all’s well that ends well.

You may think it’s funny, Edmund Schluessel, but you’ll be laughing out of the other side of your face when Burnham Wood is come to Dunsinane, concealing an entire army of illegal Scottish immigrants.


Reuters – 34 minutes ago
TEHRAN (Reuters) – “Iran’s highest authority, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said on Monday Tehran would never yield to international pressure to …”

…conceed that he died last week as reported by Pajamas Media ?

The hits, they keep on coming.


The wallpaper/paint job at Pam’s is just as I imagined it would be.


Pamela proposes a third party and calls it the Radical Individualist Party, or RIP. A guaranteed winner.


Hmm, this city called Miami is on the water, and yet these men tried to enter by truck. It has always been my understanding that the only way to enter a water-bound place like this is either by air or by sea.

The questions keep piling up, and the MSM, surprise, surprise, fail to address them.


It’s amazing how many “Radical Individualists” want the government to kill and oppress their political enemies.


Okay, this is not a Monday morning whoopsie — this was a Sunday afternoon with the Keystone Pundits. And really, I blame FOX: there was so much crap about “some kind of sensors” being tripped at the port and hectoring about “Ay-rabs! FILTHY, JIHADIST ISLAMOFASCISTS! GAAAAHHHH!!!” that it’s no wonder the rightwingosphere did their little henny penny act again. I covered it yesterday, chumps.


I covered it yesterday, chumps.

Please, teh teh, a little slack. Yesterday many here was busy trying to mitigate the damage of an egregious case of blogger identity theft.


Shorter Dan Riehl – “A select number of brown people made me look like a fool again and damn it – Hey! What’s that over there?! Look, I’m serious! No really, look!!!”


“One of the men is of Iraqi descent”

Why the Hell would that raise any concerns? According to Malkin, Inc. things are going exceedingly well over there. Maybe the Iraqi in question was greeting them with flowers in violation of the port’s botanical quarantine policies?


Seriously – how would people at an airport “seek entryâ€? in a truck? Does he even stop to read what he posts before he posts it?

Don’t you understand? It’s the clever fiendish plot of the nafarious Islamofascicootiemarxists to sneak a TRUCK into the country through an AIRPORT! Nobody would expect a TRUCK at an AIRPORT — everyone knows airports are just for planes!

Then again maybe the fiendishly clever terrorist think-tanks of al-Sadr designed a new seeeeekrit special FLYING TRUCK! Someone get Confederate Yankme on this story, stat!


It’s amazing how many “Radical Individualists� want the government to kill and oppress their political enemies.

Well, jeezus, that’s what they grudingly pay all that tax money FOR – so’s it can go to the Pentagon and various local/state/federal law enforcement organizations so awful brown, gay, homeless, and liberal people can be kept under control.


Please, teh teh, a little slack. Yesterday many here was busy trying to mitigate the damage of an egregious case of blogger identity theft.

Oh, whoops. Forgot I started that one…


Teh l4m3 iz teh bl4m3!11one!


That’s good. That’s really good. Because when I look at Atlas Pam, I think, “There’s a woman who needs more caffeine.”

Might help to cut through the hangover, though.


Jeeezis. What a train wreck. I had to leave as soon as she started talking about ‘tha hwandwog’.


Ok, look. I really don’t think you people understand the very serious nature of these threats to American Democracy and the future as we know it. Let me explain it to you slowly.

1. They were foreigners. That means they were other than Americans. What’s worse, they had this middle-eastern arab kind of look. And to top it off, they weren’t speaking ENGLISH. Here in America, we speak english. It eliminates confusion, reduces suspicion and creates harmony.

2. They were doing very suspicious things. Why were they in a truck? And just exactly why were they in Florida? That alone is cause for suspicion. Much like those Muslims on the airliner, they may well have been PRAYING. If you are praying, and it is not in a judeo-christian approved fashion, it is a very strong indicator that you are a terrorist.

3. They were brown. You know how many of America’s root problems, from immigration to 9/11 to the civil war to vietnam to rodney king are caused by brown people. There is really no option. In order to prevent the imminant destruction of America, all it stands for and everything America has come to mean, both to us and the rest of the world, we must impliment immediately a police state with concentration camps, summary executions and a “shoot first” law enforcement policy. We must also simultaneously invade and occupy any country in the world where a) Brown people are in charge and b) They aren’t christians (unless they are catholic) and c) They have some form of natural resources wealth that we desire. And it is helpful if we execute their former leaders.

Now all you lefties need to get on the bus. You’re either with us or you’re traitors…



“forcing America to rise up in a righteous fury of long-overdue revenge, etc., etc., traitors, cowards, enemies-within, boilerplate boilerplate.”

Woohoo! The Cheetos crowd are salavating at the thought…it’s just more material for their masturbation fantasies.


It was great watching the progression on Faux yesterday afternoon. From teh terrarists rgona kill us!!11111!!1!!!1 to well, we don’t quite know yet but I heard they r illegal, to total “Oops, nothing to see here”. Faux does this to them EVERY DAY.


Here in America, we speak english.

Sorry Mikey, but this is Miami we’re talking about.


Oh yeah, that’s right Rob. I never could understand those crackers…



I think this may be the first time I have ever watched an entire Pam vlog and all I can say is…

No. There is nothing I can say. How does one person carry so much poison in her soul?


By the way… It appears that the Port of Miami is under siege by non-terrorists, bent on not killing thousands of innocent men, women and children. Chuckles & Crew are reporting a whole new non-incident being covered by Fox Nooz.

My god, will the non-terrorists stop at nothing? Is their desire not to destroy America completely unquenchable? How many non-explosive devices do we have to find at our ports and airports before the country will wake up and realize that THERE ARE PEOPLE OUT THERE WHO DO NOT WANT TO KILL US ALL!


Miami is not an english speaking city. My friend goes there a lot, and she has stories of people being pulled over by cops who don’t speak english.


Dan Someone is clearly just a terrorist trucker-enabling liberal who wants to see good, patriotic Miamians killed by plastic explosives sprinkler parts.


You know these whack jobs just can’t wait until there is a real terrorists threat at which point they will be gleefully dancing in the streets with their “See… we TOLD you…”


I’ve been a-lurkin’ for some time now
[sounds of a struggle]
Sorry, just had to grapple with my sudden urge to burst into English folk song. It would have been all a-Maying before you know it.

Anyway, I just had to creep out of my antipodean hiding place to express astonishment at this Pam-creature.

I mean, surely she’s not human, right? That’s all CGI, right? She’s like Homer Simpson, political satire, right?

She’s a media joke, put together by some self-medicating scriptwriter, isn’t she?



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