“Decency?” Surely, You Jest!
Hey, remember Jamil Hussein? You know, the Iraqi police officer who told the Associated Press about Sunnis being burned to death by Shiites in Iraq? The one whom the wingnutosphere insisted again and again and again and again and again didn’t exist and was just part of an elaborate web of MSM lies to make the situation in Iraq look worse than it was (and really, it wasn’t even bad at all anyway)?
Well, it turns out that he’s real. And because of the wingnutosphere’s insane braying, he’s now been arrested for the high crime of talking to reporters (via Nitpicker):
The Interior Ministry acknowledged Thursday that an Iraqi police officer whose existence had been denied by the Iraqis and the U.S. military is in fact an active member of the force, and said he now faces arrest for speaking to the media.
Ministry spokesman Brig. Abdul-Karim Khalaf, who had previously denied there was any such police employee as Capt. Jamil Hussein, said in an interview that Hussein is an officer assigned to the Khadra police station, as had been reported by The Associated Press.
The captain, whose full name is Jamil Gholaiem Hussein, was one of the sources for an AP story in late November about the burning and shooting of six people during a sectarian attack at a Sunni mosque.
The U.S. military and the Iraqi Interior Ministry raised the doubts about Hussein in questioning the veracity of the AP’s initial reporting on the incident, and the Iraqi ministry suggested that many news organization were giving a distorted, exaggerated picture of the conflict in Iraq. Some Internet bloggers spread and amplified these doubts, accusing the AP of having made up Hussein’s identity in order to disseminate false news about the war.
Neat. Of course, if you expected the wingnutosphere to be conciliatory about being completely wrong and full of shit about everything, you’d be sadly mistaken. Here’s Dan Riehl:
Fascinating. But let me be the first to say to the Left, before they lose themselves in glee, I don’t see that bloggers have anything to apologize for, nor do I see this story being at an end. The ultimate question is what happened in Hurriya the day six Sunnis were claimed to have been burned alive?
Did it happen? Is Shi’ite domination of one or more ministries trying to cover up violence by Shi’ite factions? Or is Hussein unreliable as a source?
If the story ends up being an expose’ on a troubling Shi’ite dominated Iraqi regime, as opposed to the AP being light on sourcing, so be it. Like most bloggers following this story, all I have ever wanted is the truth.
Oh. My. God. Just. Shut. Up.
You guys are wrong about everything all the time and you show no shame about it. Doesn’t that bother you at all? Consider that normal people- people with actual souls- would have quietly slid away from the public spotlight after being exposed as complete frauds. But y’all cuckoos in the wingnutosphere? Pffffft! Once this fake MSM conspiracy theory has been debunked, y’all’ll just start combing through Reuters photos to see if there’s any added smoke. Losers.
UPDATE: I’m a big Greg Sargent fan, but he’s way off base here:
The Associated Press has just struck back very hard against the wingnuts who have been sliming the news org over the case of missing police captain Jamil Hussein — and it looks as if there may soon be lots of crow-eating going on in right blogistan.
Nope, sorry Greg. The wingnutosphere never eats crow. First they’ll acknowledge that Hussein does exist, but then add that there are still a lot of questions to be answered about the AP’s report. The next thing that happens is they never answer those questions and move on. Lastly, they start leafing through every goddamn wire photo on the Internet to search for evidence of photoshopping or tampering of any kind. When they finally find something (or hell, even if don’t) they’ll start braying and shrieking about how the Iraq war is going just fine, and that journalists only report bad news because they hate the troops. This is how they play the game. They will never change because they have no souls.
UPDATE II: Damn you, TBogg. Damn you to hell. There’s only so much Riehl-riehlated idiocy I can stand for one day.
Ratsin fratzin. Almost makes you wanna play on their team. Dog Fuckers.
Too late! I need only have lost myself in glee, but I have become Lost in Emotion to some Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam, and then I got Lost in Yonkers with a community theater production of that Neil Simon play.
Okay, Riehl is obviously an ‘agent provocateur’ planted by The Left to discredit everyone who loves America. Nobody could be this stupid all the time. Simple law of averages means he would have to be right sometime, but HE NEVER IS EVEN CLOSE.
Seriously, what are the odds someone could be this consitently stupid without ever stumbling on a decent thought once in a while, even by accident.
Something stinks here. Obviously, it’s Riehl. But methinks the lady doth stink too much. I mean how are we supposed to mock this guy? Bastard.
Damnit Norbiz. I’m going to email my Wonkette gift of lifeâ„¢ to my own sockpuppit, Teh Leftâ„¢.
And you can’t stop me! Muahahahahah!
Fascinating stuff about planetary orbits from Copernicus, but I’ll be really interested to see if the plotting of epicycles doesn’t take care of the observations he’s plotted. It is unacceptable for the SP (scientific progressives) to be given credence about the heliocentric world, and the Pope is right to hang those who get too uppity…
C’mon, give me some credit. Like I couldn’t come up with something more convincing than that. I mean, it sounds so made-up: Dannn Rieeeeehhllll.
Bullshit. All he and the toadysphere ever wanted was yet another opportunity to undermine the press’ credibility so they can keep on pretending that their Tinkerbell fantasies are more true than reports from the field.
Seriously, what are the odds someone could be this consitently stupid without ever stumbling on a decent thought once in a while, even by accident.
Sorta makes you wonder if government scientists aren’t a little further along in the Genetic Engineering beta testing than they let on. And when I say ‘beta testing,’ I mean, of course, beta testing of Deltas and Epsilons.
And now, I shall take myself on a little soma holiday, because this is so horrible, and I believe this poor Iraqi police captain and his family are probably doomed.
Because of moronic fuckwits like Lady Macbeth Malkin and Dan Riehl.
Shorter Michelle: The real truth is still out there… moving forward.
Sorry. Nancy is in ur base, legislatin ur d00dz. That is one Hott granma. Feelin it yet?
Told ya. Shit sandwiches all around.
Gentlewoman, I’m curious about your thoughts; re: lurker/GameSetMatch. Just why are you saying he’s a decent sort?
Seems to me he spent all day impostor-trolling and also did some dishonest or best case ignorant Malkin defending.
Tin Men Redux, brought to you by Malkin & Co.
Fascinating. But let me be the first to say to the Darwinists, before they lose themselves in glee, I don’t see that creationists have anything to apologize for, nor do I see this story being at an end. It has taken the Darwinists weeks to provide any evidence for their claim that a ‘bird/reptile’ fills the glaring gap in the fossil record. Even now this ‘archaeopteryx’ is far from satisfying, and if it is ever substantiated, it will merely create two gaps where now there is only one.
If the story ends up being an expose’ on anomalies in the Solnhofen limestone deposit, as opposed to the Darwinist Press being light on sourcing, so be it. Like most creationists following this story, all I have ever wanted is the truth.
Just why are you saying he’s a decent sort?
Didn’t. That was Jeremy’s Iron.
I said he was literate. And amusing.
For all I know, he’s an axe murderer.
That samich is going to need a lot more ketchup than the onion ring did.
Ah, thanks GW. It was a little tricky figuring out who was saying what. And I was
at workslightly distracted, too.Do police officers get arrested for talking to the media in a DEMOCRACY? Watch the wingnutosphere play down the trouble they’ve caused this poor chap, who, no doubt, is being tortured to death at the Ministry of the Interior.
Michele Malkin will be warmly received when she arrives in Iraq, I’m sure.
Who are you talking to Brad??? I mean, LOL.
I don’t think cops are allowed to talk to the media without permission here, buckos.
Lurker seemed decent to me, thunder. S/he was a bit shocked, shocked at some of the snark, but went along with it and actually got into the spirit. Amid 300 Jeff G posts, it stood out. Something different than the Cobra Khai “Get him a body bag” types.
You’re right AA, but they’re not arrested either. The worst it gets is suspension with pay pending a disciplinary hearing. The Interior Ministry in Iraq, on the other hand, is straight out of Brazil.
The most precious example of non-crow eating can be found on (where else) Michelle Malkin’s site, who approvingly quotes a commentor from (surprise, surprise) Patterico’s blog:
So why has it taken all this time to produce him then?
Uneffingbelievable, These diaper-wearing Cheetoh-eaters just can’t imagine that AP reporters in Iraq, not to mention the threadbare Iraqi Interior Ministry, might have better things to do (like stay alive, for starters) than worry about the still-birth conspiracy theories hatched by a bunch of chickenhawks who feel shivers of bravery facing the barrel of a cap gun.
Truth? You can’t handle the truth.
Hell, I can’t handle it very well when it ends in some poor guy and his family and a bunch of his neighbors probably ending up dead to satisfy Riehl, Malkin, and their Band of Banshees.
Good to know our government’s still lying to us, though.
Lurker describes himself as
…a moderate conservative (boo to high taxes, yes to gay marriage, etc) but believe that taking politics too seriously is bad for the soul. I’m libertarian on civil liberties issues and am a bit disturbed by some of what the president has done.
He knew better before he blabbed. THere are reasons cops can’t blab, like inciting more violence and you know, undemocratic things like keeping the peace.
And I’m sure that if there was a war going on in the streets of America, and cops went blabbing without proper permission, they would be arrested.
GOOD MORNING VIETNAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’d say being smarter than the like of ace and godlstein gives one even less excuse for going along with the goopers. G’night, folks!
[…] Yes, Michelle, there is a Jamil Hussein. He exists as sure as angry and bitter and misguided right-wing bloggers exist, and you know that they abound and give to you life at its lowest, most wankriffic level. Alas! How wonderful would the world be if there were no Jamil Hussein. It would mean that Iraq was perfect and the whole thing was just the fault of the LIEberals and the evil MSM and we had too been greeted with flowers, damn it! […]
No, Annie. Cops that blab in America get re-assigned to something nice, boring, and unimportant.
See, leaks are a GOOD thing for the country. It’s how we know there aren’t aliens in Area 51 or ICMBs in the rotunda of the Capital.
Shorter Riehl: No House and No Senate make Riehl a dull boy…
It’s French, beeyotches.
When I read, on Malkin-thing’s blog no less, that the AP source had been picked up by the Iraqi MOI, my blood ran cold. That’s the same MOI that has been credited with the handcuffed bodies with drill holes in them that have been turning up in alley-ways and gutters of the City of Peace* for the past year or so. I hope, for Malkin’s sake as well as his, that he stays safe. If not, she’ll have more than just her base ideologically driven ulterior motives to apologise for.
Boo-freakin-hoo indeed.
*This was once Baghdad’s appellation.
“This news sucks!” said Dan Reihl, in a moment of naked honesty. “Every day, our pronouncements are proved more staggeringly incorrect.”
There was a moment’s silence, then little Michelle spoke up at the back of the room.
“Hey, let’s just make up our own news!”
Cheers, whoops, “Hoo-ah!”s.
on fire, boy
not expose’
annieangel said,
He knew better before he blabbed. THere are reasons cops can’t blab, like inciting more violence and you know, undemocratic things like keeping the peace.
annieangel said,
And I’m sure that if there was a war going on in the streets of America, and cops went blabbing without proper permission, they would be arrested.
GOOD MORNING VIETNAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the depth of your analysis, and breadth of your law-enforcement experience, are truly breathtaking
as usual.
I really hope they don’t get the guy killed. Although if they do, I’m going to remind them of it every fucking day. With luck, when Google Telepathy interviews me in 2060 or so about Teh Dawn of Blog, I’ll be able to remind future generations of just how low and cheap and irresponsible and mendacious the shrivelled-brain-in-a-jar-in-the-Shanghai-National-Museum-of-American-Decline formerly known as Michelle Malkin was.
Anyway, that Riehl quote is riehl fuckin’ stupid. Of course it’s a fucking story about a troubling Shi’ite regime – who the fuck else in Iraq goes round frying Sunnis? It’s a story about the troubling Shi’ite regime these people imposed on Iraq by force of arms!
Press on. The ration of martyrs to pragmatics is suprisingly small.
Not exposé.
Kind of like, there is no global warming. Okay there’s global warming, but it isn’t being caused by burning of fossil fuels. Carbon dioxide is life, dammit!
Commenter Dwilkers at Patterico’s at Malkin’s says:
I also question the timing, since Malkin was OTW over and the attention level was about to increase. I seriously doubt we’ve heard all there is to know about this.
Hehindeed. Undoubtedly this was all an elaborate set-up to thwart me.
Maybe I won’t make that trip after all.
That’d show ’em, but good.
Annie, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Cops talk all the time. Without permission. Ask Jimmy Breslin. Or just about anyone who’s ever covered any law enforcement organization from the FBI to Mayberry PD.
To get a cop to talk, however, you have to 1) gain his/her trust and 2) Keep his/her name out of the paper. Once you do 1, 2 is pretty easy and viola! Cops talk without permission.
Of course, they know the game. Get a guy in Iraq, a greenhorn in front of the media, perhaps a guy who bought into the idea of truthfulness and honor, maybe he gave his name to lead with his chin. Maybe he gave his name because he didn’t know the rules. Maybe he was an idiot. Maybe the reporter and the subject had a miscommunication as to what would be put into the paper.
I don’t know. But then my conjectures are infinitely more plausible than the unshakable belief that, for awhile, he didn’t exist. And then that somehow he deserves punishment for describing what he saw (there’s a difference between police and soliders — explain.).
But it’s just another happy day in Bagdhad.
Was that the real Malkin or the Performance Art Malkin? Because I don’t think many of us are up for a repeat of this (see comments).
This is from Malkin’s blog:
Reader Daniel:
And you’re just about to head over there? What timing!
Yes! The whole thing is the Iraqi gov’t reacting to the impending visit of the Mighty Malkinator! It’s really all about her!
My. Fucking. God.
[…] Has that prompted a bit of soul searching form the various blogs who attacked the PA on this issue? What do you think? […]
The fact is, I’m pretty sick of, “We have nothing to apologize for,” and, “Where’s the apology?” and other apology-related pronunciamentos. I even read some wingnut recently (I forget where–Ace or Cofederate Yankee) pointing out that Right Blogistan “issues retrations as a matter of course” after they’ve been proved wrong about something.
What is the obsession with apologies? And why post something if it’s so shaky that you might have to post a followup retraction about it later? And finally: bullshit about the Right taking responsibility for it’s lies.
Here’s a plan. I’m going to put it out on the stoop and see if the cat laps it up:
1. If you style yourself a journalist, citizen or otherwise, get your reporting right.
2. If you fuck up, fix it and move on to the next piece of reporting.
Let’s leave the tearstained apologies for the pedophilic evangalists. What is this, a Girl Scout campout?
Please note that doing #2 above is always called “a coverup” by the Right, but to tell with them.
Obviously that was supposed to be “Confederate”, “retractions”, “hell” and “its.” Please sprinkle these spelling corrections throughout the post where needed. My preview button did not work.
After they pluck the crow alive, waterboard it in Malkin’s bidet, isolate it from all avian contact, play with its genitals, rape its baby crows, shove the crow’s feet up each others’ asses till they can’t come anymore, they might eat what’s left. But only if Dick Cheney tells them to.
[…] wingnutosphere has found another Jamil Hussein/Scott Thomas Beauchamp figure to attack. And this time it’s a 12-year-old boy who was […]
Spare me the off-color language. It adds nothing to what should be the story. It detracts and implies the writer couldn’t think of a better word and reached into the cesspool. Forgive me. I had no intention of insulting your dwelling place if, indeed, it is…
Spare me the off-color language.
Fuck you.
Very nice site!