A Quintessence Of Limbuggery
David “The Other Limbaugh” Limbaugh writes that since Democrats were right about Iraq after all, it means they were actually kind of negative-wrong, which is sort of like being wrong in two directions at once, so therefore the Republicans were right, and we must attack Iran.
This is one of the weirdest arguments I’ve ever seen, and that’s saying something. It’s like Limbaugh’s fax machine spat out the weekly directive, ‘Help push attack on Iran!’ and when he was done citing the usual false charges and scare items (nukes, madman, evil, Hitler, imminent threat, etc), he sighed and was overcome by that weary self-insight that both he and his brother seem, sometimes, to be freighted with.
No really, they do. Consider this passage from a David Limbaugh column of February, 2003:
Some have suggested the conservatives’ hawkishness toward Saddam Hussein can be traced to their search, since the end of the Cold War, for new bogeymen to replace the Soviet Communists as the focus of their aggressive propensities. They’re wrong.
If you change one word at the end (to They’re “right,” or “smart,” or “teh roxxor”), you have a cogent and factual statement of rare directness that would’ve been difficult to arrive at by accident. (The preceding link features Francis Fukuyama making that very admission about the Cold War and bogeymen.) In truth, American conservatism is unable to exist without a constant parade of threats and enemies, without claiming a perpetual state of siege in which America is at all times imperiled by a uniquely evil and powerful adversary.
Limbaugh might be a professional barnyard rube, but like any other well-connected conservative, he knows the hollowness and ideological panic that took hold following the collapse of Soviet communism, the longing for a “new Pearl Harbor,” and the consummate rise of neoconservatism as the dominant force in American foreign policy.
The late-period Saddam Hussein was just a more ridiculous threat than most, and required an extra degree of bosh and flim-flammery, especially from pundits like the Limbaughs. But watch now with sympathy as David tries valiantly to blame the failure in Iraq on unspecified ‘Democrats,’ and seemingly fails to convince even himself. This represents a watermark in middle-lowbrow Republican opinion, circa late 2006 — it’s the best (as in, objectively the worst) that a true huckster like Limbaugh can come up with at this historical moment, even with the wider-than-average latitude that he enjoys for manipulating his readership.
Iraq, Iran and Democrats
By David Limbaugh
Friday, December 29, 2006[…]
It’s easy to dismiss [Democrats’] appeasement mindset now since we haven’t confirmed Saddam had new stockpiles of WMD and because we’ve had so much difficulty in the post-regime-change phase of the war. But don’t forget that Democrats were initially opposed to the war even when they were thoroughly convinced Saddam had WMD and was pursuing more.
‘Haven’t confirmed’ is one way to put it. I also haven’t confirmed leprechauns flying out of my pants, although I’m open to any new reports. But more to the point, those of us in the appreciably large demographic slice who thought that the war was A) a really incredibly stupid idea from first principles, and/or who B) wasn’t convinced that Iraq had WMDs, or that such WMDs, if they existed, posed a threat to the US, find ourselves once again written out of the analysis. [Sob!]
But after supporting the war, they didn’t have the character to stand by their decision once things started going badly, or at least when they realized they could make political hay by reneging on their decision to support the war.
I keep thinking I skipped a whole paragraph of the column here, because ‘Democrats’ are suddenly ‘supporting the war.’ But no, he just completely reverses himself like that. And then does it again within a single sentence. We were apparently against it, then for it, then against it again. Hey, don’t be sad: ‘Cause two out of three ain’t bad.
That’s when they began their lies about Bush’s alleged WMD lies. They were duped, they say, into supporting the war. But forget the alleged lie issue for a moment. What their statements imply is that they would have happily supported the war had we been correct (and we still might have been) that Saddam had WMD.
So since he wasn’t lying, Bush actually just made a colossal, flaming stupid-pants blunder that he continues to reinforce to this day. But if he weren’t wrong about Iraq, then it would not have been a colossal, flaming stupid-pants blunder, and ‘Democrats’ would be supporting the not-blunder… And this reflects badly on ‘Democrats.’ Ub. Ig. Fnah?
Shorter Limbaugh: “Democrats are hypocrites for supporting the war, which they didn’t, if it was successful, which it wasn’t.”
But haven’t they also told us, in effect, that they wouldn’t have supported the war no matter what we believed about WMD because their clairvoyance revealed to them we would be greeted not as liberators, but occupiers, and that the situation would deteriorate into civil war because of sectarian conflict?
Short answer: Yes.
Slightly longer answer: Yes, and we also thought, based on the evidence presented, that there weren’t WMDs that justified the invasion, which there weren’t, so nyeah.
Slightly more pointed answer: Here’s the first comment on the column:
If TODAY’S Traitorous DEMS were in power
during WWII, we’d all be speaking Japanese or German by now and our Jewish population would be decimated. America would quite possibly be a Japanese slave colony with our women being raped on the streets at will. Liberal Democrats are spineless, effeminate wimps who have forfeited all rights to government by betraying American troops. To cure America of the scourge of Liberalism, the GOP should move to institute a mandatory 2-year draft for all 18-year-old males and females fresh out of high school so that the highly CONSERVATIVE US military can re-educate their brainwashed, Liberal, indoctrinated, public-school, PC-educated candyasses beforethe colleges can get their slimy hands on their minds. […]
Seems like everyone’s a clairvoyant these days, huh? Howl (gargle-gargle)! Kill teh libarals. Good thing FDR wasn’t president during World War II, or Harry Truman for that matter.
Just going on the Democrats’ words alone, then, we find they opposed the war when the evidence was clear Saddam was a WMD-wielding global menace, and they supported the war when the evidence was clear Saddam was a WMD-wielding global menace. They opposed the war believing we would be greeted as occupiers, not liberators, and they supported the war believing we would be greeted as occupiers, not liberators.
“Cochran: Why would a Wookiee, an eight-foot tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of two-foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this case? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense! Look at me. I’m a lawyer defending a major record company, and I’m talkin’ about Chewbacca!”
Through the Democrats’ approach to Iraq and the war on terror generally, we know they are untrustworthy, unreliable and ill equipped to guide the ship of state through wartime waters. Even if they weren’t duplicitous, they simply cannot grasp the evil nature of our enemy.
Above: This is what sane people’s brains are doing now.
Among the many lessons we learn from Iraq, these should be at the top of the list.
Right up at the very top with “Hey, let’s invade Iran,” and “Forget all about Osama Bin Laden.”
We need to make up new words for these people. The traditional epithets simply aren’t pungent enough.
Yes, my brain was doing that. And seeing a representation of it brought some little relief.
It seems to me that Democrats both supported and opposed this war because they both believed the falsified evidence and at the same time disbelieved the evidence. Blatant hypocrisy!
Or perhaps it’s just possible that some Democrats disagreed with other Democrats. I mean, that’s the easy answer why a large group of people can seem to hold two conflicting opinions at the same time.
Limbaugh delights not me.
I assume he’s talking about Democratic elected representatives in october 2002. Not all who voted nay on the AUMF were actually Dems, but let’s put that aside for now. I have some sympathy for those who voted for the AUMF, in the fevered post 9/11 environment it was politically risky to be against some major killin.
But I have a lot of admiration for our Senators and Congresscritters who voted against it. The constitution gives congress power to make war, not the executive, for very clear reasons. And for these representatives to not have the political courage to take a position, instead meekly voting to abdicate their constitutional responsibilities is truly a violation of their oath of office. They could have delcared war on iraq, or not, but to simply kick the can down the road was chickenshit.
Oh, and David Limbaugh is a mindless gasbag…
Joe Lieberman has a long version of this screedument at the Wapo. And yes, he mentions 9/11 in the first paragraph, before explaining why we need more troops in Iraq and Iran is our enemy. Because, as we all know,
SaddamIran was behind Al Qaeda.Hey, nice tesseract!
Non sequitur: (sorry). See you Sunday! Bring boys.
The trouble is that you are trying to apply logic to this stuff, but that’s just not appropriate. It’s like trying to measure distances using color – it can’t possibly work.
My favorite, btw, is this:
America would quite possibly be a Japanese slave colony with our women being raped on the streets at will.
Just like women in Japan are right now!
or at least when they realized they could make political hay by reneging on their decision to support the war.
He might ask himself, if his brain ever grows back, just why it was possible to “make political hay” by being against the war. Doesn’t that imply, nay demand, that being against the war was a popular political position? And why oh why would that be?
Did these boys grow up on top of a toxic waste site, or what?
Here’s the thing that has confused me for years:
I was sure–ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE–that we would “find” WMDs once we got into Iraq, thus providing proof that supported the decision to go to war. I mean, how easy would that have been? Pretty freakin’ easy, I’m guessing.
But they didn’t.
Why not?
…It’s The Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime all over again.
I have only one question:
Would it be more accurate to call David Limbaugh the Frank Stallone or the Bruce Buffer of wingnut punditry?
Or has elevated his game with this latest column to the point where we have to start calling Frank and Bruce the David Limbaughs of their respective professions?
Boy it’s really funny … I was in a small auditorium in a liberal Northeast college town in what I think was early 1991( maybe 1990), listening to a guy talking about “rogue states” for the Peace and World Security Studies Program. He was saying that the phrase had never been heard before 1989, because no one needed to look for excuses to maintain a large military and its attendant (or is it the other way around?) industrial complex due to the existence of the Cold War.
But now that it looked like it was over, all sorts of hawks and defense analysts and high-tech contractors were scrambling for a raison d’etre. And they decided to call it “rogue states” and a few months later GHWB was all “Oh My God!!! They’re Comin’ Right For Us!!!111!!!!”
IIRC that guy’s name was Tony Lake; he seemed to know what he was talking about. Here’ a pic: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline//shows/clinton/interviews/lake.html
It could also have been the case that Tony gave a talk a few weeks earlier or later, on a different topic. In which case it was someone else talking about the discovery of rogue states, and that person seemed to have an equally good idea of that which they spake.
Wait. That’s not really funny, now that I think about it.
I was sure–ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE–that we would “find� WMDs once we got into Iraq, thus providing proof that supported the decision to go to war.
Me too. And the only explanation I can come up with is that these guys tried to do just that, but in keeping with their track record, they fucked that up too.
Which means that somewhere in Iraq is now an old woman sitting on some nukes she found in the desert, because they keep her warm at night.
To cure America of the scourge of Liberalism, the GOP should move to institute a mandatory 2-year draft for all 18-year-old males and females fresh out of high school so that the highly CONSERVATIVE US military can re-educate their brainwashed, Liberal, indoctrinated, public-school, PC-educated candyasses beforethe colleges can get their slimy hands on their minds.
Does this idiot really believe that there are NO liberal Democrats with military or combat experience? Does he genuinely think that every GI in theater right now thinks that these wars of choice were a swell idea? Jeezus tits in a mason jar, how divorced from reality do you have to be to be a wingnut pundit?
If we “lose” in Iraq (and how can we not?), have no illusions: it will be blamed on the left. I saw the same thing happen with Vietnam. The idea – whispered tentatively at first, then shouted from the rooftops – really took root during the Reagan years; a fantasy that America could have prevailed in Southeast Asia if only our will to win hadn’t been sapped by traitorous liberals. A poisonous, irresponsible fantasy, true, but music to the ears of wingnuts everywhere. Because now the sting of defeat had a visible face: The Left. This fantasy had huge appeal because it rang of noble goals betrayed by an enemy within. Why, it was downright Shakespearean! “We could have seen our glorious Vietnam adventure to a brilliant victory…but we were stabbed in the back by unwashed liberals!” Absolute horseshit to anyone with an IQ above single digits, but as we all know, horseshit is powerful fertilizer.
Half of this nation has never “healed from the wounds of Vietnam.” That same half has never “learned the lessons of Vietnam” — or rather, they learned all the wrong lessons.
I don’t see this horrible polarization disappearing anytime soon. It’s the true legacy of Reagan, his monstrous, immortal gift to our country.
And now it’s happening all over again. If Iraq is an unwinnable quagmire (so the myth goes), it’s because we on the left were simply unwilling to shut our eyes and clap loudly enough for Tinkerbell to live.
I think this article is unique in that it completely passes over the usual axis of attack by means of poor logic chains and un-based charactor attacks, and simply goes into writing the most confusing, non-sensicle, mobius strip of a article, then tacking in “we were right” to convince the reader, confused like a gazelle trapped in the hunting nets as the numerous hunting drums circle closer and closer in, that the war must have been right.
“But haven’t they also told us, in effect, that they wouldn’t have supported the war no matter what we believed about WMD because their clairvoyance revealed to them we would be greeted not as liberators, but occupiers, and that the situation would deteriorate into civil war because of sectarian conflict?”
Shorter Limbaugh: Dems think they’re so SMART just because they were RIGHT.
The truly frightening thing about this piece and other equally illogical spews of wingnuttery sewage is how many ignorant ill-educated Americans read and/or listen to it and think: “Damn right, America-hating Democrat bastards.”
That is what populates my nightmares.
But what about all the schools we’re building to teach Iraqi children about my short, tortured life?
Happy Birthday, Jesus!
Sorry I didn’t get you anything for it….you know, what with me being an atheist and all.
But your followers, I’m sure they got you…..well, no. Not so much. Lots and lots of ’em supported killing a whole bunch of people who look a whole bunch like you, in retaliation for something they had nothing to do with. Not really quite what you wanted from them, I know.
Geez, I feel kinda bad now. I think I’ve got an iTunes gift card around here somewhere…..I just hate the thought of you getting nothing but crapped all over for your birthday. Unless you’re into that or something. In which case – my bad.
Happy birthday anyway. Could you possibly work on encouraging your followers to stop tolerating such ginormous fucktards in their midst? Thanks a bunch.
Japan may not be the rapes capital of the world, but it’s no Happy Fun-Times Women’s Liberation Utopia, either. Irregardless, the rape comment was, I think, a pretty obvious reference to the unpleasant business in Nanking (and elsewhere) during WWII.
It of course shouldn’t be taken any more seriously than the suggestion that we’d all be showering with JewFat™ Soap if it weren’t for The Greatest Generation and their Magic Hershey Bars, but I do find it kind of sad to see a fellow liberal miss the reference.
Dear Jebus,
We don’t need schools, we need cinemas. Mel Gibson made a movie about you, you might have heard of it. I’ve never been able to watch more than a few minutes of it at once, but if we’re going to force you down their throats it’s much faster than a school. Plus we can recoup costs on sales of popcorn n soda n candy n barf bags.
I couldn’t watch Passion of the Christ. Brought back some bad memories, you know.
Besides, Mel is an asshole. And I’m not too keen about some of the things he says about my people.
For the record, my favorite movie about me is Life of Brian. But Last Temptation is a real close second.
Of course Mel is an asshole. The thing that truly bugs me is the disconnect between the Jebus torture fetish and the fact we’re actually torturing people now.
Sorry for being off topic but Malkin makes another whoopsie by trying to prove the authenticity of the Kerry Alone in Iraq story:
“Update: It’s TPM that owes apologies.”
Sadly No!
Note the first photo in the post.
Shorter Malkin: “Ow! I just hit myself!”
He’s the Nick Knieval.
If TODAY’S Traitorous DEMS were in power during WWII, we’d all be speaking Japanese or German by now and our Jewish population would be decimated.
Because, you know, Democrats completely ignored Saddam Hussein attacking Pearl Harbour…
Not Frank Stallone, nor Bruce Buffer, nor Nick Knievel.
David Limbaugh is more like Rudolf Hess’ little brother.
DailyKos has a solution for Iraq:
Then again, the Democrats are against giving the victims of Saddam justice, they don’t just want Saddam to live, they want him back in power in Iraq.
Then again, they trust Saddam more than Bush.
I view that David Limbaugh is Grimace to Rush Limbaugh’s Ronald McDonald.
Oh, that would be Phil Hess. He had a fuller brush franchise in Dresden. He’d go door to door, selling products that would help you get the jew out of your carpet or sofa…
The huge majority of military men are Republicans.
That tells me that a vast majority of Democrats would never serve their country, while Republicans keep doing it every day.
Perhaps it’s a worthwhile idea to draft more Liberal Democrats into the military.
After all, those battleships won’t scrub themselves. And I wouldn’t trust a Liberal Dem with a gun, since he’d either not know how to use it, or he’d use it against his fellow soldiers.
Yes Gary, one commenter amongst many on Daily Kos speaks for all liberals. Especially when no one goes “Hey that’s a great idea” and “Let’s lobby our congress to do this.” Clearly the first thing Nancy Pelosi will do once she is sworn in as speaker is put Saddam back into power, which is why we need to execute him NOW, and screw the thing called due process for political expediency. Perhaps we need some sort of shaman as well, to prohibit Nancy from using her satanic powers to resurrect Saddam and put him in power as Zombie Warlord of Al-Qaeda-stan.
f TODAY’S Traitorous DEMS were in power
during WWII, we’d all be speaking Japanese or German by now and our Jewish population would be decimated.
Thank GOD Democrats were not in power back in 1941!
One response was:
Actually, a lot of the problems after World War 2 were due to Democrat policies.
Such as sending arms to the Soviets, selling out Eastern Europe to Soviet Communism, allowing China to fall to communism, allowing North Korea to be formed, and so on.
Had Wendell Willkie been President in 1941, then we would have won the war much quicker, and without losing Eastern Europe. Instead FDR waited on the liberation of Europe until the Soviets were able to take as much land as possible.
FDR is one of the most disasterous presidents in our nations history.
I will bet my next week’s paycheck that I have shot more firearms than Gary has ever even seen in person in his life. Right now. Betcha.
Gary, if I read this quote as you quoted it, the person isn’t saying “Hey, let’s put Saddam back into power.” The individual is saying (at least as I read it), “Hey, removing Saddam was a mistake and solved nothing.” But hypothetically, let’s say that you found another person going “Hell yeah! That’s teh awesomest plan evah!!!11!!!” then you will have found exactly two people on the how many thousands of commentators on Daily Kos who think that putting Saddam back in charge is a great idea and perfect solution. Wow, two people. I guess they speak for me, Jack Murtha, Nancy Pelosi, Kos, Brad, and pretty much the 55% of the American public that voted
DemocraticTerrorist last November.I too am glad that you have shown how unpatriotic us liberals are and volunteered to go fight in Falluja. Whether your future squadmates would be, I am less than certain.
Jillian, lets just say that i’m prepared for if the terrorists invade America. You Libs only prepare for that by getting burkahs and rosepedals.
Gary, even if the terrorists are devout Muslims, the fact that Cheetos are not halal won’t stop them. Trust me on this
Gary, I believe the Terrorist Fifth Army Corps is arriving at midnight in Missouri, You’d best be prepared.
The Terrorist invasion would likely overtake Lib strongholds like Taxachusetts, Vermont, Rhode Island, Maine, and New York. But then again, such an invasion won’t happen as long as we fight the terrorists in Iraq.
If we pull out, they swarm towards Mexico and Canada to invade.
Liberal, indoctrinated, public-school, PC-educated candyasses beforethe colleges can get their slimy hands on their minds.
Does Limbaugh have kids? (I have to admit I know more about his blowhard brother than him) So, he’ll be sending them off to Iraq instead of college, right?
Are you the real Gary? You’re being funnier than usual.
David Limbaugh is a good enough parent to avoid the liberal-controlled public schools.
If we pull out, they swarm towards Mexico and Canada to invade.
Dammit. This is getting hilarious and I’ve got range time booked at three. Shit. I’ll be back to see if the new/improved loquacious Gary has any more bon mots for us. Too bad you don’t trust me with a gun, Gary – I’m an instructor in the tactical handgun and could help you with that flinch..
Ah. from Wikipedia:
David is the younger brother of talk radio host Rush Limbaugh. David has also been married to his wife Lisa since 1986, and they have five children.
Well, now. He certainly needs to be on the recruitment mailing list, doesn’t he?
More googling…….
He was born in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, Dec. 11, 1952, to Rush H. Limbaugh, Jr. and Mildred Armstrong Limbaugh. He has been married to Lisa Limbaugh since 1986, and they have four children, three daughters, Christen Suzanne Limbaugh, born April 5, 1993, Courtney Leigh Limbaugh, born August 3, 1995, and Caitlyn Marie Limbaugh, born June 23, 1999, and a son, Scott Armstrong Limbaugh, born May 4, 2001.
Well, I guess it’ll be a couple more years for young Christen. I hope he isn’t having her waste her high school time on those AP courses, since she won’t be going to college.
I’d welcome with open arms the crazed Republican Party pushing for a compulsory draft of 18 year olds because it would mean the death of the party. The absolute fucking end of these cretinous asswipes. How stupid they all are…stupid stupid stupid.
Are you the real Gary? You’re being funnier than usual.
Has there ever been a “real” Gary? Me, I’d like to see proof that this isn’t one of the Sadly, No! boys with too much time on his hands. Thought that since Gary’s early days at Eschaton (when he first ran as Fred Eper or something like).
And if he is for real, he’s too damn stupid and/or psychotic to pay much attention to anyway.
Gary, how much crack have you been smoking?
The terrorists do not have a standing army. If they did, the US could have destroyed them by now, because standing armies have these things called supply lines and positions that the US can isolate and cut off. Even if the US, (perhaps because of Liberal Treachery) couldn’t destroy/isolate them, they would be (at least by your logic) in Iraq. They would have to get from Iraq to Taxachussetts, Canada and Mexico, which is no small feat for the US Army, let alone a bunch of rag tag AK-47 and RPG wielding insurgents. There’s this small thing called the US Navy (and pretty much every allied Navy in the world) in their way.
I know losing congress was tough on you Gary, but please, for your own sake, take your brain medicine.
Gary, are you having a shot contest with AA, or what?
lets just say that i’m prepared for if the terrorists invade America.
Really! How so? I’m dying to know! You got the duct tape stockpiled up?
But then again, such an invasion won’t happen as long as we fight the terrorists in Iraq….If we pull out, they swarm towards Mexico and Canada to invade.
Gary, do indulge me, please. Can you tell me exactly how this will occur? What’s the actual causal link here?
Is there some magic force-field preventing human beings from getting on airplanes that will only be broken if our forces leave Iraq? Is there some magical secret customs regulation that expires upon the reduction of troop levels to a specific number? Is there a Power Ring that transfixes the Terraists in suspended animation, that will stop glowing if the troops get on transport carriers? Has someone cast a magical spell that will be broken?
Please, do tell me. Or ask Geroge Bush to explain it to me. I’m dying to know.
And while you’re at it, can you explain to me how they’d invade Rhode Island by way of Mexico?
Just curious.
David Limbaugh is a good enough parent to avoid the liberal-controlled public schools.
make note: David Limbaugh’s kids will be essentially unemployable because their education is being performed by an untrained, biased and semi-ignorant partisan huckster answering to no objective standards. See Kansas.
g said And while you’re at it, can you explain to me how they’d invade Rhode Island by way of Mexico?
see, Gary was home-schooled. Geography was his bestest subject!!
There isn’t a single place in the world that could be called a utopia for women, including the United States, grampaw. No offense.
I’m also thinking of the Iraqi women who were raped and butchered by US soldiers. Yeah, that’s some utopia America’s bringing.
Maybe they were thinking Utahopia?
Gary Ruppert said,
The huge majority of military men are Republicans.
Introducing Jason Dempsey of the Columbia University PoliSci Department. That would be Major Jason Dempsey, graduate of the US Military Academy at West Point.
Jim Webb was a Republican. He’s seen the light.
gjdodger, are you saying Gary’s factually wrong? Not again!
If we pull out, they swarm towards Mexico and Canada to invade.
Wow. Put down the bong, Gary. That shit is giving you The Fear. Either that or you are just the stupidest mofo in all Missouri.
Since GaryBot 3.1 seems a bit more interactive, I’d like to pose a question:
How is it that you imagine that the same liberals who insist on a secular government where church and state are strictly separated (to the benefit of both) are somehow big fans of advocates for Sharia? Do you not see the inherent contradiction there?
Why, if I didn’t know better, I’d think that you were merely desperately casting about for a justification for hating your neighbors…
Better question: Using only assertions and not negations (what a thing is, not what it is not) define Liberalism. Can you, or is “Liberal” just a catch-all category for “shit I don’t like at any given time”?
Quoth Gary:
The Terrorist invasion would likely overtake Lib strongholds like Taxachusetts, Vermont, Rhode Island, Maine, and New York. But then again, such an invasion won’t happen as long as we fight the terrorists in Iraq.
If we pull out, they swarm towards Mexico and Canada to invade.
See, that’s why Gary deserves to be Troll of the Year. None of this “it’s all about me, me, me” stuff. It’s just pure, unfiltered misinformation and grasping for straws.
Now back to the “matter” at hand:
Gary, let’s look at the situation. Our guys are in Iraq, so are “they”. Actually, “they” in this instance are not so much al-Qaeda as insurgents fighting us and one another for the same piece of hardscrabble, but just to humor you, let’s assume that we’re staring down a massive horde of bloodthirsty al-Qaeda.
If (or when) we leave/cut-and-run/go French/whatever term you want to use, you say al-Qaeda will jump into their invisible flotilla and head straight for Blue America, after stopping in the other NAFTA nations for maple tacos. Where do our recently returned armed forces figure into this. Will they sit around and let the Northeast be attacked, because they’re exhausted from spreading democracy?
And what about when the Army of Osama finds themselves in the Combat Zone, South Bronx, or the South side of Chicago? Do you really think anyone there is gonna let al-Qaeda take out their neighborhood?
Oh wait, lemme guess. Suitcase nukes, right? WRONG! Impractical, unstable, and the lack of shielding necessary to make them effective on a large enough scale would kill their courier long before he caught sight of the target.
Now run along and go enlist. That’s a good little troll.
A little stand up comic relief. Ricky Gervais on the bible.
But of course there are leprechauns jumping out of Gavin’s pants! WingNutDaily said so!
If we pull out, they swarm towards Mexico and Canada to invade.
Alright, that settles it. No one — not even the most die-hard conservative Bush worshipper — is that fucking stupid. Gary is clearly a liberal posing as a conservative troll. This is like what Doug J did over at Balloon Juice last year.
Either that, or he has absolutely zero faith in America. How else could he believe that a country that withstood the combined might of the Axis powers and then outlasted the Soviet Union could be overrun by a ragtag rabble of Muslim extremists?
No, no one is that fucking stupid. He’s a fake.
Otto Man’s never seen Red Dawn, obviously.
Here’s what I truly don’t “get.”
When the David Limbaughs of the world write the self-parodying blahbeddy blah like the above cited, do they mean it? Are they serious? Or is it just another helping of Purina Moron Chow to feed their drooling “readers”?
I bow to everyone else’s superior knowledge. But seriously.
Jeezus tits in a mason jar, how divorced from reality do you have to be to be a wingnut pundit?
A lot!
(Since Life of Brian was mentioned.)
Gary, I believe the Terrorist Fifth Army Corps is arriving at midnight in Missouri, You’d best be prepared.
Bwa-ha-ha! Too late and too bad for Gary!
We’re in ur state, winnin ur Senate seetz.
“If we pull out, they swarm towards Mexico and Canada to invade.”
Are we sure terrorists form a “swarm”?
Could it be a “gaggle’ of Al-Queda?
Or a drove, a shoal or rabble of insurgents?
Possibly a bushel, school or pod of hangers- on?
Gary, Gary, Gary. Paranoia’s only fun when you’re high and playing PS3, and even then it has its limits.
I suggest you watch out for that business of ferrets. They have sharp little teeth and they’re watching you.
Yep, they’re watching you, alright.
And while you’re at it, can you explain to me how they’d invade Rhode Island by way of Mexico?
Amphibious Camels!! Just swim them suckers east, turn north at key west and you’re there!!
Life of Brian? I thought “A Lot” was from Reservoir Dogs, in answer to the query “how many dicks is that?”…
Hey, they don’t call us the “ships of the desert” fer nuthin’, daddy-o.
And for the record, we’re not the only members of the New Caliphate’s Aquatic Dromedary Force. For all you know, our first-strike deep-sea nuclear Alpacas are already idling off the coast of Nebraska.
That tells me that a vast majority of Democrats would never serve their country, while Republicans keep doing it every day.
Gary? You seem to have a strong opinion here. Why don’t you tell us your service record, just branch and MOS would be fine. Lets see how it stacks up against mine, or Kos’, or a whole bunch of other moonbats who have gone in harms way for their country. Gary? Hello? Hmm, you don’t seem very forthcoming on this point. Why would that be, I wonder….
We’re in your Great Lakes, eatin’ your trouts!
I think Gary’s knowledge of the political affiliation of US troops comes from watching The Green Berets . Like, over and over and over and over…
If SadlyNo was a food group, Gary would be the spotted dick.
Why do trouts hate America?
Just to be a total downer, and totally off topic, but what do y’all think are the chances of a fair bit of chaos erupting in the aftermath of Saddam’s execution? The one that’s coming up within the next twelve hours, apparently.
I’m just hunkering down in Taxachusetts, waiting for the universal health care bill to take effect before the invasion. I’m guessing the terrorists will spill over the Connecticut border around the I-84/I-90 junction, so you’ll find me in the Cracker Barrel parking lot there, in between the two dumpsters. Figure I’ll just fling sausage, ham, and gravy at their mouths until they skedaddle back to Mexico. Until then, I need a couple of Uncle Herschel’s breakfasts to give me strength.
My guess is it’s all hype, Jillian. The real genuine Saddam supporters are not exactly legion, the baathists aren’t all bigtime Saddam guys, and the insurgency has been pretty much not holding back, so I don’t think you’ll see any escalation…
actually, within the next two hours, I hear on NPR.
Christ, I have no idea what’s going to happen.
How fucking amazing, hanging him while Ford’s body lays in state. What the fuck is Bush going to say, his head will explode! His speechwriters and dripping with flop sweat. How to resolve two conflicting situations – ponderous intoning about the death of one nation’s former leader, and gloating over the violent death of another?
I don’t think the insurgents are going to invade Colorado, not unless they put on snow tires and chains.
I hope you’re right, Mikey.
Riverbend says there’s talk among Shi’a groups of arming themselves against Americans in retalation for Hussein. I’m having a hard time wrapping my brain around that one.
Did you know that Talibani refused to sign the execution warrant? How flipping bad is it when the (supposed) president of a country can’t carry out basic functions of government for fear of opposition retaliation?
G, they’re going to convert to Mormonism. put on the temple underwear, and infiltrate through Utah.
Mmmmmmmm. Spotted dick.
People like Gary make Dad cry. So like an angel, so much potential for reason and progress and beauty. And they throw it away on divisive, transparent, silly nonsense. Lucifer loves the Republican Party almost as much as he loves the creationists.
Gary delights not me.
Many Iraqi leaders say the timing of the trial and execution will enlarge the cracks between already divided Iraqis.
Most Iraqis are probably glad to see the end of Hussein but they’re far from better off now and they don’t like how things have been decided for them.
Reuters is reporting it set for six AM – about 40 minutes from now.
Seeing as tomorrow’s my birthday, the one thing I’m going to ask for is that things in Iraq not get any worse because of this.
It would be my best birthday present ever.
What Digby wrote.
Happy birthday, Jillian.
The Terrorist invasion would likely overtake Lib strongholds like Taxachusetts, Vermont, Rhode Island, Maine, and New York. But then again, such an invasion won’t happen as long as we fight the terrorists in Iraq.
I keep a stone in my living room which repels elephants.
Of course it works – not a single elephant in the place.
Happy B-Day, Jillian.
This execution thing belongs to the neocons, and them alone.
Shi’ites will not retaliate for Hussein– they will only retaliate if not allowed to celebrate sufficiently. Look at what happened after the sentence was handed down.
Life of Brian? I thought “A Lot� was from Reservoir Dogs, in answer to the query “how many dicks is that?�…
I think you’re right, but it’s also from the “How much do you really hate the Romans bit” from LOB.
Gary is a perpetually renewing source of humour. I snicker every time I imagine a group of terrorists on the east coast of Newfoundland trying to plot their next move – which would probably be finding rain gear. Hee!
I wish all the blood-garglers like Gary would read Riverbend
blog’s latest post. I wish Bill Kristol had to read it aloud on Fox News
before he was allowed to make a comment about anything.
The execution is a fucking stupid idea right now. Why not fucking try him for his worse crimes, and then lock him up forever?
And I am transfixed with horror at the sight of Larry King presiding over the process.
Thanks, guys.
Sometimes I wonder if your average person ever really stops to think about what is actually going on in Iraq. Baghdad was a city much like – well, not like New York, but maybe like Miami or Detroit or something.
The people who lived there were so much like us it’s startling just how familiar they are. I’ve spent some time browsing around Iraqi and other Arabian blogs before….not the political ones, but the regular people’s ones. They’re written by teen girls who love glittery signature graphics (a la Myspace) and pictures of kittens, and get mad at their parents when they don’t get an mp3 player for their birthday. They’re written by young women who’ve recently gotten married and share recipes and bitch about how their husbands don’t do their share of the housework. They’re written by young men in their twenties who love music with that peculiar passion some young men get, where it exceeds in certain ways their love for family or women or anything else in life you can think of. They’re so fucking ordinary that I can only read them in small doses, because I think about what’s going on in Iraq, and then I get deeply, deeply ill for the rest of the day.
Iraqis themselves don’t blog this way anymore, of course – because nothing is ordinary for them anymore. Baghdad may once have been a city like the one I live in now, but god knows it’s not that way anymore. I think about the routine of my life – getting up in the morning, boiling water for oatmeal and coffee, taking a hot shower with the soap and shampoo I bought at the grocery store, driving down safe highways to get to my job that gets me the paycheck that lets me buy the soap and shampoo and coffee and oatmeal…..it’s such a fragile little web that holds my life together, and it could be shattered in seconds.
There’s no steady electricity in Baghdad. There’s no regular supply of gasoline. Parents can’t send their children to school, so even if they could get to work without fear of being kidnapped or shot, what on earth would they do with their children all day?
The supermarket down the street would have no perishables on the shelves. Electricity would start and stop without warning, so no hot water, no refrigerators, no electric stoves, no air conditioning. But the bills would still need to be paid, even if you couldn’t go to work. You’d have to find ways to feed your family. You’d have to find ways to laugh, and love, and smile, or you’d lose your mind.
I don’t know if I’m really doing a good job of describing what I mean here. It’s so easy to get caught up in thinking about “those people” as different, as foreign, as Other – and then it’s almost like their suffering somehow wouldn’t be the same as ours. But when you read their words…..after I found the SA girl with the “kitten of the day” blog, I sort of stopped doing that. I couldn’t sleep much for the next couple of nights.
I still feel ashamed that I didn’t do more to stop this atrocity from happening before it began.
Sorry…I’ll stop now.
Thank you Jillian. I hope your comment spreads across the net.
When I read from riverbend that the lucky people were those who
could find their missing relatives’ corpses, the anger and frustration
just part like curtains and it hits me– will I– what my life adds up to–
ever be able to answer for this?
Get some rest. There’s water to boil in the morning.
Jillian — what you’re saying about Baghdad reminds me very much of what happened to Sarajevo during that war.
The political reasons for the violence notwithstanding — these were cities just like hundreds of American cities and they turned into places of violence and hatred and war. My spouse has colleagues who worked as educators and as television producers in Sarajevo- they had to flee when life became impossible. One thing they brought away from it was the disbelief — how could this city turn into this?
When my son was in high school he joined a student-created chapter of Amnesty International. As a fundraiser, they showed a print of “Hotel Rwanda” in the school auditorium.
After watching it, I exited the auditorium visualizing that kind of conflict here, in the school parking lot; on the highway; in the smallish coastal city I live near.
It can happen anywhere. Sarajevo. Baghdad. Kigali. Belfast. Beirut. It can happen in Oklahoma City, New York, Alexandria VA. Malibu. Santa Monica. Durham NC.
None of us are immune.
Well. Apparently its done. Wonder what Bush will do or say?
the GOP should move to institute a mandatory 2-year draft for all 18-year-old males and females fresh out of high school so that the highly CONSERVATIVE US military can re-educate their brainwashed, Liberal, indoctrinated, public-school, PC-educated candyasses beforethe colleges can get their slimy hands on their minds.
Oh yes. Kids today, got no manners or discipline… Bring back the draft, I say… Nothing like a year in boot camp to teach them some respect for themselves and their elders…
It’s all very well using the armed forces as a social-engineering tool for instilling Traditional Family Values en masse into an entire generation of press-ganged bad-attitude 19-year-olds , but this tends to conflict with what some people consider to be the primary goal of the military — deterring enemies, winning battles. Boring stuff like that. I suppose it depends on your priorities.
Then there are other people who suspect that the primary goal of the military is to provide an excuse for indirectly subsidising large corporations, but I’m not that cynical.
Damn, they sure were in a hurry to hang Saddam.
Poor Jud is dead
Poor Jud Fry is dead
He’s lookin’ oh so peaceful and serene ([Jud] and serene)
He’s all laid out to rest
With his hands acrost his chest
His fingernails have never been so clean
Then the preacher’d get up and he’d say
“Folks, we are gathered here to mourn and groan over our brother Jud Fry
Who hung hisself up by a rope in the smokehouse”
And then there’d be weepin’ an’ wailin’ — from some of those women —
Then he’d say, “Jud was the most misunderstood man in this territory
People used to think he was a mean ugly fella and called him a dirty skunk and an ornery pig stealer
[Jud gives him a dirty look]
The folks that really knowed him
Knowed that beneath them two dirty shirts he always wore
There beat a heart as big as all outdoors ([Jud] as big as all outdoors)
Jud Fry loved his fellow man ([Jud] he loved his fellow man)
He loved the birds of the forest
And the beasts of the fields
He loved the mice and the vermin in the barn
And he treated the rats like equals (which was right)
He loved all the little children
He loved everything and everybody in the world
Only . . . only he never let on
And nobody ever knowed it
Poor Jud is dead
Poor Jud Fry is dead
His friends are weepin’ wail for miles around ([Jud] miles around)
The daisies in the dell
Will give out a different smell
Because poor Jud is underneath the ground
Poor Jud is dead
A candle lights his head
He’s layin’ in a coffin made of wood ([Curly] wood)
And folks are feelin’ sad
‘Cuz they used to treat him bad
And now they know their friend has gone for good ([Curly] good)
Poor Jud is dead
A candle lights his head
He’s lookin’ oh so purty and so nice
He looks like he’s asleep
It’s a shame that he won’t keep
But it’s summer and we’re runnin’ out a’ ice
Poooooor Juuuuuuud
Happy Birthday, Jillian.
I’m listening to the BBC right now. They’re recapping the whole drama, from Powell at the UN to the execution.
Someday the US will have a neutral, detailed and professional news source that will break down events and issues in a profound manner.
And the leprechauns, well they’re coming out of my pants.
“the GOP should move to institute a mandatory 2-year draft for all 18-year-old males and females fresh out of high school so that the highly CONSERVATIVE US military can re-educate their brainwashed, Liberal, indoctrinated, public-school, PC-educated candyasses beforethe colleges can get their slimy hands on their minds.”
Firstly, that’s a forehead-smackingly obvious “Pro-big-governemnt” stance that all true conservatives should be against on principle.
And they call US hypocrites.
If we guess that about 6.5% of the US is 18-20, in range of this proposed mandatory service, that’s 18 MILLION (!) new drafties.
For perspective, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_size_of_armed_forces there’s ~1.4 million total active duty, and 0.8 million reserve for a rough total of 2.68 million military personnel in the current US armed forces. That’s a 570% increase in total size of the the military.
Now, the Military had a budget of $441.6 Billion in ’06.
If we assume that R&D and DOE expendatures are independant of the size of the military, that’s $355.1 billion spent on personnel alone. If this plan were to be put into effect, and assuming a parallel plot with the size, that would increase 570% as well, bring the required military budget, per year to ~$2 trillion dollars.
And guess where that money is going to come from.
Feel free to double check my math. It’s been a while.
Bottom line: this guy’s a retard.
Well, Some Guy, if the neocons have their way, there are gonna be a lot more wars for us to fight real soon.
A member of Saddam Hussein’s defense team, whilst being interviewed on BBC, just opined that George W. Bush has no common sense.
Funny how such a little thing can make me giggle.
Amen, Jillian. How many people stop to think, period.
I work with a young Syrian woman who grew up in Iraq and later Somalia. I’d like to say she’s no different from me but that wouldn’t be true. She’s better educated, more worldly, well-travelled, and cultured. She’s got style, class and moxie. Canada should thank its lucky stars she and her family chose this country. Her mother, a diminutive and modest woman, worked as a nuclear physicist in Iraq. In Canada she works as a janitor. This is typical employment for many educated professional immigrants.
Did I mention that Canada should thank its lucky stars she and her family chose this country? Oh, that would be too much to ask. In public my colleague and her mother have endured racist comments about their chosen apparel: the hijab. My colleague told me that when she lived in Iraq and Somalia she never wore it, but she’s since made a decision (for her own reasons) to do so. These offensive idiots – who are mostly white males, go figure – think they are doing these women a favour. “You’re only oppressing yourselves by wearing that.” Okee Dokee. It must be a joy for immigrant women fleeing oppressive societies to find themselves surrounded by Talibanadians telling them what they can and cannot wear. Ugh. When she told me I wanted to crawl under the carpet and die with shame.
I asked her if during these atrocious encounters Canadian witnesses stood up and challenged the offenders. She said no. God damn, that pissed me off.
For the most part, my friend and her family are happy here and they are glad to be here for many reasons. Still, these women aren’t exactly “free” to be themselves.
Women here have a “take back the night” walk once a year. I told her that maybe this year we should build in a “right to wear what we want” where every woman adorns herself in the hajib as a show of solidarity.
Aw, nothing like a big, strong man coming along to set a silly little woman straight about how oppressed she is.
Usually, when people start kvetching about how horrible the headscarf is, I’ll send them over to check out this website.
Or this.
Or this.
Or this.
Or….well, you get the picture.
Um…..I have never been able to figure out why people are criticized about what they choose to wear.
In a culture where we allow Brintey Spears to expose the fact that she doesn’t wear underwear, why do we criticize women who choose to cover their hair?
It’s called “anti-Semitism”, g.
Or it would be, if any of those dingbats had ever been to Brooklyn even once in their lives. 😉
I have vague memories from when I was a small child of covering my head during the high holy days when we went to temple. My family was Reform, and I decided religion was a big bunch of buncombe when I was pretty young regardless, but had we been Orthodox I would be wearing either a scarf or a wig every time I went out in public today.
Americans, by and large, just aren’t used to seeing people take their religion somewhat seriously. They’re too used to anti-Biblical, megachurch, free Frappucino with your next conversion religion – all ostentatious sound and fury but no substance. They don’t know what to make of people who keep to the tenets of their faith but also keep their business pretty much to themselves.
If Jews in America hadn’t kept themselves in such self-contained communities, this would’ve already been mostly worked out, I think. I had an Orthodox prof at college who wore a headscarf. I really didn’t care. Still don’t.
Canada should thank its lucky stars she and her family chose this country. Her mother, a diminutive and modest woman, worked as a nuclear physicist in Iraq. In Canada she works as a janitor. This is typical employment for many educated professional immigrants.
Please don’t feed the troll.
Please go fuck yourself.
I believe in pie for all. Even the disadvantaged.
jillian, although my questions probably sound stupid, its because they are rhetorical questions.
I probably already know the answer.
I’ve been on this earth for over 50 years, and I’ve travelled a lot of places and talked with alot of people. I came to know lots of people ranging from janitors and parking attendants and meth dealters to multi-millionaires, move stars’ widows, and former US Senators.
The funny thing is, when I think about individual interactions I seldom [very seldom] encounter bigotry. Maybe it’s because I know the individual and in their own world-view they dont see themselves as bigots.
I have only ocasionally encountered people I think are evil or vile or sick and misguided.This gives me a certain kind of hope.
I can’t remember why I was responding to Jillian’s post. Oh well. Carry on, all.
I think I’ll have pie for my birthday!
That is a total lie about highly educated immigrants in Canada taking menial jobs. Total bullshit.
Annie, you should get yourself to crawford. I hope you shiver your ass off on a country road with noplace to go but the Days Inn in town.
I was only funnin’ a bit, g. Hope it didn’t rub you the wrong way.
I just get a laugh out of how uptight so many so-called Christians get about the Muslim headscarf, when if they took their own holy text half as seriously as a hijab-wearing Muslim takes the Qu’ran, then none of their women would be going out with their heads uncovered, either.
LOL, I’m only an hour or so away from Crawford, dicktree.
The Koran doesn’t say women have to wear the scarf. Idiot.
Move to Iran, Jilly. See how great the veil is firsthand. Fucknut.
AA = one of these.
A sudden and deliberate attack upon all who enjoy the freedoms of the great eNation of Blogostan.
I’ve got some decent diversionary fodder in my bookmarks, should the need arise.
LOL, I love This Hour. Cracks me right up. Thanks for that.
I kinda hope that Gary is one of the Sadly, No! gang incognito. Otherwise he’s a stupid jackass. But still not as stupid as that David Limbaugh piece.
So, has Aggieland stopped crying yet?
if we assume that R&D and DOE expendatures are independant of the size of the military, that’s $355.1 billion spent on personnel alone. If this plan were to be put into effect, and assuming a parallel plot with the size, that would increase 570% as well, bring the required military budget, per year to ~$2 trillion dollars.
And guess where that money is going to come from.
Feel free to double check my math. It’s been a while.
There is a flaw in your numbers, SG. They are too large. The whole point of this argument is that restoring a draft would give the young folks lessons in good citizenship, instill into them the shared values which regrettably are not shared but should be, inculcate social cohesion, blah blah blah. And if your parents are sufficiently wealthy or well-connected, then you are exempt, since the lessons are not necessary — you are already, by definition, a good citizen.
It occurs to me now that a number of European countries cope with a year or two of compulsory military service without bankrupting themselves. Indeed, I suspect that their military expenditure relative to GND is less than that of the US (though I’m willing to be corrected on this point). So your numbers must be wrong, SG. The alternative — that Pentagon budgeting is poorly accounted-for and rife with corruption — is simply inconceivable.
It further occurs to me that this exposure to military discipline has hardly cured these European countries “of the scourge of Liberalism”.
The US spends several times more by far on military programs and resources then any other nation.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:WorldMilitarySpending.jpg Leaps and bounds.
I don’t know how the US stacks up in terms of percentage of entire governmental budget or GNP compared to other nations.
However, the US holds 300 million citizens opposed to the EU’s 450 million. Simply in terms of scale, it’s harder to create and maintain a proportionate and comprehensive military program with the same guidelines.
Russia, Iran, Vietnam, Mexico, North Korea. Sounds like a fun group to be part of.
Why do you people hate America?
P.S. In response to the schooling of Limbaugh’s children: only poor or ignorant people send their children to public schools. Children from good families go to private school. My three siblings and I have never spent a day in a government-funded school, even now that we are all in college. It’s not desirable or beneficial to wallow around with the masses, receiving the same inadequate education that is available to just anyone! Goodness, I see the result of such teaching represented in the comments on this blog. That alone is enough to reinforce my beliefs about public school being a waste-dump.
Here’s a tip: if you’re a poor person, stop wasting your money on frivolous gewgaws (clothes you can’t afford, brand-name food, excessive entertainment, flashy cars when you live in a trashy house/neighborhood, cell phones, “bling”) and actually invest in something meaningful, like your kids’ futures. There’s a reason why the poor stay poor and tend to perpetuate it into the next generation, and that’s because they are vapid and ignorant. Try actually doing something with your lives for once, then perhaps you’ll stop being so envious of those who’ve actually have worked hard, sacrificed, and made something of themselves.
And you’re such a lovely person in the bargain. A pleasure to be with, I’m sure.
Why do you people hate America?
Whenever I see this, I assume the rest is parody of right wing boneheadedness. In this case, it’s very hard to tell.
That is a real tough call on the parody or not. I went to boarding school with people like that, unintelligent rich people who think being able to afford the best means they have good taste, and there’s something inherently superior about them that proves they deserve the privileges they’ve had. It’s all a massive guilt denial system, basically, for stupid people who have more than they could possibly earn on their own. If it’s a parody of such folk, it’s a damn good one. If it’s not a parody, go fuck yer own elves.
LOL, I’m only an hour or so away from Crawford, dicktree.
The Koran doesn’t say women have to wear the scarf. Idiot.
Move to Iran, Jilly. See how great the veil is firsthand. Fucknut.
Happy New Year. AnnieAngel.
It’s not desirable or beneficial to wallow around with the masses, receiving the same inadequate education that is available to just anyone!
Happy New Year, Jade.
Oh. LOL. Good one. Slut.
Children from good families go to private school. My three siblings and I have never spent a day in a government-funded school, even now that we are all in college. It’s not desirable or beneficial to wallow around with the masses, receiving the same inadequate education that is available to just anyone! Goodness, I see the result of such teaching represented in the comments on this blog. … Try actually doing something with your lives for once, then perhaps you’ll stop being so envious of those who’ve actually have worked hard, sacrificed, and made something of themselves.
Let me see if I have this right. You went to private schools and so did all your siblings … so now you feel free to preach to others about how they should “sacrifice” and make something of themselves. I don’t see you sacrificing your place in the trough opened up for you not by your own hard work but by your parents. What I see is a spoiled rich kid bragging about how being born on third base meant he hit a triple. Just like I see in the White House. Yeah, that’s a convincing argument, all right.
Oh, and happy birthday, Jillian. Don’t drive anywhere you might meet a bunch of spoiled drunken rich kids.
Happy Birthday Jillian!
Try not to get drunk and fuck your brother again this year. You’ll find someone, someday. Maybe. I’m sure Mikey would do you, I heard he fucks buffalos.
Perfect, annie. Go into the New Year acting like an asshole. It’s what you’re known for. You’re surely making your mark.
Up yours.
Up yours.
Oh, annie, darling, still upset no-one wants to get up *yours*?
Well looky what the cat puked up.
How’ve you been, catpuke?
[…] Sadly, No! » A Quintessence Of Limbuggery Hey, don’t be sad: ‘Cause two out of three ain’t bad. … then, we find they opposed the war when the evidence was clear … time I imagine a group of terrorists on the east coast of Newfoundland … http://www.sadlyno.com/archives/4719.html […]