Today In Sociopathy

All quotes guaranteed collected in the same relaxed 15-minute period.

Dan Riehl: Blar-har-har stupid dolphins dead hee hee, renewable energy sux ha-ha, blame the left:

And I Thought It Was The Tuna Nets?

Okay, different waters and a different dolphin, but I still blame the Left. I’m adopting a new policy to combat the Blame America First types. It’s called Blame the Anti-American Left First! And they have dolphin blood on their hands.

It’s always the renewable energy that gets you in end. The only plus is that, what with global warming, the suckers would have been fish sticks eventually, anyway.

Little Green Footballs: Blar-har-har 3,000 stupid dead troops chuckle snork. Bwahaha blame the left:

AP’s Handy Dandy Pocket Casualty Calculator

Painfully on-target: The New Pocket Casualty Counter From The Associated Press!

Are you freakishly obsessed with the daily casualty count in Iraq? Do you find yourself disappointed when a day or two goes by and no American soldiers die? Have you ever been at a cocktail party and said, “How can we be so damn jovial when George Bush is responsible for a death toll in Iraq that is approaching one-tenth the total of British dead in the Second Boer War?�

Blogs For Bush: Ha ha fuck you Muslims, 9-11! 9-11! 3,000 dead equals teh worst event in teh history of teh world! (I watched it all on TV in Minnesota):

Get ready for some more grandstanding…
By Leo Pusateri at 10:58 AM


As I have said again and again, if you, as a Muslim, want the American people to stop eyeing you with suspicion, then you and your brethren will need to do something about those who use Islam as an excuse for perpetrating mass murder. It would also help if you quit acting like terrorists when you board an airliner. Don’t ask for special treatment. Be part of the solution instead of being part of the problem. You want us to view you as just another American? Then start acting like someone who’s actually on the team.

And Cultural sensitivity? How about some cultural sensitivity for Americans who lost nearly 3,000 of their loved ones early one morning on 11 September, 2001? Why should “cultural sensitivity” for your “feelings” take precedence over the current and future safety of our citizens? Sorry. You can take your “cultural sensitivity” and stick it where the sun don’t shine.

Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler: Howl (gargle-gargle)! Howl (gargle-gargle)! Wheee! Ha-ha! Kill!

No, Fuckheads, I Haven’t Forgotten Mogadishu
by Emperor Misha I

NAIROBI, Kenya, Dec. 27 — Ethiopian-backed forces continued to beat back Islamist fighters in Somalia today, advancing to within 15 miles of Mogadishu, Somalia’s capital,

Splendid! And when you get there, please feel free to level the entire piss hole of a “city�, then cover it in gasoline and set it on fire. And don’t bother being too meticulous about killing the inhabitants first. Let them crackle, hiss and sizzle while the rest of us laugh ourselves silly.

…as diplomatic pressure increased for the Ethiopians to pull out.

As is always the case whenever the followers of Mohammed the Pedophile are getting butchered. I’d suggest strapping the diplomats to the outside of your tanks, then finding a nearby building to run over. Or, better still, strap them to the exhaust grill. Nothing smells quite as wonderful as a set of striped pants on fire while the worthless bag of skin inside screams himself to death.

I wish there were several of me, so that I could keep up with it all.


Comments: 111


Don’t forget the Muslim strip search! It’s a laugh riot!


Ugly. Just… ugly.

Do these idiots have families? Do they hold down jobs?

The mind boggles.


Y’know, if you really want to see the pathology of the base on display, look up the “Cheney facts,” modeled on the Chuck Norris meme, over at Ace of Spades. Most of them have to do with having sex with animals, killing animals, killing people, having sex with people, and then a number of them involve killing animals or people (esp. prostitutes) by having sex with them.

While certainly in the same league, if not the same ballpark, as an important truth about Cheney (he’s world-class creepy, possibly actually evil), keep in mind that this was a thread about how awesome Big Time is. When bestiality became a marker of one’s manhood, I dunno.


The Shriners Hospital couldn’t help anyone from the burning stupid coming from these cobags.


Sweet. Merciful. Crap.

And how many of these blogs have received a link from “non-partisan” and “libertarian” Glenn Reynolds (or, as AA calls him, “the good Glenn”)?


It’s here, if you have a strong stomach. H/t the Editors.


I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.


I wonder how the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler would deal with knowing that Bush’s CIA gave weapons to the same warlords that Killed our soldiers in the 90’s?


Do they hold down jobs?

I am thankful for sites like LGF, it acts like a safty valve. They blow thier wad online and then they are able to go back to thier job of picking up aluminum cans out of garbage dumpsters with out gibbering or assulting passers by.

Rt Hon McAdder Esq KBE

Nothing smells quite as good as burning flesh?

Creepy. Mischa fancies himself as a Torquemada.

I’ve always prefered the smell of Chanel No5 on the neck of a beautiful blonde.


Don’t forget, those guys and their cheetos encrusted keyboards are the only things keeping us safe.

Johnny Gentle famous crooner

What was that again about liberals being a “cult of death”?

It’s really amazing to see such hideously sick prose coming out of the various emasculated white men who run those blogs. If they so desire to orgasmically indulge in Fangoria-level death fantasies, they should really think about enlisting and being on the front lines. What a weird murder-fetish these guys have.



“One more question: Can anyone verify that
the location depicted in the photo is the mess hall at the US Embassy in Iraq, as Scott Hennen’s correspondent identified it?

If not, I owe a big apology to Sen. Kerry and to readers.”


RE: Mogadishu, as I posted at teh General’s blog, I thought they were back in our good graces. Wasn’t Mogadishu the Libertarian Utopia? No government, no police, no taxes, no regulations!

Ahh, but it’s full of brown people…


They’re partying like its 2003!

Read the comic for a pallet cleanser, although I don’t think even Lime-away would take away the effluent that comes from them.


Sick. Really sick.


The right wing is packed with sociopathic idiots.

They persist in seeing the world as they wish it to be, not as it is.

I think they should seek professional help because all that rage, hatred, racism, etc. is going to make their heads explode someday.


Yep, they’re really starting to take the covers off. Only one way to go – from 9/11 to virgil goode to surging the troops to genocide against muslims. Every step of the way I think “thats it – we’re still americans, they’ll realize where this is going and back away”. And they just get worse.

1. Demonize an “enemy” who is not like you

2. Engage in perpetual war against said “enemy”

3. Use the manufactured fear of that enemy to retain power

4. Profit!!!



the smug elitism that oozes from these comments is all the verification I need that all of this humor is dead-on. This comment section is a veritiable circle-jerk of irony. You alleged champions of the poor now say that these stupid ideas can only come from blue-collared garbage men?

Keep patting each other on the back (or doing the reach around, depending on your persuasion). You’ve provided me with all the laughter I need for today.

Really. Thank you.


I almost forgot. Thanks for the link.

I think some of you might love an Islamic Rage Boy T-Shirt. Pick one up today.


No, Potfry, thank you.


1-800-USA-ARMY, Potfry. And take Misha with you.


1-800-USA-ARMY, Potfry. And take Misha with you.

Actually, no, don’t. The U.S. Military’s got enough to deal with without having to keep tabs on that Mark Lepine-waiting-to-happen.


You alleged champions of the poor now say that these stupid ideas can only come from blue-collared garbage men?

Are they “stupid ideas” or are they “humor”? Make up your mind.


What’s up with the whole “Emperor Misha I” thing anyway? He sounds he’s trying to roleplay a female Japanese anime character or something.

I know he’s trying really hard to sound all manly and Naziesque with the whole “Nothing smells quite as wonderful as a set of striped pants on fire while the worthless bag of skin inside screams himself to death” crap, but I’d bet money he’d piss his panties like a little girl if he were dragged away from that computer in his mommy’s basement and set down in the middle of downtown Mogadishu. Guys who talk like that are always the biggest cowards.


What? Being non-racist and non-eliminationist is elitism now? Wow. And back in my day we thought those were American values. You know, Americans wrote the modern rules after Nuremburg. You know, wars of aggression are crimes against humanity, targeting civilians and collective punishment are war crimes? Those were true blue collar values until the racists and thugs got their hands on the shiny new toy the rest of us call 9/11. Now they can throw away everything good about American values and replace it with racism and hatred.

Oh, sorry if that somehow sounds elitist to you, dude.



Mr./Mrs. Potfry (who is one of those who seems to be absolutely obsessed with the possibility that affluent near-ivy league students may be wronged far more than I suspect he would ever obsess over the existence of actual rape victims or less affluent victims of crooked prosecutors out there) appears to believe the phrase “picking up aluminum cans out of garbage dumpsters” was an attack on class or profession, when it was in fact a general attack on cognitive ability, intelligence and social skills.

Funny. And sad, but I like to dwell on the positive.


Wiki Seyz: In all, the war had cost around 75,000 lives — 22,000 British soldiers (7,792 battle casualties, the rest through disease), 6,000-7,000 Boer soldiers, 20,000-28,000 Boer civilians and perhaps 20,000 black Africans.

Gosh, how many total dead has the Iraq war cost? Conservativly, let’s say 200,000. I can see how that’s less then 75,000
Also, take a peak at the numebr of British killed in combat. It’s about double the number of US troops killed. Now, you COULD include the number who died from disease, however troop conditions in 1900 were not, shall we say, up to snuff as they are now. I dunno, that seems disengenous to me to use those in compareson to a war where wide-spread infectious diseases don’t exist anymore.
I’m not sure why knowing the number of dead and wounded is a bad thing. I mean, I’m sure LFG knows how many died on Septermber 11. Why is knowing that “El Patriotico”, while knowing this is, “disgusting bloodlust”?
Is knowing how many died in WWII bad? How about the Revolutionary War? I want to know where this Magical Line of Bad lays.

Shorter Leo Pusateri: Look, if you want to stop being treated like terrorists, you need to all stop looking at me the wrong way.


“1-800-USA-ARMY, Potfry. And take Misha with you.”

I think you’ve stumbled on the real reason the Right is against lifting “Don’t ask, Don’t tell.” It’s Potfry’s plan B. Never get between a coward and the only way out.


Indeed, I also thank YOU Potfry: Firstly, it always feels good when people get angry and start accusing liberals of “elitism”, and then try and bluff their way to appearing far more intelligent than liberals, especially when they proceed to stick their foots in their mouths by being unable to actually understand the terms they are trying to use.

Still, as we elitists all know talking you through such concepts as the correct usage of “irony” will just lead to you getting angry and demanding we accept whatever definitions of words you choose to use inside your own head; and so instead of any sort of effective “Communication”, I will just say that you shouldn’t forget to pick up a copy of, well pretty much anything at http://www.somebody-else's-infantile-joke/because-all-I-can-do/

And then you’ll feel really, really superior to us. *pats you on the head*


Oh that humor is definitely a “dead on” perfect example of the tiny little box of Terror that is the life of a bigot.

We get it Potfry and pity you.

When were not snickering…


How about the Revolutionary War?

Startlingly, the total of American soldiers killed was about 1,250 — far less than half the amount that have, to date, been killed in Iraq.


Of course, you all realize that if they got within 5,000 miles of actually carrying out any of this, they’d piss their pants and go looking for the nearest rock to crawl under and look for mommy.


You alleged champions of the poor now say that these stupid ideas can only come from blue-collared garbage men?

Is this satire, political satire, satirical satire, or just idiocy? If you can actually point to a comment in this thread that says that, well, you’re Jesus because it would be a miracle. Prove me wrong.


“You alleged champions of the poor now say that these stupid ideas can only come from blue-collared garbage men? ”

No actually. I believe the post that inspired you was talking about people scrounging aluminum cans out of dumpsters. That is usually done by the homeless rendered unfit for other work due to mental illness, not blue collar workers.

Still, I think it is unfair to compare the mentally ill to conservatives. The mentally ill can generally not help themselves and have been abandoned to their fate by an uncaring society. Conservatives these days are simply immoral.


You alleged champions of the poor now say that these stupid ideas can only come from blue-collared garbage men?

-And yet you would leap at the opportunity to mock You alleged champions of the poor now say that these stupid ideas can only come from blue-collared garbage men?

Please. You wish you and your ilk could even remotely equate with the class you cite. A garbage man can easly distinguish what is trash. You are still thinking those are Baby Ruth bars in the park grass.


Damn submit button make me …


..look dumb! Doh!


I hate to oppose you, Gavin, but I think you have your numbers backwards.
About 1,280 British were killed in action, about the same numebr of Hessians, with a guess of 8,000 Americans dying in combat. Of course, the exact number is impossible to know, since records were spotty at best when there were even bothered to be taken, especially for the US side.
While the war lasted, technically, for eight years, the vast majority of the war involved aboslutly nothing happening.

Still, it’s very interesting, and telling, that these people view a little less then 3,000 Americans killed in one day as the worstest and most important disaster EVAR!, while a little less then 3,000 Americans killed, with over 20,000 wounded, is “pfff, what? That’s nothing.”


“How about some cultural sensitivity for Americans who lost nearly 3,000 of their loved ones early one morning on 11 September, 2001?”

Oh stop yer whining! That’s less than one-tenth of the British lost in the second Boer War!


Yeah, you stupid Muslims, stop using religion as an excuse for mass murder!

That’s so 1944!


I hate to oppose you, Gavin, but I think you have your numbers backwards.

Ach! You’re totally right, and I’m wrong.



And Cultural sensitivity? How about some cultural sensitivity for Americans who lost nearly 3,000 of their loved ones early one morning on 11 September, 2001? Why should “cultural sensitivity� for your “feelings� take precedence over the current and future safety of our citizens? Sorry. You can take your “cultural sensitivity� and stick it where the sun don’t shine.

From the State Department’s International Information Programs:

An estimated 2,830 people died or are missing in the aftermath of the attack on the World Trade Center. Ninety-eight percent of those victims were at work, and the youngest was only 2 ½ years old. One in six — 494 — are reportedly either foreigners or Americans with dual citizenship, hailing from more than 90 countries.

Note the photo credit.


I will say this for Pofry, his comments were much funnier than his blog.


Y’know, for some reason I went up and read those quotes again. And I noticed two things.

First, as much as they hate muslims, they save a special level of hatred and vitriol for anybody who doesn’t believe that war and killing is the appropriate solution. Now these can be Americans, Canadians, Europeans (in the post above they are identified as “diplomats”, yeah, there’s a dangerous enemy that needs to be eliminated) but they are hardly ever muslims, and they are even more reviled. Imagine going through life hating other americans for nothing more than seeking peaceful solutions, and not wanting to kill women and children.

The other thing I noticed is they want to do all this killing in retalliation, but there’s never enough killing that they would say “ok, we’re even now”. I mean, in the “war on terror’, 6000 americans killed and half a million muslims, and it’s still not enough. We’re still retalliating for 9/11. In the battle of mogadishu we lost what, was it 18 killed? And in the course of that battle we killed between 1 and 2,000 Somalis. Nope, still not enough, burn the whole city to the ground, women and children and all.

I wish I had the english language skills to accurately describe the contempt and loathing I feel toward these sub-human animals, but I think you get the gist of it…



Mikey, we have to resort to 200 B.C. era tactics to beat this barbaric and ruthless enemy.
That’s how we know that we’re the superior civilazation.


Jeepers, one throw away comment and it gives Potfry the best day of his life.


As is usual with the psychobloggers, you have to register to leave a comment. Pity. I’d like to ask flaming rottweiler about the military service record he doesn’t have. The army may train men to be killers, but it hesitates to enlist blatant psychopaths.


Followed the link here from the Rott. Lesley, it doesn’t take much to register, then you can ask Misha personally about his years of service for Denmark, his country of birth.


I can’t wait for the day when being a bigoted asshole isn’t cool anymore….


Saw a lot of tough combat fighting all those bloody denmark wars, did he? Wow, that’s got my respect. When you’ve been through the meat grinder that is denmark’s modern history of warfare, you’re hardened to the realities of everyday killing. For cause, for country, for race!!



Why I’m happier in the company of the so-called elitists

Gavin M. said,
December 28, 2006 at 22:30
I hate to oppose you, Gavin, but I think you have your numbers backwards.

Ach! You’re totally right, and I’m wrong.

I’ve yet to see a single Bush-supporting knuckledragger own up to their “mistakes.”
We can only pray that hje never had to face the terrors and soul-crushing horro that our brave hero here had to endure.


ima mommy said, …ask Misha personally about his years of service for Denmark, his country of birth.

Oooh Denmark. The land powered by unions, featuring universal health care and other universally applied social welfare programs. The Danish economy is highly unionised; 75% of its labour force are members of a trade union. Oh dear dear dear…the shame of this heritage. Relationships between unions and employers are cooperative: unions have a day-to-day role in managing the workplace, and their representatives sit on most companies’ board of directors. Rules on work schedules and pay are negotiated between unions and employers, with minimal government involvement. The unemployment rate October 2006 was 4.1%…

Oh the agony to be born of a country the American right would label communist. As for military duty:

…conscription age is 18 years for compulsory and volunteer military service. Military service is only compulsory for Danish men who are fit enough to serve. At the committee one has to pick a number from a bowl. If the number is large enough then you will not be required to serve. Otherwise one is required to serve either in the military or become a conscientious objector and undertake community service. Conscripts serve an initial training period that varies from four to 12 months according to specialization. Reservists are assigned to mobilization units following completion of their conscript service. Women are eligible to volunteer for military service as of 1962, though the first woman in the military appeared in 1971. There are 955,168 males and 935,643 females aged between 18 and 49 fit for military service. (2005 est).

Eeeek, women shoulder to shoulder with men in the army. How is a psycho manly man supposed to cope with that?

I shudder to think the man who identifies with bent rottweilers was deemed “fit” to serve.

The fucker was probably conscripted, and even if he volunteered, his time in the army would have been easy. Denmark, for some peculiar reason most Danes can’t fathom, went along with the godforsaken Iraq war. If he’d stayed in Denmark, stayed in the army, he’d probably be in Iraq.


I can’t even imagine what it must be like to be such a pathetic, angry person. I almost feel sorry for the Misha/Dan Rhiels of the world.


After the Boston Tea Party, the British did the only thing that made sense. The attackers looked like Indians. Indians shared a common religion with millions of nature-worshipping heathens globally.

They declared a perpetual War Against Heathens and invaded Indonesia, killing 100,000,000,000,000,006 of them.

But only 326 British troops died, so they succeeded, at minimal cost to civilization. And they got more tea as an unexpected bonus.


That’s great news ima! That means Misha already has a large part of the skill set he’ll need. He’s gonna do great over there in Iraq!


I ran across Pusateri this past summer. I found out he is a school psychologist in a school system in Minnesota! This seriously mentally ill individual is in charge of programs affecting hundreds of kids. I tried to chat with him, and got all sorts of hatred, etc., back. He doesn’t just hate Muslims. He hates anyone who disagrees with him. He told me I am his enemy. BTW, he has a son in service in Iraq, and he hates Jack Murtha because he feels that Murtha’s plan to remove troops threatens his son’s life. Not IEDs, not Bush who keeps sending ’em back for more. Murtha, who wants to end the madness. Really, really sad.


The fucker was probably conscripted, and even if he volunteered, his time in the army would have been easy.

Misha was Special Ops.

But don’t let the facts get in the way of your personal attack. What’s funny is that you all huddle over here jerking one another off, but none of you would DARE comment at Misha’s place.


Misha was Special Ops.

Danish Special Ops.


Making idle threats on blogs. Must be the specialest op of all.


Danish Special Ops.

The weak always resent the strong. A snide comment about any Special Ops warrior coming from someone like you is funny – someone who likely never served a day in his/her life. If you had served, you’d know that Danish Special Ops are trained by and with the BEST – American Special Ops. You’d also know that it’s not in the same solar system as “easy”. They’ve seen and done things that you can only pay $10 to vicariously “experience” in a movie. It is not worthy of scorn, especially from a civvie.


Hey redhead! You mean, the bestest of the best, AMERICAN specops? The guys that flew in after the shooting was over in unmarked choppers with Swedish K’s over their shoulders looking for souveniers and shit to sell? The guys who were the best connections for weed, hash and china white? The guys based in Thai who never held a perimeter or took a position? Those bestest of the best? Wow, excuse this old grunt if he is non plussed…



Does burning hair smell different when it’s on a redhead?

HA HA HA! Put me on Comedy Central.

Also, I am a l33t member of SUPER NINJA SPECIAL OPS SUPERDUPER UBERTROOPS — which means that I can SAY ANYTHING and IT’S FUNNY and THAT’S OKAY because I’m SPECIAL!!!!!

Rt Hon McAdder Esq KBE

Did Misha learn flesh roasting torture technique in the l33t specops? Sounds a bit criminal and unsoldierly to me. Conduct unbecoming and all that This stuff can be easily found out and spread all over the net. Just keep jabbering…


The weak always resent the strong.

Deduction. Reference to Social Darwinist ideology.

A snide comment about any Special Ops warrior coming from someone like you is funny – someone who likely never served a day in his/her life.

Deduction. “You had to be there to know!” fallacy.

If you had served, you’d know that Danish Special Ops are trained by and with the BEST – American Special Ops.

Deduction. Appeal to the majority/tribalist fallacy.

You’d also know that it’s not in the same solar system as “easy�.

Deduction. Wrong use of scare quotes.

They’ve seen and done things that you can only pay $10 to vicariously “experience� in a movie.

Deduction. Wrong use of scare quotes.

It is not worthy of scorn, especially from a civvie.

You give a bad name to redheads everywhere.


“The weak always resent the strong.”

Gee, isn’t that why we, the strong, resent weak, little Emperor Misha?


Redhead Infidel said, Misha was Special Ops.

You know what Redhead Infidel? I don’t believe you. I think that’s a lie. I would bet a week’s salary that what you claim is complete and utter bullshit. That he’s made it up and that you lot fall for his silly twit machismo act because your teeth need something to chew on beside Cheetos. None of you lot are army. Not a single fucking one. And most certainly, none of you have enlisted to fight in the gruesome arena. You’re all too chickenshit to put your money where your mouths are.

No one in special ops talks his kind of rot. Talking shit like that wouldn’t get him in the fucking door.


The weak always resent the strong.

That sounds like a line by the chief villain from the movie “Postman”. You know that dude who forms his own army, runs around torturing, raping, pillaging etc. The former “photo-copier salesman” cum military leader who used one of his “motivational salesman manuals” with “8 ways to achieve success in sales” and convered it to the “the 8 rules of absolute fucking insane tyranny”.

Probably Redhead Infidel’s personal role model.

Just that the nuclear apocalypse didn’t happen yet and Mr. Readhead is holding his breath every morning looking up in the sky for those missiles to come so that he can act out his fantasy of being “strong and independent and go kill fucking shit out of everyone who looks at him funny”.

You know the type.


We gals could probably take on that simpering turnip Misha and his fans and rip them apart with our manicured hands. Of course, we’d have to wear playtex gloves and hot suits before touching their stinking cheese flesh.


I have recently met a few of these guys that pick up cans from out of the garbage. Scrappers – they push around shopping carts looking for non-ferrous metal to sell to the scrap metal yards. A lot of them are smarter than you would think and could probably hold down one of most jobs.

The advantages of the scrapper job is that they just walk around all day on their own schedule. They are not begging for money. They can work while drunk. It’s not actually that bad if you think about it. Job stress does not really make you a better person.

I make fun of them but I make fun of people that work in offices even more.

Rt Hon McAdder Esq KBE

Okay so Misha is a significant number of rungs below dumster divers(as you point out they are okay people as it turns out). I can dig that observation. Many ‘hobos’ have just opted out of a sick society. At least they are making an honest living and not hurting anyone while doing it.

The real shits are meglomaniac middle management sociopaths like Misha,

Belle and Sebastian had it right:

“(s)he wears the clothes of an emperor, and the paintings are a sham, they’re going for a grand…when the dealer comes to call will we ever see the real you…it could have been a brilliant career.”


Psycopathic drivel from a bunch off right-wing bloggers? What an effing surprise.


Why am I sensing Super Bowl commercial extravaganza with Misha performing special ops of derring do by rescuing the Cheetohs from the Cheetah. It’ll kind of be like the raid on Entebbe, but day-glo orange.

And this will be followed by the post-game break out new series of FrumpyHouseCoatMedia does Geraldo with their crack special ops guys breaking open the seeeekret hideout of terra-ists (checkout clerks who overcharged mom for the cheetohs).


“Danish Special Ops”

You numbskull! In Denmark, the tag “Special Ops” applies to those in the bakery division. Their pastries are said to cause enemy troops to throw down their weapons in exchange for plates of danishes! Talk about power!!!


Actually, it makes sense that, if Misha had to be conscripted, that he’d go for a branch of the service that even their CO admits doesn’t do much.

Headline reads “Jaegerkorpset Wants Dangerous Missions”. No wonder Misha left.


Weren’t you pussies just jerking one another off about how low and awful and ugly your targets were, and moaning about how awwwwful those right-wingers are? Throwing up in your mouth and all that? Look what I come back to. You guys gleefully wallow in the scum you claim to be so far above. And given an extra few hours, you’ll get far worse. In fact, this comment from me will send you all into paroxysms of vulgarity, all the while you slap each other on the back for your witticisms and superior ethics.

Hypocrital elitists. ‘The mind boggles.’ Oh wait, someone said that already.

One last thing: FactsOnly said “Mr. Redhead… You know the type.” In your wettest dreams, chumps. And that’s Ms. to you. But don’t let the facts get in the way of your fantasies.


Oh, we try not to, Red. Lord knows Bush, et al, don’t.

ZOMG! A preview button!


Weren’t you pussies just jerking one another off about how low and awful and ugly your targets were, and moaning about how awwwwful those right-wingers are?

Hey, if you’re going to be all bwa-ha-ha about Misha’s sick torture/murder fantasies, don’t be claiming the moral high ground.

You folks love 9-11; it allowed you to wear your evil on the outside. Sixty years ago, you would’ve been giggling at the idea of Jews burned to death with gasoline bombs. Now it’s Muslims, women and children. General massacres of cities. You can justify that however you want, but you can’t justify the pleasure these demented fantasies give you people — the way you wallow in them.


Special Ops or no it does not make his ranting any less worthy of scorn. It is the utterly immoral content not the writer that is the true target here.

If someone has experienced trauma and pain I can sympathize with their desire to cause trauma and pain but that does not make it right to do so. Never confuse your sincere desire to hurt your enemy and your love of your country with the ideals of your civilization because frankly they are not always the same. The right side of blogworld has been doing exactly this for 5 years now. It has confused matters to the point where you guys do not seem to even know who the actual enemy is anymore (hint its a loose confederation of worldwide extremists who sometimes take up the name Al Qaeda, they were based in Afganistan and now along with the Taliban are having quite the time in Waziristan).

You are my inspiration Redhead and I have decided to combine my witticisms and superior ethics into unstoppable ETHICISMS. They will make you laugh until your belly hurts and when you catch your breath your entire world view will shift.


Ya know, I really don’t see anything in the comments as foul and nasty as the right-wing lunacies highlighted in the original post. Just mocking of some truly contemptable people and skepticism concerning that ding-a-ling’s military service (which, as has been pointed out, doesn’t give him leave to cheer for genocide and expect not to be called a complete asshole). And if it’s hypocritical for “liberals to act like conservatives”, what kind of pond scum does that make the low-rent blood fiends that make up Misha’s fanbase?

Anyway. Wasn’t Misha the guy who posted a map to some dude who dared say something the Emporer didn’t like and said something along the lines of “boy, I hope someone doesn’t do anything awful to this dhimmi scumbag, nudge nudge wink wink”? Same guy, right? You people are insane. Lighten up, you cannot be enjoying life with that much rage and anger and fear of, apparently, goddamn everything. Gotta be bad for your digestion, at least.



It’s Ms. Redhead Infidel. Employing the feminist title must not go over very well with the misogynistic thugs at God only knows what could motivate a woman to dig bloodbath-torture fantasies. The reactions here are pretty tame considering your vomitous composition.


“As I have said again and again, if you, as a Muslim, want the American people to stop eyeing you with suspicion…”

What if I’m a Muslim AND an American citizen? Do I eye myself with suspicion?


One last thing: FactsOnly said “Mr. Redhead… You know the type.� In your wettest dreams, chumps. And that’s Ms. to you. But don’t let the facts get in the way of your fantasies.

Better yet, a female, demented version of the same character, which makes no difference, really. Evil does not care for gender, and you are thoroughly vile and evil.


Can you be a Muslim AND an American citizen? I thought the Republicans were pertecting America by doing something about that. Guess not. (Must be why they lost so badly in November.)


God only knows what could motivate a woman to dig bloodbath-torture fantasies. The reactions here are pretty tame considering your vomitous

Unfortunately history is full of vicious, abhorrent, demented, psychopatic women with overwhelming need, desire, compulsion to achive power, so that they only may use it in the most vile and evil ways imaginable.

Just note that some of the most sadistic WW2 death camp guards were women.


The words ‘Elsa, She-Wolf of the SS’ do come to mind.


Hey, a soldier headed back to Iraq called potfry on his shit:

If I buy the farm this tour, please don’t act like it isn’t a big deal to anybody. Those numbers aren’t “nit picking”. Each one represents an American life cut too damn short.

Here’s what douchebag came back with:

…we cringe when we write some of this, thinking that any soldier, or their families, might feel we’re trivializing loss. Hardly.

Plus some horseshit about the greater good. It’s like he’s congenitally unable to not be a prick.


You guys gleefully wallow in the scum

Just so we’re clear, that would be you. You’re the scum.

you claim to be so far above.

Guaranteed the first thing out of the mouth of a winger when you confront them: ‘waaaa you think you’re better than me. You’re all a bunch of elitists.’

And given an extra few hours, you’ll get far worse.

Whatever lady. Your friends are claiming to get hard-ons (I have serious doubts about their capacity in that regard, but never mind) fantasizing about the annihilation of Mogadishu. Nobody here could touch that level of filth.

Now crawl back in your hole, dirty person.


The words ‘Elsa, She-Wolf of the SS’ do come to mind.

And in more recent times, the venerable Princesses of Abu Ghraib come to mind: Lyndie England and Sabrina Harman. And of course the entire prison was commanded — while those “college pranks” were merilly going on — by another female, General Janis Karpinsky.


I’d bet money he’d piss his panties like a little girl if he were dragged away from that computer in his mommy’s basement and set down in the middle of downtown Mogadishu. Guys who talk like that are always the biggest cowards.

He’ld piss his pants if you set him on the corner of 125th and Broadway.


I’d bet money he’d piss his panties like a little girl if he were dragged away from that computer in his mommy’s basement and set down in the middle of downtown Mogadishu. Guys who talk like that are always the biggest cowards.

He’ld piss his pants if you set him on the corner of 125th and Broadway.


potfry’s people have more helpful words for the soldier who didn’t want to get blown up:

didn’t you know what you were getting in for when you signed up?

Ever hear of sarcasm?


“tb said: Guaranteed the first thing out of the mouth of a winger when you confront them: ‘waaaa you think you’re better than me. You’re all a bunch of elitists.’”

Either that or we’re lazy cowards, dependent on the government teat. I wish they’d make up their minds.


Weren’t you pussies just jerking one another off about how low and awful and ugly your targets were, and moaning about how awwwwful those right-wingers are?

Deduction. Use of coarse and vulgar language, while claiming moral high ground.

Throwing up in your mouth and all that? Look what I come back to.

Deduction. Appeal to reader, when reader is likely not to share similar views as writer.

You guys gleefully wallow in the scum you claim to be so far above. And given an extra few hours, you’ll get far worse.

Deduction. Presentation of reader’s personality without providing evidencial support.

Additional deduction. Appeal to future period in which behavior will worsen.

In fact, this comment from me will send you all into paroxysms of vulgarity, all the while you slap each other on the back for your witticisms and superior ethics.

Deduction. Prediction of behavior, reponsive only to writer’s personal outlook of reader.

Hypocrital elitists. ‘The mind boggles.’ Oh wait, someone said that already.

Deduction. Tangent.

One last thing: FactsOnly said “Mr. Redhead… You know the type.� In your wettest dreams, chumps. And that’s Ms. to you. But don’t let the facts get in the way of your fantasies.

Deduction. Believing gender changes entire perspective of previous writings.

You’re still a terrible shame to redheads. Go back to your hole.


It’s been a while since Billy Bragg (one of my patron Billys, btw) has made an appearance around here, so I thought I’d just point out that it looks like Billy knows our guys pretty well, and loves them enough to have even written a song about them.

The only thing really missing is a line about how, after having just urged the undertaking of the most blood curdling atrocities imaginible, he finishes it off with a line about it being “just a joke”.


The proposed escalation of 30,000 to 50,000 troops proposed by Independent Democrat Senator Lieberman (CT) in an editorial in WaPo proposes this upsurge will clean out both the Sadr City section of Baghdad and Anbar province. But the rightwing critics here have pointed out the dastardly truth about bin Laden and his nefarious plans. 9/11 was intended to involve the US in Iraq where we would soon run into a manpower shortage and neither promises of relief that a universal draft would provide nor even Operation Yellow Elephant managed to swell the ranks to the necessary levels.
The proposal now is to fast track any nonAmerican citizen to a Green Card if he will only enlist for fun and frolic in beautiful downtown Najaf. This is the crux of bin Laden’s plan. Millions of bloodcrazed, homicidial, maniacal Muslims stand ready to enlist in the US military and to receive weapons and training. Then at a single signal from bin Laden, they will rise up in their multitude, butcher their American counterparts and turn America’s weapons upon her own citizens.
The only way to prevent this is to immediately require that all military inductees be white, male, preferably a couch potato and able to recite all of Ronald Reagan’s State of the Union Addresses by heart and have “Mother & GWB” tatooed upon a brawny forearm.


Here’s a short tidbit about the Danish Special forces, entitled “Elite forces looking for a few good missions”.

Apparently the Danish Special Ops haven’t been doing anything more than reconnaisance work for so long the corps chief has gone to the media to demand something less boring.

The article’s in Danish though. Maybe someone who can speak it can translate.


Feck, Ignore the last sentence. I found an English version but forgot to remove the last sentence.


I just scanned the listing of RightWing blogs and – Rats! – mine’s not there! WTF?!?!?!

How come my blog is not listed? There must have been an oversight over at Vanity Fair. Wolcott was too busy looking up all those 6 syllable words.

Silly Leftist trolls! While you put down Michelle Malkin, LGF and Anti-Idiotarian – your country is being pulled out from under your feet.

La France est consommée par les musulmans et bientôt votre pays souffrira le sort pareil.

God bless America!


Silly Leftist trolls! While you put down Michelle Malkin, LGF and Anti-Idiotarian – your country is being pulled out from under your feet.

Hey, this guy got it right. He just didn’t identify the country-pullers, probably because he is a spagetti pusher. It should read: – your country is being pulled out from under your feet by bush/cheney and their illegal, unconstitutional acts and a congress that won’t provide checks and balances…



There must have been an oversight over at Vanity Fair. Wolcott was too busy looking up all those 6 syllable words.

Silly Leftist trolls! While you put down Michelle Malkin, LGF and Anti-Idiotarian – your country is being pulled out from under your feet.

La France est consommée par les musulmans et bientôt votre pays souffrira le sort pareil.

God bless America!

I’m guessing that he’s using some kind of experimental translation software that unfortunately renders a series of non sequitors? That’s the only charitable explanation I can think of.


Actually, the French isn’t too bad. A little clunky, yet grammatical.

Took a peek at the guy’s website, and it took me a minute to figure out that it wasn’t a parody. à la Jesus’ General. No wonder he complains that his blog doesn’t make the lists.

I wonder how the rabid anti-French mouth foamers feel about a blog named “rue St-Michel”?

Hé, Michel, la rue St-Michel est sur la rive gauche, pas la droite.


Actually, the French isn’t too bad. A little clunky, yet grammatical.

I meant the english. 🙂

Took a peek at the guy’s website, and it took me a minute to figure out that it wasn’t a parody. à la Jesus’ General. No wonder he complains that his blog doesn’t make the lists.

I almost couldn’t tell either, but the shit quality of the writing suggested that he’s not kidding. Same old dogturd-dull troll noise.


I haven’t been able to stomach a trip to Little Green Snotballs or Anti Idiot in a very long time. The last time I took a look at Idiot, they were celebrating “Rachel Corrie Flapjack Day”. Celebrating the death of a young woman who, at worst, was guilty of being a little overly idealistic.

Those sites are a good reminder that what happened in 1930s Germany could also happen here. And they make me glad that I have several firearms in my house.

Humor is the proper response to those psychos, because they don’t understand it, and it enrages them.


“Special Ops” aka “Special Olympics”



The sociopath next door…


[…] Sadly, No! Today In SociopathyA snide comment about any Special Ops warrior coming from someone like you is funny – someone who likely never served a day in his/her life. Deduction. You had to be there to know! fallacy. […]


[…] that Marcotte has ever said anythinig that was mean, or wrong. Because the wingnuts have never been mean or wrong. And Malkin never published the home addresses of college students, even after her lunatic […]


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