Want to barf? Read David Ignatius today:

Watching President Bush in recent weeks has become a grim kind of reality TV show. In almost every news conference, speech and photo opportunity, the topic is the same: what to do about the grinding war in Iraq. Bush has let the facade crack open — admitting that his strategy for victory isn’t working — but then he struggles to rebuild it with new words of confidence.

The stress of the job — so well hidden for much of the past six years — has begun to show on Bush’s face. He often looks burdened, distracted, haunted by a question that has no good answer. When a photographer captures him at ease, as in a sweet Texas-romance picture of Bush and his wife, Laura, that appeared in People magazine last week, it’s as if he has escaped the Iraq sweatbox.

Oh the poor, poor dear. He has it so rough. Those Americans who are actually stuck in the Iraq sweatbox- not to mention the 2,970 who have died there and the 22,235 who have been wounded there- have it easy by comparison.

I grew up in a Washington that was struggling with the nightmare of a failing war in Vietnam. The government officials of that time were people who behaved as if they’d never known failure in their lives. They had the rosy confidence of the chosen — “the best and the brightest,” as David Halberstam put it. But then the war began to grind them down. I see that same meat grinder at work now. Bush and his officials are strong characters; they work hard not to let you see them sweat. But the anguish and exhaustion are there.

One would hope so. Thousands of people have died needlessly because of their stupid decisions. Feeling anguished about such a thing is the bare minimum requirement for qualifying as a human being. And frankly, I don’t think they even meet that meager standard.

Bush is not a man for introspection. That’s part of his flinty personality — the tight, clipped answers and the forced jocularity of the nicknames he gives to reporters and White House aides. That’s why this version of reality TV is so poignant: This very private man has begun to talk out loud about the emotional turmoil inside. He is letting it bleed.

Give him a hug when next you see him, Dave. The poor dear desperately needs it.

Bush opened the emotional curtain at a news conference last week. A reporter noted that Lyndon Johnson hadn’t been able to sleep well during the Vietnam War and asked Bush if this was a “painful time” for him. He gave an unexpectedly personal answer: “Most painful aspect of my presidency has been knowing that good men and women have died in combat. I read about it every night. And my heart breaks for a mother or father or husband or wife or son and daughter. It just does. And so when you ask about pain, that’s pain.”

And that’s why he’s about to send 20,000 more kids into Baghdad to die needlessly. That’s what leadership is all about. It’s strong, it’s decisive and it gets people killed.

Bush’s “state of denial,” as Bob Woodward rightly called it, has officially ended.

Uh. It has?

He actually spoke the words “We’re not winning” last week in an interview with The Post, coupling it with the reverse: “We’re not losing.” But in truth, he cannot abide the possibility that Iraq will not end in victory. So a day after his “not winning” comment, he half took it back, saying: “I believe that we’re going to win,” and then adding oddly, as if to reassure himself: “I believe that — and by the way, if I didn’t think that, I wouldn’t have our troops there. That’s what you’ve got to know. We’re going to succeed.”

Policy debates in this White House are often described as battles between competing advisers — Dick Cheney wants this; the Joint Chiefs favor that; Condi Rice favors a third outcome. This kind of analysis implies that Bush isn’t really master of his own house, but I think it’s a big mistake. The truth is that with this president, the only opinion that finally matters is his own. And he’s a stubborn man. Military leaders can tell him it’s a mistake to surge troops into Baghdad, but that doesn’t mean he will listen.

Y’know, Dave, maybe this sort of stupidity and arrogance are part of the reason why so many people have died in Iraq for nothing. Maybe you should think about that before you offer ol’ G-Dubs a shoulder to sob on.

Bush says he doesn’t care what happens now to his poll numbers, and I believe him. He broke through the political barriers a while ago. I sense that, as he anguishes about Iraq, he has in mind the judgment of future historians. He said it plainly in an interview in October with conservative talk show host Bill O’Reilly: “Look, history is interesting. I read three books on George Washington last year. And my opinion is that if they’re still analyzing the first president, the 43rd president ought to be doing what he thinks is right. And eventually, historians will come and realize whether . . . the decisions I made made sense.”

And that’s what really matters, is Bush’s place in history. It doesn’t matter how many lives are ruined. All that counts is that future historians see him as The Decider. Clearly, this is a sensitive soul who deserves our sympathy. HE’S BLEEDING RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES, PEOPLE!!! HE’S LIKE A… A… A JESUS LUTHER GANDHI!!

What makes reality TV gripping is that it’s all happening live — the contestants make their choices under pressure, win or lose.

Plus, there’s lots of people who are dying. But at least David thinks it makes for thrilling drama.

So too with Bush. He is making a vast wager — of American lives, treasure and the nation’s security — that his judgments about Iraq were right. The Baker-Hamilton report gave him a chance to take some chips off the table, but Bush doesn’t seem interested. He is still playing to win. The audience is shouting out advice, but the man under the spotlight knows he will have to make this decision alone.

And he also knows that Washington pundits like David Ignatius will continue to write fawning columns about him.





Comments: 90


The oversized typeface of truth!
Straight up.


I save the oversized typeface for things that are uniquely stupid. It is very frustrating that our Chief Washington Opinion Makers still see this whole sad ordeal as a Grand and Epic Historic Drama rather than a pointless and incompetently-prosecuted war that has no end in sight and has ruined countless lives.


I want to throw up just so I can clean that vile taste from my mouth.

calling all toasters

He is making a vast wager… the man under the spotlight knows he will have to make this decision alone.

Ah, the heroism of the compulsive gambler who loses the family home on a hunch!

“It’s hard work.”


Is it too late to nominate that over at Poor Man for “Wank of the Year”?


He is making a vast wager… the man under the spotlight knows he will have to make this decision alone.

That’s because he’s the mothertruckin’ decider!

All I know is that I feel bad for wasting all my time feeling sorry for the guys who came back from Iraq in body bags when I should’ve focused my sympathy on someone who deserves it. George W. Bush, I feel your pain.


Ah, the heroism of the compulsive gambler who loses the family home on a hunch!.

You know, what bothers me the most about this whole thing is that Ignatius uses a gambling analogy and then blindingly refuses to consider the fact that maybe, just, maybe Bush might have a gambling problem. The thought that an intervention just might be necessary to keep this guy from throwing some more good money and some more good lives away never enters the narrative.


Just a crazy dream, but someday I hope to see every single Bush sycophant journalist, pundit, or academic completely disgraced, homeless, unsuccessfully trying to wash people’s car windows at the off-ramp of some expressway. I want to see the endless lines of cars passing them by, or waving them away, as they desperately try to hustle up $1.

I want to see Hitchens, Card, Ignatius, O’Reilly, Limbaugh, Coulter, Brooks, Freidman…

That would be a start.


That’s a piece of Chimpwhoring worthy of Chris Matthews during his “sunny nobility” phase.


The Busheviks are, in fact, a bunch of tin-horn gamblers, who are playing no-limit poker with chips (the People, their institutions, their liberties) that have no inherent value to them, but are only markers and counters in the ‘game.’

There is one thing it is necessary to recall about this game: there is, and can be, ONLY ONE WINNER…


I hope to see every single Bush sycophant journalist, pundit, or academic completely disgraced, homeless, unsuccessfully trying to wash people’s car windows at the off-ramp of some expressway.

Aww dude, why inflict idiot pundits on the buskers and hobos—err, “travelers”—it’s not like they don’t have a rough enough time of it without Hitchens and Coulter furiously trying to get it on in the alley.


When does Bush have time to read a book, let alone the number that he claims to have read this year? I should go back and count all the titles, and then add in that he claims to have read the ISG report too.


Shorter David Ignatius: I am a rump swab and there are many dirty rumps to swab. Do I get my check now?


Brad, you might also note that D. Ignoramus is writing a column that was already written by Sheryl Stolberg.


He actually spoke the words “We’re not winning� last week in an interview with The Post, coupling it with the reverse: “We’re not losing.�

Imagine if John Kerry had won and was saying some nincompoopery such as this. The Washington Post, Ignatius, et al would be deriding him for all manner of flip-floppery and for-it-before-he-was-against-it vacilation. But when Decider Bush says it, they praise his open honesty and emotional honesty.


Wait, I’ve been wrong about Bush since I first heard some asshole declare he would be our next President way back in 1998!* I remember at the time thinking, “Geeze, what an asshole. This great nation would never elect another Bush jackoff to President. Not after 8 years of peace & prosperity.”

Ignatius has made me see the error of my ways.

* True story. I was at a partnering meeting for a highway construction job in the fall of 1998. The CEO of the construction firm got up to introduce himself & in the world’s most awkward non-sequitur declared that GWB would be our next President.


You know, it is crazy that we feel like this:

[as] atheist said,
December 27, 2006 at 16:53

Just a crazy dream, but someday I hope to see every single Bush sycophant journalist, pundit, or academic completely disgraced, homeless, unsuccessfully trying to wash people’s car windows at the off-ramp of some expressway. I want to see the endless lines of cars passing them by, or waving them away, as they desperately try to hustle up $1.

I want to see Hitchens, Card, Ignatius, O’Reilly, Limbaugh, Coulter, Brooks, Freidman…

That would be a start.

and still sit at our computers typing. Can we not organize and *do* something about this crazy gang of 500 ruining our country?


Aww dude, why inflict idiot pundits on the buskers and hobos—err, “travelers�—it’s not like they don’t have a rough enough time of it without Hitchens and Coulter furiously trying to get it on in the alley.

Good point. I should not inflict them on some poor homeless people who have done nothing wrong. Sorry about that.


and still sit at our computers typing. Can we not organize and *do* something about this crazy gang of 500 ruining our country?

I do organize. Maybe not as much as I should, but I do.

Do you want to join the Jan 27th United for Peace and Justice march on DC, or even start lobbying your representatives about getting out of Iraq? Check it out on the site. Try calling them too, they can help. They need more $$$ too.


I’ll bet my lunch that this was one of the books on Washington that Dubya read.


You know when that first posted, Ignatius had a paragraph in there about how he planned to soothe George’s angst with a few hours of felatio. Wish I had grabbed a screen shot.


of the paragraph not the fellatio…


David Ignatius is to Chimpy as Peggy Noonan is to Saint Ronnie.

Terry C, Gore/Clark 08

WHY do they PERSIST in painting Monkey Boy as another FDR when he is nothing less than a DISASTER??????


And anyone who believes otherwise has the IQ of a sandflea.


Even by the low standards of Beltway courtier air-kisses, that’s a remarkable piece of work. Is Ignatius planning to ask Bush to lend him some money? The total absence of any policy considerations – what’s good for the nation, for the region, for our overall strategy, the costs and benefits, and, oh yeah, the death and mutilation of our troops (and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis) – is astonishing. So this is what our “elite” press has come to, treating matters of life and death as mere window dressing for the more important issue of dime-store psychological chin-scratching analysis of individual leaders. This toxic narrative, which was bad enough during elections in time of peace (remember 2000, when actual details of programs and deficits and funding were treated as annoying distractions from the important work of trying to figure out why Al Gore seemed so uncomfortable in his own skin, and what his changing wardrobe said about him), has now come to dominate the discussion of critical national security issues in a time of war. Christ, we’re doomed.


I want to see Hitchens, Card, Ignatius, O’Reilly, Limbaugh, Coulter, Brooks, Freidman…

. . . sucking dick for quarters behind the Circle K.


When I read shit like this, and then turn around and read crap about the guys in Iraq and how morale’s high and they REALLY don’t want bush/cheney to quit now, the lie of the punditry clarifies. You know the guys are sitting on night alert on a perimeter in Najaf, talking about the idiot fucks in DC willing to waste life after life and wreck families and careers and people, all because of their pride and their investment in the grand game of foreign policy with gunfire.

The lies serve as sort of a bulwark, an infrastructure, like the beams and cables of a bridge, that support the entire structure, because it cannot support itself. And if the pundits and opinion makers ever began telling the truth, the whole thing would collapse in a week. But that would entail admitting the harsh truths, rather than telling the gentle lies. Complicit? Oh yeah, and they damn well know it…



I was planning (reluctantly) to blog about this. So glad you got there first.
David Ignoramus is such a pain.

Hate Encrusted Eyes

Hey, when you’re an aristocrat your number one duty in life is to protect the priviledges of the aristocracy. Ignatius is protecting one of his own when he shields Bush from the wrath of the people. All the pundits are bowing scraping millionaire aristocrats. Ma Tarbell and Upton Sinclair would look upon these specimins as the parasites they are. Sucking at the teat of power and slashing anyone who dares to try and appropriate a little money or authority to the common people. Powedered wig wearing fools. May they serve as an example of everything the coming generation will revolt against.

Ghost of Joe Liebling's Dog

IGNATIUS: Bush’s “state of denial,” as Bob Woodward rightly called it, has officially ended. He actually spoke the words “We’re not winning” last week in an interview with The Post, coupling it with the reverse: “We’re not losing.”

I call bullshit. Bush *actually* was quoting someone else at the time for one of his non-answer-answers; his remark does not look at all like the end of his state of denial:

WAPO: Are we winning in Iraq, in your estimation?

BUSH: You know, I think an interesting construct that General [Peter] Pace uses is, “We’re not winning, we’re not losing.” There’s been some very positive developments.

Professional Journalism — gotta love it.

With kind regards,
Dog, etc.
searching for home


. . . sucking dick for quarters behind the Circle K.

Better, that’s better I must admit. Any other ideas?


I’d like to see them all go to work for Wal Mart and other huge Republican conglomerates, except not in the typical cushy Republican Welfare positions, but in the front lines- writing ad copy, complying with code requirements, managing a real budget- you know, the kind of place where the first time they try the kind of prevaricating, ass-backward bullshit they do now, they get rammed down-hard. And the second time they try it (if not the first) they get thrown out on their fat, prevaricating keisters.

Because when it comes down to real competitive dollars, if you don’t fockin produce, you’re history.

I’d give all of ’em three weeks, tops.

And then they can try living on that unemployment that they seem to feel is overly generous.


. . sucking dick for quarters behind the Circle K.

Induct them all into the Army and shipped ’em over to Iraq. Time to put or shut up!

Is it getting drafty in here???


Induct them all into the Army and shipped ‘em over to Iraq. Time to put or shut up!

better still…..


“stubborn”…”flinty”…”not a man for introspection”…

How insightful, sophisticated, or honest do you have to be, to label
pathology for what it is? Does Ignatius really believe this tripe? Or
is he just trying to put a positive spin on things, to “help”?


Rather than name-calling, I will refute this article by pointing out an obvious logical flaw: While Bush’s accelerated aging correlates with the mess going on in Iraq, I disagree with Ignatius’s premise that the aging is caused by the Iraq mess, in particular that the aging is due to some recent revelation about the Iraq mess. As I wrote a few posts ago: Post hoc, ergo propter hoc.

Clinton also aged terribly during his tenure as President. I do believe being President is physically exhausting (unbelievable travel schedule, constantly having to be “on”, all the negativity surrounding you, the relentless politicking), especially considering most presidents are older than 50 (Bush turned 60 this year). Saying this accelerated aging process has anything to do with Bush’s realization that he fucked up is a bit of a stretch. Looking at the “data” Ignatius provides to support his thesis, it’s almost entirely allegorical and he never tries to offer (let alone refute) alternative theses. In fact, it looks like Ignatius chose his thesis and then found a limited set of data to support his thesis- never a good practice, and one that he should be called out on.


Good point- there is absolutely no evidence that Bush gives a shit about the people he has killed and a great deal of evidence that he does not.


If Dubya really should lead the “Surge” don’t you think? If he can run America from Crawford why not from Baghdad? GW just needs to show the Iraqis how it is done.

Yep, the last two years of George’s presidency should be spent in Iraq.


He gave an unexpectedly personal answer

Isn’t Dubya’s “unexpectedly personal answer” more of the same horseshit about how the job of the Preznit is to hug, which we’ve been hearing since 2001 at least? It’s not a change. The man doesn’t show pain. He looks tired his handlers have told him that acting all frat-boy jaunty-like is even less appropriate than it ever was.


Hahahaha, check out the “Readers’ Comments” linked to at the bottom of the article. Page after page of pissed-off citizens excoriating Bush, Ignatius, and the WaPo, without a single comment in support. Debbie Howell must be in tears!


Bush: “Look, history is interesting. I read three books on George Washington last year. And my opinion is that if they’re still analyzing the first president, the 43rd president ought to be doing what he thinks is right.”

Wow. Where to start? For one, Washington lost most of his battles, though he got better as he got more experience, and in the end won when it counted the most. Sometimes he avoided disaster by sheer luck. Look up “Battle of Brooklyn.” If that fog hadn’t come up unexpectedly and let Washington’s army escape, we’d be subjects of Queen Elizabeth II right now.

More important is that history made its overall judgment on Washington about two hundred years ago. Historians working on him today are just tweaking the details.


It is painfully obvious that the decider does not care. He made his comment about “feeling the pain”, only after his Hannity interview where he said, “I am doing fine”; “sleeping well”. Only after that was posted all over the net did he start to pretend that he feels the pain that he so blindly created.


Washington was also a big tough, strapping ass-kicker, a bit of a thug but always willling to do his own fighting. He never backed down and he led from the front, there was blood on that goddam saber. Bush ain’t fit to feed his fucking horse…



Jesus. Sounds like he heard Kenny Rogers warbling “The Gambler” while stuck in traffic and decided to rewrite the lyrics as a column.

I know that because I was forced to endure numerous spins of that fucking song as a kid, which spikes my fury to the point of a thousand supernovas for being reminded of it again. Ignantius, you and I are mortal enemies from this day on.


Including one of mine first thing this AM, FMguru (at 7:33 AM, EST, that is…apparently you’ve got to get up pretty early to be on the first page of throwing rocks at the WaPo’s Wise Old Men).


Uh, okay, so, we’re supposed to believe that the man (and I use the term in the loosest possible sense) whose entire persona is a tied up in appearing resolute, who has never once admitted a mistake, and who fired (or labeled ‘traitor’) anyone who dares to second-guess him is somehow all broken up inside. And the only evidence offered is… crow’s feet.

Man, I’m in the wrong fucking business.


I don’t pretend to like Bush, even less do I appreciate the position that his ill-conceived imperial adventures have put us in as a country.

What I am trying to do, and I would ask that this please not be misconstrued as a measure of support for the man or his policies, is avoid expending any more energy in hating him.

For the first six years of his presidency I hated him actively, with thoughts of what I’d like to see happen to him often taking over my thoughts. He represents almost every character flaw that I can think of, he exploits his privileged upbringing and prestigious family name to line the pockets of his cronies, sends his lackeys out to tar the reputations of those who question the wisdom of his actions, and just generally makes us look like asses in the eyes of the world. If you’ve been out of the US lately you don’t need to hear from me that the reception we’re accorded as Americans has changed drastically over the tenure of the Bush presidency.

So, I don’t appreciate anything at all about the man or what he’s done with his time in office.

And here’s where I’m parting ways with the majority of folks who’ve posted here today….I’m through being angry and hateful about it. It hasn’t gotten me (or the rest of us) anywhere in six years. I honestly think that hate begets hate, and so I’m giving it up.

Instead, I’m opting for determination. I’m not going to give up on a GAO investigation of Bush and his cronies, or of the possibility of an impeachment trial (or maybe, MAYBE even a war crimes trial).

For me, hate isn’t productive in the end.


This is utter bullshit. Bush has a broader vision, and when the Middle East is free you will see it too.

I want a condo in Galilee.


The sheer depth of the stupidity in that column outweighs all the chattering idiocy normally seen in S,N! targets. Although he may have written it while sober, and could read it out loud without drooling or spluttering, these are not advantages when combined with such amazing ineptitude. You almost wish the author was drunk, that could provide at least a degree of cover.

Kaye will never seem the same again.



Ya know, I haven’t given up trying to organize with United for Peace and Justice, or doing things with MoveOn. I’m determined too. I just feel that it is tonic to air my actual feelings for Bush, and his sycophants in the media, on this blog. It kinda is a relief.

If you’re not into it, that’s fine, but maybe you should stay away from


Jack-o, opposing Bush has gotten us a Democratic House, which can finally begin to conduct oversight. Meanwhile, the Decider has two more years to screw things up even more.

So opposing the wise old men of D.C. who enabled the Crawford dauphinin the first place (such as David Ignatius, the subject of this post) does indeed make sense. It’s just good citizenship.


You people really think that the Dems give a fuck about anything other than their paychecks???

You really are stoopid. And fucking lazy. If you want change, DO SOMETHING, cuz your champions will shit on you and laugh about it. But you won’t do shit. And you deserve nothing but shit.



Shut up cow.


I don’t know from hate. I’m very angry about bush/cheney and the evils they have perpetrated in the name of my beloved nation. But hate? Hmm, not sure. Like love, it’s a dificult thing to really define. The only time I am certain I hated someone is when that particular someone was trying to jump in my hole and stick a bayonet in me, and the motherfucker made me kill him with my hands instead of shooting him at a civilized distance, and I was terrified beyond measure and hate was what got me through that night. But I haven’t reached down in that bucket since, and I don’t think I want to. I’m just not sure it even applies here, y’know?



Interesting point Mikey. Yes talking about the evils perpetrated by someone on a blog seems pretty minor in comparison.


Mikey you lie. And atheist, lol.

You all are playing into the hands you claim to hate. It makes me sick, but at the same time, it’s kinda funny.

Nothing you say or do will change anything. You are all peons. Proles. Loosers.

Thanks for being so useless. If you can think, think back, think waaaaay back, and you will see the patterns that you are in, the patterns that you are supposed to be in cuz Bush and his handlers made sure you would fall into them.

Nice blog. 😀 Get it???? Do you get it????

Didn’t think so.


Notice how the wingnuts are getting crazier and crazier as January approaches?



Really, you think? How?


I mean they were always pretty crazy- what makes you say they are crazier now? Maybe I haven’t been looking at the things you do.


Oh little things, you know?

There is this undercurrent of “George Bush as victim of Iraq” that seems to be popping up. Ignatius is just the most obvious by far.


Bush as victim or Iraq. That’s hilarious. But your right, it does kinda stink of desperation.


You people really think that the Dems give a fuck about anything other than their paychecks???

Remind me which party just had several congressmen resign in disgrace and/or under indictment for various bribes, kickbacks, and other financial improprieities? They were … Republisomethings?

Keep huffing the glue, Annie. We’ll pray for you.


I dunno. Am I the only one who’s actually glad the pain of this war finally seems to be getting to Dubbya through that impermeable bubble and his thick head?


I dunno. Am I the only one who’s actually glad the pain of this war finally seems to be getting to Dubbya through that impermeable bubble and his thick head?

I just think you may be overrating him and his advisors. I don’t know him personally so I cannot be sure, of course.


Hey, you think maybe part of the reason why Washinton is still being analyzed is that records from freakin 1780 are spotty?
I don’t see anyone still analyzing, say, Calvin Coolidge. Or Taft.

“Policy debates in this White House are often described as battles between competing advisers — Dick Cheney wants this; the Joint Chiefs favor that; Condi Rice favors a third outcome. This kind of analysis implies that Bush isn’t really master of his own house, but I think it’s a big mistake. The truth is that with this president, the only opinion that finally matters is his own. And he’s a stubborn man. Military leaders can tell him it’s a mistake to surge troops into Baghdad, but that doesn’t mean he will listen.”
…Did someone not proof read this before it was posted/printed? This guy just said that Bush is such a stubborn idiot that he won’t listen to PEOPLE WHO KNOW what they’re talking about. He’s freaking Tim Allen on Tool Time. What the hell sort of retarded back-assward would look at this guy who’s using a 21 nail-gun salute INDOORS and say, “Ahh, that’s leadership!”
Christ in hell.


What the hell sort of retarded back-assward would look at this guy who’s using a 21 nail-gun salute INDOORS and say, “Ahh, that’s leadership!�

Some Guy, I’d hazard a guess that such an individual (if literate) reads lots of Tom Clancy books and watches action movies. Such individual feels that such things are realistic depictions about how one goes about solving the worlds problems and not, you know, fiction. Such individual also probably feels that the tournament he or she won played of Axis & Allies qualifies them to be a six star General.


December 14, 2006
People’s interviewer also mentioned that readers had asked if he takes sleep aids. Bush said generally not, but he does occasionally when he travels.

“I must tell you, I’m sleeping a lot better than people would assume,â€? he said.

So dumb he doesn’t realize the impression he gives. Oblivious people generally do sleep like babies.


Am I the only one who’s actually glad the pain of this war finally seems to be getting to Dubbya through that impermeable bubble and his thick head?

Well, if I thought that were, in any way, true, I’m not sure it would be cause for joy.

Because the dead are still dead. Iraq is still destroyed. The Gulf Coast is still in shambles. The stolen money is still in the pockets of the thieves.

But I don’t think it’s true. I think he’s a sociopath. When he says he sleeps well at night, I believe him.

He just doesn’t give a fuck. He never has. It’s just that now more people are seeing it.

Hence, the Boy-King’s UnOfficial Liars, such as Ignatius, are desperately trying to obscure the facts, as usual.

How’s that working out for ya, right-wing enablers? Perhaps you are not sleeping well at night, now that whatever reputation you may have once possessed is now going down the toilet with Dear Leader’s poll numbers? Perhaps you’re worried about how history will judge you media liars, who made all this death and destruction possible with your juvenile cheerleading?

You should be. Because you are parasitic filth and scum on our society, and we will remember that you are filth and scum, even if you are allowed to continue holding your jobs by your masters. And every time you speak, we will remind you that you are filth and scum.

Wherever you go for the rest of your pathetic, miserable lives, there will be people looking at you with contempt, and thinking that you are filth and scum. And you will never know who is thinking this, unless they say it out loud. But you will know that a lot of someones are thinking it.

Forever. I promise.


Well when hasn’t “the decider” just shoved what he wants down our thoats while we don’t seem to do much to care. We all found out about his secret prisons and torture this Summer so what does the doomed Congress do, but legalize these things in record law making time so the abuse of power is now the standard for American leadership. This is beyond the pale, and so is what he’s going to shove down our throats next. Bush is going to have his troop “surge” and he IS going to turn Bahgdad into the next Fallujah by picking a fight with the Sadar militia. Remember that when Iraq was first invaded the getto called Soddam City abruptly changed its name to Sadar City? That has been a line we’ve been reluctant to cross till this “surge” talk began. Bahgdad is about to become a bloodbath of historic proportions perhaps even fullfilling one last prophesy in Revelations about the great battle in Babylon where blood is spilled up to a “horse’s bridal”. The blood ain’t exactly that high yet, but we ain’t far away.


Doubling down with other people’s lives and money–that’s a risk George W. Bush is willing to take.


Owlbear, Glenn Greenwald has a post on neocon desperation.


Bush: “Look, history is interesting.”

Not to mention Play-doh, blocks, and fingerpainting.

Truly, an epic retard.


Let’s wait a couple more Friedman Units,
just to be sure.


You guys keep posting this wingtard fucknoise, and I keep getting suckered into reading it, and I get halfway through it and find my fingers are surreptitiously hooking into claws and preparing themselves to claw my eyes out of my head in one savage strike at my first unwary moment, just so I will never ever be able to read this crap again. Plus, the way my brain is punching the inside of my skull, desperately trying to break a hole so it can flee screaming into the chapparel where it will never never never be forced to endure such drivel again, is giving me a monster headache.

So, couldja cut it out?


As long as it’s now officially acceptable to psychoanalyze the Decider-in-Chief, am I the only one who has all along seen the entire Iraq fiasco as an elaborate, extended working-out of Duh-Byuh’s big all-overriding Daddy-hate thing?

Just look at this latest chapter. The puppet upon Daddy’s hand, James Baker, issues a big public report saying “This is a mess. The least-bad thing you can do is to declare victory as back out as fast as you can.” Whereupon the failed little man says “Right! We’ll send another twenty thousand troops stat!” It couldn’t be more clear if he’d got a can of spray black and wrote “Fuck you Dad!” upon the spotlit wall of the White House.

I have to wonder: back when Duh-Byuh was a sensitive, malleable boy, what kind of sadistic, perverted Skull-n-Bones shit did Big Daddy CIA pull on innocent, dumb little him. Or was the base of all this psychopathology simply that traumatic occasion way back when li’l Duh-Byuh woke up in the middle of the night needing to pee, and as he opened doors in the Kennebunkport mansion he accidentally stumbled upon evil Daddy cruelly holding innocent Mommy down and beating her with his pelvis? And then yelling and jumping up and the sudden, angry repeated slaps to the side of his head.


annieangel said,

December 27, 2006 at 21:34


Irony is a lost art, obviously.
Annie is the worst kind of troll. Never repudiates individual points, never presents cogent counter-arguments, never comes off as even semi-literate.

“She” just spews troll-bot bullshit.

She and Ignatius are peas in a pod. A pod I’d like to shoot into space with a “kick me” sign attached to the craft.

These are the 33 percent that cling hopelessly to ignorant, outdated and severely damaging ideas that are continuing to dominate some of our policies.
How the goddamn did we get here? I guess I’m suffering from idiot fatigue.
Bring on the inaugurations. It’s a start.


Really? I thought she was just passionate about pie….



My grandma used to say that whipped cream was so good, you could put it on a cow pie and make it taste good.

On the other hand, if you put lipstick on a pig…

I thought there was an analogy there, somehow.


Hey Annie, the American people have spoken. Until you conservative losers win an election, why don’t you stick a sock in it?


Now that it’s mentioned, I’m craving French Silk Pie. With a ton of whipped cream.


I swear, Ignatius has convinced himself that Iraq II: War of All Against All is actually one of those Reality TV Shows! Little David Ignoble has become so invested in the pundit-beloved Sport of Politics metaphor that he’s lost any anchor in reality. As far as he’s concerned, his Chosen Champeen — the plucky Decider — is navigating a serial round of ‘challenges’ and ‘obstacles’ as he boldly competes, sort-of-live-on-camera, for another week of ‘victories’ and ‘immunity idols’ in his quest for The Big Prize (eternal celebrity, of course; what higher prize could exist?). The ugly reality of all the genuine death, destruction, loss, sorrow, and futility involved doesn’t make any more of an impression on Ignatius than it does on his lavishly tongue-bathed C-Plus Augustus. Sure, he gets a very nice paycheck for producing crap like this, but Ignatius writes like a man who’s gone past lying for money — he actually BELIEVES that up is down, black is white, we have always been at war with Eastasia, and Dubya is the twenty-first century version of George Washington.

We need to clean house in DC. We need to keep the incoming legislature’s feet to the fire to ensure that every lie, theft, and premeditated murder emanating from the Oval Office during the last six years is documented and detailed — with at least the amount of television coverage given Bill Clinton’s sexual peccadilloes, or even Jennifer Anniston’s latest romantic tribulations. And the only way to be sure that enough of the truth can be presented to the current generation and preserved for future historians will be to eject David Ignatius, Rich Cohen, Chris Matthews and all their fellow courtiers from the warm, safe, secure little maggot-holes they’ve dug themselves in the bloated carcass of the modern American media. This time it’s not going to be enough to eject the Nixonians, the Newtonians, and the rest of the last several waves of Neoconjobbers — we need to expose their media enablers for the lying, lazy, evil-hearted enablers they are!


Why is it that I can easily ignore most of what Annie posts, except for her egregious misspelling of “loser?” That just fries me.


Nono, g, she’s calling you looser, saying you have loose morals. Like a slut. A hooker. Someone who posts pictures of herself on her blog with her legs spread. Y’know, you’re loose.


Here’s to ol’ Davey Ignatius —
A Bush toady so very loquacious.
The war’s going shitty,
But it’s Bush we should pity?
How craven, corrupt, and hellacious!


I have noticed that Bushie is looking older these days – my response was ‘good, I want him to suffer.’ I’m pretty sure he’s suffering not because of the people dying in Iraq, tho – I’m betting it has to do with the fact that he and The Demon that is Cheney can’t snow the public anymore – their corporate masters are pissed.


“Keep huffing the glue, Annie. We’ll pray for you.”

Nah, she keeps of forgetting to breath while fluffing.


[…] Ignatius, whom I recently savaged here, has a pretty good column today. Let’s take a look: We are in the ditch in the Middle East. […]


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