Goldberg, Frankincense, and Myrrh
(Yes, I know I didn’t get that stuff added to the store yesterday. It’s because teh elves are working on a certain Christmas-related program activity. Ho to tha ho-ho.)
In the meantime, could there be a better XxXtreeem punchdown matchup than this?
Blogging Heads TV
[Jonah Goldberg]After technical hassles too complicated and boring to describe, my conversation with Ann Althouse is up at BhTV. It got a little heated in the begining and I’ve been trying to figure out why Ann and I had such a problem talking to each other about Frank Meyer, state’s rights etc. Ann’s a nice and reasonable person, after all.
Ha ha ha! Oh, excuse us.
Morevoer, she thought the people in the room were woefully out of touch with racial reality and therefore need moral tutoring from a liberal who really understands these things. Maybe at a similar conference full of liberals there would be much gnashing of teeth and teary-eyed condemnations about the legacy of Jim Crow. But, if that’s the case, mightn’t that be a sign of how liberals embrace liberalism to feel good about themselves and morally superior to others? There’s a certain Sorkinesque aesthetic to liberalism, full of self-congratulation and righteous grandstanding, that assumes the world needs liberals to tell everyone else what’s right and wrong.I’m not saying that Ann is one of those liberals, by the way. In fact, she gets a lot of grief from the left for not playing that game. But, I do think she doesn’t know conservatives (or libertarians) very well, and so when we don’t talk like liberals, or when we don’t talk like conservatives at the University of Wisconsin, Madison — who’re forced to dance a “I’m-not-racist” kabuki every time they make a point — she thinks we don’t understand reality and that we really do need liberals to guide us to enlightenment.
I don’t think the African-American community wants whites to dance to prove they’re not racist. Mostly they wanna see it to prove that whites can’t dance for shit. Goldberg doesn’t need liberals to guide him to enlightenment, he needs SOMEONE to guide him to some sense of rhythm.
Jonah wishes he could move like that.
Spew alert on the “dance” link! Now that was teh funny.
Wingnut grammar: “…forced to dance a ‘I’m not a racist’ kabuki….” An. AN. “…forced to dance AN ‘I’m not a….” I mean, why? Why why why? The substance is bad enough but why do these idiots have to push every one of my neurotic grammar and punctuation buttons.
Well, enough of the Airing of the Grievances.
Happy holidays, all.
Well, that and he uses “mightn’t” in a very Church-Lady way that makes we want to drop a lizard down his blouse . . .
dance rummy!
Thanks, guys. My holiday wouldn’t be complete without the Philosopher-Pantload dumping a steaming meditation on my monitor.
One, two, three, four. Let me see them wingnuts roll.
Jonah, your Christmas wish has come true. It’s a letter from Santa, just for you!
Actually, my embrace of liberalism leads me to feel guilty about not doing enough to help others out, and really doesn’t make me feel good much at all, because I know that no matter how much I do, I could do more, and no matter how much I can do, I can’t actually solve these things. Possibly I’m doing it wrong. On the other hand, I know a lot of self-satisfied conservatives, guys like Jonah who think that they’re superior to poor people for example, and a lot of guilt-ridden liberals, so maybe we’re all doing it wrong.
I wonder who’s morally superior: someone who knows people need their help and isn’t doing enough, or someone who isn’t doing anything because they don’t know anyone needs their help, or someone who deliberately props Marvin Olasky between themselves and the knowledge that people need their help? I rather suspect that from the point of view of someone who needs our help, we’re all assholes.
D. Sidhe Said:
“I know a lot of self-satisfied conservatives, …and a lot of guilt-ridden liberals,”
Gee. Me too. Go Figure.
That was kinda ouchy.
Wait- please tell me Ann responds to this blatant outrage perpetrated against her.
Oh, come on, PP. Ann responds to imaginary outrages perpetrated against her.
I’m sure she’s working on an appropriately pissy and inane response while she’s slugging back the eggnog.
I look forward to it with glee.
I particularly liked when Jonah said Ann was reasonable.
That’s …well, I would say it was a vivid imagination, but we all know JG is bereft in that area. I guess nearly anybody may seem reaswonable when you grew up with Lucianne Goldberg as your authority figure.
“There’s a certain Sorkinesque aesthetic to liberalism, full of self-congratulation and righteous grandstanding, that assumes the world needs liberals to tell everyone else what’s right and wrong.”
Jesus thinks you’re a jerk.
Jesus thinks you’re a jerk.
I’m considering proposing to you on the basis of that line alone. And the fact that Jonah will never get that joke.
“There’s a certain Sorkinesque aesthetic to liberalism, full of self-congratulation and righteous grandstanding, that assumes the world needs liberals to tell everyone else what’s right and wrong.�
Says someone who is regularly telling everyone else what’s right and wrong.
I have said repeatedly that Jonah is proof that if that was the way she was gonna use it, God should have never given Lucianne a uterus.