The many moods of Kaye

Nothing says Merry Christmas* like taking a look at the many moods of Kaye “The Editors’ Wife” Grogan. This is Patriotic Leopard, thanks to TPM:


Pretty good, but then came along Angry Hairdo:


Of course, after that came Bitter Perm:


The year ends with Pensive Pantene Pro-V:

And now here it is, your moment of Kaye:

Well, most know that in those days it took a long time to navigate from one area to another riding camels — so it’s not surprising to find out that Jesus…

Oh, we wonder what comes next…

* Take that, war on the holidays!


Comments: 30


Jesus was….what? A peace loving hippie? A dude that hung out with beggars and prostitutes? A guy that loved all and forgave all if you loved in you heart?
NAAHH. Not that guy.


Strange how the media isn’t reporting this:

Al Qaeda has sent a message to leaders of the Democratic party that credit for the defeat of congressional Republicans belongs to the terrorists.

In a portion of the tape from al Qaeda No. 2 man, Ayman al Zawahri, made available only today, Zawahri says he has two messages for American Democrats.

“The first is that you aren’t the ones who won the midterm elections, nor are the Republicans the ones who lost. Rather, the Mujahideen — the Muslim Ummah’s vanguard in Afghanistan and Iraq — are the ones who won, and the American forces and their Crusader allies are the ones who lost,” Zawahri said, according to a full transcript obtained by ABC News.

Why yes, Democrat victories in the elections did embolden the terrorists!


Well, most know that in those days it took a long time to navigate from one area to another riding camels — so it’s not surprising to find out that Jesus…

…was not actually the son of god after all, but rather the son of an itinerant sheep farmer and part time rug dealer named Ahmed. The son of god, meanwhile, was born 600 miles to the south, but it took so long to navigate to him via camel that he was just another infant mortality statistic by then…



i really love the way that people like gary take everything that anybody from al qaeda says as being the gospel truth. the idea that ayman al zawahri might not be entirely truthful in all his dealings never seems to enter their minds. but hey, if you’re stupid enough to believe everything bush says, i guess you’re stupid enough to believe everything your deadly enemies tell you too.


I still say Kaye looks like the fat kid’s mom from “Better Off Dead”.


that lady is a goddamn genius, i tells ya.


are you sure you have those pics in correct order? the dude in the flag picture looks to be about twenty years older than the dude in the last picture.


“Strange how the media isn’t reporting this: […] ‘according to a full transcript obtained by ABC News.'”

Media reports media’s failure to report. Conservative bloggers proven right, or… wrong… um… Hey, look, the AP left off an “a” in an Iraqi policeman’s name! Swarm, swarm!


Gary Ruppert said,

Strange how the media isn’t reporting this:

… the doofus said, linking to ABC News.


And how is anybody supposed to control al Quaida? Isn’t the prez, a guy gary thinks highly of, supposed to kill bin laden or something? Gary, I talked to a gay guy today, he said you’re hot. Guess that means you’re gay, huh?



Gary is saying that AL QAIDA is taking credit for the Democratic Victories.

Not that they have any logic behind that assertion or anything. They just say it’s so.

Why does Gary Hate America and Love Al Qaida?

Happy focking Holidays to you, too Gary! We do love him so.


OMG, she has subject/verb disagreement in the very first sentence! That rocks, dude. And some pointless quotation marks partway through! Yay!


Gary seez:

Why yes, Democrat victories in the elections did embolden the terrorists!

Gary, I am feeling mighty charitable with it being only four days until Boxing Day, and so I am going to play along with you for a second.

Let’s assume that Al-Qaeda is actually telling the truth here and that they are 100% happy that the Democrats won and not the Republicans. (Because see in the real world Gary, there are these things called pluses and minuses to any given situation, and also the tiny fact that given Al Qaeda hates the US, it is thus probably not going to tell anything resembling the truth in its propaganda broadcasts to the world).

But let’s say that Al-Qaeda isn’t lying and that they think it’s great that Nancy Pelosi is the new Speaker and real glad that Bush’ll face those nasty war losing things called oversight and accountability. I am going to ask you to stop and think for a second: What the hell do you mean by “embolden the terrorists?”

I mean, will they take their Seventh Terrorist Army Group and occupy Missouri? And make you gay marry Jim Talent? Do you have any idea what they’d do different with Nancy Pelosi running the House? Do you really think they’d do anything different if the US elected 425 Keith Ellisons? What exactly are they going to do now that they are so dangerously emboldened?

Just wondering.


Where does she get that it’s precisely 14 percent of the population trying to destroy Christmas? Is this some wingnut talking point? Where does it come from? Am I trying too hard to look for scientific veracity in a Kaye Kolumn?


Hey, give Kaye credit for her comment for the Poorman’s awards as well! The woman writes so much she doesn’t have time to think.


are you sure you have those pics in correct order? the dude in the flag picture looks to be about twenty years older than the dude in the last picture.

The portrait photographer’s friend: a little vaseline on the camera lens. Now that her column’s in “wider circulation” (mainly due to progressives looking for easy targets to mock, but, hey, that’s true of most MSM outlets these days), I guess Kaye’s handlers have persuaded her that her DMV headshot needs more Klass than the photoshopped flag could muster.


And if you really want to see a card carrying ACLU member turn from Grinch green to red — just wish them a “Merry Christmas” and they will be livid!

Funny bit of projection, after having read the Dan Reihl post above. Who get’s angry when the wrong greeting is used?

“The first is that you aren’t the ones who won the midterm elections, nor are the Republicans the ones who lost. Rather, the Mujahideen — the Muslim Ummah’s vanguard in Afghanistan and Iraq — are the ones who won,

So, they’ll be coming over to be sworn in?

Ha ha. Gary believes a press release.


So pointing out that we don’t know how many magi there were or when they came based off of the scanty account in Matthew means you’re dispeling the true meaning of CHRIST-MAS? (Hell, I don’t think the story even mentions camels)


No, don’t worry, Gary knows a BUNCH of terrorists and always knows where their heads are at. In fact, he’s totally dialed into the whole scene and….Hey, waitaminute. What’s the deal here, Gary?



Excuse me, that is not a “Pensive Pantene Pro V.”


It is clearly a “Rebuking Bouffant.”

Thank you.


al Ruppert, by calling attention to this, you are only serving to further embolden the terrorists and help their cause.
Goddamn America hater. Why don’t you go face east and pray towards Mecca that Allah will send unto you a new message of pro-Taliban propoganda to spread among the West?

The funny thing is that the irony of this is completely missed by senor Rupperto. This whole, “terrorists want Dems to win” thing was started by, wait for it, Republicans!
Follow the logic train thusly: I’m a terrorist. My bread and butter is my “all powerful David to America’s Goliath” image. Now, America is having a election, and the side that is currently in-charge (and doing more then its share to fill my war chests and enlistment quotas) claims that if the other side wins, so do I and my terrorist bridge club. In addition, they claim that I am, in fact, killing people to help the opposing party win this election.
Cut the the “morning after” (not that kind), the opposing party has won by a mandate in America.
Remember that “David/Goliath” thing?
I would be running throught he town breathless, telling everyone and thier chicken, “Hey, guess what I just did!”

As you sow, so shall ye reap, monkeyboy. Now go get me a new oscillation overthruster.

That Grogan/flag one has always bothered me. Mostly because.. it’s … wrong. The flag is a white stripe under the blue, not a red. Nyah.

Anyways, I gotta go call the Inquirer and tell them that I am 100% responsable for Brangelina’s break-up. Booyah!


Rupperto logic is so flawless.
Don’t hate it ’cause it’s beautiful!

I shudder to think ( a great band, by the way) how many people think in this kind of circular logic. They hate us because we’re A, and because we’re A they hate us. If only we were B. But they’d hate us anyway because we’re C. I probably botched the theorem, but so did they, so fuck ’em.


First off, if Jesus really was the son of God, wouldn’t it be reasonable to assume the star that guided the 3 wise men to Bethlehem would have appeared in time to get them there for the actual birth? If God is omniscient I’m pretty sure he’d consider mode of travel – be it camel or Concorde.

As for turning red at the mention of the words “Merry Christmas” – I could give a shit about what terms people use if they’re wishing me well.

LA Confidential Pantload

So has Al Qaeda demanded the Supreme Court order a recount yet? This sounds like Florida 2000 all over again – y’know, when all the Al Qaeda voters accidentally wound up voting Democrat.


As for turning red at the mention of the words “Merry Christmasâ€? – I could give a shit about what terms people use if they’re wishing me well.

OK, then: May you live to see a world without Jews!


If those pictures are in the proper order, she’s had a nose job (at least).

See how her skin sags in the first pic, and is much tighter in the last? There’s a reason she has that leopard-print up to her jaw line: turkey-neck!

Smiling Mortician

Ya gotta love Gary. He doesn’t show up all that often anymore, but when he does, he hijacks the thread in a single post before slipping quietly back into the night. I hope his overlords are paying attention and toss him a Christmas bonus. Maybe a nice rep tie or a gift certificate to Radio Shack or something.


I’m guessing Gary gets a gift cert from Wal-Mart.
It would only be fitting.


As always, for me, it’s all about the style:

“…as they incite their Christmas Warriors to counterattack with a gusto that is hard to match.”

…and that goes down smooth, crisp, clear, and refreshing with all your holiday favorites.


I mean, will they take their Seventh Terrorist Army Group and occupy Missouri? And make you gay marry Jim Talent?

Hey! No invading Missouri until after Teh Holidaze.

Jim Talent will need to find time to divorce his current, female wife. Gary, of course, has no such obstruction standing between him and Gay Wedded Bliss. Also, I will need to find time to shop for a new outfit for Gary Ruppert’s and Jim Talent’s Big Gay Wedding.

I was thinking something leopard-printish (to coordinate with Ganesh Bengal Cat, who wouldn’t miss it for the world, so please be sure to pick an animal-friendly wedding location, OK, Gar?), but Kaye Grogan has put me right off that idea. Thanks a lot, Kaye!

I don’t know if the first Kaye Grogan comment at The Editors’ place was real, but the second one had to be a parody.


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