Hey! You Intertubes! Get Off My Lawn!

George Will to Time Magazine: “Cazzlesprazzle frackinmackin bloggers!”

The best part:

There are, however, essentially no reins on the Web — few means of control and direction. That is good, but vitiates the idea that the Web’s chaos of entertainment, solipsism and occasional intellectual seriousness and civic engagement is anything like a polity (a “digital democracy”). Time’s bow to the amateurs who are, it strangely suggests, no longer obscure, and in the same game that Time is in, is refuted by a glance — which is all an adult will want — at YouTube’s most popular videos.

Above: “George ain’t gonna get you a diamond ring…”


Comments: 35


1. Cut a hole in a box …



You might note that I posted in the Will’s comments at the Post earlier. Or not.

QUOTE There are, however, essentially no reins on the Web — few means of control and direction. UNQUOTE George, what reins are there on dissembling Wapo editorial writers?

By ifthethunderdontgetya | Dec 21, 2006 8:08:54 AM | Request Removal

I heartily recommend everyone sign up for the WaPo, and diss George W.


I hate to vitiate, but y’all are definitely in the 99.9% of web content that fails the George F. (for “Fucking”) Will metric for seriousness.


He’s pissed because he didn’t get Time’s award.

He did?

Herr Doktor Bimler

“Vitiates” is good. When I am writing Pompous Shite in the course of my professional duties, I like to alternate it with ‘obviates’ and ‘militates against’.

If I score enough bonus points by fitting ‘invidious’ and ‘otiose’ and ‘nugatory’ into the same paper, then the big Jackpot lights start flashing all around the house, and the cats have to bow down before me and acknowledge that I am channeling the spirit of Thorstein Veblen, if they expect to be fed. Wills may be following a similar policy.

He seems to believe that a forum like the Interducts needs reins — means of control and direction, to be democratic, or a ‘polity’. Well call me a crazed anarchist if you like…

…OK, just call me a crazed anarchist.

[Exit, humming “The workers’ flag is deepest black”].


Doodz? It’s George fucking Will!! Who the goddam hell CARES what he writes. If there was ever a “Pundit” out of touch with what might be considered his constituency if he freakin HAD one, it would be this sad, sad assclown.

Whenever you start holding any part of your life up to comparison with George Will, you are essentially telliing the world “I can’t compete with flowers and the beach and shit”…

Don’t go down that road. Keep it real, children…



Thinking for yourself is unamerican. People you vote into office think for you. It’s the Merican way.

George Will is just Charles Krauthammer on Prozac and lithium. Maybe some percs too for good measure.

George doesn’t want to nuke the piss out of anyone who looks crosseyed at Israel. Charles, not so much.


I hate to vitiate, but y’all are definitely in the 99.9% of web content that fails the George F. (for “Fucking�) Will metric for seriousness.

The crazy thing is I think Will doesn’t actually know how to filter out the 99.9% of stuff he doesn’t care to look at. Like, maybe he thinks you have to read the whole Internet to get a glimpse of the serious bits. To get to Kevin Drum’s place, first you have to navigate past m4dGame43’s MySpace page, hang a left at a furry Web ring and … whoops, if you find yourself commenting on a knitting blog, you’ve gone too far.


Shorter mikey:

George Will = College Football



Mikey, you’re missing the extra point. It’s FUN to mock crazy old coots like George W.


The crazy thing is I think Will doesn’t actually know how to filter out the 99.9% of stuff he doesn’t care to look at. Like, maybe he thinks you have to read the whole Internet to get a glimpse of the serious bits.

I finished the Internet yesterday, and now I’m bored.


And the ending totally sucked. Like, WTF? Do they get together and have babies or what?


Damn, I’m forgettin’ my serious bits.

George F.W., take the wheel!

P.S. George F.W. Heh heh heh.

Herr Doktor Bimler

Like, maybe he thinks you have to read the whole Internet to get a glimpse of the serious bits.
Are there any, you know, sexy bits?
It’s not me who wants to know, it’s the Frau Doktorin Penny.


Do it for the kinder!!

Keith Gore Wiseman

George (and the mainstream-media he apparently represents) needs to look in the mirror. If videos on YouTube are the final statement on the credibility of bloggers, then stories of Bragelina, Brittney and professional sports, which follow closely on the heels of all real news in the mainstream media are the final statement on their credibility. These “pros” are just a wee bit jealous, no? Bitter, party of one!

Smiling Mortician

Quoth Will: The reader — but why bother to read the magazine when merely gazing at its cover gives immediate and intense gratification? — can gaze at the reflection of his or her favorite person. Thus demonstrating the real problem: You’re supposed to be gazing at me, goddammit! I’m the famous writer! (rolls eyes) Philistines.

Hate Encrusted Eyes

Yer on to somethig. It’s a vanity thing. GFW is a typicall aristocrat doing a freakout because the plebes are amusing themselves instead of giving him all the attention he craves. Look at me. Look at me he says. I am serious and important, the internets are silly and trivial; look at me damit.


How very elite pundit of him. The blogosphere isn’t democratic not because, say, it only represents a narrow section of the population, but because it can’t be controlled.


Don’t worry, George. There’s always next year — maybe you can be Time’s Man of the Year all by yourself instead of having to share it with the unwashed masses.


And he calls liberals elite. There’s a saying about light absorbent cookware, I forget it exactly.


I bet he sneaks downstairs at night and uses “The Google”…



Sadly, No! has teh best commenters evar!1!

Herr Doktor Bimler

here’s a saying about light absorbent cookware, I forget it exactly.
The pot calling another kettle of red herrings…
— No, I can’t remember either.


Sadly, No! has teh best commenters evar!1!

This is quite true. I have laughed so loudly tonight that I have alarmed not only my pets, but quite possibly my (human–I think) neighbors (I believe I hear the crazy man who sings to his microwave dialing for the police now), while reading the comments on the past few posts.

I had to do RL holiday-related activities, which I find extremely tedious.

So thank you. All of you. I won a rather large television today in a drawing of some sort at one of the holiday-related activities, and I gave it away. All because of you. Well, OK, not all because of you, but mostly.

And George Fucking Will is now, and always has been, a total dweeb.


Shorter George Will: The “control and direction” provided to the First Amendment by a freely-elected fascist dictatorship would help increase my speakers’ fees, which is what the Constitution is really all about.


George Will is not a journalist. He has no college degree in journalism nor has he ever been a reporter. His columns have always been nothing more than personal opinion, ie. nothing more than a blog post on the WaPo opinion page. Ergo, if bloggers are hackers so is he. Welcome to the club, pinhead.


2) Put yo junk in the box.


3. Make her open the box …

Smiling Mortician

4. Popcorn! Everywhere!


Yeah, this is the same George “Neutral disinterest is the greatest part of the pundit’s responsibility” Wills who switched from Free-Market Libertarian (and “so-called mainstreaming just hurts the normal students and costs the rest of us money’) to Communitarian (“Are we not, all of us, our brother’s keepers, and therefore bound to spend whatever it takes to ensure a prosperous future for all our children?”) after his OWN son was born with Down’s Syndrome. Which, hard lines for the poor kid, but… George? From all of us who work for a better world even when we don’t stand to benefit personally: Fuck you very much, and may your column inches ever shrink!


So, it’s not a democracy unless there are reins and controls on the polity? Spoken like a true Republican.

And what’s with the logorhea? Is he trying to be a bargain basement William F. Buckley, Jr. (actually, that would have to be a sub-basement to get under Buckley, but you get my drift).


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