If There’s One Thing We Hate, It’s 20-Year-Old Staff Photos

Shorter Iain Murray:
Scientific Backlash against Global Warming Alarmism?


‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.


Comments: 23


…we have abandoned democracy for a form of techno-ochlocracy – rule by those who shout the loudest about the science.

It’s especially bad when scientists reach a consensus, because then the flood of studies all reaching the same conclusion is in danger of completely drowning out any non-scientists who want to dispute the.data with serious, scholarly opinions.


I hope Kevin is right and that more scientist will step up and condemn those like Al Gore who distort the science for their own ends while condemning reasonable skepticism as a distortion instead.

This is a distortion of Kevin Vranes post.


I am a huge fan of Prof. Dennett and his work, but I believe it was Prof. Davies who gets the credit for the shorter concept.

And will Elton ever stop being too busy to pen more gems?


As much as I hate 20-year-old staff photos, I think I hate the dude’s “hair-don’t” more.


His CV is amusing: he’s apparently an everythingologist, writing about everything from penology (stop that!) to climate science using his mighty MBA. He has an MA from Oxon (sniff!), but won’t tell us what discipline. Thinkology or something, of course.

Meanwhile, real climatologists are meeting here in SF for the Geophysical Society meeting, and they’re pretty well agreed that the news is very bad. I just can’t wait for the Climate Change Nuremburg Trials, myself.


Roxane, you have to admit the hair-don’t makes the perfect bookend for that *smirk*. If ever there were a face that was made to be smacked…


People who politicize scientific theory’s that they know are not testable with current technologies are like bullies on a playground. They know the theory can’t currently fight back so why not rob the theory of its lunch money for personal gain (OK that was a bad analogy….). Seriously though, this is the same thing going on with evolution. Both global warming and evolution are testable (that’s why they are scientific) it’s just that people don’t have the sophisticated tech needed to do so right now.


i also want to light that hair cut on fire

Herr Doktor Bimler

That is not a hair cut. It is an alien brain-parasite that has disguised itself as a toupee and fastened itself to the poor guy’s scalp while it drills holes through his skull and slowly dissolves his brain.



Stop defending science. You are hurting not helping. I may scream if I think about your comment anymore.


I am a huge fan of Prof. Dennett and his work, but I believe it was Prof. Davies who gets the credit for the shorter concept.

Aiee! [corrected; thanks!]


Slowly, Herr Doktor? Really? You’re talking about the guy who wrote The problem of global warming is not a scientific one. Science can only inform policy choices that have to take economic, political and moral considerations into play as well. Politicians, not scientists, are the professionals at doing that.

Actually, I could have just stopped after The problem of global warming is not a scientific one in order to prove the Quick-Acting Toupee Parasite Postulate. Q.E.D.


SM, I don’t buy your proof; the photo is 20 years old.


His CV is amusing: he’s apparently an everythingologist

Or would that be an omni-ochlocist?



was my comment that bad?

Herr Doktor Bimler

a form of techno-ochlocracy – rule by those who shout the loudest about the science.
I think the kid — or the Quick-Acting Toupee Parasite that has taken over his body, although it is still struggling to produce a proper smile — really meant to say ‘techno-chloroxracy’, which is ‘rule by those who use the most hi-tech brand of bleach’.


I’m guessing that this guy hates environmentalism because he got fed up with being told he looked just like Woodsy Owl.


Why do conservative wonkbags always wear round glasses?


All wonkbags wear round glasses, even tadpole wonkbags — at least they do in TeeVeeLand.


Isn’t that the guy from the PC versus Mac commercials. Man, that guy is hilarious!

Herr Doktor Bimler

Since I never tire of directing juvenile insults at anyone who looks even more embarrassing than me — either he’s wearing an ocelot-skin tie, or he yarked up a chocolate milkshake.


[…] last we caught up with Murray, he was peddling low-grade junk science from a bailiwick at the low-budge Competitive Enterprise […]


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