Reading Powerline: Resistance in Futile

I will not read Powerline. It is bad for my health. My blood pressure skyrockets every time I even consider clicking over there. As of right now, I am officially taking a vow of Powerline celibacy…

“Oooooh Brrrrradrocket! I’ve written a new piece about starting a war with I-raaaaaaan!!!”

No, no, no, no, no, no. Will resist temptation. Will not click on the link. Will no… OH NO! TOO LATE!

Mr. President, If I May Be So Bold…

Most of our readers know the story of Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain at Gettysburg. Ordered to hold Little Round Top at all costs, Chamberlain’s 20th Maine fended off one attack after another. Finally, Chamberlain’s men were nearly out of ammunition and it was clear they would not be able to withstand another assault. Prudence counseled retreat, but Chamberlain’s orders forbade it. The Maine regiment could neither fall back nor stay where it was, so Chamberlain took the only course open to him: he told his men to fix bayonets and prepare to charge.

It strikes me that you, President Bush, are in a similar situation in Iraq.

There are differences, of course. Chamberlain was a military genius; George W. Bush can’t tie his shoes without the help of special “safety laces.”

Gavin adds: Shorter Hinderaker: “No, I think we have to go all out. I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part.”

You know (if many liberals do not) that retreat is out of the question. Yet the status quo is untenable. Support for your administration’s policy is evaporating.

28 percent support, according to the latest polls.

Iraq is being pacified too slowly if at all, and minor tinkering around the edges–a few more men, some more training of Iraqis–won’t make much difference. You need a decisive stroke.

He’ll stroke it to the east,
He’ll stroke it to the west,
When he strokes it in Iraq,
There’s gonna be a lot more death,

Gavin adds:

You need to tip the table over. You need to attack.

Here is how you can do it. In late November, U.S. military sources revealed that they had found irrefutable evidence that Iran is arming the militias who are killing American soldiers […]

[Gavin adds: Um, sort of, if by ‘revealed’ you mean ‘asserted.’ And here are some earlier instances of the story, for context’s sake. But Hindy is makin’ like an Arby’s Ham & Swiss Melt — i.e., he’s on a roll, and let’s hold the beef.]

So here is what you, President Bush, should do: take as a model the Cuban Missile Crisis. First John Kennedy, then Adlai Stevenson, laid before the world the evidence, in the form of aerial photographs, that the Soviet Union was installing nuclear arms in Cuba. The proof was taken as conclusive, and, consequently, the Kennedy administration’s actions enjoyed universal support at home, and widespread support abroad.

Do something similar here. Commandeer a half hour in prime time to tell the American people, and the world, that we have clear evidence of Iran’s involvement in killing American servicemen. Show the captured munitions. Explain exactly how they have contributed to American casualties. Display aerial photos of the training camps. No doubt there is much more evidence that can be presented or described.

You should say that Iran’s supplying of weapons in order to kill Americans is an act of war. In the dramatic finale of your speech, announce that thirty minutes earlier, American airplanes stationed in the Middle East took off, their destination, one of the munitions plants or training camps of which you have shown pictures. That training camp, you say, no longer exists.

Hindy- you may remember that Kennedy solved the Cuban Missile Crisis without launching military strikes against Cuba. Just sayin’.

You say that if Iran does not immediately cease all support for, and fomenting of, violence in Iraq, we will continue to strike military targets inside Iran.

So the solution to violence in Iraq is violence in Iran. Beauty.

A forceful and dramatic conclusion. But that isn’t quite the end; instead, in the manner of Columbo…

Columbo? Pfffft! C’mon, Hindy, that’s weak! If anything, Bush should be acting like MacGyver and disarming Sadr’s death squads with nothing more than a match book, dental floss and a pack of Juicy Fruit. Or maybe he should be like Matlock, and simply put every Iraqi under the age of 25 in jail. Them whippersnappers is all troublemakers, I tells ya.

…or Steve Jobs, you add just one more thing: you declare that no nation that is engaged in killing American servicemen on the field of battle will be permitted to arm itself with nuclear weapons. Iran must either open all nuclear-related facilities to inspection by an international group headed by the U.S. (not the U.N.), immediately and for the foreseeable future, or those facilities, too, will be destroyed, along with the economic infrastructure that supports them.

If you do this, will the country back you? Not all of it. The liberals are too far gone. But half the country–your half–will, and maybe more.

Uh, Hindy? It’s been quite a long time since Bush had “half” of the country on his side:


You are beset right now, Mr. President, by a sea of troubles. Any passive policy will fail; only boldness offers hope. The calculus not just in Iraq, but throughout the region, must be fundamentally changed. Many are counting you out, Mr. President, but the fact is that you still hold the highest cards: the American armed forces. It is time to give the Army, the Marines, and, this time, the Air Force, the order: fix bayonets and prepare to charge.

Prepare also to get your ass Chimpeached if you even think about following Hindy’s plan.


Comments: 74


To quote Denis Leary:

“During that Persian Gulf War, I was sitting in my living room, naked, with a can of Budweiser and a three inch steak watching the war, live, on TV. I had a six foot erection with a giant cheese burger on the end of it.”

This is how The Doughy One lives, all day, everyday.


Apparently Hindy thinks the US Armed Forces are Bush’s personal Praetorian Guard. The Chimperor can just hop out of bed this morning, don the toga he still has kickin’ around from the old Bony Skull days at Yale, and order out the legions to whack Iran.

On a side note, for a moment there I thought Hindy had turned on W and was wish he would have a stroke, but you cleared that up for me, Brad.

It’s too early in the morning for Powerline. I’m off to be a mndless American Holiday Consumer. Gotta keep that economy booming blah blah blah….


Hey, remember when Colin Powell “laid before the world the evidence, in the form of” some scratchy audiotapes and doctored photos that Saddam had WMD? And then–wait for it–there weren’t WMD there after all!

That was hilarious.


was ‘wishing’ he would have a stroke. Too early in the morning to type as well, apparently.

Ah, preview button, we hardly knew ye.


…Steve Jobs refused Microsoft nuclear weapons?
I mean, I would too, but that one isn’t in any history I’ve read.

HIndy’s analogy of the extreme left flank of the Union line sorta works in that… half-assed, damn the subtleties and context sort of way.

Conversly, that “fix bayonets and prepare to charge” is what Lee did with his march into the center of the Union line over a mile of open terrain and under the guns of heavy Union artillery and into a well fortified infantry position; while the obvious smart desicion was to quickly and quietly disengage the Union while most of his army was still in marching order, and slip around to the south of the deploying Union army, thus demanding their attack upon a defensive Confederate battle line on the ground of their own choosing, thus handily giving Lee the northern win he needed to force a Union surrender…
Sorry, am I destroying his illusion?

LA Confidential Pantload

If there’s all this irrefutable evidence, where is it?


I like how he conveniently leaves out that the last time an administration official made such a presentation of “facts”, it didn’t turn out so well. Oh well, I’m sure everyone would believe them this time. Good thing Bush has built up such a reservoir of trust over the past few years.

Also, Hindy starts out by claiming that a bold stroke is needed to extricate us from an untenable situation in Iraq, but never actually states how this would be accomplished. Even assuming that everything goes as he predicts, the best case is that Iran would stop funding the Shiites. Does anybody think that this would dramatically improve the situation in Iraq? Would the Sunni then stop blowing up Shiites and US troops? The Powerline guys really are the underpants gnomes of foreign policy:
step 1: attack Iran!
step 2: ???
step 3: peace in the middle east, renewed respect for our authoritah, and ponies of every size and color!
The worst case scenario, a regional war with us in the middle, is not discussed. To acknowledge the possibility would be defeatist and anti-american, after all.

Of course, it’s also possible that the dilemma that Hindy is interested in extricating Bush from is not Iraq, but rather Bush’s ever-shrinking domestic popularity and general lack of authoritah. In that case, another war might be just the ticket. But we all know that Hindy’s too noble a soul to have such crass political calculations in mind.


Hey, if Buttsocket wants to “fix bayonets” and lead a charge into the heart of Iran, I say, let him go ahead and…what?

Oh, he wants other people to do it? Never mind.


Wow! Victor Davis Priapus Hanson must be looking nervously over his shoulder as his “historical non sequitur” shtick gets usurped.. Hindy should look instead to Firesign Theater for his images. Think “our generated, veneered leader” and “Marching marching to Omaha with the eagle and the sword “could be made to work?


Owww. My head hurts. Is there some sort of special school you go to in order to learn the particular brand of bad wingnut historical analogies?

For Chrissakes, if Kennedy had done in 1962 what Assrocket is suggesting Bush do in 2007, THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN A GOD DAMN NUCLEAR WAR because there were ALREADY NUKES IN CUBA.

Secondly, while I agree that Chamberlain was brilliant on the Second Day of Gettysburg, the lesson learned is not that bold, seemingly crazy maneuvers always work. If Chamberlain’s attack had failed, he probably would have been denounced by the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War for recklessness and had the blame of the resulting union defeat on his shoulders. Furthermore, Bush isn’t in the same position as Chamberlain with hordes of johnny rebs rushing up Little Round Top. There isn’t going to be a Pickett’s charge tomorrow in which Osama Bin Laden cripples his Terrorist Army.

If anything, Hindy seems perfectly incapable of realizing the core problem that his wingnut advice has: That he is obsessed with strategizing against the enemy. so much so that he is completely oblivious to the fact that while the US can do stuff in the Middle East, “the enemy” can do things too.

Is there some sort of archive of bad historical analogies the wingnuts use? ‘Cause if not, there should be.


Hold on — wasn’t “Operation Together Forward” the bold stroke that was going to pacify Baghdad once and for all?


Ooh! Do you see it!?

That fleck of spittle on his chin!?

He is SO sERiAL!!1!!


After Powell’s fiasco the world wouldn’t believe Bush if he told them the time (big hand is on the 6 and Mickey’s little hand is on the 2…)


Yeah, you gotta love it. Not only is there the utter inaptness (and ineptness) of Hindrocket’s analogy, there’s the obvious irony that he is essentially a modern-day Confederate himself. So he’s praising the guys he believes were on the wrong side.


He’ll stroke it to the east,
He’ll stroke it to the west,
When he strokes it in Iraq,
There’s gonna be a lot more death,

Clarence Carter’s crappy lyrics finally put to good use.

Kennedy solved the Cuban Missile Crisis without launching military strikes against Cuba.

Also, as part of the deal that ended the crisis, the US promised the Soviet Union it would not invade Cuba in the future.

It is time to give the Army, the Marines, and, this time, the Air Force, the order: fix bayonets and prepare to charge.

What, no love for the Navy?


Hindraker is Unserious. He neglects the Coast Guard.


Chamberlain was a real scholar of the classics, unlike the fakery of VDH and the pretensions of Hinderaker. He was not cherry picking isolated battles in order to scold people, but following orders, with maybe some inspiration when it came to execution.


Truly, assrocket doesn’t care about bush. He doesn’t care about the american position in the world or the people in the middle east. He’d just love to see a big war with tanks and bombings and killing on an industrial scale. It is of no consequence to him that this would be a disaster, for it would affect him not at all and he would get many exciting jollies out of the long, bloody war that resulted…



Corndogs always win. Every time.


It is time to give the CIA, the NSA, and, this time, the MSM, the order: fix intelligence and prepare to charge.


And what about Syria? Do we just let them slide? What about Hezbollah? They need nukin too. As Hannibal proved by crossing the alps with elephants, all these Muslims must be taken out at the same time.


The thing about hopeless charges like Chamberlain’s is that they are hopeless for a reason. They usually don’t work and you end up in a worse situation than you otherwise would have been.


HINDROCKET: Mr. President, if I may be so bold…

GEORGE W: Holy sheeit, what the hell are YEW doin’ under my desk? Ain’t I got no goddam Secret Service??? Bruce! Dizzy! Jelly Roll! Throw this a-hole in the dudgeon!

HINDROCKET: ::dodging Bruce, Dizzy, and Jelly Roll:: No, sir, please, I just want to give you some advice… I can save your Presidency…!

GEORGE W: DUDGEON! DUDGEON! THROW THE COCK-KNOCKER IN THE DUDGEON!!!! Jesus Salmonella Christ do I gotta do every goddam thing around here! Jelly Roll, he’s behind yew… no, no, Dizzy, go right! Go right!

HINDROCKET: It’s dungeon, sir, dungeon, with an n, dudgeon is something different…

BRUCE: Sir, permission to bust a cap in intruder’s ass, sir.

HINDROCKET: NO NO NO NOOOOO I’m a loyal American I’m here to save your Presidency ::lunging aside as Bruce tries to draw a bead on him:: PLEEEEEEZ MR PRESIDENT I’M YOUR BIGGEST FANNNNNN

GEORGE W: Hey this is kinda like one a’ them there Three Stooges movies. Or watchin’ those neato Harlem Globetrotters. I wunner whatever happened to them. Maybe I could get Meadowlark an’ Curly Joe to wash my limousines. Okay, Bruce, shoot ’em.

BRUCE: ::begins firing wildly with his .357 magnum, blasting priceless antiques to shards and flinders, missing the frantically dodging Hindrocket with every shot:: Dammit, hold still yuh pop eyed li’l turd smoker — !

JELLY ROLL: Permission to use hand grenades, sir.

GEORGE W: Cool! Rock it out! ::leaps up on desk, begins madly playing air guitar:: BOOM BOOM!! OUT GO THE LIGHTS!!!

HINDROCKET: Hand grenades! HOLY SHIT!!! ::hurls himself back under desk::

CUT TO: OUTSIDE OF OVAL OFFICE. A massive explosion goes off. Debris flies everywhere. A gaping hole can be seen where the President’s bullet proof French — er, I mean, freedom — doors once stood. Emanating from the smoke we hear crackling walkie talkie transmissions — “Intruder neutralized.” “Where is BRUSHRAKE?” “Anyone seen BRUSHRAKE?” “Good God, what’s happened to BRUSHRAKE?”

CAMERA PANS AROUND to find GEORGE W, lying in some rose bushes, looking dazed but happy. His clothes are rumpled and somewhat scorched, his hair is frizzled, he looks a bit blackened and sooty, but otherwise unfazed.

GEORGE W: I’m out here, boys! WHOOOIE!!!! WHAT A RIIIIDE!!!! YEEEHA!!!!

* * * * *

FOX NEWS ANNOUNCER: Earlier today, an unidentified agent of Al’ Qaeda attempted a bold suicide bomb attack on the Oval Office itself. The President single handedly subdued the attacker, and the subsequent explosion left little for FBI lab techs to analyze. Still, Secret Service agents clearly describe a deranged, fanatical person of clearly Arabic descent, obviously bent on the destruction of every value American citizens hold dear…

GHOST OF HINDROCKET: Goddam liberal mainstream media!


Do something similar here. Commandeer a half hour in prime time to tell the American people, and the world, that we have clear evidence of Iran’s involvement in killing American servicemen. Show the captured munitions. Explain exactly how they have contributed to American casualties. Display aerial photos of the training camps. No doubt there is much more evidence that can be presented or described.

Now that Hindsprocket wrote this, does Bush really even need to take a half hour of TV time? Doorknob…

you add just one more thing: you declare that no nation that is engaged in killing American servicemen on the field of battle will be permitted to arm itself with nuclear weapons.

Also, declare yourself God. That way everyone has to do what you say. Or else… then, kind of shake your fist at them a little. That’s scary and it shows you really mean it this time.


Bad enough our forces don’t have the right body armor, now Hindy is advocating that they attack Iran with bayonets?


The thing about hopeless charges like Chamberlain’s is that they are hopeless for a reason.

Having heard that hope is not a method, he’s moving on to “good luck is a strategy”.

“The ponies of every size and color” rawked. So did McGyver battling insurgents with Juicy Fruit. The stuff’s so nasty, it just might pacify Baghdad.


Uh… by the way, you may be deliberately going for the incoherent thing, given who you’re riffing on, and that would be fine, but if not, I suspect you meant ‘Resistance IS futile’ in this entry title, rather than ‘in’.


So let me get this straight: if Hindrocket had been in charge at Gettysburg, he would have said “men, the only way to defeat these Rebs. . . is to attack England!” That sure would have been interesting.


Yes, absolutely true. GWB must now personally lead into combat all the 120,000 war supporting college republicans, Carl Rove and the couch commando’s and other assorted wing nuts. Can’t wait……..


People like Hindrocket shouldn’t even be allowed to roam the streets, much less influence military action. It really is just a game to them.

Sure, why the heck *not* throw everything we’ve got left into the pot! What could possibly go wrong?


and the Saudi’s have said that they would support the Sunnis in Iraq- we need to take them out too while we are it, and Syria! Oooo! And Eygpt too! And if we sweep up with 3 armies we can take the Ukrane, hold Iceland for two more turns, and get 5 extra armies, and get the tall star counter, place it right over Bagdad and the then we win!

Now all I have to do is roll a 5 or 6… 3! Crap!


Hold on there: Reading Powerline: Resistance in Futile?


Yay! Let’s do something that’ll break the military and create even more chaos and death…

“For my next trick, I’ll play Russian Roulette with an automatic.” – Powderline


It is with the +3 Stroke of Decisiveness that thou shalt smite thine enemies.


Sorry, that should be “we’ll play”…


Nevermind, I cocked that joke all up.


I like “Resistance In Futility”


So here is what you, President Bush, should do: take as a model the Cuban Missile Crisis. First John Kennedy, then Adlai Stevenson, laid before the world the evidence, in the form of aerial photographs, that the Soviet Union was installing nuclear arms in Cuba. The proof was taken as conclusive, and, consequently, the Kennedy administration’s actions enjoyed universal support at home, and widespread support abroad.

Wasn’t Colin Powell at the UN supposed to be our Adlai Stevenson Moment?


Since when does the Air Force fix bayonets?


Each player gets two ‘Adlai Stevenson Moments’ per round of play, according to the official rules, unless the ‘Impeachment Card’ is on the table.


I completely agree with this plan!! If HindLegOfASmallDog leads the charge!! The only possible way this plan can succeed is if his son enlists today and brings his genes of genius onto the battlefield!! Barring that he should shut the hell up.


Bush tried the aerial maps at the U.N. before and look where it got us. (See: Colin Powell, February 2003)


Hey these bees are a pain in the ass, with the stinging and the bombings, let’s go swing our clubs wildly at this other, quieter hive to show em we mean business! If we just swing our clubs a little more forcefully, all them bees will submit to our authority.


Have you ever noticed these Repubs. want every “war” to be a re-fighting of the last war and to fight it using bad analogies to every war in history? How many more good analogies must die, Mr. Speaker !!!


I have the perfect analogy for this war, courtesy of my friend Jerry. He and a buddy were going down a river in a small boat, drunk, and a wasp’s nest was on a tree branch overhead, so his drunk friend hit the wasp nest with a paddle and the nest fell right into the boat next to them — and when they threw the next out of the boat, the motor wouldn’t start so the wasps just kept stinging and stinging them.


I think Hindassbackwardsthinker has been co-opted by Darth Cheney. Because if the C-Plus Augustus were to appear in public announcing a nitwitted “plan” like this, even Roberts and Scalia would consider it grounds to have him locked up as being of unsound mind. Although if Hindmost wants to take the lead, personally, on this whole “fixed bayonets” idea (no phallic imagery too far, eh, Rog?) I would cheerfully chip in to buy him a ticket to Iraq. It shouldn’t be too expensive, because we wouldn’t need to pay for the round trip…


“Truly, assrocket doesn’t care about bush.”

Gotta disagree with you there, Mikey. Hindrocket is a total fangrrl when it comes to Bush. His panegyrics to El Presidente are legendary, and not unlike the swoons of teenyboppers confronted with their Idol of the Moment.

… unless you’re actually saying assrocket doesn’t care about “bush,” i.e., female genitalia. You might have a case there, since I think his heart belongs to capital-B Bush.


So … “Columbo” is “beset by a sea” in which he is being “counted out,” so he needs to “change the calculus” by “fixing bayonets” because he “still holds the highest cards.”

I never really thought of it that way.


Squadron Leader: War is a psychological thing, Perkins, rather like a game of football. You know how in a game of football ten men often play better than eleven?

Flight Officer Perkins: Yes, sir.

SL: Perkins, we are asking you to be that one man. I want you to lay down your life, Perkins. We need a futile gesture at this stage. It will raise the whole tone of the war. Get up in a crate, Perkins, pop over to Bremen, take a shufti, don’t come back. Goodbye, Perkins. God, I wish I was going too.

Perkins: Goodbye, sir — or is it — au revoir?

SL: No, Perkins.

(From Beyond the Fringe. A bit before Animal House.)


“Since when does the Air Force fix bayonets? ”

Since they started being used as convoy escorts in Iraq…poor bastards.


In the neo-con world there are no consequences. Only actions. “we’re an empire now.”

Well, Mr. President you now have your marching orders.


Gavin, maybe Hindrocket’s just channelling the old Beyond The Fringe routine about inane WWII movies. Scene: RAF air base, during the Battle of Britain.

RAF Captain: I want you to lay down your life, Perkins.
Leftenant Perkins: Right, sir.
Capt: We need a futile gesture at this stage. It will raise the whole tone of the war.
Perkins: Yes, sir.
Capt: Get up in a crate, Perkins.
Perkins: Right, sir.
Capt: Pop over to Bremen.
Perkins: Yes, sir.
Capt: Take a shoofty.
Perkins: Right, sir.
Capt: Don’t come back.
Perkins: Right, sir.

Hindrocket should play Perkins, I think.


Godammit, Porrofatto!! How’d you get that in so fast????


In late November, U.S. military sources revealed that they had found irrefutable evidence that Iran is arming the militias who are killing American soldiers…

According to a report on police death squads from Britain’s channel 4

From the start the US authorities have been reluctant to interfere and that became even more marked when a controversial appointment was made to the Iraqi government. In May 2005, a man named Bayan Jabr was made Minister of the Interior – and thus the man in charge of the police. He was one of SCIRI’s most senior figures.

Suddenly huge numbers of his own exclusively Shia militiamen from the Badr Brigade were recruited into the police. Gerry Burke witnessed that first hand. A senior Massachusetts policeman, seconded as a police adviser to Baghdad, Burke saw a memo from the new Minister authorising the recruitment of one group of 1,300 men into the Commandos without any obvious qualifications for the job. ‘These were men without any police training, without any background checks’, Gerry Burke told us, ‘It was just changing uniforms from the Badr Brigade to the police’.

A few months later, when groups of Sunni men began to be kidnapped, murdered and their bodies dumped in the same spots every day, Gerry Burke tried to organise a surveillance operation to catch the killers. But the ordinary Iraqi police officers he was working with were too terrified to co-operate. ‘They believed the perpetrators were members of the police who would have killed them in retaliation for investigating it’.

But that is by no means the only evidence that Iraq’s Minsiter for the Interior is involved in a covert campaign of terror. One Iraqi MP, accuses Mr Jabr of being behind a network of secret prisons were Sunnis were held without charge and tortured. Of course, in a land where sectarian rivalries often involve wild allegations, we should treat any such claims with caution. But even with that in mind, the evidence provided to us by a Sunni MP named Mohammed al Dini is profoundly disturbing.

Yeah, Mr. Powerline. So before you encourage Bush to go all crazy on Iran because you’re just itchin’ for more blood and gore, you might want to review the evolution of the problem (which incidentally, the US government could care less about …like it cares less about everything else going wrong for Iraqi citizens.)


oops, I should have added “and its troops.” So another soldier dies in Iraq…Bush sleeps like a baby!


Steve T.

Great minds and all that eh? Whenever I see the phrase “futile gesture” I can’t help thinking of that sketch.


If he could actually discern the difference between fan fiction and foreign policy, well, his columns would be a lot shorter for starters.

Herr Doktor Bimler

Have you ever noticed these Repubs. want every “war� to be a re-fighting of the last war and to fight it using bad analogies to every war in history?
Damn right. And let’s not forget the Seven-Years’ War.
There’s Frederick the Great, facing an alliance of Austria, France, Russia, Saxony, and Sweden, and having only Great Britain and Hanover on his side. Prussia is losing ground, but does Frederick surrender? No, he goes on fighting, opening new fronts — and on the point of defeat, his strategy is vindicated when Elizabeth of Russia pops her clogs and the whole anti-Prussian alliance falls apart.
The story is an inspiration to us all… Why, yes, I did read about it in Goebbel’s diaries. Am I really that obvious?


Belgium, man, Belgium!



The comments to this post are, as they say, pure Nutte de Winge. I like the comment where rocketboy assures the powerline commenters that he can get his post to Shrub (but, of course, can’t guarantee that Shrub will take his bold advice).


the comments at the powerline sight. carry on.


it is late. powerline site.


ajay said,

December 15, 2006 at 17:31

Hindraker is Unserious. He neglects the Coast Guard.

And he forgot Poland, too!


you add just one more thing: you declare that no nation that is engaged in killing American servicemen on the field of battle will be permitted to arm itself with nuclear weapons.

Bush and which army? You mean the one stuck in Iraq?


Hmmm, let’s see, a huge “Surge” with most of your available combat power to turn back defeat and achieve victory. That’s sounding kind of familiar to me…

[Drums fingers on table, thinks hard and long…]

That’s IT! I’ve got it!

They called it Unternehmen: Wacht am Rhein if I recall correctly…

We called it the “Battle of the Bulge”…

Yeah, that worked out GREAT for them…


LA Confidential Pantload

Yep, Hindy will lead the charge, a blazing .45 in one hand and a corn dog in the other.


Assrocket really should be more careful with his writing. Otherwise he’ll confuse der Chimperor and Ghettysburg will end up getting bombed back into the stone age.



I’m a good 5 hours away from these stupid rays, but still that seems close after this Assrockian Classic. I wonder if the thoroughput of these stupid rays increases by the stupidness of his posts?

Theophrastus Bombastus von Hoehenheim den Sidste

Billy Squire. I love those guys. However, twentyfive years after I saw them warm up Foreigner at the Boston Garden and in light of this video (which I had never seen before), I can only point out:

He’s got a fucking armadillo in his trousers!


I rarely click on the you tubies because I’ve had so many eye searing experiences cheerfully clicking away – think Atlas Pam. I didn’t even realize that was my beloved Bily Teh Hawt Squier until now. Wow! Sweat! Whew!

it’s my understanding he’s doing indie film and producing these days.


My dad heard Billy Squire and was impressed with his guitar playing. Go figure. Anyway the video for The Stroke came on and dad wanted to know why Billy wasn’t playing guitar. “Because it would hide his cock.”


Karl Rove II said,

December 15, 2006 at 21:00

Yay! Let’s do something that’ll break the military and create even more chaos and death…

“For my next trick, I’ll play Russian Roulette with an automatic.â€? – Powderline

Aaaaawh, but what? Beretta says the clip can hold 16 rounds and I only load it up with 1 …. what’chya makin’ funabout U librul turd?

Now watch me pull that trigger …

Yours sincerely, Hindro


I don’t think I’ve ever seen such naked sycophancy and debased projection from another human being.


(comments are closed)