Confused: Would The Announcement Read, ‘It’s Not Backwards Day?’

It’s just past midnight. I think it might be Backwards Day again.

From Americablog:

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

E. coli outbreak leads to Taco Bell

by Chris in Paris – 12/05/2006 03:08:00 AM

“That’s funny,” I thought. “It’s usually the other way around.”

And then just at that moment, this came in from some Bizarro-world Atrios, via RSS:



Update: The usual forwards and not upside-down or diabolically laughing or bearded Atrios went and corrected it,* so I guess they had a big battle or it’s not backwards day again after all.

Welp, back to my Lego space station.

The Way Forward
By Mark Noonan at 08:16 PM

Victor Davis Hanson over at NRO’s The Corner shows what clear thinking results in:


Oh, it’s only Noonan. Whew, that was scary again there for a second.

* No really, read the comments.


Comments: 20


So do I say “badnight” or “good day”?


Unfry my fried food, unsoggy my wet cereal, and you own the bowl.


I was actually in a Taco Bell when CNN ran that E. Coli thing. Didn’t stop me.
Chicken Baja Chajupas are my cruel mistress; and if she sees fit to give me e. coli, then I say, “Thank you, ma’am, my I have another?”

The popularity thing: the thing is that, “Well, I llike Bush. And all my friends like Bush. And everyone who reads my blog likes Bush. Obviously, this is a un-skewed sample of the entirely of the American public which more accurately represents the truth then any poll that’s done by people who poll for a living.”


Bush is currently, has been for some time, and will likely continue to be an extraordinarily popular president.

The hardcore Reichtards are gonna keep “catapulting the propaganda” until the day their bloated corpses are excavated from their moms’ basements. As they understand it, if enough ‘Bush Is Teh BESTEST’ wordage is generated, then perhaps future historians who measure the worth of a public figure by the weight of his fluffers’ propaganda will fall under the impression that Bush was something other than a final insult to the American political process from the rotten, decaying heart of the late-20th-century Rethuglican party. The fact that Bush couldn’t win an election without the help of his father’s Supreme Court appointees and a whole cafeteria menu of voter fraud may yet vanish (be made to vanish) down the memory hole, if only his Truest Believers can clap harder dammit!. Besides, if Bush is not, and has never been, “an extraordinarily popular president”, than what are the ragged remnants of his devoted followers going to use as comfort during the long, dark nights?


I just read a Chris Muir cartoon that had no tits in it. Then the bumper fell off my Camry. What does this MEAN!


Besides, if Bush is not, and has never been, “an extraordinarily popular president�, than what are the ragged remnants of his devoted followers going to use as comfort during the long, dark nights?
The same shit they’ve been pulling out of their asses for the last six years.


Thankfully, someone with more credibility than me said this ‘er.

Is there some reason we should all be bending over backwards to support this guy? I wasn’t aware of him in 2004, so maybe I missed his golden age, but everything this guy’s done since then falls in line with the Lieberman/McCain dance. I keep reading about how he represents fresh perspective, but I’ve yet to see him say anything novel.


God, I loathe Victor David Hanson. After two paragraphs of blaming Carter and Clinton for everything wrong with our foreign policy, he offers some “constructive” solutions:

In response, what the administration needs to do is to nominate someone from the uncompromising Bolton stamp who pursues UN reform,

I nominate Atlas Pam.

rethink tactics in Iraq to secure the country,

such as?

renew diplomatic efforts to isolate Iran and foster internal change,

Really, we’ve been trying that for that for decades and it hasn’t done shit. One reason is that our current administration has destroyed any diplomatic credibility we have with the rest of the world. Maybe UN Ambassador Atlas Pam could change that.

continue the investigations and pressures on Syria, and craft an energy policy that collapses the world price of petroleum and with it the juice that powers a Chavez, Ahmadinejad, Putin, et al.

And what would VDH’s energy policy entail besides drilling in ANWR?

For some prick who has written several books about the Pelopenisian Wars, he doesn’t seem to understand anything about them. He should maybe start with that Greek concept hubris.


I’ve been collecting TBogg’s nicknames for VDH (

Victor Davis Grandpa Simpson Hanson
Victor Davis I Was A Teenaged Classicist Hanson
Victor Davis YabbaDabbaDoo Hanson
Victor Davis Popeye the Sailor Man Hanson
Victor Davis The Dog Ate My Notes Hanson
Victor Davis Occasional Blackout Hanson
Victor Davis Ozymandias Hanson
Victor Davis Good to the Last Drop Hanson
Victor Davis Conan the Historian Hanson
Victor Davis Memento Mori Hanson
Victor Davis Reductum Ad Absurdum Hansen

I think there are some more but I haven’t had time to check all the archives.


I was actually in a Taco Bell when CNN ran that E. Coli thing. Didn’t stop me.
Chicken Baja Chajupas are my cruel mistress; and if she sees fit to give me e. coli, then I say, “Thank you, ma’am, my I have another?�

Too, too funny.

Some Guy – I don’t suppose you get very many invites to be an inspirational speaker at eating disorder recovery groups.


OT, but Congrats to Sadly, No!, finalists in the Best Humor Blog category for the 2006 Weblog Awards.

A few other nominess:

IMAO – Best Humor Blog
Day by Day – Best Comic Strip
Pattericos Pontifications – Best Conservative Blog

So many good friends nominated. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a category for Best Troll, so no AA on the list.

Be sure to vote!


rethink tactics in Iraq to secure the country,

Mark S.
such as?

Since it’s Victor Davis Hanson, you can be sure that the strategery will be to resurrect Pericles and appoint him as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs.


Where’s the photoshop job of Atrios with the evil spock beard?


I love Taco Bell! They have come up with the best concept in fast food. Everything tastes exactly the same, but they have 14 discrete varieties of texture. I walk down the street to my local TB and ask for “One Gooey, One Chewy and One Crunchy, please, and a soda pop”. This is very hard to beat.

The best take on Victor Davis Hanson, the Historian with no Sense of History, comes from his Fresno neighbor, Gary Brecher, the “War Nerd”. It’s harsh and funny, but most definately accurate…


Herr Doktor Bimler

Victor Davis Rectum Ad Absurdum Hansen


For an example of what the last great gladiator’s clear thinking results in you only have to look at Iraq.


A few other nominess:

IMAO – Best Humor Blog
Day by Day – Best Comic Strip
Pattericos Pontifications – Best Conservative Blog

Ack. It really must be opposite day.


My favorite comment about VDH is “Let us stipulate straightaway: Victor Davis Hanson is the worst historian since Parson Weems. To picture anything remotely as bad as his pseudo-historical novels and propaganda tracts, one would have to imagine an account of the fiscal policies of the Bush administration authored by Paris Hilton.”

Herr Doktor Bimler

Comments about VDH? Alicublog’s commentator Paul K. has the proverbial scalpel-like way with words:

“Yes, that fine Micronesian-tortoise head can still raise itself from the pillow and fix us with its imperturbable gaze, But like I keep telling the family, yeah, sure, his eyes still move when they’re open, but what you got to understand is, he can’t actually see you no more.”


(comments are closed)