Mirengoff Exceeds All Predictions
In comments I bet a pint of ice cream that Mirengoff would parry by trying the old ‘…um, hey, look at teh Clinton!’ trick. Of course everyone was way too smart to fall for the bet, but Mirengoff now owes us fifty billion pints of ice cream (and we want it now) because he not only tried to point the old bone at Clinton, he tried to point it at every postwar Democratic president, mentioning Richard Nixon only as a ‘successor’ of Lyndon Johnson’s, and blanking out utterly on Republican presidents Dwight Eisenhower, George H.W. Bush, and (you knew this was coming, wait for it…) Ronald Reagan.
The Reagan Administration is, of course, the standing benchmark for corruption, indictments, and prison terms. Mirengoff manages to avoid such analytical challenges by moving the goalposts: Instead of talking about corruption, we’re suddenly for some reason talking about ‘when it comes to waging war’ (except for the ones waged by Republican presidents besides George W. Bush):
Foner baloney, Part Two
Yesterday, I commented on the assessment of the respected (at least at one time) radical-leftist historian Eric Foner that George W. Bush is undoubtedly the worst president in American history. Foner was so anxious to “mail in” that assessment that he neglected to mention the one issue that, depending on future developments, actually could cause objective historians to give President Bush low marks — the war in Iraq. But let’s compare Bush to some other post-World War II presidents when it comes to waging, or not waging, war.
You would be correct if you were to speculate that the comparison is Rube Goldberged such that teh Democrats always do wrong things and George W. Bush is a big hero genius.
Mirengoff does, however, offer one correction in this post.
CORRECTION: President Bush didn’t declare “mission accomplished.” He stood near a banner that said that.
“CORRECTION: President Bush didn’t declare “mission accomplished.â€? He stood near a banner that said that.”
CORRECTION correction. Shrubco. claimed banner was the troop’s idea. He was, as usual, lying.
Everywhere George stands, sits, and shits for the cameras is MANAGED.
This dude is spazzing out seriously, like Daryl Hannah when I shot her in Blade Runner.
Soon after the president leaves office, the Afghan based terrorists launch an attack on U.S. soil that kills approximately 3,000 Americans.
George W. Bush
Following the deadly attack against the U.S., the new president quickly brings down the regime in Afghanistan that allowed the terrorists to flourish, and routs the terrorist group there.
I’ve got a nagging feeling that one or two things happened in the, what was it, 5 or 6 hours, between Bush taking office and the 9/11 attacks.
it’s difficult to argue that events in Iraq prove President Bush to be, comparatively speaking, even a bad modern-day president
it’s difficult to argue that events in Iraq prove President Bush to be, comparatively speaking, even a bad modern-day president
This is a true statement as long as:
1. You are congenitally defective
2. You are Mute
3. You are in orbit around Uranus
4. You are a paid spear-carrier for the administration
5. Dick Cheney has your children in his lair in Wyoming
War is Peace
Ignorance is Strength
We have always been at war with Eastasia
Four legs good, Two legs bad.
Four legs good, Two legs bad, except republican legs.
Four legs good, Two legs better.
Long live the glorious conservative revolution.
I thought it was possible to die from water intoxication if you drank that much Kool Aid, but umm, he’s proved me wrong. How can anyone with at least some common sense and some rational thought justify to themself that the banner behind Bush as he spoke was not part of his speech. It’s one of the most ridiculous & banal type of legal arguments:
“He was merely holding the knife when it stabbed the hooker.”
“His nose was occupying empty space when a buxom hooker with coke on her ass happened to occupy an adjacent space.”
Shouldn’t the Clinton section have ended with “Administration orders experts to draw up plans for neutralizing al-qaeda in afganistan if they are shown to be the culprits behind the Cole attacks” and the Bush section started with “Administration ignores said plans, begins PR blitz for missile defense shield”.
oh, this is too fucking much…
CORRECTION: President Bush didn’t declare “mission accomplished.” He stood near a banner that said that.
Some readers have also said that “mission accomplished” referred to the mission of overthrowing Saddam which had (and has) been accomplished. Perhaps. But it certainly was not the case that major combat operations had ended.
WTF? Wasn’t his speech about how major combat operations had ended? Which implied the “Mission Accomplished” banner?
Oh, yeah, they got some officer to say that the banner was the idea of the ship’s crew. And didn’t it just recently come out who actually paid for the banner?
The powerline folks & their commentors need some serious help.
Way off topic here, but S,N favorite Orson Scott Card is going to be on The Thom Hartmann program tomorrow to talk about his trashy “Empire” novel. So is Katherine DeBrecht, author of the illuminating “Help Mom!” childrens books, with titles such as Help! Mom! There Are Liberals Under My Bed!, Help! Mom! Hollywood’s in My Hamper! (Help! Mom!) and her latest, Help! Mom! The 9th Circuit Nabbed the Nativity (Help! Mom!).
Might I suggest, “Help! Mom Keeps Buying Me Crappy Books!”
The show is on 9am-12pm PST tomorrow (wednesday). You can stream it here.
Hmmm, no preview. Wish me luck!
Y’know, you gotta hand it to these last die-hard bush supporters. I mean, it’s gotta be a little like being Ted Bundy’s best friend. Everywhere you go, people are saying terrible things about your bud, and you have to get more strident and more unrealistic in your defense of the indefensible. “Sure he killed those girls, but he paints REALLY well, and anyway, one of those girls had cancer, so it’s not like he really DID anything”…
Just like a conservative to bring his dick to a brainfight.
I was poking around over there, and it looks like the Powertools actually comment on occasion on their new forum.
Oh, the prank potential….
The show is on 9am-12pm PST tomorrow (wednesday). You can stream it here.
I was poking around over there, and it looks like the Powertools actually comment on occasion on their new forum.
So do we! [shhh!]
Some readers have also said that “mission accomplished� referred to the mission of overthrowing Saddam which had (and has) been accomplished. Perhaps. But it certainly was not the case that major combat operations had ended.
From Bush’s speech, May 1, 2003:
“THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all very much. Admiral Kelly, Captain Card, officers and sailors of the USS Abraham Lincoln, my fellow Americans: Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed. (Applause.) And now our coalition is engaged in securing and reconstructing that country.”
Really, this is just getting pathetically sad at this point.
You’re a terrible sinner, Gavin.
Everywhere George stands, sits, and shits for the cameras is MANAGED.
Um, this shit was apparently unmanaged 😉
CORRECTION: President Bush didn’t declare “mission accomplished.� He stood near a banner that said that.
Correction: I didn’t tell Paul Mirengoff to “fuck off”. I stood near a middle finger that implied that.
From the Phallic Euphemism forum:
As to why I didn’t discuss Reagan and Bush 41, my goal was to focus on prior presidents who were involved with what I think can clearly be called major mistakes or failed policies. Reagan, I don’t believe, falls into that category. It can be argued that Bush 41 does because he didn’t finish off Saddam’s regime. However, there’s a good deal of controversy about that. I wanted to stick to prior presidents who pretty clearly seem to have been associated with failure of a major magnitude.
It… I… okay. See, Foner didn’t even just talk about corruption. He called Dubya ‘the worst President ever’ by several standards. Corruption was just one of them.
I grant you, how well or poorly a President conducts a war wasn’t any of them, but I’m thinking, if it was, well, Dubya comes out pretty shitty there, too. I mean, y’know, Roosevelt and Truman WON their war…
Goddamn, those are some lively goalposts they have over there.
Y’know, you gotta hand it to these last die-hard bush supporters. I mean, it’s gotta be a little like being Ted Bundy’s best friend.
Just think, if card-carrying Ted hadn’t murdered all those women… Correction: if he’d escaped detection, he could be serial killing whole nations today.
i think the powerline forum is a null space of some kind. one can only enter it if one has the requisite lack of knowledge necessary to engage in serious non-factual statements.
all news acquired by reading the WSJ ed page, Fox News, or some combo of instapundit and powerline
white and male
tiny little wee-wee
SUV driver? 75/25
absolute and total devotion to power and its adjuncts.
did i leave anything out?
My God, what an abortion of history! The bullshit about the Shah aside, is Paul saying that he opposed the Vietnam War? Because the Powertools rarely stray far from the party line, and I thought the party line was that we would have “won” the Vietnam War if we weren’t stabbed in the back by Jane Fonda, Walter Cronkite, and all those fucking hippies.
A question for the ladies: If a horrendous catastrophe struck the earth and the only four people left were you and the Powertools, would you
a) kill yourself
b) kill the Powertools and then kill yourself
c) try to recreate the species with the seed of John Hindracker
Anyone who answers c) should be banned.
Whoa! Forget the all-too-predictable attack on the Clenis and dig this li’l nugget of wisdom from Mirengoff:
“The commander of our forces in Korea (a legendary general) wants to use nuclear weapons against the Chinese, but the president refuses and removes the commander.”
Gosh, that meanie Truman, not letting Dougie MacArthur drop the Big One on China! If only Nixon had been at the reins — HE’D have shown those damn chopstick-eaters how we make the world safe for democracy…
Eisenhower threatened to use nukes in Korea, then backed off — but that doesn’t rate a mention for some reason.
I like how he only uses post-WWII presidents. This lifts his burden form having to mention FDR or James K. Polk, both highly accomplished Democratic Presidents who successfully waged wars that forever changed the destiny of the United States.
Suck it.
On a side note, some people have said that Lincoln and the Civil War are a good example of why the eeeevil Liberal MSMuslims (how come no one else has used that? Did I just coin that little contraction?) should stop hyping up how everything’s a catastrafuck in Iraq. The gist, if you will, is that the Union spent a large portion of the first years of the war getting it’s ass handed to them.
What should be pointed out is that Lincoln had the capacity to recognize that his leadership was ineffective, and rotated out many Generals in and out of Command of the Union Army until he found one who COULD do the job.
I’m guessing they are a little nervous about the phrase “Mission Accomplished.”
There must be a lot of silkscreens out there just waiting for another batch job?’
A question for the ladies: If a horrendous catastrophe struck the earth and the only four people left were you and the Powertools, would you
a) kill yourself
b) kill the Powertools and then kill yourself
c) try to recreate the species with the seed of John Hindracker
Anyone who answers c) should be banned.
I resent the sexism/homophobia (and hopelessness) implied in that question.
That said, I’d do none of the above.
Instead, I’d physically overpower the tools (how hard could that be?), put choke collars on each one, and make them do my every bidding.
But I’d rule the tools with benevolence, and make sure that they had a warm place to sleep together.
I’d send them out into the radiation to do some gardening.
I guess Reagan giving arms to the Iranians for hostages & getting 200+ Marines blown up in Beruit then running home were “successes” by the powerline standard- IOKIYAR.