Let The Hate Shine In

Having found herself unable to blame John Bolton’s resignation on anti-Semitism (and if we know Pammy, we know she took a run-through on that position — possibly as the blender was churning a third pitcher of lime-kiwi daiquiris, perhaps as a Technotronic CD skipped maddeningly in the background), Atlas Shrugs instead blames American Muslims’ outrage over Dennis Prager’s infamously shark-jumping bible-oath column on…

Oh, guess. No, really. Take a guess. No, after you.

Keep in mind that the above link leads to a condemnation of Prager by the Anti-Defamation League.


CAIR is attempting to bully the White House and the Holocaust Memorial to remove Dennis Prager? If this isn’t the height of hypocrisy. WTF does CAIR have to do with the Holocaust (considering the Quran calls for death to the Jews.) If anything, Muslims have much to atone for.

Muslims joined with Hitler to annihilate the Jews. This is too rich, too disgusting.


Photograph of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem reviewing the Nazi “Handzar” SS division in Yugoslavia 1944. In an address to the Muslim troops the Mufti puts Islam and Nazism on the same level claiming there were “considerable similarities between Islamic principles and National Socialism” More here

That’s genuinely awful. Then again, these stories of Pam’s always seem to have something crucially wrong with them, and that thing is often context. Even if we overlook her classic bigot algebra, in which the concept, ‘[certain people] in [a certain part of the world] did [something] at [some point in history],’ factors cleanly into concepts like ‘the Jews Muslims killed Jesus joined with Hitler,’ there’s also at least one other thing. From the Village Voice:

Oy McVey
From the Irv Rubin Bust to the Stern Gang: The Rich History of Jewish Terrorism

by Jason Vest
December 19 – 25, 2001

…[Avraham] Stern was appalled when the Irgun decided to make common cause with the British against the Nazis, and created the even more underground and more violent Lehi (Lohamei Herut Yisrael, or Fighters for the Freedom of Israel), also known as the Stern Gang, which held there was no greater threat to the Jews of Palestine than the mandate’s British administrators.

To this end, Stern actually made overtures to the Axis powers; September 1940 found him in dialogue with an emissary from Il Duce in Jerusalem, and in January 1941 he dispatched an agent to Vichy-controlled Beirut with instructions to convey a letter to representatives of the Reich. In it, Stern held that the “establishment of the historical Jewish state on a national and totalitarian basis, and bound by a treaty with the German Reich, would be in the interest of a maintained and strengthened future German position of power in the Near East. Proceeding from these considerations, [the Lehi] in Palestine, under the condition [that] the above-mentioned national aspirations of the Israeli freedom movement are recognized on the side of the German Reich, offers to actively take part in the war on Germany’s side.”

The Germans declined to take Stern up on the offer, but Stern held out hope as his organization continued to engage in terrorism against the British. After Stern died in a shoot-out with British police in 1942, his mantle was picked up by future Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Shamir.

So by Pam’s logic, Jews have no right to participate in the decisions of the Holocaust Memorial Board.


Luckily for all of us, Pam’s Logic would be one of the shortest books in the world — like Swiss Naval Victories, or Women I’ve Slept With by Adam Yoshida.


Comments: 91


So, would this mean that no Christians can participate in the decisions of the Holocaust Memorial Board?

At this point, I’m not sure who’s left, other than the atheists.


Well, there’s still Pam. I’m sure she could function as a one-woman moral arbiter.


Wow, the shit you learn surfing S, N on a monday afternoon. Geez, seems like at some point almost everybody got in bed with the nazis, in spite of the itchy wool uniforms. Goes to show ya, carry yourself with style and elan, wear good uniforms (don’t stint on the leather), take a few countries and before you know it everybody’s jumping on the bandwagon, even in spite of a few rotting corpses here and there…



or Work I’ve Done this Week by Kathleen XXXXXXX.


Yay! Shortest books in the world! Also …

– Articles of the U.S. Constitution I’ve Read, by Dennis Prager
– Original Thought, by Ben Domenech
– Getting the Most Out of Photoshop, by Kevin
– Rotting Crumbs of Cheese Not Lodged in My Moustache, by John Bolton
– Removable Jacuzzi Shower Heads I’ve Used Without Screaming Out John Bolton’s Name, by Pamela Atlas
– When to Avoid Commas, by Kaye Grogan
– Racist British Colonial Practices I Don’t Recommend Be Revived, by John Derbyshire


-Hits of The Flintstones


Getting the Most Out of Photoshop, by Kevin

I believe apologies are in order, jealous hippie.


Dennis Prager has inspired Bill Gray of the Conservative Voice:

You may ask, “What damage can this do to America?” Well, for over 200 years American leaders have used the book cherished by Americans — the Bible, to take their oath of office. As Dennis Prager points out in the article below: Jews serving in Congress have always used the Christian Bible. Mormons serving in Congress have always used the Christian Bible. Atheists and Secularists serving in Congress have always used the Christian Bible. No one has complained before; even though they might not accept the Christian Bible as their book of worship, they respect the office to which they have been elected and the heritage behind that office.

When the very first Muslim elected to high office in America insists upon using the Qur’an — we must ask ourselves, “What is his real motive? What comes next from this man?” This obviously is only the tip of the Islamic Iceberg for him.

I think it is time that America’s leaders show some backbone, just a wee bit of courage — and tell this man to use the Bible to be sworn in — or just go back home. If we allow this Muslim to make a change in our heritage, which I know many will say is insignificant — it is just opening the door for more attacks upon our American heritage. Let’s put a stop to this right now. America is a Christian nation, we use the Bible. If you want to be sworn in using a Qur’an, Mr. Ellison, I suggest you move to Iran. They will welcome you and your Qur’an; we Americans do not. Study what you want in your private life — but, the Bible is the standard for the American leaders’ oath.

Emphases in the original.


“Peaceful Coexistence – A Study of Global Geopolitics Beyond War” by Dick Cheney?

“Lumps, Bumps and Stumps – Creative Uses of A Municipal Stadium” by Augusto Pinochet?

“Best Friends Forever – My Friends, the Survivors of Sabra and Chatilla” by Ariel Sharon?



When the very first Muslim elected to high office in America insists upon using the Qur’an — we must ask ourselves, “What is his real motive? What comes next from this man?�

The fucker might slip out and PRAY. Or, like, give alms to the poor or something.


The War in Vietnam: A Personal Story by George W. Bush

Driving Lessions by Laura Bush

How to Get a Job by Barabra and Jenna Bush


Geez, seems like at some point almost everybody got in bed with the nazis, in spite of the itchy wool uniforms.

That’s what happens when you run the government of a powerful industrialized nation. I mean, it’s not like the U.S. has a great track record with Jews, Catholics, American Indians, Japanese, Chinese, oh, and African Americans. Not that, you know, Pammy wants to dwell on such American sins as genocide, slavery, Jim Crow laws, or even Jewish-specific crimes like the murder of Leo Frank in Georgia.


When the very first Muslim elected to high office in America insists upon using the Qur’an — we must ask ourselves, “What is his real motive? What comes next from this man?�

Makes me wanna run for office so I can take an oath on some tree bark. Or a copy of The Tain or Silent Spring.


Gotta love the commenter “SwabJockey” over at Captain Ed’s place…

“Capt, you were a cabbie in LA…? That’s awesome!! In my book, your stock just doubled.

…From Minneapolis call-center manager to sometime cabbie. It’s like the Cap’n just took a quantum leap from the set of “The Office” to the set of “Taxi”. Via “Gilligan’s Island.”

BTW, can anyone figure out what the “Deployed!” means in his 101st Fighting Keyboarders blogroll? I though it might mean they were actually deployed…but they’re obviously not, e.g. Dean Esmay. Is it just that they’ve “deployed” their “equipment” in the right-wing “circle jerk”?

Smiling Mortician

Actual Facts: A Compendium, by Gary Ruppert


BTW, can anyone figure out what the “Deployed!� means in his 101st Fighting Keyboarders blogroll? I though it might mean they were actually deployed…but they’re obviously not, e.g. Dean Esmay. Is it just that they’ve “deployed� their “equipment� in the right-wing “circle jerk�?

AFAIK it just means “deployed the logo that shows our delight in cowardice.” Kind of like reclaiming queer, except that being queer is, you know, completely healthy.


Jews serving in Congress have always used the Christian Bible. Mormons serving in Congress have always used the Christian Bible. Atheists and Secularists serving in Congress have always used the Christian Bible.

Bill Gray obviously didn’t get the memo.

WASHINGTON – When newly elected members of Congress raise their right hands as they take their oaths of office in January, they won’t be placing their left hands on the Bible, their high school yearbooks or any religious texts.


The Coming Rapture by Moustache de John Bolton


Modesty by VannieTYangel


Geez, seems like at some point almost everybody got in bed with the nazis


To be logical, if Pam really wants nothing to do with Nazi sympathizers. . . ah screw it.


* Non-Imaginary Cab Drivers I’ve Met, Thomas Friedman
* The Limits of Federal Executive Power, Richard B. Cheney
* Dictionary of Common S&M Safe Words, John Yoo
* My Inviolate Principles, John McCain


Various authors, Anthology of Conservative Humor


Conservative Honour in Time Of War – Dick Cheney, Alberto Gonzales, Donald Rumsfeld.


My Thoughts, by George Bush


Mmmmmm, nothing quite like the thick wedge of Islamic Iceberg with Maytag blue cheese dressing over at Morton’s. Goes great with their 18 ounce dry-aged sirloin and a big glass of fruity Zin.

And for dessert? Cherries Jubilee!


Live and Let Live, James Dobson


Neo Con War Heroes – Perle, Kagan, and Kristol


* Ay Garlito!: A Compendium of Accurate Topical Analysis and Predictions, The Friends of Gary Ruppert Foundation


-Musings on Grand Unified Theory, by G.W. Bush
-MotherFuckers I Outwitted, by D. Feith
-Rush Limbaugh’s CardioMania!, by R. Limbaugh
-How To Make Love To a Woman, by M. Foley, K. Mehlman
-The Road Ahead, by D. Rumsfeld
-What I Love About Democracy, by D. Cheney


Kevin is still posting over on the horrendously long thread. Jeesh…. He’s still going on about hippies and such.

shakes head sadly…..

“Raising Boys to Be Men,” by Babs Bush
“Larry Flynt, Gotta Love Him,” by the Right Rev. J. Falwell.
“Al Franken, You Might Have A Point,” by Ann Coulter.

I’m too sick to play. Back to bed. Have fun, all.


On a somewhat related note, there’s a snack cake dictator thread going on at 3bulls.

anybody know of a food that rhymes with Abdullah?


Limits on Presidential Powers, by John Yoo
Christmas Celebrations in Canada, France, The Netherlands and other Secular Western Democracies by Bill O’Reilly and John Gibson
The failure of Conservatism through George W. Bush, by [insert any Conservative]
Awesome Logos I Personally Designed by Ace


anybody know of a food that rhymes with Abdullah?

Neurula of chick?

Depends on how you pronounce ‘Abdullah’, and although you can eat the above, it certainly won’t score you points amongst the conservatives.


Um, sadly, no, she did manage to blame it on antisemitism, but she’s edited since. The first time I clicked over there this morning, her post said this was a victory for Colin Powell and James “fuck the jews” Baker.


Dave Matthews Songs Without a Fiddle?
Rich Kids That Know They’re Soft?

What game is this?


Coming of Age, by Jonah Goldberg
I Hated That Movie! by Gene Shalit
Profiles in Courage, by James Lileks


Christ God! Gavin, that last comment is golden. You are really very good….

Smiling Mortician



Silent Meditation by Michelle Malkin


Logical Arguments I Have Mastered, John Stossel.


Instantly neoconize yourself with ISight.

Smiling Mortician

Achieving Wisdom at Long Last by Christopher Hitchens
Alternatively, Alcohol I Don’t Particularly Enjoy by same


Guns, Germs, and Bras: The Supermodels Discuss the Second Amendment, by Ann Althouse


The Fundamentals of Military Strategy by Donald Rumsfeld
Take Responsibility Now! by George W. Bush
Modern Medical Ethics by Bill Frist
Logical Exposition by Thomas Friedman
Relevance by Richard Cohen


Heh-Heh-Heh, by George Bush

Dressing for all Occasions by Laura Bush with a foreward by Condoleeza Rice


My Cloth Coat by Laura Bush


Marriage Tips, by… well… most of them collaboratively


A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, by John Hinderaker


That came after his master work, The Unbearable Lightness of Being Hinderaker?


The Seven Habits of Highly Successful Presidents – George W. Bush.


Blogging for Dummies Pajamas Media


The Sensitive Side of Me by Vox Day
Sound Advice by Pamela Oshry
What I Can See When My Head’s Stuck Up In Here by Michael Medved


Ways In Which I Do Not Resemble the Emperor, by Darth Cheney


Great Photoshop Tips! – Frank J


Patriotic Brown People by Michelle Malkin (not so much a book as a post-it note with one name on it, hers)

Why I Was Right about Iraq by Glen Reynolds (Subtitled: …And the massive cache of WMDs)

Why the Dover Trial was a great success for Intelligent Design by Casey Luskin (of the Discovery Institute)

Immigration Destroyed Our Economy (Yet our Economy has paradoxically thrived due only to tax cuts) by Pat Buchanan

God is a Democrat (and He proved it via miraculous intervention in the 2006 elections) by D. James Kennedy

Teri Schiavo is still alive (and living in Podunk, TN) by Bill Frist

…And I could go on.



Is it just me, or does that guy to the right of the guy in the black coat look just like Ratzy/Pope Benedict?


If I Did It, George W Bush


I have the suspicion that Captain Ed’s “deployed” may mean “doing for money what they’d do for free anyway”, but that may just be my nasty old mind.


An Ethical Approach to the State, Confederate Yankee…

On topic, strange she makes no mention of the Muslims in the 4th Indian Division..


The article on “Sadly No” (sic) in Wikipedia was nominated for deletion by some blog-hating curmudgeon. I voted to keep the article, of course. Did the article survive? Sadly,No!


# Delete: Non-notable ego masturbation.


Its really beginning to feel like making fun of the mentally ill.
Pointing and laughing at cripples.


“C-List Celebratities I Have Not Name-Dropped” (Roger L. Simon)

Hate Encrusted Eyes

Couple of funny points
1. The Likud had a direct intellectual link to the national socialists and fascist ideas of the 30s. It’s called revisionist zionism and it has a dark past. It is funny that Pam is unaware.

2. What is so reprehensible about the oath contraversy is that conservative pundits are instructing the American people on how to be unConstitutional rligious bigots. Conservatives are degrading the values of the American people by encouraging them to enforce a Bible or Death rule on all oaths in American courts and legislatures. Sick and undemocratic regardless of its short term popularity. Other example of how the Democratic party lifts Americans up to be their higher selves and the Republican party drags American down into their lizard brians.


Natural Woman: Learning to love your body without surgery or cosmetics by Pamela Oshry
Conservative Humor by Chris Muir
Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity by Joe Lieberman


“Why the polls are wrong” by Karl Rove


The article on “Sadly No� (sic) in Wikipedia was nominated for deletion by some blog-hating curmudgeon. I voted to keep the article, of course. Did the article survive? Sadly,No!

Interestingly, it looks like the person who nominated it for deletion is one of those ‘Gay Niggers of America’ trolls…. They used to really tear it up on IRC and Usenet — I guess it’s good they’ve found something else to do with themselves.


I’m still reading My Greatest Diplomatic Accomplishments, by John Bolton.


George W. Bush, Report on the Books Tony Snow Says I Read This Summer


Freshly-Painted, Still-Standing Iraqi Schools: A Photographic Survey


anybody know of a food that rhymes with Abdullah?

Steak at the restaurant owned by Don Shula?


Everything You Should Know About Cosmetic Dentistry – Bob Owens
Eight Minute Abs – John Podhoretz
Our Week in Fallujah – Jeff Goldstein, Ed Morrissey, Ian Schwartz, et al..


Sin-Free Living – Straight Up JC METHods by Pastor Ted Haggard

The Joy of Affirmative Action by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

The New Deal – Totally Awesome, a biography of Franklin Delano Roosevelt by Grover G. Norquist


Ethical Ways of Politics, by Karl Rove.

Cronyism and Favoritism: How it’s Killing Our Country by Dick Cheney

I’m Actually A Bitter Man, by Ann Coulter


Keeping a Cool Head – – by Pam Oshry
Thoughts – – by George W. Bush
A Dialogue with My Muslim Friends – – by Dennis Prager


Advanced Demographic Statistics – Karl Rove
When Showering with Young Males is Unacceptable – James Dobson
Perfect Cake Recipes – Ken Adelman


Hot Bods in the Lincoln Bedroom- Jeff Gannon


Shouldn’t it be When, To, Avoid, Commas – by K. Grogan?


making fun of the mentally ill.
Pointing and laughing at cripples.

Hey, get your own hobbies.

This thread is pure comedy gold. Hmm, let’s see…

Campaign finance ethics, by, oh, right, that would have to be collective. Okay Edited by Joe Lieberman’s $300k slush fund.


Pension fund management, Tom Noe


“Fearlessness in the Face of Irony” Rick Moran.


initiate debate – Kaye had, an, editor on that, one.

Okay, so. Shortest books EVAR.

“The Donut That Got Away,” by Jonah Goldberg

“Reflections on the Female Anatomy,” by Ben Shapiro

“Admitting Mistakes,” by George W. Bush

“Advice I’ve Heeded,” by Donald Rumsfeld

“Patterns to Be Found In Spree-Killings Committed by Non-Muslims,” by Michelle Malkin

“Usage of the Second Person,” by annieangel

“Discoveries About Glenn Greenwald That Are Too Trivial for Me to Launch a Month-Long ISP Investigation Over,” by Patterico

“When Not to Ask Readers for Money,” by John Arivosis


This remains my favorite:

* Non-Imaginary Cab Drivers I’ve Met, Thomas Friedman


“the Motes that I Can See I your Eyes” – by Dennis Prager


…er the beams in my eyes that hide the damn preview button


oh yeah I forgot…

prager you are a dick


“Why the Ancient Romans Were Murderous Assholes” by Victor Davis Hanson


(comments are closed)