Aroo! Aroo!
Posted on December 1st, 2006 by Gavin M.
Six Meat Buffet has entered the Photoshop Challenge…
Update: Although apparently they redirected the link to divert people who click over from here. (Wuh?)
Copy and paste into teh browser:
Well, they’re good sports.
Well, they’re good sports.
Maybe they’ll be funny. Who can tell in this crazy world of ours?
Is the topic still a Day by Day remix?
That link leads to something called … is that correct?
Anyway, on I found this wonderful post:
I’m Tired of Being Called Stupid
By Chris Short
I’m afraid I’m going to need some guidance to get the ha-ha funny part of their photoshop.
Why exactly is Charlie Rangel sniping at our troops? Is he a self-hating veteran? Or is there some Korean War Vets for Truth group out there insisting his wounds were self-inflicted and his Bronze Star undeserved?
Teh lame. Very.
Although apparently they redirected the link to divert people who click over from here. (Wuh?)
A bold strategy–We redirect them there so we don’t have to face their sneers here.
Oh, look. A badly photoshopped video game thing. Gav, are you going to go with the Dick Cheney Special Edition of Duck Hunt, or is that way too obvious?
On the upside for the obvious part: At least they’d get the joke.
Is this merely an “Aroo!”, and not something worthy of an “Ahh-OO-gah!”?
How would the Silent Scope inspire Deb Frisch to go after Jeff Goldstein and family? It’s not like the Goldsteins would be serving in uniform overseas or anything like that.
yea i went over there – their PS skillz suck, their idea that CNN snipes at our armed forces is teh lame – just a tired regurgitation of the wingnut meme that the press somehow hates America, or facts have a “well known liberal bias” or something
do something funny at least that has some “basis in reality” – like liberals are potsmoking hippies who want to tax American’s god-given right to .50 caliber sniper rifles so we can buy late night pizza topped with extra hemp while reading Marx, Paine, Sartre (or having hot man2man sex)
but yes good for them for taking the challenge…
i’d vote for the DuckHunt idea – good one Marita
It is very easy to “get” the joke that way – anything more subtle would at minimum require a switch to smartfood popcorn from cheetos
wah WAH
I must agree with… well… everybody so far. That was poorly done.
Cadet Happy was much better at this. He had better PS skillz and at least seemed like a decent guy (or gal?), in spite of being on the wrong side of politics. These guys just seem angry.
Well, not that I think that the DuckHunt idea wouldn’t be hilarious, I think a photoshopping of the Islamic Extremists’ Rage-o-meter is in order.
Call it the conservative outrage-o-meter and we could feature such bold things like Media Photoshop alert, Improper use of the score of Silent Night, and my favourite “NBC calls it a civil war? How dare they?”
late night pizza topped with extra hemp
Oh hey, it’s lunchtime. Thanks for reminding me.
I’m not sure I’m ready to comment on their Photoshop skills, but the postings are entirely incoherent. I kept having the feeling that I was trying to read another language, one that seemed to be a lot like English, but the words had different meanings and went together in differnt patterns. These are some dangerously stupid individuals – angry and meanspirited too, near as I can tell. They are certainly not going to be “good sports” and admit it when Gavin skools ’em, hands ’em a pair of training wheels, a plastic helmet and a Lunchables in a bag and sends them off to try again.
Damn, I remember when “Smart Conservative” wasn’t an oxymoron…
Well, they still won’t let go of Deb Frisch, so you might as well bring up the fake anthrax guy.
Gavin, after you post your reply, be sure to lean down over SMB’s prone corpse and say, “You got knocked the fuck out!”
Cuz its Friday, bitches.
Well, they still won’t let go of Deb Frisch, so you might as well bring up the fake anthrax guy.
Did we ever see a mug shot of that guy? Gav could always put his face on this album cover. I could dig that.
Well, that was a wasted 5 minutes. Is that a “boys only” clubhouse site?
Anyways, the photoshopping, like their politics is well sucked.
LOL on the Duck Hunt, Marita. teh awesome.
The most current post at six meatheads is about some dood in texas (I think, I’m a little numb from my experience over there) who is using pig races (seriously, that’s the story) to prevent the people on the next property from building a mosque. But that’s not the bad part. The bad part is the comments, a fever swamp of racial hatred, religious intolerance, cultural paranoia and simple xenophobia. I left quite an angry comment over there, and would recomend (if you have a strong stomach) that perhaps you might want to also…
Maybe they went with teh suck skillz!!!1!! to show irony?
How cowardly of me is it, mikey, to admit that I clicked over to Meatbags, couldn’t find the post you refer to, and went away relieved? Some days life just seems too short to track down the ugly.
Hey, you know the drill, Mortician. If you hump ruck all day and come home with sore feet and full magazines, it was a very good day…
I think they deleted your comment, mikey. Cause they’re brave christian soldiers like that.
Hmmm, it still shows up in my browser. I’m not ever sure how these moderated comments are gonna work. I really would have thought they’d rather argue and call me names than delete my comment. Here’s what I said:
Here’s the righteous URL
Url don’t work cause they have the misdirection crap active.
But there’s no comments on the post since after your comment, maybe it’s still awaiting moderation. I’m gonna wait to see if they can face the music before I try n piss em off.
Left him some advice.
Here is something that may interest you.
I think you will find rebuses are a much better fit for your style of photo manipulation.
For instance; in the above pictures you could have simply posted the picture of Paula Zahn, and the video game with plus sign between them and followed it with an equals sign. Your readers could then have easily surmised you were sending the message, “Women telling me things I don’t want to hear should be shot!�
Applying a Rebus mentality to your second picture I think really helps communicate your abject terror of black men.
See, Rangel + Rifle = “Oh Lordy!, Oh Lordy! Whatever we gonna do!?�
As your image are constructed now I’m not really sure what it is you are trying to say.
Hope this helps! 🙂
comment by owlbear1 — Friday, December 1, 2006 @ 6:35 pm
Clicked over again, even after a full day of humping ruck (thanks for the metaphor, mikey) and still no mikey comment for me, so thanks for including it here.
And apologies to Demogenes, who already mentioned this upthread, but who the fuck is this Chris Short ignoranus (my favorite word from last year’s Mensa Invent-a-Word competition)? He says he’s tired of being called stupid by “those that employ me,” which he further identifies as members of Congress. Aside from the unforgivable use of the wrong relative pronoun, unless this guy’s a House page or a Senate staffer, wtf is he talking about? Does he not get that, at least in theory, they work for us? And if he is on staff in D.C., well, I guess that explains a lot (although why he’d be working for Rangel, the true object of his ire, is beyond me).
Ya know, I’m still not convinced Goldstein and Frisch didn’t pull an Andy Kaufman-Jerry “The King” Lawler thing on us. She’s that “word warrior” loon, right? I may be confused – and I am stoned, so there’s a possibility – but I still missed why that had to be such a huge deal to actually get press from the MSM, not to mention the blogosphere uproar. Don’t threaten kids, and if you have to do that in a political discussion you have now and forevermore lost, that goes without saying (or should). But christ…that should’ve been it, really, but the wingnuts just kept kicking it up and apparently expecting a level of outrage similiar to what must’ve took place after Lincoln was shot.
And that damn woman is a loon. If I’m thinking of the same woman, of course. Still…way to look like a bunch of big ol’ titty babies, guys. Surprised they didn’t do something based on Althouse’s nerve-tingling fear of the free-range hooter.
Deb actually was in a thread here, Matt. It was one of the greatest comment threads in the history of the interwebs. And it didn’t seem so much like playacting as the sad slide into alcoholic incoherence. I can’t remember when the thread was or the topic whut started it, sorry, but it also featured patterico. It was awesome. Someone here must have a less hazed memory.
I wasn’t hanging out here at that point, diffbrad, but I did check out all the Word Warrior stuff when the shit hit the fan with the kid-threats (so yes, Matt T., you’ve got the right person in mind — and I wish I had some of whatever you’re smoking right now BTW). My completely unqualified opinion is that she’s sadly unbalanced, has absolutely no meter to gauge what’s OK and what’s beyond human decency. Having said that, I also think Goldstein & Co. were (and likely still are, though I haven’t wandered over that way in a while) utter douchebags in their haste to a) milk it for more than it was worth and b) refuse to find a more relevant opponent.
Actually, I think you WERE here, Mortician. We had Deb, Patterico and the oj simpson nutjob all in one thread during a weekday afternoon, probably about september. It was hilarious. I was supposed to be working on a huge video project and ended up having to bill a bunch of hours I was playing on S, N!, laughing my ASS off, and then work all night fer nuttin to get my part done in time. But it was worth it for the sheer insight into seven different kinds of crazy…
Yes, I think that was my first experience with OJ-Man in all his weirdly passionate glory. It all comes back to me now . . . the laughter . . . the tears . . . wonder what I was drinking back then?
(so yes, Matt T., you’ve got the right person in mind — and I wish I had some of whatever you’re smoking right now BTW).
Damn right.
Not to take away from Marita at all, for whom I often experience flashes of envy at her wit, but the Daily Show actually did a nice little animated Duck Hunt with Dick Cheney as, I recall, some Elmer Fudd, hunter, deal.
And the Rangel thing was funny only if you’re the sort of person who actually understood Ruppert’s “voted for America” thing from that other thread. There’s a prerequisite bedrock understanding that to be anti-Bush is to be anti-American and anti-troops.
Mikey and Smiling Mortician: Is this the thread in question? It has all three of them trolls. I was away and missed it and will have to read it later tonight.
Did you guys know that “glycolysis” comes from the Greek glykos (sweet) + lysis (to loosen)? What Greek does Sadly, No! come from?
Oh wait, surely it’s French, being we’re all surrender monkies. Which I don’t really understand anyway. I mean, can monkies even surrender? And doesn’t France have one of the more impressive military records in the Western world? I call misnomer.
Not to take away from Marita at all, for whom I often experience flashes of envy at her wit, but the Daily Show actually did a nice little animated Duck Hunt with Dick Cheney as, I recall, some Elmer Fudd, hunter, deal.
D’oh! Must be where the idea got lodged in my brain.
Here’s hoping I do a little better with the whole original idea thing in my thesis.
(Anyone wanting to give me thesis writing sympathy is welcome to. Due next week! Gah!)
YAY J! That’s it!
Oh holy shit, J, yes. That was it. I have never in my life been more ambivalent about the word “thanks” than I am at this moment as I say thanks for the link. I re-read (re-experienced, re-lived) the entire thread in all its vicious glory. I’m not really overstating in saying that it felt like a reunion with a bunch of people with whom I lived through some horrible catastrophe or natural disaster. Anyway, I smiled at the end because the OJ guy got the last word, which was somehow fitting.
Oh, man, I miss mariogeorgenitrini. I can’t think of anyone else who would have even responded to my rabid bear with a chainsaw question.
I wonder what his thoughts on OJ’s nixed book are.
If you hold a ten-inch folding knife, and drive it into an effigy of your ex-spouse while repeating over and over “there’s no place like…ah, fuckin, just killemall”, he’ll appear in this thread…
OK, I looked at their site, and I just have to ask: What exactly is a cheesewipe? I’m guessing from the context that it’s supposed to be some kind of an insult. Are they insinuating that the commenters at Jesus’ General wipe their butts with cheese? That’s not just illogical, it’s impractical. Cheese is expensive these days. Oh, and their Photoshop skilz are teh suck.
The Deb/Patterico/OJ guy thread was the best thing ever. Back in those days we had *real* trolls, not this whiney princess shit.
Me a “NUTJOB”?
Now Now Mikey, be nice>>>>LOL.
Hey Mikey, has Patterico (AKA Patrick Frey) stopped posting here?
The OJ Simpson Case
Y’know, I don’t know if anybody’s like, mentioned it or something, but most of these blog things have this “Preview Button” kinda feature. Now I’m not askin’ anybody to do anything that would interfere with, say, their drinking or bingo night or anything, but what are the chances that this here blog thingie might join the nineteenth, or even the twentieth century?
Just Askin’…..
Sadly, No? OR Sadly, YesS!11one!
Are you teh real Mario, Mario?
Godzilla vs. Bambi
Hey, Mario. Haven’t heard a peep. Where you at on the book?
The Ötzi the Iceman Murder Case
Hi Marita,
I have LOT’S of thought’s, and I know some issues about OJ Simpson’s nixed interview with Judith Regan and his nixed book.
Check it out:
The BIG problem is, is that TOO MANY OJ Simpson Case Prosecution people broke the law during and after both cases, and Simpson knows this, and is snubbing his nose at them, DARING them………..
It’s a white-wash and a chess game.
OJ Simpson has been using me as a “HUMAN SHIELD” for a long time, and I’m SICK OF IT, but………..?
Bottom line in his case:
OJ Simpson is GUILTY of the murders of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman and someone helped him do it, Simpson DID NOT Murder Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman alone. My Ex-in-Law Rocky Bateman Unloaded “The Missing Bag” and it’s contents in a lake in the early morning hours of June 13th, 1994, and also got rid of Murder Evidence for Simpson on the afternoon of June 14th, 1994.
The OJ Simpson Case
I wonder what his thoughts on OJ’s nixed book are.
Ack Marita! You might as well scream “Beetlejuice” three times. (Kidding – he seems to have given up on enlisting any S,N! comrades.)
My sympathies to you (and BradRocket) on the thesis. If you had attended a thoroughly lame-ass grad school like I did, you would never have had to write a thesis.
Hey, mikey, I remember doing the whole spin-three-times-in-front-of-a-mirror-in-the-dark-with-one-candle-burning-saying-I-believe-in-bloody-Mary thing when I was, like, nine — but your way worked much better. And it’s only a little creepy to think about who else lurks here 24/7 waiting for an incantation.
Well Mikey,
I posted here:
“There Are No Words to Describe the Crazy That Is OJ Simpson Blog …
MarioGeorgeNitrini111 Says: October 21st, 2006 at 9:53 am. OJ Simpson is financially
desperate. … MarioGeorgeNitrini111 mariogeorgenitrini111 __________ … – Cached”
even before OJ Simpson said he needed money. I knew he was is dire need of money from a contact of mine.
Mikey, this is going to PLAY-OUT-BIG. Actually, I thought it was going to play-out-big years ago. You think it’s gotton “Nasty” now? Just wait.
The OJ Simpson Case
I dunno, this looks like a tough one for Gavin to respond to. I mean, when you add “support our troops” to “video game,” you get mostly stuff that doesn’t exist.
Like, is there a game where you have to collect purple band-aids and wave troop-support signs while running away from recruiters? No, there isn’t. How about a game where you control a squad of grizzled marines, going house-to-house in an urban battlefield looking for women and children holding flowers and candy for you? Nope. Hasn’t been done, hard to convey in an image.
Maybe you could do something with that “America’s Army” game series. Like, “America’s Army of Actual Soldiers Who Volunteered To Serve Their Country And Are On Active Duty Right Now And Not Sitting At Home Dicking Around With Photoshop To Impugn The Patriotism Of Others” but, you know, not so wordy.
Hi Maddie! Glad to see you here.
Ah, ’94. Late may, on a really crazy suicide speed run, I got arrested. The whole oj thang, with the white bronco low-speed chase happened while I was bailing out and going into rehab, to struggle once again with those elusive and murky twelve steps. It was actually a good time in my life, and know what? It worked out ok….
(Kidding – he seems to have given up on enlisting any S,N! comrades.)
See, now this is the type of stupid shit you end up posting when you’re taking care of a 3-yr old and it takes 45 minutes to compose a 5- sentence blog comment.
Wow, speak of the devil. That was fast.
If he’s got so much info on OJ, you’d think he’d write a book, or talk to the press, or do just about anything other than spend all his time lurking in comment threads until someone says his name.
Mortician, you’ve got to get your mind around the fact that there are peeps out there monitoring the intert00bz looking for a mere mention, and they WILL show up instantly. Mario is fun. Goldstein is not. Many others fall into that continuum. But we’ve got all of our shit in one sock, right bay-bee?
Alternatively, maddie, you can go for a degree that requires a novel, a play, some short stories, some poems . . . but no thesis! Ah, grad school was great for us lefty, artsy, never-get-a-real-job-with-that-degree hippies . . . alas, by the time of OJ’s slow-mo run for the border, I was in my fourth year of tenured servitude, thus proving dad wrong.
you can go for a degree that requires a novel, a play, some short stories, some poems
Are you shitting me? I really should have more carefully investgated higher education before settling on drugs and motorcycles…
MOST people in The Press (Media) hate my gut’s. A book is not going to be for me, FOR reasons,
and there is “NOTHING” like The Legal Power of The Internet.
Please read my website’s:
and you can get a feel for what I’ve been through,
Read my latest blog. I have posted an 18 Minute audio tape of me going into to Parker Center and trying to have some people arrested on Citizen’s arrest.
My 18 Minute audio tape/Parker Center/OJ Simpson/Citizen’s Arrest’s, ECT
and please check out:
Some of My Legal Documents from The OJ Simpson Case.
The OJ Simpson Case
Hey Mikey! I too remember well the OJ chase. I had just finished my lame-ass grad school program referenced above. I couldn’t get a job. I was living with my mother (had been for a year). My dad had just died and I broke up with my fiancee (wah wah!) I spiraled into a severe clinical depression wherein in I lost 30 lbs (5’7″, 95 lbs).
Ooo, ooo, but “Friends” started that year on the teevee. Sadly, it almost felt like a lifeboat for me.
Heh, good times. My rehab came later.
Uh, that’s nice and all, Mr. OJ guy, but I still don’t see what the comments at Sadly, No! have to do with any of it. We mock people, not help them.
Mock me all you want. You wouldn’t be the first.
I like this website. I visit it everyday. Fiver, whether you believe me or not, a lot of people (and Some very High-Profile people and lot’s of Government people) read what I say on my website and other website’s.
There’s nothing like THE LEGAL POWER OF THE INTERNET, FOR ME………………
The OJ Simpson Case
Thanks for the sympathy, maddie! I had this strange idea a few years back about going to a not-lame-ass grad school. I’m kind of regretting that right now. They have these “academic standards” thingies that are a total drag.
My roommate and I just listened to the first few minutes of Mr. Nitrini’s citizen’s arrest audio file. I can honestly say that it’s better than anything on TV right now. I wonder if someone could put it to music…
I like mario a lot more than AA, if it ever comes to that.
Redskins vs. Cowboys
Now Gavin, I know this is a biggie. But could you please provide a photoshop visual of the LEGAL POWER OF THE INTERNET.
(No, I got no ideas beyond that.)
Now Gavin, I know this is a biggie. But could you please provide a photoshop visual of the LEGAL POWER OF THE INTERNET.
I think it should incorporate Al Gore in a judge’s wig and robe, somehow.
Hi there. Six Meat Buffet fan here. From what I’ve seen, it’s clear that you don’t know how to use Photoshop to make believable images. I suspect I can wipe you off the map all by myself, without even calling for backup from 6MB. So, how would you like this duel to go? Should we just mock you? Mock your site? Mock liberals? Liberalism? Socialism? Mock the poor track record of liberals donations to the poor?
The ‘Sadly, No’ name begs to be made fun of (‘Do liberals use their brains? Sadly, no’… you get the idea). Should that be part of the game? Are there some guidelines? I’d love to give you some examples, but I don’t know the rules of your game. But I’m willing to play! 🙂
As you know, people who aren’t hippies need rules to both enjoy a game and to determine a winner. Smoking weed and playing hackysack doesn’t qualify as a duel. Please lay down some ground rules, or I’ll stick with the (certainly overdone by now) idea of making fun of your blog name.
Thanks in advance!
Hi Kevin. We’re glad you’re here. Let me introduce you to your daddy. Gavin?
I wandered over to Kevin’s site and checked out his alleged mad photoshop skillz. Meh. Gavin could mop the floor with him. I’m not sure it’s worth the effort.
Mario, I don’t suppose you’d be willing to citizen’s arrest this Kevin guy, would you? He’s totally bringing this thread down.
Wow, Gavin, you may be in too deep. This Kevin dude has got mad photoshop skills.
Hi Kevin!
So, how would you like this duel to go?
I realize this isn’t going to happen, but what I would really like you and your fellow wingnuts to do is put your asses where your mouths are and go enlist.
Nope Marita, No citizen’s arrest for Kevin. He’s done me no wrong.
But these people I may try again to arrest:
Ronald Y. Ito–LAPD RHD Detective who was involved in The OJ Simpson Case and Saga.
Kim Goldman Hahn–Daughter of Fred Goldman and Sister of Ron Goldman.
Tom Lange–Retired LAPD RHD Detective who was involved in The OJ Simpson Case.
SGT. Guiterrez–LAPD Cop who tried to kill me in the early morning hours of October 4th, 1995.
J.H. Hart–LAPD Cop who tried to kill me in the early morning hours of October 4th, 1995.
Gil Garcetti–Ex-Los Angeles District Attorney who was involved in The OJ Simpson Case and Saga.
Marcia Clark–Co-Lead Prosecutor in The OJ Simpson Case and Saga.
Bob Parsons–LAPD Detective who Conspired to Illegally cover-up………………
Stephanie Medina–Former KCAL Channel 9 Employee.
Diane Dimond–Former TV Tabloid Show “Hard Copy” Employee.
Eric Garcetti–Councilman in Los Angeles, son of Gil Garcetti.
Dana Garcetti–Daughter of Gil Garcetti.
Harvey Levin–Former KCBS Employee.
Joe Salvino–LADA Investigator in The OJ Simpson Case and Saga.
Lisa Bloom–Court TV Anchor.
Gloria Allred–Brown Family Attorney in The OJ Simpson Case and Saga.
Tom Sneddon–Santa Barbara District Attorney
Plus LAPD Captain Richard C. Wemmer, commanding officer
West Los Angeles community Police Station.
Maybe more………………………………
The OJ Simpson Case
Dood, c’mon, I’ve told you guys war stories. Tell us the story of 10/04/95. I’ve told the story of getting hit. Gimme yours…
But Mario, what about Patterico?
Kevin — Roolz, schmoolz. Choose your destructor! Preferably not something as lame as making fun of the S,N! name or weed-smoking jokes.
…people who aren’t hippies need rules to both enjoy a game and to determine a winner.
The ‘Sadly, No’ name begs to be made fun of (’Do liberals use their brains? Sadly, no’… you get the idea).
Oh dear. Gavin has gone too far this time. Who could have ever imagined an opponent so skilled in Teh Funny would have arisen?
Eeek. I say, eek.
I hate to break it to you, Kevin, but weed ain’t just for hippies no more.
I get high daily, yet I have no tie dye, no grateful dead albums, nor phish, no hacky sacks, and no copies of high times.
I do, however, have long hair, if you’re desperate to find something to latch onto.
Well, a different brad,
When I get Legally put Patrick Frey (AKA Patterico) on a witness stand in a legal court of law, my suggestion for him would be for him (Mr. Frey) to tell the truth or take the 5th amendment. Should I catch him lying on the witness stand (I’m real good at catching lying scum like Patrick Frey), I will legally arrest him ON THE SPOT!!!!!!!!!! PERIOD. And if he thinks I won’t legally arrest him ON THE SPOT if he lies on a the witness stand in a legal court of law while I am asking him questions, that’s Mr. Frey’s call.
The OJ Simpson Case
I really should have more carefully investgated higher education before settling on drugs and motorcycles…
Well, mikey, my motto has always been Why choose when you can have it all?
Smoking weed and playing hackysack doesn’t qualify as a duel.
Spoken like a guy who’s never done it at championship level, Kev.
what I would really like you and your fellow wingnuts to do is put your asses where your mouths are and go enlist.
From your mouth to Smedley’s* ears, ITTDGY.
But Mario, what about Patterico?
Oh, here we go . . .
*Smedley, the god of smiting blowhard hypocrites.
Y’know, I don’t know if anybody’s like, mentioned it or something, but most of these blog things have this “Preview Button� kinda feature.
It’s not my fault!1
Floor Wax v. Dessert Topping
That, Mario, is an answer I’m prepared to accept.
your ass v. a hole in the ground
You want to know the 10/4/1995 early morning ambush on me?
The OJ Simpson Case
Well I hope you’re proud of yourself, mikey. You made Gavin cry.
I’m gonna regret asking this, but Mario, in your opinion, are there either illegal courts of law or legal courts of unlaw? Because you seem pretty intent on the idea of legal courts of law.
I too would like to know the story of that morning, Mario.
I too would like to know the story of that morning, Mario.
I’m in! Edge of my seat…
a different brad.
The OJ Simpson Case
What a tease Mario is!
…Mario, in your opinion, are there either illegal courts of law or legal courts of unlaw?
Oh lordybee, SM. We’re in for a long night with that one.
Also, Gavin, if you’re still around, the 910 group has some really… interesting stuff in their yahoo group. Is there a SN! email I can send a few of the tastier bits to?
(Assuming you aren’t a member yourself, which may be an unfair assumption.)
I saw you accepted my accepting of your challenge, but still don’t understand what we are going for. Your link to an old image with the Jaws shark attacking a woman (here) increases my confusion. From that image, it’s clear we aren’t going for Photoshopping quality. Are we just dueling for humor value? of Ann Coulter as a liberal. It’s not much better than the shark image, but probably equally as funny…
Rules, people! There’s no way to win without them. Also, I can only play this weekend. I’m a conservative, so obviously I have a job 🙁
I know, maddie, but in my defense, I did offer up pre-emptive regret. And I don’t have to get up early tomorrow.
ack, bad tags, I guess. Please allow me to repost:
I saw you accepted my accepting of your challenge, but still don’t understand what we are going for. Your link to an old image with the Jaws shark attacking a woman (here) increases my confusion. From that image, it’s clear we aren’t going for Photoshopping quality. Are we just dueling for humor value? Here’s one of Ann Coulter as a liberal. It’s not much better than the shark image, but probably equally as funny…
Rules, people! There’s no way to win without them. Also, I can only play this weekend. I’m a conservative, so obviously I have a job 🙁
Hey, Kev. Here on the interwebs, when you mess up a link it’s customary just to say something like Oops, here’s the link. No need to repost the entire message. This will save you valuable time better devoted to that “job” thing that you have and we’ve all just read about in magazines.
Hi ifthethunderdontgetya!
…what I would really like you and your fellow wingnuts to do is put your asses where your mouths are and go enlist.
Good plan! I’ll get right on that when you and your fellow moonbats join the peace corp or become human shields. All of these ideas are morally equivalent, right?
OK, I see I should have provided an example for you, Kev. Sorry about that.
Here’s an old advertisement for my old company. We sold tongs for very specific problems, such as this one, with which I’m sure you are familiar :).
Smiling Mortician,
Apology accepted.
Kevin, please try harder. Your bland style is just out of place here. You meant to say why haven’t we followed the model of Lindh and gone to Afganistan and joined the Taliban.
And the answer is quite simple: the Taliban are, like the right here, rabidly anti-drug, except when clandestine sales can fund them. Some of the finest pot in the world has long been grown there, so we’re not going to enlist when we can’t toke up after killing the infidels.
Here’s one describing what the Libertarians of the world think of the Democrat’s plan to rob the working class to give to… someone. Obviously not the poor, since they remain poor after all of these years of trying. The labor unions maybe?
Enough with the stalling, Kevin. CHOOSE YOUR DESTRUCTOR!
Kevin’s busy right now.
Enough with the stalling, Kevin. CHOOSE YOUR DESTRUCTOR!
Can he choose Michael Moore as the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man? See, it’s funny, because Michael Moore is, like, fat. Right Kev?
Ah, Kevin, speaking of products targeted to a certain demographic, you missed this one before…
‘different’ brad,
Yes, that would be a reasonable plan for you as well. Get right on it! I won’t argue with you about drugs though, since I fully support legalizing them and taxing them so that they cost 50% as much as they do now.
And don’t listen to people who call you ‘different’. It’s what makes you ‘special’! The short bus is just gravy.
Maddie said,
“Enough with the stalling, Kevin. CHOOSE YOUR DESTRUCTOR!”
I choose maddie.
Can he choose Michael Moore as the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man?
That would at least be a damn decision.
Ok, the cheetos lotion is pretty good 🙁
I got home about 2:30 PM on October 3rd, 1995, and had a drink. I just shook my head and thought, UNREAL……… but I still wasn’t sure if OJ Simpson was guilty or not. But with what I had investigated and been through, at that time, I was leaning toward’s his guilt, and even then, if he was guilty, I knew he couldn’t have done it himself.
Anyway, later on I went over to this lady’s house and I had some more to drink. After about an hour, there were 2 guys in suit’s across the street where she lived, just standing there for about 10 minute’s, so, I went over and wanted to see what they were up to. They told me that they were there to talk to someone in one of the apartment’s. I went back inside my lady friends apartment, but these 2 guys just stood by their car. After about 20 more minute’s and these 2 guys still there, I felt that “SOMETHING” wasn’t right. SO, I wanted to see what was going on. I got into my car and went back to my apartment, and sure enough, these 2 guys followed me in their car. I thought to myself, WTH?????
I stayed at my apartment for a while, and then went back to my lady friends house. Didn’t see anyone follow me at that time. My lady friend and I decided to go to a bar a little later on. Well, Sure enough, when I was driving, someone (s) was/were following me and her. This went on for quite a while from bar-to-bar that we went to. At approximately 1:00AM in the morning of October 4th, 1995, I WAS AMBUSHED by LAPD Officer SGT. Guiterrez and LAPD Officer J. H. Hart. There is a lot more that went on in this period of time that I will not get into. I am saving it for a court of Law.
Anyway, I was beaten Horribly. Broken Ribs, My head was swelled up like a watermelon (I still have headaches), and more……………. Please go here and see what I looked like 4 days after These two Illegal Scum LAPD Cops tried to kill me. Scroll down to the bottom.
nicole simpson’s letter to cora fischman-never before publicly seen19 Sep 2006
well, here it is i am having a problem with the letter staying visable. i’ll work
on the problem. here’s the text: “cora,sorry i…
mario g. – myspace blog –
The OJ Simpson Case
Don’t be maddie, be happy-ie!
Fair enough, Kevin. If you’re going to continue to be relatively calm and sane and even have a sense of humor of sorts I hope you’ll also be willing to explain what you’re still doing supporting one, or more, of the greatest failures in our nation’s history?
If the Cheetos lotion is so good, Kevin, why the frownie-face?
Oh Kevin, “I’m melting, I’m melting.”
And, hey, Mario 11!1!1.
Because we are in a battle here, right? My competitor has proven that he is not inept. It was easier when his previous examples showed that he was. It was meant more as a hat tip than a frown.
Oh. And, Kevin, the difference is i’m not the Brad who posts here.
Try this link:…f2-704871986699
The OJ Simpson Case
I don’t think that’s the link you wanted to post, Mario. It tries to make me join MySpace.
Are you trying to show us your face after the beating, or the letter?
In other news, Kevin’s sense of humor makes me sad.
I’m even worse than those sickos supporting the war. I want to expand it. Dramatically. I agree with you that the handling of this war is p*ss poor. The only way to win a war is brutality. We should have learned that by simply comparing our actions in Vietnam vs every other war ever, vs. the results.
If you want to save lives, end war quickly. And to end war quickly, you have to kill A LOT of people. Sad, but true. I am for destroying all buildings near IED’s. I am for destruction of Mosques if enemies reside there. I am for complete bombardment of Syria and Iran if they don’t support peace in the middle east. No invasion, no rebuilding of infrastructure. Just destruction.
More lives will be saved in the long run. I realize that this is a concept that is incomprehensible to the left, but as nuking Japan proved, it is nevertheless true.
I shall return to my attempts to be funny now.
How ’bout those Red Sox?
Sorry about that. I can’t get the link. Well if you go here:
nicole simpson’s letter to cora fischman-never before publicly seen 19 Sep 2006
This is the date of my blog with the picture of me 4 days after the ambush (At the bottom).
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Nicole Simpson’s letter to Cora Fischman-never before publicly seen
Please go here:
and scroll down to the Sep. 19th date.
The OJ Simpson Case
I’m starting to think joining the 910 was a wise move indeed, tho there’s still not much there yet. But this blog from one of my fellow 910ers makes it all worthwhile with just the opening entry, which asks a truly vital question; why do people do the things they do?
“Oh. And, Kevin, the difference is i’m not the Brad who posts here.”
I figured that out, but I’m having fun being a troll, so have to lash out at everyone. I really had no choice but to make fun of your name. It’s some kind of law:).
I must say that, other than Maddie, you are a fun bunch of liberals! I don’t understand your commitment to supporting the bad guys in the WOT, but regardless, I shall Photoshop you into oblivion!
The number you have reached… nine, one, oh, is not in service. Please check the number, and dial again.
Poor Logic Senses… tingling…
“Good plan! I’ll get right on that when you and your fellow moonbats join the peace corp or become human shields. All of these ideas are morally equivalent, right?”
Sadly, no!
Ohh, that’s catchy.
Firstly; human shields? That’s… what? Go home and try again. Use less “makes no logical”, this time.
Second, your argument is based on hyperbolic logic, that Joining the Army is to Advocating War as Joining the Peace Corps is to Wanting Peace.
See, the differentiation between the two is that when you advocate a war, you are saying, “we should send thousands of fellow Citizens of the United States (but not me, of course.) to die and be wounded, and spend billions of dollars to do it.”
Conversely, advocating against war is the same as saying, “We should not send thousands of fellow Citizens of the United States to die and be wounded, nor should we spend billions of dollars to do it.”
No where in that arguement is there anything about “oh those poor people. Who’s going to tend to their sheep?” It’s about “this idea is bad and should not be done.”
So, if we take your “All of these ideas are morally equivalent, right?” arguement, and apply it to this, then, obvious, the moral equivenlant for us “moonbats”, as you say, is to NOT join the Amry.
Well, I haven’t joined the Army (they wouldn’t take me anyways), which, therefore, means that I, and any else who has not enlisted, have actually performed our moral responsability in regads to our war-waging beliefs.
While you all* have not.
See, you strike me as one of those who worry that Al Qaeda and Mr. Mophead are a serious threat to the United States and, indeed, to all of Western Civilization. This would mean that, in addition to getting a 400 on the written portion of the SATs ( I hate the SATs), you do not understand the differance between Sensible Goals and Fantastical Desires.
I point you to
Or, if we’re going to keep things simple and nostalgic, “Calvin and Hobbes”, where Hobbes actually gets his wish, a sandwhich, while Calvin does not recieve his nucular powered rocket sled with heat seeking missles and lasers guns.
.. That Orson Scott Card post done got me riled up.
*By “All”, I mean the majority of Right leaning pundits and blog writters.
But this blog from one of my fellow 910ers makes it all worthwhile with just the opening entry, which asks a truly vital question; why do people do the things they do?
That blogger makes a really excellent point: People who give to charities are completely selfish bastards! I couldn’t agree more.
I couldn’t see your picture, Mario. Sorry.
Ye gods, the Kurtz option? Madness is never an answer.
I choose maddie.
I choose Michelle…
That’s OK Marita,
It’s there (My Picture), I just can’t get the direct link up.
The OJ Simpson Case
Don’t trouble Kevin with that logic crap, Some Guy, he’s busy trying to be clever. It’s probably taking a lot out of him.
I VOTE for the Pammie version of BErskerer, or maybe Tempest with insty’s angled head.
Pinko, you never write.
SORRY that comment was from earlier, I just closed my browser.
I must say that, other than Maddie, you are a fun bunch of liberals!
Huh? wha? What’s not fun about Ghostbusters?
I’m a very insecure liberal (so many of us are), so if I offer to buy you a year’s worth of Cheetos lotion, can we kiss and make up?
Oh wait, you did write…I didn’t see the email….
We’ve Been Challenged
Obviously. Probably from a young age.
If I said they lack perspective, will I get sucked into a black hole?
Thanks for noticing my cleverness Marita! What are you doing tomorrow night? Are you single? I’m conservative, so you have to worship Jesus as your saviour and all, but can’t we hang out?
Marita said: “People who give to charities are completely selfish bastards!”
Some guy,
*sigh*. I will do this once. It is the duty of conservatives to explain reality when they visit a hippie site. I hate to, but there is a chance someone might view reality, so I have to.
“…your argument is based on hyperbolic logic…”
No, yours is. My logic is based upon facts and statistics.
“We should send thousands of fellow Citizens of the United States (but not me, of course.) to die and be wounded, and spend billions of dollars to do it.”
Are you suggesting that someone is telling our soldiers, “Go to Iraq, and find a way to either die or lose some body part.”? If so, you are an idiot, and not even a Conservative or a Libertarian could knock any sense into you. On the other hand, if you are saying that someone is stating that bad guys are trying to kill us, and we have to kill them first, then I (sorta) understand you. But I disagree, and think that the good of being there outweighs the bad. The military seems to agree. Send something to the people at and then call me wrong.
“Conversely, advocating against war is the same as saying, ‘We should not send thousands of fellow Citizens of the United States to die and be wounded, nor should we spend billions of dollars to do it.'”
As most conservatives and true liberals agree, we should destroy tyranny. I understand that a lot of pseudo-liberals would prefer to smoke weed than save the world, but can’t you let the regular people save us?
I just don’t have the energy to go on. It’s so sad to watch our great nation be destroyed by something as menial as political correctness. I don’t buy into that.
But I’m still willing to photoshop you to death. Tomorrow.
She’s mine, bub, and I ain’t sharin’.
“I’m a very insecure liberal (so many of us are)”
Indeed 🙂
Still need rules though. I’m some kind of crazy conservative after all. You all know how they make no sense whatsoever. I heard they use big words!
Gee Kevin, I’m flattered, and I’m sure our time together would be terribly intellectually stimulating and polysyllabic and all that, but I’m afraid I’m spoken for.
Gav, sweetie, what time was that ritual sacrifice we were supposed to go to tomorrow night? I hope it’s not too early. I was hoping to get another tatoo before we left. And should I wear the goat skin robes or the hemp tunic? Please advise.
I heard they use big words!
They come in handy during criminal trials.
Bloody weekends with their endless, whizzing parade of ritual sacrifices…
I was hoping to get a jump on destroying Christmas this weekend.
Here is sitemeter image. There is NOTHING at my site that would appeal to you. Don’t click on my site. It’s not about that. I despise people who choose to ignore facts and blame America for the terrorism in the world today.
Do you understand? If you think we are fighting a non-existant problem, then I despise you. You are part of the problem. We will definitely be hit again, and you get to claim responsibility!
I’m not being funny. When people die in our military, it is sad. But if you malign their service, you are an *sshole. I know liberals are not big on donating their spare cash, but can’t some of you go to and send our boys something? It’s easy, and it’s even relatively cheap! Can’t you support the people in the field while whining about whatever you are whining about today?
I’m just sayin’.
Yes, indeedy, K. I’ve sent at least 4 care packages that I can recall through (It may be 5. The war has gone on so long now I’m starting to lose track.)
Is this the place where I insert the smiley face? 🙂
Wow. Most people only build one straw man at a time. Kevin’s totally trying to make himself a whole family of ’em.
For the record, I was responding to Kevin’s posts at 8:04 and 8:06.
maddie! You’re alive!
I was afraid you had melted. (If you had, I was going to call dibs on your flying monkeys – it’s so hard to get good help these days, y’know?)
Where has Mario gone? Mario, don’t leave us! We like you way better than Kevin.
I’m not being funny. When people die in our military, it is sad. But if you malign their service, you are an *sshole.
Is Mikey around? This is certainly a Mikey moment right here.
If you think we are fighting a non-existant problem, then I despise you. You are part of the problem. We will definitely be hit again, and you get to claim responsibility!
I think we have differing ideas of what the problem is. The last time I got genuinely mad here (as opposed to fake-mad or snarky, as in many of the posts) was over a friend of mine who was killed at the WTC, and the way that certain conservatives with no personal connection to the 9/11 attacks were ‘adopting’ victims to honor, in public, as though they had known the people.
The time before was when my sister very narrowly missed being blown up at a bus stop in London.
I’m not mentioning these things to claim any special pissing rights, but I also don’t want it to be so easy to discount people here as ‘hippies’ or ‘unserious’ because they disagree with the right-wing plotline. It’s simply not like that.
You should try the hippie thing, Kevin. It’s really far out. Check it out: First, we sow the seed, nature grows the seed, and then we eat the seed.
“Yes, indeedy, K. I’ve sent at least 4 care packages that I can recall through”
Yay! Perhaps you aren’t a pseudo-liberal, and actually want to liberate people? I salute you, and hope that you get a new name similar to ‘happy-ie”. Can you convince your crazy brethren to support freedom as well? I’m poor, but will send you $150 if you can. We won’t eat well for a month, but we want to live in peace. Can you do it?
Kevin, Iraq has nothing to do with Al Qaeda, except for helping them recruit. You give them too much credit, too much power. Afghanistan is related, and Iraq is probably the main reason we’ve let it slide so far back.
I don’t believe the threat is so grave it justifies killing hundreds of thousands if not millions, sorry. I’d prefer our time and effort were spent doing things that might actually stop them. No one takes the threat of Al Qaeda less seriously than this administration, considering the way they use it’s threat for political gain.
And much as I’d like to help a soldier, the fact we’re spending billions and billions and billions and billions and…….
Better than half the taxes I pay every year should be to the benefit of the soldiers, considering how the money is allocated. Maybe you should be more upset at the people giving that money to corporations which keep that money from helping the soldiers. Besides, that whole meme of the left hating the soldiers is quite dead. We’re now the ones who run vets for Congress.
Damn no preview button and my lazy habits. final sentence of second chunk should say its not it’s. i try and ignore typos, but that one bugs me.
Also, I meant to say “had no relation to Iraq”. There’s a small relevance now, entirely created by our presence there.
I’m less concerned about the typos, different brad, and more concerned with your unconscionable treatment of Kevin’s straw family. Can’t you see they’re all he has?
Gavin said:
When it comes to the liberal’s ideas to steal from the working class, Mikey wouldn’t eat it. He hates everything, especially unjust laws.
Seriously, I’m hoping for a Photoshop war, Gavin. It will benefit you. You will not only learn from the poor skills of the Reuters stringers, but you might learn how to successfully create a shadow. You know, a believable one. Trust me, you will benefit.
Well, if he’ll identify which ones he considers the children of the family, I will most certainly leave them unmolested.
I will go a step further and offer to teach you how to make a shadow for $7. I’m a Conservative after all. Aren’t we all about the money?
Yeah, yeah, start a new layer, copy the figure, select the outline, fill with black, lower the opacity, skew/perspectivize/free transform…
We so need to have a talk about matching brightness/contrast and color settings among different picture elements.
The War in Iraq is simply not an effective way to fight the threat of terrorism. The worst case scenario that I’ve heard discussed on the Right is that if we leave Iraq now, Al Qaeda will take over the country and turn it into another Taliban-era Afghanistan. Now, this is pretty unlikely given that the average Iraqi hates Al Qaeda even more than the U.S. and views them, to some extent, as invading foreigners, too. But let’s say that it happens anyways – there’s still no danger to us! If the enemy is visible and has a public identity, they’re very easy to knock off (see Afghanistan, 2001; Iraq, 2003). Our enemies are mostly very poor and undereducated. The only way that most of them are ever going to conceivably harm Americans is if we do exactly what we are doing now: going into their backyard and allowing them to take potshots at us. It’s a strategy that plays directly into their hands, and which we continue to pursue chiefly because Bush and others can’t bring themselves to believe that the initial invasion could have been a mistake.
I’m a bit afraid, different brad, that he’s using them as straw-human shields. Disgraceful. Someone should notify the proper authorities.
On that note, I should get some sleep. I have a long day of stealing from the working class and disrespecting the troops ahead of me tomorrow. ‘Night, all!
By-the-way, what’s with this “steal from the middle class theme?” Seriously. Cause all I hear the Dems talking about is increasing the minimum wage, making college more affordable, and reducing the national debt.
“We so need to have a talk about matching brightness/contrast and color settings among different picture elements.”
No Mr. Gavin, we don’t. We all ‘get’ that you don’t know how to blend images. It’s no big deal. You probably have other qualities. It’s just wrong for you to issue a photoshop duel when you haven’t mastered even the simplest part of photoshop.
I for one am glad that you are willing to move on! Are you also willing to admit that bad guys should be killed? We may be on the road to reconciliation.
*Better than half the federal taxes I pay. I’ve no idea what percent of state n local taxes go to the troops, most likely much much less.
Thank goodness i proofread papers.
Cut it out Brad. No one is believing that you pay taxes. You are a Democrat. They don’t work. You think I’m joking, don’t you :). We know.
No Mr. Gavin, we don’t. We all ‘get’ that you don’t know how to blend images. It’s no big deal. You probably have other qualities. It’s just wrong for you to issue a photoshop duel when you haven’t mastered even the simplest part of photoshop.
Oh, I think you’ve been erroneously looking at the images I posted to make fun of, this past week. The ones from conservative blogs.
I’d do this one somewhat differently now, but let’s talk a bit about blending.
…In terms of this picture, I mean. That’s via the ‘statue’ tutorial that all over the place, isn’t it? Except it looks like someone tried to blend the cheek with the smudge tool at 100%…
Thanks, Kevin. I certainly support our folks who are stuck in the sandbox with only the crappy shit Halliburton and various other sucking-off-the-government-teet defense contractors supply. As such, I send care packages as often as I can.
I will happily try to convince my “crazy brethren” to support both freedom AND peace. It might be a tough sell convincing them to go your route, since most of them tend not to think that killing, wounding, and maiming thousands of innocent people is the road to freedom and peace (silly libruls!). I admit, sometimes I’m skeptical myself.
But apparently my donations to anysoldier established some sort of “pro-war” creds with you, because I’m not some dirty hippy who just wants to spit on the troops returning home from war. I guess this is our kiss-and-make up moment. I feel so proud.
As for my screen name, it’s a derivative of my grandmother’s name, Madeline.
Dakota Mauve said:
“By-the-way, what’s with this “steal from the middle class theme?â€? Seriously. Cause all I hear the Dems talking about is increasing the minimum wage, making college more affordable, and reducing the national debt.”
Yes, I don’t understand that theme either! Increasing the min. wage is a nice fake-out for the 2% of Americans who earn the minimum wage. Way to mislead America, Democrats!
Just so you know, I’m a regular working class joe, so I am one of the 50% of Americans who pay taxes. And for all of us I say, quit smoking weed and get a job you friggin’ bum. I’d smack you if you were near me.
Marita – I’m a loyal reader and lazy commenter. If it wasn’t for the few (ahem) glasses of wine I had tonight, I probably would not have been this engaged.
As such, I will to you all of my flying monkeys, to do with as you see fit. If you send them the way of Kevin, Gary Ruppert, Annieangel, other assorted wingnuts and trolls, or even that OJ character, I will sleep well.
nite all
No Kevin, I’m one of those spoiled liberals who comes from a very comfortable background. I don’t work but I have enough income I pay plenty of taxes. And of course i feel guilty about the money, but it comes, ultimately, from my family owning a business college for generations before selling to an invading chain in the 80s. By the time my dad took over it was mostly about teaching business skills to lower income folks. So yer type folk can’t say jack, n i don’t feel too guilty, especially considering i’ve used the loot to learn instead of party.
All of which has nothing to do with anything, but there it is.
Yay, maddie has become happy!
Yeah, sadly it’s hard to ‘splain things to peaceniks. But I support you! Remember to say that freedom comes BEFORE peace. Other than that, good luck. Some of those socialists have forgotten how important freedom is! Your work is cut out for you.
sar·casm (sär’kăz’É™m) n.
1) A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.
2) A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.
Since others who are supposed to be in bed are still up commenting as well…
maddie, next can you explain to Kevin what a false dichotomy is? I don’t have the strength.
He said I didn’t have blending skillz. I couldn’t let that pass.
You know, he left Reagan’s ear in that Rushmore picture. Does any other figure on Rushmore have an ear showing?
You know, he left Reagan’s ear in that Rushmore picture. Does any other figure on Rushmore have an ear showing?
Umm…. how about these?
Honestly, if he has done any photoshop work that’s even slightly impressive, I do wish he’d point it out. It’s not immediately evident on his blog.
Oh wait, you said on Rushmore, not in Rushmore. My bad.
“No Kevin, I’m one of those spoiled liberals who comes from a very comfortable background.”
Duh. This is the only way liberals are created. I know this sounds insulting, but there is no other way to say it. Only people who don’t work to live become liberal. That is why Nancy Pelosi and homeless drug addicts both worship at the same throne. Grats on being rich though! Do the right thing and share it.
I say all of this crap to shock sense into you. I know I’m just a troll, but could you please, please teach me a lesson by volunteering at a local soup kitchen? I am a Conservative, and you know how we Conservatives hate poor people, right? Teach me a lesson, and volunteer. Talk to some of the people you are helping. You will undoubtably find that giving them money will only keep them poor and unworking, while giving money to charities such as the Salvation Army will create working, donating citizens. But go ahead and support governmental gifts. It’s your right.
Still, volunteer for a single night before you make that commitment.
You know, I’d so do Goldstein/Napoleon’s jawline better these days. I could fix that with one brushstroke.
I know I’m just a troll, but could you please, please teach me a lesson by volunteering at a local soup kitchen?
Oh, Marita… I think Kevin wants to contribute to you-know-what…
“You know, he left Reagan’s ear in that Rushmore picture.”
OMG I sweated over that very issue! I cropped it, and my wife said it made the whole thing look fake. I told her she was just being a girl, but now you have agreed! Are you a girl? It would greatly enhance my position if you are.
Jesus, that Rushmore photoshop sucked. He’s making fun of your skills, Gavin?
This is the only way liberals are created. I know this sounds insulting, but there is no other way to say it. Only people who don’t work to live become liberal.
Oh Kevin, you’re fast on your way to becoming one of the more entertaining trolls around here. I’d love to hear you espouse this theory to my father (Navy vet and 35+ year law enforcement guy). He’d get quite a good laugh from it. Before he told you to get the hell off his lawn.
Well, look at what Borglum did with Roosevelt’s glasses: He just outlined the parts on the nose. I imagined he might do a line suggesting an ear, but the whole thing throws off the unity…
Man, I’m starting to miss Gary.
Heh. Right now I’ll admit, i’m not doing any volunteering and i feel bad about it. But I don’t have that much time being in grad school and all. I’ve done some, but not enough, volunteer type activities overall.
When I have more I will give. To the aclu and the southern poverty law center in particular. I’m not that well off, i just have enough to avoid a cubicle and having a boss, which is better for all involved. I’ve worked, i’m not idly rich.
I’m coming in real late here, but I’m surprised Kev bothered to ridicule pot when his Dear Leader has experimented extensively with the mega-illegal nasal-destroying white powder (and unfortunately we don’t mean teh anthrax.)
“Oh, Marita… I think Kevin wants to contribute to you-know-what…”
Contribute to whatever, people. But first, give just a few hours of your time. To anything. You can do it as a couple, as a family, or all by yourself. It’s so enlightening, it will scare you. I guarantee it. But I’m a Conservative, and you all know how we lie and stuff.
BTW, the American Spectator did a similar graphic, and solved the ear problem like this:
Why Gavin, I bet Kevin would love to contribute!
Of course, I’d hate to shatter his image of us by pointing out that I volunteer with such a group. I guess it might be all right though, since my official entry into the liberal elite won’t happen for another couple of weeks. But soon… soon my transformation will be complete!
(probably best not to point out to Kev that said transformation was funded with his tax dollars…)
Hey, have I been blocked?
Blocked? From here?
It takes a lot to get blocked from here, believe me.
Does the Spectator want Ronnie on Rushmore, or Boris Yeltsin?
This is the only way liberals are created. I know this sounds insulting, but there is no other way to say it. Only people who don’t work to live become liberal.
Damnit! I should so be asleep!
Ya know, Kevin, I thought we might have been engaged in a little spirited sniping perhaps bordering on teh funny. When I posted that sarcasm comment, it was certainly meant as a two-way street, since you don’t strike me as stupid enough to have taken my comment at face value.
But this shock-jock crap is just that — CRAP!
Three of my 4 grandparents emigrated here from Mexico, the other from England (and all of them legally, so you can just save any “illegals — ooga booga” comment you might have been contemplating). They worked their asses off. My parents worked their asses off. And I worked my ass off to put myself through college.
So to quote our esteemed hosts and various other regulars here: Eat it, cobag!
Only people who don’t work to live become liberal.
heh, call me crack-addicted but I’m leftwing and I work to put food on my fambly.
I like to put a little food on me too. Helps keep me alert enough to earn my paltry middle-income.
Dang, my last comment disappeared. I think it was my falult 🙁
I despise liberals because they don’t practice what they preach. Share the friggin’ wealth you selfish b*st*rd! ‘Despise’ is entirely accurate. You are more concerned with me giving my fair share to the government than you are about YOU giving money to people who need it and will use it to better their lives. I despise you. In the current vernacular, you suck.
I am a fiscal Conservative, and Libertarian in all other areas. I am relatively poor, but in fact WOULD love to contribute to a good cause. It’s a Conservative thing, no doubt you would not understand. A single day ‘wasted’ helping the homeless, or helping the people who are dependent upon drugs would be shocking to you. Save your money, and donate a single day of your life to help these people. You will learn SO much, to the betterment of those people. We can no doubt save the world, but only if we immerse ourselves in it. Giving money to the United Way or the Red Cross doesn’t cut it. Liberals don’t get this.
I am a big fan of because it’s selfish fun. It’s not tax deductable (sorry liberals), but an actual soldier benefits and they let you know ! Actually it’s a bunch of soldiers who benefit, but again, that’s just gravy.
Don’t assume I’m an idiot. Call me an idiot for fun if you want, but don’t assume it. Volunteer for one single day (4 hrs of your life) at any soup kitchen. I swear to you that your life will never be the same. I also swear to you that you will be happy about it.
Wow, I could’ve sworn the labor movement was the backbone of the modern Democratic party. Should tell the carpenters to go get a job…
I despise liberals because they don’t practice what they preach. Share the friggin’ wealth you selfish b*st*rd! ‘Despise’ is entirely accurate. You are more concerned with me giving my fair share to the government than you are about YOU giving money to people who need it and will use it to better their lives. I despise you. In the current vernacular, you suck.
I hope you’re addressing ‘liberals’ instead of Marita personally. Otherwise I’m going to have to get out of this chair and fetch the can of molten hell I keep at reserve for such occasions.
She just said she volunteers at a charity. Are we having a cognition event here?
Geez Kevin, I’m not assuming you’re an idiot, I just think your critical thinking skills aren’t as sharp as they might be, and you tend toward the intellectually dishonest. I know plenty of very bright conservatives. I just haven’t seen much evidence that you’re one of them.
Speaking of assumptions, you seem to have a little trouble with them yourself. I volunteer many hours a month working with homeless famililes. Somehow, I haven’t come to the same conclusions about them that you have. Maybe because I spend less time thinking about them as “those people” and more time thinking “there but for the grace of God…”. Who knows.
God, it’s hard to find good trolls.
Gavin writes about solving “the ear problem”, when Kevin’s causing blood to vomit from our collective eyeballs!
Hey, I kid. Kevin’s entertaining, unlike the trolls of late, and (dare I suggest) brave, to come here. Or maybe he’s just naive.
Assuming this is your blog, I would like to apologize for disparaging your Photoshopping skills. I don’t retract any of my statements, but realize it is not my place to attack your skill at faking photos. I was only concerned that you considered yourself to be equal to the genius of Six Meat Buffet. Or even IMAO.
I for one am glad we have made clear that you aren’t. But there’s always hope for the future! Study your books people!
Funny, I thought libruls were always better at faking photos.
Funny, I thought libruls were always better at faking photos.
Oh, no, maddie. Not with the crack team of right-wing bloggers on the case.
Did you catch the Confederate Yankee Bush-in-a-burqa post the other day? That was a high point.
Sadly said,
“I hope you’re addressing ‘liberals’ instead of Marita personally. Otherwise I’m going to have to get out of this chair and fetch the can of molten hell I keep at reserve for such occasions.”
No, don’t get out of that chair. That would be inconvenient. We can’t have that. You prick.
Good Lord, don’t you see that we have progressed from talking shit to talking about people’s lives? How can you treat that so callously? I swear to God, I despise you. Keep disparaging our brethren in the field though, you scumbag. Hippies will probablly dig you.
I no longer want to pshop duel you. You suck too much.
Oh, feel free to disparage my P-shop skills.
But if Marita’s still around, you should know that you’re dealing with a liberal philanthropist who unwinds by kicking people’s asses on the hockey rink. You don’t want to get that girl cross-eyed at you.
No, don’t get out of that chair. That would be inconvenient.
Yeah, Gavin, don’t bother. I could totally demolish this guy without any help. Of course, I’d run the risk of getting Cheeto stains on my clothes, but I’m sure the government would pay to replace them.
I seem to have missed a comment here.
Good Lord, don’t you see that we have progressed from talking shit to talking about people’s lives? How can you treat that so callously? I swear to God, I despise you.
What in the world is he talking about?
This is like Gary mixed with Annie and Shoelimpy…
“Oh, feel free to disparage my P-shop skills.”
That’s not an option. Your examples of your ‘skills’ have already done that. Admit it. You suck at Photoshop. You don’t get shadow. You don’t understand sunlight. It’s no problem. You can fix it! Make some small contribution to our troops. If that is too alien to you, at least donate to people who oppose America. We all know you want to 🙂
Said the filter commando…
That page-corner filter has really improved since Kai’s Power Tools, eh?
at least donate to people who oppose America.
Is Kevin advocating support of terrorist organizations? Better be careful, Kev. Most people frown on that sort of thing, y’know.
[Welp, 4:20 — time for us hippies to go to bed.]
I have to go to bed. After admitting that you are not very good at Photoshopping, you could make fun of me! But at least admit you suck at photoshop. Be a man, would ya? Otherwise I’ll have to smack you like a man shouldn’t smack a woman.
You know I can Gavin. Also, by tomorrow, change your name from ‘gavin’.
[Welp, 4:20 — time for us hippies to go to bed.]
That joke is so going over Kevin’s head.
I command you.
Yes marita, your joke is very compicated. I just don’t get it.
It wasn’t my joke, sugar. But thanks for keeping me entertained while I work on my thesis. Just one more thing you’ve done to help your fellow Americans.
Good point Marta, because what the world REALLY needs is a new sociologist thesis! And thanks for calling me ‘honey’ sugar.
I would be dishonest if I didn’t mention that I’m concerned that you people aren’t resorting to swear words. Don’t I warrant a swear or two? Liberals are notable for either calling people nazis or just swearing alot because they don’t understand their ‘feelings’.
C’mon people! Aren’t I a fascist, or something that only swearing can describe?
C’mon, let that liberalism flow….
Good point Marta, because what the world REALLY needs is a new sociologist thesis!
Oh no! You may be right! It’s a real shame I’m a biochemist then.
I take in comfort knowing you aren’t making any of these arguments seriously. If you’re going to parody a right-wing troll though, don’t you think you should at least try to slip a valid point in now and then? If you’re too over the top with the logical flaws and hyperbole, no one’s going to buy it.
I’m afraid you missed the seminar.
We’re all adherents of Godwin here, and his first law.
your ‘brethren in the field’ are my ‘cousins’ and ‘friends’. So please, take this advice very very lightly.
Sit Down.
Is there more forthcoming? This is sad. I intended to beat you at photoshopping. But the result is astounding! I am now in some kind of arrangement with Marita (she called me ‘sugar’. I would like to state that i love marita, but I’m not ‘in love’ with marita). Let’s be honest. Your photoshop skills are lacking.
Face it, you were beaten by a mere commenter at Six Meat Buffet. Don’t try to face the REAL Photoshop specialists at the buffet. Photoshop is best left to your betters.
“Don’t assume I’m an idiot. Call me an idiot for fun if you want, but don’t assume it. Volunteer for one single day (4 hrs of your life) at any soup kitchen. I swear to you that your life will never be the same. I also swear to you that you will be happy about it.”
Literally, “got the t-shirt”. Geez, and the shirt I’m wearing right now is for those TWO YEARS of my life that I spent, full time, volunteering as a teacher an field hand in a rural meth-infested town in california (1997-1999). So really, sit down. You’re making an “ass” out of “me”.
that leaves “U”
Hey, don’t you usually troll at Americablog?
Marita, there is no shame in admitting that you are a sociologist. Even if you are indeed a mere biochemist, what’s your point? They are equally as usefull.
Hey, don’t you usually troll at Americablog?
Is he an Aravosis cast-off? EEEEEWWW!
I feel dirty.
Mdhatter said,
No I don’t troll anywhere. You’re benefactor decided to malign an accurate (though snarky) newssource. So f you. You’ll be alright.
Marita said:
“I feel dirty.”
I’ll get you a towel.
mdhatter, is Gavin really your benefactor? How’d you line that up?
I totally need a benefactor.
Libertarians 1, Crazy Marita types 0!
Yay Libertarianism! Need I supply more photos? No, Libertarians won.
Nice. Kevin’s meds have really started to wear off now.
And he thinks the world doesn’t need biochemists. For shame.
Missed all the fun, on account of beer-related activities.
If you want to save lives, end war quickly. And to end war quickly, you have to kill A LOT of people.
Actually there is a lot to be said for the other way of ending war quickly, which is to stop killing people, and go home.
Again. I am going to be the raging hippie. Kevin- I know your type at the soup kitchens. You hand out leaflets while ladling out creamed corn with a look on your face “I am so trying to help you- let me help you in the way I find the most personally satisfying”. You don’t see them as people. Have you listened to any of their stories? Most of them are vets.
Darn going to bed early…
If I knew you guys were going to party all night, I would have bought the beer for everyone.
So next time let me know 🙂
Dagnabit, looks like I missed all the fun. Gee, it sucks when you have to go to bed early on a Friday night so that you can be all bright eyed and busI’hy tailed for your early Saturday morning workshop on how to be a better teacher to children at an impoverished inner city school. Cripes – I work and volunteer at the SAME TIME (a federally recognized charity placed me at the school I teach at, and I put in no small number of hours working for the charity for no pay at all). Does this make me a hippy volunteer liberal, or a solid working conservative? Or am I both at once?
But I’m a little disappointed that y’all let this go by unchallenged. The reason America got its collective ass handed to it in Vietnam is because we weren’t brutal enough?!? Someone just seriously said that? Someone whose name isn’t Heinrich Himmler said that America wasn’t brutal enough to the Vietnamese. But we were more brutal during WWII.
Now feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but I wasn’t aware that we ran secret torture programs on the Germans during WWII where we used car batteries on German POWs testicles. When did we do this?
good heavens.
a sadly, no! 200+ comments thread without annieangel!
Hey, did I miss the part where Kevin explains how you fight radical Islamic fundamentalism by knocking over the only secular bulwark in the region?
Why did you pick on a 3rd grader’s blog, aren’t there any grown-up wingnut photoshoppers blogs to challenge?
Hah! Made you laugh.
That pixelated piece of shit is suppose to be a challenge? My dog can photoshop better than that, and he’s colorblind.
Had to get to bed last night Marita. Not to worry though, I am only a “CLICK” away from Sadly No>>>>>>>>>>LOL.
The OJ Simpson Case
Kevin is like Dr. BLT without the musical “talent.”
I wish this thread wasn’t 200+ comments long, because what it really desperately needs is Mikey’s input and I am afraid he won’t want to wade through the whole thing.
I had to leave last night just when Kevin was getting started. In fairness, Jillian, I’m not sure how the few valiant souls who stuck it out into the wee hours could have been expected to address all of the Bad Crazy spewing forth. What’s amazing is that it all came from a single source. Hell, he even drove OJ Guy away. Ultimately, I find this KevThread instructive, as it can be viewed as The Angry Right in microcosm: assume the opposition is lazy, pampered and selfish, don’t let evidence to the contrary deter you, toss in some bloodlust and misogyny, and just keep shaking.
Meanwhile, has anyone a clue what set him off at 10:58? That seems to have come from another planet — unless maybe he felt that his straw family was being seriously threatened?
Geez, you sleep for a few hours, and the crazies come out. They make mouse traps, why not hippie traps?
Shana believes I hand out propaganda at soup kitchens! I guess a little knowledge goes a short way.
“Have you listened to any of their stories? Most of them are vets.”
Yes, I’ve listened to their stories. Been a while since you helped a brother out, Shana? I don’t know what it was like in the ’60s, but nowadays there are no vets in the lines. Just poor people who are suffering from drug addiction or mental illness. They can be saved from a life of crime, sadness, and despair if you helpl 4 hours people. 1 afternoon. Do it just to spite some stupid troll (me). It will be utterly humiliating for me when you do, and you even get to meet those that you propose to support! I promise to act humble once you do this, and will grudgingly give you props.
Mr. doctor Bimler came up with a brilliant way to save lives:
Yeah, that worked so well for 750,000 Vietnamese, a quarter million Laotians, and multiple millions of Cambodians. Good Lord, what do they teach in school these days? If America pulls out, what makes you think that the war is over? You may be a doctor, but you desperately need a class in history.
Jill said, among other things:
Oh yeah, someone said it. And someone stands by the statement. Guess who? It’s me! Hi Jillian! The ugly brutality of Rolling Thunder II is what ended the war for America, and a Rolling Thunder III would likely have saved the South Vietnamese. You can learn from history if you take the time to study it. I applaud your paid charity, even though you get paid to do it. I’ve never been paid to be charitable or even ever heard of someone claiming that their paid job is ‘charity’, but I bet it’s fun! Are you blonde? Just askin’. And bettin’. You are, aren’t you. No problem. Look up charity in the dicktiary, and try to learn how getting paid to do charity is not actually charity. It will be fun! Trust me.
Jane hamsher asks:
You must have. I missed it too. It just doesn’t make sense if you are not going to topple Syria and Iran. Destroying a tyrant (or a ‘secular bulwark’ as you describe him) and allowing tyranny to exist to both the east and the west makes little sense. Finish the job!
Ok, I’ve done my job and ‘esplained the real world to the hippies. Can we get back to me whooping you with photoshop? This one is not safe for work, but who are we kidding here? You don’t have a job. Still, there is some nudity in it, so head’s up.
Islamic fundamentalist said”
“Why did you pick on a 3rd grader’s blog, aren’t there any grown-up wingnut photoshoppers blogs to challenge?”
Mostly because the writers at sadlyno thought themselves the equivalent of 6MB. I know it’s silly, but they actually tried to make the comparison. I’m guessing they won’t do so again.
How Christmas destroyed the world!
Ha. Adding captions. Ha. Ha.
Hey look everyone, the pinata came back!
I can’t wait to see what kind of wonderful treats pop out of him this time around.
For someone who keeps pretending to have photoshop skills, pasting text onto a picture isn’t really the most convincing methodology.
Also, if we’re playing with ridiculous war theories isn’t the “try harder” school of war what led to the epic deaths of WWI that clearly left no room for animosity or a WWII?
Smiling mortician said:
“Meanwhile, has anyone a clue what set him off at 10:58? ”
Not sure, but that was Gavin who posted at 10:58. I’m guessing he was angry because he had not mastered the skill of creating shadows in Photoshop. In his defense, it can get very complicated when you add the necessary rendering of lighting effects. I bet Gavin has other qualities that make him a fine person though.
In all honesty, I’m not at all angry at anyone on this blog, and suspect that only the happy mortician thinks I am. I believe it’s called ‘projection’, and we can all suffer from it if we allow our anger to fester. Don’t do it! You will end up being a mortician! My Mom says there are a lot of dead people in mortician’s offices.
Have you seen what happens when Michelle Malkin eats too much?
We’re done with the photoshop contest, right? And don’t say ‘sadly no’ please 🙂
Fulsome said
“For someone who keeps pretending to have photoshop skills, pasting text onto a picture isn’t really the most convincing methodology.”
In no case did I do that! That you think that’s all I did is quite a compliment. Thank you.
My Mom says there are a lot of dead people in mortician’s offices.
Your Mom also says you need to come out of the basement and take the trash out. She’s getting kind of impatient about it.
Nice effort on trying to declare victory without anything to back it up though. That’s a class maneuver.
What’s this about benefactors?
What’s this about benefactors?
Apparently, you’ve been benefactoring other people. Why was I the last to know?
Um, no. there is a guy and some text. If you think you photoshopped something to make the scene more or less humorous you failed. All that happens is I read a bad joke and I ask myself, hmm, why did he need Photoshop to make a lame text-based joke?
You didn’t add any valuable content to the scene
In no case did I do that! That you think that’s all I did is quite a compliment. Thank you.
Oh, the lettering on the strange naked people. Watch out; he’s got a Wacom Graphire tablet.
You know, when you expand the selection around text to make an outline, you have to be careful that the expanded selection area isn’t off the edge of the image. I think you know what I’m referring to.
Thanks for explaining the real world, Kev. But here in the reality-based community, we like our explanations with a heaping side order of evidence.
nowadays there are no vets in the lines. Just poor people who are suffering from drug addiction or mental illness.
If America pulls out, what makes you think that the war is over?
Granted, there’s a strong possibility that the sickness we’ve created in Iraq will take a long time to heal even if we leave. But a more pertinent question might be â€?If America stopped invading other people, what makes you think that these wars would ever start?â€?
Not sure, but that was Gavin who posted at 10:58 . . . In all honesty, I’m not at all angry at anyone on this blog
OK, I didn’t squint hard enough at the time stamp. Your post was at 10:56. You’re right. It indicates no anger whatsoever:
Good Lord, don’t you see that we have progressed from talking shit to talking about people’s lives? How can you treat that so callously? I swear to God, I despise you. Keep disparaging our brethren in the field though, you scumbag.
Off topic, but if you want to become good at Photoshop, it is worthwile to buy a pen/tablet. They are about 50 bucks for the cheapest one (check and will allow you a quick jump in your skills. Also, if you are JUST beginning, you might want to pick up “How to Do Everything with Photoshop CS”. Have the tablet before you read the book.
What happened to Glenn Reynolds (of fame) when he quit his job and started smoking weed all day?
I’m not being funny. When people die in our military, it is sad. But if you malign their service, you are an *sshole.
Is Mikey around? This is certainly a Mikey moment right here.
Jeezus, kevin, if you’re serious you are the worst kind of evil. I’m amazed at the casual ease you talk about killing hundreds of thousands of people who are not-kevin. Right up there with stalin, congrats on your gross anti-american position. There are so many points I could make here. First, have you ever killed anybody? Do you know what it’s like to point your rifle at the center of a person and shoot them? One night we shot a sapper on the perimeter at a firebase east of an loc. They were probing all night, so we spent the night under illum rounds watching and listening to that kid hang in the wire and bleed out. Big tough soldiers huh? Lemme tell you, it was heartbreaking. And your plan for collective punishment? Um, you know it’s agains laws of war that we, americans, wrote in response to nazi atrocities, right? Wow, you really know who to look up to. It’s also ineffective. The reason we lost anbar is what we did to faluja. Made them hate us and want to kill us.
But most of all, the huge, eternal war you advocate will destroy america. We will make more enemies than we can ever kill. Will we get hit again? Of course. But it’s not a problem you can kill your way out of, and idiots like you just ensure that rational people can’t fix the problem. Fairness, economic prosperity, education opportunity – these are what would de-radicalize people. I guess if you haven’t learned by now that killing their fathers, sons and brothers doesn’t work, you’re congenitally defective. We couldn’t do it in the nam. We couldn’t do it in somalia. We can’t do it in iraq. And your brilliant solution is to try it in syria and iran? What a mindless tool…
Apparently, you’ve been benefactoring other people. Why was I the last to know?
Um, I just benefactored a trio of hungry cats, and now I guess I’m benefactoring myself some coffee and a bagel…
Whole dramas have taken place here while I wasn’t looking.
Nice effort on trying to declare victory without anything to back it up though. That’s a class maneuver.
Marita, that sounds so familiar. I swear it reminds me of something but I just can’t quite . . . nope. Can’t think of it.
Off topic, but if you want to become good at Photoshop, it is worthwile to buy a pen/tablet. They are about 50 bucks for the cheapest one
Oh wow, you did get a Graphire, like the ones they have hanging from racks at CompUSA with signs saying, “Jazz Up Your Family Photos!1!!”
I’ll have to confess that I really wanted a Cintiq, but who doesn’t? This Intuos is quite adequate.
The mortician said:
“Thanks for explaining the real world, Kev. But here in the reality-based community, we like our explanations with a heaping side order of evidence.”
And that is why I’m begging you to get out there and gather evidence! Volunteer, if only as a lark. You will learn so so much. I realize you have a base in reality, but if you actually establish a home here, the world will be better off.
Gavin McCloud said:
“You know, when you expand the selection around text to make an outline, you have to be careful that the expanded selection area isn’t off the edge of the image.”
I would suggest you use ‘stroke’ in ‘layer style’. Quick, easy, and you can change your mind later if you want to. For more information, read a book 🙂
I’m just having fun laughing at you guys, and hope you are having fun laughing at me. But one line causes me grave concern, because I suspect people actually believe it.
“Granted, there’s a strong possibility that the sickness we’ve created in Iraq will take a long time to heal even if we leave.”
Do people at this site other than the mortician truly believe that America created this sickness? Do they not believe that this cancer has been there for decades? It would be very sobering to have to realize that so many people don’t understand history. Please tell me you realize the truth.
“Good Lord, don’t you see that we have progressed from talking shit to talking about people’s lives? How can you treat that so callously? I swear to God, I despise you. Keep disparaging our brethren in the field though, you scumbag.”
I stand by the statement, though I’m still not angry. All I’m saying is, you suck. I should have said, “I despise your uninformed viewpoint”, but it’s six of one, half brazen the udder.
I live in Louisiana now, and we don’t say cliches very well.
Do people at this site other than the mortician truly believe that America created this sickness?
“Created” is quite the word. I’d have replaced it with “is responsible for stirring up” which, as far as I’ve seen, is the consensus among people who, like, read books and stuff.
“Oh wow, you did get a Graphire, like the ones they have hanging from racks at CompUSA with signs saying, “Jazz Up Your Family Photos!1!!â€?”
No, but thanks for askin’! Unfortunately I don’t know a lot about tablets. I bought an Intuo 6×11 and it’s fine. I can’t say it’s a good or bad choice, because I’ve never tried anything else. If you want to find out which one is the best, try google! They have a cool ‘search engine’ that finds websites for you. I highly recommend it.
Quit benefactoring stuff. It’s embarassing.
I would suggest you use ’stroke’ in ‘layer style’. Quick, easy, and you can change your mind later if you want to. For more information, read a book
Can’t stagger it then, can you? It’ll just move with the text.
See, books and tutorials are useful, but they promote overreliance on automatic Photoshop functions. It’s often best to do things by hand.
It’s often best to do things by hand.
Oh Gavin, I’m sure Kevin is all too aware of that.
Thanks Righteous Bubba! I agree with you, and will go back to not being serious about things. ‘Created’ was indeed the word I was concerned about.
Do people at this site other than the mortician truly believe that America created this sickness?
Do people at this site truly believe that we caused a swarm of bees? All we did was whack this beehive with a garden rake, repeatedly — it’s bees alone who swarm.
And that is why I’m begging you to get out there and gather evidence! Volunteer, if only as a lark.
OK. I’ll try it really slow this time because you clearly didn’t hear it the first six or seven times:
Stop. Assuming.
Assumption. Is. The. Opposite. Of. Reason.
Are you listening? I do volunteer. I do give to charity. I do have a job. I have, in fact, worked since I was 15, including all the way through high school, college and grad school. I did not inherit money. My dad was an autoworker. My mom stayed home to raise five kids. There is no trust fund. And I’m pretty sure I’m not terribly different from most of the people here, at least in those respects.
I don’t assume anything about your personal life, your economic status, your blah blah blah — because I have no evidence. Instead I respond to your rather frightening political/historical/military theories — because you’ve provided evidence of them all right here for all to see. See how that works?
Now. How about those homeless vets who don’t exist?
‘Created’ was indeed the word I was concerned about.
That’s good. Now: who created the current world-wide wave of anti-Americanism?
Oh! Pick me, Bubba! I think I know this one!
BTW, in order to determine whether “created” was the right word, wouldn’t we have to discuss what the “sickness” is, rather than assuming we all agree what it refers to specifically? Just sayin’.
Is Kevin a permanent resident now?
and if so is there some kind of initiation ceremony?
Rip it up and start again, just rip it and start again
That’s good. Now: who created the current world-wide wave of anti-Americanism?
Oh, that would be the anti-Americans. Nothing the US does ever affects world affairs negatively.
For instance, when the US bankrolled Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan, it was Bin Laden who, you know, was the sole taker of the money and weapons. How much of that money and weaponry did the US take from the US and go start an anti-American jihad with? None.
It really burns me up when people expect the US to take responsibility for aspects of world affairs which it attempts to dominate as a superpower. Those people are just haters.
Conservatives create poor people for soup kitchen photo ops. It’s nice work if you can get it. Also, they are taint tasters.
Yeah, that worked so well for 750,000 Vietnamese, a quarter million Laotians, and multiple millions of Cambodians.
I keep seeing these references to the lessons of the Laotians and Cambodians in wingnut arguments against pulling out of Iraq. The suffering that took place in those countries in the ’70s was not the result of our pulling out of Vietnam, but the result of our incursions into Laos and Cambodia. We dropped 140,000 tons of bombs on Cambodia in 4,000 sorties, and then followed it up with ground troops. Maybe that was what destablized the region, and not our withdrawal from Vietnam.
Kevin, I spent this morning volunteering at my church’s soup kitchen. Now you can return the favor by spending this afternoon with a history of the Vietnam War. I know conservatives have an aversion to “facts” and “education,” but please try it.
“Can’t stagger it then, can you? It’ll just move with the text.”
Seriously Gavin, how often do you use Photoshop? It is extremely rare that you would want to create an effect for text not covered by layer styles. In such rare instances, sure, go for it. Hey, here’s another cool effect you might want to look into. I call it ‘out of bounds’ since that’s what the site where I learned the technique called it. It probably has a more apt name. I hadn’t yet learned how to extract hair from a photo, so she has no strays :(. Regardless, it’s cool, huh? And what a cutie.
Can’t we get past the photoshop war? We both know I beat you in the image dept. We should now concentrate on what’s really important – insulting one another. I’ll start. You smell!
I smell some leaky cobag, that’s what I smell.
Kevin, just because you read a book about Photoshop doesn’t mean you have skills. YOU USED COMIC SANS on “light bulb tongs,” you have got to be shitting me. Show me your line of do-it-yourself cat calendars!!!!!!
I like Kevin better when he’s talking about Photoshop.
That Cayman’s Island thing is pretty ugly. No idea about the tehcnique.
Although I think Gavin worked in the pithiest rebuttal I’ve seen for a while. I have to remember the bee swarm metaphor.
sigh, technique
The mortician said:
Are you listening? I do volunteer. I do give to charity. I do have a job.”
Stop lying. You don’t volunteer your time. Saying something doesn’t make it true. You may get others to believe your lie, but you and I both know that you are lying. How do I know this? Because volunteering would force you to meet these poor people. It would force you not to want to help them subsist (i.e. give them some spare cash via the government), but help, or maybe even force them to get control over their lives and get out of that vicious cycle. That would make you an evil Conservative of course, so you would not be reading this. That’s how I know you are lying. So stop lying. I wholeheartedly support you donating money, but until you donate your time, you really won’t get it.
And stop lying.
We have to head out for a few hours, but I’m more than happy to continue with edjimication when we get back. Will you wait for me?
ps. Marita smells too! 🙂 Dang, I’m good at insults, huh?
You got style…you got class…but most of all…
It is extremely rare that you would want to create an effect for text not covered by layer styles.
Ha ha ha ha!
Oh god, paradigm collision.
It is extremely rare that these preset gizmos in Layer Styles and the filter menu don’t look like a can of ass.
You can be all like, “You don’t know how to do shadows,” but you’re just setting the autopilot and winding up wherever Photoshop wants to take you. I do mine by hand, and I’ve got a shiny nickel here that says you haven’t even noticed which are mine and which are real.
Nice shading here, hot stuff.
Hey look everyone, the pinata came back!
Fulsome said:
“That Cayman’s Island thing is pretty ugly. No idea about the tehcnique.”
Yup, the ‘ tehcnique’ is compicated (it involves pressing ‘alt’ while clicking a layer). Learn the paintbrush first. Tehcnique comes later. In fact, tehcnique comes never. Gotta go 🙁
Yup, the ‘ tehcnique’ is compicated (it involves pressing ‘alt’ while clicking a layer).
Hamburger Helper is easy! You just add hamburger!
Kevin=chunderwagon control.
Kevin, stop lying. It’s fine to support the war, but until you actually go over there and fight it…
Kevin, stop lying. It’s fine to hate gays, but until you actually experience gay sex…
Kevin, stop lying. It’s fine to say X, but until you actually do Y…
Blort, verb verbing. Blah blah blah blah bloot. *poot*
ps. Marita smells too! Dang, I’m good at insults, huh?
Kevin, poodle, I think what you’re smelling is the stench of your own failure. And maybe just a twinge of flop sweat.
I have to remember the bee swarm metaphor.
“Ow! OW!! Oh, they’re defending themselves somehow!”
“Are you listening? I do volunteer. I do give to charity. I do have a job. I have, in fact, worked since I was 15, ”
Actually, Mortician, you don’t even owe him that explanation. This twerp posts his assumptions without any knowledge of any person here, and goes on to chew the scenery like a Drama Queen over it. I mean “I’m begging you to get out there” and “Been a while since you helped a brother out, Shana? ”
No one owes this smug shithead anything.
Let him play with his strawmen by himself.
Stop lying. You don’t volunteer your time. Saying something doesn’t make it true.
Oh yeah? Well, saying that saying something doesn’t make it true doesn’t make it, uh, false! Or no, wait: I know you are, but what am I?
Seriously, though, it’s kind of cool that Kevin’s kindergarten has a debate team — he’s obviously learned a lot. And his photoshopping skillz are pretty good for his grade level!
I knew he was was gonna land on the typo. Well, I guess anything to give him the encouragement to return for another round of failure.
Also, Mr. Roarke seems to know a lot. Maybe he should be waterboarded?
Hi, long time lurker here. Posted only a few times, and I just had to chime in.
I hope Kevin hangs around for a long long time. There is nothing quite so amusing as watching guys like Kevin savoring the aroma of their own flatulence like it was fine wine. I really don’t know which I find more amusing, the dry humping of the “hippie” cliche, the armchair cheerleading of an ever expanding war in which his pasty lump won’t be in 2000 miles of, the immediate declaration of photoshop victory … it’s like a smorgasborg of suck. And it is so. damned. funny.
A thread with him, Gary and shoelimpy could break the internet in bandwidth requirements. We have to try!
Kevin, poodle, I think what you’re smelling is the stench of your own failure. And maybe just a twinge of flop sweat.
I thought I smelled urine and sadness earlier, but it might have been his cologne.
I love the smell of patchouli in the early afternoon. Would you like to borrow some, Kevin?
You know, Marita, our Kevin has a talent for slipping playground insults past me for just long enough that I miss the swing. It’s his one talent.
I know, g, I know. It’s just that my overwhelming spirit of volunteerism leads me to offer my assistance to those most in need, no matter how much time and effort it takes. I had just a tiny thread of hope that Kevin might be one of the severely logically impaired who could actually be helped through patient coaching. I thought that a Fact Intervention might bring about a crucial first step in combating his Inane Assumption Disorder. Sadly, it appears that Kevin’s admonition that we “maybe even force them to get control over their lives and get out of that vicious cycle” just won’t work for some people.
Someone give Lookit a lei and a welcome bag- if it takes a troll to get someone riled up, then good on Kev-
Nice to see you Lookit! Snacks are on the coffee table, let me take your coat!
Also, I have a question for kevin. Sadly, No not only lets him post here, but we read and consider what he has to say. If I remember, kevin, you introduced yourself as a six meat fan. Can you tell me why my comment was moderated and never posted. Sure, it was unfavorable, in fact it’s posted in this thread. But are you guys so afraid of another viewpoint that your sites proprieter can’t even take the chance of letting them read and respond to mine? Or is it more an example of the extreme right’s authoritarian tendencies? Just shut down dissent, and maybe start putting people in camps.
Honestly, I have to question the bravery behind the bravado when you can’t even allow “your” people to read another point of view. Kitty, kitty, kitty….
Kevin seems to be Fact-immune.
Hey, Mr. Roarke’s Brand Salad Dressing’s Poops, we got another new one in the Empire Strikes Back thread. Alex is the name.
Mikey, maybe you’ve seen it already, but check out Kevin’s comment at 8:31. “Me troll you; don’t even think of trolling me.”
Thankee kindly Mister Roarke!
I don’t know beans about PS, but I used to work master control at a TV station, where plenty of guys use it for a living. I should send examples to them and let them judge, for a control. The rank weakness of Mt Ronmore alone should have at least one of them weeing in their pants in laughter.
Well, I’m conflicted. On the one hand, Kevin brought us Lookit (hiya, Lookit!) and took us to 300 in a thread that might otherwise have been a satisfying but unremarkable 68 or so. On the other hand, Gary loves him some “facts,” and actually answers questions. He answers them badly, of course, but he does answer, bless his little cheeto-y heart. Advantage: Gary. But what is this “Alex” of which J speaks? Must check it out.
The rank weakness of Mt Ronmore alone should have at least one of them weeing in their pants in laughter.
I know I’m geeking out on Photoshop in this thread, but there’s a certain type of P-shop user who learns ‘techniques’ from books and tutorials, and then gets utterly stumped when he has to make a decision that doesn’t involve some pre-arranged series of steps….
I guess he couldn’t handle my advice and didn’t want anyone to know he had gotten it.
SM: Alex is a new hippie friend arrival of the Lookit variety. Not a Gary or Kevin mellow-harsher.
Dude, I’m like so totally stoked to see the lefto luau is still raging as hard as when I crashed last night. I’m making a latte run. Anyone need anything?
Sugar-free hazelnut triple shot. Thanks.
And yeah, I figured out I misread the Alex/Kevin thing just as I hit submit. I realize preview is for weenies, but jeez oh man . . . I sure do miss it.
Do people at this site truly believe that we caused a swarm of bees? All we did was whack this beehive with a garden rake, repeatedly — it’s bees alone who swarm.
More like we got stung by a honey bee, then turned around and smacked the shit out of the nearest killer bee hive we could find.
No worries, bra. It’s all good. Preview button is for people who like to narc on themselves.
If you’ve made six completely unsupportable idiotic assertions this morning why not round it off with breakfast at SixMeatBuffet, the restaurant at the end of Uranus?
Mikey, maybe you’ve seen it already, but check out Kevin’s comment at 8:31. “Me troll you; don’t even think of trolling me.�
Ok, I’m not necessarilly clear on all the definitions around here, but does one comment on one post qualify as “trolling?”
I know I’m geeking out on Photoshop in this thread, but there’s a certain type of P-shop user who learns ‘techniques’ from books and tutorials, and then gets utterly stumped when he has to make a decision that doesn’t involve some pre-arranged series of steps….
The problem, Gavin, is nobody is gonna understand ’til you’ve been on deadline for trade show trying to get a tabloid glossy brochure or a DVD giveaway done and the designers are good to go and you’re trying to get it proofed and one of two things happens (and we know them both well).
1. The prepress guy is a clown like kevin who can’t get the CMYK, the two PMS overhits (one’s a metallic) and the Spot UV to behave. Everytime he fucks around trying to fix something that’s not in the book, he makes the whole piece worse. And he hands off some nasty digital proof that’s NEVER gonna be acceptable and the goddam thing has to go on press TONIGHT ’cause it’s GOT to be at the die cutter tommorow and….
2. The prepress guy is a real guru, a guy who uses the tools to solve real-world problems. He not only gets the color balance right, he gets the foreign characters to render correctly in the correct font, cleans up and traps the overhits, and RIPs a perfect digital proof in two hours. And the piece is not only on time, it’s better than it would have been. And only a few of us can truly appreciate what you do…
Or we were just sort of walking along in a field of wildflowers (thinking about mowing it down to put in a refinery or something) when a lone, mean-spirited yellowjacket came up out of a dandelion and landed a nasty one right on our ankle, so we gathered up a bunch of kids from the part of town where everybody gets subsidized school lunches and told them to go smack the hell out of the hornets’ nests tucked up under the eaves at the house of the old guy who once was rumored to have allowed a yellowjacket to hang out in his back yard, even though we were the ones who paid him to tolerate yellowjackets.
This is fun.
“I know I’m geeking out on Photoshop in this thread, but there’s a certain type of P-shop user who learns ‘techniques’ from books and tutorials, and then gets utterly stumped when he has to make a decision that doesn’t involve some pre-arranged series of steps….”
Plenty of other threads out there for people who hate the geek out.
And there’s nothing wrong with using a text book to get started, it’s just sad to see people who insist that they’ve mastered it once they’ve finished it. They’re the sort of people who can’t improvise to save their lives, no matter what sort of project they’re on. They don’t even have the sense to know where they can improve.
Here ya go, Kevin.
And this.
Someday I’ll finish the series. But the story arc probably hits pretty close to home for ya, no?
I’m flattered, ’cause I’m not remotely in a league with the prepress gurus you work with. I’ve known a couple of those guys too, and half the time, you literally can’t tell what they’ve done to a piece — it just looks better somehow, like they have a magic can of ‘better’ that they spray things with….
And Mikey strikes it true. I have seen EXACTLY that sort of event, and thank God I wasn’t in the hot seat. Except it wasn’t for a simple pic, but an animated sequence for live TV. Changes kept being made on the fly from the station manager, and luckily we were in situation 2. Got it ready like 20 minutes before we went live.
Hey DA, I think the links are 403ing…
If somebody mentions the preview button, I’m drinking this Polonium.
I dunno, Gavin. I kinda like the idea that Kevin’s story arc is “Forbidden. Forbidden. Forbidden.” It might explain a few things.
Used to be you selected a commercial printer for the equipment and the pressmen. Not me, not anymore. The prepress department is the basis of the vendor selection. The first time I get “this is all I have time to do, it’s good enough, right, sign off on the damn thing” or “yeah, I can see what you’re saying, but there’s really no way to fix that, it’s in the design” then I fire that printer. ‘Cause with the new CTP, computer controlled, laser aligned six color presses, getting the press sheets to match the proof is not that hard. Getting the proof right, however, is.
Sorry to geek out on MarCom, but a print buyer’s life is not a pleasant one. Your printer or designer drops the ball, your client hates YOU…
Weird. They work for me …
Probably because blogger knows you have permisions to them. If you publish them to blogspot and then right click and use the url from properties as your llink, it should work. alternatively, put them up on flickr and it will tell you the html to use…
There are two pertinent definitions of the word troll in this discussion. The first is the Kos/Firedoglake/EveryRightWingBlogThatHasComments definition “you’ve said something I don’t like! That makes you a troll! ban! Ban! BAN!” That’s the definition applied to Mikey. The second is the backtracking/asscovering one Kevin applies to himself after someone calls him on something stupid he’s said. “Don’t take what I said so seriously, I was joking, Hey I’m just a troll riling up you liberals for yucks. Where’s your sense of humour? If you try and seriously debunk any of my idiotic assertions and insults and lies it just proves you’re all humourless stick-up-the-ass idiots. Of course if you don’t bother to debunk them, it shows how powerful my arguments are. What were you saying again? Oh look! Kittens!”
the fact that neither seems to have anything to do with actual trolling is of course irrelevant
Holy crap, 321 comments?! I knew I shouldn’t have gone to bed last night.
Sleep is for the weak!
Yeah, yeah, start a new layer, copy the figure, select the outline, fill with black, lower the opacity, skew/perspectivize/free transform…
I much prefer duplicating the layer, adjust the levels slider to black and gaussian blur, lower the opacitythen free transorm.
But that’s just me.
I have no website nor blog, so posting to a PSD challenge would be hard for me, but I’m in.
FWIW, Here is my take on Ann Coulter as a liberal.
Get it? You know, cuz she’s a man?
Yeah, sorry, I’m new here.
Welcome Duros, as I too was welcomed.
I got it.
Had a horrible Photoshop idea… thing with two heads. Instead of Rosie Grier and Ray Milan, say Ann Coulter and Kissinger. That, I would put on a t-shirt.
Okay, these should work:
You’ve got to zoom in a bit to read the text, I think.
P.S. Thanks for the tip, Mikey.
I much prefer duplicating the layer, adjust the levels slider to black and gaussian blur, lower the opacity then free transorm.
See, that’s what’s great about liberalism: Everyone can follow their own methods of creating shadows, even if it involves doing the blur before mating the figure to the background, thus creating difficulty in matching specific light conditions…
[Actually though, that’s a better method.]
Kevin’s a 24-hour troll. (No sleep for the wicked. What does he do for a living again?)
P.S. Ya’all who love Photoshop might want to try Adobe Lightroom. It’s free for now and stupendously wonderful.
Over at the Meat Buffet, our little Kevin comes home and struts proudly for his friends in the clubhouse:
“Oops, I must have broken an html tag in the previous comment. What I meant to say was that I won (handily. SINGLE handily *glare*) the photoshop battle only using old images, but need some assistance with the war of words. These people are the special kind of stupid that comes with believing everyone who supports fighting tyrrany has to enlist to do so.”
Kevin takes another long draw from his Orange Crush can, pumps his fist in the air. “I won! I totally won! Didn’t I? Huh? I won, right? Yeah! I won!”
I follow the Duros62 recipe for shadows, but with a pinch of noise added in before the Gaussian blur …
That’s awesome. Kevin’s all surly because the other kids from sixmeatbuffet didn’t come over and back up his blathering. It must be lonely in Kevin’s world. I hope his straw-family at least keeps him warm.
Why do I have the feeling that Kevin only learned Photoshop in order to interpose his face into his favorite money shot series? Because his wankery is so great and vast, it truly is.
“Oops, I must have broken an html tag in the previous comment. What I meant to say was that I won (handily. SINGLE handily *glare*) the photoshop battle only using old images, but need some assistance with the war of words. These people are the special kind of stupid that comes with believing everyone who supports fighting tyrrany has to enlist to do so.�
YES! Exactly what I’m advocating! Let’s bug out, run home and claim victory!
Kevin’s vast knowledge of history causes him to assume that Rolling Thunder (either one of them) was the “brutality” that Americans committed during the Vietnam war.
Don’t anybody tell him about Operation Phoenix – he’ll be crushed. Or – and this is more likely – become disgustingly tumescent over it. And that’s a bit more than my poor stomach could bear. It’s arguable that Project 100,000 was also a criminal act, but at least it was probably in compliance with international war conventions, which Operation Phoenix most definately was not.
You know, it’s adorable when wingnuts try to get all historical. Reminds me of watching my nephew learning how to walk. Go ahead, Kevin – teach me more about history. I could use a few laughs today.
Marita said:
“Kevin, poodle, I think what you’re smelling is the stench of your own failure. And maybe just a twinge of flop sweat.”
Hey, wasn’t I your ‘sweetie’ a few posts ago? When did i become a poodle? I’ll be honest, I’m not feeling the love anymore, Marita. I think we’ve grown apart. We should see other people.
D. Aristophanes offered up three brilliant pages, all of which are ‘forbidden’! So I can’t comment on the quality of the images, but it’s clear that at least he understands how to unsuccessfully hotlink images! Kudos! High five to Gavin for forbidding the practice. (They work for you because you have visited the page upon which they reside D. If you close your browser and then try the links again, they will fail. I apologize for making fun of you, but after winning the silly Photoshop contest, I’m left with little to do.)
Gavin said:
“You know, Marita, our Kevin has a talent for slipping playground insults past me for just long enough that I miss the swing. It’s his one talent.”
It’s true, it’s my one talent. I’m not even good at Photoshop for cripes sake. Heck, I’m barely even better than you! It’s humiliating. With these poor pshop skills, I bet I couldn’t even get a job at Reuters.
ichomobothogogus said,
Something. I’m not sure what. I’m just a conservative, and everyone knows we don’t understand stuff. I think he was implying that I’m not willing to back up my claims. Sadly, he is mostly correct. There are too many people here to edify. So I am just here to make fun and be made fun of, with the tiny hope that maybe one of the readers at this site will take my message of volunteering time to heart. I mean, come on! If an evil heartless conservative volunteers, how can all of the holier-than-thou liberals not? What is your excuse?
If someone does decide to do this, I’ll be like Snoopy thinking about toast! What does snoopy do when he thinks about toast, you ask? Yup, he dances! (most of that image was pilfered, so no credit to me. It’s just a happy image, and happy is what I’ll be when you volunteer some time.)
Here’s a cool trick for people like Gavin who are trying to learn Photoshop. You do it with the ‘spatter’ filter. Make sure there is a background in the layer, or it won’t work.
What happens when you hit a Democrat with a hammer? ‘Sadly No!’thing. They don’t learn. Heck, it may even be the reason they are like that!
Jill said:
“Kevin’s vast knowledge of history causes him to assume that Rolling Thunder (either one of them) was the “brutalityâ€? that Americans committed during the Vietnam war.”
Actually, I said #2 was what ended the war for America. Please don’t mislead your public. They are misinformed enough.
Hey, wasn’t I your ’sweetie’ a few posts ago? When did i become a poodle?
Umm… no. You may have been sugar, but Gav is my only sweetie.
I’m not entirely sure when you became a poodle. I think the answer lies within you. Perhaps you should spend some time pondering that. Quietly. In the corner.
Totally love the accusation of “holier-than-thou” applied to all us Sadlynauts, though. It’s perfect coming from you.
I follow the Duros62 recipe for shadows, but with a pinch of noise added in before the Gaussian blur …
Alas, I have to be super-careful with the noise filter. I mix a lot of pixelly screen-captures with higher-res photos, and often the only way it blends properly is [mutter mutter mutter] noise filter with the [mumble mumble].
That’s Secret Recipe #2 in a series of like 3 or 4. I have them written in code on a Post-It buried in a mason jar, down by the old dead tree where the church used to be.
Sanitas said,
“YES! Exactly what I’m advocating! Let’s bug out, run home and claim victory!”
Of course you are advocating that. You are a liberal. As an evil hatefilled (dare I say greedy?) conservative, I’m for crushing the enemy, and achieving victory, not claiming it. We’ll have to agree to disagree I guess.
Man, I have GOT to get some shares of Halliburton! Every conservative worth his salt owns some of them, right?
Think of all the pathetic homeless filth you could be forcefully converting to glorious Libertarianism in the time you spend being mediocre at Photoshop!
Go! Your public needs you! The ghosts of Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman need you!
I meant to say was that I won (handily. SINGLE handily *glare*) the photoshop battle only using old images
see what I mean? He won the battle before the first volley was even fired!
Nicely achieved victory!
It’s that kind of belief unfettered by reality that will allow us to achieve final victory over Islam!
Hey Lesley, thanks!
Woot, Adobe Lightroom obtained. Let’s see what it can do….
Ayn Rand was a hippie. Just a head’s up for people like NC who don’t volunteer anywhere: before you plan to help out, call them. They will schedule you a time and a job that you are suited for. If you just show up (as NC naively suggested) you will probably not be much help. But beware! Your liberalism will bleed away quickly when you realize that having the government send them someone else’s money is not what they need. You will leave yourself open to libertarianism or even (*gasp*) conservatism! You have been warned.
You’re right; I don’t volunteer.
But that’s because I’m working two jobs to support myself and pay for full-time college tuition. So sry.
Kevin, DA corrected the linkies above your comment where you couldn’t clicky. I think you don’t know how to readie.
Gavin, shouldn’t you finish learning Photoshop before you tackle Lightroom?
I apologize for making fun of you, but after winning the silly Photoshop contest, I’m left with little to do.
No need to apologize, Kevin. As girly as it is, we libs don’t mind being called on our mistakes, then using that information to fix them. Admitting you messed up and correcting the error is way gay and all, but the alternative is … well.
I haven’t even downloaded Lightroom yet, but I declare VICTORY over it!
I haven’t even downloaded Lightroom yet, but I declare VICTORY over it!
I like your style, sanitas. I think we should award you a virtual championship belt. I’m sure someone would sanction it.
Kevin possesses all the traits I really love about wingnut trolls – an exalted view of his own talent and genius, a complete and all-encompassing disregard of the facts (see: view of own genius), no interests or companions to prevent him from devoting hours to his postings, and the peculiar ability to gain satisfaction from behaving like a total asshole. He loves trolling! It reinforces his ego! It makes him feel like he’s Winning!
Pin a medal on him!
Good for you NC! Once you are done worrying about yourself (you know, like most liberals do), consider helping others. I promise you that your life will be much more fulfilling.
Mr. Poops, they failed when I tried them, which is why I said what I said. After looking at them, the first two were very well drawn! Certainly better than anything I could do. I doubt they were drawn by anyone here, but if they were, kudos to you! The third one however is more what I’ve come to expect here. The overlays to the comic are painful to look at. The action figures desperately need unsharp mask, while the islamobabe needs blurring, or at least (*cough* Gavin) a small shadow to fit in.
Ayn. Rand. Hippie.
Why your skull hasn’t imploded into a superdense singularity is surprising, because of the immense levels of suckage that you generate with every single passing second. I think you may well affect tidal pull.
And stop embarrassing yourself about being a volunteer, it’s the only bright point in an otherwise hollow man, which you rapidly undermine every other time you place pixel to screen. And that’s assuming anyone believed you in the first place, which is becoming vanishingly small.
Kevin, once you get your head out of your ass (you know, like most conservatives do) consider shutting the fuck up. I promise you that your life will be much more fulfilling. And especially, the lives of those around will be much more pleasant.
N.C.: Been there, done that. Worked my way through college that way, and managed only to incur $5K debt. Trust me it gets better.
I hope.
Nice to see you’ve never heard of Operation Phoenix, Kevin. But don’t let that stop you from embarrassing yourself in front of those of us who actually know something about the history of the Vietnam war. I had a rough day at an inservice training (one of the ones I get paid to attend, as opposed to one of the ones I do as volunteer service – it was funny to see how the distinction between the two confused you!), and laughing at you is proving a great stress reliever.
I like your style, sanitas. I think we should award you a virtual championship belt. I’m sure someone would sanction it.
Awwww shucks… It was nothing. First I dropped an unsharp mask on it, layered some gaussian blur over that muthafucka, then topped ‘er off with a lens flare and that biotch was p0wn3d!
Oh go on Kevin – Stay the course! You’re doing great!
After looking at them, the first two were very well drawn! Certainly better than anything I could do. I doubt they were drawn by anyone here, but if they were, kudos to you!
You doubt they were drawn by anyone here? Kevin, I’m shocked at your skepticism! Surely you know that Mort Walker, Jack Kirby and Joe Kubert are regular posters on Sadly, No!
And stop embarrassing yourself about being a volunteer, it’s the only bright point in an otherwise hollow man, which you rapidly undermine every other time you place pixel to screen. And that’s assuming anyone believed you in the first place, which is becoming vanishingly small.
I dunno, Lookit… If you can consider court-mandated community service to be “volunteering”, I think it’s entirely possible that he’s “volunteered”.
Seriously though, I don’t think our Kev would know good PS skillz if they walked up and bit him on the ass…
Thanks G! I love you too! But I’m not ‘in love’ with you. Besides, I still have that thing going with marita. She called me a sweetie and a puppy! I’ll keep you posted.
In fact, I don’t troll. I only came here because Sadly, No assumed they were comparable with Six Meat Buffet in either Photoshop skills, or wit. I’m fully aware that I can’t win here, and that you will blame Bush or America for terrorism, or any other problem in the world. I have no doubt that there is no way to convince you otherwise.
But to suggest that your photoshopping skills are anything beyond mundane is something I can, and did, disprove. Whine that I didn’t accomplish that if you want, but deep down, you know:). So I’ll leave you now and allow you to trash the evil bushitlerburtonchimpykevin to your heart’s content.
Don’t forget to volunteer though! Conservatives hate volunteers. Make a conservative angry. Volunteer for something today! And enjoy the rest of your life.
Jack Kirby drew Aladdin hentai?
Lookit FTW.
I’m fully aware that I can’t win here…
NO!!!! All you have to do is believe, Kevin!
Don’t let them get you down. Clap Louder! The only way you can lose is to quit before the job is done! Pax Photoshopicana!
He did, but he gave him a cigar and combat boots and called him “Sgt. Fury”.
I say, old chaps.
In the time it’s taken Kevin to inexpertly insult several honorable people here, to no avail, I’ve learned the basics of Adobe Lightroom — which adds great flexibility to color management and other image-crucial functions.
It doesn’t have any zany filters or spinny-things in it, Kev. You wouldn’t enjoy it.
He did, but he gave him a cigar and combat boots and called him “Sgt. Fury�.
I thought it was ‘Sgt. Furry,’ the guy in the purple tiger costume who goes to conventions and fights Nazis…
Puts a different take on “Howling Commandos” doesn’t it?
That’s a comic I’d buy, and you would too!
369 comments and counting. Jesus.
Kevin, you need to get a job.
I don’t know what it was like in the ’60s, but nowadays there are no vets in the lines.
Why [Kevin’s] skull hasn’t imploded into a superdense singularity is surprising
OK but to remain consistent with the whole examine-the-evidence rule, I feel a need to point out that we have absolutely no verifiable data indicating that it hasn’t, and at least some anecdotal evidence that it has.
So I’ll leave you now and allow you to trash the evil bushitlerburtonchimpykevin to your heart’s content.
Hm. Well, I wouldn’t call Kevin evil. I’ve always thought evil status required a certain genius that I just don’t see any evidence of in his comments (and certainly not in his PS). Unless we’re talking about that evil that’s defined as the mere absence of good — in which case, OK.
Now I’m off to download Lightroom.
I’ve learned the basics of Adobe Lightroom — which adds great flexibility to color management and other image-crucial functions.
All well and good, Gavin … but we’re not interested in the frills. How well does it manage the fundamentals of image manipulation – i.e., highlighting Michael Moore’s fatness and making Rachel Corrie look like a pancake?
He’s too busy tending the masses with his L33t PS skilz down at St. Rand’s Temple of Elemental Evil, yo?
You left out Barbra Streisand, my good Aristophenes.
i just read this entire thread in one sitting. not only did i lose a good 30 minutes of finals study time but i think i also mastered Photoshop by osmosis.
now if i only HAD a copy of Photoshop, and, um, time, i guess i can safely say i would out PS you all.
therefore, I am the true winner of the PS contest.
I call bullshit on Kevin’s volunteerism. For all his urging us to volunteer at soup kitchens and help the homeless, I seriously doubt he’s ever done it himself. Rolling through a red light to avoid a squeegee man is probably as close as Kevin’s been to a homeless person.
I remember a Solid State Physics final where I distinctly remember thinking to myself “If I gnaw my right arm off, they’d have to let me go home, wouldn’t they?”
College rocked that way.
How well does it manage the fundamentals of image manipulation – i.e., highlighting Michael Moore’s fatness and making Rachel Corrie look like a pancake?
Oh yeah, fatness filter. There’s also this thing that adds smoke to photos, and another that makes pictures of children look like air-raid casualties.
Wow. It just keeps going and going.
Sorry for unintentionally bringing class into it last night, all you non-kevins out there. I feel for the bait of proving to him i pay a fair amount in taxes.
Now, kevin, about these straw men.
If you’re going to keep talking about your toys here, you have to share. I know I got them a little dirty before, but that doesn’t mean it’s ok for you to put them in your closet then go on and on about how awesome they are.
*i fell for the bait,
I also haven’t started proofreading my comments.
Must… learn…. discipline….
hey wait, there’s my bong.
OK, enough. 23,000+ words, as of now.
No new pictures.
You people owe me 23 new entries. And by “you people” I mean Gavin and especially Kevin. Kev, if you can’t come up with something on any of the existing themes (that’s flying imams, Day by Day re-edits, or, er, whatever Six Meat Buffet’s entry is about— video games and troop support, maybe?), then you’re not challenging anyone, you’re just talking trash. You too, Gavin. Give us your response to 6Meat’s entry, already, and stop with all the dull technical gibber-jabber.
Kevin, there are indeed rules to this contest, rules you’d be aware of if you’d bothered to look for them. And neither you nor Gavin have given us a damned thing that meets the requirements since his post went up.
The rest of you, get you and your filthy bongs off of my lawn.
Yeah, Gavin, but did you check out the autoBurka feature?
This is the LAST time I rise to one of your challenges. I’m fighting a losing battle at the
I can’t continue. Are we a team, or not? So far, not!
Whatever, but a sad whatever… is the IPP dead?
comment by Kevin — Saturday, December 2, 2006 @ 4:37 am
You might be right, g. Looks like he’s done volunteering for Photoshop Wars.
Kinda defeatist language there. I had such high hopes, but it’s looking like he might not have what it takes. 🙁
What? Kevin’s going to cut and run?
Typical Defeatocrat attitude.
OK, diffbrad. First you say If you’re going to keep talking about your toys here, you have to share.
and then three minutes later you say hey wait, there’s my bong.
What gives?
His volunteering/soup kitchen/homeless feeding stories read “as narrated by rush Limbaugh”.
He seems to loathe and despise the people who benefit from the service of volunteers. This seems to me that he either knows nothing of them at all, or – worse, but entirely possible, given his personality as revealed here -he’s one of those creeps that preys on homeless people. You know, like the kids who pay bums to fight one another on video, or like that snotty kid in Paris Hilton’s entourage who paid a homeless guy $100 to pour a bottle of coke on himself.
It woudl not surprise me at all if our darlin’ little Kevin is the kind of guy who sets fire to people sleeping on the streets.
It’s MY BONG. Mine mine mine. I’m a spoiled liberal rich kid, remember? All this caring about others is just a show to get hipster girls to let me touch them.
Oh yeah, fatness filter.
No, really, HP has this. It’s intended to make you look slim, but I hear you can make your friends look fatter as well.
slimming feature
This thread is still going? Kevin hasn’t gone off to enlist in his holy war?
Jeez louise. Here’sssssssssssss Drifty!11one!
Maybe it’s time for Kevin to be introduced to the long thread?
Kevin, there are indeed rules to this contest, rules you’d be aware of if you’d bothered to look for them. And neither you nor Gavin have given us a damned thing that meets the requirements since his post went up.
So what’s the specific challenge here, Great Gazoo?
GavinM is my benefactor?
Thanks GavM!
Where IS the long thread?
Dunno, but when this thing hits 400 I swear I’m gonna finish grading these papers.
Is Gavin giving out Christmas presents? Or Pie? Pie is good!
And when this thing hits 420 we’re bustin out the sacks n rolling a 2 foot fattie n puttin on some phish. Lemme just douse myself in patchouli in lieu of showering, first.
“when this thing hits 400 I swear I’m gonna finish grading these papers.”
And I’m going to go move the laundry from the washer to the dryer and change out of my pajamas.
Gavin, the Great Gazoo sez the challenge for you, my lamb, is to come up with a response to the Six Meat volley. Since the entry is so incoherent, you’ve got a lot of leeway, so stop bitchin’ and get stitchin’, damn it. There was even a bit of topical brainstorming in this thread, before you all started chomping on the troll.
Now try to be quiet while you work, so I can watch my Matlock.
Hey, Kevin? This is not something you’d have ANY chance of knowing, but in combat, the first thing you learn from somebody short (once you accidently live long enough so someone will even talk to you) is that you never, EVER volunteer for anything. Even before never walk when you can ride and it’s always a good time to get some sleep. So your positions on volunteerism strike me as quite similar to a *gasp* liberal’s, except you somehow seem to think you can torture and abuse people into having a standard of living. Again, along with you “kill all the muslims” solution to one attack five years ago, your humanity and empathy just come shining thru…
Wow, grampaw, I could actually hear your dentures slipping right at the end there.
I know, I know. I’m going. {sighs, grabs and pencil and starts reading essay titled “Problematic Poseurs”]
SM, I’d send you my essay ‘Christian Brontosauruses’, but *ahem* it’s not finished yet.
Damn. That was fast. It’s still on the spin cycle.
Shoot, are you just going for 400 posts? I can stick around for that.
Gazoo said: “Kevin, there are indeed rules to this contest, rules you’d be aware of if you’d bothered to look for them.”
Could you reprint them for me? I’m just a dumb conservative. I can barely even read. You know how we are. Thanks in advance Gazoo!
G said: “He seems to loathe and despise the people who benefit from the service of volunteers.”
Nothing could be further from the truth. So many people need help, and money would solve so few of their problems. The more liberals who see this fact firsthand, the sooner we can move on to actual solutions. I have nothing but compassion for them. I do tend to despise liberals who are unwilling to be a part of the solution though, so maybe you’re picking up on that.
So are my students, g.
Finish it, ITTDGY. It’s bound to be more entertaining than “Teenage Drinking: A Humiliating Problem.”
Damn. Posted too fast. Shoulda been “So’s Kevin, g” but who knew?
What solution are you part of, Kevin? I can’t help but notice you dodged my suggestion of enlisting last night with some false analogies.
what is this, atrios?
Kevin finally couldn’t deal with the pwnage.
Be nice; I’m sure his Pshop skillz are just fine for the suburban weekly shopper magazine he works for.
“Nothing could be further from the truth.”
So where do you volunteer, my little philanthropist? Because nothing in your posts sounds authentic.
“I have nothing but compassion for them.”
Oh, really? How do you show your compassion for them? By talking to them like you’re talking to people here? I’m sure that goes over big.
You sound like the kind of person who expresses that compassion by spitting in the soup.
I am endlessly amused by K-fed here terming himself a “fiscal Conservative and a Libertarian in all other areas.” Uh, what’s the distinction? Doesn’t the definition of a libertarian philosophy primarily include fiscal conservatism?
Don’t you possibly mean that you’re a “libertarian” who’s fiscally conservative in all matters except those which involve blowing dusky-skinned foreigners to pieces? There sure are a lot of those these days. On the other hand, genuine libertarians are thin on the ground anymore.
Kevin finally couldn’t deal with the pwnage.
Nah, he just got a contact high and had to go out for cheetos.
The rules are that if you want to say you’re participating in the challenge, you’ve got to come up with an entry in one of the existing categories, as clearly outlined in my previous post. Just so you can’t weasel out of it, here are the categories again:
1. Flying Imams.
2. Remixes of the web-comic Day By Day (feel free to use any strip; modifications must be graphical, that is, more than just replacing the text in the speech balloons).
3. Anything recognizable as a response in kind to the Six Meat entry.
Put up or shut up, whippersnapper.
Most Libertarians nowadays are just Republicans who think it allows them to smoke pot.
Any true fiscal conservative has already barfed at the thought of what Bush and Cheney are doing to the country’s finances.
Nah, he just got a contact high and had to go out for cheetos.
Damn. Is that why I have assembled this gastronomic holocaust I find in front of me?
And there were times I’d take my pen
And feel obliged to start again
I do profess that there are things in life
That one can’t quite express
You know me I’m acting dumb-dumb
You know the scene it’s very humdrum
And my favourite song’s entitled “Boredom�
Kevin makes a splash like a constipated turd.
Kevin, a few questions.
How old are you?
Do you live with your mother?
Is your mother covering your rent, hydro, heat, and hot water?
Do you work? If you work, what do you do?
Have you graduated high school?
List your volunteer activities (trolling doesn’t count)
What solution are you part of, Kevin? I can’t help but notice you dodged my suggestion of enlisting last night with some false analogies.
His love of volunteering apparently only goes so far.
my guess on volunteer activities:
– keeps local Club 910 meeting well-stocked with Cheetos.
smoke it if you got it.
fire destroys fire station
Actually, I can’t picture a tweeker like Kevin eating much of anything. Teeth like those, food just has to be an irritant…
“What solution are you part of, Kevin? ”
Why, the FINAL solution of course. As I said, I’m a conservative!
Heh, just kidding. The sad fact is that roughly 100% of the homeless here in Louisiana have a drug dependancy. We have a few free rehabs down here, most notably Red River Rehab. They clean people up, and assist them with housing and job locating. The sum total of my work is ladeling out food and convincing people to go to rehab. It’s not much, but I’m proud to do it. I’m not kidding when I say it will change you if you volunteer.
fthethunderdontgetya, I did not dodge your question. I replied with equally ridiculous suggestions. Am I not allowed to want cops to arrest bad guys, since I haven’t joined the police force? Can I be anti-fire while not being a fireman? Of course I can, just like I can be pro-terrorist killing without being a soldier.
Can we get back to calling each other names? It’s just as pointless as debating positions that none of us are likely to shift from, but name-calling can be kind of funny! Unless of course you aren’t good at it and have to swear. Then it just becomes sad.
I’ll start. G, take your sissy hippy liberal baloney and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine! Go abort a baby, Smiling Mortician! Mikey, you are a wimp, and I’m gonna hit you so hard your kids will be born dizzy! I’ll roll fthethunderdontgetya out like used carpet!
See, isn’t that more fun? Well, it was for me.
I know that town, Ilwaco. It’s beautiful and very remote. I spent my [number redacted]th birthday there.
I know that town, Ilwaco. It’s beautiful and very remote.
And very dangerous. The surf crushes aluminum boats like pop cans.
Never spent a birthday there, g, but it’s in my neck of the woods. Sanitas, are you from out here? Or just stumbling across small-town news?
Wow, Kevin! That’s just amazing! A few hours a week, ladling out food and harangues to defenseless people!
When you spend a month doing outreach to homeless children for free (that’s 40-hour weeks, sport), let us know. When your regular day job is in a charity clinic so that your income is at least thirty percent below area norms, let us know. When you actually have a set of skill useful to someone (and I include Photoshop), let us know. See, we leftist types are always a li’l bit curious as to what sort of life experience leads to the head-in-the-sand, trouser-wetting me-first-ness that you tighty-righties display with such gusto, and I know you ain’t pickin’ that up ladling stew to junkies. Let us know when you get real work, ‘k?
“convincing people to go to rehab. ”
I’m sure you’re very successful at it, given your interpersonal skills.
Gahd! A 400+ response post and AA isn’t a part of it? What the Hell?
I’m in Seattle, drinking a patchouli/hemp latte at a internet coffee shop on my windows xp computer. Look there goes a 747.
What Doc said. And Kevin, while debate is indeed pointless if the goal is enlightenment or modified points of view (debate is, after all, about winning and losing), argument is not pointless. We do a lot of that here. It involves making claims and defending them with evidence. These arguments can and do result in people changing their positions on issues — typically not wildly, but often significantly — as a result of this wonderful thing that is a by product of argument: learning. But I understand that you prefer name-calling. It’s a lot easier.
400+ comments?
Please someone stop the madness!!!
Ok gramps, I’m in! Here is my entry. I hope you don’t dismiss it simply because I am a conservative. It took me a couple of hours to get the blending right so that he actually appears to be flying. So please be considerate when critiquing it.
Tweekers is da cwaziest people!
Oh fer the love of… Dood, look, no wonder you are afraid of a few thousand guys in caves fifteen thousand miles away. You ain’t never gonna amount to spit if you don’t try, and you act like you don’t need to try ’cause you’d just win. Is this whole thing just a lark and you really don’t know how to use photoshop? Cause if that’s the case, you need some intensive therapy. Sheesh…
No those weren’t equally ridiculous suggestions, Kevin.
You are suggesting we are facing a threat like we faced in World War II. Yet you are not willing to respond in kind.
I say we are not facing anything like that, the troops are fighting and dying in Iraq for a pack of neocon lies, and we should bring them home.
Here’s a definition. Learn it, and change your ways.
How old are you, anyways?
Congratulations. You are now ahead of Gavin in the photoshop challenge.
And Gavin, until you actually come up with something, you’re losing your own contest.
Aaiiee, the stupid, it burns…
No, wait, that’s not teh stupid. It’s my hangover. Sorry, forget I said anything.
Um, ITTDGY, I’m pretty sure Kevin already let us know he doesn’t want to learn.And he was really clear about not wanting to change his ways. Among the other things he doesn’t want to do:
* fight the war he promotes
* support his claims with evidence
* demonstrate any actual PS skill
* try to change anyone’s point of view
* deal with people respectfully
* acknowledge the existence of crushing poverty
* use bad, filthy swear words
Mr. Mortician, your point is indeed valid, but not applicable to a situation where one person (me) is in such disagreement with dozens of others (everyone at this blog?). I bet if you and I sat down and discussed our positions, they would come closer together. It’s just not possible here. Maybe at a small liberal or conservative blog, but not one where when you label yourself as the opposition, dozens of people pounce on you. It would take 20 pages of text/links for me to defend myself, and I’m just not that into it.
Plus, you smell like an elephant’s butt! 🙂
We’re heading out now, so I probably won’t be back to your fine blog. If you guys had half as much fun on this thread as I did, then I guess I had twice as much fun as you! Hope there are no hard feelings. I certainly don’t carry any. Grats on 400+ comments! I think I wrote 30 of them 🙂
I am kind of pissed at everyone. The best way to do the Photoshop contest is to: round 1) work in rightwing oeuvre. Round 2) work in leftwing oeuvre. Home and away as it were. Then the winner gets judged on a) funniness to home crowd and b) technique/creativity.
The sad fact is that roughly 100% of the homeless here in Louisiana have a drug dependancy.
Really, Kev? Even the roughly 2,500 children under the age of five? Stupid druggie toddlers.
Oh, wait, no. Stupid off-his-meds Kevin extrapolating his limited experience to misrepresent a broader problem.
In all seriousness Kevin, substance abuse is a substantial contributing factor to homelessness, but people like you who write off all the homeless as drug or alcohol abusers are compounding the problem. There are plenty of perfectly sober people with families who are homeless, and even more families who are one or two strokes of bad luck from losing their housing. When people like you wander around blathering your ill-informed idiocy, you make a lot of people who could help less likely to help, because you make it sound like everyone who’s homeless deserves what they got. I have yet to meet an eight year old who deserves to live in a shelter.
Kevin, the traditional sign-off is “YHBT.” HTH. HAND.
Aw darnit, Kev. Bedtime already? Can you sneak back down to the basement after Mom goes to bed later tonight?
Why am I picturing Kevin at his other volunteer job at the suicide hot line? “So kill yourself already, you junkie! you leech! Stop sucking off the gummint teat! Whaddaya mean, you’re not on public assistance? Stop lying! Stop lying!”
I am kind of pissed at everyone
Don’t be pissed at me, Pinko. I’m just on here rambling because I’m tired of reading about polymerases right now. Surely you can relate to that…
Also, wouldn’t homelessness in louisiana just, maybe, often have something to do with katrina, even a year plus later?
Here is my entry.
Kevin wins! Here’s your prize.
“not one where when you label yourself as the opposition, dozens of people pounce on you.”
Um, it’s not being “the opposition” that does it, Kev. It’s acting like an asshole.
Also, wouldn’t homelessness in louisiana just, maybe, often have something to do with katrina, even a year plus later?
diffbrad, it probably does, but the report I cited has stats from ’03, ’04 and ’05. Even pre-Katrina, only a little over half of the people served in shelters were listed as “special needs” for having a substance abuse problem. Mental illness, domestic violence, and physical disability are also significant contributors.
And I’m a little concerned no one mentioned it, but having a substance abuse problem does not make people something less than human. They still deserve our love and our help, they are, in fact, still people.
On balance, I didn’t really mind kevin. He had a bit of humor which is rare in his ilk, and in spite of his unpleasant politcal positions and a bit of arrogant posturing, was pretty hard to dislike. Compared with the level of troll I have become used to, he was not really unpleasant at all.
Pinko!! Get over here. Have a couple 33s and mellow, m’man. These fine folks will get over their cobagery and do something humorous any time now. Better? Good…
Unlike European, Russian tramps are basically educated and even have professional skills
Oh, and if you’d like the perspective of someone who’s been homeless, and is not now, nor ever has been, a “druggie” – I’ll be happy to talk a bit about the experience.
I spent two separate intervals homeless before my twelfth birthday. Neither was the result of a drug or alcohol problem by either of my parents – neither drinks alcohol at all or has ever used drugs. Both were struggling to pull their small family up into the lower middle class out of the working class/poor background they came from. It’s a lot harder to do than you might imagine, and they stumbled a few times along the way.
I won’t get into the things that I saw or the things that happened while I was homeless. It was pretty bad – maybe not quite as bad as you’d imagine, but pretty bad nonetheless. I saw things and experienced things no eleven year old ever should.
So yeah, go ahead and have a few more chuckles at the expense of the homeless – tell us more about how they’re all druggies or whatever. This way, in case anyone had any doubts as to what an asshole you really are, we can help alleviate those.
Kevin stole my bit, although I could go even lower “high quality.”
THat’s all.
And I’m a little concerned no one mentioned it, but having a substance abuse problem does not make people something less than human. They still deserve our love and our help, they are, in fact, still people.
Sorry about that, Mikey. I agree with you completely on that point. But it still annoys the hell out of me when people write off the whole of the homeless population as substance abusers. Shows a stunning lack of understanding of the roots of the problem, and doesn’t really help anything.
Welcome to SadlyNo Celebrity Trolls Inc., today featuring Kevin, a drab and dreary FINAL SOLUTION advocate whose volunteer activities include firing up the gas ovens at his local homeless shelter.
Kevin features equal parts of Chatty Cathy, Gary Ruppert, Annie Angel, and Shoelimpy. With the added capability of drawing stick figures.
It was a gross overstatement in any light, no doubt. I just think it’s probably a bit too soon to go back to that tired old claim at all.
Kevin features equal parts of Chatty Cathy, Gary Ruppert, Annie Angel, and Shoelimpy.
Yet sadly lacks the artistic refinement of the venerable Dr. BLT.
If Gary is a manic-depressive, Kevin is his ‘up’ cycle.
Or the ecumenical nuttiness of Mario.
I bet if you and I sat down and discussed our positions, they would come closer together. It’s just not possible here. Maybe at a small liberal or conservative blog, but not one where when you label yourself as the opposition, dozens of people pounce on you. It would take 20 pages of text/links for me to defend myself, and I’m just not that into it.
As this has been a long thread—but not, I should note, The Long Thread—it may be germane to remember Kevin’s first intervention in it. Here it is in toto:
Somebody help the poor man. He’s been pounced upon!
SadlyNo Celebrity Trolls Inc. now with instant replay to remind us the troll is really a troll. (Thanks J. You never know when we might fall off the wagon.)
I had a boss once who, like Kev, couldn’t understand the point of a game that didn’t have a winner in direct opposition to all the losers. In his mind, there was no such thing as a win-win scenario. There had to be a loser, and to be effective, he was determined to do every thing he could, by fair means or foul, not to be the loser.
Honorable loss was not in the cards.
By now, he has burned so many people in the city with this kind of attitude, that he can’t hire people, and indeed, virtually nobody is willing to deal with him. Not to mention his divorce and subsequent estrangement of his kids…
Yup, he’s a Republican.
I looked at the comment total, and wondered if it was a record.
Then I remembered S,N! used steroids so it would be tainted, anyway.
Hehe. I said taint.
there’s a certain type of P-shop user who learns ‘techniques’ from books and tutorials, and then gets utterly stumped when he has to make a decision that doesn’t involve some pre-arranged series of steps
Apply that to politics, and you get people like Kevin. It’s like someone playing chess who sez, “I woulda mated you in six moves there, but you didn’t make the right moves.”
1. Flying Imams.
2. Remixes of the web-comic Day By Day (feel free to use any strip; modifications must be graphical, that is, more than just replacing the text in the speech balloons).
3. Anything recognizable as a response in kind to the Six Meat entry.
We did Flying Imams long ago, and the Day By Day is almost done.
So nyeah.
“ifthethunderdontgetya, I did not dodge your question. I replied with equally ridiculous suggestions. Am I not allowed to want cops to arrest bad guys, since I haven’t joined the police force? Can I be anti-fire while not being a fireman? Of course I can, just like I can be pro-terrorist killing without being a soldier.”
Here’s how unoriginal Kevin is.
I recognize this precise argument from Warren Bell, and Kung Fu Monkey destroyed that argument. May 29, 2006, so it goes back aways.
K seems to be a perfect blend of Troglodyte and Lamer. (Now, that’s art!)
Great site, Lesley. Tonight I’m going to read up on all those social types.
Ok, you got politics, war, culture, the survival of western civilization, all that stuff. But the really important thing is do I go with the duck breast and winter squash with fresh warm rolls and a Syrah, or a chicken stir fry with buckwheat soba noodles, zucchini and mushrooms and Sierra Nevada Ale? This is hard work…
Depends on how chilly it is there, mikey.
If there’s a nip in the air, the richness of the duck will take the edge off the cold. If it’s more mellow, go with the chicken….it’s a better match.
J – it originated out of the IRC experience. The artist has captured every conceivable IRC personality to perfection.
Hm. Well, I wouldn’t call Kevin evil.
That was my response at first. Early on this interminable thread, he showed a level of sportsmanship and good humor.
I’ll gladly call him evil, though, after this:
I’m even worse than those sickos supporting the war. I want to expand it. Dramatically. I agree with you that the handling of this war is p*ss poor. The only way to win a war is brutality. We should have learned that by simply comparing our actions in Vietnam vs every other war ever, vs. the results.
If you want to save lives, end war quickly. And to end war quickly, you have to kill A LOT of people. Sad, but true. I am for destroying all buildings near IED’s. I am for destruction of Mosques if enemies reside there. I am for complete bombardment of Syria and Iran if they don’t support peace in the middle east. No invasion, no rebuilding of infrastructure. Just destruction. (bold emphasis mine)
And just in case anyone thought this might be a little self-parody (which he did use a bit later, as we all do), he made sure to remind us that he is not joking about this.
I shall return to my attempts to be funny now.
The only word that can adaquately describe this mindset is “evil.”
This week it’s been REALLY cold, Jillian. Well, for california anyway. Low fifties in the afternoon, high thirties at night. It’s somewhat warmer today. But I’m leaning toward the duck unless it gets too late before I get started, then I’d go with the stir fry for convenience…
Whoo! UCLA pulled it off!!!!
That sounds like absolutely lovely weather, mikey. Does it get colder than that come January or February? I enjoy a bit of a bite in the air.
Hmmm…..wonder what I’d have to do to get a teaching job out that way?
Not really. Most christmas shopping is done in shorts and tee shirts, even here in the north. The sierras have the snow, but it’s 3 hours east. The rains come in January and stay til April, but most of the rain is warm. Typical winter in the valley is low-mid sixties daytime, high forties at night. San Francisco is beautiful in the winter, warm and dry. It’s the summer that San Francisco is known to be nasty. Mark Twain famously said “The coldest winter I ever spent was june in san francisco”.
Our governator is not known for being teacher friendly, but the union seems to be pretty strong. You should contact them…
Gavin, great link to the kung-fu monkey rebuttal. I had not seen it.
Kevin, I highly recommend you do not read it, as it may cause a case of induced self-destruction as exhibited by the M-5 computer when Kirk informed it that it had in fact gone against its programmed ethical principles.
SMB put themselves on their own blogroll.
In the spirit of fairness, isn’t there some kind of understanding not to artificially inflate your link totals by blogrolling yourself?
heh heh, ethical principles…
You wound me sir! I was responsible for the Kung Fu Monkey link, not that mountebank Gavin!
I demand satisfaction! Or a cookie. Maybe two, I am easily bought, but not that easily!
Opps, sorry, Lookit!
I just went with the usual habit of giving Gavin credit for all posts, comments and such here at S,N!
Kevin said:
Kevin’s not a conservative or a Republican… he’s an unreconstructed Marxist! Smiling Mortician, your bourgeois “compassion” will be crushed by the inexorable forces of synthesis!
On balance, I didn’t really mind kevin.
Umm, I managed. My sense of humour is only tenuously attached at the best of times, and it falls off upon contact with the “We must kill more civilians in order to reduce the number of civilian casualities” argument.
Spirited argument = Good.
Kind of argument where you feel you need a biohazard decontam shower afterwards = Not so good.
Excessive amounts of weaponised akvavit = even more not so good.
Lookit: Once I finish this summer, I’ll only be about $5,000 in the hole, too. (You’d think if I were really a lazy leftist lose-ocrat liberal, I’d take all the federal loans I could and default on them, just to make Kevin’s monocle rocket off his cheekbone.)
Once I’m out of school, I’m planning on becoming a volunteer paramedic. Does that count as volunteering, or does it have to involve ladles and yelling at hobos?
monocle rocket
I like that.
Well, it’s been damn cold in Southern CAlifornia, although today it’s not so bad. But there’s a 40′ sinkhole that just opened up on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, so I guess the winter driving season has come early.
I’m really late to the party, here, but it looked like so much fun that I decided to dust off my ancient photo-faking skills and school Kevin a little:
monocle rocket
Band Name!!!
whiny cali peeps….. 17 degrees right now in the capital capitol city of Ioway.
Caucuses ain’t for wimps.
Seriously, we went from 60 degree record highs to an 11 degree low in two days. Only in the midwest. Times like this I want to run back to the Sound… but, um, wait, Seattle had like one day of sun the entire month of November.
See, we lefties can never just be happy with the way things are.
My son’s looking for a name for his band. I will suggest “Monocle Rocket”. He’s at a show right now seeing a band called “Reality’s Flaw”. Not a bad band name.
“Lookit: Once I finish this summer, I’ll only be about $5,000 in the hole, too. (You’d think if I were really a lazy leftist lose-ocrat liberal, I’d take all the federal loans I could and default on them, just to make Kevin’s monocle rocket off his cheekbone.)
Once I’m out of school, I’m planning on becoming a volunteer paramedic. Does that count as volunteering, or does it have to involve ladles and yelling at hobos? ”
You ask me, you are. Take that for what it’s worth.
And that $5000 goes away fast once you start working. Good news all round.
I had a Pell grant in the long ago time I was in college. A young woman with whom I work told me she and her husband are, between the two of them, $50,000 in debt for their state college educational experience. She didn’t graduate and he is laying flooring, not working in his field, because he can actually makes more money.
Something is wrong when a young couple’s attempts at having a good shot in life end up crippling them for a decade.
Kevin- I know its scary when the old guys rip up the leaflet right in front of you, but when you just pay attention to the still ‘sorta pretty’ 25 year old speed freaks, it makes the rest of us look at you funny.
My son’s looking for a name for his band. I will suggest “Monocle Rocket�.
I was in hock for $15K when I graduated- in 1987. with my wife’s loans, we were in over $25K.
My jerky Republican boss I referred to above actually told me flat out to default on those loans.
I didn’t, of course. Best money we ever spent.
You hit the thing I like about progressives. Always looking for ways to make things better.
In fact, Kevin, we all had a meeting without you and came to this unanimous decision – Please find validation that you are not morally bankrupt elsewhere. Thank you.
Well, it’s been four hours without a comment from Kevin. That’s at least one full troll cycle.
It’s too bad so few people can go to college simply for the joy of learning. If I ever won the lottery, I would go back to school, and study only the things I enjoy, and never look another math class in the face.
My big regret is that I didn’t go to Boston on the full-ride scholarship I had. I fell in love, with a band guy no less, and never did go back to school. Well, I did attend the school of hard knocks. I should write a fight song.
TC, your boss is living proof that Repub businessmen have no ethics. Not that both empirical and anecdotal evidence didn’t already abound.
My old dryer had a “troll cycle” but the clothes kept coming out all wrinkly and smelling like cheetos and someone’s basement…
Thesises suck munchloaf. Polymerases ROCK!
Thesises suck munchloaf. Polymerases ROCK!
Very tired of both at the moment. Although I think I’ll regain my respect for polymerases. Thesisisisises are permanently blacklisted for me after this.
Did we make 500 comments yet?
501 now. I ruined the even number.
Theses are a major pain in the arse.
Come jan i begin my third, counting undergrad. Still have to line up a second reader. And do orals sometime the same semester.
And then a year later i get to start planning my dissertation.
At least it seems the sciences aren’t as much about schmoozing as philosophy effing is. I hate cocktail parties.
Not saying there isn’t such in the sciences as well, just not as much insofar as i’ve seen.
502 comments and I still don’t know what a cheesewipe is. I have learned NOTHING from this thread!
See, what I like about mikey is that i actually believe he has been in combat, ‘cuz he’s crazy, and i hear combat does that to you.
Actually, what I like about mikey is not that i believe he has been in combat (though I do believe it) … it’s actually that his bullshit detector is about twice as sensitive as mine.
TC: “You hit the thing I like about progressives. Always looking for ways to make things better.”
…for everyone.
Candy” Something is wrong when a young couple’s attempts at having a good shot in life end up crippling them for a decade.”
Yes, I blame the baby boomers for not planning for their retirement. It’ll be better once the housing bubble bursts. I recognise that’s a stretch, but it is all connected.
Whoa ! Now that’s what I call a thread. Over 500, a visiting troll with a sense of humour and actually some articulateness (for a Con), no AA, with Mikey and Pinko and Jillian and Gavin and everybody In ! A thread for the millenia, I say.
Now, to get serious re this Conservatives Volunteer and Lefties Hang Out meme :
1. Compassionate Conservatism is so last century.
2. People who need help are those failing to make it as a result of capitalist/conservative policies.Cons don’t solve the problem They effing create it.
3. Anybody to the left of Milton Friedman believes it is part of Govts (in their role as representatives of the people as a whole) responsibility to help those in our community who are having problems surviving or coping.
4. People to the left of me say we should leave those people to suffer – immiseration of the proletariat – to bring about the revolution quicker.
5. All the US leftists/liberals/progressives that I have read are to the right of me and more in line with the Scandinavian School of Social Democracy.
6. Ergo, they will be all about helping people in need. It will be their entire political (domestic) programme.
7. Outsider’s view. Best to you all.
Suez in Safrica
PS. Preview Button. Deeply missed and sadly mourned.
Kudos to Pinko Punko for bustin’ out the Spiral Scratch…
Oh no, a conservative is back! Flee! Not only are their ideals better than our progressless ones, they photoshop them into oblivion! Run, progressives, run!
Hey, I made a post at my site about how hippies tend to click on links supplied by trolls, thereby making trolling a possibly moneymaking venture. Being liberal, wouldn’t you prefer that no one made any money, unless the government gave it to us? Resist! Don’t click over to troll’s websites! Think of Che Guevara or something. Smoke some weed, and soon it will be alright.
But admit that the right, you know, having jobs and all, is more likely to be better than you at photoshopping. Gavin accidentally admitted as much, can’t you? It could be like a badge of honor. “Sure we suck at Photoshopping, but we have much more free time than conservatives, so there!”
That will teach us crazy conservatives.
Fulsom said:
“Well, it’s been four hours without a comment from Kevin. That’s at least one full troll cycle.”
Sorry, I have a life :(. It’s a pain in the rear, but we all gotta do what we gotta do.
Shana said:
“In fact, Kevin, we all had a meeting without you and came to this unanimous decision – Please find validation that you are not morally bankrupt elsewhere. Thank you.”
You are welcome Shana! And I have looked elsewhere and indeed found validation that I am not morally bankrupt. I thank you for your advise, and want you to know that it was beneficial to all involved. Keep up the good work!
Dude, can’t we all like have like peace, man? You know, like they said in that movie, Grease… Peace is the word. Let’s all worship it, and if someone is not peaceful, let’s hug him! That’ll probably solve the world’s ills. Here, I’ve made a totem!
For some reason, it makes me want to buy a car.
Y’know, kevin, sometimes it seems like you might not be humor deficient, but then you come out seeming to think that throw silly stereotypes around is funny. And I’m sure it IS funny to you, which is pretty sad. Of course we have jobs, you idiot. The unemplyment rate is what, 5%? And the last election pretty much proved that you asshats don’t exactly hold a majority, let alone 95%. And you’re gonna try and sell it that no “conservatives” (which, by the way, you ain’t one) smoke weed? Dood, I KNOW from personal knowledge that ain’t true. Why don’t you stretch a little, kev? Try to come up with something both original and funny. I’m not convinced yet you don’t have it in you…
Gasuzebo said:
“People who need help are those failing to make it as a result of capitalist/conservative policies.Cons don’t solve the problem They effing create it.”
Assuming ‘effing’ means what I think it does – C’mon maam, you don’t need to swear to get your point across, do you? It’s a sign of poor discussion skills. Learn how not to swear, and you might get a convert. Trust me, it’s not hard.
When you say ‘cons’, do you mean ex-cons who have been let out of prison? Or do you mean ‘cons’ to be ‘conservatives’, like ‘rats’ means democrats’? In either case, I would point you to the destruction of the ‘rats’ plan for welfare in Minnesota and its replacement with the ‘cons’ plan, and the subsequent success of the plan.
Face it Gazebo, conservative support helps, as is proven in the last decade. Progressive tripe fails, as has been shown ever since Johnson was president, exacerbated by the evil president Carter.
*sigh* I’m going to have to say it again, loathe though I am to do so. Meet these people you support! Volunteer for SOMETHING! Something where you meet the people who need help. As God is my witness, you will be so happy you did. If you are not religious, as Kofi Annan is my witness, you will be happy you did! You guys dig what he says, right?
Dear Mikey, obviously I’m not humor deficient. I’m viewing Sadly No! They think progressivism is progressive! Everyone sees the humor in that, right?
And I don’t throw stereotypes around like they were facts. These are plain facts. Fact: Liberals are not very intelligent. That’s a fact. I heard it somewhere.
“Of course we have jobs, you idiot.” Receiving a check from the government does NOT count as a job, Mikey! You have to actually accomplish something, and then get paid for it. I don’t make the rules for what is a ‘job’, I just enforce them. Get a job!
“The unemplyment rate is what, 5%? And the last election pretty much proved that you asshats don’t exactly hold a majority, let alone 95%.”
Well, your belief that the unemployment rate is 5% makes it clear that you don’t follow the news. Just a heads up though… 95% of America employed means less than 110 million working Americans. Substantially less than the 300 million who exist in the country. There is no doubt that some Democrats actually work for a living. I’m just saying they are few and far between. Stop smoking weed Mikey.
Good Lord, I only just finished explaining that I was a troll and that only fools would go to my site. What do you think happened? Resist, people! I should get some advertising going for the people who click my link. Tens of cents are available!
Sadly, Mikey makes a good point when he says I’m not a true conservative. But he loses me when he asks for me to be both funny AND make it original. Ask your hippie buddies to do that. My guess is you will get a ‘Heh.. wha?’ style answer. I’ve no doubt that there are conservatives who smoke weed on the weekend, but only liberals make it a way of life.
Don’t smoke weed, Mikey. It makes you vote for people like Ted Kennedy. There’s no cure.
Oh look, it’s the Jackbooted Thug. Whassa matter Kevin, got sick of pissing on the poor, trying to gut social security, supporting torturing people, oppressing minorities, defacing the constitution and lobbying for major tax-breaks for the ultra-ultra-rich?
(aren’t stereotypes fun, Kevin?)
It’s painful to ‘splain a joke, since it ruins the humor. Still, I shall try. When I said, “It’s a fact. I heard it somewhere”, smart people quckly realized that this was not actually a fact. I’m not entirely sure what you gleaned from it. Obviously it was different from what regular people learned.
In your world, Random Guy, do conservatives relieve themselves on poor people? Do we enjoy torturing random people? Also, what color is the sky in your world?
I heard Haldol can solve some serious problems. Ask your doctor for more info.
300,000,000 * .95 = 285,000,000
285,000,000 > 110,000,000
Arithmetic is a progressive value.
This troll is getting stale. Seriously Kevin, is “Democrats don’t have jobs lololol” your only joke? You are aware that labor unions back the Dems, right?
Now puhlease, tell me how I’d understand if I only volunteered, since it’s also a given that lefties never ever do anything good for anyone.
You know what would really show us jobless lefties? Volunteer at your local army recruiter. Just imagine all the smug condescension you could serve up for us from Iraq!
It’s painful to ’splain a joke, since it ruins the humor
Don’t worry, Kev. There really wasn’t any humor there to ruin.
Since you seem to enjoy commenting on employment so much, please share with us what you do for a living. I’m dying to know.
Anyone who wants to get their bets in, better do it before Kev answers.
523 posts, Hail Eris!
Kevin, that last round of comments by you simply reeks of shallowness. For one, as has been said, get some new material. Heh, indeeding to yourself isn’t annoying in the way you want it to be.
But if you want to limit this to empty stereotypes, let me ask you something. As a white southern male, when’s the last time you used a racial slur then raped your cousin?
And while i hate to disagree with mikey, kev is kinda right about one thing. Conservatives aren’t habitual marijuana users. They tend to make oxycontin or gambling or meth-ed up gay sex their everyday indulgences.
Damn. I missed Mario. I like Mairo. I’m glad to hear he reads S,N! daily, and I hope he gets Pattycakes into a legal court of law soon. I’m sure they will both enjoy it very much.
Not sorry I missed that Kevin dude, though. He seemed sorta, um, what’s the word I’m looking for here…unenlightened. Yes, that will have to do.
Fuck, no, there were hardly any bad words on this thread, y’all were entirely too polite.
He’s a smug little prick.
He’s a smug little prick.
That’s true, GW, but that’s not a guess as to what he does for a living. Very few people (people who aren’t named Tucker Carlson, anyway) get paid to be smug little pricks.
C’mon, someone’s bound to have a guess. Or Kevin, would you care to end the suspense?
Yes Jrod, that you have the ability to do addition and subtraction is nothing less than astounding for a liberal! But you forgot that most kids in America are not employed. As a crazy conservative, I’m of course against this, but sadly it throws the numbers off a bit. High school or college help you understand how.
“Seriously Kevin, is “Democrats don’t have jobs lolololâ€? your only joke?” Good Lord no! I also have the ‘liberals=hippies=bad smell’ thing, or the ‘liberals need to lay off the pipe’ meme. How ’bout the “liberals don’t give their own money away, and merely support laws that give other people’s money to the poor?” I’ve got dozens and dozens of them, and they are funny because they are sadly true.
Seriously, take a friggin’ shower. It’s easy, and the world will thank you.
Marita suggested: “Don’t worry, Kev. There really wasn’t any humor there to ruin.” Again you act like a person who doesn’t understand humor! I can’t be friends with a woman who doesn’t get things. I’m serious, I have to break up with you. Don’t worry though. It’s not you, it’s me.
rod said: 523 posts, Hail Eris!
Heck, can’t we do 1k? I know you guy’s suck, and I have to head out for 1.5 hrs (yeah, that’s how engineers notate time), but would greatly enjoy making fun of your misguided idealism. Can’t we all agree to make fun of each other until the 1k mark? I’ll certainly do my part! But to be fair, mine is the easy job…
Well, Marita, I wouldn’t even venture a guess as to whether Kevin even has gainful employment.
Perhaps he is an avatar of Gary, and lives in his mom’s basement, furiously keyboarding away right next to The Dustbin of History, which his mom keeps nagging him to empty.
I just wanted to say that I forgot to add ‘egregiously stupid’ to my previous ‘smug little prick’ description.
For a while, I was horrified at the thought that he might be my wingnut brother, but he doesn’t know enough about secret operations in Vietnam, and my wingut brother (literally) wrote the book on those.
So that’s a relief.
Gentlewoman, I am having trouble listening to you. Gentle women don’t say the f’ word. Saying that makes your whole thesis hard to accept, since it implies that you don’t have a good handl on the English language. Could you try again, without swearing?
“Perhaps he is an avatar of Gary, and lives in his mom’s basement”
You lie! There is an opening in my mom’s basement? Do you happen to know the rent?
“I just wanted to say that I forgot to add ‘egregiously stupid’ to my previous ’smug little prick’ description.”
Still not capable of commenting without useless swearing? That’s sad in a way you’ll never understand. Maybe in the next life. Let’s hope there is one!
Hey, you guys wanna open the photoshop duel again? Clearly I won the last round, but who knows for this next one? Could be you! Any takers? Gavin?
Kevin is starting to remind me of a stand-up comedian who keeps totally bombing but blaming the audience for it.
‘…and boy, are my arms tired! What? It’s funny because I’m pretending like I flapped my arms really hard, you know, like a bird? Well, if you people don’t understand comedy, I don’t know why I bother trying!
…So, anyways, take my wife…’
“For a while, I was horrified at the thought that he might be my wingnut brother, but he doesn’t know enough about secret operations in Vietnam”
Oh, I KNOW about those secret operations, not so gentle woman. I also know about the ALIENS who destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11. It was all a horrible conspiracy from the evil jerks in the Andromeda galaxy! Don’t tell anyone though. It’s just between you and me, and of course our compatriot conspiracy theorists.
Also, jello is a plot by the American government to make the masses comfortable with gelled napalm! It’s all very complicated, but I’ll leave it for the not so gentle woman to ‘splain. Don’t eat jello, it’s part of the great conspiracy!
Man, liberals totally suck. It’s like they have rings in their noses like a cow. Oh wait, they do!
My advice: get some new material before you attempt the stand up routine, Random. Still, I’d laugh at your jokes out of decency. I’m a conservative after all.
Ah yes, I completely forgot that 190 million people are in high school in America. Thanks for clearing that up.
Not the brightest tool in the shed are we, Kev?
Fuck fuck fuckety fuck.
Fuck. Nope, guess I can’t. Besides, my swearing is not useless. It offers me a great deal of amusement. Far more than I am getting from your comments, btw.
However, if it’s insults without using the ‘f’ word (really, how childish, you can type fuck, no one will smite you) you’re looking for:
You, Kevin, are a pus-sucking warthog. And a lying cobag. And boring.
Better? I don’t care, really, since I find you rather dull. It’s much more fun to bait intelligent trolls.
Perhaps if you practiced more, at other liberal blogs.
Because I’m afraid you’re over your head, here, dear.
And I’m old enough to be your grandmother, so show some fucking respect. Oops!
Oh, preeeeeeeeeviewwwww buttonnnnnnnnn! Here, preview button! Come on, nice treats!
Well, fuck. It always works on Ganesh.
Fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck Kev! And have a nice fuckin’ holiday.
By the way, Kevin, I am a small ‘s’ socialist and I work (50 hrs a week usually) with 401K plans. Quite possibly your 401K plan. And I’m really, really good at it.
Head exploded yet?
dammit, GW, you beat me to it!
Darnit, I must flee the battleground like a scared Democrat. I forgot I have to mow my friend’s lawn because I lost a bet. But I look forward to exposing your lack of thoughtfulness tonight! You know, I’m not saying you don’t care, I’m just saying you don’t think well. Always remember that peace is the answer, but brutality may be the path to peace. I get that this idea is too complicated for most of you, but I bet some of you understand.
But even if you can comprehend the idea that we have to do bad things before we can do the good ones, I’m still going to make fun of you! It’s my job. I’m this post’s resident troll.
And don’t forget to volunteer and meet our downtrodden. If you do, I’ll still say I hate you for subjecting the poor to so many years of torture by making them dependent upon the government, but I’ll do it with a smile, since the end of it would be near!. Isn’t that worth something?
Remember, making fun of me is great, but actually volunteering your time to help the poor, and coming away from it disagreeing with me would be the ultimate insult. It would be the only insult you could deliver that would hurt. Please, attempt to hurt me.
Woman who is not so gentle, you’ve already proven that you can’t debate without swearing. What is your point? We get it.
I have to head out for 1.5 hrs (yeah, that’s how engineers notate time)
Awww, that’s kind of sweet. Kevin used a decimal point as evidence that he’s an engineer. Tell us, Kev, what type of engineering do you do?
Or by “engineer” do you men “guy who drives a train”? HO scale?
Sorry, Candy! You know I can’t resist the low-hanging fruit. I leave the tough stuff for mikey and DA and Jillian and folks like that.
BTW, if anyone’s interested, AA sighting on one of the new threads. It came in singing Rossini, so I assume it’s drunk again. At least it wasn’t Kate Bush this time. I like Kate Bush.
Debate, Kevin? You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Marita, Kevin’s job appears to be mowing lawns. Another mystery solved!
Marita, Kevin’s job appears to be mowing lawns. Another mystery solved!
Oh. A “landscape engineer”. My money would have been on “sanitation engineer”, but I can live with this.
I work … with 401K plans.
Kevin Threaderline is going to misread this as some kind of bulk ganja smuggling operation.
It just cried out for a fuckity fuck fuck!
My ex told me that his ex used to say, “Shit, man, fuck!” whenever she needed an expletive to express astonishment. I rather liked it, and adopted it for my own use. Same with “fuckity fuck fuck”. I find it comes in handy when I discover some particularly egregious household mess made by my son.
J, oh how I wish!
It came in singing Rossini, so I assume it’s drunk again.
Now that’s more like it. And with Brad’s latest post sending out a homing beacon to Garebear, soon we’ll have the whole dysfunctional family here for the holidays.
Kevin Threaderline
Mario was on this thread earlier, but I missed him. 🙁
I just hope no one calls the sammich doctor. I hear he’s haunting another blog, now, anyway.
And we know we don’t want wordwrench or whatever she called herself. She’s probably been binned by now. Hope they don’t allow her web access in whatever facility she’s in.
Personally, I hope the white supremacists show up again. They were the most fun trolls to mock ever.
Mario was on this thread earlier, but I missed him.
If you ask nicely, sometimes he shows up. Mario? Are you there? We love you waaay more than Kevin and want you to come play with us!
Didn’t we have Floyd Alvis, or whatever his name is, here a couple of times, too?
Didn’t we have Floyd Alvis, or whatever his name is, here a couple of times, too?
I agree with Random Guy. They’re awfully easy pickins, though.
As long as Jose doesn’t show up. He’s like the cousin you only see once a year, at the Holidays, but the experience is so unpleasant that you’re tempted not to go to the annual get together if he’s gonna be there.
I like Mario, too. There’s no actual harm in him, and he’s always well-mannered.
I don’t think I have ever encountered Floyd Alvis. What was his schtick?
Oh, Floyd Alvis Cooper.
The Mozart of trolls — the great master.
That’s the guy! I know I’ve seen him here once or twice.
Call me crazy, but I’d really like to see Mal de Mer show up here and tell us we’re all a bunch of fools for spending the weekend trading gibes with a right-wing troll. I think it would round out the thread nicely.
Personally, I always liked threads featuring Pasty’s goon squad. Lesser trolls can’t match their triumphalist victimization. They truly represent the modern Republican Party.
But fuck Mal, he just makes my blood boil.
“Awww, that’s kind of sweet. Kevin used a decimal point as evidence that he’s an engineer. Tell us, Kev, what type of engineering do you do?”
I’m degreed for chemical, but currently do mostly computer. Sadly, I can’t operate a train. That’s a different type of engineer, Marita :(. Don’t worry your pretty little head over it though. It’s a common mistake that liberals make.
Not so gentle woman said about how she enjoys swearing when she runs out of orginal thought: “Sorry, Candy! You know I can’t resist the low-hanging fruit. I leave the tough stuff for mikey and DA and Jillian and folks like that.”
No doubt speaking without throwing an f-bomb is tough for people like you, but still, you might try to make the effort. I’m not suggesting you would come across as smart or thoughtful, but you may at least come across as adequate. It would be a step up…
Candy said: “My ex told me that his ex used to say, “****, man, ****!â€? whenever she needed an expletive to express astonishment. I rather liked it, and adopted it for my own use. Same with “******* **** ****â€?. I find it comes in handy when I discover some particularly egregious household mess made by my son.”
Alas, young Candy, with a mouth like that, you are destined to stay a Democrat all of your life:(. It’s painful when you have to admit that there are some we simply cannot save. Find solace in the fact that there are people who enjoy nasty mouthed women. They are not exactly the cream of the crop, but still, you don’t have to continue to live life alone.
Sadly, I must leave you again. I’ve got to go work in the morning. You know about that, right? It’s where conservatives go on weekdays. Jobs are the bane of conservatism, but can often be considered a badge of honor. We’ve got to work pretty hard to pay the taxes needed to support you and all. No doubt you wouldn’t understand that.
Marita, attempting to insult, said: “Oh. [he’s]A “landscape engineerâ€?. My money would have been on “sanitation engineerâ€?, but I can live with this.”
I’m not sure why you don’t like landscapers or garbagemen, but at least they have a job. They are a fairly large step up from where you are sitting, madam. I suggest you show them some respect.
You should learn something from Limpyangel/Shoeannie and Gary “Dustbin” Ruppert, and start spreading your special brand of gimmicky joy around to other comment threads here.
I’m degreed for chemical, but currently do mostly computer.
Good for you, Kev! I had no idea those schools that advertise in the back of comic books handed out ChemE degrees. Probably for the best you’re staying away from the chemicals though. Louisiana already lived through a Katrina. They probably don’t need a Bhopal as well.
Marita, it was the best 25 cents I ever spent! And we do have a Bhopal, we just call it Geismar. There’s even a Union Carbide nereby! They let us play with chemicals all day. There are job openings if you are considering converting from liberalism. You would probably have to pay taxes though :(.
ps. I’m on the Rita side of LA. Don’t we get any of the love?
OMG I just got it. Ma-Rita! It was you! You are the one who knocked down all of my trees! Thanks for nothing, you evil hurricane lady.
Marita, it was the best 25 cents I ever spent!
I bet! Did you have to draw a picture of a pirate to get in?
“There is no doubt that some Democrats actually work for a living. I’m just saying they are few and far between. Stop smoking weed Mikey.”
I have a question for you kevin?
It is 2006.
Osama bin Laden is free.
Saddam Hussein is on TV EVERY DAY live in Iraq, instead of merely in portrait form
N Korea has the bomb, or something close enough to it.
Israel is fighitng two small wars
3,800+ American soldiers have been killed, a couple times that many American limbs were left in Iraq.
you tell me Kevin – without resorting to the imagery of a mushroom clouds or shooting anyone in the face – just how much worse could the Democrats have screwed the last 5 years up? Start with the weeks after 9.11, when the ENTIRE WORLD was on our side. Start with that moment of potential leadership, and tell me what the brilliant master plan has been?
Alas, young Candy, with a mouth like that, you are destined to stay a Democrat all of your life:
Go Cheney yourself already.
Heavens to murgatroid! Surely it can’t be running out of steam so close to 600? I sure hope Kevin gets back from “working” at his “job” soon
On a related note, does anyone else find it peculiar that Kevin is the only person to have turned up here from SixMeatBuffet? I’d have expected quite a few tards to wander over and say hi. Is it possible that Kevin is SMB’s only reader?
I’m sorry 🙁 Where was I? Oh yeah, you guys stink! I’m sure you’ve already heard that the Democrats won yet another great victory yesterday, showing that their message is multi-national. *sigh*. Ok, you are winning, I admit it :(. I made you a conciliatory collage to pay homage to your victory. I hope that lady gets the Mercedes she’s voting for. I even gave it a peacy, hippie type background for you! Are we all buds again now?
Madhatter asked: “just how much worse could the Democrats have screwed the last 5 years up? Start with the weeks after 9.11, when the ENTIRE WORLD was on our side. Start with that moment of potential leadership, and tell me what the brilliant master plan has been?”
Wow, that’s a pretty tall request! Unfortunately the crystal ball that I use to look into alternate histories is busted right now. And down here, crystal ball mechanics are hard to find indeed. I think you should throw out the idea that anyone can keep the rest of the world on our side. No one likes the richest/most powerful person on the block, so that word love would have faded regardless of what we did. But good news! China is poised to take our place as the richest and most powerful, so world hatred will shift towards them in a decade or so. So you’ll get that world peaciness feeling soon enough, just hang tight. Of course there will be many violations of human rights, torture and terrorism, but we should probably ignore that so we can get some of that good ole peace!
If I had to guess what would have happened if the Democrats were in charge after 9/11, I’d guess that we would have not attacked Afghanistan or Iraq, bin hidin would still be on the lam, and a second and possibly third massive attack would have already happened on our soil. But we’d have that world love! Plus, Israel might belong to Iran by now, which would solve that evil ‘Jew problem’ the left is always complaining about. Just a guess though. I’m seriously thinking about throwing this crystal ball in the trash.
Marita (and I) said:
No, I did spend the quarter on that one as well, but it went poorly. Apparently, pirates don’t wear cowboy hats, so I failed the test. The engineering one was easier, they asked what color the ‘on’ button should be in a chemical plant. I guessed ‘green’, and voila!
Robw said:”Go Cheney yourself already. ”
It’s a fine line between saying something that sounds goofy, and saying something funny. Robw did not cross that line.
Israel might belong to Iran by now, which would solve that evil ‘Jew problem’ the left is always complaining about.
Hey look, everyone! Kevin’s added another straw baby to his straw family!
Everyone be cool and don’t mention how much it looks like the mailman.
He did ask me to guess…
You guessed that the left is always complaining about a “Jew Problem”?
I am totally never going to be on your team for charades.
Wow, I love Kevin’s logic. It’s like drunk logic, but less coherent.
“You giving doesn’t fit in with my view of liberals as selfish meanies, so you must be lying, so there!”
I wonder if Kevin has used this argument before:
“Sir, I’m afraid I’m going to have to arrest you…”
“Are you a Democrat or a Republican?”
“Uh well, sir, I don’t see why that’s any of your business…”
“If you must know, I’m a Democrat.”
“Oh, well then, you’re not a police officer.”
“Pardon me?”
“Well, everyone knows the Defeatocrats are soft on crime, letting illegal immigrants and welfare queens go free raping and killing ordinary people who are victimised for being conservative and gun-carrying and everything! And if you were a police officer, you’d see that these terrible affairs come about because of liberalism, and you’d be a conservative.”
“I have a fucking badge. Do you not see my badge?”
“Oh there you go with your language again, honestly, you liberals. Now leave me alone you unemployed, smelly hippie.”
“Look at the badge! It’s shining in your eyes. Look at the handcuffs! Look at the uniform!”
“Now, now liberal, go away.”
“Don’t make me use force, I have a gun.”
“Of course you don’t have a gun! You’re a wimpy liberal.”
“I’m pointing it RIGHT FUCKING AT YOU!”
“Tut tut, more foulness. What must your Republican mother think of you.”
“My mother is dead, and she voted for Mondale.”
“Tsch, why are you oppressing me in your evil liberal way anyway?”
“You’re fellating Ronald Reagan’s corpse.”
“Hah, now we get to the bottom of your filthy liberal accusations! What persecution! What arrogance! What elitism!”
“No, dude, you’re really sucking off a dead president. You’re kind of scaring the children in that playground over there.”
“They need to know! THEY NEED TO KNOW HOW IT FEELS!”
And then dear Kevin was tazered. Because us liberals prefer those dirty non-lethal methods.
Marita, don’t you remember all the hippies protesting in the streets when Israel was attacked and decided to defend itself? I’m sure some of them were muslim, but most were just regular old hippies. Here’s some photos of the ‘destroy Israel’ rally in the liberal Mecca (Frisco). They weren’t carrying signs asking for peace, madam. Freshly Squeezed Cynic is wrong, liberals don’t prefer non-lethality, they just root for the other side. That’s a pretty big difference.
It seems clear from my rare visits to Kos and Huffpo that about half of the commenters despise Jews or at least Israel, and about a quarter of the writers at those sites feel the same way. This one’s kind of spooky. It used to start with
It’s been toned down, because even some liberals are smart enough to know that between Iran and Israel, Iran is the slightly bigger danger to us. So they complained about it in the comments. Good for them. Anyway, I’d prefer not to argue the point, since it’s not one of my pet causes, but I will if you want. Let me know if you want more info.
Can’t we talk about how hippies are ruining the world with political correctness? Or how giving money to poor people has destroyed the lower class? Or hey, how about global warming? I’m better prepared to debate that one. Well, argue it, at least. Want to see a picture of what us crazy conservatives have planned for the world? It’s a secret, so don’t tell anyone! We like it a few degrees warmer than most.
Man, this website needs a ‘preview’ button. Hope those tags are closed.
FSC Said:
“Officer: Sir, I’m afraid I’m going to have to arrest you…
Kevin: Are you a Democrat or a Republican?”
Don’t be silly FSC, he’s got a job, and is a cop no less! I wouldn’t have to ask anything. Of course he’s a Republican! And to suggest that a liberal would own a gun… c’mon, no one’s buyin’ it. Plus the fact that liberals consider discomfort to be equal to torture nowadays. Are you honestly trying to convince me that a liberal would torture me by handcuffing me? I would be humiliated, and humiliation also equals torture in your book.
No, there are too many holes in your story for it to even be debatable. It could never happen.
Say, did I win the photoshop contest with my flying imam? I put a lot of work into it…
Oh, Kevin, you grow so tiresome when you try to make coherent arguments. Maybe you should spend five minutes in the corner, a considerably longer time here, and then try again.
You never defended that “here in Louisiana 100% of the homeless are substance abusers” claim, by the way. Why is that?
Hope you’re having fun with your train set.
Kevin, please, masturbate in private. You’re no Diogenes.
Also, re: liberals and guns, see Thompson, Hunter S.
Sorry Marita, I’m out of snark :(. I kind of thought I could carry it until we got to 1k comments, but most of your commenters petered out, and I can’t goof around during the day right now. I thought since it was down to you and I might have a rational conversation. I’m happy to clarify and support my positions. I assume you can tell the difference between the ones where I was trying to make ridiculous logical jumps (you know, the ones like ‘liberals are all hippies’, ‘dems don’t work’, you can tell if you try), but as you said, when I give you examples, it’s tiresome. There is little doubt that you don’t want me to answer these questions, but would rather search for logical flaws to trap me. Good luck with that! 🙂
Marita said: “You never defended that “here in Louisiana 100% of the homeless are substance abusersâ€? claim, by the way. Why is that?”
Because I was still making stuff up, and wasn’t actually reading most of the attacks! I just now read your comment about the 2,500 kids who are homeless. I’ll be happy to respond!
First, I actually said, “The sad fact is that roughly 100% of the homeless here in Louisiana have a drug dependency.” It’s based on my own experiences of talking with the people themselves. Sure, as you mentioned, there are a few kids actually sleeping on the street (I can think of two that I’ve met in LA, hence the word ‘roughly’). Most of the women with children that I have met have relatives who take care of the children. This is the problem. You must consider these children to be homeless while living in a home, and I don’t. The link you supplied certainly considers them homeless. “… including children and youth who are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason…”
This is why I was so adamant about urging you to go volunteer and meet these people. Statistics are great for many things, but they aren’t telling you the whole story out there, and they won’t help you arrive at the right solution. Meet them, and there is not a shred of doubt in my mind that we would be in agreement. Almost all of them need the same thing, and it’s available, and free.
Now, it’s time for one last smackdown before bed. Have a good day tomorrow sadly nopesters!
brad, who’s ‘different’ said: “1)Kevin, please, masturbate in private. 2)You’re no Diogenes. 3)Also, re: liberals and guns, see Thompson, Hunter S.”
1. No thanks.
2. Of course not! I’m Kevin.
3. See what I mean? He didn’t even know how to use it. I told him he was holding it backwards, but you know how liberals are. They just don’t listen. Still, he was a shining example of liberalism in action.
4. Get a job you hippie!
I have to raise my hand here and admit to being that part of the left that’s always complaining about the Jew problem. My house is overrun with them and the City Council refuses to do anything about it. If anyone has any constructive suggestions on how to deal with them i’d be very grateful. No, not you Mr Schicklgruber, please put your hand down. Anyone else?
oh and can someonme take Kevin’s smileys off him? He has the sensibility of an 11 year old regarding them and it’s really doing my head in.
This is the least efficient trolling I’ve ever seen.
Liberals and guns? Mikey! Could you please ‘splain a few things to K-Fed?
And speaking of trolls, some of my favorites were the music trolls we attracted when S,N! opined that Fred Durst was teh SUCK! ”
Good times…
…and who can forget those wacky gals from And RIghtly So!
One last thing – this one’s for you Kevin:
Fuckety fuck fuck!!!!one11!!
(h/t to Candy and GW. One of my all-time favorites!)
The fact is our trolls are getting lamer geometrically since Doc Sammich was supplanted by She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named-With-The-Flabby-Legs.
Better trolls, please.
Wow, Kevin, you’re really weak at this. My complaint isn’t that you pepper your responses with smelly hippy jokes, it’s that when you seem to think you’re making real arguments, they’re so logically flawed that most of your points aren’t even worth responding to (except, perhaps, for entertainment purposes). Let’s find an example shall we?
Ah.. good. I didn’t have to go very far. You said:
Most of the women with children that I have met have relatives who take care of the children. This is the problem. You must consider these children to be homeless while living in a home, and I don’t. The link you supplied certainly considers them homeless. “… including children and youth who are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason…�
Yes, a portion of that report did define homeless children that way. Specifically, it was the portion of the report describing educational protections for homeless kids. You see, for many school districts, “I’m sleeping on my aunt’s couch right now” does not count sufficiently toward residency in a district to allow a child to enroll in that district’s schools. But it’s in everyone’s interests for all kids to get a good education, so they’re expanding the definition of homeless in this case, to allow those kids to be in school somewhere. Good planning on their part, isn’t it?
So back to the stat I based my argument on. Which was, specifically, a yearly count of unduplicated individuals served by homeless shelters and transitional housing. We can double check their methodology if you want, but I’m willing to bet that for this survey they weren’t counting “Cousin Betty’s Spare Room” in that category. Obviously the figure is annual, so it isn’t the number you’d expect to be homeless on any given day. We can ballpark it though, with a little bit of math (aaahhh! Scary liberal math!). If we start with the median value given for children less than five of 2,625, we can then correct for the average length of stay in a homeless shelter. Reported averages vary, but a safe estimate is two months. Since there are six two month periods in a year, let’s divide that number by six (still with me, Kev?). That gives just about 438 kids under 5 homeless on any given day in LA. Even that figure is probably a low estimate, since the report stresses that the survey was underreported, and also that there aren’t enough shelters serving families in Louisiana, meaning some kids are likely sleeping in their parents’ cars and such. In any case, it’s still a considerably higher than your lifetime total of two.
You seem really attached to taking your very limited experiences and drawing sweeping conclusions from them, ignoring any contrary evidence that pops up along the way. I’m not sure whether this means that you aren’t terribly bright, or just intellectually dishonest. Since I’m feeling nice today though, why don’t you tell me which it is?
Nice long thread.
Still don’t see why anybody’s bothering to respond to Kevin. As someone who works with homeless people both professionally and in my off hours (in San Francisco, no less!), it obvious that Keving lies like a cheap rug. The only homeless people he’s ever met were asking him for change, and the only kitchen he’s ever served in was his mom’s.
Pay him no mind; he’s probably not actaully a chemical engineer, either–he’s just trying to justify the wate of all of those carbon, hydrogen and oxygen molecules that constitute his shell.
Whoops–lunch is over. Back to the patients!
In reverse order (that means ‘starting at the bottom of the pile and working backwards’ for the hippies) DocAmazing ridiculously suggested: “As someone who works with homeless people both professionally and in my off hours (in San Francisco, no less!), …”
You know, I think I believe you. We have our first liberal who actually works with poor people, and he does it… for pay! A liberal idea if I ever heard one. If you keep the poor man suffering, then your job is secure! Selfish as hell, but you are a progressive (i.e. self-centered hippie), so I wouldn’t put it past you. But wouldn’t you feel better if you instead got a job that didn’t hinge upon poor people remaining poor? You could actually help poor people to get on with their lives and find peace of mind and meaningful existence, instead of depending upon them to continue suffering. I know it is hard, but you can do it! Vaya con whatever San Fransicans believe to be Dios.
Then he additionally said: “Pay him no mind; he’s probably not actaully a chemical engineer…”
Let’s say that I am not a chemical engineer, and even am not intelligent enough to be one. Would that be a reason to disregard my statements? Marita is a big fan of logical fallacy, so I bet she’ll be coming to my rescue soon! Hint to Marita, it rhymes with “mad bombin’ them” (kinda… get it?). But as an example of liberals considering the status of the source before considering the satement, it is an excellent example. Status matters to liberals. It’s another reason that you suck.
Sure, DocAmazing is a thoughtless liberal, but you are all hippies, all of you! It embarasses me to have to admit that you came from our school system, with your lack of knowledge of history, your inability to use the English language without cursing, your complete disregard for both logic and reason, and your inability to arrive at an understandable conclusion when faced with facts! Kudos to ichomobothogogus for admitting he is a racist, and hates Jews, but that’s not enough. Yes, it’s a good step, but you have to absolve yourself by apologizing to them. Perhaps if you don’t support terrorists like Hezbolla, Hamas, or the PLO (aka Fatah), they will forgive you. I bet they will.
JosePuppert said: “Better trolls please.”
What the heck are you talking about? I’m smarter than you, unlike you I have a job, I’m willing to explain the real world to you, and I even do graphics for the reading-disinclined. You are looking at the creme of the crop of trolls Joe. What more could you ask from a troll? As President Achmenidenijihad says…
Kevin, (can I call you Kevin?) I think you forgot your devastating rebuttal to Marita in your last post. I’m sure there are some unkind souls who would suggest you were deliberately ignoring the people who competently dismantle your arguments in favour of screeching and whining about things only tangenitally related in the hope that no-one will notice you’ve had your ass handed to you, but I know that’s not true. You’re just tired after “working” so hard at your “job” but once you’ve got your energy back, boy is she going to be sorry.
Marita says: “Yes, a portion of that report did define homeless children that way.”
No, the whole report defined homeless children that way. Were we reading the same report? I’m glad you no longer think of children living with their grandparents to be homeless, but you still seem stuck on statistics. Kids who live on the street are rare, but deserve CONSIDERABLY more support from us than kids who live with their relatives. Don’t act like a progressive. Let’s not treat kids like they are a number. Help the ones who need it most first. Consider it to be triage if you have to. Run the numbers when you are done.
Sheesh. It’s worse than I thought. Liberals are applying statistical analysis to human life. Does anyone know of a European individual who has done this exact thing in the past? Hint: It happened in the 1930s. We paid for it in the 1940s.
You can indeed call me kevin, but can I get back to you ich, and can I call you Ich? I have to go up the comments in reverse before I can respond.
Actually, there is no one to reply to, Ich. I saw a few comments, but after reading them, they were just general statements of whine. So it’s just me, you, Marita and the frisco doctor. Shall we make fun of each other? Or would you rather a real conversation?
I would say that if you can’t see the difference between one or the other, you will indeed be led to believe your comment posted at 2:16. I float both ways. That makes me bi-argumentable. Being bi, don’t I get an honorary slot in the liberal world? I’m a minority! Don’t make me proclaim liberals to be anti-minority! We both know they are racist as hell, but they are usually smart enough to hide it (Barring Senator Byrd of course).
As a quick fyi, my comments have not been dismantled, just disagreed with, but never with substance.
Did you see when Bill Frist tried to sneak up on Pelosi to end the horror that will soon be one third of our government? I hate to swear, but when he , he had a sh*t eating grin.
Who knew Nancy Pelosi used the dark side of the force? Other than conservatives, I mean.
you can call me ich, but only if you pronounce it correctly. I’m glad to see you’re taking people to task for using “statistics” and “facts”. such methods are infinitely inferior to gut instincts, making stuff up, and the “this guy i met once…” school of thought. although I do have to take you to task for not living up to your own standards. Isn’t “roughly 100%” a statistic? or is it vague enough that it doesn’t count?
Excellent use of Hitler at the end there. I liked the coy guessing-game feel to it. Very left-field. Although I should point out some of us were paying already in the 1930s rather than waiting around to see who was winning like some people I could mention
Oops! Forgot to close tags I guess. Repeating last comment:
Did you see when Bill Frist tried to sneak up on Pelosi to end the horror that will soon be one third of our government? I hate to swear, but when he got caught, he had a sh*t eating grin.
Who knew Nancy Pelosi used the dark side of the force? Other than conservatives, I mean.
i’ve nho idea whether you can become an honorary liberal. you’d have to ask a liberal about that, but it can’t be that hard.
Liberals racist? You don’t say. You’ll be telling me they’re homophobic next. Maybe that’s the difference between liberals and conservatives. Liberals are clever enough to hide their racism, but conservatives are too stupid to
Ok Ich, I promise to pronounce your name correctly. As a gerneral fan of stats and a huge proponent for using facts (as long as we understand what those facts are), I completely agree with you.
I saw a man step on a piece of wood. 30 seconds later, the wood disappeared he as dead! Suddenly, another man stepped on wood. 30 seconds later, the wood disappeared and he was a corpse. If this happens 30 or so times, then statisically, stepping on wood causes death 100% of the time huh.
But if we back up and look at it from another perspective, we may see it differently. What if I said that rope in the shape of a noose was involved? Would you gleen different information from my story?
What I’m saying is that facts are misleading if you don’t try to see the full story. And statistics can be COMPLETELY misleading if you want them to be. You’ve got eyes, you’ve got ears, you’ve got a brain. Why not learn what’s really going on? Why not get out there and learn why our homeless are homeless? Why not ask a soldier what is REALLY happening in Iraq?
Conversely, you could bitch and moan about how I don’t understand you.
But you are a self-centered liberal. We all know which choice you will go for. The easy one (duh).
Liberals are applying statistical analysis to human life.
Oh my god! Liberals have taken over the actuarial field?
Ich said: “i’ve no idea whether you can become an honorary liberal. you’d have to ask a liberal about that, but it can’t be that hard.”
Sorry, I meant ‘progressive’. It’s the same hippie crap.
“Liberal’s racist? You don’t say.”
I do say.
“You’ll be telling me they’re homophobic next.”
You are mistaken. Liberals are not afraid of homosexuals. But then again, neither are conservatives.
“Liberals are clever enough to hide their racism, but conservatives are too stupid to.”
Good point! Liberals are racist, but they are secretly very smart and hide that fact. I agree in totality with you, but I’d suggest that you say that “conservatives are too stupid to”… care about race. You were only 3 words off, so I commend you.
Ok, I’m not talking to you anymore if you won’t at least have the decency to deride my images. I hope you don’t mind that I corrected your grammar.
Dan something or other said:
Dan, they haven’t taken over, they live there! Sans the hippie 99% of course. They use human suffering with wreckless abandon to describe how horrible their own lives were/are. We all know the life of a liberal probably sucks, but liberals have a strong tendency to blame others for it. You know you do. Gee, I’m not happy… is it because of the government? the evil corporations? BUSH!?!?!?!? Yeah, it’s probably not you, and instead one of those.
Friggin’ hippies.
Kev, you do realize you lost, right? Godwin?
It’s kind of sad this amuses you.
Also, why is it you can only be altruistic if you’re not paid for it? You do realize the public health sector ain’t exactly a cash cow.
I don’t remember when it was exactly that being paid for helping the poor seemed to be such an awful thing. I seem to recall a number of charities paying their employees for their service, some of them have titles like “priest” or “nun”. I bet even such staunch GOP ops like Falwell and Robertson pay people to provide to the poor.
I suppose that what Jesus should have done is to keep his carpentry job, and healed lepers on the side, instead of working solely through ministry to do just that. But that would be the advice of a man who is convinced Libertarianism will work, and not be the colossal failure that virtually everyone else on the planet Earth, along with every sentient species within 3000 parsecs of this system, has already acknowledged.
The different brad said: “Also, why is it you can only be altruistic if you’re not paid for it?”
Because of the definition of the word. Being unselfish is something that just can’t be explained.
“Kev, you do realize you lost, right? Godwin?”
Please, call me Kevin. My mother called me Godwin once… ONCE. But no, I’m pretty sure I won. It doesn’t ‘amuse’ me though. I’m used to it.
Lookit The Happy Monkey (stoners have the strangest names!) said: “I don’t remember when it was exactly that being paid for helping the poor seemed to be such an awful thing.”
It was today. But it’s not awful, it’s just not something to brag about. Uou are making cash off of the poor. Making money off of poor people might be fun to talk about in liberal circles, but it’s frowned upon in the rest of society.
“I seem to recall a number of charities paying their employees for their service, some of them have titles like “priestâ€? or “nunâ€?. I bet even such staunch GOP ops like Falwell and Robertson pay people to provide to the poor.”
I bet they do! I find it odd to read that you consider Falwell and Roberston, much less priests or nuns to be living a life of charity. I don’t share your position. But hey, at least they aren’t hippies!
Oh come on. You’re not even trying now. This is just gibberish. I know the preview button went AWOL, but that’s no excuse for this dross. As far as your statistics for dummies goes, its perfectly true that statistics can be abused and twisted, and are often based on misleading or partial data, but so what? It’s hardly headline news. Every statistic gets evaluated on it’s own merits. You seem to think that the fact that statistics can be used in a disingenuous fashion automatically invalidates any statistic you disagree with, but you have to prove that eg. it was based on false or misleading data or used a biased sample or whatever. You can’t just wish and make it so. I suppose it’s analogous to ConfederateYankee’s peculiar belief that because pictures can be photoshopped any picture he doesn’t like has been tampered with. As far as people not dealing with the substance of your arguments goes, taking away all the “jokes” there doesn’t seem to be much substance there. If you’d care to put forward some arguments beyond “Hippies smell” and “People who use statistics to back up their arguments are Nazis” I’d be happy to engage them.
The rest of your argument is just nonsense. You’ve gone back to substituting your own subjective experience (or lack thereof) for any kind of genuine analysis, while simultaneously denying anyone else’s subjective experiences any validity. Most of the people I’ve known who’ve served in Iraq think the troops should be withdrawn ASAP, but I presume they’re the wrong sort of troops.
also, before I forget, what was the Pelosi/Frist photoshop about? What was the joke? It reminds me of something I said in an earlier thread about cargo cult comedy. Your picture seems to have the sort of paraphenalia one would associate with a joke (lightsabres! funny facial expressions! politics! photoshop!) but no joke to go with them. Was there sjupposed to be a funny caption underneath it or what? Or are Senators holding lightsabres inherently funny?
Good Christ. You are TeH Lame, Kevin.
Seriously, what sort of rebuttal was that? Missionaries, priests and nuns get paid for performing charity work, which you derided earlier as some sort of parasitic enterprise, and the effective response is: “So? At least they aren’t a bunch of hippies.”
This is why Libertarianism will always fail. They are, at their core, a bunch of ninnies who really have no idea of why or how things work, and when given direct counterexamples to their horseshit, petulantly snark out lame rebuttals like a chunk of fragrant bolus.
No lookitthehappymonkey, if that is indeed your real name, I did not deride priests, or nuns. I said they are not living the life of charity. Is that what the left calls derision these days? I wouldn’t put it past you, the way you liberals change meanings of words recently. Remember when ‘torture’ used to involve physical pain? Ever read about the ‘gay twenties’? Are you now attempting to change the meaning of ‘derision’?
Don’t be such a hippie, lookitthehappymonkey. And get a job!
About the jedi image, Ich said:
Yes, Senators holding lightsabers are indeed inherently funny, but the humor in that particular image has nothing to do with me or photoshop. It’s the goofy grin on Frist’s face. It’s as if he just realized he was caught on camera doing something wrong. Subtle humor, but humor nonetheless.
Which is why I didn’t run with it as a headline. But it needed to be said, since Marita apparently didn’t know it. That you are aware of a fact doesn’t mean your fellow readers are. I never said I am against using statistics, I’m just saying you can be mislead by them if you don’t watch out, as Marita’s interpretation of them proved.. Subjective though it is, trust in your own experiences will greatly decrease your chanches of misunderstanding them.
Indeed! I evaluated those statistics, and found them to be misleading for the specific reason that the word ‘homeless’ includes ‘children who live with relatives’, as it says in the study. Check it out if you don’t believe me. there is nothing to prove. They admit it right in the study.
Ok, I give up. This thread is going to have to die :(. As Murtha would say, it’s time to cut and run. I’m sad we didn’t make it to 1k, but 600 comments is nothing to sneeze at. It’s not as fun throwing out pointless jibes now that only rational people are left on the thread. They tend to take them seriously. And then I have to ‘splain :(. I blame myself, because some of them were indeed serious positions, so I had to break character and actually defend them.
We could continue to disagree with a reasonable debate, but where’s the fun in that? No one’s position would be changed. It’d be like arguing about religion. Nah, s’better to pull the troops (me) out of enemy territory (SN). I’m fleeing like a frenchman! Cutting and running like an unindicted co-conspirator.
Apologies are in order.
To Gavin – I’m sorry I made fun of your photoshop skills. I was just talking sh*t, and you are no doubt as good or better at it than I am. Hopefully a lot better, or it’s not much of a compliment.
To a different Brad – I’m sorry for calling you ‘different’.
To everyone who made rational statements which I still made fun of – sorry about that. It was the spirit of the thread. I blame society.
Hippies – I’m sorry I made fun of the way you smell. I know it’s not your fault, since clean water isn’t free.
I hope you enjoyed our conversation, pointless though it was. I know I did!
Bye Kevin. Look out for tendonitis.