LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- More than a million households deleted all the digital music files they had saved on their PCs in August, a sign that the record industry's anti-piracy tactics are hitting home, research company NPD Group said.
Now just how would the NPD group know that? According to their press release:
Methodology Note: NPD MusicWatch Digital information is collected continuously from the PCs of 40,000 volunteer online panelists, balanced to represent the online population of PC users. NPD?s MusicLab survey was fielded in September of 2003 to a representative sample of 5,000 respondents aged 13 and older.
[Emphasis added.]
An all volunteer sample, from which a smaller set was used. Some people never learn apparently. We wonder how many of those panelists deleted files because, as it turns out, once you’ve listened to Khia’s My neck, my back once, well, that’s enough really. Or perhaps those files were copied onto a CD? Since you know you’re being watched and so on. Of course, if the RIAA can convince us that everyone is deleting the music files from their PC, then surely you should as well. Oh yes, that was a great survey alright, for me to…