We’ll Take It Up With The Public Sex Committee

Anti-Syrian Lebanese Cabinent Minister Assassinated By Sniper-Shot

No protests from the left, of course.

Posted by Ace at 03:02 PM

Uh, damn those snipering Muslims, for whom the left must so frequently apologize. I wave my shorts above my head in protest.

Above: It was looking a little barren on the right side of the banner

Update: Ace has redone the post with extra stupidberry frosting:

Seriously: I mentioned it as a throw-away put-down, but wouldn’t it be harder to question the left’s patriotism, and their motives, if they actually were equal-opportunity protesters of violence?

If this were the case, we might be able to view the left as truly “pro-peace.” Sure, they’d still be pricks when it came to America and Israel (and the one guy in Britain on our side, Tony Blair), but we would also be heartened by their condemnation of thuggish actions like this.





There is just nothing a non-American, non-Israeli actor can do that is out of bounds to them — or at least not out of bounds enough for them to break out the pot and papier mache puppetheads.


Above: Ace’s banner gets a votive image of the WTC — a symbol claimed to exclusion by wingtards who experienced 9/11 on comfy, distant couches with bowls of Cheez Doodles balanced on their laps, and with persistent, guilty erections.


Comments: 49


I’m going to have to register a protest: The assortment of chickenhawks and war profiteers that Ace and his ilk have supported have well and truly fucked up the Middle East (along with every other thing they’ve touched).

It’s time they all faced the facts and fessed up.


The logo is now wicked awesome.


OK, why are we meant to be protesting this more than the other bazillion political assassinations in the region in the last couple years? Is it because he was anti-Syrian? Or Christian? Or just because Ace decided to feel outraged?


Gavin, I think the next step for the eagle is to have something poignant reflected in that giant tear. Suggestions anyone?


What, are we supposed to be upset that the Israelis missed this guy when they most recently bombed the shit out of Lebanon?


Gavin, I think the next step for the eagle is to have something poignant reflected in that giant tear.

The Twin Towers?


I’m backing my bags! Jeez, give me some time to organize, Ace.

Guys, we can’t let one of our snipers go around killing people like this. Violent murder, being one of the tenets of Leftism, only causes people to hate us more.


See, now I was thinking the eagle should be squeezing out a big ol’ drop of blood, not some wimpy tear. Tears are crybabies – REAL patriots bleed for their country, even when it’s only the hangnails on their cheeto stained fingers!


Meanwhile, in Israel:

JERUSALEM — In a landmark ruling, Israel’s Supreme Court ordered the government Tuesday to recognize same-sex marriages performed abroad.


Ah, the rhythmic popping of a million exploding Fundie Wingnut heads…


Hey, that ain’t The Left! This looks like a job for… Bicycle Repairman!


That eagle is a friggin’ girly man. He needs a mohawk and some blood dripping off the tip of his beak.

Btw, that “tear” is straight vodka, you chumps.


Does that eagle have a tumor on his face?


Ah you got me fair and square, copper. How did you know I was an Economics major? Please don’t tell Retardo!


Can you make an intrusive .mp3 of Blue Oyster Cult’s “Burnin’ For You” play over the graphic?


I phoned The Left’s HQ, to get a comment, but there was nobody there. Probably all out at some orgy someplace, or trying to cook up a scheme where the Right looks like a bunch of morons on a daily basis. So far, so good, I’d say…


Maybe Ace could provide a list of the sort of things we’re supposed to be outraged about. ‘Cause I was busy being outraged about bush in vietnam and american casualties and Beit Hanoun and I didn’t even THINK about getting outraged about Lebanon. Sorry Ace, my bad. So I’m gonna shift focus over there and get outraged, but by gawd if something bad happens in Somalia and I don’t get outraged ’cause I’m busy being outraged over lebanon, then you’ll just get me again. So come on, Ace, help me out, gimme some guidelines.

Gavin, I think the next step for the eagle is to have something poignant reflected in that giant tear. Suggestions anyone?

Umm, shouldn’t it be a Chevy Pickup Truck? This is OUR country…



Is The Left HQ right next to the Superfriend’s Hall of Justice? I went by there to find a portable protest kit, but the guy from the Legion of Doom said that Cheney had ordered them all burned. What gives?


I love the “no protest from the left” tactic — does it have a name? Better go read my lists of logical fallacies and see.

This morning, because I’m home with a domestic plumbing emergency, I was participating in a little online discussion between an idiot who keeps posting Dennis Prager columns and the rest of my neighbors in a local community board. Neighbors would refute some of the incorrect facts Prager cited in his praise of George Bush’s handling of Iraq (I kid you not) and The Prager-idiot would fire back by telling them they were all leftist socialist feminized whatevers….and then finally played the Big One, which was “Why haven’t I seen one word from you about how Muslims are EEEEEEVVVIILLLLL?”

Uh, because that wasn’t the topic, maybe?

Anyway — gotta love Ace!. You could make that be a bloody tear, how bout that?


Gotta love those evil muslims missing their flight because they dared to pray in public…. namely, in the airport.

And here I was thinking that supporting public prayer was a right-wing talking point.

then again, supporting eeeeevil public prayer must be some other sort of noble cause.


Am I missing all the protests from the Right somehow? Are they taking to the streets somewhere away from the camera’s view?


is that teardrop actually a ‘pearl cluster’. I hope so.


Ummm, did Ace-Is-The-Place (with everything we need, especially the hand and power tools) ever actually comment on/condemn Mr Anthrax Rightblogofan?

I didn’t actually go over to his place and check; being of the Left, I’d rather be an Ugly person Having Sex than read his blog. But I’d hate to think that there’s anything like hypocrisy going on at such a respected site as his. Heavens! Especially after all that rope/tree unpleasantness.


If you could get a reflected WTC in the teardrop, or at minimum a burning american flag, you had better break out the pope hat of awesome.


Gavin, I think the next step for the eagle is to have something poignant reflected in that giant tear.

The Twin Towers?

Nancy Pelosi. Nothing makes a real patriot cry like female leadership.


Gavin, I think the next step for the eagle is to have something poignant reflected in that giant tear.

The Twin Towers?

I think you need to have an eagle crying reflected in the tear, and then an even smaller eagle crying reflected in that tear, and so on.


I am actually tempted to not believe that is a real Ace post by the way, it is just so perfect.


We were out of milk this morning, and the Right still hasn’t apologized!

Seriously, can someone explain when conservatives got all touchy-queery with the need for apologies and feelings and all that emotional crap? Whatever happened to the man in the gray flannel suit, the cold-eyed realist who crunched the numbers and relied on facts and figures? Between Bush calling himself the Hugger in Chief, Ashcroft covering the dirty boobies at the DoJ, and the rest of the party getting their panties in a wad over some greeter at Wal-Mart not saying Merry Christmas or clutching their pearls at the slightest word of protest, the modern-day GOP has turned into a Very Special Episode of The Gilmour Girls.

For chrissakes, conservatives, grow a pair.


Did you notice Confederate Wankee weighing in on the number of bullets and style of weapon? Is he some sort of ballistics expert? Maybe a hitman?


Where you see an eagle’s tear, I see a patriot’s ejaculate.

It looks like Ace will participate in the Big O for Gitmo after all.


I am actually tempted to not believe that is a real Ace post by the way, it is just so perfect.

He’s since updated it with even more Stupid, but that was how it first appeared — trim, lean, and logically perfect.


Even more stupid:

There is just nothing a non-American, non-Israeli actor can do that is out of bounds to them — or at least not out of bounds enough for them to break out the pot and papier mache puppetheads.

I wonder how much of Ace’s traffic is coming from Sadly, No! these days? I’m getting my papier mache bong out now.


Is the Left supposed to be combining the Orgasms for Peace with its papier mache puppetheads?

I just want to make sure I am doing it right.


Did you notice Confederate Wankee weighing in on the number of bullets and style of weapon? Is he some sort of ballistics expert? Maybe a hitman?

I think he might have a lot of catalogs, but that’s it.


I’m pretty sure assassination and/or murder is on the Permanent Liberal Condemnation Checklist….

Why, yes, there it is, right at the top. Ace needs to do his research before he shoots his mouth off.

Oh, and for the reflection in the eagle’s tear? I vote for a snowflake baby or one of the General’s armed blastocyte-Americans.


Pardon me, but why would anyone use an eagle icon where the teardrop resembles a water balloon? On the original it was at least tastefully done. But then, wingnuts exaggerate all sorts of stuff, don’t they?


I know it does not go with the hard core motif, but the no-butt fucking stick men cartoon would go great on all that prime real estate just right of the eagles eye. It might attract that much wanted college republican demographic.


Give the eagle a keyboard.


I have a protest for Ace.


Hey, assholes, quit shooting each other. Quit shooting people who aren’t shooting at you. In fact, quit shooting people in general. I don’t care who started it, cut that shit out.

It is a very general protest, admittedly, but I truly feel this from the bottom of my heart. I will wave a placecard if neccessary.

Fucking hell. Just cause that goober at Protein Wisdom can’t hold down a gig doesn’t mean the rest of the politically conscious world sits on its collective ass all day.


If the towers are reflected in the teardrop, shouldn’t they be upside down?


Oh shit, I forgot to protest the assassination. The Muslim Brotherhood shouldn’t have shot Sadat (I know, I’ve got some catching up to do).

Smiling Mortician

OK but seriously. Is this what we’ve come to? We have to spend all day bickering about who’s more outraged by what and who bothered to be publicly outraged more quickly than someone else? And of course, by joining in the bickering we’re somehow implicitly equating specific Wingnuts’ silence in the wake of a specific deranged fan’s home-grown terror with Teh Left’s failure to swoon en masse over an assassination in Lebanon? Why? Did the assassin scream “Long live Kos!” while shooting? Did I miss that part?

I’m with Dorothy and the good folks at Punkassblog: just start each day by posting the damn List of Shit The Left Abhors and let it cover the next 24 hours of atrocity. Then maybe we could talk about something else, like why the Dems seem to have forgotten in 14 short days why they were elected . . .

Herr Doltor Bimler

Is the Left supposed to be combining the Orgasms for Peace with its papier mache puppetheads?

Team America — The Musical!


g said,

November 21, 2006 at 22:37

I love the “no protest from the left� tactic — does it have a name? Better go read my lists of logical fallacies and see.

From the wingnut debate dictionary –

Glennuendo (n.)
– The act of drawing a darkly ominous inference from an opponent’s failure to discuss a political issue. From Reynolds, Glenn. (Vaara)


atop persistent, guilty erections

This is a phrase for the time capsuel, my friends.


Correction: strike capsuel, replace with capsule.



There’s that preview button!!11one!

Is it true Gary kidnapped you and sold you into slavery, so he could buy drugs?


Is it true Gary kidnapped you and sold you into slavery, so he could buy drugs? … FROM CANADA!


so, he’s canadian, or the drugs are canadian?

I prefer the latter.


Maybe a slight fisheye filter on the reflection, and then I will be rendered helpless for Thankgsiving.


wouldn’t it be harder to question the left’s patriotism, and their motives

Somehow I suspect Ace would come up with something to question no matter what we did.

The “harder” part would be finding someone with a three-digit IQ who gives a shit what Ace thinks.


(comments are closed)