Ladies And Gentlemen, We Have A Response
Pot, meet kettle: Olbermann jokes about severing O’Reilly’s hamstring
By Michelle Malkin · November 17, 2006 01:03 PM
I should throw in another note here that Sadly, No!, as a European blog, ist on der Deutschestimezonetime, which often makes it look like we’re six hours behind things — when in fact we’re generally .05 miliseconds ahead of puny Earth time, except for me. This Malkin post just went up a little while ago.
Michelle, comme il faut, throws a Valley-girl tantrum, blaming Keith Olbermann for, you know, mentioning having been targeted by a lunatic terrorist who idolizes Michelle Malkin:
I don’t like to mud wrestle, but sometimes the slime-flingers need to be held accountable. All week, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann and his left-wing vassals have tried to blame female conservative commentators for one nutball’s fake anthrax letter attacks. Reportedly, the suspect was a Free member whose pseudonymous profile noted that he “worshipped” Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, and me. Ergo, we’re to blame. Olbermann lies about my work and props up a clueless Radar Online stooge who accuses me of “introduc[ing a kind of thuggish, sort of intimidating tone into the political debate, this kind of, ‘Let’s not let them boss us around anymore.’ She’s got a very combative, kind of truculent rhetorical pose.”
Truculent. I like that.
It gets better from there.
Shorter Michelle Malkin:
“Keith Olbermann made a rude joke then apologized, therefore if some fan of mine wants to mail anthrax threats, it is no responsibility of mine.”
(Hat tip to Jesse “The Body” Malkin, for staying up late with Michelle, in wired-panic mode, to dig up some appropriately smeary out-of-context Olbermann quotes.)
Ahhhh, she really doesn’t know who she is and what she does.
A blissfully ignorant straight razor pinkerton.
The boss’ muscle.
He mouth is the action.
Her readers are the slashing razor.
What a wonderful person she is.
I smell a Purple Teardrop with Clutched Pearls!
The white smoke tells us that there’s finally an acknowledgement!
Let me just say this about Michelle Malkin: anchor baby comments are okay, ping pong ball comments are not. Anchor baby is okay because it reminds us that according to her own rules, her parents would be back in the Philipines, and little Michelle wouldn’t be an American citizen. Ping pong is not all right, if only because it makes us think of her vagina, along with being racists and sexist. So unless you have proof that she runs a ping pong show in Manila and that she denounces sex work and makes money writing books about how all sex workers should arrested and shot. Otherwise, leave off.
Left-wing vassals?
We’re an anarcho-syndicalist commune!
left-wing vassals
I have always regarded myself as more of a left-wing cohort. This is your diversity in action. I wouldn’t even be surprised if some of the readers consider themselves to be ilk.
I am disappointed to read that she doesn’t like to mud wrestle. What could we offer to try to change her mind?
Oh, this is precious. Malkin is shocked, shocked that Olbermann would make a joke about severing O’Reilly’s hamstring (a fairly lame Harding-Kerrigan joke amidst some kidding around about competing on Dancing with the Stars). He clearly labeled it as a joke immediately upon saying it, and then apologized for said joke after the break by way of arguing that public discourse ought to rise above jokes about physically harming others.
Her response to his appeal for greater civility? “Speak for yourself.” Perhaps she doesn’t quite get the whole pot-meet-kettle thing as well as she thinks she does.
Anyway, if she didn’t like Olbermann’s joke, she probably really won’t like what I keep thinking every time I go to her site and see that incoming pen-missile headed straight toward her left eye.
I think that it is safe to say that if Michelle Malkin had the talents necessary to shoot ping pong balls, she wouldn’t have to demean herself as a conservative blogger.
Can I be a left-wing malcontent?
Michelle was not to blame when lossely assembled Right Wingers threatened those students after she published their addresses, either.
For a Party of Personal Responsibility, it sure is hard to find a Republican who will accept it.
anchor baby comments are okay, ping pong ball comments are not.
Truth to tell, I’m not sure I’m buyin. Someone this despicable, someone who has repeatedly and in all seriousness called for violence, war, murder, death, genocide and internment on an industrial scale; indeed, someone who has profited greatly from her advocacy of these most base, inhuman qualities, this may well be someone who has given up their right to expect basic human courtesies. I, for one, can think of no verbal abuse too harsh, no mockery undeserved and no reference too base. So while I admire your willingness to draw the line at a certain threshold, the fact that the Malkin thing has yet to indicate that she even has a “line” prevents me from having a tremendous amount of concern…
Oh, and PLEASE stop it with the ping pong ball comments.
The weekend is coming up and I can’t afford to drink enough to drive that image from my head.
1 : feeling or displaying ferocity : CRUEL, SAVAGE
3 : scathingly harsh : VITRIOLIC
4 : aggressively self-assertive : BELLIGERENT
Truculent. I like that.
You would.
Malkin is, and will always be, little more than a cheaply made Ann Coulter knockoff, made slightly blander for those who need their hatred to be more coded racism than calls for random violence. Blaming the victims? Coulter already way outdid Malkin here, with the 9/11 widows. Keith has his own show and the rhetorical chops to fire back. I hope he puts out a standing invite for Michelle to come on over and chew the fat. She’ll never show, which would help emphasize the cowardice beneath her pose. And if by some miracle she did show, well, that would be an ep of countdown i’d likely never delete from the dvr.
For a Party of Personal Responsibility, it sure is hard to find a Republican who will accept it.
I think they mean that other persons should be responsible. You know, like future generations paying for the tax-cut-and-deficit orgy of today.
Did you really, seriously expect anything different? This is how Malkin ALWAYS operates — and frankly, and speaking as someone who absolutely detests her — it’s freaking brilliant. She knows her audience will always go for the sleight of hand distraction technique “Hey! Look over there!” and so anytime her credibility is threatened, her racism exposed, her incitement of violence highlighted, she will make no response to the actual substantive charge but will charge someone else with the same crime and make their crime out to be far, far worse than hers and thus exculpatory of her. She did it with the UCSB stuff, she does it all the time by, as a supporter of a known white supremacist hate group, calling racism on liberals.
Is it disgusting?
Hell yeah.
Does it destroy any credibility she has as anything but a totally ludicrous insane, propagandist?
But is it genius?
You bet your ass.
And the video. Me thinks the lady doth truculate too much.
But maybe picking a video fight with Olbermann isn’t the best move, hey?
I can foresee a long string of “Worst Person In The World”‘s for her.
Just watched her ‘return fire’ … christ, Malkin is a humorless, officious little schoolmarm, ain’t she?
How many deaths of a thousand cuts can irony suffer?
Bush cites lessons of Vietnam, neglects to mention the crucial importance of siting yourself in the Air National Guard (champagne unit).
Did you all hear Bush’s Vietnam sound bites? I heard him on NPR this afternoon. Asked what lessons Vietnam taught him, he paused for, like, the time it takes to read “My Pet Goat” and then said “Victory takes time.” That’s the lesson he learned from Vietnam? OK. Well, that explains that odd usage of “victory” over the past few years. Puts “mission accomplished” into an identifiable category as well.
Side note: he doesn’t seem to recognize the nature of the Vietnamese government or economy either, but no big surprise there . . .
Bush goes to Vietnam and tells the Vietnamese that the US should have killed more of them until they accepted a US-approved government. Smooth.
“I don’t like to mud wrestle…”
Boy, she knows what imagery her readers come to her site looking for, doesn’t she?
sorry mikey,
As much as I admire you, I’m going to have to second Hysterical Woman here. I agree that MM deserves no respect; but unless your initial reaction to the mention of say…OJ Simpson’s name…is to remark on how brightly his teeth show up in the dark…or whatever passes for a current joke…
I mean, I can’t stop you. Wouldn’t if I could. But that would change the tone of the place, Ya know? And there’s a reason all the smart, pretty girls hang out here. Just sayin’
Going back to “left-wing vassals” — “minions of the Left” is also good. I’m sure Norbizness likes having minions.
I would not be so happy if someone numbered me among the “myrmidons of the Left”. “Myrmidon” sounds like something you’d find in a glass case at the museum, between the stegosaurus skeleton and the reconstruction of a woolly mammoth.
This has been my contribution to raising the tone of political debate. I will now return to my normally-scheduled program of inane nonsense.
The lessons Viet Nam taught are those related to avoiding the draft. Now all those loopholes are closed, these generations chickenhawks are going to have to find other ways. Maybe there’ll be more Log Cabin Thugs once the draft starts again.
I’ve always been content to be a left-wing commiesymp myself. Although there is nothing wrong with being a droog or henchman, mind you.
HEY! I only just learned to self-identify proudly as a Moonbat in the last year. Don’t complicate things for the old doods….
Personally, I would like to see a return of ping pong diplomacy… or any diplomacy.
OK. I have to admit to a bit of confusion here. Did someone on this site actually offer up the ping-pong-Malkin thing? After reading Hysterical Woman’s first post on this thread, I was frantically looking around, trying to figure out who had so slandered MM’s sexual/entrepreneurial practices, and I couldn’t find it. Is it just that I’ve had a long hard week or what? What am I missing?
you’re not missing anything Mort.
It was more in the way of a pre-emptive strike. and reason 5,9143 of why I love this place; is the fact that it seems misplaced.
But, you know it’s been done. Sometimes, I just don’t want to hear it.
I’ve always been content to be a left-wing commiesymp myself.
Ah. A Contleftcomsymp.
Uhh, I didn’t mean to answer for Hysterial Woman. Nor am I her sock-puppet! Just speaking for myself.
I think we’ve all known each other longer than that. (*some strange emoticon*)
“Someone this despicable, someone who has repeatedly and in all seriousness called for violence, war, murder, death, genocide and internment on an industrial scale; indeed, someone who has profited greatly from her advocacy of these most base, inhuman qualities, this may well be someone who has given up their right to expect basic human courtesies. ”
Sorry mikey. There’s enough direct content in Malkin’s “oeuvre” to ridicule, critique, point fingers at, and joke about to last a lifetime; there’s no need to resort to pingpong ball jokes.
Hey, as the only resident liege lord, I object to the portraying of Keith Olbermann as some sort of blue blooded aristocrat. I mean, how many retainers does he possibly have? You cannot be a true vassal of Keith Olbermann unless you have sworn an oath of fealty towards him.
I think the ping pong ball comments are “out of bounds” because it’s insulting for honest burlesque performers to be compared to the lying, evil dregs of humanity like Malkin.
Sorry, a big part of Malkin’s schtick is playing up teh Sex. Most of the stuff I’ve read, she’s been playing Penelope Purehart, damsel of distress. Or mud wrestling, as Justin K. pointed out.
The first time I visited her site, I laughed my ass off, ’cause the picture she had up a the time looked like she was trying to pose as an inflatable doll.
Ignoring the nature of the doggy-lock she’s got on her boys is just surrendering to her techniques. And a Bakhtinian socio-sexual carnivalesque inversion really is the simplest approach to deconstructing her methods.
Dorthy’s right. I was an east coast sailor, so I never made it to the PI, but I heard some crazy wonderful stories about the place. My son’s in the NAV now and those shows are still the talk of the smoking deck. Those girls were far more professional than Malkin.
Why don’t you guys marry MM, I mean you love her so much.
There’s a show in Pattaya where the dancers “hatch” a plastic panty-hose egg, which they pop open to reveal a live chick. Ping pong balls really are a bit old hat.
Damn. That’s gotta take some effort… maybe combined with pratice and alcohol.
“Left-wing vassals?
We’re an anarcho-syndicalist commune!”
Ok… so we’re NOT the People’s Front of Judea…?
I only just learned to self-identify proudly as a Moonbat in the last year.
A few years ago when our little Doktorling Sonja was younger, in an attempt to warp her mind while she was still impressionable, I used to read her a lot of Ted Hughes poetry — including The Earth-Owl and other Moon People. I don’t have a copy of the book on hand. Lamentable, isn’t it. But I do remember that there were poems about Moon-Nasturtiums… Music on the Moon… Moon-Cabbage… Moon-Horrors… and, of course, the Adaptable Mountain Dugong.
But nothing about Moonbats! Perhaps Hughes’ literary executors will find a Moonbat poem one day among his unpublished papers.
We’re the Judean People’s Front – Duh!
I thought we were the People’s Populist Front?
And could some one explain the origin and/or meaning of moonbat? I mean, that’s not an insult, they just combined two nouns. Take that, you.. bottleflounders. Stupid Deskbags. Spoon…perennial bulbs?
If you have a lot of spare time, and need a good laugh; for the love of all that is holy,
is some of the funniest shit you can get on the internets for free.
The UN secret police just whacked Drudge.
And, in the future, flags are made out of stage light gels, so that they project their image onto what ever is behind them.
I, wait, huh? Colmes? Robot dude is Hannity, right? After he.. .lost thirty pounds.. annnd the same number of years…. and became a cyborg. And now his co-host is the evil smear dictator? Buh?
That’s… some kind of special. It’s a shame such decent art is wasted on.. whatever this is.
Guilt by association is a McCarthyist tactic. Never justified, never good.
I saw Olbermann’s piece. His point was to establish, through evidence, that the fake anthrax dude was in fact a right wing, uber conservative U.S. citizen. As opposed to a foreign citizen or someone of a different political persuasion other than what he is.
This whack job fake anthrax mailing moron criminal was not Malkin’s fault in anyway. If she puts the stuff in the mail, then it’s her fault. Until she does — not.
She’s still a total wing nut, though.
¡Buena mañana, camaradas!
Eh, Google translate didn’t have Russian. So I thought I’d go for Cubano! Besides,
Cubans are hotterCuba is closer to us than Russia. Yeah, that’s the ticket.Douglas: wait, so are you saying that mAnn Coulter is not responsible for the rise in the pie-ing of public speakers in the past few years?
‘Cause I’m thinking she is. See? Classic case of guilt by association!
Hey Doug, let me lay it out for you a little and see if I can help you understand why Malkin, Coulter, etc bear some responsibility.
Let me use the example that Michelle used in her video. See Jodie Foster spent years villifying Ronald Reagan publicly. She did this so that Hinckley would come to hate Ronald Reagan. See, she was smart enough to know that there were total nutjobs out there who would take her words to heart. She wanted Hinkley to hate Ronald Reagan.
Then she took the next step. She started to make sly off the cuff remarks about how she wanted Ronald Reagan dead. She joked about how it would be cool if people shot him. She published his itinerary and the addresses of where he could be found with a subtle nod to those who might like to actually physically harm Ronny.
Oh, wait, no she didn’t do any of that. Hmmm, Jodie Foster and Hinkley aren’t really any comparison at all to Malkin, Coulter, Ingraham, Striecher, or any other propagandist.
Okay totally different example….
If I beat my dog every day he will eventually bite somebody, and the chances are it won’t be me.
How about a simple condemnation of the act there Michelle?
That certainly would go a lot further in demonstrating you aren’t PUSHING for terrorist attacks against people you label “liberals”.
Thought never crossed your mind did it?
Let’s just see what M&M had to say about Deb Frisch.
The Word Warrior *ahem* didn’t act on any of her threats, did she?
Miss Emily is not my sockpuppet….or is she?
Anyway, I think if you’re going to insult someone, don’t insult a bunch of innocent people too. The Philipines don’t deserve this. They’ve already taken enough crap from the US.
Points well taken, one and all. For what it’s worth, here’s my thought process. Despite the fact that we REALLY don’t like the Malkin thing, no one here is advocating any physical harm to her. We don’t want to beat her up, burn down her house or boil her rabbit. We recognize that is beyond the pale, unrepresentative of the people we are. So, essentially, we are name-calling. Good old second-grade playground name-calling. Now you may well have names you will not call, as I suppose I could come up with a couple I wouldn’t use. But I dunno, to me it’s all sticks and stones, y’know? You insult her intelligence, you insult her poor critical thinking skills, but you won’t insult her looks or cast aspersions on her sexuality. Those are judgements you certainlly can make, but to try to impose some limit to name calling when we’re all name calling seems odd to me.
And I know, I have said many times that you behave in a particular way in order to live up to YOUR standards. Like we shouldn’t execute people, not because they don’t deserve some kind of devine retribution but because that’s not the society we want to live in. I just don’t think name calling rises to the level of that argument. And if thats some kind of moral equivocation, so be it…
And could some one explain the origin and/or meaning of moonbat?
I think it’s taken from George Monbiot, a lefty journalist in Britain.
All week, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann and his left-wing vassals have tried to blame female conservative commentators for one nutball’s fake anthrax letter attacks.
That’s a lie. All we’ve been trying to do is get Malkin to comment on the fact that an avid admirer of hers has been making terrorist threats.
This whack job fake anthrax mailing moron criminal was not Malkin’s fault in anyway. If she puts the stuff in the mail, then it’s her fault. Until she does — not.
Wow, careful you don’t give yourself whiplash there.
I look forward to your proclamation that from this day hence, the exhortations of Muslim clerics to behead Americans deserve no condemnation… until they pick up a sword themselves, of course.
Why don’t you guys marry MM, I mean you love her so much.
I’m really starting to believe the running theory that annieangel is a twelve year old girl.
I look forward to your proclamation that from this day hence, the exhortations of Muslim clerics to behead Americans deserve no condemnation… until they pick up a sword themselves, of course.
You’re forgetting the important and implied distinction, though: Those people aren’t Americans.
You being so Euro explains all the IKEA then?
The old line that ‘If she didn’t have tits, she’d be stuck writing at’ is harsh, but ultimately fair. Malkin is to the Wurlitzer as Castagana is to Malkin.
And could some one explain the origin and/or meaning of moonbat?
I think it’s taken from George Monbiot, a lefty journalist in Britain.
You know, back when I would willingly rassle with the odd wingnut, I’d ask them what “moonbat” meant, and none of ’em could do anything beyond “well, it means lefty lunatic, of course”. I first saw it via the stain that runs with the whole “anti-idiotarian” shtick, yet his website is something like “”. In any event, it’s supposed to be “obvious”. I don’t know.
It was brought to my attention by these same lulus that “wingnut” needed explination. Sure, but “wingnut” has long been associated with people being teh crazy (see Bugs Bunny cartoons for reference, usually as a hand-held sign or something).
As for Malkin, I agree that cracks about her looks or the whole ping-pong thing are a bit beyond the pale. Sure, she’s using sex to sell her screwiness and, sure, if she weren’t a looker we probably wouldn’t be having this discussion. Still, wrestle with a pig and you’re gonna get muddy. She’s a disgusting, loathesome enough human being – her vitrolic spewings, racial sabre rattling, shoddy research and blatant hypocracy are quite enough, after all – but there’s no reason for an otherwise good person to lower him/herself to Malkin’s level.
Coulter’s a bit different, I think. After that column about her and the “pretty girls” versus the “fat, corn-fed cows” at the Democratic Convention, I could see the argument where she’d be fair game. I wouldn’t do it and I still think it’s unneccessary, but she’s definately opened herself up to it, I’d think.
Don’t talk shit like that unless you are prepared to take it. Granted, there is also plenty to criticize Coulter on – pretty much everything – the Adam’s apple cracks and comments on her preying mantis-like features are almost unneccessary. Like Redd Foxx said, beauty is skin deep but ugly goes clear to the bone.
I don’t really get why making ping pong jokes about MM is “wrong”, but I appreciate people saying that it bothers them. Just my two cents.
I don’t know if concepts of “right” or “wrong” enter into it and, as you point out, we’d have to define what each meant before moving further. In any event, such comments give me heebie-jeebies because it plays into some ugly stereotypes, in terms of not only sex and race (Asian woman) but also class (a sexual performer is a “lesser human” sort of thing). If you can pass off Malkin as just some Oriental trollop what shoots spherical objects out of her cooter, possibly for money, it’s easier to dismiss her just for that, rather than what she actually claims to stand for and espouse.
I got a thick Southern accent and am, admittedly, country as collard greens, and in ideological and political debates with the wingiest of wingnuts I’ve more than one been called a “redneck”. Just because I’m a country boy, and I’ve always seen that as an example of lazy thinking. They don’t like what they say but can’t come up with an adequate rebuttal, and thus we get “Who needs to pay attention to a dumb redneck anyway?” The ping-pong thing is along the same line. It’s an unnecessary attack on such an otherwise easy target, and all the uglier for it.
Also, if making ping-pong cracks against someone as Malkin, as loathsome and disgusting an individual as she is, would similar jokes about, say, Margaret Cho be okay? Or a friend of mine, a young lady of Okinawan ancestry and very involved in politics? Or my last girlfriend, the daughter of a Filipino emigrant and a volunteer at battered women’s shelters? Hell, she also worked as an advocate for welfare cases.
For me, it boils down to walking the walk when I talk the talk. Despite the crash-and-burn nature of our relationship, for example, I highly admire her work and efforts, which last I heard, are still going. She has poor taste in men, but the woman does damn fine work. Being Asian – and being a woman – she heard a lot of ugly things from some ugly people, and her race definitely was brought up at times. That, to me, shows one is nothing more than a bully interested in silencing the opponent rather than work for the common good. It’s weak at a time when we definitely need to be strong.
Malkin’s loathsome statements, shoddy philosophy and outrageous hypocrisy nevertheless do not excuse such cheapjack comments that dismiss her as nothing more than a “gook whore”. She may be loathsome, but such comments are beneath decent human beings. For those of us who share a political philosophy that states at the very least that every being is worthy of respect, we are especially better than that.
But, and I want to emphasize this, that’s just me and that’s just why I’m bothered when I see such comments on liberal bogs (same thing with the prison rape jokes, too). I am honestly not trying to shame or judge anyone who truly believes such cracks are adequate weapons in the war for humanity’s future, though I definitely understand how it could come across as such. Understand, it’s not my job to decide what’s morally acceptable for you or anyone else but me. I just don’t feel comfortable having two sets of rules for anyone, so I try to avoid doing just that.
And besides…Malkin is such an easy target it’s almost pitiful. Frankly, if it weren’t for the fact she’s not only considered a primo conservative source of blogginess, but she’s also regularly on TV and has a syndicated news column, I’d say the Left Blogistan Peanut Gallery (our boys at Sadly, No, the good folks at World O’Crap, the dashing roy edroso and the ineffable Poormen, among others) were fishing in a minner bucket, as my Poppaw would say. But, she’s one of the big guns and deserves to be challenged. I just think it needs to be legitimate criticisms rather than easy racist/sexist jokes. Again, just me.
I’ve always considered myself part of the left-wing cadre, personally.
Matt T. – that was a good post.
He’s 39 and lives with his parents: where did they get over a quater million dollars for bond?
Smells like… fish…
Matt T., I’m with you. All of your points are well made and I can’t disagree with any of them. My less eloquent version is this: Although I understand the motivation behind lashing out at truly reprehensible creatures with whatever weapon is handy, I don’t ever want to cringe in shame or embarrassment as a result of hearing or reading someone I agree with attacking someone I disagree with. I’d really rather win on the merits and with my sense of traveling the high road intact. On some (admittedly minor) level, it’s the same reason I’m unequivocally opposed to torture and capital punishment. I just don’t want to be as ugly as those I’m fighting.
If the bond was $250, 000, to post it, they only need to scrounge up $25, 000. I’ve always thought this was a flaw of our justice system–do we really mean the bail amount, or are we just playing around? If we want to put $250, 000 bond on someone, do we have to make it $2.5 million to actually get what we want? it’s mind-boggling.
Thank you, Matt T. Beautifully put.
“Some Guy said,
November 19, 2006 at 1:56
He’s 39 and lives with his parents: where did they get over a quater million dollars for bond?
Smells like… fish…”
The bond is $350,000. So a bond agent puts up $315k, and the parents come up with $35k, maybe with a loan against the house or cashing a 401k or something. No doubt not the proudest moment in their lives…
There’s a ping pong show out by Okinawa City’s Gate 2 street (outside Kadena AB), and bless her, she’s been doing it for decades…
Hmmm, I guess. And you KNOW there’s no way he’s going to live this down. Every Thanksgiving, he’ll just sit there, waiting, knowing, that someone’s going to bring up the, “And remember that time Chad here got arrested by the FBI, and had to take out another mprtgage to bail his dead-beat ass out?”
Malkin doesn’t do so well on TV. She gets rattled quickly and never recovers.
You’re an idiot.
A few years ago when our little Doktorling Sonja was younger, in an attempt to warp her mind while she was still impressionable, I used to read her a lot of Ted Hughes poetry…
My mind was horribly warped at a tender young age from exposure to Kafka, Zen (the book Zen Flesh, Zen Bones) and Shel Silverstein.
Is it any wonder that I’m a whacko lefty? ^.^
Going back to “left-wing vassals� — “minions of the Left� is also good. I’m sure Norbizness likes having minions.
I’ve been minioning away for leftist causes for all of my adult life, but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna wash norbizness’ socks. 😉
On the other hand, I would so totally be an Olbermann vassal. Because he is smokin’ hot.
*searches for Preview button* Dammit, Gary, bring it back! AND I MEAN NOW!
I am disappointed to read that she doesn’t like to mud wrestle. What could we offer to try to change her mind?
Nazi dinnerware comes to mind, but that’s pricey…
Are you so insecure that you can’t post without previewing?
Although I must say that if Brad weren’t so busy these days, he would probably have no problem bringing the Preview button back. From what I’ve seen Gavin just doesn’t seem smart enough.
Matt T. is completely right here. Can you imagine what our collective response would be if someone made such a “ping pong” comment on a rightwing blog? Don’t traffic in sexism, no matter what target you’re aiming at.
Ok, I get the ping pong comments being out of line and agree, but can we at least make fun of how bug-eyed and batshit insane MM looks when she does her righteous indignation schtick? I’m particularly fond of the pic where it looks like she is going to unhinge her jaw and swallow a small gazelle…
And I wish somebody would fix that screen cap that says “Michelle Malkin – Author of the Book ‘Unhinged'” and delete everything except “Michelle Malkin – Unhinged”. Gavin?
I am ashamed Malkin was a Filipino. I’m grateful to her that she denies where she came from, like the macaca that used to be senetor. Please, never mention where she came from again.
Ping-pong balls are plastic and hollow inside, built with the bare minimum of substance. One ping-pong ball is just like another. The referenced act is essentially pornographic, performed before an audience of testosterone-laden males for money, a leisure activity which advances no thinking beyond the prurient and is forgotten the next morning.
Pointing out the analogy is not trafficking in sexism, but is rather *decrying* it. Malkin squeezes out ping-pong balls of hate, thereby demeaning herself, everyone present and anyone in a similar profession.
“I don’t really get why making ping pong jokes about MM is “wrongâ€?, but I appreciate people saying that it bothers them. Just my two cents. ”
Often, too often, I’ve seen the comments on fine, upstanding lefty blogs descend into misogyny, as if the posters were just waiting for a worthy target (Coulter, Malkin, Noonan) to trot out the anti-woman crap. This in turn causes me, and probably some other people here, to wonder just how close to the surface the misogyny lies. After all, when you’re dealing with people who are evil, illogical, batshit crazy and corrupt, why attack them for possession of a vagina?
Anyway, I’m pretty sure Olbermann doesn’t have vassals but I hear that if you write he’ll send you a secret bullshit decoder ring.
The first time I spied MM she was on Hardball with Chris Matthews. He stopped her talking, and told her to get off his program and that she would never be invited back. She was professing her approval of the internment camps during WWII.
I don’t know if she has ever been back there.
She is one very sick woman.
matt t.,
well said, my friend.
pretty good for a redneck.
“Keith Olbermann made a rude joke then apologized, therefore if some fan of mine wants to mail anthrax threats, it is no responsibility of mine.�
Um, yeah. Right. If someone she doesn’t know does something bad, how is that any fault of hers? I don’t agree with Malkin and thinks she’s one of these people that gets paid to act like a rabid loon, but she bears absolutely no responsibility for what the white powder mailer did.
I hope weren’t trying to imply otherwise.
Thanks for the thoughts Matt, et al. Very well put.
My take is that I absolutely would make a ping pong joke (and find such a joke funny) about anyone, man or woman, gay or straight, asian or non-asian. I can honestly say that I really really don’t think it is related/limited to Asian women, even if it is the origin. But, I see that (1) that may just be me and others see it as an exclusive “joke” about Asian women, and (2) even if it might be divorced from its context when used against, say, Bill O’Reilly, it isn’t in the context of Malkin. So, anyway, good talk.
Are you so insecure that you can’t post without previewing?
Although I must say that if Brad weren’t so busy these days, he would probably have no problem bringing the Preview button back. From what I’ve seen Gavin just doesn’t seem smart enough.
Am I wrong for thinking this is one of the best SN comment s ever?
I don’t think most of us find such “ping pong” jokes offensive because of what they imply about the people who are the object of the insult (Malkin, O’Reilly, whoever), but what they imply about what so-called “liberals” and “progressives” think about mostly third-world women being exploited as sex workers. So, basically what you’re doing is insulting Malkin et al. by comparing them to “these whores” who perform sex acts for cash b/c they have no other options to support themselves and their families. It implies that these women are worthy of contempt greater than Malkin et al. (which they are not) and that they are equally unworthy of our sympathy and support. So that’s why “ping pong” comments are fucked up.
what they imply about what so-called “liberals� and “progressives� think about mostly third-world women being exploited as sex workers.
good point, and I really am not going to belabor this – I appreciate all of the comments. For me the disconnect is that I don’t think there is anything wrong with sex work (as long as it’s a free society, with education and choices etc. etc. which I know it isn’t, but just as an abstract proposition) and I certainly don’t think anything bad about thrid world sex workers, who have nothing but my respect and sympathy. I also don’t think there is anything wrong with being able to shoot a ping pong ball out of your vagina. I think it’s cool, actually. I can see that to say I am in the minority on that is an understatement, and that’s cool.
It implies that these women are worthy of contempt greater than Malkin et al. (which they are not) and that they are equally unworthy of our sympathy and support.
and to me that is just not at all what the “joke” implies. I just think it is a funny image, because being able to do that is funny, regardless of your race, gender or class. But, again, I am not trying to belabor this and I really do see what everyone is saying, which has been very thoughtful. Obviously the point of communication is to communicate, and so if most people take away from a ping pong joke a message that is demeaning to Asian women, especially poor asian women, then that is what is important.
I’m thinking of mailing her a peace offering from we poor vassals. Do ping pong balls come in different colors?
I think it’s pretty funny that leftists are sufficiently sensitive to apologize in advance for any offense we may cause with ping-pong ball comments, but right-wing types can’t seem to find it in their consciences to say anything judgmental about terrorism by mail.
Pretty much sums up the two sides.
Seesh, for her to say that she’s Jodie Foster to Castagana’s Hinkley is a bit like saying that Osama bin Laden is in no way responsible for Mohammed Atta and his crew.
Although there is nothing wrong with being a droog or henchman, mind you.
I haven’t quite got the knack of henching properly. A henchman who can’t hench could bring the whole Left into disrepute.
I agree that she isn’t actually responsible for some nutcase’s actions, but I would like to see a little reciprocity (not that I actually imagine I will). Why is every liberal in the country somehow accountable for the outrageous remarks of a Colorado college professor no one had ever heard of, but a prominent, highly visible, highly inflammatory commentator bears no responsibility at all when someone commits a serious crime more or less in her name?
Despite the fact that we REALLY don’t like the Malkin thing, no one here is advocating any physical harm to her. We don’t want to beat her up, burn down her house or boil her rabbit.
While I wouldn’t do any of those things myself, I can’t say I’d be terribly upset if someone else did them. Except the rabbit – it’s not the rabbit’s fault Michelle is such a dickhead.
“Otherwise, leave off.”
I would never mention ping pong balls and M. Malkin…that would be an insult to the hardworking Philippine bar maidens perfecting their ping pong shooting skills.
Ok, well, I’m convinced. But for the record, I’m pretty certain that I’m neither sexist nor misogynistic. Most of the people who know me agree I’m not. I never really considered the ping pong remarks to be a slur against anyone EXCEPT the maklin thing. It was her I was insulting, not a gender or a race. So while I’m not a sexist nor a misogynist, I may well not be a terribly deep thinker…
Shorter Michelle Malkin (and every other reich-twing jackoff)
“People should be held accountable for their actions, except for me, because i regard scrutiny as a form of persecution)
By trying to pre-empitvely prevent the ping pong jokes, Hysterical Woman’s mention of them insured that they would end up being used in an even more obvious fashion.
My take on that aspect of things is that i wouldn’t insult the sex workers by associating them with that hateful, hypocritical little racist lunatic
He doesn’t just live with his parents. According to the video shown on Olbermann, he lives downstairs, below the level of the rest of the house. In short, he lives in his parents’ basement.
“Mom? Did you bring the Cheez Doodles? MOM!!”