Hehe, We’re In Yr Base Impeaching Yr Doods
The impeachment drumbeat begins
By Michelle Malkin · November 09, 2006 10:08 AM
Above: Anti-immigration (and so much more!) anchor baby Michelle Malkin
I know what Nancy Pelosi’s lips say. She says she thinks impeachment is “off the table.” She says she thinks it would be a “waste of time.”
But the groundwork is being laid. Former Brooklyn Rep. Liz Holtzman is hawking a book outlining how to impeach President Bush:
In her book, Holtzman and co-writer Cynthia Cooper lay out four other issues on which they believe Bush could be impeached: lying about weapons of mass destruction to justify invading Iraq, allowing the torture of prisoners, leaking classified information and botching the federal response to Hurricane Katrina.
“I thought that when we voted to impeach Richard Nixon, this would send a very strong message to future Presidents – do not put yourself above the rule of law,” said Holtzman, a Democrat. “That message was not heard by President Bush.”
[…]Now, she is taking to the airwaves and to the road to muster up moonbat support for an impeachment drive. […]
Aieee! Of course, if you were to suspect that Michelle had quite a different view on impeachment during the Clinton years, you would win the ding-ding-hooray prize. This is from her column of October 27th, 2000:
[W]hen I walk into the voting booth on Nov. 7th, I will vote for a Democrat for the first time in my life thanks to a single issue: Yes, impeachment. My congresswoman, seven-term incumbent Republican Connie Morella of Maryland, joined President Clinton’s lackeys in 1998 and voted against all four impeachment articles. Despite the wealth of evidence before her, from Clinton’s videotaped lies to the stained blue dress, Morella rejected Article I, accusing Clinton of perjury before a grand jury; Article II, accusing Clinton of perjury in a civil lawsuit; Article III, accusing Clinton of obstruction of justice; and Article IV, accusing Clinton of abuse of presidential power. For these votes alone, Morella deserves to be booted out of office. The mainstream press praised her “maverick” votes, but they were acts of cravenness, not courage. When the majority of her party was willing to stand up and…
Although the possibility of impeachment seems distant at the moment, Michelle might be right that it’s time to start the impeachment drumbeat.
I vote for this drumbeat, although I’m totally open to suggestions:
Thanks for reminding me that she lives in my district.
I would like to second that vote for Drumbeat, and nominate the Horn Section for House Ways and Means Committee chair.
I’m not sure. I’m thinking the impeachment drumbeat would sound more like the drumline from Metallica’s “Fuel” or maybe from Belly’s “Slow Dog”…
Just Sayin…
This is happening too fast and furious – Next to go will be “Mustache Ride” Bolton (Pammy’s head gonna ‘splode!) and Charles Rangle is gonna kick Darth Cheney out of his office at the House.
Pinch me, I must be dreaming!
Thers brings up a good point.
Plenty of interesting info could be had just by finishing the fucking job promised by the previous kings.
Honest to God, if Bush doesn’t deserve impeachment, why is it even in the Constitution?
From Glenn Greenwald today:
enactment of a warrantless eavesdropping bill remains a top priority for the President — probably even more important to him now than even before the election — because such a bill would not only gives him legal authority to eavesdrop with no judicial oversight, but it also would help protect himself against the legal consequences of having repeatedly broken the law. It is worth remembering that a federal court has already ruled his eavesdropping program to be both unconstitutional and in violation of the criminal law
In other words, George W. Bush knowingly broke the law.
To summarize: George W. Bush knowingly broke the law.
PS: George W. Bush knowingly broke the law.
Did somebody mention the shrieking harpy, and next to go?
P.S. As for impeachment, I’ve always been all for it, as clicking my name would tell you.
Dave Lindorff and Barbara Olshansky have a very good book on impeaching Bush.
If it looks like a lame duck, walks like a lame duck, and squawks like a lame duck, then it’ll taste good à l’orange.
I think “Wipeout” would kick ass. But we can agree to disagree. As long as I can still talk sh*t about you behind your back.
I vote for this drumbeat, although I’m totally open to suggestions
Bob Marley, “Crazy Baldheads“
I dreamed this morning that both cheney and bush were out, and Jerry Brown was nominated for V.P. Oddly, my dream did not include who the Pres was.
I only assume my subconscious knew the Speaker of the House would be in, so there was no need to dream about the pres.
Can we impeach Malkin from the US and force Bush to live in Iraq?
All your base are belong to us.
You have no chance to survive, make your time.
For great justice.
Thank goodness they’re getting the script wrong.
As fun as it’d be to impeach Bush, what digby said about not provoking the constitutional crisis Shrub has been itching for is something to take very seriously.
Fortunately, there’s a way around a crisis, n it’s quite simple; impeach Cheney. First off, he’s really the president, obviously. Second, the public would be behind it far more than impeaching Bush, there’d be no question of overwhelming support. Third, whoever he picks to replace Cheney would probably be a candidate in 08, meaning we could tar them as part of the Bush presidency. And finally, Cheney is the one who really deserves it. When McDonald’s sells tainted burgers we don’t sue Ronald McDonald, so why go after the mascot now?
Leaving Bush but acing Cheney keeps Shrub from being a martyr and keeps the repubs from being able to harness resentment for the dethroning come 08.
I’m not saying Shrub doesn’t deserve to go to Gitmo, just that I think more is accomplished by leaving him in but taking out the machinery under him.
That Thers, stealing my lines. I had suggested that while sneaking in to FDL on an overnight commando raid. But I asked whether it would be proper to keep Rockefeller on the job as Chairman to clean up the mess, when Rockefeller didn’t seem to eager to tackle while he was Vice-Chair.
I’d also suggest before moving to impeachment to invite those guests the Busheviks prominently refused to put under oath *cough*AG abuGonzales*cough* back up to chat. Pat Leahy can break out those thumbscrews Ronnie and Co. was supplying to Botha and friends to keep down those commie Mandela followers back in the 80s.
Maybe we can invite Malkin up to discuss the wingnut welfare gravy train, ghost writing and how Regnery and the NYTimes screw around with book rankings.
My assumption is that the right hates impeachment or all those things and thinks we should never use them… unless, of course, it happens to be Democrats being the ones impeached. It’s good to know that the Malkin-styled hypocritical mind can adjust so well 🙂
“Revenge is best served cold.â€? I agree that the Dems don’t have the time to waste on Bush II before voters will want to see results in ’08. Bush II is history — even he knows it. Strategic thinking worked for the Repubs, so what are the Dems doing about the long-term future? How will progressives move forward, when the far-right third branch of government can be the ‘deciders’ for decades and decades, with their lifetime appointments? Instead of beating a dead Bush, the Dems need to concentrate on investigating the Supreme Court members who voted to hand over the country to Bush II in the first place. The Supremes denied the will of the people for no reason other than they could. Talk about “high crimes!â€? A much better target: take out the traitors on the Supreme Court! Impeach the Republicans who stole the 2000 Presidential Election!
You can bet your last money, it’s all gonna be a stone gas, honey.
Nice article in the WSJ today, ironically titled “Dingell Cautions Fellow Democrats Not to Seek Revenge on Republicans.” A few choice quotes:
Dingell says he plans to run his panel “from the center” and work out a formula for comity that allows Republicans to participate in the panel’s decisions and investigations.
Translation: “Hey, to all my friends on the other side of the aisle. Looks like Bush kinda hung you guys out to dry this time around. Tell you what. Why don’t you sharpen up the long knives and we’ll have some fun with this lame duck bastard for the next 2 years.”
Also, this choice little passage:
…Dingell aides wrote down the formula he used to coach his investigative staff: “We learned the etiquette of dealing with our enemies: to be gentle, to treat them with the greatest care, to ask them a few nice questions, and then give them exactly what they deserve.” Mr. Dingell has it hanging on the wall of his office.
Nobody on the Dems wants to impeach Bush. We just want to affix the proper oversight to executive actions, as mandated by the U.S. Constitution.
The fact that doing so will likely reveal roughly a jillion impeachable offenses by this misadministration … ain’t our fault.
It’s too late to impeach Bush, and it would be tactically unwise anyway. Bush is the gift that keeps on giving. They will be reminded that they elected that pathetic fuckup every day up until the 2008 election. If Bush was a lame duck before, he’s a dead duck now.
I’m not so sure that the “Dems won because they are moderate” meme helps the Reupbs. Let that meme take hold. If we’re moderate, what does that make the Repugs?
I agree with JK about impeachment. Why bother? Do the investigating, get the info to the public. Embarrass the Republicans and neocons, make sure they never rise again. Prosecute criminal actions. But impeachment, what will that get us? Not a thing.
Also, Best Post Title Ever.
Also, Can someone explain to me what relevance a former Brooklen rep hawking a book has to Pelosi’s promise that impeachment is off the table?
When the Republicans won in 1994, the old guard had been in the minority for their entire careers. They had a long, long list of axes to grind, and all they could think about was investigating Clinton’s every waking moment. Socks’ fan club? Investigate it! The White House Christmas card list? Investigate it! (For anyone who came in late, these are not made-up examples.)
The old-school Democrats – the ones who are going to be committee chairs in the House – they’ve all been in the majority before. They’re going to act like they’ve been there before, because they have. I have a strong sense that when they investigate shit, it’s going to be shit that MATTERS.
This should be fun. Who knows, it might even be good for the country! Or at the very least, therapeutic.
I love that Malkin pic.
Congressional investigation into the crimes of the Bush administration will be awesome. Well, I hope the Democrats actually investigate something. Many Republican crimes are already known. The Democrats just have to point them out and put them on record. Imagine someone dumber than Nixon but even more paranoid, and possibly drunk!
Kathleen – the mind of Malkin is bizarre indeed. Another of her posts further down the page is titled:
A minimum wage hike?!
Or, as we might paraphrase:
Are there no work farms?!? Are there no poorhouses?!? If I could work my will, every idiot who goes about with ‘Merry Christmas’ on his lips, should be boiled with his own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through his heart. He should!
I vote for Rush’s Tom Sawyer.
I think Pelosi’s casual saunter away from talk of impeachment makes perfect sense for a seasoned legislator with a sense of ethics: impeachment isn’t relevant until after investigations, and to date none of the necessary investigations have even begun, much less been completed. As a Democrat, Pelosi is predisposed to look at evidence prior to reaching conclusions. Aren’t those Dems funny?
I don’t see the 110th Congress’ committee chairs shying away from getting those investigations started, nor do I see them shying away from pursuing what’s necessary as a result of the investigations. I do see them placing a high value on following the appropriate (and long denied) process.
OK. Enough reasonableness: don’t hate me for suggesting it, but I’m thinking Mick Fleetwood on Tusk.
I’m gonna stick with Lars on “Fuel”, but if you can get the USC band, especially the original 1978 members to reprise their performance, I’ll go over…
Hello? “Moby Dick”?
Also, Can someone explain to me what relevance a former Brooklen rep hawking a book has to Pelosi’s promise that impeachment is off the table?
Call it the wingnut synecdoche: The part selected for the purpose of making a specious argument represents the whole unequivocally and exclusively.
Also, Can someone explain to me what relevance a former Brooklen rep hawking a book has to Pelosi’s promise that impeachment is off the table?
Because all of the wingnuts (like the Ma-ding-a-ling Marriage) have their books’ talking points written for them by central command and think the whole world works that way?
Here you go, Mikey:
“Tusk,” performed Fleetwood Mac and the USC Marching Band at Dodger Stadium.
Also, Can someone explain to me what relevance a former Brooklen rep hawking a book has to Pelosi’s promise that impeachment is off the table?
The only way this book from an unknown former rep could be MORE relevant to the actual legislative priorities of the Democratic Party is if Ward Churchill had written the introduction.
And maybe Deb Frisch could write the dust jacket. Then you’d know it was Official Party Material.
I don’t recall the blue-stained dress killing anyone and unleashing horrendous acts of terrorism, destruction, torture and death. If she can impeach a president for having an affair she should be able to get her head around impeachment for treason.
Meanwhile, the Republican Agenda can now be represented by The Hooterville Orchestra doing “The Old Grey Mare”
Carey Roberts is back, and he’s none too happy with Nancy Pelosi wearing pants:
Still no Gary? It’s like the guy is afraid to show his face after all his hot air and ridiculous predictions of surging Republican victory…or something
I’m sorry Gavin but your suggested drumbeat just doesn’t cut it. It isn’t “in you face enough”, so I propose Gene Krupa’s Having a good time. With a drumbeat asshowy as that you know that someone is “gonna git medieval on Bush’s ass” and take great pleasure in doing it.
Here’s one from left field: “Pulse Beat” by the Buzzcocks. A simple but compelling drumbeat.
Great point Mortician, have the hearings and then
“Well we never planned any impeachment however after what has just been brought to light I don’t see that we have any choice….”
I cleaned out the closet, and swept up some mehlman.
Oh. My. God. Check out this from one of Pamela Pontoons’ commenters (take special note of Contract pledge No. 6:
It’s clear that leftists yoyos who are senior among the donks will make massive mistakes for the next 2 years. While they self-destruct, we must do whatever it takes to remove the anti-American among us in the Macaca, formerly known as the MSM. We have less than 2 years to produce results. In 2 years, I expect a resurgent right wing to elect a president with a majority senate and house tied to a Contract with America which includes;
1. No corruption will be tolorated. (no more Duke Cunninghams)
2. Entitlement benefits will not bo extended to foreigners, illegals, or felons. (SS will not go broke feeding Mexicans)
3. The borders will be kept secure and those found in the country illegally, will be sent packing. (find them, no amnesty)
4. Islamic rules will not be considered in US courts. (no honor killings)
5. Eminent domain will be specified to protect private property rights. (no more stealing property)
6. The education of young Americans will be modified to force everyone to think for themselves. (this should be # 1)
7. Marriage is between a man and a woman only. (this institution isn’t unique to America, every society in the world honors marriage)
I’m sure there are more just as I’m sure some of these will never surface. But, you get the point, C with A works, use it.
It makes individual candidates Macaca proof.
My drumbeats of impeachment sound more like when the Uruk-hai when they were pysching out Helm’s Deep. Yargh.
But, yeah, Bush needs a good, hard censuring, but keep riiiiight where he is, for all to see.
Another aw3s0m3 pledge:
4. Islamic rules will not be considered in US courts. (no honor killings)
Because the “honor killing defense” has won so many damn murder trials in this country. I mean, you can’t turn on Nancy Grace without seeing another Muslim get acquited for murder in Lansing, Michigan because it was an “honor killing”.
I vote for Todd Rundgren’s “Bang the Drum All Day” for the drumbeat.
Wow. That’s some list, Demongenes. I like #4 myself, especially since I was unaware that we were doing that. *eyeroll*
Especially since he thinks that the Repubs will do this, even though they sat on every single one for the last four years.
yeah, Some Guy … #4 is pretty hilarious. But then, Atlas and her readers think John Bolton is the last line of defense between them and sharia law, so …
Okay maybe it’s a no go for impeachment, but could we at least drag Eliott Abrahms out into the sunlight where, like any good vampire, he will shrivel up and die?
6. The education of young Americans will be modified to force everyone to think for themselves. (this should be # 1)
But..but…but. [Splutter]. Um didn’t you follow with:
7. Marriage is between a man and a woman only. (this institution isn’t unique to America, every society in the world honors marriage)
So if young americans think for themselves and disagree with your stupid bigotry, what then? Do you still support their right to think for themselves?
I get a real No-Diversity vibe, babe, and it smells real bad to me. But hey, let’s let other peeps decide if I’m sniffin glue or not…
6. The education of young Americans will be modified to force everyone to think for themselves.
Brian: Please, please, please listen! I’ve got one or two things to say.
The Crowd: Tell us! Tell us both of them!
Brian: Look, you’ve got it all wrong! You don’t NEED to follow ME, You don’t NEED to follow ANYBODY! You’ve got to think for yourselves! You’re ALL individuals!
The Crowd: Yes! We’re all individuals!
Brian: You’re all different!
The Crowd: Yes, we ARE all different!
Man in crowd: I’m not…
The Crowd: Sch!
I just love the opening premise: It’s clear that leftists yoyos who are senior among the donks will make massive mistakes for the next 2 years.
I keep thinking something about a mote and a beam, but what do I know?
And what is up with calling the mainstream media “Macacas”?
Oh, that whole comment thread is incredible. The first entry says “I would vote for John Bolton for POTUS.” No lie, someone actually wrote that.
And several of the other messages are suggesting that the nut brigade take up a collection to pay Bolton’s salary in a second recess appointment to the UN (since apparently, he can’t be paid if he is unconfirmed and Bush reappoints him between sessions).
How is it possible for one country to be so blessed with Teh Crazy?
Ah, ze people . . . . You must force zem to be free.
I don’t recall the blue-stained dress killing anyone and unleashing horrendous acts of terrorism, destruction, torture and death.
Exactly. Bush is killing people, by the thousand. It’s pretty freakin’ cold to say “let’s leave him in place for two more years to make our party look good!” Our soldiers can’t wait that long.
I hear a lot of people saying “Bush has to tone things down now, with Congress in Democratic hands”. Yeah, and what does he do next? Nominate one of his daddy’s old friends as SecDef, and re-nominate John Bolton.
Congress controls the troops, at leasty in theory, so keeping Bush on the pedistal does not equat keeping troops in Iraq.
Holy crap … one guy says he’s willing to put up $50 a month for two years to help pay Bolton’s salary. How is it that certifiably insane people have that kind of money to blow? I mean haven’t the Nigerian email scammers Darwinnowed out these freaks from the population yet?
And the same guy thinks they can get 550 similarly unhinged moneybags to pony up $50 a month to throw $330,000 a year Bolton’s way.
But the best part is that there’s no way Bolton can get confirmed by this Senate, which means he could only be a recess appointment, which means the Atlas clowns want to pay the guy six figures to what? Hang around outside the UN and shake his fist at it for the next nine months?
Another recent Pammy line, just for the “huh?” of it:
I have a new respect and admiration for Sissy over at Sisu and she with me her (an unguarded moment) .
It’d be cool if Pamela does her little daily tasks the same way she composes her thoughts … like she’s constantly running out the door with no pants on, she wipes her ass before taking a shit, she pours coffee in the sugar bowl, etc. etc. …
The Democratic party has a moral imperative to impeach George W. Bush.
After all, he lied us into war. That’s what you all believe, right? You’ve said it a million times. And what better reason could there possibly be to impeach a president? Now you have control of both houses. You have the power. Not to impeach him would not only be cowardly but would make you all liars and worse.
Not to impeach him would not only be cowardly but would make you all liars and worse.
We’d also have no brains and no heart …. which is why:
We’re off to see the Wizard! The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
The fact is that this election was also a victory for so-called moderate Democrats like Bob Casey, Jon Webb, Jim Webb, Tim Mahoney, Heath Shuler, and Brad Ellsworth.
Voters picked Democrats because they acted like Republicans, not because they support Democrat policy.
Just a few edits and you’re good, Gary. Let’s see here:
“The fact is that this election was … a victory for … Democrats. … Voters picked Democrats … because they support Democrat policy.”
The fact is that this election was also a victory for so-called moderate Democrats like Bob Casey, Jon Webb, Jim Webb, Tim Mahoney, Heath Shuler, and Brad Ellsworth.
Careful with this meme, Gar. It sounds like you’re saying Democrats are the moderates and Republicans are the radicals. Which is true, because you guys have become the party of Jerry Falwell, James Dobson and George W. Bush.
America gave you guys a chance. You fucked it up. Now people know better. Sucks to be you.
I can’t believe someone is still paying Gary to do this shit after what’s happened. You’d think they’d pull their reserves until next time.
Which is true, because you guys have become the party of Jerry Falwell, James Dobson and George W. Bush.
Oh please don’t forget Mann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Foley and Ted Haggard. And the Dukestir.
Well, it only takes a moment to help convince Nancy Pelosi to Impeach..
Sacks and sacks of mail are about to arrive in Nancy Pelosi’s office initiating impeachment via the House of Representative’s own rules. This legal document is as binding as if a State or if the House itself passed the impeachment resolution (H.R. 635). There’s a little known and rarely used clause of the “Jefferson Manual” in the rules for the House of Representatives which sets forth the various ways in which a president can be impeached. Only the House Judiciary Committee puts together the Articles of Impeachment, but before that happens, someone has to initiate the process.That’s where we come in. In addition to a House Resolution (635), or the State-by-State method, one of the ways to get impeachment going is for individual citizens like you and me to submit a memorial. ImpeachforPeace.org has created a new memorial based on one which was successful in impeaching a federal official in the past. You can find it on their website as a PDF.
You can initiate the impeachment process and simultaneously help to convince Pelosi to follow through with the process. Do-It-Yourself by downloading the memorial, filling in the relevant information in the blanks (your name, state, etc.), and sending it in. Be a part of history.
Well, it only takes a moment to help convince Nancy Pelosi to Impeach..
As satisfying as that may be, President Cheney doesn’t sound like a good idea.
Sorry, pal. We wouldn’t want to throw away what we just got.
Cheney out due to illness in late 2007.
McCain in to replace him.
Belly’s “Slow Dog�
Oh mikey, god damn you are awesome- this song is amazing, but even more amazing is the mysterious radio edit that started like in the middle that was more in your face about IMPEACH THE MOTHERF*******
And the same guy thinks they can get 550 similarly unhinged moneybags to pony up $50 a month to throw $330,000 a year Bolton’s way.
It occurs to me that it’s probably not legal for a bunch of private citizens to start dumping tons of money on a political appointee. Something about bribery.
The fact is that this election was also a victory for so-called moderate Democrats like Bob Casey, Jon Webb, Jim Webb, Tim Mahoney, Heath Shuler, and Brad Ellsworth.
Voters picked Democrats because they acted like Republicans, not because they support Democrat policy.
That is the best you can do? Seriously? C’mon, if you can’t be smart, be funny! Like Ann Coulter’s last two columns! They were hysterical! Like something a mean liberal would write to make fun of how stupid conservatives are.
What’s really funny is how much $ the GOP poured into R.I. to elect … a Democrat! (At the same time they had abandoned Santorum in Pa. and DeWhine in Ohio.)
And then there’s Arnold. Yup. He’s showing the whole country how important it is to move to the right.
Gary, take two doses of reality and call us in the morning.
So even if two candidates put forth the same platform, the people prefer the Democratic Party brand name? Fantastic!
Jose Chung said,
November 10, 2006 at 8:08
The Democratic party has a moral imperative to impeach George W. Bush.
After all, he lied us into war. That’s what you all believe, right? You’ve said it a million times. And what better reason could there possibly be to impeach a president? Now you have control of both houses. You have the power. Not to impeach him would not only be cowardly but would make you all liars and worse.
So true Jose except that you forget the result of impeachment lead toward War Crimes.
You sure you want to push that line?
“Voters picked Democrats because they acted like Republicans, not because they support Democrat policy.”
Um, why would voters who prefered Republicans vote for Democrats who acted like Republicans when they could vote for the real thing? Unless, of course, you want to argue that Republican voters are ignorant doofusses who don’t see the big picture, which is fine with me…
So, the slackjawed, cowardly corruptor of minors is back? Too bad.
The fact is that this election was also a victory for so-called moderate Democrats like Bob Casey, Jon Webb, Jim Webb, Tim Mahoney, Heath Shuler, and Brad Ellsworth
Sorry, Ruppert, it’s Jon TESTER, not Jon Webb. Really, if you’re going to regurgitate the bullshit from your right-wing overlord’s blast fax, at least get the names right.
…While they self-destruct, we must do whatever it takes to remove the anti-American among us in the Macaca, formerly known as the MSM…
…It makes individual candidates Macaca proof.
Um, is Atlas Pam really trying to indicate that we need to protect all red-blooded America-lovers from the nigras among us?
Gavin: can I just say how much I luuuuuurve that pic of Malkin? It’s teh awesome!
I’ve been waiting with bated breath for what I considered the obligitory ‘PAMilicious’ V-blog..
I mean what the fuck????
I fully expected a meltdown of Krakatoan proportions.
Malkin is an idiot, but Pammycakes is a special breed of dumb.
joeyess – If Adam Yoshida is the unrestrained id of the right, then Pammy is its tweaking facial tic.
Check out her update on the Bolton situation. Apparently she believes Lieberman is going to throw down his trump cards over John fucking Bolton. She is as delusional as they come.
Ted: “As satisfying as that may be, President Cheney doesn’t sound like a good idea.”
Though the thought of impeachment does make the heart go thumpity-thump, one must always consider consequences, and the price of failure must be weighed against the price of success. I like the way commenter froggermarch at Firedoglake put it:
“We’d have a very pissed off dying man with bad aim and nukes in the White House.”
Gary – your comment back post really didn’t deliver. I am disappointed.