
I’m going to be on hiatus for a week or so to work on my Master’s thesis. Gavin, Retardo, Travis and Seb will be here to keep y’all company, though.

But before I take off, here’s one more hilarious nugget from Hugh Hewitt:

The highest compliment that can be paid the departing Secretary is that our enemies –our real, honest-to-goodness enemies– must be jubilant that he is leaving. Rumsfeld did not hesitate to order the professionals under his command to pursue, capture, or kill these killers. As a result, the enemy, far more than most Americans, they know just how capable a foe Rumsfeld has been.

Donald Rumsfeld is a great American and will be remembered before long as a great Secretary of Defense. We can only hope that his replacement is as successful as Rumsfeld has been at routing the enemy and keeping it on the run.

I got nothin’. See you in a week.


Comments: 71

Phoenician in a time of Romans

Rumsfeld did not hesitate to order the professionals under his command to pursue, capture, or kill these killers.

Like Osama bin Laden? Remember him? Rumsfeld didn’t, when he pulled special ops forces out of Afghanistan to go wallow in the mudhole created in Iraq…


Yeah, remember those two times that Rumsfeld set out to kill Al-Sadr and then killed him?


Buh-bye. Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.
Worst. President. Ever.


So when you return from your hiatus, shall we call you Magister Bradrocket?

That Hewitt quote reads like the script from the Colbert Report.


You go, Brad. Kill that sheep and hang it’s skin on your wall. But promise me one thing – that you’ll only use your powers for good, and not for evil. See ya on the flip, mi amigo…



Good luck, Brad!! I’m doing my thesis too (you aren’t by chance working on a Harvard ALM degree, are you?–I am). Mine’s due in a little over a month but I think I’m going to ask for an extension. . . .

Smiling Mortician

Hey Brad, I’d tell you to have fun on your “hiatus,” but I remember too clearly doing my own masters . . .

Who is this “Seb” you mention? I’ve been here almost daily since July and haven’t met him. I’ve always imagined him as a sort of intangible force for good.

Oh. And Hugh Hewitt’s an ass of the first order.


Does anyone know yet how the troops in Iraq voted? I tried to do a search on the Google but I didn’t get very far, seeing as my query had the words “How did the troops vote midterm 2006 elections,” uh duh.


This channel 4 (British) show appears to prove Hewitt wrong wrong wrong about Rumsfeld.

Concluding part of Channel 4’s Iraq: Legacy of Hate strand. The torture and slaughter of Iraqi civilians is reaching unprecedented heights with estimates of up to 655,000 dead. Night after night death squads rampage through Iraq’s main cities. In Baghdad, up to 100 bodies a day are dumped on the streets.

“Everyday in Iraq, up to 100 mutilated bodies are found. They’re not killed by Sunni insurgents. They’re mostly killed by Shia death squads who are ethnically cleansing Baghdad in a systematic campaign. Many of the killers are actually policeman. Behind them, senior religious and political figures stand accused. Those accused of supporting this daily carnage, are the same people America has put in power to shape the future of Iraq.”


maureenog writes: Wednesday, November, 08, 2006 7:34 PM
Sorry to see Rumsfeld go
Hugh, I agree with your description of Rumsfeld, and thank you for saying it.

Does anyone besides me remember the man saying –going in — that the war would not be an easy one?

I salute his service and thank him for sticking it out this long.

Damn. I seem to remember this:

Five days or five weeks or five months, but it certainly isn’t going to last any longer than that…


Rumsfeld was OBLs greatest asset and did more to advance al Qaeda’s cause than even OBL himself. OBL will sorely miss Rumsfeld.


Delusional. Utterly, utterly delusional. What a strange life it must be for Mr. Hewitt.


Hey! I just saw on CNN that AP is calling the Virginia Senate race for Webb. Apparently the ongoing state vote canvas is not changing the numbers very much.

Dustbin? Dustbin? Wherefor art though?


Rumsfeld : War on Terror :: Gilligan : Seamanship.


Kick ass Bradrocket!11!1!


What Kool-Aid has Hugh Hewitt been smoking?


“Donald Rumsfeld is a great American and will be remembered before long as a great Secretary of Defense”

Yeah, well, except for the families of the 2900 dead American soldiers. And the families of the 600,000 dead Iraq’s.

They might have a different opinion.

Just saying.


Good luck. Theses aren’t fun. You know what’s fun? Being DONE!

Phoenician in a time of Romans

Delusional. Utterly, utterly delusional. What a strange life it must be for Mr. Hewitt.

You think Hewitt’s bad? Check this shit out.

“I love Rumsfeld. Rumsfeld was solid. A straight talking brilliant strategist. He had to take a mid 20th century military, decimated and raped for 8 years by a shortsighted horndog (Clinton), and transform it into a lean, agile state of the art 21st centrury military overnight to go after the post modern 21st enemy. An enemy that has no specific territory, operates in the shadows, kills large numbers of civilians with an incomprehensible barbaric blood lust, and has made Iraq the central front on the war on Islamic fundamentalism. Rumsfeld did it, hands tied by the PC mentality that infected the Bush administration.

I mean, even for someone that regularly scores top of the Whackometer, that’s delusional beyond the call of duty.


I say we start a pool. Who finally loses it, melts down on the air, and gets binned first? HH? Or GWB?

Hey, Bradrocket, aren’t we supposed to help you with your research? I thought that’s how the internets worked.

Seriously, good luck!


I just noticed that rick moran is adding to comments again on his thread chiding us for being happy for winning.
I said this” Hate to break it to you Ricky, but we’s partying over this in nyc, too. And will continue to do so for a couple days more.
Been a long time comin, and the sour taste our celebrations leave in your mouth seems like sweet, sweet candy to me.”

And he added this:
“I know this is silly and juvenile of me. Actually, it’s really, really, stupid. But we Democrats aren’t very grown up and besides, what can you expect from a moron like me?

Oh btw – you rock!”

That he meant to annoy only makes me laugh harder.


Hugh needs to lay off the glue. Seriously. They have programs for that.

I wonder if A&E would be willing to do an episode of *Intervention* on him?


hehehe. Remember, different brad, many on the right “blog o’ sphere” are just middle schoolers with better paying jobs.


Well, Hugh is on the front lines, so he probably knows what he’s talking about.


Wha?????? Now that the election’s over yer cuttin’ and runnin’? Fer an edjeecation? Ya just need some bible schoolin’, boy!


I went to the Entire State Building when I was jus’ a little room bot.

Didn’t know I was on the front lines of the war on terra, nosiree. Good thing I got Huge Hew It to keep me abreast of my dangerous situmantation.


Astrid said,

Does anyone know yet how the troops in Iraq voted? I tried to do a search on the Google but I didn’t get very far, seeing as my query had the words “How did the troops vote midterm 2006 elections,� uh duh.

That’s going to be a bit difficult to figure out, as there were no exit polls in Iraq.

herr doktor bimler

Gentlewoman said,
Hey, Bradrocket, aren’t we supposed to help you with your research? I thought that’s how the internets worked.

I had assumed that we were helping him — as guinea-pigs, in one of those sick twisted experiments that sociologists and psychologists dream up. “Digital communication, trolling, and the decline of civility”

herr doktor bimler

Fun with ellipses!

“He had to take a mid 20th century military, decimated and raped for 8 years by a shortsighted horndog (Clinton), and transform it into a lean, agile state of the art 21st century military […] that has no specific territory, operates in the shadows, kills large numbers of civilians with an incomprehensible barbaric blood lust, and has made Iraq the central front on the war on Islamic fundamentalism.â€?


Hey! One of you get down to that goddamn bingo card and update the latest x-outs! What the hell are Burns and Pombo and I don’t know who else doing grinning at me like they got away with something?


J— said,
So when you return from your hiatus, shall we call you Magister Bradrocket?

Bradmaster? Brad, Master of Rockets? Bradrockster?

And regarding Rumsfeld, I think it’s worth revisiting this short post by Yglesias from two months back:

This Rumsfeld-obsession plays a genuinely pernicious role in our national discourse. The basic reality of the matter is that between September 2001 and Spring 2003 the bulk of the American political and media establishments endorsed the key elements of the Bush foreign policy. Over the subsequent 18 months or so, it became obvious to the bulk of this establishment that the Bush foreign policy was a moral and practical disaster. Rather than conclude that they were operating from mistaken premises and that they should come up with some new, authentically different ideas, the predominant impulse has simply been to say “we could have gotten away with it to if it wasn’t for that meddling Rumsfeld!”

Well, no. Rumsfeld’s ideas were bad ones. But the bad ideas — the policies, Bush’s policies, The Washington Post’s policies, Andrew Sullivan’s policies, etc. — are the issue here, not Rumsfeld personally.


CNN interviewed Murtha and asked about that “Rummy will be viewed as a great Secretary of Defense” statement.

Murtha replied it will be just the opposite. He will be viewed as a failure who lost the support and confidence of the entire military.


Good luck with the thesis, and a happy return, (soon-to-be) Dr. Bradrocket- oh, and does this look infected to you?
btw, where do baby hughy and his ilk get their kreskin-like powers that allow them to know the minds, and speak for, people they’ve never met, never actually listened to, and have nothing in common with? They presume to speak for not only our common enemies (violent islamists) , but for their enemies (us).
It would seem to be some sort of idiot-savant phenomenon- well, it would, if only they were ever accurate- if (bets, anyone?) their ventriloquism is as dead wrong for al quaeda as it is for us (how can you both have a Homosexual Agenda and a wish to install a taliban-like regime?) then they have perfected the art of ass-talking to a degree that must leave Jim Carrey awestruck.


While you’re gone and in light of recent events will you be temorarily be renaming the site “Happily, yes”?


The fact is that there was no wave. Most Republican incumbents lost by only a few thousand votes.

The Democrats pulled it out due to widespread voter fraud. Which is unfortunately not being challenged by Republicans.

Instead, Republicans are firing Rumsfeld to try and play nice with the Dems.

Absolutely absurd. They didn’t win, they stole it with the votes of illegal immigrants and dead people.


Rather than Speaker Pelosi, what about having Speaker Murtha?


I suspect the Thugs aren’t challenging allegations of voter fraud because that could come back to haunt them more so that hurt Democrats.
Besides, just like in Vietnam, the GOP now has someone else to blame for their mission failures.


Aw, Gary’s back!! Hi Gare! Took a day to sleep it off, I see.


Speaker Pelosi will be a massive disaster for the Democrat Party.

Enjoy the 40 seat loss in 2008


They didn’t win, they stole it with the votes of illegal immigrants and dead people.

Zombie Mexicans! They’re coming across the border! They’re…they’re hungry for…ballots! They want to eat our ballots!


I’m pretty sure this is “Gary” talking.


A massive disaster? Like, say, you said John Kerry’s joke would be, or the “terrorists” “endorsing” the “Democrats”, or the pending execution of Saddam Hussein?


“They didn’t win, they stole it with the votes of illegal immigrants and dead people.”

I for one did not see a single dead person in line when I went to vote.


Aquagirl: They all sent in absentee ballots—from the grave.


even the Republican poll workers in my precinct thought the idea of “dead voters” was stupid. They joked about zombies marching up to the polls wearing Dewey or Truman buttons.


The dead only voted Dem because the incessant Republican robocalling awoke them from their subterranean slumber.


Enjoy the 40 seat loss in 2008

Considering the dreadful accuracy of Gary’s predictions prior to Tuesday, I’ve got to say that this would indicate to me the likelihood that the Democrats will increase their majority in ’08.

Gary, here’s a suggestion. As a right-wing troll, you are unsurpassed. As a political prognosticator, you are an abject failure. So I suggest you go with your strengths. Make pundit points, offer opinions, complain about the Dem’s poor leadership, socialist legislation and capitulation to the swarming terrorists in your closet. But give up the election predictions, you just ain’t any good at it…



We got a rambling libertarian troll commenting on Brad’s “Memories” post.


The fact is that there was no wave. Most Republican incumbents lost by only a few thousand votes.

“The Democrats pulled it out due to widespread voter fraud. Which is unfortunately not being challenged by Republicans.

Instead, Republicans are firing Rumsfeld to try and play nice with the Dems.

Absolutely absurd. They didn’t win, they stole it with the votes of illegal immigrants and dead people.”

Gary, this may be the funniest thing I’ve ever read, and that’s saying something considering the amount of humor on this site.
But you are the gift that keeps on giving, whether you’re on top, or as now on the bottom (Haggard reference inserted).
Keep on keepin’ on, Gar-bear. Wherever there’s corruption and incompetence, I will expect The Gary of Rupperts to be there, cheering them on from the sidelines with his “We’re Number One” foam finger planted firmly in the air, yelling drunkenly that the coach rules when we’re 2-9.


It’s reasonable to assume that the murderous Muslim crazies would prefer to see the Democrats in control of both houses of congress and Don Rumsfeld out of the mix.

But that’s just me.

You notice how classy the Republicans are in defeat? None of this whining about conspiracy theories and voting fraud and threatening to move to Canada?



Enjoy the 40 seat loss in 2006

And I mean that in the most sneering, gloating way possible.

Speaker Pelosi, man, Speaker Pelosi. As you folk were so happy to say during 2000 and 2004: “we won. Get over it”


Aw, someone saw Masters of Horror’s “Homecoming” episode! Someone want to tell Gary that it wasn’t real? (It was a good episode, though.)


Come on Gary, admit it.
It’s all Karls fault.


Mr. Gary Ruppert has been terminated from Netvocates effective 12:01AM November 8, 2006. We hereby disclaim any responsibility for his actions taken place henceforth. We are unable to discuss the nature of Mr. Ruppert’s termination, just know there was some irregularities with some government documents. We apologize for the disruption to this blog.

Please think of Netvocates for all of your blog public relation needs.


Treppur Y.
Netvocates Incorporated


It’s reasonable to assume that the murderous Muslim crazies would prefer to see the Democrats in control of both houses of congress and Don Rumsfeld out of the mix.

Two plus two equals five for very large values of two.


Oh, and a small taste of classy.


It’s reasonable to assume that the murderous Muslim crazies would prefer to see the Democrats in control of both houses of congress and Don Rumsfeld out of the mix.

Blame the majority of your fellow Americans. Blame the President, leader of the Republican party.

You notice how classy the Republicans are in defeat? None of this whining about conspiracy theories and voting fraud and threatening to move to Canada?

Bull. Apart from the vote fraud allegations, there are the standards of “the terrorists have won”, “it was just a protest vote” (pop quiz: Which group has been protesting the actions of the Republican Congress and Pres.? ), “conservative liberals won”, etc.

The fact is the term for the House of Reps is too short if the trolls are starting the 2008 campaign now.

The fact is I still hope Netvocates gives out a bonus for election performance. The trolls tried their best but were doomed to fail.

The fact is I’ll he wholly dissatisfied if Bill Kristol doesn’t shed tears on Fox News Sunday. Or if Tony Blankley doesn’t shit his pants on the McLaughlin Group.

The fact is we are certainly too lenient on illegal immigrants if they have internet access from INS holding cells.

The fact is Lady Madame Speaker Pelosi.
The fact is


Jose Chung said,
November 9, 2006 at 19:28

It’s reasonable to assume that the murderous Muslim crazies would prefer to see the Democrats in control of both houses of congress and Don Rumsfeld out of the mix.

But that’s just me.

Jose, maybe it’s just me but by your logic the American voters seem to prefer the terrorists than the Republicans.

So just how many seats did the Repubs take from Democrats in the house and senate?

That’s right – ZERO,

And when was the last time that happened?

That’s right – NEVER.

Keep trying.


It’s reasonable to assume that the murderous Muslim crazies would prefer to see the Democrats in control of both houses of congress and Don Rumsfeld out of the mix.

Umm, why? Why is it reasonable? Sorry, pal, just saying it don’t make it so. What do you think the Dems would let them do that the Repubs won’t? I mean, sure, we wouldn’t invade and occupy muslim countries that were not a threat and had not attacked us, thereby making thousands more angry, radicalized muslims. And sure, they’d probably prefer we didn’t invade and occupy their countries. Sounds like a formula for living in the world together in peace to me.

Do you think that the Democrats, you know, the party of sex, drugs, rocknroll and oh yeah gay cooties, do you think that we WANT to be ruled by theocrats? Nope, not theirs, and not yours. You’ll notice that while bush/cheney keep talking about spreading democracy, freedom and liberty around the world they are busily taking away freedom and liberty here in america. And no, we don’t want them to do that. But I don’t believe that if my government cannot torture people or hold them indefinately against thei will that somehow pleases the terrorists. Unless you believe, like I do, that the terrorist most threatening to america and american values is dick cheney…



“You notice how classy the Republicans are in defeat? None of this whining about conspiracy theories and voting fraud and threatening to move to Canada?”

Uh, really? Except, of course, Gary Ruppert, above, FOR INSTANCE. Except the Canada thing – its Mexico. Yes, so classy.


Gary, what do you think about Howard Dean taking Karl Rove to school?

The fact is, now that the DNC has Howard Dean in charge and the 50-state strategy is in place, the Republican Party will soon find itself in the dustbin of history.

The beautiful part about the 2008 elections is that Bush will still be president, and will still be an unconscionable fuckup. He’s the gift that keeps on giving!

Oh, by the way, Gary, how did Katherine Harris do in this election? Did she win or did Hugo Chavez steal the vote for Nelson?


You notice how classy the Republicans are in defeat? None of this whining about conspiracy theories and voting fraud and threatening to move to Canada?

Jose does not hang out on Free Republic, apparently: comments like “I quite”[sic] and ” Time to carve out and move to the separate ‘nation of Jesusland’” are pretty common right now.

Besides, notice how classy the Democrats are in victory? None of waterboarding or locking people up without charges or stripping people of civil rights or arresting them for wearing the wrong t-shirt.

What the hell would Republicans be afraid of? I mean, other than all those outstanding and stymied investigations…


Ah yes, Republicans, so classy.

“A win for the Democrats would be a win for terrorists.” I believe I heard that from the Pretendisent Bush last week. Classy.

Hey gary, jose…I found your house and senate majorities under the bed the other day. And swept them up, of course.

P.S. Speaker Pelosi!!!


I saw a number of dead people voting on Tuesday. I’m pretty sure they were Republicans, though, by the vacant stare and clear absence of thought. Or maybe it was the half-chewed flesh of innocents dripping from their fangs.

Either way, Republicans for sure.

herr doktor bimler

GWB doesn’t watch zombie movies. He seems to model himself more on The Stepfather.

“The election has […] has not changed my fundamental responsibility, and that is to protect the American people from attack.”


Good luck on the thesis Brad!


That’s not Gary. He said ‘absolutely absurd.’

Have you ever seen Gary write like that?

I’ll bet the real Gary doesn’t even know the word ‘absurd.’

That might be the real Jose Chung, though. It sounded nasty and vindictive enough.


Good luck, Brad. 🙂


“It’s reasonable to assume that the murderous Muslim crazies would prefer to see the Democrats in control of both houses of congress and Don Rumsfeld out of the mix.”

No, that’s not reasonable at all. Because under Rumsfeld, the terrorists got what they wanted. Contrary to popular wingnut opinion, they don’t want to take over the US. Well, they do want to, the same way my 7 year old wants to win the lottery so he can buy all the Bionicles. But what they really want is whatever power they can getand right now the terrorists control the foreign (and probably the domestic) policy of the world’s only superpower. Seems like the current administration is giving them an awful lot of of exactly what they want, and the democrats won’t.


If one assumes that Baby Hughie’s “real, honest-to-goodness enemies” are those of us in the Reality-Based Community, the fact is that Hewitt is correct (probably for the first & last time in his sweat-speckled career): I am indeed jubilant that Rumsfeld is no longer the figurehead for the Repub’s fubar-ing of America’s military. Of course, HH immediately redeems his longstanding commitment to Utter Wrongness with that “Rumsfeld is a great American and will be remembered before long as a great Secretary of Defense”, and if I were less lazy I would look up the original MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE quote.

But I have been distracted by considering the many, many possibilities by which “rumsfeld” might enter the common vocabulary. Shall it be a verb, perhaps representing the form of business-speak haiku where someone obfuscates rather than answering a simple question? (“Asked about the steady decline of company ROI, the CEO chose to rumsfeld”) Or a noun, denoting a state of utter and unnecessary chaos? (“I warned you not to let the kids into the living room with pizza and magic markers — now it’s a complete rumsfeld”) Or possibly an adjective, standing for something shiny and expensive and very, very worthless? (“Buying a Porsche is a rumsfeld solution for a mid-life crisis”)

Given the military connection, I used to wonder if “rumsfeld” might become a synonym for a male hooker. However, since the RNC chair has announced himself as the latest human sacrifice to the angry wingnuts, perhaps future generations will speak of dockside encounters with mehlmans…


(comments are closed)