Now this is the type of wingnuttery I love to see! Mona Charen argues that the American public has been manipulated by terrorists into voting for Democrats:
The terrorists turned the Spanish election by the deft placement of a few bombs days before an election. They turned ours by killing 100 soldiers in Iraq in one month. (I know, it’s more complicated than that, but that’s how our enemies will interpret it.) That American voters would send such a message is deeply dismaying.
Earlier in the evening, Rick Moran chastised me for being childish and juvenile. And while I’m certainly very very guilty as charged, I would posit that if Rick had to put up with six years of hearing his political foes say that a victory for his party was a victory for mass murderers, I’m sure he’d feel a certain giddy satisfaction in seeing them ousted from power as well.
Gosh, I feel so sorry for Rick “Who?” Moran having to witness those comments from bloggers. That is so much worse than hearing the President of the United States go on Rush’s show and say a vote for Democrats is a vote for terrorists, or hearing the Vice President say torture is a “no-brainer”. etc etc etc.
PS: Suck it! Looooooooooosers!!!
Damn straight, Bradrocket.
Saddam was sentenced to death just before the election as well, surely that had as much of an effect as the soldiers in Iraq?
What turned the Spanish election was not the 3/11 attack itself, but the Aznar government’s reaction to it — basically, lying about who did it.
IOW: shut up, Mona.
A studious examination of the last five years of Bush rule shows one long victory for terrorists.
Oh, and Rick…err Mr. Moron: Speaker Pelosi!!
P.S. A hurricane kicked his ass, too. Bush and Cheney deserve to be impeached.
Osama bin Laden manipulated Americans into voting for Democrats by not releasing a videotape just before the election! Damn his dastardly scheme!
Oh, Gary! Gaaaaarrrrrrryy! C’mon, big boy–what’s the spin this morning? C;mon, dude, you can do it! “The fact is that Lincoln Chafee lost because he was a RINO!1!” “The facr is that Rick Santorum lost because he wasn’t conservative enough, and didn’t vote for the preznit’s agenda nearly enough!!1!” See? It isn’t difficult! And, Lieberman won (Ick!)! Now, get to spinning!
Charen left out the Italians. They caved in to the terrorists too.
In the immortal words of Flavor Flav, I got a right to be juvenile; my people been persecuted.
Actually, I think the Spanish election results were based more on their involvment in Iraq. It’s pretty clear the Spanish people figured out what ours now have, they just bothered to do it a few thousand bodies earlier.
Well put Roomba and elemental.
Ahhh, I love the sound of Republicans whining. Dance for me! Cry your tears, bitchez! Fuckin losers.
I want new Seinfeld quotes, and I want them now.
Gary Ruppert, I owe you an apology. After last night’s election results, I don’t know how I will ever be able to show my face in public again.
A Katherine Harris landslide? Wow, my small, terrorist loving heart was crushed when those poll results came in.
Senators Steele and Kean? Well, deep down in my heart, I knew that they were unstoppable, but even so.
I still can’t believe that the GOP achieved a veto proof majority in both the Senate and the House. I mean, I know that Permanently-Non-Speaker-Elect Pelosi’s San Francisco values are hated by real Americans, but even I thought she could fool some people.
McCaskill lost in your home state? I know that that faker Micheal J. Fox’s selfish interest of not suffering a horrible disease probably doomed her campaign, but even so…
And Virginia, Gary, you called it. I know that as a liberal, my brain just isn’t that smart. But my small brain could fathom the fact of the matter that the election was about Webb’s prose. I knew it, I just hoped that the Liberal Media’s black-hearted attempts to down a great, Confederate loving Californian like George Allen, (whose humour btw is hilarious) would succeed. But you were right (yet again) Gary, the American people saw the election for what it was.
Happily, Yes!
Rick Moran Said:
9:13 am
I’ll remember that when I’mm digging you out from underneath that collapsed building – down as a result of an attack by those “pissants� way, way, way, way, way, over on the other side of the world. The one’s who never heard of airplanes or telephones and who live in caves and eat goat shit.
Hey Rick, remember who was warned about Osama bin Laden and said “all right, you’ve covered your ass, now”. And then lied about being warned?
Your doodz, that’s who.
Oh, Gary! Gaaaaarrrrrrryy! C’mon, big boy–what’s the spin this morning?
Guys, don’t be too mean to Gary. The poor little guy is in the back of a truck heading to Tijuana. I’ll have a tribute up for him a little later.
We have sent a horrible message to terrorists that the American people will hold complete failures accountable. A terrible message indeed.
Rick Moran chastised me for being childish and juvenile.
Isn’t that like chastising a pig for rolling in the mud? It’s what we do around here, Rick. Welcome to the party. We don’t deconstruct Kaye Grogan and have kitten battles articles because we are studious and reserved.
Oh, and speaking of studious and reserved, Vernon “Defend our borders” Robinson lost by 30 pts.
Jesus, is this all these people have? No wonder they got blown the fuck out of the water. No vision, no goals, no accountability. Pathetic…all of them.
It’s been 6 hours and Speaker Pelosi has yet to restore the Preview function.
And she still refuses to apologize for her Failed Administration.
Hey, Thunder, don’t confuse the wingnut with facts.
Rick Moran chastised me for being childish and juvenile.
Battle on, Gary, wherever you may be. Don’t let the factual election results stop you from telling us what the fact is.
I fully expect screeds about how Democrats daring to win elecctions is incivil, marks a sharp downturn in our public discourse, and really proves that they don’t deserve to be in power.
Get a life, Moran.
That moron should go back to worrying about how her neck looks. Christ, the stupidity.
Oh how embarrassing…..confused her with Nora Ephron. (sulks away quietly whispering, “Why can’t Sadly, No have a deleted by author option?”).
You can fool some of the people all of the time; but those people you can fool all of the time are fucking idiots and can’t really do you much good in the long run.
Especially if you keep listening to them, repeating your own p.r. back to you, and believe it.
Gosh, I feel so sorry for Rick “Who?� Moran having to witness those comments from bloggers. That is so much worse than hearing the President of the United States go on Rush’s show and say a vote for Democrats is a vote for terrorists, or hearing the Vice President say torture is a “no-brainer�. etc etc etc.
PS: Suck it! Looooooooooosers!!!
Just nobody tell Moran that impeachment is about Cheney, not Shrub. Let him n his ilk keep scaremongering unnecessarily.
Mona clearly drinks and smokes very heavily.
“It’s been 6 hours and Speaker Pelosi has yet to restore the Preview function.”
Yeah, she also caused me to wake up with a hell of a hangover this morning. If this is what we have to look forward to for the next 2 years — terrible headaches and barely functional websites, lord help us all.
OK, Mona is, once again, Teh Stupidest Woman In America. At least until the next Kathleen Parker post comes out on Clownhall. Unless they’re all sulking in their tents, in which case there may never be another Clownhall post. If this happens, I will pray to the Baby Jesus every Sunday until I die.
Battle on, Gary, wherever you may be.
Gary Ruppert is in Missouri. Psssst. He voted for Claire McCaskill.
I was an Election Judge, and I SAW HIM DO IT!
Unfortunately, we had to throw his ballot out, because he cannot legally vote until he is discharged from parole.
So, let’s recap:
1. Attempted to vote illegally. (voter FRAUD)
2. Attempted to vote for a DEFEATOCRAT
Conclusion: Gary Ruppert is a turncoat. A Secret Democrat. A Terrorist-Loving, Homo Nups Enthusiast, Baby-Killing, Satanist, Bush Derangement Syndrome Suffering HYPOCRITE! Who should be in jail.
Ricky is editing comments without attribution again. He made me say I’m stupid and he rocks. I think if Gary doesn’t show up lil Ricky is my new crush.
Rick Moran Said: 9:13 am — I’ll remember that when I’mm digging you out from underneath that collapsed building – down as a result of an attack by those “pissantsâ€? way, way, way, way, way, over on the other side of the world. The one’s who never heard of airplanes or telephones and who live in caves and eat goat shit.
Those people heard of telephones and airplanes, Rick, that’s how they managed to blow up the World Trade Center and part of the Pentagon. Your idea that you are superior to people on the other side of the world is, let me see: oh yeah — goat shit. And if you lifted a finger to save anyone from anything, the rest of us would fall over dead from shock, because we all know rightwingers don’t give a flying fuck about anyone but themselves.
Isn’t that Ricky the brother of Halperin’s Terry Moran, ABC’s Shite House Correspondent? Y’know the one that Halperin was citing as the source of jourmanalists hating the troops and other shite pulled out of their asses?
That’s the Morans, yep.
And Ricky is still at it. A comment I left last night laughing at his editing got oh so frustratingly altered.
I said he’s so sexy when he’s pathetic, and it became me calling him sexy. Oh noes, I have been laid low.
I left a new comment, I wonder how long he’ll keep it up.
Why am I getting this aura of high school hall monitor off Rick Moran? “I’m serious. The adults trust me with authoritay! You’ll respect my authoritay, you juvenile!”
More like middle school, I think. By high school the awkward generally have learned to turn the other cheek instead of feeding with responses.
Then again, Ricky once had a column where he mentioned liberals can’t talk about Kierkegaard and Proust because we’re too dumb.
When I mentioned I’m getting a phd in philosophy and quite happy to discuss Kierkegaard with him, he erased the comment.
Ricky is fun.
Wow. Anyone who’s interested should check Ricky’s post yet again.
I think I’m going to petition the new Congress to force Ricky to gay marry me.
Bring on the schadenfreude AND the exploding gay Mexican hordes coming to take away our guns and force our embryos to learn Evolution…i’m having fun pushing Little Ricky’s buttons.