Warning: the following is an example of extreme childishness and poor sportsmanship. You have been warned.
You want Speaker Pelosi? Oh, you BET YOUR ASS YOU GOT SPEAKER PELOSI!!!
Hey, Rick Santorum, why so glum? Oh yeah: because now you need to find a real job!! HAAA-HAAAA-HAAAAAA!!!!!111!!! LOSER!!!!!
(OK, that is all the childishness I have for tonight. I will certainly have much, much more tomorrow. For now, though, have a good night.)
Santorum finally lost? I may have to start praying again.
For the neverending joy of pure mockery, Dan Riehl apparently called the election for Allen at 10:17 p.m.
I love everyone of you guys tonight. This is better than the superbowl.
Feel the schadenfreude.
Be the schadenfreude.
75% turnout in Minnesota?! Awesome.
I hope Cheney didn’t murder any innocent animals in another alcohol-fueled rage over his losses today. Or shoot anyone in the face (and that happened on one of his good days!)
Hey, isn’t Mal de Mer due to come by at any moment and piss in our pool?
Mmm-mmm-mmm. San Francisco values taste yum-yum good. And having the Speaker of the House be from your very own city?
Pass the pork, baby.
And I’m not even gay.
But watching Hume, Lowry and the Fox crew look like they’ve just taken a jalapeno load up their asses is downright erotic.
PS If Chris Matthews says “Missour-uh” one more time I’ll … no, I don’t even care about that jackass, tonight’s been so damn good.
Oh, the lovely schadenfreude… You still have to hold your nose when you go over there, but Chazmo’s Minionions have a beautiful sky-is-falling thread going on…
Now, you guys, let’s be mature here. I mean, let’s be gracious in victory….
Ah, fuck it.
Oh, by the way, Talent just conceded.
SUCK IT!!111!!1!
“John Kerry just handed the election to the Republicans on a silver platter.”
-Gary Ruppert, circa last Thursday.
Dan Someone – nice one from mbpaul on that thread:
I quite. I not going to vote again. It’s time I gave up on this political bullshit. I just hope the nuke attack comes soon. Let it be on the East Coast where it belongs.
I “quite” too.
Gar-ay, come out to plaay!
Gaary, come out plaay!
Gaarrryyyy, come out to plaaay-ay!
Who’da thunk it would come down to Virginia and Montana?????
Where’s Gary?!
The predictable spin is coming already:
the Dems won because they moderated their stance (hard to type with veins full of Jamesons’s and red hook IPA, you don’t wanna know how many backspaces and corrections I’ve done so far). therefore, Dems must be moderate in their rule of the house. (fuck correcting typos, it takes too long)
See, since repubs lost seats, any Dem that replaced them must be moderate, therefore, and dem gains mean the dems move toward the middle.
Whattta buncha crap!
Okay, I’m happy but so jaded that I don’t expect much.
Damn, I didn;t realize how drunk I was until I started typing.
dAVE has good taste in liquor.
I doubt Gary will come by for a couple days. And when he does, he’ll be a poor man’s colbert asking why the dems haven’t accomplished anything.
Oh, the lovely schadenfreude… You still have to hold your nose when you go over there, but Chazmo’s Minionions have a beautiful sky-is-falling thread going on…
I commented in that thread while drunk, something about rubbing their faces in it. I planned to continue my drunken harassment, but they banned my username :(.
Same as this one, I use no other.
From that LGF thread, Mezzetino responding to an anti-Bush/Cheney guy:
You may have right and logic on your side, but there’s going to be American blood on the asphalt soon because of tonight, and one vote’s worth of that blood is gonna be on your head.
“You may have right and logic on your side, but …”
My ratio of shots to beers used to be 1:1, tonight it ‘s been about 3 shots per beer. but now I’m outta whiskey and it’s IPA from her on out.
My piano playi’ keeps wakin’ the baby. Damnnit.
WTF? How the cum’ the Replican to Dem ratio on the networks is the same as my shots to beers ratio????
Fer crissakes;, their killin’ me here!
Frickin’ Pat Buchanan??@!?@: I only need him once a week fer McLaughlin group!
Eleonor Clift fer president over Hillary in ’08!!!! Dammit!
Okay – I gotta stpo typin now…..
BTW Trader Joe’s sells 750 ml of Jameson’s cheaper than 500 ml at Safeway
the Dems won because they moderated their stance (hard to type with veins full of Jamesons’s and red hook IPA, you don’t wanna know how many backspaces and corrections I’ve done so far). therefore, Dems must be moderate in their rule of the house. (fuck correcting typos, it takes too long)
See, since repubs lost seats, any Dem that replaced them must be moderate, therefore, and dem gains mean the dems move toward the middle.
Oh, I dunno. I kinda feel like we got a… mandate!
(Risky choice of emphasis considering the people who can kill rogue tags are probably drunk asleep by now, but I’m feeling pretty optimistic tonight.)
“John Kerry just handed the election to the Republicans on a silver platter.�
The GOP must have choked on the main course.
[…] That kind of “bi-partisan” feeling was on display here: […]
Zut Alors!
Zo you democrats ‘ave taken ze control from ze republicans, et? Sacre bleu! Parti not, as you will still suffer from ze crazy Bush, non?
I love how the only thing Gary was on about that actually happened was the Ford race. Hey, one for, what, seven? That’s not bad for the modern Republicans.
I’m going to go ahead and make an ass of my self and call VA for Webb. Since it’s been sitting at 99% for the last four hours, I guess they’re counting absentee ballots. Or just recounting. Who knows.
Fucking. Suck it.
I’m going out on a limb and calling Montana for Daniel Ortega. Viva la revolucion!
My gosh, what a mature post! You don’t sound like a 4-year-old at all!!
Seriously though, the Dems have the House – as a certainty – for the next 2 years. If they don’t come through and lead, guess what happens???
You don’t sound like a 4-year-old at all!!
‘Course I do! That’s what was so much fun about writing it!
… there’s going to be American blood on the asphalt soon because of tonight, ….
There’s going to be less American blood on Iraq’s asphalt because of last night. Ever think of that, Little Green Fuckhead?
My gosh, what a mature post! You don’t sound like a 4-year-old at all!!
I thought winners were supposed to act like 4-year-olds. Isn’t that why President Bush has been doing it for so long?
I had a dream last night. Speaker Pelosi had a subpoena in each hand and was weilding them a la florentine.
Now I’m washing my bedsheets.
Yeah!!! And it was no thanks to me at all! (Hey, I wasn’t in my voting district. Plus, I’m lazy.)
Oh, Noes!1!11!!!! What if Gary marries a shrieking harpy so as to become a naturalized citizen‽ Gah, it’s too awful! Or, for that matter, our sweet Marie! Oh, noooooees!!1!! (annie’s in Manada, so, you know, who cares?)
Oh. Is that all?
EAT IT, YOUZE COBAGZ!!!!1!111!!!
Oh, and hey, Timmah! Where U been, d00d?
The funniest news headline came out of Calcutta. It said “Bush Wacked!”
Kind of sums up entire globe’s feelings about the election.