My Favorite GOP Attack Ads

Please post YouTube links to (unintentionally) funny GOP attack ads you’ve seen this year. Here are my personal three favorites:

1.) Vernon Robinson:

2.) Rick Santorum:

3.) Bob Corker:


Comments: 55


I can’t remember the last time I’ve laughed so hard as I did at that spanish guy grabbing his crotch and burning a flag in the middle of that first commercial.


The Repubs are really hitting illegal immigration pretty hard, aren’t they? I don’t know about the rest of the country, but in Kansas, every GOP attack ad has mentioned immigration. Every one.

I’m not sure how well that’ll fly here. Kansas has a pretty sizable latino population, and despite what good ol’ Vern wants you to believe, most of them are not child molesters.


I do like watching the GOP erasing the significant inroads Bush had made with Latino voters over the past six years, forever alienating the largest and fastest-growing minority group in the country. Well done, geniuses.


We’re getting a lot of that “Leonard Boswell voted to allow illegal immigrants to get free medical care” crap here in Iowa, along with Boswell the Abortionist, Boswell the Cut-n-Runner, etc. It’s been very funny, watching them paint good old Dem -in -name -only Boswell as a regular Danny Ortega. Speaking of whom, I wonder if he won the election in Nicaragua?


I think the worst part of the Harold Ford smear is the Fancy Ford website. It’s basically saying “Check out how this black guy lives better than you! That’s not right.”. Meanwhile, his opponent and 90% of white congress probably have even more extravagent lifestyles, but no one points that out.

Not that I really like Ford. He’s a sell out. I just don’t like the smear against him.


There’s a Bill Wortman ad that is basically a low-rent rip-off of a different Vernon Robinson ad:

It makes the dubious claim that “For the first time in America’s history, our borders are insecure”, which makes me wonder if Bill Wortman knows anything about American History that he didn’t learn from Birth of a Nation.


Check out the all-star Republican candidates for Tennessee’s congress seats.

Of course Vernon Robinson is always good for a chuckle, but the real gem is Shirley Davis, about 1:30 through. It’s kinda painful to watch her slur across her teleprompter speech.The D at the end is a little scary as well.


I just came back from seeing Teh Clenis live in person at a very overcrowded community college gymnasium. He got the royal rock star treatment. In his speech, he was griping about the smears (esp. against Sheldon Whitehouse, being in RI and all).

Ok, so I really got nuthin’ and just wanted to brag. So there.


Consider the following radio ad

Sue Kelly calls John Hall a hypocrite for calling himself an environmentalist while investing in mutual funds that are in turn invested in companies such as Schlumberger and Pfizer that were at some point in the past indicted/fined for environmental misdeeds.

There’s a tv version of it, but I can’t find it…


I’ve got a couple of Mike DeWine funnies. Not very controversial, but very giggle-inducing.

(What’s with this guy’s facial expressions? I personally think he’s high.)


(Mike’s Mom and her friends were bored this day.)


Speaking of whom, I wonder if he won the election in Nicaragua?

Speaking of which, who lost all of Latin America? I remember Reagan going on about communists sneaking into Brownsville, TX. I don’t think Bush is even aware that these people are back in power.

Karatist Preacher

That first one had me in tears. Where did they get that crotch-grab/middle finger picture?


So it
begins… “Republican officials said that would have happened only if there was a computer glitch.”

I worked for a telemarketer a few years back (don’t hate) and I KNOW the only “glitch” is either A) restarting from the top of the call list or B) putting the same number in multiple times. Telemarketers are vividly aware of the laws limiting the amount of calls they can make to any given number. The software I was using at the time was loaded with warnings when you import a list that has multiple listings for the same number.

Let’s not forget the 12 missing “smart” cards in Tennessee, either….


that spanish guy grabbing his crotch

A Derb special.

I like the Nancy Johnson drug dealer ad myself (can’t find a linkable version, lazy).


The Spanish guy grabbing his crotch is a classic, a laugh-out loud moment. It looks like something from Mr. Show.


Vern is not likely to win here in NC 13, but he raised more money than Brad Miller and most of it was from out-of-state donors…someone wanted to send a message even if the race was lost.


Vern’s signs have the tagline “Secure Our Borders”


You fools actually believe you can best the neo-confederates, people who absolutely hate your guts?

Good fucking luck.


You’re right, Mal. Let’s just give them absolute power and be done with it.

Good rant somewhere else, man.


And, apparently, the bars are out in Canada.


Well, I don’t see a problem with these ads. After all, wasn’t opening our borders to job-stealing, child-molesting, flag-burning illegal aliens who will take our jobs and spit on us one of Kerry’s main campaign promises?


If we do somehow lose, at least we have the consolation of knowing Mal is pissed off.


Repugs, campaigning on hate all the way.


The Republican House is about to put, like a skid marked pair of underwear, into the Laundry Basket of History.


Wow, the Ron Kind one above is the hilarious, and the most misleading thing I’ve ever seen (it basically makes people believe that Ron Kiind, form um well it doesn’t mention that, is personally responisble for a number of NIH studies, which yeah is a little off).


You fools actually believe you can best the neo-confederates, people who absolutely hate your guts?

Good fucking luck.

Unfortuneately, 2004 instilled the same kind of doubt into this Canadian as well. Prove me wrong guys! Please for the love of christ.
Well, shit. They found us out. Bummer. Guess we’ll have to abandon Operation Forced Homonups.

herr doktor bimler

What Timmah said. We’ll be watching your votes from this side of the Pacific, with possibly excessive interest. And if the swing away from the incumbents is not dramatic enough… well, there will be exasperated eye-rolling. The words “stupidity” and “American voters” will be used in the same sentence. Don’t take it personally.

If nothing else, it will be a nice change for us, from grumbling about the stupidity of Australians.


Consider this fair warning that, should the polls not go as planned, allegations of general ignorance amongst the American populace may figure prominently here in Denmark as well. (Our PM, though, would like nothing better than a GOP victory – if Blair is Bush’s lapdog, Fogh is its tapeworm.)

Good luck!

If nothing else, it will be a nice change for us, from grumbling about the stupidity of Australians.
And the Belgians, man. Frickin’ Belgians.


I was going to point out that two, and possibly all three, of those ads were run by people who will win their campaign.

But I see the Out-of-Statesers have already noticed. It will be a shame when Timmah isn’t proved wrong, but at least Canadian immigration will neeed to hire more people. (Though the Canadians gave a cash bribe to the White House a few months ago, so they do have themselves to blame as well.)

Contented Canadian

Canada has it’s own Neo-cons to deal with. Although they recently stabbed their base( Alberta Oil interests) in the back by taxing income trusts. One the Liberal Party gets a leader, the Conservative Government should be short lived.

Best of luck today. It sure will be nice to see Shrubya trying to spin an overwhelming rejection of his “Mandate”.


I was going to point out that two, and possibly all three, of those ads were run by people who will win their campaign.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? What, besides an (understandable) ingrained belief that we always lose, makes you think Santorum has a chance? And Robinson… damn. (Though I’m not prepared to rule out that maybe the founder of RedState isn’t big on black people.) If you said “lose” rather than “win” you’d be right.

No need to curl up and whimper like a kicked dog before the blow actually lands.


I was going to point out that two, and possibly all three, of those ads were run by people who will win their campaign.

Not only that, but the Corker “bimbo” ad seems to have swung the election in his favor. Am I wrong?

Here’s my favorite campaign commercial of the season:

Hubba hubba!

Hate Encrusted Eyes

Oy, that Elyssa ad was creepy.
Using your daughter’s sex appeal to get elected?
How Republican.


Matt W. – Yes, DogMan is my Upset Special pick, while Notorious P.A.T. notes that the Corker was the corker for that race.

I’ve been calling Santorum for months: (1) there isn’t enough motivation for the Dems to vote for Casey. (2) Philadelphia has “moved” some polling places, and the Republican machine has been working heavily to GOTV, which I haven’t seen from the Democratic “leadership.” (I get e-mails from the RNC—Mehlman yesterday, Bush today—while the Dems (to whom my wife donates) send out bupkis.)

If the rains in OH were hitting Eastern PA today, it wouldn’t even be a question. As it is, I’ll hope I’m wrong, but I wouldn’t bet that way.


Santorum is toast. TOAST!


The Elissa “flattery” ad, though, is good.

Heavy betting today at TradeSports on Webb winning. (The other major moves—Chafee, Casey, McCaskill, and The Torturer on My Front Lawn—all appear to be position-covering. As, unfortuantely, does the pending Sec. of Defence’s surge in CT.)


Ford is going to lose because Ford basically blows. It’s too bad we couldn’t find a better candidate in TN. Ford doesn’t really deserve to be senator.


I’d say Ford deserves to be a Senator because he’s running against a Republican. Or is that a little simplistic?


Out here in California it was actually pretty easy. Held my nose and voted for Phil, really as a vote against the Ahnuld-ator, and I always feel like I need to shower after I vote for Diane (although, and you may not remember it if you aren’t old and don’t live in northern california, she was the hero of the moscone/milk nightmare, holding the place together with strength, grace and sheer will), but the rest was pretty obvious. A couple of butt-headed propositions, a couple of good propositions, some local guys who won’t have the power to shred the constitution or kill thousands of people – all in all, not a tough call in the bunch. The polls in California don’t close til 8 (11 on the other coast!!), so I’ll be camped in front of Tweety and Keith, rooting for the landslide and desparately hoping to see the at least the worst of ’em kicked out of office…




Dianne Feinstein was Dan White’s buddy. She covered for him endlessly, and carried water for the SFPD during their most horrendous head-busting days. (Remember Chief Con Murphy and his Tac Squad?)

You give DiFi faaaaar more credit than she deserves, IMHO.


I worked for a telemarketer a few years back (don’t hate) and I KNOW the only “glitch� is either A) restarting from the top of the call list or B) putting the same number in multiple times. Telemarketers are vividly aware of the laws limiting the amount of calls they can make to any given number. The software I was using at the time was loaded with warnings when you import a list that has multiple listings for the same number.


You should check out this story on some of the robo-call details. The most interesting one is that several people have reported getting robo-calls with “000-000-0000” in the caller ID. The reporters are saying that this number would probably have to be programmed on purpose. I’d like to know your thoughts on their information.


Dorothy, I got a bunch of 000-0000 calls. I don’t answer any of them, as I have had to turn off the ringer on my phone, and only call back numbers that I recognize. Through the weekend, I was getting 5-7 calls a day, presumably robocalls, as my caller ID told me they were from area codes all over the country, and The Google and WhoIsCallingMe said they’re all from that Repuke robocalling outfit.

Yesterday, I was averaging a robocall every seven minutes. Today, not so bad, but I’m still getting them. Oooooh there’s another one, the red light on my phone is blinking. Must go see whose robocall I didn’t answer this time!

Too bad, assholes, I sent in my absentee ballot last week.

Go McCaskill! She’s going to win without me (but she’s going to win!), as I am not well enough to phone bank.

I’m just parked here at the PC, with MSNBC with the sound off on the teevee (till Keith and Tweety come on). Ewwwwwww, Tuckerweeny on now.

Mehitabel the Abyssinian

Vote D, or the keyboard gets it!


(Remember Chief Con Murphy and his Tac Squad?)

Do I ever! They had a number of opportunities to demonstrate their prowess with the PR-24 on my various body parts. I didn’t mean to give her too much credit, ’cause your absolutely right about her bureaucratic thuggery. I was really only refering to that awful soul-searing couple of weeks in December of ’78. She really was a powerful force in the community. She’s been toxic ever since, but I’ll always remember her for those dark days…



Vote D, or the keyboard gets it!

LOL! Mehitabel, I still adore you, so does Ganesh Bengal Cat. He is devasted that there are oceans between you, and that you can never just pop over for a play date…if you know what I mean, and I think you do. No BC complications, sweetie, he’s had the Big V. Doesn’t stop him from trying to hump his elderly sister (who is NOT interested, thenkyew), however, so you’d be good to go, if you weren’t in Oz.

Spare the keyboard! All Ds. Except for that one Libertarian I voted for because there was no D running against our County Clerk, who is a malignant zombie, and must be replaced.

I don’t even know what a Libertarian County Clerk’s campaign issues would be, outside of the malignant zombie thing, but I voted for her. She has no chance, of course, this is the Ozarks; and I don’t think even the ‘Libertarian = lotsa guns and dope’ CW would be enough to put her over.

Especially when the office is County Clerk. You can’t take guns to the courthouse. Not even in the Ozarks. No dope, either, although I do know someone who claims to have sat upon one of the Civil-War era cannon in front of the courthouse at 3 am and smoked a doobie on a dare, years ago. I don’t think I believe him.

Hate Encrusted Eyes

You know after looking at that anti Ford ad I kinda want him to win. It was a really low and effective attack on the mans character. No wonder he flipped his lid. Who knows, he might pull it off.

herr doktor bimler

GW, your Flickr photograph of Ganesh Bengal Cat is not for Frau Doktorin Penny’s eyes. We are already suffering from MCS (Multiple Cat Syndrome). She reckoned that one cat was too few, I reckoned that 7 was too many, and somehow we compromised on 4. Don’t know how that happened.

No BC complications, sweetie, he’s had the Big V
I’m happy to call a spayed a spayed.



somehow, I always got the impression you were an east coaster.

Well, here in flyover country it was pretty simple (except I did throw one vote for Green Party at State Treasurer) and other than Gov, not many challenging races, I’m not in John Gard’s district.

Otherwise, easy calls, all. Amend the Constitution to futz up marriage? NO! Start a-killin’ people in the state’s name? NO! City referendum on getting out of Iraq? F-Yes!

Makes me wish I had one of those cool races to vote in like Lamont.

And Ford was a lousy candidate. The blame for that lies with Rahm Emmanuel and the Triangulation Stragedy.

Dustbuster of History now charging.


Did my civic duty. Went in and voted straight Dem. No touch screens at my polling place. We’re still doing the paper ballot. I was kind of surprised.

I just hope, hope, hope that that Mexican fence-building, war loving, gay hating bastard Steve King is on his way out after tonight… That will truly make my day. Boswell has to hold on; he sucks, but I’ve heard that his team is very progressive and that they plan to work on him very hard to get him to see the point. Leach is a moderate Republican, the only member of the Iowa house delegation to vote against Iraq, but he votes with the Repubs to much of the time otherwise so I hope the Dem gets it. Crossing fingers…. kicking back…. opening beer and waiting for the pizza delivery….


Oh, Ken Houghton? There’s a kitty who wants to speak to you.


After seeing that Ford ad, I want to vote for him again and again and again – he parties at The Mansion, hangs with porno producers…the kind of guy we all wish we could be.

Seriously – sex sells. Males between the ages of 21 and 45, of any color and almost any educational background will watch that commercial and come away with a smile, thinking good thoughts of Harold Ford – whether they admit it or not. The second the naked blond popped up, everything prior from that commercial was erased in our minds. Foolishly,they put her on again at the end – leaving us with the unavoidable subconcious association between voting for Harold Ford, and sex with playboy bunny wannabes.


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