Bastille Day is just around the Corner, and Other Frenchifactorials:

Ok so I thought I’d share the funniest thing I saw online in possibly the last six months…

And not only because I have recently resolved a personal kitten shortage, and have become reacquainted with all of the wonderful if annoying manifestations of the feline personality, that present themselves such as to guarantee that they are in the main, each one, their own being. As in “U-fucking-neek!” And as the little one is a bit too young for swearing, I’ll still have to figure out what the translation into words of some of her activities may end up being in time…

The water bowl not 20 minutes filled has been relocated at least 22 inches from its initial placement, and it is now as I write being relocated another 6 inches to the right…And this of course is directly in the way of a path to the door, as if placed to trip me, should I have not witnessed the change and changed the mental map as a result…

Now what this has to do with the world? nothing really, just a pleasant diversion from the increasing fantasy land of ‘Republican Governance,’ The Ryan Administration addition, and now that the dishes are done and the water for the potatoes a-boil we can continue…Where I once woke up with a start wrapped nicely in an are you effing me blanket, things have mellowed into a Yeah this is not in fact a dream, The withering peniled tiny fingered collossal Ass still bestrides the world like that mashup of every portrayal of horrible leadership ever turned into a work of art…From Plato to Shakespeare to Twain and beyond, an archetypal figure of a man well beyond his depth and defiantly ignorant of the fact…graced pages in story to provide structure, coherence, frustration and realism, with the intent to distract us a bit from our own troubles not to cause them, to prepare us for possibilities not necessarily demand response…

This is where the train stops today, because breakfast and coffee await, And I am still failing to get a proper night of rest…

Take care friends and sieze every bit of life out of today, And hopefully after shitting the dog and spending some time in good company and getting some cookie dough made, the muse will return restored!



Comments: 11


And this of course is directly in the way of a path to the door, as if placed to trip me


The withering peniled tiny fingered collossal Ass still bestrides the world like that mashup of every portrayal of horrible leadership ever turned into a work of art

May I suggest this?

And hopefully after shitting the dog

K, I’ll bite. HUH!?!?


K, I’ll bite. HUH!?!?

There is Jack Russell Terrier that I get to walk daily….

His name is chase (no idea, he belongs to the parents of an old friend) and he is a good boy….

Just a turn of phrase that I coined about the chore that amuses me and I thought I would share…


What’s up every one, here every person is sharing these know-how, therefore
it’s good to read this weblog, and I used to visit
this webpage all the time.

Provider Adds:
There is something that is charming about the English as second language trolling of what used to be an interesting hangout, which is one of the reasons that I am keeping this around…


A high ethical standard — think Gerald Ford or George H.W. Bush — creates a general expectation of probity. A low ethical standard — think Richard Nixon or Donald Trump —

as always, a pleasure doing business d, your check is in the mail…

Gary Ruppert aka. TheBlubbernderbus

The fact is liberals ar crying so hard and there pain is sweat to me. Donald turmp will save USA from leftists lazies and useless eaters. As well as minorites and gays wanting special rights and back to god.

Austin G Loomis

The fact is, Fake Gary contributes nothing to what’s left of the dialogue around here, and neither does the daphne-bot (think copy-and-paste). Nothing they have ever posted should have been let out of moderation, and any further word-extrusions on their part should be cut off and distributed amongst the poor.

The Dark Avenger

Just checking thing out here.


Well Austin, I feel yer pain, and have addressed in some fashion your concern….And also would like to say that it is nice to see you around…..

As far as what’s left of the dialog around here, well that is quite a shame/frustration/concern. and I wish I had answers…


In the Oval O, a lament did rise up:

Scaramootch, Scaramootch, can you screw this pooch faster?!?

O pardon mio! O pardon mio! O pardon mio!

( guitar solo )


Evening Jim, I was just catching myself up on the “straight out of central casting” guy with the bangable name…Anyway, I just finished moving, have been trying to settle in and find that the Stupid keep Unprecedenting itself….

If something can approach escape velocity from Mockery, these guys are working overtime, and there are notable physicists whose graves I would keep an eye on…

I’ll have to sleep on this shit!


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