That logic appears sound to me

President Youppi has a new theory about drug prices.

Much like his stance on taxing foreign-made cars, Trump said that there will be a trade policy that will “prioritize that foreign countries pay their fair share for US manufactured drugs so our drug companies have greater financial resources to accelerate development of new cures.”

Reuters reported much the same:

Foreign countries must pay a fair share for drug development costs, he added. “We’re going to end global freeloading.”

Now, I’m no expert — but in what alternate universe does anyone seriously believe that even if Trump were able to force other countries to pay more for drugs, companies would then magically lower their prices in the US? Companies charge what they charge in the US because they can — improving operating margins in other countries isn’t going to have any impact on drug pricing in the US. But of course this is just another manifestation of The Amazing Donald: Foreigners are to blame for everything.


Comments: 13


Silly Seb, no one expects prices in the US to go down. Any additional revenue goes to profit.

Thing is, raising the cost to the importing country drives that country to turn to Germany, Belgium, or Switzerland – who drug exports are larger than those of the US. The UK, France, and Ireland are close behind the US. “Hey let’s make ourselves less competitive in the global market!”

Time once again to dig up that Mencken quote about a moron in white house.


Is it FYWP time again? Is anyone else seeing comments go into the bit bucket?


Did you lose a comment?


Now, I’m no expert — but in what alternate universe does anyone seriously believe that

“Serious believe” pah! that is so 2016!

Making America Great Again requires giving the finger to furriners.

We will know that True Greatness has been achieved when the whole world hates America as much as it hates President Biff.


in what alternate universe does anyone seriously believe that even if Trump were able to force other countries to pay more for drugs, companies would then magically lower their prices in the US?

He’ll just sign a 2-for-1 executive order for drugs like he did for regulations. Problem solved.


Pup @ 1:39,

I expect to be saying this more and more over the next four or eight years, but it’s staggering just how bad these people are at capitalism. (And, on a related note, just how much they conform to a bad caricature of what a socialist looks like).

Someone on this blog years ago recommended trolling right wing blogs with quotes from Adam Smith’s “The Wealth of Nations” and taking a shot every time they called you a socialist as a quick way to death by alcohol poisoning. It’s totally true, but God damn, I wish it wasn’t this true.


Hey, Republicans, remember when you guys all voted for the guy with the Secret Plan To End The Vietnam War?

And we tried to warn you he was a liar and a crook?

And then a few years later, you were all like, “Whoa! How the fuck did this guy become president? I never voted for him!”

Fun times!


And then a few years later, you were all like, “Whoa! How the fuck did this guy become president? I never voted for him!”

Well, that’s different, see?


Chris @ 3:40

trolling right wing blogs with quotes from Adam Smith’s “The Wealth of Nations” and taking a shot every time they called you a socialist as a quick way to death by alcohol poisoning.

That. Is. Hilarious.


February 1st, 2017 at 11:53 pm

tsam! Welcome back!

Hail hail the gang’s all here…


tsam! Welcome back!


X minus T @ 3:40

I think that we should think about a target, and once chosen a safari to document this behavior in the wild.

We would need a blackboard and a plan of attack.

This could be a long game, an possibly not worth the goofs, but it could also end up as a dissertation.



Chris ! Tsam ! Pups ! Some Guy !
If only bbkf would stroll into this Cheers bar, it would feel like home again.


Of course, this plan totally ignores the power of bulk purchasing that national health plans allow.


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