High Noonan
Mark Noonan, of Red State and Blogs for Bush, has crafted a sequel to his notorious ‘Death of Science’ essay — because, like they always say, when you find yourself standing in a hole, you’d better keep digging.
I’d like to make one thing clear here – a lot of lefty posters on the original Death of Science thread tried to make out that I was some sort of Luddite opposed to scientific pursuit. This assertion is rather flabbergasting when made against a man who favors a massive increase in spending on NASA. When I say “Science” in this context, I mean that worldview which placed science athwart religion and said the two cannot mix. My contention is not only that they mix fine, but that you can’t really do science unless you are firmly grounded in faith and have a general knowledge of theology.
Oh, brilliant. Like we didn’t learn a lesson from Ye Greate Spayce Rayce of 1538, when the Anglicans’ new lean, efficient prayer engines won the tech war, but the Catholics’ desperate Mass Accelerator research nearly brought Jesus back prematurely.
“Ho, heretic! Make way!” “Eat mine fumes, Papist!
There are some things mankind wasn’t meant to meddle with!
But let’s rewind a bit. This is from Noonan on Wednesday:
[I] believe that God is a self-evident Fact. To look up at the night sky and not see God is to be rather pathetically blind to the obvious. On the other hand, I can also understand people who doubt – I, too, doubt. In fact, I used to doubt quite a lot. It was only a bit more than a year ago that doubt was mostly overcome in me. But to doubt is one thing, to deny is another – and to deny God stoutly and at length is something I just can’t understand, never having experienced such a thing.
As we can see, Noonan has what’s required to ‘really do science’ — the inability to understand counterarguments or to deny things which he deems self-evident. Also, he capitalizes nouns like ‘Fact,’ which gives them extra Fact Value.
Above: the piercingly incisive gaze of Mark Noonan
We all remember when the Baptists discovered Jesusium (Js) back in the ’40s, and the ensuing battles with Satan and his minions threatened all of Western Civilization and parts of Canada. For the sake of God’s plan, let’s hope Noonan never decides to crack open a science book. What new scientific challenges might he bring to the world?
Above: A scientific book
Verily, as another brilliant and famous Noonan once said, “Speculating is irresponsible.” Or something like that. I may doubt, but cannot deny, that the quote says what I think it does.
Noonan’s “Death of Science” might have been an insightful artical, but Lee Siegel wrote a much better piece about it, and left Noonan in the dust!!!!!11!!!!
Without a general knowledge of theology, how would astronomers know if they were looking into Heaven or Hell? Or that an angel falling from heaven might be mistaken for a comet.
Mark Noonan is really trying hard to be the most embarrassing wingnut blogger in the ‘sphere.
Did you catch his predictions for the election last week?
This kind of ignorance is unpenetrable.
It’s Flying Spaghetti Monster time.
Belief is not Fact.
Confusing your sense of overwelming smallness with a deity is not Fact.
Shorter Noonan (first link): Since some scientists have been dishonest and it takes years to expose them, we don’t have to believe anything scientists say right now.
Shorter Noonan (second link): If I don’t understand how it works, God must have designed it.
If you have the least bit of spirituality, it’s hard not to feel some sort of trancendence when you see particularly beautiful example of nature. But you know that a rainbow isn’t a sign of God’s convenant with Noah, it’s just light sunlight refracted through raindrops.
He complains of the politicization of science: when do you suppose that started anyway?
I also object to his charaterization that scientist are trying to explain away the origins of the universe. My understanding is that most cosmologists agree on the big bang theory, but are silent on what caused the big bang or what was before it.
I assume that Noonan’s advocacy of NASA somehow, in his mind, involves reconnaisance of God in the night sky.
When I say “Science� in this context, I mean that worldview which placed science athwart religion and said the two cannot mix.
Umm, dipshit? I believe the people who believe that are all on the religion/god side of the debate. Those of us on the science/secular side of the debate agree that science says absolutely nothing about the existence or properties of god. We cannot believe in mythological superheroes because there is absolutely no evidence supporting their existence. But we agree that we cannot prove in a scientifically rigerous manner that they don’t actually exist…
Oh, to truly appreciate Noonan’s idiocy, you have to wait until he really gets into sparring with his detractors in comments. I’ve excerpted some of the gems from his first Death Of Science post here; it may be a few days before he shows his true genius on this one.
Well, this seems to be at least a part of Noonan’s major malfunction (from the original post):
Not too long ago the blogosphere was rocking with the great debate of Intelligent Design vs Darwinism
Um, no. No, it wasn’t. The anti-intelligence crowd was indeed flogging its irretrievably stupid dogma-pretending-to-be-science talking points while plugging its ears and shouting “La la la,” but debate? Maybe his next post should be about the Death of Argumentation.
Oh, and Gavin? all of Western Civilization and parts of Canada? Now that’s funny.
He’s probably one of those peeps who thinks Darwinism and evolution is a theory on the origin of life.
Given that there’s a broad and well developed body of writing that explains everything from the logical and ontological basis of empiricism to the messy practical applications of same in the day-to-day functioning of working scientists, you have to wonder at what point fucktards like Noonan stop being naturally obtuse and start being intentionally, willfully ignorant.
Few are aware that in the Annunciation God also revealed to Mary the principles of aerodynamics.
Harold Ford Jr, Foreign Policy Genius:
Harold Ford Jr: He thinks Crocodile Dundee is a bigger threat than Osama bin Laden.
…speaking of ignorant fucktards…
From the same article cited by Gary Ruppert:
Come on now, you aren’t going to make Gary read an article, are you?
He gets his excerpt from drudge, gets told what to think, and off he goes.
How can he possibly consider Australia to be a threat to the US?
Answer that.
The guy is from the Murtha/Soros/Kerry Defeatocrat School of Foreign Policy
Australia has Mooslims, Gary. They could get ahold of Australia’s nookz!
Gary, you keep saying that the GOP will enhance their majority this term right? But you seem to be always be attacking the Democratic Candidates in Virginia and Tennessee, rather than the Democratic Candidates in New York and Pennsylvania. The fact is that you seem real worried about what may go down in two rather Red States. If the GOP is going to win the day, then shouldn’t you be spending your time attacking the Dems in places where the GOP could pick up a senate seat, like New York or Michigan?
Kean and Steele are on their way to victory. Katherine Harris is also building up unstoppable momentum.
As well, I expect the GOP to hold their seats in Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Ohio, Tennessee, Missouri, Virginia, and Montana.
He’s not saying Australia is a threat, monkey. He’s saying that Australia is one of potentially forty countries trying to develope nukes, and people should stop developing nukes. And the more people who have it, the more likeyl it is that the wrong people will have it.
I know, it’s hard to understand them foreign talks, especially with such a …. flamboyant… news source. (rife with anti-american subtext), but do try, try, to actually read the entire thing, man.
AH-HA! HAAAHAHAHAHA!! Katherine Harris!?! Katherine freakin Harris! Jeeeess-US, Gary.
I figured out who he REALLY is!
I wish there were a way to add on to existing posts, oh well.
So what polls are YOU reading, Gary? Seriously. No, no, you can’t just take a pie chart and add names and say, “SEE! Proof!”
there is no prophylactic thick or latexy enough to protect you from gary’s VMD (Veneral Meme Disease). if you write the sentence “while of course i don’t literally think children should be eaten by monsters, and would never want such a thing to happen, i did read this article where a child was eaten by a monster. now that’s a thing i wouldn’t want to happen under any circumstances.” gary hears: Liberals Want to See Children Eaten By Monsters.
and by FSM, it is there in the sentence. if gary touches a debate, he infects it with his buboes-laden stupidity and soon pus will start to ooze from its every orifice, until the debate finds itself literally exploding in a bath of blood and diarrhea. it is rare that fecal blood and explosive pustules lead to useful outcomes, yet still people try.
and remember, if you engage with him, there is a very good chance you will get this disease. my suggestion, therefore, is double up on the condoms if you must fuck his ugly vaginal/anal area, but do notice the oozing sores first.
or, better, don’t feed the fucking troll, idiots.
Yeah but Gary, you’ve spent the past two days ranting on about Jim Webb being a child molester and Harold Ford being so, I don’t know, I’m guessing evil because he likes women. It seems to me like you are paying a lot of attention to those races like they’re not an afterthought or something. Like they really matter or something. So explain it to me, if the GOP is going to do so well, why are you going on and on about a race that should be won easily because it’s a red state? Why aren’t you attacking Bill Nelson regularly and explaining to us poor ignorant liberals how Katherine Harris is kicking his ass? Instead, you seem to be, I don’t know exactly, maybe playing defense or something? But that would be crazy because as Bush says, you can’t play defense in the war on terror.
Katherine Harris is also building up unstoppable momentum.
Like a hurtling train, yes.
Harris was down 20 points, but now she’s down around 5 points or so, and it shouldn’t be surprising to see her win narrowly.
If this particular election wasn’t so damn important, I’d be rooting for Katherine Harris to win. I still hope she stays active in politics. Woman is so dumb, so unconnected to reality, when she opens her mouth it makes republicans cringe and I get to laugh my ass off.
Oh, and Gary? At the current rate that America is creating fear and loathing among other nations who are a little tiny bit less pro invasion, pro torture and pro mass killing as a solution to all diplomatic/political problems, it’s only a matter of time before Australia is opposed to America’s policy. Course, they gotta get rid of THEIR wingnut-in-chief John Howard, but they’re likely to do so…
You know Gary, assuming that you didn’t just pull that poll out of your ass and it’s true (and granted saying that requires a grain of salt the size of the Andromeda Galaxy), you still haven’t cleared up my confusion on this matter. If Katherine Harris is 5 points away from winning a Democratic senate seat, and the GOP are just days away from winning a veto-proof supermajority, why have you spent all your time harping on about two theoretically safe GOP held senate seats? Shouldn’t you have been giving us daily updates on Katherine Harris and that guy running against Hilary rather than worrying about Ford or Webb? I mean, it’s almost as if you think those seats are in play or something. Which would be crazy, I know, given the fact that the GOP is going to be rewarded for all its wise leadership in Iraq.
Completely off topic, but if anyone here went to USC:
(Go Beavers!)
[/adrenaline-fueled gloating]
Your man Noonan needs a blood test. There’s no way anyone could perform at that level of stupidity without chemical assistance. It’s simply not natural. The quotes remind me of the time I took a fortnight’s supply of amitryptyline and washed them down with a fifth of whisky… I was all over the place for the next 48 hours, but even then I was making more sense than Noonan.
you can’t really do science unless you are firmly grounded in faith and have a general knowledge of theology
Let’s not go into the details of Albert Einstein and his comprehensive knowledge of the works of Thomas Aquinas…
you can’t really do science unless you are firmly grounded in faith and have a general knowledge of theology.
Jesus. This isn’t just garden-variety stupid, it’s transcendentally stupid. It’s like saying that you drive better when someone’s whacking you with a hammer.
Oh course, you just happened to leave your polling data in your car, right?
How many more examples of Religion being completely and pantently wrong are we going to need before people stop listening to them?
Gary Ruppert said,
October 29, 2006 at 0:02
Kean and Steele are on their way to victory. Katherine Harris is also building up unstoppable momentum.
As well, I expect the GOP to hold their seats in Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Ohio, Tennessee, Missouri, Virginia, and Montana.
See everybody? Gary just proved to the entire world that opposable thumbs are not proof of higher intelligence.
” Gary just proved to the entire world that opposable thumbs are not proof of higher intelligence.”
Oh, now, that’s just cruel. Gary can’t help his little digit problem – it’s hereditary.
I’m ashamed I hadn’t noticed this before now. This post on the blog for Mark Noonan and Matt Margolis’ book “Caucus of Corruption” shares the first endorsement they got for their book. They were very excited about it. Can you guess who it was from? Tom DeLay, of course.
Mark Noonan is fast becoming one of the best comedians on the internets.
Gary, why don’t you drop a link to the poll that shows Harris trailing by only 5 points? Here’s the latest poll I found; where the fuck is yours?
Also, does anyone else think those drawings of the Beatles on that book are scary? The one that I think is supposed to be George has an especially demented look on his face. I’m mesmerized just looking at it. Getting kinda sleepy.
Whoa, where was I? Oh, Communism is historically inevitably going to destroy these capitalist overlords.
Ol’ Noony has a real love for NASA because they are the only mob who can help build the giant prayer platform in space. Being outside the atmosphere attenuation is reduced and Le Bon Dieu can hear our prayers without so much interference (although there are always the mix-ups in delivery resulting in various deities getting the wrong p-mail.)
Gary –
What poll has Harris within five points of Nelson?
I ask because, well, I actually live in Harris’ congressional district, and I’ve noticed a striking lack of TV advertising by her campaign. And when I say “striking lack,” I mean the complete and utter absence of it. I haven’t seen one single Harris for Senate commercial, and I’m in a pretty big media market.
So how did she close the gap without TV buys?
5 points? The latest poll I’ve seen is the Quinnipiac, which has her down by 35. I went to her website, and she’s not even crazy enough to claim that the polls are anything but horrible for her (top news story: “Harris: Despite polls, I’ll win”).
Scientist have, at times, followed the inspiration of a dream, and occasionally a religious person uses a microwave.
My head just exploded.
I will return later to get the pieces and read this entry in its entirety as well as I am sure the delightful comments.
The quotes remind me of the time I took a fortnight’s supply of amitryptyline
I heard that stuff can give you spontaneous orgasms… Or was that anaphranil…
Hey Pinko, wait, can I come with you?
He’s not wrong when he argues that religion and science need not be in opposition; in fact a great many scientists and natural philosophers held religious views. But it’s nonsense to say that one must be religious to do good science.
Looking up at the night sky isn’t proof of God, unless you think those are pinholes in the celestial sphere from which heavenly light doth leak.
Gravity works whether or not I believe in God, or we’d have flying Atheists.
And to what theological tenet does electricity derive from? Biblical mention of the Big Guy throwing a few bolts hither and yon? Was that your white-bread Chrisitan God, or was it Thor? Bowling night for the angels, perhaps?
Children are curious about their environment long before they begin to wrestle with theological questions, and ‘why is the sky blue’ is not answered or made clear by ‘and God created the firmament, splitting it into equal parts day and night’.
Irreducable complexity is an intellectual cop-out. Or, as Arthur C. Clarke wrote, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
But go ahead with your superstitious chicken-dancing. The fact is that men who don’t believe in YOUR God have acquired nuclear weapons, and other men who don’t believe in YOUR God are well on their way.
If Kim Jung Il’s nuke failed, it wasn’t because of a prayer rally.
That poll Gary cites came directly out of his arse… or was that “pole? “
[regains composure after laughing so damned hard]
“(O)r so,” in this case meaning about an additional 30 points. Or so.
And I just broke teh tagz… again. Sorry, everyone. I’ll lay off teh italics for a bit in any other threads I comment in.
Noonan does not seem to understand the concepts of ‘science’, ‘religion’, or for that matter ‘athwart’.
Last time I looked up at the night sky, God was pissing on me. I would have prefered to think of it as ‘rain’, but that kind of closed-minded atheism is beyond me.
I assume that Noonan’s advocacy of NASA somehow, in his mind, involves reconnaisance of God in the night sky.
I think he took that whole “slip the surly bonds of earth and touch the face of God” thing literally.
Katherine Harris is also building up unstoppable momentum.
…as falling objects are wont to do.
you can’t really do science unless you are firmly grounded in faith and have a general knowledge of theology.
S’true. Also, you can’t be a really stellar plumber without a thorough understanding of music theory.
“I heard that stuff can give you spontaneous orgasms… Or was that anaphranil…”
Tell me more!
Didn’t work 8(
First, Noonan is a fool and a dipshit.
Second, religion and science CAN live together. Several writers have demonstrated this. John Polkinghorne is a prime example, although I think Huston Smith has explored this ground in the broadest sense.
Shadowgm assumes that people believe in God because they need to explain the world. If you do not understand why our faith takes this shape, that is fine, but don’t assume we are just trying to tell fairy tales to avoid critical thinking.
What frustrates me about the vocal atheists of late is not that they do not believe in God. By all means, don’t. Although I do, I don’t think anyone is “going to hell.” All I am asking is do not dismiss my thought or ideas because my faith takes a shape your faith does not.
I note that the Communism/Hypnotism/Beatles pamphlet is straight from the bowels of Billy James Hargis’ old Christian Crusade.
Hargis, who is no longer with us, fell from grace when he was literally caught in bed with a live man AND and a live woman. Truly a sight to behold.
Gary Ruppert said,
As well, I expect the GOP to hold their seats in Pennsylvania
The fact is that Sen. Man-on-Dog is toast. From Sunday’s Philadelphia Inquirer: “The Temple/Inquirer poll shows Santorum has lost ground to his Democratic opponent, Bob Casey Jr. A month ago, Casey led the two-term senator by 11 points. The latest poll has Casey ahead 54 percent to 38 percent with 6 percent undecided.”
And it couldn’t happen to a more deserving prick.
Also in Pennsylvania: “The governor’s race remained static, with Gov. Rendell ahead of his Republican challenger, NFL Hall of Fame wideout Lynn Swann, 58 percent to 34 percent, with 6 percent undecided.”
In the House, Weldon and Sherwood are going down, and Gerlach and Fitzpatrick are in trouble.
The GOP is in for big losses in Pennsylvania.
Taking a peek through the looking glass into Gary’s World:
Unquestionably brilliant
Iraq wants nuclear weapons, and these weapons may fall into the hands of terrorists, making the US less safe. We must attack them immediately to prevent the smoking gun from being a mushroom cloud.
Ridiculously idiotic:
Forty contries want nuclear weapons, and these weapons may fall into the hands of terrorists, making the US less safe. We should encouage friendly nations to drop their pursuit of nuclear weapons.
OK. Got it.
Wow. This is too perfect! Look what I found in my inbox right after I posted the snarky comment:
“In an interview on Arabic radio two weeks ago, the imam based at Sydney’s Lakemba mosque said he was opposed to terror attacks in Madrid, London and New York but strongly endorsed fighters in the Palestinian territories, Iraq and Afghanistan.
In the interview, Sheik Hilaly pays tribute to Sayyid Qutb, the ideologue of the Muslim Brotherhood and intellectual mentor of Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda. ” full story
Boy, it’s sure a good thing there is aboslutely no potential danger in Austrailia gaining nuclear weapons.
I expect the GOP to hold their seats in Pennsylvania, …
Ricky isn’t looking so good, considering he’s from a part of PA that’s slightly to the right of Atilla the Hun.
Gary Ruppert said,
Harris was down 20 points, but now she’s down around 5 points or so, and it shouldn’t be surprising to see her win narrowly.
Gary, I recently saw a picture of Harris in a bathing suit. All I can say is that if that chick spent $30K for those thighs and gut, I don’t want her anywhere NEAR my tax dollars!
Twisted_Colour said,
Ol’ Noony has a real love for NASA because they are the only mob who can help build the giant prayer platform in space. Being outside the atmosphere attenuation is reduced and Le Bon Dieu can hear our prayers without so much interference (although there are always the mix-ups in delivery resulting in various deities getting the wrong p-mail.)
But…In space, no one can hear you pray!
Enough of that.
Gary, you don’t actually believe the tripe you’re typing, now do you? I mean it’s comedy gold, but you can’t really be that delusional.
[…] Via Sadly, No! I’d like to make one thing clear here – a lot of lefty posters on the original Death of Science thread tried to make out that I was some sort of Luddite opposed to scientific pursuit. This assertion is rather flabbergasting when made against a man who favors a massive increase in spending on NASA. When I say “Scienceâ€? in this context, I mean that worldview which placed science athwart religion and said the two cannot mix. My contention is not only that they mix fine, but that you can’t really do science unless you are firmly grounded in faith and have a general knowledge of theology. […]
[…] been neglecting Nooners lately. That’s mostly because we’ve run out of puns like ‘High Noonan,’ ‘Noonan World Order,’ and ‘Darkness at Noonan.’ But as you can see, […]