
While trolling the ‘trons for something to goof on, I found myself at Pajamas for possibly the first time and followed a link to this:

Click to embigggen, click again to embigggen more, I myself and gonna have to take another gander or three, as this one seems to have so many subconscious and unstated pathologies that I can’t begin to sort them out and I pray that his Noodly Goodness shall see to it that I will never be able to do so.

This may have been a feature of previous cartoons by Chris Muir but I hadn’t noticed before, but then again, I only see the dudes work when some other rational blogger features his “talents.” This comic is sponsored by one Dan Wilterding. Who is that? I have no Idea, but let us find out, if we can, via the Gizoogle. The only hits that come up are directory listings for a company in Texas…

Again, I can only stare and blink at the thing, so lets move on to ClownHall™ where we start with the political cartoon of the day.

Ha! It’s funny ’cause it is true, and it’s topical, because Oscars and because Sally Field…Ha! Obamacare tax penalty makes for the comedic version of the rhetorical tri-fecta.

I really think that the Conservative Humor deficit is related to an agressively anathematic relationship with the concept of consent.

Still on the front page we have Doug Giles who also has a sense of Humours demonstrated by the clickbaity title of his column: Christianity Is To Terrorism What Rosie O’Donnell Is To Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit Edition.

Giles is nothing if not a paragon of class and chivalry, so I wonder if what follows will illuminate or make any sense at all, though I suspect the gag will be a riff on Obama’s recent comments in which he did not accuse every muslim on the planet a terrorist or something.

Man, dont you love how Obama and his soft-brain disciples have made Christians out to be fish-stickered, bug-eyed equals to incensed Islam? If you were to accept what the White House says about Christians youd think the Church is chomping at the bit to chop off some heads of unbelievers.

If you were to accept….you would think….heads of unbelievers. True, if one is a moron without reading or listening comprehension skills one very well might believe the version Giles is peddling…

I will give this to Clown Hall, they put up the first utterings of their idiot columnists on the front page, and as usual, and in especially this case, there is enough up front to save the bother of delving further.

At this point and the reason I stopped at the page in the first place, was what promises to be yet another, in a long line of Guliani justifications in defence of Rudy’s Racism.

Near the end of page one Derick Hunter attempts to make a point, in such a fashion that if one was not explicitly paying attention one might derive the wrong impression which is why, I figure, he draws a pay-check.

As Obama put it when he was secretly taped at an organizing meeting during his activist days, “More broadly, we progressive community organizers exploit the anger that festers when people feel that injustice and corruption leave them with no chance of improving their lives.”

Can you believe that?

It’s not true. Obama actually wrote that line in a Los Angeles Times column this week, only where I wrote “we progressive community organizers” the president wrote “groups like al Qaeda and ISIL.

First it doesn’t hew to the truth, except, instead of a secretly taped meeting [ed. Jesus H, that 47% crap and the missing Whitey tape, have left some republicans with asses a shade redder than an angry baboon] he wrote that in an El A times column, ‘cepting the parts where I put words in his mouth that have absolutely no relation to what was actually stated. But certain that his target audience has skipped on to the next paragraph, his work on this account, is done…

If you read the first statement and thought the president could have said that, you’re not that far from where Rudy was coming from. That either version is believable is telling.

The line I edited sounds like something Obama would have said. It’s not hateful to say it. It’s not racist. It’s just a fact. And it being a fact [ed. what being a fact?] is why so many on the left have accused Giuliani of being a hater or a racist – they don’t want people to think too hard about it.

Shorter (or the last port before Jungle, unless we are livin la vida loca in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness):

  • The shit I just made up to support an unsupportable point, is shit I just made up, but because it sounds like something that he would say, it is a fact. And the fact is that Obama is a ni(Clang) who hates Amercia and whose white mother makes us not at all racist.

What Guliani actually said, of which I doubt we will find anything resembling an accurate reproduction in the above column, took place at a Walker fundraiser. Guliani says:

“I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America,” Giuliani said during the dinner at the 21 Club, a former Prohibition-era speakeasy in midtown Manhattan. “He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country.”

I am at a loss to figure out a silkier way to nigger a guy, to state without irony that he is not “one of us” BlackityBlackBlack. he might have well discussed the bone-hole through his septum that he had surgically repaired.

In an interview after the dinner — Walker aides insisted all of the governor’s comments were off the record — Giuliani said he would “eventually” back a Republican presidential candidate. He also elaborated on his criticism of Obama by arguing the president “sees our weaknesses as footnotes to the great things we’ve done.”

“What country has left so many young men and women dead abroad to save other countries without taking land? [ed. how many bases in how many countries around the world does the US military occupy?] This is not the colonial empire that somehow he has in his hand. I’ve never felt that from him.…I don’t feel that from President Obama.”

Off the record….right! Guliani is simply carrying water for Walker so his fingerprints don’t appear on the racist candlestick and that there is no proof he was ever in the library…

Colonial Empire?
Not feeling it after making the case that we aren’t an empire? Which one is it Rudy?

Thanks FeloniusDinesh™. H/t Pups.

During the Obama years, D’Souza has specialized in writing books and producing documentaries suggesting the President is motivated by anti-colonial hatred of Western civilization. After pleading guilty to campaign finance violations last year, D’Souza remains unbowed, casting himself as the victim of a political witch-hunt by the Obama administration. Amid this flurry, D’Souza continues to tweet ugliness like this and this.

Anyway back to Rudy.
In an interview with the NYT for some clarification…On the literal whitewash of Rudy’s Racism….

Former Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani of New York on Thursday defended his assertion that President Obama did not love America, and said that his criticism of Mr. Obama’s upbringing should not be considered racist because the president was raised by “a white mother.”

Well, then. There you have it…

“Some people thought it was racist — I thought that was a joke, since he was brought up by a white mother, a white grandfather, went to white schools, and most of this he learned from white people,” Mr. Giuliani said in the interview. “This isn’t racism. This is socialism or possibly anti-colonialism.” … “I’m happy for him to give a speech where he talks about what’s good about America and doesn’t include all the criticism,” … “I want an American president to raise our spirits again, like a Ronald Reagan,”

Fairy tales is what he wants. Lies that make the proles feel good. Its always a re-run of Reagan with these guys in a fantasy world that resembles the 50’s to which they wish they could return.

Regarding comments at the prayer breakfast which is where this all got started:

Mr. Giuliani said he also objected to the president’s comments about the Crusades at the National Prayer Breakfast this month, in which Mr. Obama said that during the Inquisition, people had “committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.”

“Now we know there’s something wrong with the guy,” Mr. Giuliani said of the president. “I thought that one sort of went off the cliff.’’

He added: “What I don’t find with Obama — this will get me in more trouble again — is a really deep knowledge of history. I think it’s a dilettante’s knowledge of history.

St. ThreeLetters&aVerb, not only an expert on what constitutes Racism but also an arbiter of what constitutes a dilettante’s historical education. It’s a frenchy word, so not only is Obama illegitimately blackety, he is also lacking a phallus as well. Though the following might just suggest a great deal, a mastery of Projection on the subject of a dilettante’s education for one.

He also goes after Obama’s LA times column demonstrating his mastery of foreign affairs. The world is a very simple place for these people, or they think that the majority of us are idiots…I’m banking on the ‘fact’ that both are true.

Giuliani also joined in criticism of the president’s characterization of extremism, calling Obama’s op-ed this week for the Los Angeles Times “a very, very damaging statement.”

“You see, if you don’t call it something, you can’t connect the dots,” Giuliani said. “If you can’t connect the dots, you can’t really combat it militarily.”

Giuliani also mentioned Iran, which he called “part of the Islamic extremist movement” as well.

“If you refuse to say that there are extremist members of the Islamic religion, well then, it sounds like you’re living on Mars,” he said.

That was crazy talk, like not only did dude not connect the right and proper Jewish Loving Neocon Dots and I choose to state that he didn’t say what he actually said, like a three year old hearing “open the cookie jar” completely disregarding the “Don’t” that started the party….Dude is like from Mars….

Rudy, you would be better off saying “…it sounds like you are living on Venus.” It would be more in keeping with the feminization of Democrats in which you so love, because it always brings the house down…

So returning to ClownHall where mercifully old whathisname has run out of steam, and as predicted left Rudy’s words out of the picture entirely, ends thusly:

Like a parent who loves his kid but thinks the kid is fat, stupid and/or lazy – the president does not like this country a whole lot. That’s fine; he doesn’t have to. But he shouldn’t be leading what he has such a problem with…unless he wants to fundamentally change it, which he does.

So the real problem isn’t that the president doesn’t like the country very much, it’s that so many people voted for, and still support, a man who doesn’t like the country very much.

Assertion made that lacks any evidence whatsoever, but dovetails nicely into a faulty, (me being generous again) but seemingly timeless narrative built on the shadiest of foundations, in a dimension devoid of objective reality, mixed with a dollop of that oh so popular “Love it, or leave it” thrown in for seasoning….Larded with a bit of “they were much worse with Bush and the media never cuts us a bit of slack.” And you have your template to a career on the WingnutWelfareIndustrialMediaComplex™.


Comments: 25


Do you think there will be wingnuts whining about American Sniper only winning an Oscar for Best Sound Editing?


the real problem isn’t that the president doesn’t like the country very much, it’s that so many people voted for, and still support, a man who doesn’t like the country very much

Does he offer a solution, perhaps, to this problem of America-hating Americans?


Nequam, oh yeah, but I think they’ll hate all of the progessive speechifying on such a big stage, watched by so many, even more.

Betting that they’ll attempt to parse their relevance via the ratings for the daytona 500.

M. Bouffant, read between the lines…


Do you think there will be wingnuts whining

Always & forever.


A pompous old blowhard named Bill
Liked to boast of his vast combat skill
Vietnam? Didn’t go!
Falkland War? Sadly, no!
But the Christmas War he wages still.

Major K, could you please post this to Daily Kos as I’m on the road and having Internet problems? thanks!


Consider this comment the equivalent of hitting “like” on Some guy’s post.


A pompous old blowhard named Bill
Liked to boast of his vast combat skill
Vietnam? Didn’t go!
Falkland War? Sadly, no!
But the Christmas War he wages still.

[slow clap]


I really think that the Conservative Humor deficit is related to an agressively anathematic relationship with the concept of consent.

That’s just one facet of the more general formula for conservative “humor” – namely, to regurgitate standard tropes.

Whether it be bigotry, racism, chauvanism, xenophobia, strategic projection, zombie fallacies, or whatever, conservative “humor” is merely tuning the dogwhistles down to a frequency in the human hearing range.

And if anybody complains, “Hey, it was just a joke!”

Ex: And did you know, WP is the town bicycle?


Major K, could you please post this to Daily Kos as I’m on the road and having Internet problems? thanks!



OBS, I already found that RS piece via driftglass linking to it, and I will reiterate here what I said in his comments about the mangoes that had already been shat onto it, and probably more since:

When Brother Charles [Pierce at Esquire] says these are the f[uc]king mole people, he’s insulting mole people, people with moles, people in general, and moles in general.

Preemptive FYWP for when it tells me I’m posting too fast, then turns around and approves the immediate fucking resubmission.


It’s not all doom and gloom out there. Hope this will, for some of my friends here, make the day a little brighter. http://almost-banned.littlethings.com/almost-banned-commercial


I used to follow Chris Muir’s conservative webcomic Day by Day. I liked his artwork, and thought the humor in this daily strip had a light touch, which is unusual for conservative humor.

Or should I say conservative “humor”? The problem with conservative (attempts at) humor is that either there is so much anger that it kills the humorousness, or, sooner or later, the humor displays bigotry, and always toward traditional targets of marginalization.

I had been following Day by Day for some time before I saw a homophobic attack on Andrew Sullivan. Now I’m not a fan of Sullivan, but his writing isn’t only about gayness, as Muir’s strip dishonestly claimed.

I didn’t see any kind of bigotry in Day by Day for quite some time after that, except for the usual anti-left stuff, which wasn’t particularly nasty.

What got my attention were the “Kevin Jennings is a pedophile” strips sometime later. It was after the second one that I stopped bothering to read Day by Day. Chris Muir turned out to be a virulent homophobe.


well, hazelnuts! whats with all this snow?

also, the daughter is 29 today…i feel old…


Does he offer a solution, perhaps, to this problem of America-hating Americans?

A final solution, but it’s not ready for release yet.


It’s not all doom and gloom out there. Hope this will, for some of my friends here, make the day a little brighter.

Can you guess which reminder is me?


All your thread are belong to us.

Also, snow? It’s 50° and sunny here in Spoklahoma.


This comic is sponsored by one Dan Wilterding. Who is that?

He’s a guy who sponsored softcore porn cartoons because his Ding was wilted.


Thanks, everyone.

Fighting this world Internet… Why it’s practically like being in COMBAT!


There’s a Dan Wilterding in the Texas Mensa. Remember that “King of the Hill” episode?


Some guy, I’m pretty sure you rate at least a Bronze Star for valour….

New one.


“Like a parent who loves his kid but thinks the kid is fat, stupid and/or lazy – the president does not like this country a whole lot. ”

Shucks Rudy, I dunno why he wouldn’t like the country. Maybe something about how you and your neoconfederate homeboys love to wax poetic about the “good ol’ days” when people like him were considered property. Or perhaps it’s that (again) people like him faced summary execution for the sin of being in the wrong town after sundown not even fifty years ago.

Or, y’know, perhaps its the entirely justifiable disgust of a man who realizes he’s the leader of a country where a majority of people think torture is OK because Jeebus. FFS, you *should* be admiring his restraint; I’d have retargeted a handful of our ICBMs at everything south of the Mason-Dixon and staged an “accident” years ago…


I can’t imagine following Chris Muir, because while the comics look like they’re written in English, it seems to be some sort of secret code that whenever I unlock, I find a hideous person behind that boring facade that looks like a bad rendition of Mary Worth.


Day by Day is not as stupid as Mallard Fillmore.

(It’s not particularly funnier either.)

More than that, I cannot say.


(comments are closed)