And to think we almost ran into the world’s foremost authority on pussification
A blog goes out of town for a while and it turns out that one of its heroes, and the inspiration for the Dickification of the Western Female essay, is in its city:
We’re in Stuttgart now, on the first official stop of the Du Toit World Tour 2004 (last week in Munich was vacation).
Let’s just hope he’s not staying too long — we’re supposed to be back on Friday. Maybe when we’re there again we’ll stop by those Turkish restaurants where they serve pork:
Lots of Turkish restaurants — only difference being that the kebabs and shwarmas are filled with pork or veal, and not lamb (“The lamb here sucks!” the counter guy told me* when I asked him).
Uh, right. It surely isn’t beef or anything like that. By the way Kim, if all Turks in Stuttgart speak “fluent German” chances are they aren’t going to tell you this:
*”Der Lammfleisch ist schrecklich.”
It’s a shame that you missed Mr. Twat. I’m sure you two would have had a great deal in common.
Just wanted to note that Sadly, No! Enterprises makes good on their promises — I just got my Go Simpsonic with The Simpsons CD today!
Thank you, S,N!
Just wanted to note that Sadly, No! Enterprises makes good on their promises — I just got my Go Simpsonic with The Simpsons CD today!
Good to see S,N!.E. did better on that one than on its pledge never to sleep again.
Good to see S,N!.E. did better on that one than on its pledge never to sleep again.
You sayin’ you want a piece of me?
Mostly beef, chicken and turkey, I’d guess, but not pork (most Turks being Muslims).
BTW, grammatically correct it should be:
“Das Lammfleisch ist schrecklich.”
What a small world.
With luck some neo-nazi skinhead will mistake him and his stupd beret for a frenchman and beat him silly.
Ah… that wasn’t very nice. But still…
I think Kim has “Boy Named Sue” Syndrome. He’s constantly over-compensating for a girly name.
I think Kim has “Boy Named Sue” Syndrome. He’s constantly over-compensating for a girly name.
Good point. It’s hard to imagine a more pussified name for a guy than “Kim du Toit.” (Well, conceivably “Sebastien SomereallylongFrenchname.”)
btw, along the same lines, have you ever noticed that “Ariel Sharon” has two girls’ names?