What happens when OctoPlexipii™* Have a Baby
This one is about Psychological Projection. Media Matters has named bow-tied, bespectacled hack for the ages, George Will, their misinformer of the year.

That’s the putz, right there, just look at it. He has had quite the year, what with the Global Warming Denialism, His multiplicity of Bootstraps-R-AllYouNeedNiggers commentary, and one of the Biggest Howlers of the year regarding rape accusations. This is a line that struck me in ways that had not occurred to me before. It is almost like he was unwittingly attempting to give a whole new level of meaning to “It’s always Projection”:
“[W]hen they make victimhood a coveted status that confers privileges, victims proliferate.”
In that one line, separated from any reference to rape, is a distillation of every stinking oleaginous center of the thinly tough-guy-veneered wingnut screech owl and howler monkey alike.
Half (or more) of the entire wingnut foundation lies on their special status as victims; of the gubmint, of Black people, of that menacing shadow in the alleyway. Have there ever been a more pathetic bunch of wingers terrified of anything that does not agree, accede, comport, or look like themselves in the history of ever? (Probably, but given the nature of modern technology we just see so much more of it.)
These are the white people who are convinced that they are discriminated by black people. These are the ones that scream foul about infringement of their first amendment rights when someone happens to challenged any factless, innumerate, or historically inaccurate bullshit that seeps from their maws.
These are Republicans, wishing they could take credit for a crown of thorns unworn, who revel in suggesting that they have been lynched when oddly enough rope burns (or ligature marks) seem oddly absent from their necks and seem to remain ambulatory in the aftermath.
*The only result of that unholy union that I can imagine is a projectiplex that might actually allow light to escape an event horizon.
Don’t they mean “Lying Sack of Shit of The Yr.”?
Also, the link doesn’t.
Thanks MB, I fixxored it.
I blame ObamaPress.
Pot to kettle. Pot to kettle. You’re black. Over.
The fact is, realty is to liberals as kryptonite is to a vampier.
The fact is, fake Gary has never been funny, even inadvertently the way real Gary sometimes was.
The greater part of the modern conservative movement fancies itself martyrs ready to die on the barricades. But since no one is actually interested in killing them (much as many wished they would just die), they live a very unsatisfying existence.
They should just move to Saudi Arabia, Sudan, or Taliban-controlled Pakistan. Then they could live life as the claim to want.
Test tickle
Test tickle
Okay, box up this here Elmo and ship it.
The greater part of the modern conservative movement fancies itself martyrs ready to die on the barricades.
The greater part of the body of modern conservatives believes this about walking a sidewalk not in their neighborhood. Parking lots are usually lava free zones.
Okay, box up this here Elmo and ship it.
I’ll throw it in the back of the plane with the rest of ’em.
This week so far has been as crazy as you might expect. Bad weather, long delays, maintenance problems.
I did get to meet tsam in Spokane the other day, which was cool.
Hannity Flips His Shit After His Colleagues Name Him ‘Worst of Fox’
[Nelson]Ha ha![/Nelson]
bwhahah Hannity = Giant Douche
Hannity always reminds me of a private school bully.
Merry Christmas, folks. Thank you for all the work that the site administrators put in to make this site useable.
Now to see if WP tells me I’m commenting here too much.
I did get to meet tsam in Spokane the other day, which was cool.
Yes, ’tis!
Now to see if WP tells me I’m commenting here too much.
Happens to me anytime I’ve gone days between postings (which is to say, always).
I’ll start prefacing my comments with a number to show the attempts.
I did get to meet tsam in Spokane the other day, which was cool.
The Major had to fake the flu to get out of meeting me. 😉
Oh WP what would we do without you?*
* comment trouble free maybe?
I did get to meet tsam in Spokane the other day, which was cool.
Awesome! You guys don’t hate each other now after sizing each other up and such, eh?
Too quickly, eh…….ILWP :heart thingy here:
New holiday post for those who are interested. Still trying to find a writing schedule that works for me.