Don’t know how many of you have been enjoy-a-cringing the current season of Newsroom, Aaron Sorkins latest vehicle about Aaron Sorkin, but I promised to stop watching at least four times (halfway through the first episode I was like “not only is this bad, but where exactly is it going, and can we get a fucking continuity cop on site, stat”.) Now I was only made aware of the return of Newsroom by a post that Spocko had made at Digby’s place.
I enjoyed the first two seasons (first most) and was happy that it was on again. Now it is like watching a slow motion thing wherein somehow a clown-car (the VW bug with 20 clowns within) managed to take over the controls of a train (don’t ask me how, it just works as an image in my mind) that finds itself out of control and headed in the direction of a baby animal farm.
The most recent episode has been panned far and wide as an example of horrible television, primarily due to the way it deals with a storyline involving a rape victim, wherein Sorkin (sole writing credits) Sorksplains™ why the rape victim should not have set up a website naming her assailants. The analysis of that particular fail has been taken care of far better than I could. Jezebel, AV Club, The Guardian, Vox, The Atlantic, and many others did just that.
What seems to keep drawing me back into the show is a fascination at one, a complete lack of self awareness by the show creator, and two, just what the fuck are they trying to accomplish. The show is all over the place and I only found out yesterday (after vowing to watch only one more episode, that there was only one left.
It was clear that most of the cast was well aware of the fact before I was, because it seemed like someone migh have set up a phone bank and comfy chairs and trays of bon bons on set. The only way they are gonna be able to wrap up the series in one episode is going to require the unpacking of every treacle laden cliche that has ever entered anything resembling a story in hollywood at its worst, and someone with more powers of giving a shit about it than I should really come up with a drinking game and prepare to take the following two days off.
On to other shit, much cooler shit, in fact, this:

Of course the Usual Suspects were up in arms. Post comes to screeching halt because while trying to catch up with some of the Usual Suspects I was caught in this web cast by VDH:
Some of the public may think that the lessons of Michael Brown — and Trayvon Martin — are that it is unwise to commit a crime and then assault an officer, or confront a stranger in the rain and slug him in the head and get into a tussle, given that such targets may be armed and may respond with deadly force. But I think critics would privately respond that in Al Sharpton’s America both cases instead advise to take the beating and do not dare use a firearm for self-protection from assault on the chance the attacker is unarmed. In retrospect, Zimmerman might have preferred to have been “whoop-assed,” or Wilson preferred being slugged than to become lifelong targeted pariahs…
h/t Roy
One of the things I love about the Aliens shows on the History Channel aside from the guy with the hair, so crazy and earnest, that it makes you want to become a believer, is the reliance on “Some say’s” and “May’s” to support the most tenuous of argument, and here Victor comes galloping right out of the gate using the same formula.
I’m not sure exactly what you get when you mix slippery slopes with argumentum ad absurdum, and a healthy dollop of terrified white privilege, but i am thinking that it looks alot like that paragraph or pretty much everything Hanson has written.
Yesterday I went traipsing through the wayback machine to see what if anything of the old SadlyVerse I might be able to recover and I found some stuff:

From his latest, a bit about Landrieu’s chances today, this is dropped into an od graph about halfway through the piece.
An analogous situation arose last month over the Keystone XL pipeline, which billionaire global warmists oppose and the Obama administration has delayed. The House had approved multiple bills that would authorize construction, but despite bipartisan support, as Fox Butterfield might say, soon-to-be-former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid refused to allow a vote.
On second thought I should have gone with this picture instead:

I think if we launch an exhaustive search, we will find that all of these “billionaire global warmists” are hiding behind polyps in Taranto’s colon. And who the fuck is Fox Butterfield anyway?
Are these the chins that launched a thousand ships?
nt confrontation. Perhaps New York City policemen should have been able to find a way of arresting the obese and asthmatic 300-pound suspect without the use of a chokehold.
uhhhh…since a chokehold is illegal, yeah…should have found another way…
the reliance on “Some say’s” and “May’s” to support the most tenuous of argument, and here Victor comes galloping right out of the gate using the same formula.
Has VDH ever been on the Hitlery Channel? It seems a perfect fit for someone of his rugged militaristic inclination, as well as his dubious fact-checking.
Fox Butterfield is clearly a Bond girl.
With ya on the Newsroom. They’ve even managed to make Olivia Munn annoying as fuck. That’s no easy task.
That was a close one! It’s hard to comprehend how many lives were saved today by the successful redaction of our psudonyms.
You gotta love these guys:
On December 10, 22:30 on Wednesday night jazz club show is presenting the Jambalaya album ‘Mardi Gras Tale’
Translated for clarity.
I had loads of fun going back through the sadly archives last night after a nightmare woke me up. I remember lots of those conversations. I highly recommend going back for a look when you have time.
Homer, I threw up in my mouth a little bit…Thanks.
Pere, VDH has been all over the Hitlery Channel, especially docs abt ancien greece with a special hardon for hoplites and spartans.
Also, saw one of those with the Kagans, Krauthammer, and VDH. I wanted to shoot my computer in the face, but we werent in a penned hunt for birds…
Tsam, I know, fuck with munn at your peril. Re NR, at this point it is tickling two of my fancies. The phychology of narcissus demonstrated by Sorkin, and as an object lesson on how not to craft a narrative.
Agreed abt reading old threads
“with a special hardon for hoplites and spartans”
It’s funny how after 300 every right-winger developed a special hardon for the Spartans.
300 seemed like a team up between Leni Riefenstahl and Tom of Finland, to tell the story of ancient Greek fascists kicking ass dressed as gay porn stars.
It’s funny how after 300 every right-winger developed a special hardon for the Spartans.
It hit the oh so sweet spot trifecta. Vicariously they could simultaneously view themselves as Victims, Martyrs and Heroes.
Better than eider down for the stuffing in wingnut feather beds.
However the doc I was watching with Hanson drooling all over the Spartans and Hoplites (less so because they were an underclass) had to be made in the late 90’s as VDH was sporting a much younger face with a ‘stache.
Not currently familiar with Tom of Finland, but given your acumen I’d have to call that description perfect.
Also, too, Major, I hope that your are feeling better. I was looking forward to stories. I will wait. I love meatspace meetups, have had several myself. Always a blast to put a face and voice on someone you have spent a good deal of time with online.
Ivy sent me a meezer update.
and as an object lesson on how not to craft a narrative.
The perils of writing as you go, or writing yourself into a jam?
I had loads of fun going back through the sadly archives last night after a nightmare woke me up. I remember lots of those conversations. I highly recommend going back for a look when you have time.
get out town! i recently just did the same thing…good times, good times…
Tsam, both, though the jam can be fixed, one suspects a team involved. More like spend a third of the show masterbating with daddy issues when there are threads that could be tied off more gracefully, getting into the weeds and missing the arc…I know that I am a hack, but assuming there was a story board and only one more hour to tie everything off…it seems like painting tje walls with sanctimonious semen seems counter productive.
Sorry, but on fone, I could go on for days, but would need to set up yet another website.
meh…i saw some of 300…did not care for the brutality and once i was done having a lady boner over all the chests and muscley thighs and whatnot…
erk! fywp! you are giving me the total opposite of a lady boner right now!
bbkf, what is fywp up to that is chilling your willing?
Watching fave trek tos episode. Yangs, komms, e pleb nista…good times.
bbkf, what is fywp up to that is chilling your willing?
the inscrutable, infuriating, incessant ‘posting 2 quickly’…
The fact is, you norther liberal fagoots will be melted down and turned into tea bags for freedom. 300 is a very acurate history movie and has nothing to do with Hitler or Finland, that is where the left wing makes up lies about torture to hurt the usa.
bbkf log in might help. Will look into…
I love that “billionaire global warmists” construction… yeah, those greedy fuckers want to put solar panels on your roofs so you can free yourselves from the energy conglomerates!
Wait, what?
A dozen bands have signed up:
Continuity Cop
Comfy Chairs
Bon Bons On Set
Slippery Slopes
Global Warmists
Polyps in Taranto
Rectal Dietician
Succesful Redaction
Hardon For Hoplites
Riefenstahl and Tom
Daddy Issues
Missing the Arc
Warmest greetings, Mr and Mrs America and All the Ships at Sea!
Tom of Finland nowadays reminds one of a brand of toothpaste, but it isn’t.
Good grief, now I can’t remember the name of the toothpaste … it’ll come to me in the car.
Oh, hi folks.
… of Maine.
Gee, who could have foreseen that a Texas open-carry activist would commit a double murder?
snap…I was going to bring the local rag so I could quote verbatim, but I forgot it…anyhoo, our crackpot editor referred to the rioters in fergus as animals and further opined that those types of people had no chance of ever learning to be civilized.
this led to a rant on our current media, which he obviously doesn’t consider himself to be, reporting on crime, reasoning that nobody needs to read bad news and/or about criminal activities.
he felt further compelled to slam the media about the fact that the msm is celebrating the navy seal who took osama bin ladin out 10 YEARS AFTER THE FACT!!!!!!!!!!! which is truly disgusting because we never celebrate the anniversary of dropping the a-bomb which SAVED MORE LIVES MOSTLY AMERICANS than killing obl did…
srsly, wtf world is this dude living in?! and yes, the paper has been in his family for generations, but jesus h! It’s time to put this pseudo-journalistic horse out to pasture furthest from any piece of writing equipment…
the msm is celebrating the navy seal who took osama bin ladin out 10 YEARS AFTER THE FACT!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, he sure as shootin’ (heh) can’t count worth a diddley-dang.
which is truly disgusting because we never celebrate the anniversary of dropping the a-bomb
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!!
I have been so thoroughly done with Sorkin since Studio 60 that I never even watched Newsroom aside from that corny rant from the first episode that impressed a lot of people who weren’t me. This episode, however, sounds even worse than I believed him to be capable of. Put Sorkin out to pasture once and for all, please.
I have returned after a medication-induced state of not wanting to do anything. Yay me?
How’s it going, y’all?
I like the new site layout.
How does one go about posting these days? Can’t seem to get a comment through.
The CHRomibus spending bill has to be stopped and here’s why.
Spear, good to see you, bud.
Re Comments : Just give it a minute and they will appear. I dunno how it works but it does – oh and FYWP applies even more strongly than heretofore.
Jurassic, you’re too late with your scathing indictment – they passed the thing. Of course they did. As Marx et al pointed out : In a “liberal” “democracy” the government is just the armed and coercive wing of the owners.
hey ya spear!
Wooohoooo!!! Spear!!!! Welcome back.
Hiya Spear!
Sue Z: Concise and accurate description of what masquerades as the government of the United States. Care to be our de Tocqueville of the 21st century?
Just seeing if the old tag system endures in New Sadlyburg.
Would be nice if there was a Preview box. But I’m not bitchin’, not when this Sadlyville is Dennis-free.
Denny is gone? Yay!
Oh yeah, I have a webcomic now.
Check it out here.
And on Facebook.
I have a webcomic now
Nicely done. I like it.
New one kiddios!
Spear, as a fan of high-weirdness superhero universes, I must applaud SideReal very loudly.