My Weekend Keeps Getting Better and Better

Now this is what I love to see:

Joey Harrington will start for the Dolphins against the Patriots on Sunday, ESPN’s Chris Mortensen is reporting.

Beautiful. Now if only Brian Dawkins can give Terrell Owens a career-ending injury during today’s Dallas-Philly game…


Comments: 54


Now if only Brian Dawkins can give Terrell Owens a career-ending injury during today’s Dallas-Philly game…

That is pretty disgusting. I’m a fan of your site, but football is a fucking game. Hoping for someone to be injured, well that is just sick and shows poor character.

I’m no Red Sox fan, but I hope Jon Lester recovers from his cancer. You may not like T.O.; most people don’t. But don’t even joke about people being hurt.


Joey Harrington’s major contribution to society has been providing announcers with an excuse to use the phrase ” tickling the ivories” (or “tinkling,” depending on the announcer) on a regular basis.

So excelsior to you, Joey Joe Joe.


Hoping for someone to be injured, well that is just sick and shows poor character.

It sure does.


Now if only Brian Dawkins can give Terrell Owens a career-ending injury during today’s Dallas-Philly game…

Typical liberal hypocrite. You cry about the Muslim people dying in Iraq, but you clearly don’t care a whit if Terrell Owens can’t feed his family. I’m shocked SHOCKED at such callous indifference.


Man, you guys really stirred up the self-rightious sports fans.


I’m right there with Brad’s poor character. On any given day, I could make a list of people whom I’d LOVE to see injured. And know what? It’d be a long list. And yeah, I think most days owens would be on it…



Didn’t that Terry Owens just try to kill himself?


Didn’t that Terry Owens just try to kill himself?

Most emphatically no.

See, TO called the pharmacy to see what the instructions for the pills were, since the original label had gotten damaged. When the pharmacist said “two to six every four hours,” he misunderstood (since he was distracted by his preoccupation with his ability to feed his family) and thought the prescription was for “226 every four hours.” So, you see, it’s all perfectly logical, and there was no suicide attempt.


Most emphatically no.

Er, that should read:

Sadly, and most emphatically, no!


Beautiful. Now if only Brian Dawkins can give Terrell Owens a career-ending injury during today’s Dallas-Philly game…

That’s sick. Although, living in Dallas and being a lifelong Cowboys fan, I can definitely understand where you’re coming from.

If Jerry Jones was really that desperate to waste $25 mil, he could have given it to me!


I have come the conclusion that, much like Ann Althouse’s political opinions, whatever Brad thinks about sports the opposite is true and right. It’s amazing how you can be the perfect storm of anti-Kathleen sports opinions!


This isn’t the classiest post evah.

Bradley, are you into the SR early?


Maybe he meant a season-ending emotional injury?
Wait, that’s not good either…


I agree with Pinko.


Terrell Owens = biggest asshole in the NFL by far.


If it makes you all feel better about the Foley scandal yielding no benefits for the Dems.

The fact is that the Dem conspiracy to cover up this scandal will be exposed soon


Of course, the Dems are asleep at the wheel, as they have refused to remove a photograph of a Canadian soldier from their page about how Republicans treat American soldiers.


C’mon, folks, slow down here. The wold of Professional Sports Fandom is most emphatically NOT the real world. A sports fan can believe things, say things, and wish for things that he/she would NEVER otherwise believe, say or wish for. If you enjoy professional sports at any level, it serves as a kind of extreme entertainment, providing a break from the unrelenting realities of life. Look at the men dressed up at Raiders games, or the rubber cheese hats in Green Bay. Listen to the verbiage (“Killer Instinct”, “Must score to stay alive”), listen to sports radio.

You have to recognize that a different standard applies here, and it is somewhat silly to attempt to apply real-world rules to this environment. Brad has no control over what happens to Owens in today’s game. He will in no way be responsible for it. For you or anyone to be critical of Brad for indulging in typical sports fan over-the-top rhetoric is misguided at best, and a form of the ‘gotcha’ game at worst…



The fact is this election cycle is shapinmg up GREAT for Republicans:

Take that, pinkos!


More good news for Republicans:,9171,1543874,00.html

HAHAHAHA, eat it, Dems!


Hi Brad,

Blah blah blah, poor taste, no-humor football football blah blah.

I’m a 49ers fan, although I got over the pain that fannish intensity can cause a long time ago. I’m glad Terrell isn’t with the team any more. But damn, with all the trouble-making he turned out to cause, the man is still the most beautiful male human being I have ever seen. In pre-game warm-ups, he’d be running around working out in seal-black lycra/spandex/whatever. And just watching him in games was such a treat.

I remember that one play-off game against Green Bay when Terrell was having one of those no-good, terrible, really bad days. He couldn’t hang on to the ball, no way, no how. Steve Young threw to him once again in the fourth quarter. Steve stumbled as he dropped back, but got off a perfect throw anyway, and T.O., at the goal-line, sandwiched by two Packers, caught that ball and hung onto it as he got squashed.

It was so pretty and so satisfying. I’d taped the game, so I replayed those few minutes a lot, watching T.O. stumble to the sideline, helmet off, clutching the football, and weeping with relief. He was just sobbing. A little later he managed to choke out that he was so grateful that they hadn’t given up on him, that Steve kept coming back to him.

Back then, it seemed possible to believe that T.O. was weird, totally unlike anyone else, but magically gifted, and basically sunny in disposition.

Now he’s all but ruined. I don’t know anything about his family history, but I sure wish someone had sat him down, fired his agent(s), got him into therapy, just done something that could have helped him save himself.

Long comment. I figured it’d be okay, because it’s mainly just a football thread.


Terrell Owens = biggest asshole in the NFL by far.
please. that is ridiculous.

try googling “NFL domestic violence” or “NFL DUI” and guess who doesn’t pop up.


Gary! They have you working on Sunday? The fact is that if unions were stronger you could have weekend off!

Smiling Mortician

Mmm . . . rubber cheese hats . . . Mmm . . . GOP meltdown . . . Mmm . . . melted cheese hats . . .

And now Gary’s here? He bailed on the last Hastert-defense opportunity and showed up here for halftime? Score!


Well. I’m a Lions fan, sad but true. They’re horrible.

I was listening on the radio when Chuck Hughes died on the field.

I remember when Mike Utley was paralyzed from the waist down.

Bad, Brad. Bad, Mikey. I have no qualms if you want to wish ill health on George Bush or Dick Cheney. They’re killing people and destroying the country. TO is just a flamboyant professional athlete.

And I’m really quite astounded that Capital L Liberals would side with management against labor. TO demonstrated extraordinary ability as well as guts as an Eagle. There was nothing wrong with him asking for a new contract, considering the errors that were made in his free agency from San Francisco. Sure, he should have kept playing, but the Philly owner, their coach, and the media they keep in their pockets succeeded in painting this labor/management dispute as evil/good. Beer drinking, blue-collar fans may be easier to convince, but a working man is a working man, even when he’s making millions of dollars.


Harrington wasn’t too bad today. It helped the Patriots that the Dolphis still aren’t that good. Meanwhile, the Bears just look insanely good.


Last time I checked, it wasn’t T.O. who went out after winning a big game and implored everyone to go out and vote for Bush.

That was that fucker Curt Shilling.


You have to recognize that a different standard applies here

Not really. Now, please understand, I fucking loathe T.O. almost as much as I loathe the Cowboys in general, who are second only to the Patriots on my (embarassingly long, especially for a Scandinavian guy who isn’t really that into your cheesy, American rugby-for-nancies) all time NFL hate list, and although I’m not normally gay, I would totally go for a threesome with Jim Johnson and Lito Sheppard right now. But wishing for a crippling injury to happen to anybody, especially someone as ridiculously unimportant as a professional athlete, that, my friend, is fucking bad form, no matter how you look at it.

Now, for the love of all that is unholy, won’t someone come up with another excuse to post that J-Pool picture again.


from philly…

while an injury to TO certainly would have been greeted with some measure of joy in this town, i believe we are sufficiently pleased by the following:

three catches for 45 yards.
no touchdowns.
whining and bitching sideline antics for some other team to deal with.


Aw, c’mon Brad…you can’t really want the T.O. soap opera to end, can you? It’s way too entertaining! And if you’re lucky, after he singlehandedly dismantles the Cowboys from the inside out, he’ll be signed by some non-Patriots AFC East team. I’m pulling for the Raiders to pick him up at some point tho…who wouldn’t want to see Randy Moss + Terrell Owens + random awful Raiders QB + Art Shell’s 1000-yard stare? It’d be awesome.

Brian tha Texas Transplant

How could any of you hate TO? He’s my Manny Ramirez of football.


OK, OK, it was in really poor taste to wish injuries on TO, even in jest.

I was much happier to see him shut down, and to see McNabb have a killer day. McNabb’s been my 2nd-favorite QB ever since Rush went after him, so it’s always good to see him do well.


I’m pulling for the Raiders to pick him up at some point tho…who wouldn’t want to see Randy Moss + Terrell Owens + random awful Raiders QB + Art Shell’s 1000-yard stare? It’d be awesome.

Well, the Raiders lost to the 49ers today. Do you think they’ll win a game all year? Lemme check their schedule…

-@ Denver (definite loss)
-Arizona (they could win this one, maybe)
-Pittsburgh (yeah right, another loss)
-@ Seattle (my God, I feel sorry for them now)
-Denver (my God, make it stop!)
-@ KC (Green should be back by then. Another loss)
-@ San Diego (oy again)
-Houston (this one they could win)
-@ Cincy (stop it. You’re killing me)
-St. Louis (Bulger, Jackson and Holt will crush them)
-KC again (won’t be any prettier)
-@ Jets (another loss)

At best, I say they go 2-14. But if Arizona and even Houston play halfway decent, the Raiders could be the first team ever to go 0-16. I’m rootin’ for ’em.


Say, y’think Brady Quinn’s lookin’ forward to being taken by this team at the #1 pick? Or Troy Smith?


I’m rooting for Brady Quinn as the Raiders’ #1…That way, when they play the Packers in aught’7, we can see Brady’s sister with another ridiculous split Quinn/Hawk jersey. It’s amazing how AJ Hawk gets to pound both Quinn siblings. Oh, wait…was that in bad taste?


Say, y’think Brady Quinn’s lookin’ forward to being taken by this team at the #1 pick? Or Troy Smith?

I dunno, I figure they could both be shipped to Syria for torture.

Thee end of Foleygate?

Ahh, probably not. Who cares if the North Koreans have nukes?


Is it permissible to root for a season-ending injury? How about a game-ending injury?


Say, y’think Brady Quinn’s lookin’ forward to being taken by this team at the #1 pick? Or Troy Smith?

spoken like a true non-Oaklander. As if the Raiders would actually use their first draft pick for anything helpful. As if.


go gjdodger!! I couldn’t have said it better myself

TO sold a lot of magazines and papers for the sports media, and in thanks they piled on him like no tomorrow.

If you are the best at your job, why shoudln’t you get paid for it?


and considering that the NFL contracts are BS anyway. Go TO I say.


annieangel said,

October 8, 2006 at 22:57

I agree with Pinko.

People are just gonna let that slide right by, are they? Really? No comments?


“You have a responsibility to protect your neighbor’s life, and to use force if necessary to do so. In an effort to suppress this truth, you may mix my blood with the blood of the unborn, and those who have fought to defend the oppressed. However, truth and righteousness will prevail. May God help you to protect the unborn as you would want to be protected.�
Paul J. Hill {All American Hero}


I’ve tried mixing armyofgod’s blood with vermouth and a lime spritz. Not bad.


You should try it with salsa…

or even better, with cream of mushroom soup. Mmmmmmmmm!!!


I was at the Eagles game (season tickets since the Buddy Ryan era) and it was spectacular! TO short-armed a pass with Michael Lewis homing in on him right in front of us. But the game was all about McNabb, who’s having another MVP caliber year. Is it wrong to pull for a QB? Is that a conservative position?


Joey played martyr here in Detroit for his whole tenure; yes, he had a horrid offensive line in front of him, and he had no running game behind him but he never once sacked up and said yeah, it’s on me.
Miami should have fun with him. And yeah, I know my Lions are 0-5, but we’re pretty much used to it now.


[…] Poise! Poise! « My Weekend Keeps Getting Better and Better The Sad Truth, Part II » Oct9 […]


Joey’s QB rating, 58.2, was even worse than when he was in Detroit. And yeah, Lemon, I know ‘zactly what you mean about his I-can-do-no-wrong attitude; after your team get shellacked, you’re not supposed to say, “I thought I played well.” He’s the W of the NFL.


T.O. = pwn3d. mwhahaha!!!


“…whining and bitching sideline antics for some other team to deal with. …”

Please. Bledsoe sucked major ass. Three picks? If I were Owens and was getting open on my defenders most of the game, only to have my quarterback either underthrow the ball, misfire to some random spot on the field, or hang onto it forever and get sacked, I’d be yelling on the sideline too. TO’s behavior definitely wasn’t the problem yesterday.

Anyway, I find all the dramatic prima-donna bullshit entertaining, in a trainwreck sort of way. Certainly not hate-inspiring. As pointed out above, it’s just football.


Keyshawn Johnson was the same way. Remember “throw me the damn ball!” ? TO’s just another garden-variety prima donna. And he does have a plate in his hand. Roethlisberger looked just as shaky his first game back from his appendectomy. Short-arming throws, protecting his right side from hits…TO will get better.

TO wasn’t the problem yesterday. The defense sucked (38 points!) and the offense blew (though somehow they did manage 24 points, which isn’t too bad). The Eagles defense was stellar. No mistakes that I saw. Bledsoe was hobbling for his life (can’t quite bring myself to say “running”) and took almost double his season sack total in one game (from what the announcers said). Hard to throw the ball well in those circumstances.

The Eagles were the better team. Barring injury, they are a Super Bowl team. The Cowboys aren’t. They may make the playoffs, but they aren’t there yet.




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