Apparently Literally Nothing is More Natural to Republicans Than Denying Atrocity

Oh hey, exploiting the dead, finally an actually American tradition.

Chad Felix Greene, American Sociopath:
The True Legacy of Matthew Shepard

Denialism fascinates me quite a bit.

And it’s not because it’s alien in any way. In fact, anyone who has spent any time at all with young kids recognizes the impulse immediately. The way a young kid will try and desperately argue away reality even though they see clear as day that you saw them hit that other student getting themselves in more trouble.

It’s a common impulse in the sociopathy of youth to try and run from the success of one’s bad actions, because now everyone’s looking at you like you disappointed them. So it’s understandable that those who want their movements they’ve dedicated so much “love” and time to would want to reflexively protect them by erasing the most obvious examples of wrong-doing. How tempting it must be as a dedicated white nationalist to erase the history of lynching or make the horrors of slavery some ephemeral memory, especially if one longs to re-establish that state of affairs.

And just like with kids, the greater the crime, the less they want to admit to it. See the elaborate lengths those who spent decades encouraging the rapacious exploitation of the Earth go to to deny the existence of Anthropic Climate Change. See the twists and turns and knots that dedicated anti-semites and neo-nazis go to deny the Holocaust. Or the elaborate fantasy constructed to make things like the Inquisition or Hitler’s Third Reich into somehow secular atheist crimes.

It’s perfectly understandable (though hardly moral by any understanding of the term) that those who want to continue with those paths want to be seen as morally justified for doing so and erasing the legacy of violence or the most obvious examples of failure are an “easy” way to do that.

Owning up to failure, to atrocity takes a great deal of moral authority. Requires someone willing to examine their flaws and be brutally honest with themselves. And that can be really really hard. Especially when admitting and acknowledging that reality can mean a giant blow to one’s self esteem and self regard. On a smaller level, it can be easier to deny one has a drinking problem than have to accept all the pain that problem has caused someone you love.

However, it being common doesn’t at all make it acceptable. I mean, the shit happened. The damage is done and now either the car is sitting in the living room or a couple of million people were systematically exterminated. That shit doesn’t just go away because you want to frantically wave your arms and wish it away.

And it’s especially egregious and offensive when that reflexive denialism is paired with trying to go that extra step and flip the blame onto the dead by demonizing them post mortem. I mean, was it not enough to cheer on the modern day lynching of an unarmed kid and let his killer off scot free as a “warning” to others, but we need to pretend that Skittles turns you into a rampaging Mandingo capable of killing larger and armed men with your bare hands? Is it not enough to regularly encourage a society that murders trans* people and to regularly pardon their murderers, without the mythologies that trans* people are going around deliberately trying to “trick” people into unwanted sex (i.e. rape)?

And is it not enough that for decades, it was “acceptable” to straight-up murder a young gay man, leaving him as a “warning” to all the other “fags” without desperately trying to rewrite his history know that someone has made it illegal for you to kill people like him as “warnings” against being gay?

Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):

  • I was gay, but then an HIV-positive man raped me and now I agree one hundred percent with the extreme homophobe arguments that Matthew Shepard was making it all up, that gays are all child molesters and husband-beaters, and there has never ever been any violence or discrimination against gay people.

Mmmm… cause that’s how that works.

Listen, you know what, despite his statements containing more methane than a fertilizer plant and being stuck inside a web of the standard and antiquated Christian Asshole Homophobic Lie Catalog and some deeply fucked up bullshit, I’m going to operate as if it’s true.

I mean, it might theoretically, in an infinite world, be true. After all, being a marginalized group doesn’t magically make someone an amazing person. There are complete fucks, sociopaths, and yes, deeply fucked up rapists in all communities. It’s a sad truth of us living in a fucking society-wide RAPE CULTURE.

But having something horrible happen to you by a marginalized group is no excuse for the type of bullshit, Mr. Avoids His Greens here tries to pull.

Yeah, it sucks, but that isn’t something owned by all gay men everywhere in the same way that my girlfriend’s rape isn’t owned by lesbians everywhere. Or my rape is owned by all queer-identified men everywhere. Or my friend’s rape is owned by african-american homeless people everywhere. No more than many many friends of mine rapes by cis white straight men is owned by douchebags everywhere (though maybe if it was then that culture that equates masculinity with forcing unwanted sex on people would fucking die out already).

And it takes it to an extra level of “the fuck” where that personally tragedy is used as some sort of excuse for literally denying the existence of hate crimes, violence against queer-identified youth, and so on all out of that misplaced sociopathic belief that one can run from one’s trauma by running from one’s identity and burning the ground behind him.

I mean, when sentences like this:

Where exactly is this vast threat of heterosexual violence against gay people coming from again?


The intentional ignorance by the liberal gay community of the consequences of drugs and dangerous sexual appetites put gay people in danger, not heterosexual Christians quoting Bible verses in church.

Trying to pretend that Christians are some amorphous group of innocent martyrs being picked on by mean gay bullies and painting the same lynching-denialist picture that other dedicated homophobes have tried in desperation to pull over Matthew Shepard for a long time (ignoring that Matthew Shepard is hardly the only gay man murdered for being a gay man) falls apart when one has to admit this:

It has been almost 15 years since Matthew Shepard was murdered. I was in high school and I still remember the unnerving awareness that being gay was now linked directly with being a victim. Leaving for school I tensed up at every glance or smirk I saw on my fellow classmates’ faces. When I wanted to take a boy to the prom that year my dad demanded: “Do you want to be the next Matthew Shepard!?”

And that right there is why even if all the bullshit rewriting of history was true, it still wouldn’t erase the real evil. The real terrorism that was growing up queer for the longest time in America.

Because it’s that followup that really raises it from violence to terrorism. That reveals the intention towards encouraging that violence in all the demonization campaigns and all the traded horror stories of “the immorality” and “inhuman desires” of the homosexual.

As he notes, those fellow classmates he wants to exonerate because he wants to pretend that his rape was the “cost” of his “sin” and other bullshit that I’m sure is good for a nice fat check from Focus on the Family (hey at the least, it beats out Oscar Lopez’s bullshit about how all lesbians are evil because his mom had the audacity to die on him). Those fellow classmates laughed in the follow-up. Those classmates exploited that death to use fear to encourage a specific type of behavior. To keep him from being “too gay” or too happy about his identity.

And that is the part of terrorism that no denialist can ever erase. The way that tragedy is exploited after the fact and made into a weapon.

And it’s why they are working so hard to find the ways that erase their victims. Because they somehow think that will erase the legacy of fear and threats they used to control everyone for so long.

And it won’t.

It never will.

Also, Chad (great name by the way), get some fucking therapy already and stop trying to sell your trauma-induced self-destruction to the highest bidder. You’ll thank yourself in a decade.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. If you’re in Santa Cruz, this Saturday, drop by the Cantu Queer Center at UCSC at 2:30pm and check out my panel on Asexuality and Sexual Violence. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 472


It has been almost 15 years since Matthew Shepard was murdered. I was in high school and I still remember the unnerving awareness that being gay was now linked directly with being a victim. Leaving for school I tensed up at every glance or smirk I saw on my fellow classmates’ faces. When I wanted to take a boy to the prom that year my dad demanded: “Do you want to be the next Matthew Shepard!?”

And that, in a nutshell, is the perfect illustration of a hate crime- let’s kill this kid to scare the hell out of any other kids like him.

Pupienus Maximus

It has been almost 15 years since Matthew Shepard was murdered. I was in high school and I still remember the unnerving awareness that being gay was now linked directly with being a victim.

You didn’t know that the murder of Matthew Shepard was just the most recent of a long fucking line? Pretty sure you did, boyo, so stop blowing smoke up our skirts. As one of those complete fucks, those sociopaths that can be found in any community, I’d like to give you some life lessons.


Not sure what I’ve accomplished here, but:

“We now know that Matthew Shepard died in a gay sex deal with his drug buddy that cold October night in Wyoming. We know the gay sex was anal and we all know the terrible consequences of using that hole. His death was […] not a hate crime and […] not a brilliant light shining down upon the fiction of bad normies threatening loadies. Yet why do loadies still hold so tightly to this narrative?”

Oh my, it’s still sick-minded nonsense, to no lesser or greater a degree. Garbage in, garbage out, I suppose.


Fuck, I had to get a mango from the comments:

This is all about demonizing the white male. Straight white males produce white children. gays do not. Females think of gay males as fragile children that need their protection. This is just basically anti-male sentiment from white females. Females should never have been given political power. That was the undoing of our country. No one EVER decries the violence that blacks inflict on gays in their communities. IT is magnitudes greater than any violence by straight white males towards gays but straight white males are the target of the white female’s envy and anger.

What the hell makes someone think this way?


What the hell makes someone think this way?

His teeny-weeny dick?

A less flip remark – someone with very little power who is terrified he’s losing the underclasses he could feel automatically superior to. If women, blahs, and non-straights are really people, well, he loses everything.


Females should never have been given political power.

Has anyone told Sarah Palin?


If anyone in Minneapolis ordered flowers for Mother’s Day, they’re here on time.

You’re welcome.


I am at a loss for words…Fucking Brilliant Cerb! You continue to amaze and inspire me.

As today is my Birthday I’ll take this one as a gift.


Thanks Kong!!!


Happy Birthday, Provider — I trust you’re doing something fun.

Fuck, I had to get a mango from the comments:

If Chad Felix Greene doesn’t regret writing as he did, perhaps he’ll regret the commentary he’s engendered? I doubt it, but that quoted comment is some tortuously fucked-up shit. (There are others, as well as what one wingnut calls an infestation of homosexual advocates.)


It has been almost 15 years since Matthew Shepard was murdered. I was in high school and I still remember the unnerving awareness that being gay was now linked directly with being a victim. Leaving for school I tensed up at every glance or smirk I saw on my fellow classmates’ faces. When I wanted to take a boy to the prom that year my dad demanded: “Do you want to be the next Matthew Shepard!?”

How you go from that to writing for a website whose commenters are those same classmates grown up is unfathomable. Talk about looking for love in all the wrong places.


Here’s another … looks like the scientists have taken to the field!

Lesbians tend to engage more often in emotional abuse, manipulation, degrading language, etc. rather than physical violence. If you look for physical violence alone, lesbian couples do have a low occurrence. If you look for emotional abuse, reports vary from 60-90% of the population.

Got it. Lesbians are so intrinsically evil that they’ve largely transcended physical violence in favor of more subtle forms of abuse … Or alternately, maybe wingnut pseudo-researchers start from prejudicial premises and work from there?

The REAL Some Guy

…and rarely are these question asked of conservatives…

1) When slavery was enshrined in the US constitution, did the conservatives of that time object to it?

2) When the US HAD slavery, did the conservatives of that time object to it?

2) When Germany HAD the holocaust, did the conservatives of that time object to it?


whoa…hubbkf and I just had breakfast at fat nat’s…pretty damn good eggs bennies and exceptional murican fries….chunks of baby reds panfied to perfection, nicely seasoned and topped with green onions…i think i’ve thrown my system into shock…it’s not used to such rich awesomeness anymore…


There is also a really ugly “people who are into recreational drugs deserve whatever happens to them” subtext at work. Oh, it was just a DRUG DEAL! Who cares about murder when “loaded” are involved?


“Loadies” that is, as per the comment. And fuck you too, autocorrect.


There is also a really ugly “people who are into recreational drugs deserve whatever happens to them” subtext at work. Oh, it was just a DRUG DEAL! Who cares about murder when “loaded” are involved?

It’s part and parcel of conservative puritanical hate for cheap fun in general. Recreational sex, drugs and alcohol, even hanging out in public with friends and nothing specific to do, anything fun for non millionaires is a pernicious distraction from how hard the poors ought to be working, and a simmering indictment of the moral decay in America today.


J Neo Marvin-
They seem to think that “drugs” are by themselves worthy of a death sentence, which leads to this weird thing in denialism where they try and invent a way the person murdered was “on drugs” and then just go ta dah, clearly this means the person deserved to die (see all the crap about Trayvon Martin).

I assume it has to do with the fact that they understand exactly what the drug war is about (having an excuse to jail and use state-sponsored violence against minority group members) and they support that mission 100%.

One thing that struck me from going to a more supportive country regarding my transness to a less supportive one was that people here really expected me to be afraid. And when I wasn’t, this visibly upset them on an unconscious level. Like, didn’t I know better that I was supposed to be embarrassed to be a “freak” and aware of society’s disapproval. None of the people who do this probably consciously connect that to violence used against trans* people, but they definitely expect the “proper” response to that culture of violence.

Pupienus Maximus

On the Jimenez book.

From MediaMatters:

Jimenez’s reaction to the “Concerned Citizen” letter is typical of his reporting style. The letter-writer’s anonymity and lack of any actual evidence regarding McKinney’s sex life doesn’t appear to raise any red flags for Jimenez, who assumes that this anonymous tipster has revealed long-concealed truths about the Shepard case.

Anonymous or simply unreliable sources are at the heart of Jimenez’s effort to de-gay Shepard’s murder. An anonymous “Wyoming law enforcement official” told him that “Shepard’s murder had nothing to do with his sexual preferences.” Jimenez doesn’t elaborate on the extent of this official’s involvement with the case, but he assures readers that the official’s claim was “an assertion I would come to hear often during interviews.” Among the others repeating that assertion was Glenn Duncan, a disbarred attorney who lost his law license after allegations of misusing clients’ funds. Duncan agreed to an interview with Jimenez on the condition “that someone in the media finally tells the truth about Shepard’s murder.”
The “hidden truths” Jimenez claims to uncover are that McKinney and Shepard were regular methamphetamine users deeply implicated in the drug trade, and that, contrary to what McKinney (the principal attacker), Henderson, prosecutors, and Shepard’s friends and family have always said, the two men actually knew each other before the night of the attack. What’s more, Jimenez says, the two had had sex before – suggesting that homophobia couldn’t possibly have been a factor in Shepard’s murder.

The principal source for the latter claim is Thomas “Doc” O’Connor, a Laramie chauffeur and operator of the Lincoln Escort Service. O’Connor told Jimenez that one night, McKinney and two other men were fooling around in the back seat of his limousine, and that “Matt may have been one of the guys in back [of the limo] with Aaron. … I can’t say for sure.”

Judy Shepard on Jimenez:

For Judy Shepard, the “20/20” piece looked like the story that Newcomb was telling in Henderson’s petition for sentence relief.

“Jimenez got access to McKinney because of his relationship to Henderson’s attorney,” she said. “Everything would have been spoon-fed to both Jimenez and [Glenn] Silber [a producer] at ABC. I would guess that is how they got access to both McKinney and Henderson.”

Newcomb said of Jimenez, “He’s a friend” and that the relationship was roughly two years old. Newcomb told Gay City News, “I am not an anti-gay person,” though he would not say if he is gay.

Odd that Jimenez didn’t reveal that, innit?

Alyssa Rosenberg:

If you want to prove a controversial theory about a story that’s become deeply embedded in accepted history, and to suggest that you have more integrity than your critics, it helps to impeccably document your claims. But the problems with Jimenez’s ethics begin in the Author’s Note that begin The Book of Matt. “Though this is a work of nonfiction journalism, I have occasionally employed methods that are slightly less stringent to re-create the dialogue of characters — words I did not personally hear; nor could the characters themselves recall every word exactly from memory,” he explains. “But my intention throughout has been to remain faithful to the actual characters and events as they really happened.” This is a dubious practice to employ at all, but Jimenez compounds the problem by not distinguishing which quotations are manufactured from recollections, which are paraphrases recounted by sources, and which were spoken directly to him.

I’d kinda sorta call that FUCKING FICTION.

Seth Hemmelgarn in The Bay Area Reporter:

Rob DeBree, who was the lead sheriff’s investigator when Shepard was killed and is now undersheriff, said “not once did [Jimenez] ever speak with me,” and he didn’t try.” (Jimenez said he made multiple attempts to interview DeBree, but DeBree wasn’t available.)

DeBree said the book includes “factual errors and lies,” including a statement about someone shooting through Rerucha’s window. Rerucha maintains the incident happened. DeBree also said the notion that Shepard was a drug dealer was “truly laughable.”

Yet, as was portrayed in the TV show Queer as Folk, a popular drama depicting gay people living in a heavily populated gay part of Philadelphia

WROGN. It was set in Pittsburgh. My car needs washed. Yinz wanna go ta Primanti’s fer a sammich n’at?

His death was cruel and unjustified, but it was not a hate crime and it certainly was not a brilliant light shining down upon the ugly realities of a hostile and violent heterosexual population threatening gay people. Yet why do gays still hold so tightly to this narrative?

Oh maybe because there has always been a hostile and violent het population threatening gay people? I won’t EVEN bother to provide citations though they are myriad. Perhaps you can provide some evidence that such is not the case?

The FBI Hate Crimes report for 2011 shows 1,256 hate crimes against gay people in the U.S. That is about 0.01% of the gay population, roughly one in ten thousand.

Do tell. I think I recall the SPLC saying something about that

The real number of hate crimes in the United States is more than 15 times higher than FBI statistics reflect, according to a stunning new government report.

Hate crime statistics published by the FBI since 1992, based on voluntary reports from law enforcement agencies around the country, have shown annual totals of about 6,000 to 10,000, depending on the year. But the new report, “Hate Crimes Reported by Victims and Police,” found an average annual total of 191,000 hate crimes. That means the real level of hate crime runs between 19 and 31 times higher than the numbers that have been officially reported for almost 15 years.

“It’s an astounding report,” said Jack Levin, a leading hate crime expert at Northeastern University. “It’s not necessarily completely accurate, but I would trust these data before I trusted the voluntary law enforcement reports to the FBI.”

A frantic report by Business Insider in 2012 titled: There’s a Disturbing Trend Involving Anti-Gay Hate Crime in the US reports that most anti-gay crimes happen to gay men. REALLY? WHODATHUNK?!?!

According to the 2010 CDC report titled: The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, Sexual Violence by a non-intimate gay man was reported by 40.2% of gay men. […]

Way to make your case there, fuckwad.

Where exactly is this vast threat of heterosexual violence against gay people coming from again? It seems more logical to conclude that that the biggest threat of personal violence a gay man faces comes from other gay men.

I … WHAT?!?!?!? You don’t logic so gud.

Personal stories rarely benefit an argument, but it is relevant to report that I was raped by another gay man who intentionally infected me with HIV.

You know, I think you’re making that up. I can find only two references, both where you say it in an article slamming liberals. But you wouldn’t make up something like that, would you?

Unfortunately for most gay people in America, the only people who offer them true justice and freedom are the ones they insist on hating in favor of a fairytale.


Chad Felix Greene (@Chadfelixg), author of Jewish Children’s Books,

I especially liked My Little Kapo.

Pupienus Maximus

Helmut Monotreme said,
May 9, 2014 at 18:03

There is also a really ugly “people who are into recreational drugs deserve whatever happens to them” subtext at work. Oh, it was just a DRUG DEAL! Who cares about murder when “loaded” are involved?

It’s part and parcel of conservative puritanical hate for cheap fun in general. Recreational sex, drugs and alcohol, even hanging out in public with friends and nothing specific to do, anything fun for non millionaires is a pernicious distraction from how hard the poors ought to be working, and a simmering indictment of the moral decay in America today.

See also teh churches wrt sex, wine, beer, everything that makes life bearable.

Pupienus Maximus

“The NFL, like most of the rest of American business, is about to learn that when you trample the Christian community and Christian values there will be a terrible financial price to pay,” said Burkman.

Pretty sure he just said Christian values means hatefulness and trampling on the rights of people they don’t like. The only surprise is him saying it out loud, in perfectly clear terms.

I only read the first dozen or so comments and was pleased to see how the voting goes.


Today’s Trufax :
1. Black people were better off as slaves.
2. Gay people would be better off if they accepted as their natural overlords people who hate them.
3. Women would be better off if they stopped asking for more money and made sammiches and babies instead.

Today’s Trufax brought to you by the GOP (compassionate conservatism is our life)


Of course, non-black, non-gay, non-women people are better off because they are entitled to guns and votes and anything else they want.


Wow Suezboo. For someone from South Africa you seem to have summarized our current political state rather succinctly.


They call me Simplistic Suez.


“The NFL, like most of the rest of American business, is about to learn that when you trample the Christian community and Christian values there will be a terrible financial price to pay,”

This sounds like they’re threatening to stay away from the NFL. KBYE. GOOD FUCKING RIDDANCE YOU FASCIST CUM BUBBLE.


If they boycott every business that has decided that bigotry doesn’t make financial sense, they’ll have to buy everything at Hobby Lobby. Can’t make hamburgers out of felt, morons.


So much loathing in that piece. It’s strange that he thinks TLGB folks hate Christians. Most of us could give two shits. Conservatives, sure, at least the ones who aren’t actually conservative.


So much loathing in that piece. It’s strange that he thinks TLGB folks hate Christians. Most of us could give two shits. Conservatives, sure, at least the ones who aren’t actually conservative.

I assume its the same narcissism that leads them to believe atheists hate the christian god and their so-called disbelief is an act of adolescent rebellion, rather than accept that the concept of a god in itself is implausible and or ridiculous.


See also teh churches wrt sex, wine, beer, everything that makes life bearable.

I’m astonished that Pup–of all people–missed highlighting religious dietary laws. (I, for one, think it’s lousy that God is against His Special People trying some dee-lish pulled-pork BBQ…)

Oh, btw, I’m back from the shadows again….


1) When slavery was enshrined in the US constitution, did the conservatives of that time object to it?

2) When the US HAD slavery, did the conservatives of that time object to it?

“Republicans are the party of Lincoln. Conservatives were the ones objecting to it at the time! It’s liberal Democrats who were enslaving people just like today they’re keeping black people on the plantation. Also the Civil War wasn’t about slavery, it was about states’ rights.”

2) When Germany HAD the holocaust, did the conservatives of that time object to it?

“The Nazis were left wing! It’s right there in the name, National Socialist, so obviously they were socialist, just like the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is democratic, popular, and a republic. Conservatives are the ones who were persecuted in Germany just like Obama’s persecuting them today!”

Pupienus Maximus

Southeast Portland’s Tanuki: When a restaurant is not a restaurant (review)

Diversion is provided by two large flat-screen TVs, one showing Japanese documentaries, the other, by the bar, featuring pornographic anime or Japanese stripper/zombie movies.



I assume its the same narcissism that leads them to believe atheists hate the christian god and their so-called disbelief is an act of adolescent rebellion

Unlike Cliven Bundy and the Oath Keepers and NO THAT IS NOT A BAND NAME because they’re patriots and it’s their duty to point guns at BLM workers.


Perhaps most strikingly for a place on the cutting edge of cool, the food has lots of attitude but the service has none, instead being consistently warm and friendly.

This IS cool. I wanna go!

Nothing worse than a hipsterish place with surly, condescending staff that wants you to know you aren’t cool enough to be there but they’ll deign to serve you anyway even though they probably shouldn’t because what if you tell your other conformist automaton friends and people without those fucking hideous giant gauges in their ears and birth control glasses start showing up?

Pupienus Maximus

When you git your butt down here we’ll go get wasted on sake.


those fucking hideous giant gauges in their ears 

My general feeling is it’s none of my business what other people choose to do with their bodies, as long as they don’t require I do it, too. So, if someone wants to make progressively larger holes in their earlobes, it’s none of my business. That said, have they considered what it will be like when they’re old and their earlobes are brushing their shoulders? Just asking. Oh – and get offa my lawn. Too.

Pupienus Maximus

Teh Ho’s nephew had to get his surgically fixed, said Teh Army, or they wouldn’t take him.


That said, have they considered what it will be like when they’re old and their earlobes are brushing their shoulders?

They can relocate to Easter Island?


Food porn- French fries cooked in reserved fat from last pork roast.

To make up for how bad this is, I had a stinging nettle/lowfat buttermilk “smoothie” for breakfast… kinda like a stinging nettle lassi.


those fucking hideous giant gauges in their ears

You know, it’s their body, but it seems to me that they’re trying waaaaaay to damn hard.

“Please notice me! Somebody! Anybody!”


I tend to agree with VCarlson, though I finally did ask a guy working at a local Urban Outfitters if he could fit a ping-pong ball through those gauges. He cheerfully replied “yes.”

[Sometimes I’d stare at him, you see, and while I’m sure he expected some stares my rather fixed gaze while trying to visually estimate the diameter of those things was still a bit rude.]


So what do you do when they go out of style in a few years? It’s like having bell-bottoms permanently attached to your body.


It’s like having bell-bottoms permanently attached to your body.

But when giant earhole thingies come back into fashion decades later, they’ll be ahead of the game! They’re just being pre-post-hipster ironic, see?


Now that pretty much everybody is either pierced, tattooed or otherwise modified, my total lack thereof makes me the edgy rebel.

Ha! Suck it conformist hipsters!


Southeast Portland’s Tanuki: When a restaurant is not a restaurant (review)

Oh. My. Gawd. I so want to go there RIGHT FUCKING NOW! I was a little worried that the top of the article said they were closing temporarily, thankfully the article is old and their twitterings say they’re alive and well. Phew.

Hmm, I think I might be in Hipsterville for a few day conference next month, may have to see if I can find this place then.


Now that pretty much everybody is either pierced, tattooed or otherwise modified, my total lack thereof makes me the edgy rebel.

You can also be buried in an Orthodox Jewish cemetery when you pass away. I have enough scars (the legacy of a “rambunctious” youth- I still come home covered in contusions from time to time due to my outdoorsy habits) so that I figure paying someone to mark me permanently would just be silly.


My knees and shins are a criss-cross testament to clumsy/reckless youth and it looks like little ‘g is headed down the same path.


So what do you do when they go out of style in a few years?

I tend to assume anybody going for gauges on the level of the UO guy I talked to is committed to them even when they are no longer fashionable (though I could be wrong, of course).

Consider that at someplace like Hot Topic the plugs are generally no bigger than 1/2″, which is practically mainstream by comparison.


The ear-plugs are ugly, but I get that that’s subjective. What irks me is the pseudo-tribalism, as I see it. Maybe the business of stretching your body parts in this manner does not strike me as yet-fully independent of its origins in non-western cultures. I would no more like it if hipsters decided to lengthen their necks by means of a stack of hoops. They could, but until the practice was at least subcultural here (like tattoos, which are now mainstream) it’d be an appropriation I’d find distasteful.

Having discs in your ears and/or lip is not an edgy decision in the originating cultures. No more than fucking with your neck or binding your feet in other contexts.

But whatever. Go for it if that’s what appeals to you.


And that, in a nutshell, is the perfect illustration of a hate crime- let’s kill this kid to scare the hell out of any other kids like him.

and this is what it should all be about…i’m ant deatth penalty but when you wantonly kill someone for their sexual identiey, then fuk you.; don’t deserve any considration…


My knees and shins are a criss-cross testament to clumsy/reckless youth and it looks like little ‘g is headed down the same path.

A kid without scars (gotten in the pursuit of adventure, obviously) is a kid who should get out more often (exceptions made for kids in poor health, naturally). Being a sort of rough-and-tumble kid, I’d regularly come home with bruises and would never remember how I got any particular one.


*okay, i have not read this post…we’ve been on a combo dr./number one son visit in the cities so it’s actujally a mini vaction for us..except for hubbjkf and the son who have had to put together copious amounts of furniture…but whatever…going back upthread ot now get annyoed from this peacefulness and start kicking some ass….


A kid without scars (gotten in the pursuit of adventure, obviously) is a kid who should get out more often (exceptions made for kids in poor health, naturally). Being a sort of rough-and-tumble kid, I’d regularly come home with bruises and would never remember how I got any particular one.

and this is how all kids should live…granted the twin cities are not the worst place to live, but i see the inner city yards where kids are supposed to live and then i remember the relative peacefulness of whefer i grew up and i’m sad…every kid should have a yard…


Now that pretty much everybody is either pierced, tattooed or otherwise modified, my total lack thereof makes me the edgy rebel.

My tattoos are all in invisible ink so they will only be visible, briefly, in the crematorium.


My tattoos are all in invisible ink so they will only be visible, briefly, in the crematorium.

And only those who know to look will see ’em. Does that make you sekrit doubleplusgood cool?


No tats. No piercings. Don’t find them attractive in the slightest, certainly not on women. Particularly repulsed by genital, nipple, and tongue piercings. Now all you illustrated hipsters get offa my lawn!


One of these days I will finish writing my children’s book, inspired by “Harold and the Purple Crayon”, but featuring a magic tattooing machine.


Fwiw, I disagree with the kids-need-scars as evidence of an active childhood. I was a reasonably active kid … though I did spend a lot of summertime reading in the hammock … and a lot of wintertime reading by the fireplace. I wasn’t much of an athlete. Never did figure out how to climb trees. Mainly, I tended to be cautious. For example, in frantic games of bike-tag, I was less reckless, less of a risk-taker than my brothers and cousins.

I emerged from childhood with a small crescent scar on the tip of my left index finger (clumsy playing with a kitchen knife in 1st grade) … tiny scar on the bottom of my right foot (from a nail puncture while running in sneakers in the 1st grade) … and a tiny round scar on the inside of my right elbow from a spectacular–and utterly stupid–bicycle crash on my paper route (HS freshman). No broken bones, no stitches in childhood.


And yet, I’ve taken risks throughout my adult life. Few physical risks, to be sure; more in line of bold decision-making at key crossroads of my life.


Not all scars come from being physically active, either. Your kid loves crafts? Even with supervision, accidents with x-acto knives happen. Cooking runs risks of burns.


Just came home on the jumpseat from Memphis. Not the roughest flight I’ve ever had but it’s in the top 5. I feel like I just spent an hour in the back of a cement mixer.

Airbus 300s ride rough to begin with and when he hit a storm cell that wasn’t painting on the radar – woo! hoo!

Of course I’m sitting back with the freight in a backwards facing seat while all the fun is going on. You know it’s bad when I have to put my book down so I can hang on to the bottom of the seat for all it’s worth.

Here is our flight path


Whoa, Major, right through the middle of that storm system. Glad you’re OK – along with the flowers and chickens.


Nym skrev:

I finally did ask a guy working at a local Urban Outfitters if he could fit a ping-pong ball through those gauges. He cheerfully replied “yes.”

Still not as bad as the piercing-parlor guy who’s so much his own best customer that he has, I shit you not, cheek gauges. Jesus whack me with a stick if I lie. He’s got plugs for when he wants to be able to keep food in his actual mouth, but he can seriously stick his tongue out of the fucking things, and there’s at least one photograph of him doing so. It looks like something out of Attack on Titan. I mean, I fully support his morphological freedom; I’m just not sure I want to look at that particular expression thereof on any regular basis.

Pupienus Maximus

Has George Will penned a column decrying gauging as the downfall of western civilization? Well if not it can hardly be worth talking about.

Oh WordPress, I can’t live with you and I could happily live without you.


I don’t think they mark a downfall. They are just gross. Like face and neck tattoos, comically large boob jobs, and cowboy hats.


And duck lips. WTF is it with duck lips??


I got suppressed at some site, years ago, for rudely suggesting that the ultimate body mod would be cutting yer fuckin’ head off.


I do wonder where the end-game is with this. Having yourself surgically modified to look like one of those lizard-guys from Star Trek?

Actually that would be kind of cool.


Did you see The Family Guy when Peter discovered he had a vestigial twin on his shoulder? So for the whole episode , there was a tiny Peter Griffin head looking out of Peter’s shirt, talking constantly.

I’m surprised there aren’t more people trying to do THAT!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

If movies are any indication, those parasitic conjoined twins are usually evil… I want to see a film where the parasitic twin is the hero- though “Total Recall” comes close.


Major: On the altitude/timeline graph, there is a gap toward the beginning of the flight. Is there some Bermuda Triangle thing in western Tennessee? Or is this related to the Memphis Center — Indy Center handoff? Also, it is so cool that an airport is named for a bass guitar! Oh wait. Maybe that’s Eddie Rickenbacker? My bad.


I have seen ‘zipper’ piercings–and a nephew has expanded earlobe holes–but what I’m wondering is this: Are their any trendy body-modifiers who are into ‘decorative’ scarring? I haven’t seen any raised ‘beaded’ scars yet. (Don’t want to neither; I ain’t clicking on any illustrative links.)




I do wonder where the end-game is with this. Having yourself surgically modified to look like one of those lizard-guys from Star Trek?



Yes, people do decorative scarring.


On this side of the world there is substantial overlap between body-mod circles and beer geeks, so I know a fair few earlobe-stretched dudes from down at the pub. And both circles overlap with the vogue for foraging / locavory… In consequence, I was carrying around the business card of a high-end piercing / tattoo studio — the artist and I had swapped e-mail addresses so we could exchange sightings of edible mushrooms.

Anyway, a while ago the Doktorling Sonja informed the Frau Doktorin and I — as teenagers are wont to do — that she and her best buddy were planning to celebrate high-school graduation by having their navels pierced. “It’s all right,” she hastened to reassure us, “I’ve done the research and found the best place to have it done.” (for her desire to shock her parents does not go as far as ‘willingness to seem ill-prepared’).

“Is that [Redacted Studio]?”, I asked, producing the business card from my wallet.

Awkward silence.


Michael Sam drafted by the St. Louis Rams in the seventh round.


Face it, Some Dude, you don’t come here for the hunting, do you?

Pupienus Maximus

J Neo made me larf.


My husband has a very artful tattoo (left bicep), has had both ears pierced, currently both nipples pierced. Me, I’ve never even shaved south of my clavicle except for hernia surgery. Never even done drag, for Bob’s sake!

Regarding earlobe gauges – from what I’ve read, if you decide to stop gauging, it is necessary to have the holes surgically closed, as they will not close on their own. Huh. Well, it doesn’t break my leg or pick my pocket.

Regarding Shepard, it is curious how some of these RWNJs act as if that was the only time in recorded history that someone was killed for being LGBT. Also, ‘loadies’? What in the actual fuck – as if that makes it all perfectly fine and aboveboard?


Yes, people do decorative scarring.

“Cicatrix” sounds like a very specialised form of prostitution in a dystopian novel by J.G.Ballard and K. Jeter.


Also, ‘loadies’? What in the actual fuck – as if that makes it all perfectly fine and aboveboard?

I’m sorry if I confused anybody. My upthread comment-with-a-block-quote altered one of Chad Felix Greene’s paragraphs. I changed every reference to drugs to a reference to gay, and vice versa.

I hoped to show something about the ridiculousness of the arguments.

The term “loadies” was mine, not Greene’s. I bet he doesn’t know it, even.


But of course (y)our point stands, Robert.


“Is that [Redacted Studio]?”, I asked, producing the business card from my wallet.

Awkward silence.

Suddenly, it doesn’t seem so transgressive…

Now she’s wondering where your “secret” piercing is.


B4, you should be ashamed – putting pictures like that in a teenager’s mind. Eeeew.


Now she’s wondering where your “secret” piercing is.

My offers to display it were rebuffed with extreme prejudice.


To quote N__B, from when I aired the same anecdote a few months ago at LGM:

I deduct two points for him not producing the card from the inner workings of an elaborate piercing.



…very sexy till non-clothing bits start to come off

Pupienus Maximus

Just saw the clip of gay Michael Sam getting the news. He kisses his gay boyfriend. A white guy. I think some hairs are going all asplodey.


Hmmm, his boyfriend looks maybe a bit Jewish. TRIFECTA!


Maybe that’s Eddie Rickenbacker? My bad.

Yes, it’s named after Eddie Rickenbacker, who was from Columbus.

The designation KLCK comes from when it was Lockbourne Air Force Base many years ago.

Major: On the altitude/timeline graph, there is a gap toward the beginning of the flight.

I’m guessing that this works off the ACARS data-link. It’s possible the data-link was lost for that period. It’s not uncommon.


B4, you should be ashamed – putting pictures like that in a teenager’s mind. Eeeew.

Hey, now, Smut’s one sexy, sexy man. He has an enticingly large forehead.


Just saw the clip of gay Michael Sam getting the news. He kisses his gay boyfriend. A white guy. I think some hairs are going all asplodey.

That’s totally going to ruin watching big, muscular guys in tight spandex every Sunday after church! FOREVER!!!


That’s totally going to ruin watching big, muscular guys in tight spandex every Sunday after church!

I think we have a winner folks. Where would you like your internet delivered?


I can wait until the fall, I’m going to need to watch something now that Sunday afternoons are RUINED!!!


Happy Mother’s Day Eve Sadlynaughts I got a busy day tomorrow, so I thought I’d just say hi in this calm before the storm.


And a happy Mother-Effin’ Day to all.
(Lubricate early & often, D-K!)


I celebrate Bad Mothers, Day (shut your mouth!).


Poor dumbass:

Michael Sam still undrafted at Round 7.

It’s a case of Schadenfreudus Interruptus: “Where’s your precious Michael Sam now?”

The NFL!


Look at those goalposts run!


(Lubricate early & often, D-K!)

Chortling in Albuquerque….


Smut’s one sexy, sexy man. He has an enticingly large forehead.

You forgot to mention “Mads Mikkelsen accent”. That should count for something.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I bet Mads doesn’t have a secret piercing like you do.

Hmmm… Wasn’t “Secret Piercings” a collection of BOC b-sides and rarities?


Wasn’t “Secret Piercings” a collection of BOC b-sides and rarities?

For the most part I can’t stand classic rock anymore but I will on occasion still listen to BOC.

I think they were more of a “thinking man’s” rock band than some of their contemporaries.



Big Bad Bald Bastard
Big Bad Bald Bastard

It was wishful thinking, just like his wish that polls showing that Romney was getting crushed were “skewed”.

Pupienus Maximus

Please Cap, don’t feed it.

Pupienus Maximus

Interesting. Bryan College – named for William Jennings Bryan – makes faculty agfirm creationism. Quarter of them quit or get fired, rest give vote of no confidence, students protest, general shit storm.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Made some nettle fritters for breakfast- two cups puréed nettles, half an onion, three eggs, four ounces grated cheese, and breadcrumbs to bind it all up. Fried until crispy on the outside. Bellissimo!

Gonna pick another fuckton of nettles on the job this evening.


Interesting article Pup. So much for “liberals crushing free speech on campus”.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Yeah, Doughbob told us that it was the liberals who were demanding groupthink.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Would it be inappropriate to joke about Michael Sam getting a Ram job on national television?


Would it be inappropriate to joke about Michael Sam getting a Ram job on national television?

Just wait until he gets his first sack of the season.


Happy Mother’s Day to all the sad(ly) mothers out there.


The Dept of Forestry and Parks
New York State.

There is a person or persons unknown who is systematically denuding our natural habitat of its indigenous flora by removing fucktons of stinging nettles daily.
May I ask what measures your Dept intends to implement to curb this ruthless pillage? May I refer you to Section 37 (a) (IV) of the Protect Our Native Flora Act of 1936 and trust you will hand over this miscreant, when identified, to the punitive authorities.
Concerned Grandmother.


Oh, I’m sorry, I thought he was collecting these.

Never mind.

[Not Suezboo]


Some are born nymjacked; some achieve nymjackery and others have nymjackery thrust upon them. You, sir, are a thruster.



I still like Pup’s version: Herr Loadhosen


Btw, thanx to the Public Works volunteers for their promptitude. Except for the puddle of drool at 23:17, I haven’t seen any garbage whenever I’ve checked into this thread. Bravo, good people.

Jonah Goldberg's associate

I just heard Jonah talk baby talk with you-know-who. I could barely keep my lunch in my stomach.


To the point, J Load and KLo at their best can’t do much better than baby talk, amirite?


Oh, I’m sorry, I thought he was collecting these.

I know my nettles! There’s some confusion about whether or not the stinging nettles are indigenous or introduced- they tend to grow around old farm sites. Purslane’s another weed that is of uncertain provenance- it is more popular culinarily in Mexico than in the ‘States, but I’ve loved it since my childhood.


Maybe we’re on to something here.

How about Frosted Nettle Flakes cereal?
Nettle Pops?
Nettle Helper?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

This round will be nettle pesto and a repeat of creamed nettles.


I got addicted to The Newsroom this weekend. I highly recommend it. (In case you’re wondering what I recommend, which you are because why wouldn’t you be but you should just check it out because it’s cool and lots of stuff that is awesome)

Pupienus Maximus

Michael Sam jerseys outselling those for the #1 pick. Christians whine about Tebow.


Michael Sam jerseys outselling those for the #1 pick. Christians whine about Tebow.

I have been listening to Pigbaugh today, awaiting his 1000-yard spittle on this, but he’s been quiet, thusfar.


I have been listening to Pigbaugh today, awaiting his 1000-yard spittle on this, but he’s been quiet, thusfar.

why would you do this to yourself? ugh…it is icky and cold and wet here for the billionth day in a row and i am finding it hard to feel cheerful about anything…thrush would put me over the edge…


It’s part and parcel of conservative puritanical hate for cheap fun in general. Recreational sex, drugs and alcohol, even hanging out in public with friends and nothing specific to do, anything fun for non millionaires is a pernicious distraction from how hard the poors ought to be working, and a simmering indictment of the moral decay in America today.

so this weekend on teh fakebook, a friend of ours asked for prayer requests for her nephew who was in a hospital in critical condition…no details…kind of forgot about it til this morning when it was on our local news…it’s because of this…our local sports guy kept opining that, “hey, nothing good ever happens after midnight”….(the friend/aunt is the sponsor of the saturday morning coach’s show on our local station…we’ll see how she feels about him adding no content but plenty of inane commentary to the story). what i find interesting is that every single story i’ve seen about it make sure to mention that he is married and has children with his wife…


not irrelevant or too much information, dipshit…i just find it interesting that besides referring to his wife and child(ren) that each article seemed to purposely specified that he was married…after referring to his wife and child(ren)…


If monkeys are typing and sucker punch medley vitamin water then is 3 year old a sheep in lama clothing, bbkf?


We can’t afford to let the dead gay teenager strung up on barbed wire turn into a mushroom cloud of nanny-state socialism.


I can’t find Nanny-State on a map. Is that near Rhode Island?


I can’t find Nanny-State on a map. Is that near Rhode Island?

it’s mostly found under conservative and/or libertarian’s beds…or in the closet…





For those of you who have been waiting to get your flying car.


ice sheet sits below

try saying this five times fast…


Didja all catch John Oliver and Bill Nye doing a climate change debate? I’d linky but phucking fone pita.



why is jim hoft trying to look like morning joe? he’s not dumb enough to think that’s going to make him any smarter does he? oh…wait…


Best thing I’ve read in a long time was the story of the ESPN producer’s wife explaining to their seven year old that daddy was busy because the kiss story was controversial. “Because they’re not married?” Out of the mouths of children.


Boko Haram means “western education is sinful”- this position is pretty much the standard fundamentalist evangelical stance in this country as well. Hoft is making a joke about the kidnappings to draw attention away from the fact that Boko Haram and the American Family Association have the same goals. If conservatives have their way with the dismantling of the separation of church and state in this country, they may come to have the same means.


Didja all catch John Oliver and Bill Nye doing a climate change debate? I’d linky but phucking fone pita

ha! john oliver: ‘who gives a shit? you don’t need peoples’ opinions for facts!’


thrush would put me over the edge

Well, of course T.H.R.U.S.H would! That is part of its mission. But United Network Command for Law and Enforcement will surely thwart it! Yup, we had teevee back in the Cretaceous. (I rode a dinosaur to school. Suck on that, all you evolutionists!)


bbkf: Also sorry to hear about yer depressing, crappy weather. I’ll bet Maeve can lift your spirits.


as egregious and morally bereft as i found:

#BringBackOurBalls ? Sorry Libs, The Schoolgirls Have Already Been Sold, Put on Canoes & Shipped to Chad

to be, his “zinger” at the end (and also eluding to michelle’s ‘sad face’) is possibly a jim hoft trifecta:

So good luck bringing “our girls” back.
You’re too late.

first of all, the bunny ears denote that he in no freaking way thinks of them as ‘our girls’…their black girls and they don’t count…second it’s a big jab at how useless ‘liberals’ are and third, it’s somehow our fault that it’s too late…cuz people like jim hoft were super gung ho to get these girls back in the first place, right?

the only good thing about that link was re-reading just why jim hoft is the dumbest man on the internet…to laugh, is good…


Well, of course T.H.R.U.S.H

haha, i was referring to the oral fungus kind of thrush…also, too…maeve got fixed today…and while she was out she was going to get a haircut and get her nails trimmed…i will probably have to spend a lot of time snuggling her tonight…i tried to prepare her for it this morning, and she knew something was up, but i don’t think she grasped it…i hope she’s not mad…


Also the face of T.H.R.U.S.H has been cast for the movie (release Jan 2015). So even you young’uns can watch U.N.C.L.E. destroying insidious plots. Now you kids get offa my lawn!


Extra affection for Maeve after such an ‘eventful’ day might also be good for your mood, too. Pooches rule.


Also the face of T.H.R.U.S.H has been cast for the movie (release Jan 2015).

over the weekend i watched hugh jackman, michael fassbender and james macavoy on graham norton…i may just have to watch one of these x-men movies…

Pupienus Maximus

Is Maeve wearing a cone of shame?

Pupienus Maximus

Is Maeve wearing a cone of shame?

yep…hubbkf says she’s struggling…poor girl…


Is Maeve wearing a cone of shame?

Well, rub her on her tummy and chest. All pooches like that.


It’s a pity that the women haven’t been running the Catholic Church all this time. The nuns on a bus are awesome ladies.


hubbkf just sent me a picture…she looks pretty pitiful…i loved all her fluffy hair, but holy crap, she’s like a dustmop for wood ticks…ick…


“host its godless ceremony someplace else”

I read this as ‘goddess ceremony’. I was thinking ‘Pallas Athena still has worshipers? Kewl.’


tagfail. It’s contagious, so I blame bbkf. Also Benghazi.


That was even better than Pastor “Eat Da Poo Poo”.


The truthy is, God made the United States and the Founders enshired his devine presents in the Constitution. Thus prayers rendered to God and His Son Jesus Christ our lard and savor are the most truely American Way to open all government meetings and also every school day along with thye Pledge of Aloe gence. Prayer and Pledge are the twin pillers of every American pat riot.


Typical. Father and Son get all the ink and all the prayers. What am I? A cheese omlet? Lemme tell ya, it’s no fun being the third wheel in the trinity.


Suez: Before I forget, I laughed at your memo to the NY Department or Foresty. It is probably sitting in the In-box of the Weed Enforcement Service. The scofflaw will be brought to justice, of that I am sure.


It is probably sitting in the In-box of the Weed Enforcement Service

I look forward to watching Law & Order, Weed Enforcement Division.


For those of you who have been waiting to get your flying car.

The problem with every flying car that’s ever been built (they go back to the 1940s) is that you end up with something that’s a shitty car and a shitty airplane.


something that’s a shitty car and a shitty airplane.

the first would be bad enough…the second, exponentially worser…


There was also something called an Amphicar in the early 1960s that was a crappy car and a crappy boat. They’re quite sought after by collectors today.


Am I the only one or does anybody else find the anti-cable-puppet-people TV commercials really fucking weird? No, not the regular fox news style puppet people, the ones with the actual visible strings…?


no, you are not alone on that…especially the wife one…freaks me and slightly pisses me off…


Cool, glad to know I’m not alone.


The Pinocchio son getting caught in the ceiling fan was bad enough, but the klutzy Stepford Wife marionette spilling the drinks is really creepy.


The problem with every flying car that’s ever been built (they go back to the 1940s) is that you end up with something that’s a shitty car and a shitty airplane.

Related?: Osprey


Also, I kinda want to get the low-T underarm medicine because evidently it comes with a boat. I don’t know how they can make money that way but WTF.

Yes, I am watching Maddow.


CRA: Word.

bbkf: That IS a sad lookin’ pooch. When will the Cone of Silence come off? I’ll bet she will be happier then. Until then, Dr. Fenwick prescribes belly-rubs.

WP: Fuckety-fuck you. I am NOT posting too fast.


Also, too, two:

“Gigantic! … Gigantic! … Gigantic!
A big, big love…”

I generally like Apple products, but ruining a perfectly good song to try to sell a shitty phone deserves some sort of particularly painful punishment.


Giganticly painful even.


Remember when Microsoft used Start Me Up?


Suezboo: I forgot to write down the name of your town. Is it, by any chance Tulbagh?

WP: Fuckety-fuck-fuck-fuckety-fuck you. I am NOT posting too fast. I wrote the question for Sue, then tried to publish it, and you tell me I’m posting to fast. I hadn’t posted anything since 5:54, directly above. So, srsly, fuckety-fuck-fuck you !!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!


WP: So that’s an 18-minute interval. So don’t tell I’m posting too fast. You been pulling that shit off-and-on for the last several threads. So fuckety-fuck-fuck you with a rusty harpoon.

(Rusty Harpoon. Possible male stripper name?)


I generally like Apple products, but ruining a perfectly good song to try to sell a shitty phone deserves some sort of particularly painful punishment.

Every time I hear that, I have a vision of Kim Deal cashing a check, and that’s kind of nice.


Fenwick, do you normally compose your posts elsewhere (like Notepad or Word), then copy that into the posting box?

I don’t know if this is the way WordPress is doing it, but if I were designing a system to at least slow down copypasta, I’d make it require a minimum time between beginning to type and hitting “post.”


VCarl: No. I just bash it out straight into the Comments box. Which is why I have mispellings and dropped words and so on. I DO compose BOtB then copy here. Also if I’ve got a longish Fenwick Tale to spin.


Also WP is part of the Benghazi cover-up.


pathetic puppy post-op pic…

When Marlowe scratched her cornea, she also got an Elizabethan collar, and she had a very tentative way of walking around because her vision was obscured, but also, I suspect, because her facial whiskers were giving her incorrect information, brushing against the collar as hhey were.


I saw an Amphibicar underway on Lake Washington in the mid-’60s. It was making five knots if it was lucky, & looked as if I could have swamped it if I’d done a cannonball nearby.


Or maybe it was an Amphicar.


Or maybe it was a hallucination? There was a lot of that going around in the mid-60’s as I recall….

Also I like the look of ‘Amphicar’ on the screen. Imma gonna steal it, MB: Possible location (or personage) in the Harad….


Or perhaps the tyrant Amphibicar, son of Amphicar the Cruel.

(I need to make some coffee and get back to work.)


Now that pretty much everybody is either pierced, tattooed or otherwise modified, my total lack thereof makes me the edgy rebel.

I too am still in factory condition. Even worse, my acute loathing of needles or other things making holes in me means I can never attain enough cool-points to reach Hipster Heaven by doing smack.



Have a tissue, jim. I,too, am creaky but intact. Not even earlobes which was practically a requirement when I was a wee slip of a girl. Needlephobia – shudder.
Fenwick, I was asleep when you asked. Yep, that’s my town – Tulbagh, Western Cape. Of course, you only get the pretty parts in the tourist pictures – not the shantytown over the hill.


Ann Coulter tries to use the Twitter to make a point, gets mercilessly lampooned instead.


my acute loathing of needles

Me too. I would prefer a laceration to a puncture, silly as that sounds. I’m sure my loathing stems from the incident I mentioned upthread. I was in 1st grade, running through a neighbor’s garage playing Cowboy, when all of a sudden my running went goofy: One foot was higher than the other. I had stepped on a 2 x 4 with a nail through it … and then deep into my foot … and was clunking along with the piece of wood literally nailed to my foot.

Sue: I asked about yer burg because I just watched a documentary on Netflix, Beware of Mr. Baker about Tulbagh’s famous and eccentric resident, drummer Ginger Baker [Cream, Blind Faith]. Have you ever encountered him in meatspace? (If not, make up any outrageous story; it will be entirely plausible with him as the central character.)

I was fortunate enough to see Cream live, soon after the release of Wheels of Fire. There was only a small window for doing so, because the band was together less than two years. Sixth or eighth row. (I camped out for tickets.) I wonder if Teh Zombie can match that one! Btw, where is that lad?


No piercings or tattoos for me either. Nothing to do with needles or anything else, just never really occurred to me to get one.


I was awakened this morning with an order to fix bayonets. My girlfriend’s Bookface timeline had several pants-shitting comments about Michael Sam kissing his boyfriend on national TV. She was systematically executing each of these shitbags with extreme prejudice. I’m smitten. What can I say?


Yup, Fenwick,”Mr Baker” owned a big farm outside of town. Used it for polo. mainly. He used to import players from Argentina, Chile, wherever and raise ponies. In summer, he would have these massive polo-and-jazz festivals with jammin’ . I never went because it wasn’t my thing, so I guess you and other fans would despise me, right?
One would see him around town, looking pretty fit and confident for an old guy. He usually ate dinner at our local steakhouse and would greet anybody who greeted him, though not encouraging conversation. He always had a young, pretty black girl with him as a kind of “assistant”. He actually denied having sex with one of them, Lindi, a local bank teller who he claims ripped him off – she was convicted of fraud – but all the local gossip says “Puh-leeze”. He was then rumoured to have actually married a young Zimbabwean woman but this is unconfirmed as he sold up shortly thereafter, saying he couldn’t live with all the crime – the usual from fleeing SAfricans. I recall only one instance when we actually conversed – when he broke his collarbone playing polo and had a cast and I commiserated. It was an unmemorable exchange – sorry.


tsam, there’s a vid up on Pharyngula which is highly relevant.


I can’t believe any parent is rhetorically asking what he/she should tell the kids about a man kissing a man. I just told my kids the truth. Some men are attracted to men the same way I’m attracted to women. They nodded their understanding, went on with their lives.


heh…NOT the gieger counter guy…interesting art he made…giger, i mean…


Sue: The documentary showed him as married to a young black woman; he was a step-father to her sons. The film also portrayed his home in Tulburgh as his present residence.

(I enjoyed the the film very much–gave it 5 stars–and I highly recommend it to other Sadlies who subscribe to Netflix.)

Also, it says a lot about you that you commiserated with an injured person. And on that subject, how are you doing after the closure? (Losing your business certainly qualifies as an injury, imo.) Have you charted a new course?

(((Also fuckety-fuck-fuck to you WP !!!!! I am NOT posting too fast.




They nodded their understanding, went on with their lives.

That’s how my mother explained race to me the first time I ever saw a black man. “Look how dirty that man is!” She explained that the man wasn’t dirty; it was the color of his skin. People have different colors of skin. I probably nodded my understanding and went on with life, gazing out of the car window.


Thanks for asking, F. My current course is strictly downhill. I am extremely paranoid about people breaking into my house and cannot sleep at night because I hear noises all the time. So, I am staying up all night with you guys and catch a coupla hours while my cleaning lady is here in the morning. If all is well, another coupla hours in the afternoon when my sidekick comes round. She used to be my assistant in the shop and I can’t really fire her – she’s doing errands and stuff for me now. Actually, she is just about the only person I see.
I suspect this may not be an entirely healthy way of life but ………………


What’s in new Snowden documents in Glennzilla’s new book about the surveillance state, No Place to Hide.

Smut Clyde (& the Major): Notice the classification designation TSSI. I still use it reflexively. I don’t know how the antipodal service(s) marked such documents; TSCW [Code Word] also makes sense.

(((Also FFF you, WP.)))


my acute loathing of needles

Same here. I once had a young airman at the base hospital jab my arm 5 times while attempting to draw blood. I almost passed out after #5

It seemed like they were always taking blood or vaccinating us for something. I got really tired of getting jabbed with needles after a while.


Sue: Your paranoia may stem from having been robbed multiple times. That would make any person hypersensitive. Is it possible to relocate to a safer place? Cogitating on any plan(s) for the future?

she is just about the only person I see. I suspect this may not be an entirely healthy way of life but ………………

How would you complete that sentence?

It sounds to me like you’re wrestling with depression and slipping into isolation. (Or maybe I’m just projecting from my experiences.) I am by nature reclusive and self-isolating, was so long before the diagnosis. Indicator: All the blinds must be closed all of the time. Also, I prefer the dark; I’ve been a night hawk all my life. I hated, hated, hated going to bed as a child.

My only face-to-face social contact with meatspace people is my brother and his wife. We try to get together about once a week. About once a month there is usually a Big Bash with Lotsa Relatives going on somewhere in Albuquerque. I also try to stay in touch by phone and e-mail with long-time friends in Baltimore and California and my sister in KC.

I also visit Sadlyville because I enjoy the conversations of vicarious friends here. You are surely one of them.


my acute loathing of needles

Same here. I once had a young airman at the base hospital jab my arm 5 times while attempting to draw blood. I almost passed out after #5

I date my hatred of needles to back when I was 4 or 5 and was in the hospital to get my tonsils out. While giving me a shot in the butt, the nurse managed to hit a vein and I screamed bloody murder. Since the hospital was too small to have a children’s ward, the nurse begged me to please be quiet, grownups were trying to sleep. Normally an obedient child, I screamed louder. After that, I was … not fond of needles, reinforced by a 3-times-try to get a vein for some blood test or another.

While in college, though, I started donating blood on the theory that I might feel better about needles if I were feeling healthy rather than sick, and I was assured that the phlebotomists really knew their stuff and there would be no nonsense about missing the vein (they’re only allowed one second try, and only if you agree to it). It worked for me.


I don’t like needles either, but I manage to calm myself and and get through it. I have stuck a needle in my own vein on a couple of occasions. I didn’t like it much, but the reward was worth it.


F : Oh, I recognize that old Depression Dawg has moved in. Just trying to live my life around him until he quits – depression is a temporary, cyclical illness. Can’t afford meds. No family in SA, so isolation is easy for an introvert to slip into.
This is a comment thread, for Pete’s sake, not my personal chatting space, much as enjoy that. Enough.
And thanks, ol’ (and I mean that) pal.


But, V & tsam, have you ever actually kicked a dentist in the groin and run away because of needle brandishment? Me.


have you ever actually kicked a dentist in the groin and run away because of needle brandishment?

No. That’s just mean.


depression is a temporary, cyclical illness.

Well, not for me….but every case is different. Perhaps the bad episodes are temporary. The meds help keep me on even keel, and when an episode begins forming, I now recognize it for what it is, and use some techniques I learned in counseling to break out of it. Also, in my case, there is no ‘cycle’ in the sense of regular, periodic disturbances. Rather, mine works by suddenly encountering a powerful–and usually unexpected–trigger.


This is a comment thread, for Pete’s sake, not my personal chatting space,

Imo, Sadlytown is great personal chatting place. (Especially so after we’ve collectively eviscerated the post’s target.) Sadlies have fascinating backgrounds and stories to tell. Example: Stories of Ginger Baker in Tulbagh.

(((FFF you WP !!!!! NOT posting too fast. Just scan the timestamp, you idiotic POS.)))


This is a comment thread, for Pete’s sake

The concern is appreciated, but please don’t stop on my behalf.


The concern is appreciated, but please don’t stop on my behalf.


The concern is… oh, never mind.


Ya want personal, Pete ? Here’s something personal that has been on my wandering mind.
I last had sex more than 20 years ago and it seems like I will probably die without feeling a man’s body again. That makes me sad. Not for the sex – if I wanted that, I could do it myself – but for the feel of a person holding me and a big body against my own. I would like that best of all things.


Holy shit. I can’t believe I just told you all that. I blush myself into oblivion.


I’ll be in my bunk…

Some guy (non-troll version)

Oh, yeah, BTW, suezboo, that was me retiring to my bunk earlier, too… not the troll.


Pete, you were wrong. Really personal stuff is a threadkiller.
I apologise to everybody and some guy.


No need to apologize.


Holy shit. I can’t believe I just told you all that. I blush myself into oblivion.

I’ve told that caliber of secrets more times than I can remember, in person and online. I don’t advise it, but my hat’s off to you, and I appreciate it in a hard-to-explain way. Not because it’s personal to you, the Suezboo person, but because it’s a tonic to social systems that generally lack that sort of thing.

Alot of people don’t have sex for years on end. Some want it, some don’t. It’s real and true and pretending otherwise just makes the rest of ’em feel wierder than need be.

I remember telling a roomful of people I hadn’t had sex in five years. I was maybe 22 at the time, not obviously flawed or mad or what have you. Doing that can suck the air out, heh. What’s his deal? –But it’s not uncommon. And I wouldn’t be surprised if I have a twenty-year dry spell going forward, either. It’s just not spoken of. So congrats on some level.


And nobody held me close those five years, either, to be clear. Messed with my head a bit, as I recall. I can’t imagine how I’d deal with it now, going on twenty years with the same woman. I could always imagine her, I think, even if she was gone.


But, V & tsam, have you ever actually kicked a dentist in the groin and run away because of needle brandishment? Me.

Well, no, but there was the time I was so busy pitching a hissy about getting a shot I entirely missed getting one. When I’d calmed down somewhat, the doctor informed me he’d already given me the shot. In my defense, I was quite ill at the time.

I saw part of an episode of Sex in the City when one of the characters complained about her long dry spell of, I dunno, a couple weeks, I turned it off. Nothing in common. I hate shopping, I come of strdy peasant stock even when I” not fat, my feet hurt even looking at their shoes, and it had been a couple decades for me. Lots of reasons, some better than others, but all mine.


I saw part of an episode of Sex in the City

Don’t tell the guys, but I liked that show.

Failure Artist

One of my college roommates used to watch one season on DVD over and over in our room and never go to class. She didn’t last long. Oddly enough she was so prudish when I mentioned liking yaoi (don’t ask how that came up) she went to the RA and we had an awkward meeting.

I saw the first movie when they showed it at my school and I decided why the hell not. The only good part was Dante’s Dick.

Failure Artist

My life is full of conversations I don’t know how I got into.


Pete, you were wrong. Really personal stuff is a threadkiller.
I apologise to everybody and some guy.

Pete was me–that was a joke to lighten the mood since you seemed embarrassed about what you said, and this thread is still alive, as far as I can see.

Please don’t apologize to me. If it made you feel even slightly better to get it off your chest, then I’m glad glad you shared it. Besides, do I seem like someone who’s willing to conform to some set of unwritten rules. (Spoiler: I’m not. In fact my natural petulance obligates me to break said rules).


I last had sex more than 20 years ago and it seems like I will probably die without feeling a man’s body again. That makes me sad. Not for the sex – if I wanted that, I could do it myself – but for the feel of a person holding me and a big body against my own. I would like that best of all things.

What’s stopping you from having sex? Note that you are under no obligation to talk about this whatsoever–I’m just curious and wish I could help.


So are smug Tesla drivers going to replace smug Prius drivers?

Yeah, it’s a nice car, but the constant Elon Musk fellating is getting old.


At the price Teslas sell at, they are never going to replace Priuses. Unless they can cut the price by a lot, they are never going to outsell Cadillacs. I really think passenger cars are only third or fourth most important when it comes to reducing dependance on gasoline. I think it’s more important to convert semis, trains, and local delivery trucks, and fleet vehicles to be electric or highly efficient turbo-bio-deisel hybrids.


I date my hatred of needles to back when I was 4 or 5 and was in the hospital to get my tonsils out.

this is where mine stemmed from as well…except instead of getting jabbed in a butt vein, she just could NOT find a good vein to draw any blood from…and tried multiple times in both arms…my veins like to roll away from the needle (self-defense mechanism?) which really blows because of low thryroid…i put the phlebs and/or nurses in a panic when they find out they get me as their next patient…i once went through every nurse in the building and finally my doc had to come in and butterfly my hand…

anyhoo, i do donate blood…which can be tedious and painful, but hey, it’s the right thing to do…i did make the discovery once that copious amounts of gin the night before donating really made that blood pump into the bag…the workers were all like, ‘hey, what’s up with you today! we’ve never seen you go so fast!’ and i’m like, ‘um, yeah…don’t give that batch to any recovering alcoholics or anyone under 21…where’s the juice?!?!’

also, i have one tat…sad to say it’s a tramp stamp (it covers up a grotesque surgery scar…but it has my kids’ names on it, so awwww! and i have a nose stud…and the usual ear piercings…anything else is gross…


i think maeve’s cone is making her crazy…i stayed home with her yesterday and she did a lot of napping on my lap…she decided sleeping in between hubbkf and i during the night and whacking us with her cone was the best way to sleep last night…and this morning she keeps twirling around…i think she’s afraid that this cone thing is now how she’s going to be forever…while it’s comical, it’s sad, too…there has got to be better methods than the cone, doesn’t there?


there has got to be better methods than the cone

There are inflatable collars, they look like a big donut.


There are inflatable collars, they look like a big donut.

huh…i’ll have to look into that…

Pupienus Maximus

i think maeve’s cone is making her crazy

Or it could just be that she’s a dog, y’know?


tsam : I suspected you were Pete.
Simple Answer to Simple Question : Nobody I fancy has asked me in the last 20+ years.
What I miss is the snuggling and hugging.
Thanks for helping with the embarrassment.


Thanks for helping with the embarrassment.

this is the man who drove around all day with his fly down…


Simple Answer to Simple Question : Nobody I fancy has asked me in the last 20+ years.

well, then maybe you should ask the ones you fancy…just make sure that it’s not any one in south dakota until this clears up…


At the price Teslas sell at, they are never going to replace Priuses.

I think the Model S is what’s called a “halo car”. Supposedly they’re working on a “mass market” model. They need something in the Camry/Accord class and price range if they really want to gain market share.

I really don’t see many of them here in the Midwest. I suspect they’re more of a West Coast thing. I’m curious what winter driving with the heat and defrost running constantly does to the range.


Another domino falls

Idaho became the 23rd state where gay marriage was deemed lawful when a federal judge there threw out a ban on same-sex unions.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Candy W. Dale in Boise said broad authority to regulate “matters of state concern” doesn’t give Idaho the power to violate individual constitutional rights.

“Idaho’s marriage laws deny its gay and lesbian citizens the fundamental right to marry and relegate their families to a stigmatized, second-class status without sufficient reason for doing so,” she wrote in yesterday’s ruling. “These laws do not withstand any applicable level of constitutional scrutiny.”


Smug tsam is smug and gives not a single fuck if a motherfucker don’t like it.



Hang in there, you sad Sadlys. If it helps the old depression at all, know that your quick wits and sassy opinions invariably make my day over here.


Or it could just be that she’s a dog, y’know?

well, she’s never been a twirler…i wish i had a smartphone so i could vid it…it’s pretty humorous…anyhoo, i’m on my way home now to check on her…i swear, i worry more about her than if she was a kid…


my veins like to roll away from the needle 

Mine are deep, but large, and pretty stable. I haven’t given since I moved (need to get back to that), but I’m up to over 10 gallons lifetime – I “cheat” – I donate platelets, which can (theoretically) be done every three days. I was doing it once a month. I’m “high yield,” but the big veins come in handy, so I give ’em my 300ml+ in about 90-100 minutes. Since the advent of flat screens and DVDs, they just have a player setup for each couch, pick your movie. I’ve seen a lot of kidflicks, as they’re generally the only ones short enough. I was considering bringing in some TV seasons, as I was beginning to have to cycle through the collection again.


Major, here in Chicago I’ve been seeing the Tesla Model S all over. Kind of surprising because like you said, winter.
I have to admit that I’m intrigued, they look really cool. Kind of out of our price range, though.


They’re almost common as Ferraris ’round here. Swear I see more Teslas than Loti.


Swear I see more Teslas than Loti.

yes, but have you seen a dude fully dressed doing calisthenics on the street corner…just saw that downtown…


oooh…our local assembly of god church has a casting call for their upcoming production of ‘heaven’s gates and hell’s flames’…it’s one of those national touring companies that involve the locals…the tagline of their website asks, ‘where will you be when reality strikes?’

uhhhh…pretty sure right where i am now…since every day all day is reality…


yes, but have you seen a dude fully dressed doing calisthenics on the street corner…just saw that downtown…

In Portland that would be noticeable only because he’s not wearing a Darth Vader costume or some such.


ha, yes…you big city folks see it all…


FWIW, Suzeboo, your feelings are not only natural for a person your age, but they are so common here that they’re fueling a rise in the STD rate in that segment of the population.

Although definitive figures are not available, sexual activity among older Americans has risen dramatically over the past decade, and with it has come a rise in sexually transmitted diseases, wrote

Rates of sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis and chlamydia have doubled for people in their 50s, 60s and 70s in the past decade reported ABC News.

The reported cases of syphilis and chlamydia among older adults outpaced the nation’s average according to research, said Orlando Sentinel.

According the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), some 2,550 cases of syphilis were reported among adults between the ages of 45 and 65 in 2010, wrote WebMD. That’s up from around 900 cases in the year 2000.

And the number of reported chlamydia cases in the age group almost tripled, said WebMD, from around 6,700 in 2000 to 19,600 a decade later.

Orlando Sentinel said that in the Sunbelt where older adults have formed large retirement communities, the rise was even more dramatic.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Poor Maggie Gallagher- I think Big Gay should send her a cock-shaped cake to thank her for fucking up her cause so epically.


Poor Maggie Gallagher- I think Big Gay should send her a cock-shaped cake to thank her for fucking up her cause so epically.

Two cocks, crossed, I think, to make it clear it’s not a hetero cock. Tastefully, of course.


maggie gallagher: ‘ooh, a cake…nom, nom, nom…’


Two cocks, crossed

i have been watching a lot of british crime series on netflix and amazon…pretty sure this is the name of a pub…

Big Bad Bald Bastard

My favorite moment in The War Against Gay was the M4M group- they had no clue they cribbed their name from classified ads.


Oh you sadlies. Sometimes y’all make me tear up with how much you care about each other. Don’t forget us lurkers here are also rootin’ for ya.


Hiya Seize.

I was a long-time lurker (years) before I stepped out of the shadows into Ville du Sadlie. You revealed a LOT in three sentences. You sound like a perfect person to join in the conversation. I don’t recognize yer nym; is this the first time you’ve commented?

Pupienus Maximus

I recently participated in a study (as part of the control group) targeting the syphilis epifuckingdemic in Teh Ghey community.


syphilis epifuckingdemic in Teh Ghey community.

i wonder if teh ghey community came up in the south dakota doctor’s discussion today…

i’ve been wondering all day just how that discussion would go…

‘so what’s the deal with all the stds lately?’
‘beats me’



Works for me.

the syphilis epifuckingdemic in Teh Ghey community.

Hopefully we won’t have to go back to Salvarsan 614.

Pupienus Maximus

I think someone posted at the worng site. Again. HAHAHAHAHA

Pupienus Maximus

BryBry Fischer haz a sad.


Conservative, drunk and posting at the wrong sites is no way to go through life, son.


Interesting read on Salvarsan, DA.


Paul Simon lyric. What a surprise that the irony of that is completely lost on Fischer.


Yes, the single data point, number of persons receiving food aid, gives us a clear picture of the economic condition. MATH IS HARD FOR TROLLZ AND CONSERVADICKS.


Fischer: Gov. Butch Otter, Idaho and a subjugated nation turns its lonely eyes to you. What will you do?

What will you do? What WILL you do?
((( end scary ‘survival seeds’ pitchman voice)))

Anyway Fischer made a total hash of the Paul Simon’s lyrics.

Where have you gone, Joe Dimaggio?
Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you.
What’s that you say, Mrs. Robinson?
Joltin’ Joe has left and gone away
Hey, hey, hey


My assessment of that lyric:

Written in the years following the MLK assassination, the RFK assassination, during Vietnam, when it seemed like the country was ripping itself to pieces. It’s a look back at a (perceived) simpler time.

Of course it pretty much stomps Fischer’s entire worldview into a mudhole, but yeah, you go with that Bryan (sic).

Pupienus Maximus

Aw. The director of Searching for Sugar Man killed himself. Suez – did you have Rodriguez’s records?


Prior verse, for context:

Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon.
Going to the candidates’ debate.
Laugh about it, shout about it
When you’ve got to choose
Every way you look at this you lose.

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio,
Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you.
What’s that you say, Mrs. Robinson.
Jolting Joe has left and gone away,
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey


Oh, remember the immediately preceding words in the song?

Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon,
Listen to the candidates debate.
Laugh about it, shout about it
When you’ve got to choose.
Every way you look at it you lose.

(((sneaks in subversive political lyrics)))


tsam: Great minds thing alike.


also I mis-remembered ‘Going’ in the second line. I’ve got a LOT of lyrics stuffed in my head. Don’t always get them all correct, especially from so long ago…


No, Pups, if you were being serious.
I knew who he was, what he sounded like and that he was dead. His big moments came after I gave up on pop music due to the Generation Gap.


I did however have the Simon & Garfunkel LP referenced above.


I did however have the Simon & Garfunkel LP referenced above.

YES. I still listen to some of that S&G stuff today–until I’m away from the OMFG SKIP THIS SONG and Feelin’ Groovy comes on. That song infuriates me to the exact degree that Yellow Submarine and Magic Bus do. Every super creative band, it seems, has a few songs that should rightfully have earned them a smack in the head.


I will sometimes sing Feelin’ Groovy when in the mood – I admit it freely. But you are, of course, right about the silly songs. Even Mozart had the Horn Concerto.


I don’t like much from that era but I still occasionally listen to Simon & Garfunkel.


Even Mozart had the Horn Concerto.

B-b-but I like the Horn Concertos! I hadn’t realized it was a silly song.

Not that it will make any difference to my enjoyment – I’d long ago come to the realization that my musical tastes, while varied, are often not in line with those of people who’ve made a serious study of it. I have the gift of enjoying a lot of music, though I do draw a few lines – that damn “Leather and Lace” that was on constant rotation in the 80s (don’t try to tell me the radio stations weren’t being paid to saturate the airwaves with it – I didn’t much care for it the first time I heard it, and every 10 minutes thereafter was a bit much), or anything by Counting Crows (I dislike their lead singer’s whiny voice and affected blond dreads).


Oh, V, absolutely. I love the Horn Concertos too but you must realise that the melody of the horn is a silly song – like a hunting call or a nursery rhyme.
My personal bete noire is an American singer who was HUGE in SA in the 60s – a guy called Jim Reeves. Rambling Rose was his biggest hit – I hate it.


I love the Horn Concertos too but you must realise that the melody of the horn is a silly song – like a hunting call or a nursery rhyme.

The basic simple melody combined with the richness of the French Horn is probably why I enjoy them so much. But I can see (now that you mention it) that it really is in the same kind of class as Feelin’ Groovy or Yellow Submarine – both of which I can enjoy – in small doses and at the right times. I can listen to the Horn Concertos for longer and more times than the others, though. I think part of it is the lower voice, so to speak.

CRA, treatin' the ladies to corn on the cob

Silly songs, you say?–

Sometimes I imagine myself as a drifter,
Seeker of fortunes, connoisseur of great wines.
Dashing through meadows of yellow and green,
Trying to catch the impossible dream,
Leavin’ the straight life behind!

Sometimes my thoughts may find me in Mexico,
Drinkin’ tequila goin’ out of my mind.
Havin’ a ball on a couple-a bob,
Treatin’ the ladies to corn on the cob,
Leavin’ the straight life behind!

[etc.] Pardon me if I’ve posted before, my memory is poor.

CRA, treatin' the ladies to corn on the cob

Bleh tagfail


Amazing cat work, Major. I deeply doubt my spoilt brats could work up the energy to care that much.


I still listen to some of that S&G stuff today–until I’m away from the OMFG SKIP THIS SONG and Feelin’ Groovy comes on. That song infuriates me to the exact degree that Yellow Submarine and Magic Bus do.

That song inspired the best poem I ever wrote:

Fifty-ninth Street Bridge-
Ain’t no-one feelin’ groovy
Commuting from Queens.


Cat saves 4-year-old boy from dog attack

In your face, Lassie!


Whoa. A New McGonagall arises. 🙂


Fenwick I have dropped in a few times but mostly I lurk. I post actively on Gawker media sites and Pharyngula if there is any overlap.

I like to lurk but maybe I will try to be a common tater here too. You are lovely folks.


“Magic Bus” is a great song, you Philistine!


Assclowns of the Week #98: Get Bent-ghazi edition is out. On the spit this week: Donald Sterling; Ann Coulter; Cliven’s Riders; Rush Limbaugh and much, much more!

P. S. Please pay attention to the editor’s note at the end.


“Magic Bus” is a great song, you Philistine!



Cat saves 4-year-old boy from dog attack

Come now. The cat is not “saving” the young house-ape. The cat is seizing an opportunity to attack the dog while it is otherwise occupied.


BryBry Fischer haz a sad.

those tweets are hilariously sad…enjoy your epic smackdown, fischer!


“Magic Bus” is a great song, you Philistine!



The cat is seizing an opportunity to attack the dog while it is otherwise occupied.

GOOD KITTY! I have to admit that watching a cat fight is like a good kung fu movie to me. I model my fighting style after them. I call it OLD SLOW KAT style.

No defenses of the Yellow Submarine? What gives?


No defenses of the Yellow Submarine? What gives?

because it’s lame? and everyone knows it?

The Smartest Conservative In the World

I’ve learned to use tiny links! Now nobody will suspect that I’m just mindlessly parroting whatever Free Republic and have ordered me to believe today!


Hey, I like “Yellow Submarine” in moderation.


my 4yr old likes “Yellow Submarine” and, hey, it’s pretty fun to sing along to.


It’s no “Octopus’s Garden,” tho.


I’m not dissing the Beatles, but I can’t really take classic rock any more.

I can’t say I was ever really a huge fan even back in the day.


I’m not dissing the Beatles, but I can’t really take classic rock any more.

I was an 80s kid, so I had the luxury of being able to pick through what I wanted to hear from that era. There is a whole bunch of it that is just amazing music, and a whole bunch that likely inspired Sturgeon’s Law. But I don’t know if I would have lived to 44 years old without my Pink Floyd.


I’m not dissing the Beatles, but I can’t really take classic rock any more.

living in a radio wasteland, our choices are comprised of: ‘classic’ rock (denoting that every station out here has not a fucking clue about truly classic rock and that there are a vast number of songs they could be playing instead of the same couple dozen they have in rotation), ‘country’ (which really is country pop) and christian…

i have come to despise classic rock that even when we are in the area of a decent station, i can’t abide to listen…

and i will agree: even though it’s lame, yellowsub is fun to sing along with, but with children only…


I was an 80s kid, so I had the luxury of being able to pick through what I wanted to hear from that era. There is a whole bunch of it that is just amazing music, and a whole bunch that likely inspired Sturgeon’s Law. But I don’t know if I would have lived to 44 years old without my Pink Floyd.

ADORE 80s music…especially alt…and through the years, i’ve come to learn to appreciate pink floyd…


I’m just a silly person, so I love most of the silly songs. I love The Turtles because they never really took themselves seriously. I am the youngest of five and my two older siblings are about a decade older than me so I grew up listening to their music and I inherited (stashed away when they weren’t looking) many of my siblings records when they went off to college. I love the classic rock, especially the psychodelic stuff and I just bought tickets to go see Yes perform Fragile and Close to the Edge in concert.


i’ve come to learn to appreciate pink floyd…

Pink Floyd guitarist/vocalist David Gilmour is THE reason I play guitar. That was my biggest inspiration, and his melodic soloing is what I try to emulate in my lead playing. My classic cover band colleagues HATE that I do it and I have not a single fuck to give. (It may explain why I don’t last long in bands–trying to keep some sense of integrity and artistic interpretation in the cover band scene is like the worst faux pas one can commit)


There is a whole bunch of it that is just amazing music

Amazing music that I’ve had to hear over and over and over again since the early 1970s. And now I get to hear it in car commercials, elevators, movie soundtracks etc.

I never said it was bad. Just that I’m way over it.


I also love 80s music. I miss pop music that had people like Prince and U2 in the scene. I just don’t connect with modern pop music at all.



I never said it was bad. Just that I’m way over it.

I knew what you were saying and I can totally relate. If I hear Ramble On by Led Zeppelin on the radio ever again I might just mail a bomb to the radio station.



‘country’ (which really is country pop)

A friend of mine described it as sounding “like every bad Eagles song that didn’t make it onto an album back in the 70s”.


I would only wanna play rock covers live if I had artistic freedom. I’m totally uninterested in poorly recreating other people’s studio recordings.


Name of the day: Foxtina Jones


I never said it was bad. Just that I’m way over it.

exactly…the people i know who insist on listening to classic rock only make me want to tell them to just fucking grow up and move on…but you know what really gives me the shivers? when i hit one of the stations that still plays 50s music…how ANYone can still consistently listen to that is beyond me…

Pupienus Maximus

I rate for 1910 Fruitgum Company.


bbfk, there’s a nostalgia station here that boasts it runs stuff ‘from the 40s to the 70s’. According to the Wiki, the signal stretches from Fresno county to the southern border of Kern county.

So they’re gunning for that vital 80+ old fart/fartess segment of the FM radio listeners.


I saw that story. These fuckers–NO SHIT–kicked a 17 year old girl out of a prom because THEY had impure thoughts about her.

Some guy (non-troll version)

I apologise to everybody and some guy.

Oh, g’wan, don’t be silly. Is there supposed to be some sort of a problem hearing a lonely woman saying how much she’d love the feel of a man’s body?

That’s actually wonderful news for us hetero guys of um, a certain age, to hear.

Plus it’s good to see more open and honest talk about sexuality these days… whether straight or GLBT, whatever.

If society were more open about this, perhaps there would be less Crazy out there… less racism, sexism, misogyny, gun-mania and bigotry in general.


exactly…the people i know who insist on listening to classic rock only make me want to tell them to just fucking grow up and move on…but you know what really gives me the shivers? when i hit one of the stations that still plays 50s music…how ANYone can still consistently listen to that is beyond me…

Dear all classic rock radio stations: BÖC made more than just “Don’t Fear The Reaper” — please play some of that other stuff and never play that song again. See also: “Stairway To Heaven”; “Another Brick In The Wall (Part II) (a.k.a. “We Don’t Need No Education)”; “Life In The Fast Lane” (which should be replaced by anything other than an Eagles song); “Pinball Wizard”; etc., etc., etc. Et. Fucking. C.


Dear all classic rock radio stations: BÖC made more than just “Don’t Fear The Reaper”

right? ever hear of deep cuts, people? but therein lies the problem in my neck of the woods…very few of the stations are live for more than a few hours in the morning…so, it’s all pre-programmed…one of the reasons i left radio…a big part of the day was spent voice tracking not only for my station, but for other stations in the group…fucking boring and NOT real radio…


I saw that story. These fuckers–NO SHIT–kicked a 17 year old girl out of a prom because THEY had impure thoughts about her.

It never occurred to the organizers to eject the pervy adults.


It never occurred to the organizers to eject the pervy adults.

I’m going to speak for ALL adult (Make no attempt to refute this statement), straight males in saying that we all have seen underage girls and had impure thoughts and stared a little too hard.

In those situations, I say to myself: “Self, STOP YOU FUCKING CREEP.”

Here’s what I don’t say: “That girl needs to go because I’m a creepy pervert.”.


It never occurred to the organizers to eject the pervy adults.

it would have been too embarrassing to eject their own husbands…


Dear all classic rock radio stations: BÖC made more than just “Don’t Fear The Reaper”

Dear alternate universe classic rock radio stations, Ledernacken made more than just “Amok


I’m going to speak for ALL adult (Make no attempt to refute this statement), straight males in saying that we all have seen underage girls and had impure thoughts and stared a little too hard.

In those situations, I say to myself: “Self, STOP YOU FUCKING CREEP.”

Here’s what I don’t say: “That girl needs to go because I’m a creepy pervert.”.

These people have no concept of consent, and they view all women as nothing more than sexual objects. What I says to myself in those situations is, “She doesn’t yet have the emotional maturity to be an appropriate partner, you need someone who is a mature adult. Self, STOP YOU FUCKING CREEP.”

These guys have no emotional maturity of their own, so they can’t handle a 17 year-old who’s “loaded for bear”, so to speak. They also don’t have the moral sense to realize that they are the problem.


it would have been too embarrassing to eject their own husbands…

Got an erection? Suffer ejection!


Got an erection? Suffer ejection!

i knew i could count on someone here to make the appropriate wordplay…i kept trying to come up with something, something ejectulation…


I saw that story. These fuckers–NO SHIT–kicked a 17 year old girl out of a prom because THEY had impure thoughts about her.

to be fair, they were CONCERNED because the “young men” may have been led to impure thoughts by her presence…


oh…i forgot to add: who says chivalry is dead?


Dear all classic rock radio stations: BÖC made more than just “Don’t Fear The Reaper” — please play some of that other stuff and never play that song again. See also: “Stairway To Heaven”; “Another Brick In The Wall (Part II) (a.k.a. “We Don’t Need No Education)”; “Life In The Fast Lane” (which should be replaced by anything other than an Eagles song); “Pinball Wizard”; etc., etc., etc. Et. Fucking. C.

It’s not like there isn’t a market for it, so I don’t understand why record companies can’t pander to that demographic by giving a couple hundred wannabe eagles bands a recording contract and hooking them up with some writers, composers and a manager who can keep the tour van gassed up, and upload some concert videos to youtube. I liked the Eagles the first 200+ times I heard their songs, but then it was 1982 and I got over it. The music industry is a business, but record companies have been coasting on their predatory & antiquated business model so long, they don’t have a clue how to (or categorically refuse to) develop & promote talent anymore.
I get that it’s a big investment, and that recording revenues are down. But sticking to an outdated business plan didn’t help Polaroid and it won’t help record companies. If they weren’t such technophobes they would have embraced on line album sales from the get go, and made reasonably priced music easy and cheap to find and buy on line and listen to in any format and on any device the listener prefers.


Adult lechery is an unintended consequence of young people exploring and expressing their own sexuality.

The trick is to remember WHO THE FUCKING ADULT IS.


to be fair, they were CONCERNED because the “young men” may have been led to impure thoughts by her presence…

This shit just cracks me up. 17 year old boys might have impure thoughts after you tortured them with homeschooling for 12 years? Gosh, I never would have seen that coming. Fucking Christianists. Nary a redeeming quality among the lot of them.


Helmut’s right.


17 year olds have probably been dealing with impure thoughts for 4 or 5 or more years by that point so, you’d think that any 17 year old civilized enough to go out in public by himself could control himself. How old does one have to be to imagine that in the world of nearly ubiquitous on line porn, that the sight of a teenager in a prom dress is too much temptation for a 17 year old boy to handle?


Thread Bear, you said

I’m just a silly person, so I love most of the silly songs. I love The Turtles because they never really took themselves seriously.

I’m a silly person, too (let me tell you about Homer and Jethro’s “Ooh, that’s corny!” Which I loved when I was 5 and still do, many decades later). Have you seen this particular strip?


Silliness is nothing to be ashamed of. I own the complete works of the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band.


they don’t have a clue how to (or categorically refuse to) develop & promote talent anymore.

It’s definitely the latter, though exceptions are out there.

Adele comes to mind first, though she’s not the only one. She is INCREDIBLY talented and entertaining. (Those are not necessary conditions of one another)


How old does one have to be to imagine that in the world of nearly ubiquitous on line porn, that the sight of a teenager in a prom dress is too much temptation for a 17 year old boy to handle?

I don’t think age has anything to do with it. It’s always …WAIT FOR IT… Projection. These fathers, of all people, are just barely self aware enough to realize that those feelings among themselves are there. I think that their inability to cope with them stems from their longing for a world in which they could act on those urges with impunity. What I don’t understand is why they feel the need to change the world around them instead of coming to terms with their own fucked up sexuality.


I suppose maybe that’s the difference between an enlightened man and a petulant, selfish man-child.


As for that 17 year old kicked out of her prom, I read that yesterday, and was thinking many of tge same thoughts you all have been saying. Then I read the comments (yeah, I know, but these were sane), and another possible reason for the organizer’s distress was revealed. Did you see the picture of her sitting next to a young man, presumably her date, in a car? It introduces a whole ‘nother reason for the tizzy, especially given the young woman’s comment that there were other girls at the prom who had not observed the “fingertip length” rule and were not told to leave. It’s entirely possible the girls in the shorter skirts couldn’t really pull the look off, but …

Also, she’s got a lot on the ball. Her post was well written and very clear. Showed a lot more maturity than the so called adults around her.


It’s been a long time since I was 17 so I’m not sure if I’m remembering this exactly right but, I’m pretty sure that one of my thoughts while getting ready for the prom was “gee, I sure hope my date has some impure thoughts about me when she sees me all dressed up. I was probably also already having impure thoughts about her even before I saw her all dressed up. But I certainly didn’t want to see anybody get thrown out over a few measly impure thoughts.

Adding a thought that just occurred to me, perhaps no child under the age of 30 should be allowed to attend a Catholic church lest they inspire impure thoughts in the priests.


These fathers, of all people, are just barely self aware enough to realize that those feelings among themselves are there. I think that their inability to cope with them stems from their longing for a world in which they could act on those urges with impunity. What I don’t understand is why they feel the need to change the world around them instead of coming to terms with their own fucked up sexuality.

It all boils down to Matthew 5:28:

But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

That’s an unrealistic standard, and it leads to all sorts of talibangelical bullshit.


I see a possible reason I can still tolerate “Classic Rock” while others are simply fed up: I gave up listening to my car radio in the 90s (I had to change the battery, I misplaced the code to reactivate the radio, I had no reason to take my Honda Accord manual transmission in to the dealer for 6 years – I was having my preventive maintenance done elsewhere – so I got out of the habit). Nowadays, I plug my iThingy in, set it on “Random” and listen to whatever comes up, unless I’m not in the mood for whatever. Then I hit next. Also, I routinely hit the “mute” button when commercials come on.


Then I read the comments (yeah, I know, but these were sane), and another possible reason for the organizer’s distress was revealed. Did you see the picture of her sitting next to a young man, presumably her date, in a car? It introduces a whole ‘nother reason for the tizzy, especially given the young woman’s comment that there were other girls at the prom who had not observed the “fingertip length” rule and were not told to leave. It’s entirely possible the girls in the shorter skirts couldn’t really pull the look off, but …

i know, i read the comments, too* and that was my first thoughts as well…i read the update to the actual post the 17 y.o. wrote and even the bf says he doesn’t think his race had anything to do with it…creeper dads on the balcony aside (cuz that’s just creepy no matter what) i think the real problem definitely lies with the prom organizer who kicked her out…i don’t believe for a minute that ANY male complained about her attire…it was either another bitchy teenage girl or the bitchy prom organizers…for some reason or other (and i think to save face is likely) she was going to make sure this girl was not going to stay the entire evening…likely because she had been proven wrong on the ‘fingertip rule’ when the girl entered the event…

Hah! They were reaching, but man did it work!


Nowadays, I plug my iThingy in, set it on “Random” and listen to whatever comes up, unless I’m not in the mood for whatever. Then I hit next. Also, I routinely hit the “mute” button when commercials come on.

i am an inveterate radio ban scanner…if i don’t hear the song i WANT TO HEAR RIGHT NOW! i move along…i’ve also been known to listen to the same song(s) on a device over and over and over…


When Ted was young, he liked to do ’60s things and listen to the Turtles sing “Happy Together.”

that sentence just tickles my funny bone…


or the bitchy prom organizers…for some reason or other (and i think to save face is likely) she was going to make sure this girl was not going to stay the entire evening…likely because she had been proven wrong on the ‘fingertip rule’ when the girl entered the event…

You’re probably right. There was a definite petty odor to the organizer’s responses. Thanks for the update. Nice to know my initial response of “nice looking kids” was the norm.


so much so it causeth tag failure…


so much so it causeth tag failure…

Not any more. I admit it. I have the soul of an editor.


I own the complete works of the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band

They’re awesome, aren’t they?


You’re probably right. There was a definite petty odor to the organizer’s responses. Thanks for the update. Nice to know my initial response of “nice looking kids” was the norm.

that’s not to negate all the wrong that there is in the story…the balcony dads and the whole women’s bodies/ownership, notions of modesty are some real issues that i’m glad she shed some intelligent light on…and a lot of it in this case (as always) seems to be he said/she said in nature…but one thing that really sickens me is that men feel obliged to make comments such as ‘i’d tap that real hard’…there was a fair amount of gratuitous and gross comments like that (duh, comments section) but they just creep me out and scare me at the same time…aaaaand i will stop right there or i will be bringing the thread down with some heavy shit…


Not any more. I admit it. I have the soul of an editor.

bless you…


so, i went home to check on maeve this afternoon…her dauber is definitely down…she has stopped twirling around and is now doing a twirling sort of pounce, like she’s got the drop on something behind or next to her…and then she’ll just sit and stare at nothing…but it is still kind of hilarious when she gets her cone stuck on something…


she has stopped twirling around and is now doing a twirling sort of pounce,




it’s startling is what it is…

Pupienus Maximus

I’m old. is some the only good stuff from my era. The 70s sucked putty balls. The first half, anyway.


The 70s sucked putty balls. The first half, anyway.

i tend to agree with that…but then i think, ted nugent…one thing i am profoundly grateful for is that while hubbkf is a child of the 70s, he outgrew the nuge, but i do remember as a lowly 7th grader with a mad crush, dragging main with him and my sister with ‘cat scratch fever’ blaring from the 8 track…

Pupienus Maximus

Hooboy! tsam will confirm that’s standard fare – he knows because he lives in Spokane, West Idaho.


Speaking of bad art, I have a specimen right here. What sort of person, looking to express him or herself, would carefully draw a smiling young couple (on the left and right) sharing a hot dog slathered with mustard, eating from either direction toward what I assume will be a sloppy kiss?

When I see people doing shit like that, my heart isn’t warmed, and I don’t want to immortalize it. Or, maybe she paid them to pose like that. Imagine spending an hour or more, holding one end of the dog-n-bun between your teeth, staring into the eyes of your partner a few inches away.



Had a whole damned post about Christianity and feminism. Instead you’ll have to just deal with my riot grrl lyrics. Yes folks, I am so young that this is “classic” for me.

They hand you the world’s smallest microphone
It’s still too loud and you’re asked to go home
She can stay as long as she swears
That when she breathes it will be her own air


CRA, I’m imagining an impressionist painting in oils with $5 glops of goldenrod paint illustrating the mustard.


Hooboy! tsam will confirm that’s standard fare – he knows because he lives in Spokane, West Idaho.

Oh yes. Also, Butch Otter is in full meltdown freakout pout about it mode over the court’s decision to tell Idaho to quit being grabasstic about same sex marriage.

You know, these Republican politicians are the fucking WORST. Lookit here: A judge telling you how it’s going to be gives you political cover. Be a human and run with it instead of being a bigoted piece of shit.


i cannot wait to watch the rest of that debate…just the bit i’ve seen has me highly intrigued…how did the moderator not lose her shit?


That would redeem the concept, Seize, but Sadly, No!


Had a whole damned post about Christianity and feminism. Instead you’ll have to just deal with my riot grrl lyrics. Yes folks, I am so young that this is “classic” for me.

Are you on the civilized side of my state, Seize?


Nope tsam, I am inside the Beltway. I came by Sleater Kinney via the considerable DIY punk scene here, and fashionably at least 10 years too late.


Welcome to Sadlytown, Seize. I’m glad to see you as a common tater. I would like to read the lost material on Christianity and feminism. Is it possible for you to reconstruct it?

I also have been having problems with Fuckety-Fuck-Fuck (*) WP. It keeps telling me I’m posting too fast, even though hours may have passed.

(*) This is vaguely like the automatic phrase “all praise be to him” in Islamic culture. The difference, of course, is that my automatic phrase is derisive and aimed at a stupid computer program.


I came by Sleater Kinney via the considerable DIY punk scene here, and fashionably at least 10 years too late.

Cool. Sleater Kinney was pretty big around here–but they’re most memorable to me because that’s a road near Olympia (which was stolen for the band name).

YIKES! BELTWAY??? I don’t think I could live that close building full of terrible people.


Pink Floyd guitarist/vocalist David Gilmour is THE reason I play guitar. That was my biggest inspiration, and his melodic soloing is what I try to emulate in my lead playing.

Gilmour is SO subtle. I’ve always liked his work. You’ve set a high standard for yourself, tsam. In my view that is essential for making good art of any sort… and especially so in the performance arts.

Fuckety-fuck-fuck you, WP I hate you. I hate you. I hate. Crawl off die, you miserable collection of zeros and ones. I am NOT posting too fast.


I am inside the Beltway.

I’m assuming DC, based on the capitolization? (swidt?) It’s great to have another younger commenter here, btw.


Well, at least I already know all the acroynyms, so I can at least curse efficiently. Must remember to Ctrl+A and Ctrl+C before all ejaculations.

I was meandering about the psychological cost of buying into a worldview where you can sin using only your thoughts. Even in Catholic school, it seemed transparent to me that sin is designed by churches as something everybody already does. If you can’t even think without risking hellfire, you’re going to believe it when the guys in charge tell you that you need to have your soul saved. Then you’re suddenly in a place where (a) you look at evil behavior as being inevitable and (b) you’re constantly finding yourself on the wrong side of your own moral boundary.

If you’re in a mental state where you feel like going “out of bounds” is part of your nature, and suddenly find you’re already sexually “out of bounds,” your behavior will be different than if you reserve judgment for actions that have consequences. The really important boundaries become indistinguishable. Your body was just telling you that your plumbing is still working, but you believe you’re already creeping on a 17-year-old. Taking unnecessary corrective action and kicking the 17-year-old out of her own prom because your penis sinned is actually one of my best case scenarios for that total failure to establish realistic ethical boundaries.


Seize: I think your commentary will be a rich source of BOtB names. I found two in just one of your sentences…

$5 Glops
Illustrating the Mustard


Taking unnecessary corrective action and kicking the 17-year-old out of her own prom because your penis sinned is actually one of my best case scenarios for that total failure to establish realistic ethical boundaries.

In the incident you’re referring to, I think the real reason she was kicked out was because she was a white girl with a black date.

Which would put those dads in the position of saying, “Bigot? I’m no bigot. Pervert, yes, but not a bigot.”

But your broader point is absolutely correct IMO. The Catholic Church, among other religions, has made a living out of taking perfectly normal human impulses and making them shameful. If you’re hungry you’re greedy, if you’re tired you’re slothful, if you’re sexually aroused you’re lustful, etc.


You’re suddenly in a place where (a) you look at evil behavior as being inevitable and (b) you’re constantly finding yourself on the wrong side of your own moral boundary. — Seize

The whole comment rocks; I thought this sentence is fucking brilliant.


I wanted weigh in on ‘classic rock’ … but that easily could turn into an out-of-control essay of many paragraphs and illustrative music lynx. The opening hook was disagreement with the Major’s second sentence: I never said it was bad. Just that I’m way over it.

Also get into formats and playlists. Not doable. Not when the Orioles game in underway in Kansas City. Anyway, there is much more important Comment I’ve been cogitating upon….


BS, I’ve seen that in the comments. The kid in her own post doesn’t mention race being an aggravating factor, though I’d bet her date might.

More than anything it seems like the child got to thinking, and the homeschool dads wanted to make an example of her before the others caught on to the notion of the sinful delights of godless secular community college.


More than anything it seems like the child got to thinking

I’m reminded of a Simpsons episode where the principal had an “Independent Thought Alarm” button on his desk for when one of the students got to thinking.


Well, it’s not all bad here. Recently, for instance, we discovered that as a District but not a State, some whiny legislation limiting the distributorship of alcohol does not apply to us. Now we have five breweries and a distillery within the city!

The distillery brews their gin with wormwood, which doesn’t sit well with me after The Great Absinthe Understanding of ’07, but there is talk of whiskey on the horizon.

CRA, treatin' the ladies to corn on the cob

I took a looooong break from the people that inspired me to pick up the guitar. I only came back to them in the last few years.

Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin still sound great, but different — my ears have changed, etc. I have little-to-no patience for the tracks that I like less. Conversely, the tracks that I like are, once again, revelations — but from the point of view of an with refined tastes and listening skills.

This is true of all great music, I think, because the creators really do have more and more and more to show you, as you grow. It doesn’t matter how young I was, or how mind-blowing it was; I can grow and have my mind blown again and again.

But it helps to have given those musics long and total breaks between my 10-20 yrs and now.



CRA, treatin' the ladies to corn on the cob

Absinthe fucked me up, and it had nothing to do with the wormwood. It was the ABV, and my vulnerable state at the time. Shots, indeed …


This is actually a pretty good story. I was a frat party, and I was very young. My fellow younguns and I got invited to frat parties a lot. We were pretty green but we understood why this was the case.

We did not react pro-socially to the fact that older men were constantly trying to use extremely cheap beer to interest us in heavy petting. We went rogue. After a few unpleasant nights of grain alcohol punch and gropings, we came back to frat row. We came for what was ours.

My friend Maria decided that “what was ours” constituted primarily the free food and drugs that were available in unlocked rooms in frat houses. We didn’t know which drugs or what drugs but we knew our way around some pretzels.

One night we were out in a way-out illegal frat and we were rummaging through some guy’s bedroom. I’m not proud. If you’ve ever seen a pig root, it was a similar behavior. Imagine the pig is wearing a tube top.

From out behind a potted plant, Maria pulled The Absinthe. The label was in French. This was interpreted to be “legit.”

Maria and I wordlessly poured our red cups of beer into the potted plant. She emptied the amber liquid into our cups, right up to the rims.

Unspecified amount of time later. I am outside. Outside is nice. Possible fireflies. Could also be apocalypse. Someone’s playing beer pong. Oh, a maple tree. I look inside my red cup. There is still some left.

I am a champion. I will finish my beer. Champion. Beer!

I tried to swallow that last sip of untempered absinthe, and my body abruptly revolted. I had about four seconds of warning before the whole system backed up. I distinctly remember that two frat boys clocked my expression, then dived out of the way. I projected vomit into a wooden fence. It bounced off.

I spent the rest of my night next to a urinal back in the dorms being scolded by an RA. And no, I don’t have the taste for absinthe.


My friend Maria decided that “what was ours” constituted primarily the free food and drugs that were available in unlocked rooms in frat houses.

I’ve led a boring life.


Speaking of new music:

My wife turned me on to this band called “First Aid Kit”. It’s two sisters from Sweden, of all places, that sing American folk/alt-country.

They sound like they’re from Appalachia. You’d never guess English was their second language. If you like that sort of thing they’re worth a listen.

First Aid Kit


Had a whole damned post about Christianity and feminism. Instead you’ll have to just deal with my riot grrl lyrics. Yes folks, I am so young that this is “classic” for me.

Sleater-Kinney is awesome. I thought the riot grrl movement was great, the bands were keeping the proud traditions of the X Ray Spex and The Slits going.


MK, if you like that, you’d like this. Listen to “Truth Is” by the Wild Ponies.

CRA, treatin' the ladies to corn on the cob

I’ve led a boring life.

Note that he’s said that about me, and probably others. It isn’t true in the least, but welcome to the club!


B4, I heard X Ray Spex at punk rock karaoke the other night and it thawed my ice cold millennial heart.


Heh CRA, if I knew folks here didn’t like shaggy dog stories, I would have habituated myself to another commentariat.

CRA, treatin' the ladies to corn on the cob

They (and I) like those stories just fine, Seize. Continue as you will.


B4, I heard X Ray Spex at punk rock karaoke the other night and it thawed my ice cold millennial heart.

The album Germ-Free Adolescents is one of the most remarkable documents of the late 20th century- it’s scarily prescient, with songs about marketing saturation, chemical overexposure, and the perils of an antiseptic environment. I get goosebumps when I listen to it.

CRA, treatin' the ladies to corn on the cob

Yours was a good story, Seize. The thing about the Major is that he hasn’t led a boring life, but has used that phrase re: what’s outside his range of experience.

Sorry to over-explain, but I wanted to make sure of clarity. Goodnight from Milwaukee.

CRA, treatin' the ladies to corn on the cob

Not regarding what’s outside his experience, but in contrast to it. Oh hell. Words are tricky.


Good Night (6 am) from Tulbagh.


Also: I want to hang out with Seize.


But really: g’night all.


For all the talk about “then” vs. “now”, I know without a doubt that there is a shitload of great music being made right now that I won’t discover until about 10 years from now.


That’s the main reason I listen to college radio, JNM… of course, Ear Candle Radio is good too!


Cocktail porn– I tried this recipe, and the results were great with minimal effort. It’s wonderful to work alone!

Trader Vic, eat your heart out!


He was literally crucified.

Crucified, literally.

Ask any cop what that level of sadistic abuse means. Count on it, the one-word answer will be, “queerbashing”.


The kid in her own post doesn’t mention race being an aggravating factor, though I’d bet her date might.

nope…the bf has said he doesn’t think it was a factor and that mrs. d didn’t even know they were together until after she booted the girl and they were trying to get a rational explanation and to get their money refunded…they came together with a group of kids in one vehicle, so if one went, they all had to go…the organizers verbally agreed to give all the group back their money, but so far only the girl and the bf have…mrs. d and her little committee are weasels to the bone…


Cocktail porn- I tried this recipe, and the results were great with minimal effort. It’s wonderful to work alone!

this stuff sounds pretty delightful…not sure if i could find orange blossom water readily around here, but i suppose there’s online for that…also, i don’t do sugar anymore…could the orgeat be made with stevia, do you think?


It’s Operation American Spring day! That’s right today is the day that 10-30 million patriots descend on Washington DC and stay as long as it takes to get those perfidious democrats to step down and appoint leadership more in keeping with the constitution.


Ask any cop what that level of sadistic abuse means. Count on it, the one-word answer will be, “queerbashing”.

where did the ‘drug deal gone bad’ theory originate? i’m sure pup has prolly gone into it, but if he has, i’ve forgotten…


where did the ‘drug deal gone bad’ theory originate? i’m sure pup has prolly gone into it, but if he has, i’ve forgotten…

It originated in the flop sweat and desperation of people who routinely queer bash and are now becoming aware of hate crimes law and how that might apply to people who encourage or engage in, queer bashing.


The drug deal gone bad theory probably came from the defense attorney who was a friend of the author. Having a goal he set out to find substantiating info. Which he largely could not. Hence the over reliance on rumor, anonymous sources, “some people said” and so on.

Pupienus Maximus

Read Alyssa Rossburg’s devastating review I linked.


Read Alyssa Rossburg’s devastating review I linked.

thank you sir…


FWIW, our old subject Dennis Prager has made the Encyclopedia of American Loons, with a special guest appearance at the link about DP and the Sandusky case.


Read Alyssa Rossburg’s devastating review I linked.

that was most helpful…thanks for linking back upthread…i missed that link when i originally read your comment…sometimes i don’t read too gud…


What’s more, Jimenez says, the two had had sex before – suggesting that homophobia couldn’t possibly have been a factor in Shepard’s murder.

I hope the author is honest and /or informed enough to note that violent homophobes often have sex with the type of people they hate. But what am I saying, there’d be no book then.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I just woke up- did Operation American Spring liberate the country?


They have not de-Sovietized the local Starbucks here, tovarich, so I’m inclined to think that the answer is no.


okay, i thought helmut was making a joke earlier…i had no clue that operation american spring was a real thing…there’s a hilarious troll in the comments section on the raw story story i read about it…


I can’t read “American Spring” without thinking of Brian Wilson’s 70s side project with his ex-wife. So we’re going to be liberated by obscure sunshine pop, then? I guess it could be worse.


My new favorite joke:

Ayn Rand, Rand Paul and Paul Ryan walk into a bar. The bartender serves them tainted alcohol because there are no regulations. They die.

Disclaimer – no actual objectivists were harmed in the making of this joke.

Pupienus Maximus

Just FYI, Tivoli has a smokin hot deal on overstock Model 10 radios. 1/2 price and they’re brand new. I just ordered one.


I know without a doubt that there is a shitload of great music being made right now that I won’t discover until about 10 years from now.

When the wheat is separated from the chaff…

Unfortunately, some of the bad stuff just hangs on. Like everything Lynard Skynard ever did.


Disclaimer – no actual objectivists were harmed in the making of this joke.

This is more of a fantasy than a joke to me.


This is more of a fantasy than a joke to me.

right? and something that every numbnuts participating in operation american spring should have a close brush with…


something that every numbnuts participating in operation american spring should have a close brush with…

and i don’t mean a brush with death, btw…i mean they should just experience in an unpleasant way just how fucked we’d be without the gubbmint…


BREAKING NEWS: Operation American Spring has just taken over the White House!

Oops, my bad…

Correction: Operation American Spring has just taken over the Waffle House.


It turns out my bro’s house in California will not burn down. Sometimes a mile or two is a long ways, sometimes it isn’t.

Operation American Spring has just taken over the Waffle House.

They shoulda beelined for the International House of Pancakes. It’s a globalist plot to sap our sovereignty.


They shoulda beelined for the International House of Pancakes. It’s a globalist plot to sap our sovereignty.

I’ll have a short stack of tyranny!


10-30 million patriots descend on Washington DC and stay as long as it takes to get those perfidious democrats to step down and appoint leadership more in keeping with the constitution.

And I thought this place couldn’t gentrify any faster.


And I thought this place couldn’t gentrify any faster.

How droll!


And I thought this place couldn’t gentrify any faster.

You misspelled “geriatrify”.


I’ll have a short stack of tyranny!

i would like to see the doodles on their constitution placemats while they are awaiting their food…no doubt more plans for their next big thing…


Can’t really call it the “White” house anymore, can we? That’s NOT why these guys are protesting, though. They all have black friends.


you know, this whole oas thing has made my day…these are the same people who call liberals stoopid, right?

yet, they don’t see that what they want to literally do is literally seditious and treasonous as fuck…and these are the same people who mocked ows-ers who apparently had all the time in the world to protest because they were out of work moochers, but they are willing to stay on the mall for as long as it takes–so they don’t have jobs either? and that they are roping bundy in with their cause–the same guy who has been stealing from them as well all these years?

i’ve been checking out the coverage on raw story and the dcist and it has brought me much joy…


Can’t really call it the “White” house anymore, can we? That’s NOT why these guys are protesting, though. They all have black friends.

as they would likely say, ‘DAH!’ it’s totes NOT about race tsam…it’s about corrupt politicians…they’ve been fed up about this shit for years…it just happened that they chose this administration and this president at this time to really voice their displeasure…l to fucking o l…

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Food porn, bastard style- saag made com a mix of stinging nettles and turnip greens. No paneer this time- gotta hit the IndoPak store or hunt down a recipe.

Some guy (non-troll version)

Ayn Rand, Rand Paul and Paul Ryan walk into a bar. The bartender serves them tainted alcohol because there are no regulations. They die.

… Fox News blames Obama and Hillary Clinton for failing to call for backup sooner…

…GOP blames unionized bartenders; demands nationwide layoffs and wage cuts…

…investigative journalism by Rachel Maddow reveals that tainted alcohol was actually manufactured by a company owned by the Koch Brothers.

…trolls begin massive copypasta assaults on liberal snark blogs…


Pro tip for rallies in DC: If you don’t have a budget for porta potties in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, you probably don’t have the budget to advertise enough to get more than a couple dozen people to attend. To get millions of motivated people on the mall costs millions of dollars.


To get millions of motivated people on the mall costs millions of dollars.

not to mention some actual planning…they really just thought that 10-30 million extra people in dc requires zero logistics?


those dcist commentors are my kind of people…


In other news about idiots, the funniest shit occasionally shows up as fresh comments amongst the spam on 10 year old posts:

The religion is not a religion it is simply bullshit being followed by a bunch of unsaved idiots who don’t know how to think for themselves. My Lord Jesus proclaims we are to love our enemies the muslims on the other hand are directed to destroy us??? Makes you go hmmmm? Oh and I am not ignorant, I did not capitalize this so-called religion because it does not even merit itself that kind of acknowledgement.


I just… I can’t even… I give up.


I’m no fan of Cliven Bundy, but his shenanigans are far more successful than the American Spring. He’s keeping his protest local, he’s got more or less motivated help, who are volunteering their time, he’s got sympathetic coverage in the national right wing noise machine. And most of all, he’s playing defense, he wins if the Feds do nothing. In short, he’s got every advantage he could reasonably expect to have.

Today’s clowns in DC have every single one of those things backward. They are operating far away from their homes, their volunteer help is incompetant confused and , they have had nearly no mainstream media attention, and they are hoping to topple the richest, most powerful government in the world.

In short, they make the gathering of the Juggalos look like a G-8 summit.


It’s always the weather that amuses me.
Revolution Today !
Erm .. it’s raining.
Oh, OK – cancel the revolution.


and they are hoping to topple the richest, most powerful government in the world.

It’s funny and scary as hell, predicting what the answer would be to “Then what?”

Pupienus Maximus

useful for, certainly.


I’m no fan of Cliven Bundy, but his shenanigans are far more successful than the American Spring. He’s keeping his protest local, he’s got more or less motivated help, who are volunteering their time, he’s got sympathetic coverage in the national right wing noise machine. And most of all, he’s playing defense, he wins if the Feds do nothing. In short, he’s got every advantage he could reasonably expect to have.

I think things will go south soon- already, some of his supporters have resorted to blegging and the resultant ridicule caused them to take down their pages. Bundy sure as hell won’t pony up when they come with their hands out.

They’re even more ridiculous than the morans (sic) on the Mall.


Saw this on another blog:

I’m so impressed with#OperationAmericanSpring. It’s about time there was a rally for those of us who hate crowds


New post.

Sorry about the delay. Turns out there’s a physical price to trying to push an already exhausted body even further. Who knew?

Consumer Unit 5012

Erm .. it’s raining.
Oh, OK – cancel the revolution.

And here I thought the term “Fair-Weather Patriot” was just figurative….


“How tempting it must be as a dedicated white nationalist to erase the history of lynching or make the horrors of slavery some ephemeral memory, especially if one longs to re-establish that state of affairs.”

How tempting it must be as a dedicated white Jewish nationalist to erase the ongoing history of chemical weapons and machine gunning indigenous brown people and uprooting of trees while crushing young women protesting as some ephemeral memory, especially if ones longs to re-establish a state of affairs last occurring at least 2500 years ago.

Or the fact the vast majority of Slavers bringing Africans to America were Jewish.


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