Someone is going to rue the day…
Resa “LaRu” Kirkland (yes, it’s a made up name, like Seb or Travis G.), she of helpful maps for all, is showing off her expertise on all matters Korean:
Time For ‘A Hangin’: Wild West Justice Needed In The East
Fortunately, John Bolton has got two big ones hangin’:
Oh SNAP!!!! Bolton’s balls were in full cowboy what-America-used-to-be swing…Political Castration has NOT claimed this man.
They sure don’t make moustaches like that anymore.
ENOUGH. You hear that, UN? Enough. No more bowin’ and scrapin’ before that stir-fried TOTALatarian DICtator anymore. He’s been given money, supplies, and oodles of time to do the right thing. We have his answer. He’s drawn the line in the kimchi over and over again, daring us to come near. Instead of girding our loins and calling his bluff, we keep moving back from it and he keeps getting bolder. This lying thief, this wicked manipulator and horrific murderer, this glorified nuclear “cattle rustler” needs to be brought to justice, and right now. He has slaughtered, slandered, shattered his way through this life, with not one mitigating factor to level the scales and justify our tolerance any further. And the inexcusable enabling of the UN—who in response has sighed, sanctioned, and surrendered—makes them next in line for a dose of old school justice.
We like to think of Resa as a political Don King as featured on Conan O’Brien. Imagine this face talking with only the lips moving, and you’ll see we’re right.
But America…we’re the ones I can’t figure out. Why do we continue to be so Politically Castrated? This isn’t us, people. We have a cowboy history in this nation that at one time conquered a wild world and united the greatest land in history from sea to shining sea. There was a time in this country when those who dared to steal another man’s cattle—just his cattle!—were left swinging from the tallest tree. Cowboy justice tolerated no evil…ever.
Come to think of it, maybe Resa is more like a political Matt Foley.
I’m praying that Bolton, like most cowboys, will follow his words with action when China aids Kim the cattle rustler yet again.
Yes, surely Bolton will send in the Bolton All Star Forces (now featuring Tom “My Moustache Will Be Proven Right in 6 Months” Friedman and John “My Moustache Survives on a Diet of DDT” Stossel) to invade China and defeat North Korea.
Yeah, like if YOU set off a nuclear explosion in YOUR country, WE’re gonna’ set off a nuclear explosion in YOUR country. That’s what we Americans call quid pro quo.
Ok, I have to contribute my usual outrage here, but first I have to note that, batshit crazy as she might be, this woman writes in complete sentences with actual grammar and paragraph structure. I can’t help but wonder how she got on the same team as Grogan and Swank.
Anyway, here we have the bleatings of another “Pro-War” fucktard. Conservative estimates have the first day’s casualties of a second Korean war to approach half a million. There are over a million troops on the 38th parallel, along with a truly frightening array of weapons and munitions. NorKor has the capability to lay a hundred thousand artillery rounds on Seoul every hour. Sure, our air cound get them eventually, but the capitol city would be flattened.
So it comes down to this. Some sick fucks who live in a hollywood old-west fantasy feels that Kim somehow threatens our country’s collective manhood, so a couple million people need to die and a prosperous country needs to be destroyed so that bitches like this can feel good about themselves. Key – Riste on a popsicle stick, just writing shit like this oughta be a crime.
The sad, truly sick part is she would agree that NorKor can’t hurt us. They don’t have an air force, they don’t have sea lift, they really don’t have an offensive military capability beyond the penninsula. They can threaten Japan, but it’s an empty threat unless we start something.
I wonder if this woman would be so aggressively pro war if she lived in one of those high rise appartments in Seoul?
Hey! Some of us still have plenty of ‘stash. And some extra chin.
> They sure don’t make moustaches like that anymore.
Oh, they can be had for a price. And no one says you have to put it on your face…
Uh, Carl… what have you done with Gary Ruppert?
I foolishly clicked the pitcture link above. Jocelyn Wildenstein, you’ve got competition for the Creepy Crown!
That would be LaRu’s pic, not Carl’s baffling submission.
Leaving ‘stashes and chins aside…
That hat…with that tie…with that shirt? Mystifying.
> I foolishly clicked the pitcture link above. Jocelyn Wildenstein, you’ve got competition for the Creepy Crown!
Looks like someone went a little crazy with the median filter. I believe this might be the unretouched version.
Though, really, who am I to say androgenetic alopecia isn’t attractive on a the ladies?
…And I’ll give her this much: “We have a cowboy history in this nation that at one time conquered a wild world and united the greatest land in history from sea to shining sea.”
‘Cause we ‘murkins do know a thing or two ’bout injun slaughter.
Seb!! Gavin and Brad let you out!
We also have a Policeman History, a Sailor History, a Leather Dude History, and a Construction Worker History.
What about them?
You really want nukes in the hands of those fucking nutbars????
I say nuke all armpit countries.
Oh, they can be had for a price. And no one says you have to put it on your face…
My favorite mustache salesman
everyone is missing the important question:
How luxurious are the moustaches on your dreamfields?
A war historian that actively roots for more war. That’s creepy as hell. And the cowboy thing, man…it’s just depressing people are that goddamn goofy. Consider the consequences of rattling a mighty big sabre at not only a nuclear country run by a total goddamn loon, but at yet another nuclear country that pretty much owns our asses economically? Hell, no…round up a posse, preferably one that doesn’t include the sabre rattler, and string ’em up.
I love westerns like any good American, but I can’t be the only person that’s aware that movies aren’t for real. Then again, my favorite TV cowboy is Bret Maverick, so it’s possible my thumb isn’t quite on the wingnut pulse.
If it were, I suppose I wouldn’t find people screaming for even more death and destruction – as long as there’s no danger of them dying or losing anything – as loathesome as I do. Dirty little cowards, all of them.
Instead of girding our loins and calling his bluff
Yeah, because if the US attacks North Korea, they will not defend themselves with any weapon they can get their hands on. And since Kim Jong-Il has nukes… Yeah, totally not a recipe for disaster, with millions of people’s lives hanging in the balance.
God, teh stupid, it really, really hurts.
> I say nuke all armpit countries.
Some tactical advice from missannie… Bomb them to hell before those no-speakie-english-armpitters get confused by the unfunny traitors in our midst (May Jesus burn them all in Hell).
Why would you link that? I’ve written way better stuff than that. You’re not trying!
I’m gonna break my rule of not engaging the loathsome annie to point out she’s never written anything even remotely coherent, let alone good. The science of self delusion writ large…
Jealous much?
feeble, annie. just fucking feeble.
If its any consolation her stupidlity doesn’t seem to be catching. Her last blog entry was sometime in August, has 10 comments, several of which were her responses to sycophantic morons. Hell, thanks to Sadly No she’s probably having her best day ever. I wonder if that means she’s buying the beer.
mikey, in your first comment you talked about huge numbers of casualties. Since those folks will be, y’know, Korean and all, what makes you think La-Rootie-Toot-Toot gives a shit about them?
A leetle too much testosterone for my taste… wait a minute. She’s a self-described powerlifter.
See, kids, what steroids do to your hormones and brain?
So I engaged this woman in an email. Her bloodlust is beyond reach. It only makes me sad, and less optimistic. Let me share with you. Here’s what I said:
Shit, I need preview…
“Had we done what Big Mac wanted”?!?!
You mean NUKE CHINA?!?!?!!!?!?
Well, sure….that’s a rational enough position. Like, in Bizarro World.
now that was cool!
For a warchick she sure do talk a lot about being castrated. But that Total Dic joke is true brilliance. Even if she did recycle it from her Castration of a Total Dic; Kim Jong Il, you’re next! column of 2003, it’s always good to revisit the gems.
Yee haw…I’ll get the trees ready, you grab some rope. We have some cowboy justice to dispense at long last.
I always love it when devout Christian photophobes hanker for lynchin’.
Mikey, I think it’s fine the way it is.
God, this woman. The only thing worse than evil is willfully ignorant evil.
I dunno Jillian, if we had only Nuked China in the 1950s, it wouldn’t be around causing trouble today with North Korea. Of course we probably would be (had any survived world war three) living in caves and fighting each other for food and uncontaminated water, but that would be a small price to pay to prevent the Islamunist North Korean Menace from threatening us these days.
Islamunist. Heh, heh…
OK, I think I can speak from a unique point of view. I live in Seoul, a few kilometers from the DMZ. I’m one of many North Americans teaching the young Korean population how to speak English. Kim Jong-il has warned that Seoul would be a “sea of fire” if North Korea was attacked. I take him at his word. Would all the crazy, batshit, full-goose-bozo insane people talking all this cowboy shit just shut the fuck up? Thank you.
You folks clearly need to visit Teh General more often.
Islamunistliberalmexiterrorfascists, anyone? Damn, I’m scared already.
P.S. Preview is for girly men! (Not to be confused with manly not-men, such as a certain powerlifter who shall go nameless.)
I made patriotboy cry.
It thas come to the attention of the Evergreen State that an abomination known as Resa LaRu, currently residing within our borders, has oozed beyond our frontiers and into your cyberconsciousness. We would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused by your exposure to her. We try very hard to monitor species such as hers, but quality control is an imperfect process. Rest assured we are devoting our full attention to the problem. Technicians are working around the clock on the necessary software, which should also eradicate the annieangel virus if all goes well. Thank you for your patience.
Anyway, here we have the bleatings of another “Pro-War� fucktard. Conservative estimates have the first day’s casualties of a second Korean war to approach half a million. There are over a million troops on the 38th parallel, along with a truly frightening array of weapons and munitions. NorKor has the capability to lay a hundred thousand artillery rounds on Seoul every hour. Sure, our air cound get them eventually, but the capitol city would be flattened.
Sterling, Mikey! Unfortunately, if the link to this deathophile’s blog is correct, she’s fixated on the “first” Korean war. Which — according to her — we “failed” at, because we just didn’t have the Will to Win (tm H. Kissinger) that would allow “us” to turn the entire pennisula, plus whatever random spots in the general vicinity (read: China… oy!) seemed to be looking at “us” funny, into a smoking glassy pit.* She feels about Korea the way Kissinger feels about Vietnam, I mean, Iraq: This time we could surely get it right, and Triumph in our Right-eousness, if only the soft weak womanly democrats could be shouted down! The six most dangerous words in this or probably any other language: This time, it will be different!!!
*Sorry, ‘smoking glassy pit’ and the self-posted photo just seem to go together. Scarier than the new Chainsaw Massacre movie, and it’s still three weeks till Halloween…
“PRO-WAR. Because Retail Murder Is for Pussies!” I gotta get those tee-shirts made, and I’d never need a real job again. *Sigh*
My father fought in the Korean War and the Vietnamese War. I still remember his screaming nightmares every night. They used to wake me up and scare the shit out of me. I always wondered why my daddy screamed and cried all night, every night. Now that I’m his age, I understand why.
remember the bad ol’ days with the Clenis, when North Korea was contained, and in diplomatic talks, and we had weapons inspectors in there? good times.
emergency unblockage needed.
Seb? Brad? anyone?
I rule.
or not
make it stop.
this is what you get when you drunk comment, people.
this is by far my greatest contribution to Sadly, No! to date.
How the hell did you do that?
I thought mikey was quoting some entire other thread.
hehe- that is a real Sadly, No! it used to be just the open italics- but now it is open blockquote!
I just posted my greatest contribution yet to 3B, Pinko.
” We have a cowboy history in this nation that at one time conquered a wild world and united the greatest land in history from sea to shining sea”.
A wild world… that was full of people with their own cultures and everything. Yay for cowboys.
Am I to gather that “armpit country” = everywhere that isn’t the United States, except maybe New York and California?
Somehow, I don’t seem to remember all the cowboys in them Westerns standing around going, “Hey! Somebody else should probably do something about that! Er–I would, but I’m too busy writin’ letters to the Farmer’s Almanac!”
Err, I’m sorry I broke the intertubes. Yes, I was PUI. But if there had been a damn civilized “Preview” button all this unpleasantness could have been avoided.
Just sayin…
An armpit country is any country where the citizens smell like dirty armpits.
But if there had been a damn civilized “Preview� button all this unpleasantness could have been avoided.
Well, maybe not *all* the unpleasantness, but still. Why the stonewalling on the disappearance of previewing? And this may be OT, but why “Poise! Poise!” for so long? Good thing I’m not a conspiracy theorist . . .
Obviously, without a “Preview” button I lack Poise, Poise….
1. This person watches Chuck Norris movies seriously.
2. There have too been evil regimes not into world domination, I can think of a few … ooh, apartheid SAfrica, Castro’s Cuba (I’m using her definition of “evil” here), Chavez’ Venezuela (same), – in fact most Bad Guys (again, same caveat) are content to be BG at home rather than go out looking for trouble with the Neighbourhood Watch (self-appointed vigilante).
3. I want new and exciting Seinfeld quotes and I want them now.
R/e the LaRue pic… who knew that Marilyn Manson had a brother?
Oops. Beat to it by Dan.
“An armpit country is any country where the citizens smell like dirty armpits.”
Everytime I think annie can’t be more loathsome, she proves me wrong.
Annie, have you ever been to other countries? Do you have any contact at all in your ignorant, stupid, self-absorbed life with people from other nations and cultures? Has it ever occured to you that maybe YOU smell stinky to other people, or that your personal habits are vile to them?
There is nothing more evil than a person who thinks other people aren’t human. annie, look in your mirror to behold evil.
I didn’t say they aren’t human! I said they smell like dirty armpits! It’s mostly because they don’t wash but the spices some of them use in their diets contribute too.
And yes I’ve been to other coutnries, I’m living in an other country right now. It mostly smells like donuts.
And yes I’ve been to other coutnries, I’m living in an other country right now. It mostly smells like donuts.
No, that’s probably just you.
And we SHOULD dish out coboy justice. While we’re at it, we can also send out ninjas and Jedis and pirates and cyborgs to kill Kim. Why didn’t anyone think of that before?!
I don’t smell like donuts. I smell (and taste) like Dessert Treats banana split flavored body frosting. Duh.
Killing Kim won’t matter, another nutbar would take his place. It’s the culture, not the person.
Zython is right. The world needs more transhumanist killer cyborg justice.
Annie, you live in France?? That’s sooo French of you.
He’s drawn the line in the kimchi over and over again
Drawing lines in the kimchi sounds suspiciously close to spaghetti-pushing. Why do wingnuts gravitate to these weird culinary metaphors?
Oh, annie, annie. You are OLD. You are not sexy. The legs on your website, if they are indeed yours, are just legs. Are you afraid to show the world the rest of your decrepit old body?
It is kind of depressing to hear a washed up old harpy scream to the entire world about how sexy she really is. Body frosting. Yuck.
If your worldview wasn’t so warped, I might try to give you a pass here. But your disgusting comments about ‘armpit countries’ or whatever asinine horseshit you are spewing around here would make you unnattractive regardless of how much plastic surgery/exercise you do.
I said it at your site, and I will say it here too. PLEASE stop trying to sound like you are 14. Using the word “like” incorrectly, and attempting to call something “whack”, but saying it “is so whacked” really makes you sound stupid (beyond the incredibly stupid shit you have said here).
“Imagine this face talking with only the lips moving, and you’ll see we’re right.”
Um, I’m sorry but..dude looks like a lady.
You’re so whacked, SRA. Word to your mother.
“There was a time in this country when those who dared to steal another man’s cattle—just his cattle!—were left swinging from the tallest tree.”
I guess that would make Iraq the “OxBow Incident” of Bush’s nuke related cowboy foreign policy.
Maybe his NK policy is based on “High Plains Drifter”. That would cast Seoul in the part of Lago, Arizona. But whose vengeful ghost would Bush be?
AA: I’m living in an other country right now. It mostly smells like donuts.
That’s just yer yeast talkin’, darlin.
It’s a MWO hat, an Atrios shirt and a Kos tie. Duh! Actually it’s a cheap hat, a hand me down shirt, and yes, a Kos tie (bought it for a book signing because I’m a nerd). It should be noted that I don’t normally wear them in combination (or the hat inside) except for that one time at Drinking Liberally.
Islammunism – because sometimes Islamofascism isn’t evil enough!
And, somebody already beat me to this, too: Hey, Seb! Why don’t you come out an’ play more often?
[looks around comments]
This fucktard should be flown into Pyongyang so she can learn the true meaning of suffering.
Blackheads from adderall….
Adderall. Adderall for sale….