Awarding Mediocrity
And she’s only one of the meaty offerings up for display this fine day.
A Whole Lotta Fail, The Usual Suspects:
So thanks to educating the young sprogs of America, I have managed to catch the Grand Daddy of Fuck You Colds. As such, I’ve been reduced enough in mental faculties to be able to shotgun far more than the usual amount of toxic chemicals… I mean, wingnut bullshit, I mean… wait, was I right the first time.
Point being, dwelling on the plague bearers that cursed me has reminded me of the favorite wingnut rant about kids these days (as in literally, rather than the usual all-encompassing rants about anyone under the age of 60).
That being that kids have been COMPLETELY RUINED by the “everyone wins” culture. A demonic consortium that rewards participation instead of only celebrating those whose jaws drip red with the limbs of those who came in 4th. Or at least that’s how they would categorize it.
Which has baffled me, because the types of assholes who whine about this are not at all the sorts who would be winning any competition that wasn’t bought and paid for with their daddy’s money (or perhaps an Upper-Class Twit of the Year style event). I mean, sure, they rubbed themselves until they spurt blood at the thoughts of the swaggering jock assholes, but that doesn’t mean they were anywhere close to the running.
And that’s when it hit me. The poor bastards are jealous and have misinterpreted rewarding the effort to at least try as a conspiratorial action against their clear and obvious genius in combing Obama’s birth certificate for kerning.
As such, I think it’s right time we rewarded these recognition starved incompetents and hand out some awards for what meager spoils the poor bastards do succeed at.
First up?
The Prize for “I’m Not Sure You Understand How Dog Whistles Are Supposed to Work” goes to:
Clarice Feldman, American Racist Tantrum:
Calling a Spade a ‘Garden Implement’ Doesn’t Make it a Hoe
- Not being able to scream nigger and have that teach all those uppity escaped slaves their place is literally tearing me up to the point that I have to recycle hate euphemisms from the 50s just to let it out.
A fine choice indeed in a tough field. At American Thinker itself there is an admirable field (wait not admirable, what’s the antonym of admirable, oh right despicable) of basket case racists who went fully off the rails at the notion that “one of them” was raised to that most high office in our land trading in all manner of outdated racist conspiracy theories.
But only one had the bravery and foresight to go that one step beyond and literally demand the right to call black people spades without looking like the pointy-hooded racist they are in their anti-multiculturalism rant as if that was subtle 40 years ago.
It’s a rarity in these times of PC stormtroopers roaming the land, hurting millions of fee-fees by noting that disproportionate power displays intended to dehumanize and terrorize non-dominant members might be slightly viewed by the half of the country that gives a shit as slightly uncool.
Godspeed, Clarice. No really, let God speed you right on your way so you can catch up to the last 150 years of development you apparently missed while asleep in your cryogenic plantation.
Next up?
The prize for “Do You Use that Line in the Bar Too?” goes to:
Charles C.W. Cooke, National Votes are Fucking Magic:
Inverting the Question
- Goddamn women voters leaving us in droves just because we’re raving misogynists against women having any and all rights! Don’t you dumb bitches understand that we don’t hate you, we just hate those of you who haven’t yet been replaced with Approved Men’s Association Replacements.
Cause when you are bleeding more votes than a hemophiliac with a democratically elected blood stream, what you need is to remove all fucking doubt that you despise literally every group that isn’t rich, white, psychotically Christian, straight cismen and thus cement your position in the ever-dwindling basement of history (so that’s where I put the crusher walls, I was wondering).
I think the best part of this post is the eagerness in which he’s found the ultimate switch that’ll make the Earth spin backwards as if Superman was trying to erase Man of Steel from existence and somehow make Republicans brand of intense hatred of all things connected to women somehow sell with the (a) fairer (shot with the plasma cannon) gender.
Cause, you know, when you blow your wad and reveal the whole anti-abortion movement to be about intense hatred at the notion that sometimes girls are allowed out of the kitchen without intense punishment and that following the “proper” path wouldn’t save you from their wrath, what’ll really turn it around and fix everything is yelling at the women running away in fear from you that she’s a bitch anyways.
My only solace is the knowledge that you never get laid.
Coming in third, we have a special award for a long-time participant in the Failympics
The prize for “…Are you sure you’re really gay?” goes to:
V the K, Gay… Yeah, no:
A Meme is Worth a Thousand Word Post
- Fuck caring about anti-gay discrimination, that doesn’t serve Republicans at all.
Oh, what is there that needs to be said about our favorite Quisling punching bags. I mean, every time I glance over their way, I know I will be in for painful selling out of their own people, massively internalized self-hatred, dancing for people who would gladly see them die, massive laziness, and a complete disconnect from even the most basic understanding of the queer community they supposedly are part of.
But, this post takes it to a whole new level by wholesale swallowing the latest homophobe line in the push for more publicly supported and funded anti-gay discrimination and dismissing a concern that might just affect a queer conservative supposedly just interested in “the free market” and “economic liberty” and instead calling for more focus on a non-story that never had legs to begin with.
All wrapped up in someone else’s meme referencing other memes that are so far behind the times, they are using little pushcarts to try and go down the rails.
It’s a perfect distillation of exactly why the growing acceptance of queer people may be the worst thing to happen to Bruce and his little den of self-hating homos.
Our penultimate prize is awarded to one lucky contestant, but could possibly be shared by the wingnuttosphere as a whole.
It is the prize for “Long Term Planning Ain’t Your Specialty Is It?” and it goes to:
Jeanne DeAngelis, American… HA! You Fell Like a Meteor:
Exercising Your Right to Choose a Doctor You’d Never Choose
- Let me spin an elaborate conspiracy fantasy to explain why I think there is a difference between the number of people who have filled out the forms on the ACA webpage and the number of people who currently have health insurance. Hint, it completely ignores the reality of a shit-ton of poor people and a lot of hoops we force new applicants to the public option to jump through before we will fully believe they are really twuly poor enough to qualify. You know, even though we are the reason those hoops exist in the first place.
Yup, it’s old giraffe lady herself.
But I think the hilariousness of this post isn’t just that it’s made of liquid crazy (no really, reading her “logic” is like a free hit of LSD) or that it recycles every bit of right-wing fantasy over the years surrounding Obamacare like a little old hoarder hoping the endless piles of milk crates won’t crush all the feral cats.
No, I think it’s the way that this crap isn’t really all that uncommon on the right. Pretty much every day there is a new “Obamacare is secretly a scam, no good Republican should trust its laser death beams” scare article trying to make hay out of the supposedly “low” numbers of enrollment as if that wasn’t a fact due to change very shortly in the future.
Pretty much every previously uninsured person I know is currently waiting. Waiting to hear back from the public option of my state (which is a damn good public option, I must say. Like holy shit, did I randomly wake up in Denmark again, good). Most, if not all of them will be eventually accepted after the requisite amount of double-checking and understaffed departments forced to absolutely 100% verify that they aren’t a Liar McLiarton who shouldn’t receive life-saving medicine.
And I can say as someone who waited and now has that awesome shit, it feels amazing. Like, me and Obama are totally cool and I’ll swallow all the shit I gave his wheeling and dealing during passage and accept I was completely wrong, amazing. And I was not only able to actually see a doctor, but get to see the cool trans-aware clinic I had been trying to get into for years before with no luck.
And that’s going to be a common feeling of a fuckton lot of people in short order, despite all the random barriers and bullshit that Republicans have tried to throw in people’s way.
Which leads one to wonder, just how are they going to deal with the reality when Obamacare turns out to be just as popular as a blind man would expect?
I think we can all see the answer is “they won’t”.
And last but not least, we have a real treat.
The prize for “Well that’s certainly a Freudian Slip of a Metaphor” goes to:
Mario Loyola, American Really? That Metaphor? Are You Sure? Okay, Then…:
The Two Towers of Progressivism
- We need to ram our Planes of Free Markets into the Twin Towers of Progressivism in order to release the Asbestos Filled Cloud of Economic Liberty.
…yeah. A shitton of pseudo-intellectual language, but nope, that’s really the central metaphor. Bringing down the Twin Towers and placing “righteous conservatives” and their not at all similar brand of economic terrorism in the role of the terrorists (but like heroic and shit). Yeah, this is a thing that happened.
No, really, see for yourself:
I try to show how these two towers of the progressive movement were built atop the ruins of the Tenth Amendment. I argue that we must knock them down and revive the Tenth Amendment if we are to save the Constitution.
“Nevar Forget” indeed.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. I for one am glad our political liberties were severely curtailed because 9/11 was such a huge tragedy that it demanded the highest price… until conservatives got bored with it and started openly respecting the terrorists, I guess. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Cerb: Get well pronto !! The little hellions have a greater chance to get edumacated in human decency when you are in the classroom.
I mucho LIKE the idea of a buffet of reichwing looneytunes !!! (Even more than a detailed dissection of a single maggot-ridden corpse.)
I’ve read all the post, but gotta turn in before a busy day tomorrow. I haven’t yet drilled into any of the links yet; I do that tomorrow.
I’ll end this comment where it started. (I love circular construction!)
Re: ” … the ‘everyone wins’ culture … ”
Is that related to the neo/native-fascist Chamber of Commerce’s (e.g.) “everyone gets an award, about twice a month, for mindlessly cheerleading for glorious, murderous, predatory capitalism” culture?
Nothing like toxic masculinity to tell us who the unfit ones are in our society.
Cerb: are you vegetarian? If not, I got a recipe for hot and sour chicken noodle soup that does a wonder on colds– if you’re not feeling up to preparing it, maybe your partner(s?) could.
If not, I got a recipe for hot and sour chicken noodle soup that does a wonder on colds
i have a recipe for a hot and sour chicken soup that contains a veritable shitton of veggies…it has gotten me through the two days a week that my diet is pretty limited…and also through the winter without a cold, now that i think about it…also, too 21 pounds, bitchz!
and this post is a veritable buffet of crazay…where to begin?
Re: ” … the ‘everyone wins’ culture … ”
as we’ve seen this works really well amongst the rich, white male ceo crowd, except when they are totes getting their rights taken away by the females, the blacks, and now the gays…
Words you never hear from Bible “literalists”—- “Do unto others as you would have them do into you.”
Words you never hear from Constitution “literalists”— “well regulated militia”.
Fred Phelps is dead, but his family is keeping his gravesite a secret. They can’t take what they dished out.
Ironically, Phelps used to be a civil rights lawyer. What made him change?
Why did people vote for David Vitter after he was revealed to be an adulterer and law-breaker? Obviously the Republicans in Louisiana who voted for him are down with those attributes in a candidate.
zomg!!! some democrats are bad people!!! who knew!? i thought we thought that anyone leaning just a tad bit to the left were all pure, good, decent people…but it turns out that’s not the case?! this would lead one to consider that all republicans or anyone leaning to the right are not all evil…OMG!!! how will we ever get our heads straight after this troll bombing?
what a fuckstick…
Calling a hoe a spade is mixing yer epithets, slut.
That picture looks like that lady is tugging a BBC for the first time in her miserable life.
My initial thought on the Two Towers article was that it must be a Tolkien reference. Not that it made sense since one of those towers was destroyed by avenging nature and the other was destroyed by someone being willing to endure severe hardship to destroy an instrument of corrupt power rather than justify its use.
But oh the World Trade Centers are the Two Towers! Given the high school freshman level of writing Mario has (“I try to show” “I argue”?! -10 points for style. Show, don’t tell pinhead!), I suppose he doesn’t even get that it’s “the Twin Towers.” Sweet Bast, the quality of writing is dropping in this country. I blame the lax, everyone-gets-a-paid-gig attitude of the wingnut press.
I blame the lax, everyone-gets-a-paid-gig attitude of the wingnut press.
Because it’s about content, not the art of intellectual persuasion or discussion. Keep the audience for this sort of shit in mind when you’re lamenting the poor writing skills. Most of the readers of this crap have no ability to comprehend a compound sentence, let alone a thought that means for than FUCKING N****ERS I HATE THEM SO MUCH.
“Second Amendment rights” don’t include “well regulated militia” but do include the right of mentally ill people to buy handguns…. sheer insanity.
tugging a BBC
seriously…who would protest fred rogers’ memorial service? oh…the other noted ignoramus asshole (not to be confused with a certain someone) fred phelps that’s who…
I hope you meant BBC the station. (I have a dirty mind)
Oh shit, I was hoping you meant women love Dr. Who and Sherlock.
Can we not talk in explotive porn terms?
Oh shit, I was hoping you meant women love Dr. Who and Sherlock.
count me in…
Can we not talk in explotive porn terms?
jeepers…you should see the email addys it comes up with…grosses me out…
21 pounds, bitchz!
Outstanding !
That’s a nymjack.
Don’t have to imagine it, Clarice. Also don’t have to think of the outrage and charges of bias: Stewart and Colbert do a brilliant job of exposing Fux News for what it is.
A Meme is Worth a Thousand Word Post
Well, yeah, if it’s a real meme.
But regurgitating two cliched slogans totalling 34 words on picture of Heath Ledger in crazy paint isn’t even worth 25 cents and 12 boxtops. Fail.
pup? what have you done?!?! your last comment shows up on the mod board, but i can’t see it here…
The funny thing about the “Fred Phelps was a Democrat!” Point is that it makes today’s Democrats look better and today’s Republicans look worse. Freddie split with the Dems because they didn’t hate LGBT people enough. At the same time, the Republicans’ hate for LGBT people was largely passive- it never seemed to be as vitriolic as it is now in the dying days of the party.
It’s a comment on the previous post.
oh…i AM a giddy goat!
Not just the CoC suckers(*) of local chambers either.
The whole reichwing is permeated with the ‘everyone gets an award’. Thus a minor, mediocre far-right writer of clunky and rabid screeds gets an ‘award’ from the Close-Cover-Before-Striking On-Line University of Rightwing Buttfuckery. And voila! the chowderhead has a ‘prestigous award’ for his Reichwing Welfare curriculum vitae. Same thing with ‘honorary doctorates’ that CCBS-OL-U hands out like aspirin. Then the ‘honorary’ gets dropped by the recipient, and voila! he is all shiny and has gravitas.
(*) And they ARE suckers! Local small-town chapters of genuine small business owners pay dues to the national CoC, which doesn’t give a flying fuck about them; The national CoC serves the interests of cartels, huge corporations, banksters, and the 1%. (Also dyswidt?)
histrogeek said,
March 21, 2014 at 17:00
Epic….especially the first paragraph.
Most of the readers of this crap have no ability to comprehend a compound sentence
And a compound-complex sentence turns their teeny br-a-a-nz into oatmeal.
[Zombies should take note ! Say something articulate before you attack and you will be rewarded with a tasty treat !]
Can we not talk in explotive porn terms?
HaHaHaHaHaHaHa !!!! Welcome to Sadlyburg !!!!
HaHaHaHaHaHaHa !!!! Welcome to Sadlyburg !!!!
you ferget the first rule of sadlyburg: it’s hip and amusing when we porn talk…it’s gross when troll does it…because we’re hypocrites…also, too…thanks for the shout out…
Can we not talk in explotive porn terms?
No. I’m afraid not.
Also, why? It’s funny.
weirdest comment by far on the jeannnie post:
and now for ‘america: how does it work?’
Only go to hospitals that are staffed by Americans
YEA! Wut a bitchin idea!
Only go to hospitals that are staffed by Americans
YEA! Wut a bitchin idea!
cuz NObody with a mexican accent could be an american!
Keep yer icky gubmint hands out muh medicare!
cuz NObody with a mexican accent could be an american!
Or British, French, Swedish, Indian, Chinese, Japanese…
Nationality =/= competence.
Those cartels and monopolies, including occupational licensing requirements, should be the first-priority target
Call 1-800 doctorb! The “b” is for bargain!
I also caught a killer cold. Fucker knocked me on my back for a week and a half. I was going through Kleenex faster than a frat house which just got their high-speed DSL back after a long hiatus. For a few days, the majority of my calories consumed came from lozenges. I was seriously fucked up.
The first day I noticed symptoms was January 13 and while almost all of the symptoms cleared weeks ago, I am still coughing. It is fucking bullshit is what it is. Grrr.
Let me close out this comment on a much better note. Holy fucking shit Cerb, this is some primo snark. The bit about the cryogenic plantation? So fucking good that you should have that graf bronzed and placed on a mantle.
I’m no expert but that doesn’t sound like a cold DKW. You might want to take advantage of that Canadian health care system.
S. cerevisiae! How’s it going?
Waiting for this endless MN winter to finally end. Right now I am just chilling with Cosmos on the TV, Bella my German Shepherd curled up against me, and light snow outside.
I’m no expert but that doesn’t sound like a cold DKW. You might want to take advantage of that Canadian health care system.
I did. I saw my doctor twice and worked through the presecribed antibiotics. It’s not a cold – not anymore. The only symptom I have left is the lingering cough that just refuses to go away. Well, at least go away completely – most of the time I am completely asymptomatic.
My good friend was ill and was diagnosed with thyroid cancer by a Mexican doctor with a heavy accent at a hospital in NJ. I pleaded with her to go to the University of Pennsylvania for a second opinion. She did go and found out that she does not have cancer, but rather a sick thyroid.
Getting a second opinion is ALWAYS good advice, especially when receiving such a heavy diagnosis, but if I got two so different I’d get a third, because why assume the second doctor was the correct one?
Here’s a kinda funny thing about “everyone wins” and how conservatives despise it with the heat of a million soon-to-be-banned-incandescent-light-bulbs. That’s what markets are. For example, say I need cough lozenges but all I can offer is exquisitely performed sexual favours on your mom. And your mom happens to have some spare cough lozenges. Tada – everybody wins! And despite it all, it’s your mom who is still the whore! Markets!
This website is circling the shitter. Obama was put in place by the same powers-that-be who installed Bush, but none of you will ever publicly say so, because THAT’S RACIST BIGABOO BIGABEE BOOGA BOOGA!
Gavin McNett, who used to write for this place, was never altogether good, but also was never altogether bad. He never acknowledged the underlying racism behind everything ever said here, but then again… who did?
My initial thought on the Two Towers article was that it must be a Tolkien reference. Not that it made sense since one of those towers was destroyed by avenging nature and the other was destroyed by someone being willing to endure severe hardship to destroy an instrument of corrupt power rather than justify its use.
Orthanc was not one of the eponymous “Two Towers”.
(Thanks, Obama.)
Wait, I thought the two towers were Orthanc and Isengard?
Per Tolkien the two were Orthanc and Minus Morgul. From Teh wiki
The Lord of the Rings is composed of 6 “books”, aside from an introduction, a prologue and 6 appendices. The novel was originally published as 3 separate volumes due to post-World War II paper shortages and size and price considerations.[2] The Two Towers covers Books III and IV.
Tolkien wrote, “The Two Towers gets as near as possible to finding a title to cover the widely divergent Books 3 & 4; and can be left ambiguous.”[3] At this stage he planned to title the individual books. The proposed title for Book III was The Treason of Isengard. Book IV was titled The Journey of the Ringbearers or The Ring Goes East. The titles The Treason of Isengard and The Ring Goes East were used in the Millennium edition.
In letters to Rayner Unwin Tolkien considered naming the two as Orthanc and Barad-dûr, Minas Tirith and Barad-dûr, or Orthanc and the Tower of Cirith Ungol.[3][4] However, a month later he wrote a note published at the end of The Fellowship of the Ring and later drew a cover illustration which both identified the pair as Minas Morgul and Orthanc.[5][6] In the illustration, Orthanc is shown as a black tower, three-homed, with the sign of the White Hand beside it; Minas Morgul is a white tower, with a thin waning moon above it, in reference to its original name, Minas Ithil, the Tower of the Rising Moon. Between the two towers a Nazgul flies.
That’s funny— “Cat Shit”s comment smells a lot like “troll shit”, doesn’t it?
And he can be my guest to eat it and die.
Orthanc is shown as a black tower, three-ho[rn]ed, with the sign of the White Hand beside it; Minas Morgul is a white tower, with a thin waning moon above it, in reference to its original name, Minas Ithil, the Tower of the Rising Moon. Between the two towers a Nazgul flies.
All of I sudden I feel like playing a wicked guitar solo.
Waiting for this endless MN winter to finally end. Right now I am just chilling with Cosmos on the TV, Bella my German Shepherd curled up against me, and light snow outside.
i spent the afternoon that i took off to pack and what-not before bartending giving both dogs a bath…they got out last night and had a hella good time apparently…i spent a lot of time explaining to maeve that the bath and grooming experience would be much more pleasant if she didn’t run through the cockle burr patches…she had some burrs by her biscuit and she was NOT happy about their removal…
All of I sudden I feel like playing a wicked guitar solo.
Damn right:,35545/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=LinkPreview:1:Default&recirc=music
Only go to hospitals that are staffed by Americans
You want more American doctors, talk to the medical association about relaxing the limits and allowing more to train.
Ironically, Phelps used to be a civil rights lawyer. What made him change?
George Wallace used to run on a civil rights platform, too, before becoming the patron saint of segregationism. When queried: “You know, I tried to talk about the roads and schools and hospitals and other things I’d helped to build for the people of the state, but nobody listened. Then I began talking about niggers, and they stomped the floor.”
(That has to be the best summary of American politics for the last half century I’ve ever heard. Figures it would come from him).
No idea what made Fred Phelps change, but he’s not the only one.
I can just envision that each time one of them has sex (or even jerks off looking at Cruz’ picture) that the run into the bathroom immediately afterwards and start cutting themselves in their self loathing. One can only hope that one time they’ll actually hit an artery and, given their stupidity, not know what to do.
dianecee> robert108 •2 days ago
My good friend was ill and was diagnosed with thyroid cancer by a Mexican doctor with a heavy accent at a hospital in NJ. I pleaded with her to go to the University of Pennsylvania for a second opinion. She did go and found out that she does not have cancer, but rather a sick thyroid. The first doctor wanted to cut out her thyroid and treat her with cancer drugs….none of which she needed. Unreal, eh? Murder at the hands of government lies at the core of obamacare.
You knew it was gonna happen: every single mistake ever made by every single doctor will now become a case against public health care, because we know that doctors in the private health system never made mistakes, ever.
Ah, brave new world, that has such putzes in it.
It’s a different, older troll.
Yay variety!
i have a recipe for a hot and sour chicken soup that contains a veritable shitton of veggies…
bbkf: assuming this wasn’t a nymjack (it seems too friendly to have been), wanna swap recipes? I could always use more and better ways to eat veggies. (My hot-and-sour recipe is more like an egg-drop soup with chicken and noodles.)
why assume the second doctor was the correct one?
Not an assumption. Second doctor did not have a heavy Mexican accent.
Her thyroid was “sick?” WTF does that mean? Also, no doctor recommends thyroidectomy until they’ve referred the patient to an endocrinologist who then performs thyroid aspiration and sends the tissue to a pathologist. She may do microscopy on the tissue herself. So I think maybe this “friend” with the “sick thyroid” is yet another imaginary example of BOGEYMAN!!!!
Michigan falls. Eighteen and counting.
Her thyroid was “sick?” WTF does that mean?
The doctor thought it was the coolest one he’d seen. It was so gnarly, he was like “whooaah … dude you gotta see this,” and the first doctor came in again. “Joo no theenk eeet is cancer? Thees gland as beeg as mi sombrero,” he said, tipping his sombrero for emphasis.
That’s right, everything.
You knew it was gonna happen: every single mistake ever made by every single doctor will now become a case against public health care, because we know that doctors in the private health system never made mistakes, ever.
Nope. Never a missed diagnosis until OBAMA
So I think maybe this “friend” with the “sick thyroid” is yet another imaginary example of BOGEYMAN!!!!
Are you implying that conservadopes might fabricate stories about medical care?
tsam, you seem to be of two minds today. Why is that?
Wouldn’t someone with thyroid cancer have a sick thyroid?
It’s a different, older troll. Yay variety!
Double the variety!
Same great smell!!
The Venn Diagram overlap between Sadlynauts and Gamers is not super-large, I’m guessing, but here are some baited hooks.
The Elder Scrolls Online drops on April 4th. The non-MMO series has been stellar (not that I have spent 1% of the hours the fanatics have). The creators are roundly better-poised, I’d say, than Blizzard was when it stepped in to dominate the MMO market with World of Warcraft. Without paying an iota of attention to the beta, the buildup, etc., I would expect a genre-changing game … But I’m sick of the genre. Sick of forced grouping, and a long list of elements that’ve become mandatory in the wake of WoW. For example, I can’t even bring myself to get excited about free-form character creation, because it’s tough to balance online, and therefore it’ll probably kinda suck — perhaps forever — while resources are spent on satisfying people that don’t share my tastes.
Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls [1st expansion]: I’m gonna play this shit out of this, however it turns out (and it looks fine). Hits on the 25th. The gold (in-game currency) and real money auction houses are gone, and with them, any sense that Blizzard really knows how their systems play out. Fine, who could understand these markets? The economists who could are busy finishing their PHDs on same. But it’s funny, let’s say, to see an experiment in virtual-to-real economies get shut down after endless assurances that it was a good idea and the next thing, perfectly embodied by the best company for the task.
To clarify: WoW did NOT feature free-form character creation. I mean to say that latter-day attempts to free us up are smacking the walls of balance, exploits, etc.
My first MMO, Asheron’s Call, let you design your character pretty freely. Problems ensued. The industry lasered-in on those problems and took most of the fun out of making a character.
Been thinking about getting one o’them game console thingies. XBox or PS was beating me up. Hearing that talk I think I’ll just continue in my Luddite ways. I’ll never catch up so fuck it.
It could be an OK thing for you, Pup, if you know what you wanna do and don’t bother with the rest of the possibilities.
The companies are desperate for you, and so there’s nothing to catch up with. They’re trying to sell you the console and a few cartridges that are up your alley.
I’d suggest XBox and get the Halo games. If you’re into the old ultra-violence, bruthuh.
2). Dennis, go fuck yourself. Eat a bowl of fuck. Eat shit and bark at the moon.
The game companies have no incentive to alienate the Pupienuses of the world. They’re the growth market. That’s why the WII was invented, along with innumerable cell-phone and tablet games that I don’t buy, because I was pretty firmly in the old market.
The WII-type exercise and movement games can be really awesome. If you can move, you can play, which is distinctly different from learning a bunch of nonsense click sequences and little codes.
Oh, and Pup —
I dunno if you ever host small parties, but this is a golden age for party games. If you have a reasonably-large screen TV with some room in front of it, and a console with just a few good titles.
Hot and Sour Soup recipes you say? Tell me more.
Oh hey nym jacking troll has taken to quoting himself. Well, whattdya know?
Well, here’s the one I use at any rate:
1 (5 oz.) boneless, skinless chicken breast half, cut into thin strips
2 T. + 1/2 t. soy sauce
1 T. + 1/2 t. Chinese rice wine
1/4 t. sesame oil
4 cups chicken stock (chicken broth will do, too)
2 oz. (1 generous cup) medium egg noodles
1 large egg, well beaten
1/4 cup Chinese black vinegar
1 t. black pepper
1/4 cup sliced green onion tops
Toss the chicken with 1/2 t. soy sauce, 1/2 t. rice wine, and sesame oil. Set aside.
In a large pot, bring the stock to a boil. Add the chicken and noodles. Reduce the heat and simmer uncovered until the noodles are tender, about 7 min.
Stirring the soup constantly, pour in the beaten egg so that it forms lacy threads. Add the vinegar, pepper, remaining soy sauce, and remaining rice wine. Simmer for 1 min. Taste and add more seasonings as needed. The soup should have a peppery, slightly sour flavor. Garnish with green onions.
Serves 4 [2 if it’s the main course]
[From Accents of the Orient: Eastern Influence on Western Cooking by Susan Grodnick]
I should add that you can always add more pepper and black vinegar to taste, of course.
Pup: with a game console you can drive an F1 car at Monaco. Just sayin’…
Been thinking about getting one o’them game console thingies. XBox or PS was beating me up. Hearing that talk I think I’ll just continue in my Luddite ways. I’ll never catch up so fuck it.
Pup, you can be a total slut in some of those games. A cousin of mine had a pretty square co-worker who was kinda upset when his in-game choices in one game ended up in him boning an elf-dood. At least the guy will be prepared if one of his sons comes out of the closet.
A good H&S soup should have some crushed red pepper as well, it helps the stuff clear out your sinuses. That’s why Mom always said if you wanted to clear out a stuffy nose, go to a Chinese restaurant and have a bowl of H&S soup.
I think one time I tried making it with a little sriacha sauce instead of the black pepper, which worked fairly well– but to be honest, even with good ol’ black pepper it’s very decongestant.
Here’s some Battle-O-the-Bands fun. Play the top video: Festival-goers are asked their opinion of imaginary bands supposedly playing at the venue.
bbkf: assuming this wasn’t a nymjack (it seems too friendly to have been), wanna swap recipes? I could always use more and better ways to eat veggies. (My hot-and-sour recipe is more like an egg-drop soup with chicken and noodles.)
why cointenly!
since it has not been thanksgiving for a long time i rarely have leftover turkey…i usually use 3 or 4 chicken boobies instead…
oh, yeah…and i also add crushed red pepper…
A golden oldie… just change “Falwell” to “Phelps”…
CNN: Christopher Hitchens is about as far from Jerry Falwell in his beliefs as one can get, Christian fundamentalists are a major target of his new book, “God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything”, he joins me now from Raleigh, North Carolina. Christopher, I’m not sure if you believe in heaven, but if you do, do you think Jerry Falwell is in it?
HITCHENS: No, and I think it’s a pity there isn’t a hell for him to go to.
CNN: What is it about him that brings up such vitriol?
HITCHENS: The empty life of this ugly little charlatan proves only one thing: that you can get away with the most extraordinary offences to morality and to truth in this country, if you will just get yourself called “Reverend”.
Who would, even at your network, have invited on such a little toad, to tell us that the attacks of the September the eleventh were the result of our sinfulness and God’s punishment, if [he] hadn’t got some kind of clerical qualification?
People like that should be out in the street, shouting and hollering with a cardboard sign and selling pencils from a cup!
The whole consideration of this horrible little person is offensive to very, very many of us who have some regard for truth, and for morality, and who think that ethics do not require that lies be told to children by evil old men.
We will not be told that people who believe like Falwell will be snatched up into heaven — where I’m glad to see he skipped the rapture and was found on the floor of his office — while the rest of us go to hell.
How dare they talk to children like this?
How dare they raise money from credulous people on their Huckster-like, Elmer Gantry radio stations and fly around in private jets, as he did, giggling and sniggering all the time at what he was getting away with?
Do you get an idea now of what I mean to say?
Good Lord, that was very well put.
The whole consideration of this horrible little person is offensive to very, very many of us who have some regard for truth, and for morality, and who think that ethics do not require that lies be told to children by evil old men.
ooooh, i really like this bit…
religion is such a weird thing…so, i know this person who has become a ‘holy yoga’ instructor…chose holy yoga because the eastern religious tones of regular yoga were ‘alarming’…so anyhoo, holy yoga focuses on worship god, meditating to scripture and does not focus on any sort of self enlightenment…this person has struggled with depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, suicidal tendencies for most of their life despite being a a good and zealous christian…it occurs to me, however, that a bit of self-reflection and enlightenment would be something god would want for this individual to help understand themselves…that is if god wasn’t demanding constant worship and validation…
Yes, according to one source I looked up, 63 Americans died in embassy attacks from 2001-2009, but nobody compares their families to the families of the missing Flight 370.
That couldn’t be because they want to make Obama look bad, right?
They just ‘forgot’ about all the attacks under GWB because why?
…also, too 21 pounds, bitchz!
There is a shit eating grin here in the midlands.
still smiling…
They just ‘forgot’ about all the attacks under GWB because why?
Because terrorists were afraid, deathly afraid I tell you, to kill Americans while GWB was swaggering about.
As soon as he took office on 12 September 2001 nobody dared mess with us.
Bush never got Osama because he was too busy working on his March Madness picks.
One L is a former congressperson from MN, not a Senator.
At which point Issa yells “boo!” runs out and steals your car.
Darryl Issa is a blot on the California Congressional delegation.
The correct term for the person in question is, “Lame duck”, since Michele Bachmann-R(Crazy Eyes) doesn’t plan to run for re-election this year.
L = loser.
Michele Bachmann-R(
Crazy EyesDSM IV)Fikst for accuracy.
k, ty.
bbkf: just wanted to note that your recipe was duly archived for later experimentation.
also, I keep wanting to write your sobriquet as “bbfk” for some reason.
Nym: I made the same mistake for two years !!!
also, I keep wanting to write your sobriquet as “bbfk” for some reason.
It’s because “BBF” means “Big Beautiful Female,” much as “BBC” means “British Broadcasting Cock.”
Here’s some Battle-O-the-Bands fun. Play the top video: Festival-goers are asked their opinion of imaginary bands supposedly playing at the venue.
You should charge Mr Kimmel a royalty fee.
BBKF — of course that’s opportunistic, not at your expense … I doubt I could ever be less than fond of you.
Awarding Mediocrity
Buzzfeed is SHOCKED(!!!) that this approach appears to have a fatal strategic weakness.
bbkf = Borden Burger Kosher Foods.
British Broadcasting Cock
Tragedy of tragedies. I have been nixed in my plan of mounting deer antlers on a bust of Immanuel Kant for decorating the family room. And now I must come up with an alternate plan to decorate that space on the wall above the teevees.
Buzzfeed is SHOCKED(!!!) that this approach appears to have a fatal strategic weakness.
All those think-tank copies of Liberal Fascism and The Roots of Obama’s Rage being pulped into compost ended up poisoning crops.
Orrrr, maybe the Invisible Hand has given them a slap upside the head instead of the reacharound they were expecting.
Just made some small pearl tapioca using this recipe. It works well with 2%, I think the fat from the egg yolks has something to do with it.
CRA: maybe, but I think it has something more to do with trying to avoid accidentally calling him kfbk (which are the call letters of a So Cal news radio station).
I think it has something more to do with trying to avoid accidentally calling
himher kfbk.Gender fixorated.
Gender fixorated
What trans* people are, after declaring their true gender.
alternate plan to decorate that space on the wall
I like Immanuel Kant and The Antlers … both as a wall decoration and a band name. (Btw, who nixed yer great plan? I cannot image the DK-W we know at Sadlyville yielding to the will of anyone!)
I agree it is imperative, categorically speaking, to find an alternate decorative scheme. How about something salacious involving mothers?
You should charge Mr Kimmel a royalty fee
Thanks, old chum.
I have been nixed in my plan of mounting deer antlers on a bust of Immanuel Kant for decorating the family room
*Someone* in your family is evidently the victim of a serious taste deficit.
Also too, something like this?
Oh, sorry bbfk! I don’t remember your gender being brought up, or if it was I missed it.
All those think-tank copies of Liberal Fascism and The Roots of Obama’s Rage being pulped into compost ended up poisoning crops.
I sort of hope not. I see such books in the thrifts and thought using one with one of those seedling pot molds might be viable as I don’t actually subscribe to a newspaper anymore.
Antlers a little lower, to make use of that magnificent domed forehead. But basically, yes – just like that.
We got around to finishing the basement a couple years ago. It’s about a metre and a half of bookcases to either side with the telly sitting on its own unit in the middle. So there’s this empty space in the centre of the wall. It’s not offensive that it is blank, but it does present a great opportunity.
First thought was a disco ball – who doesn’t love disco balls? But getting the lighting right for it would be awkward. Next idea was some sort of stuffed and mounted animal head. But we’re bleeding heart commie socialists who are unfond of hunting for sport. Besides, the space isn’t quite tall enough for a moose.
Then I had a brilliant thought. Perfect. Only, poor bunnies. Anyways, this lead to a discussion of ethical taxidermy which of course brought us to Beyonce the Rooster. Not that Beyonce would work in that room, but it was a reminder to be sensitive to the feelings of our life partner. So as to determine that critical point just before those feelings becoming primarily spite. Knock, knock motherfucker.
As you can probably guess, some alcohol may have been involved in these arguments
A mounted head still seemed perfect, but we needed something cruelty-free. Maybe a robot. And because drinking… with antlers.
And then another epiphany. Immanuel Kant. With antlers. Surrounded by books. A more just use of the space cannot be achieved. Did I mention drinking was involved?
Unfortunately, the Google Image Search result I picked was of old wizened Immanuel Kant with the skin folds and creeper eyes, and that was the end of that discussion. I’ll try again with a younger Immanuel Kant. After Ultra Ninja’s mom has had a chance to figure out that my next suggestion is a neon sign that spells out PENIS.
The hipster war on you: how liberals use cool as a weapon
I want to use sex as a weapon. Can I, huh, huh, huh?
Fee fie fo fum,
I smell droppings from a troll’s bum
He’s always nymjacking “Some guy”
Wish he’d go eat shit and die…
Sunday as trolling
comes and disappears
on little clawed feet
I just can’t understand the problems with these blah people!
Why after all we’ve done for them!
Three hundred years of slavery, a hundred years of Apartheid, fifty years of destroying unions, shipping all the manufacturing jobs overseas, keeping the minimum wage as low as possible…
Honestly, some people just refuse to be helped!
Have you tried to sell on using moose antlers instead? Tell her its an act of patriotism.
Have you thought about Bullwinkle?
One of these might be apt.
No, but conservative racism has.
Oh, sorry bbfk! I don’t remember your gender being brought up, or if it was I missed it.
The only time gender should matter is when the individual decides their own gender identity is important.
Nicholas Eberstadt, an economist and demographer, notes that “labor force participation ratios for men in the prime of life are demonstrably lower in America than in Europe” and “a large part of the jobs problem for American men today is that of not wanting one.” Surely the fact that means-tested entitlement dependency has been destigmatized has something to do with what Eberstadt terms the “unprecedented exit from gainful work by adult men.”
What shitbag lying ass Will glosses over is that European countries don’t incentivize job off shoring through tax incentives. Europe also has wage standards. What good is a job if it’s insufficient to provide one with a living?
Stupid troll is stupid.
I will agree with Will on one point- poverty is a cultural problem… Will just blames the wrong culture. To admit that the blame lies with the corporatist/trickle-down proponent culture would ensure that he loses his cushy gig.
So, do you think the DLT gets paid for cumulative time a wingnut talking point stays on blog (in multitudinous postings, of course)?
Immanuel Kant. With antlers.
I will agree with Will on one point- poverty is a cultural problem… Will just blames the wrong culture.
Of course; he’s well paid to blame the wrong culture. Besides, it’s obvious that in a world of >10% real unemployment, it’s the poors who are to blame for not having jobs. Sheesh.
I recall this sort of nonsense went on during the Thatcher years in England too, where people on the dole were blamed for not being able to find jobs while Maggie was privatizing and offshoring as hard as she could.
At Raven & Rose having a fadgetastic Irish breakfast plate. I must inquire why it does not include baked beans. Maybe that’s a thing only on the other island?
Wakey wakey eggs and bakee
Immanuel Kant. With antlers.
Nice rack.
“labor force participation ratios for men in the prime of life are demonstrably lower in America than in Europe” and “a large part of the jobs problem for American men today is that of not wanting one.”
Well, it’s a change from complaining about the generous social welfare provisions of European countries and how they’re destroying the European economies by reducing the incentive to work.
those unacquainted with the culture of work
Like in the cotton fields?
Don’t know if troll meets the standards for the Volunteer Public Works heros … but I vote for disappearation.
If a troll doesn’t meet your standards – lower your standards.
Modern farm implements are now social welfare. K
What good is a job if it’s insufficient to provide one with a living?
You’re apparently supposed to work for the pure satisfaction and character building.
At Raven & Rose having a fadgetastic Irish breakfast plate. I must inquire why it does not include baked beans. Maybe that’s a thing only on the other island?
I think it’s a Northern thing, as well as an “other island” thing. One of the good local places by me serves both a traditional Irish breakfast and a slightly different Ulster fry. The fry has beans and potato bread, the breakfast doesn’t.
Every so often, I’ll hit up the butcher shop across the street and get a house-made black pudding to fry up at home. If I’m in a hurry and want a grab-and-go lunch, I’ll get a Cornish pasty or Scotch egg, and hit the bakery next door for a sfogliatelle and a cup of coffee.
“labor force participation ratios for men in the prime of life are demonstrably lower in America than in Europe” and “a large part of the jobs problem for American men today is that of not wanting one.”
Well, it’s a change from complaining about the generous social welfare provisions of European countries and how they’re destroying the European economies by reducing the incentive to work.
All that cognitive dissonance is injurious to the brain.
“labor force participation ratios for men in the prime of life are demonstrably lower in America than in Europe” and “a large part of the jobs problem for American men today is that of not wanting one.”
Well, it’s a change from complaining about the generous social welfare provisions of European countries and how they’re destroying the European economies by reducing the incentive to work.
In which they usually highlight high European unemployment rates relative to American.
Anyway, another Eberstadt quote from a November Will article(in which he also used those same two): “The growth of entitlement spending over the past half-century has been distinctly greater under Republican administrations than Democratic ones. Between 1960 and 2010, the growth of entitlement spending was exponential — but in any given year, it was on the whole over 8 percent higher if the president happened to be a Republican rather than a Democrat. .?.?. The Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and George W. Bush administrations presided over especially lavish expansions of the entitlement state.” Will goes on to insist a Romney administration will be DIFFERENT, I guess because they’d have done away with income redistribution and then we’d all work hard, just like in Europe.
why it does not include baked beans. Maybe that’s a thing only on the other island?
I think it’s a Northern thing
Another thing for which to blame Cromwell.
The average greasy-spoon-cafe breakfast in London back in the 80s was defs baked-bean-centric.
The average greasy-spoon-cafe breakfast in London back in the 80s was defs baked-bean-centric.
That’s all people could afford in the heyday of Iron Peg.
All those UK beans are horrible canned parodies that don’t deserve the honorable label ‘baked beans’. No actual person bakes beans in the British Isles.
And I should include the Irish Republic.
I assumed the beans I encountered in England were Heinz brand canned. I liked the English breakfast well enough to not be put off by these beans.
Yeah, Heinz “baked beans.” I never cared for them but whenever I got a full breakfast in England or Scotland i ate them out of politeness.
The proprietress said that there are regional variations and that English influences are more prevalent in the north. Go figure.
Picked up some Bundaberg ginger beer today. It’s nice but it’s hard to pour upside down.
I was going to say the bubbles were on the bottom but that’s already been done by Old Frothingslosh, the pale stale ale with the foam on the bottom.
You want good baked beans you go to Boston. Or my place.
I had the traditional Irish breakfast a couple times in Dublin. Don’t think my arteries could handle it on a regular basis.
Surprisingly enough I really liked black pudding.
Why is fucking called “balling?” Seems to kind of miss the point.
Surprisingly enough I really liked black pudding.
surprisingly enough, i DID NOT…
also, too…bbkf=booboo kitty fuck…guess who could have possibly saddle me with that one?
the girls insisted on going to b-dubs today…despite having drunk at least a gallon and a half of water, the bloating has begun…ugh…i hate that place…
Not all blood sausage is created equal. The stuff I had today was very good. I’ve had some that was grainy, and poorly spiced. Give it another shot.
Not all blood sausage is created equal. The stuff I had today was very good. I’ve had some that was grainy, and poorly spiced. Give it another shot.
I love the stuff in all of its iterations… whether Puerto Rican morcilla, German Blutwurst, Polish/Ukrainian kishka, or Irish black pudding. One thing that pains me is that I can’t for the life of me find an Italian place that sells blood sausage. My paternal grandfather, whose roots were in Liguria, used to love the stuff- the regional variation is called blodi, which reveals the Ostrogoth influence in the region much like the word queso reveals the Visigoth influence in Spain.
I’ve never had blood sausage, but I’d probably like it. My cultural prejudice against it is silly … who am I to look askance at a sausage? A good blood sausage has gotta be more wholesome than alot of other ones I’ve eaten … not to mention the rest of the foods. Besides which, I tend to do well enough with any animal matter that’s cooked. It’d be entirely uniform, no eyeballs or gruesome bits. Cooked marrow, same deal, I rather like the sound of it actually.
Blood sausage is very rich- besides the blood, there is always a binding agent (oats or rusk in Ireland, additional pork and pork fat in Germany, rice in the Caribbean and Spain, kasha in Eastern Europe).
Why is fucking called “balling?” Seems to kind of miss the point.
If a pair of balls slap in the forest, and nobody is around to feel it, do they make a sound?
Finally, the film version of a Jack Chick tract that we all wanted.
New post!
It’s not a bait and switch, honest.