I Think The Doctor May Have Uploaded a Virus

I’m pretty sure his servos have pretty thoroughly blown their last fuse.

Christopher Chantrill, American Wanker:
Many Liberals are Naifs and Innocents

It’s a very transformative time to be a conservative tribe member these days. Years of piling on the bullshit and shunning non-believers has lead to a new normal where not only must one believe false things. Where not only must they, in fact, live in a world wholly unsullied by the filthy liberal-loving hand of reality. But to be perfectly ignorant of any other reality to the point where you are only barely capable of navigating the real world at all, if that.

And that’s lead to a lot of new concerns for the wingnut population. I mean, yeah, living life literally in a psychotic break may be fun in terms of making liberal heads explode and can be spun in exciting ways when it turns out polls are real and elections can’t just be wished the right way, but what about things like propaganda.

I mean, after all, you still need to enforce which lies people believe. I mean, take something like the new “liberals are the real bullies” pose. It’s a great bit of IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION pose, but when everyone is doing their best to really truly believe it, it runs the risk of letting everyone know who the super macho top dog really is.

So what is one propaganda merchant to do?

Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):

  • Now some of you may have gotten the idea from drinking our propaganda horseshit surprise that liberals are a terrifying bunch of masterminds and super butch bullies and therefore are intelligent and “manly” by our toxic understanding of such. And I just want to assure you that no, most liberals are indeed the pussy fag ignoramuses you have always felt good about beating down for being gaywads who are being manipulated by a very tiny group of super-scary ten-foot tall super geniuses capable of deluding everybody that blacks and women are real people. Isn’t that much better?

Who says you can’t have both?

We conservatives, crouching in the trenches of the political wars, experience liberals as haters and culture warriors.

So yeah, when the liberals actually started winning, we got a lot of mileage out of pretending that they were super powerful haters an trying to pin all our crimes on them, but…

When we think of liberals we think of the Kos Kidz over at DailyKos and the execrable hosts on MSNBC. We think of the liberal journalists that sneer “who me?” to the charge of journalistic bias.

But I was reminded this last week that many liberals are naifs and innocents.

But I’ve just realized that that means that some of you have gotten the mistaken impression that we aren’t the top bully and they’re our proper bully victim. And that’s just bullshit.

I mean, of course we are giving them a shiner and a wedgie for being faggy dumbasses. To say otherwise would be to cede the ground of toxic masculinity perception to them and fear of losing masculinity is pretty much the only reason any of you dumbass pieces of shit stay in this movement anymore. So yeah, no. Pussies, all of them. We’re still the top dog.

It’s only the jews liberal media that’s scary.

But this amazing glimpse into wingnut anxious masculinity aside, how Chantrill goes about trying to “demonstrate” his defensive takeback is something truly amazing in the classical sense of the word.

They don’t see feminists as the professional class making a virtue out of poor women raising their children; they think of career women and two-income families as a simple natural progress from darkness to light.

I… what? Can… I get a repeat on that?

They don’t see feminists as the professional class making a virtue out of poor women raising their children-

Yeah, I’m going to just stop you right there. Okay, yeah, I get that he thinks this is bad. That this will (somehow) put those feminazis in their place and remind them that their place is on their knees in the kitchen giving a blowjob if their massive baby bump isn’t getting in the way, but…

I’ll be damned if I have the foggiest notion of what that passing fart of a thought is.

I’ve gone over that sentence about a hundred times by now and it is no less penetrable now (HA!) than it was when I began. Feminists are a “professional class” boo hiss (I’m guessing dog whistle to audience that still thinks it’s obscene that women work outside the home) who make a virtue of poor people… nope. Still fucking lost.

I mean, from the second part, I can guess it’s in contrast to “ooh, women working outside the home, please pretend it’s 50 years ago and it’s not pathetic to still be whining about it”, but beyond that…?

The most lucid interpretation I can come up with is that poor women shouldn’t be allowed to breed, which to be fair wouldn’t be a belief all that out of place for the likes of Chantrill, but still doesn’t seem like his intended… communication as it were.

Honestly I’m starting to get frightened that we’re entering the point of right-wing dog whistles where one can’t even decipher what they are saying without a trepanation procedure and a pure kilo of black tar heroin and well… I just don’t have the budget for that kind of shit.

They worry about “greed” and “inequality” without realizing that their worry didn’t just issue from concern for fellow humans but from the power project of the big-government advocates.

Ha! Stupid liberals, thinking that “greed” and “inequality” are bad just because you are having your teeth fall out from undernourishment at the same time that rich pricks are having a competition to see who can build the most solid titanium sculptures of their genitals on their property at one time… I mean, because big government dog whistle, do what you are told, only we are free thinkers! WE ARE TOO! SUPER THINKY SMART!*

Sniff… poopy-meany-heads.

When they express dismay about the retreat of “Merry Christmas” into “Happy Holidays” they don’t realize that “Merry Christmas” — like Eeyore — was pushed.

Blink blink… (double check the date the article was published).

Uh, Chris? It’s January. In fact, it’s late January. You’re just a tiny skonch late on the whole “war on Christmas bandwagon”. Sorry, give it a rest until next Thanksgiving when you and the other soggy little christofascists air out that piece of anti-semitic garbage.

This innocence extends upwards to people that really should know better. Take Dr. Ben Santer of the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, one of the government climate-change scientists that appear in the Climategate emails.


Oh this is rich.

I guess all the talk of liberals being masterminds engineering global Antichrist conspiracies reminded ol’ Chris a little too honestly of just how ignorant he and the rest of wanna be intellectuals of wingnut welfare’s basement level really are.

Which of course means we all get to enjoy the front-row spectacle of someone literally so dumb he is a birther try and argue that he’s a super genius while actual scientists are the real dummies for believing in basic reality.

Given that ol’ Chris has demonstrated that sentences are too hard these days for his old noggin, there is no way this will be anything less than awe-inspiring.

And… drop it.

Says he:

I had always assumed that if the science was credible, we could just rest our case on the science. It was enough to publish high-quality papers, to establish some human culpability in observed climate change, and that ultimately that would be good enough, and that policymakers would take the right decisions based on the best available scientific evidence.

Heh, I could have a field day just with the blog he decided to link to as his “proof”, but there’s no need to even leave the page. I mean… *slow clap*. That! Just that.

I mean, wow, he couldn’t have fucked himself more if he washed himself completely, used a nice bit of lube, some teasing finger play and then skewered himself on twelve dildos and a vibrating egg.

I mean, there’s no other way to read that quoted section other than bitter realization that our political situation is so broken and held to heel by ignorance that just producing good science has no power to impact or change anything.


And I know before I even scroll down the page that Chris will have his own spin, either arguing that the scientist admitted “not knowing something” therefore stupid or that of course everyone should have known at the beginning that conservatives really would be so mind-numbingly mind-numbed that they would watch the planet die out of ignorance, greed, and spite. And either way, it’s clear he will have no fucking idea of just how much of an own goal that argument truly is.

Just… *slow clap*. Just *slow clap*.

Let us take Dr. Santer at his word.

And popcorn in the microwave… Okay, Chris, let’s spin this bitch.

All he wants to do is good science, and leave the “policymakers” to act on it. But Dr. Santer needs to understand that science has been a concubine of the politicians starting no later than the Napoleonic Wars when the Prussians invented the research university. The idea was to make the German state more modern and powerful.

It’s… it’s more beautiful than I could possibly imagine.

I mean, he doesn’t even try to respond to the meat of the issue, that ignorance at the political level is so high that good science is ignored in favor of ideological fealty and instead we get…

Wow. I don’t even know where to begin there’s so much crazy and stupid here on display.

I mean, we’ve got the full-on attack on science itself which most wingnuts have the good sense to at least pretend isn’t the real argument. We have some random attempted dog-whistle against Germans of all people. I mean, wow, were we supposed to still be hating those guys, cause we didn’t even do a good job hating Germans during World War II. I don’t think you’re going to be having much success reviving that shit in 2014. We have research university, government, boogedy boogedy as if that was even coherent. There’s a random whore as if this was a Frank Miller comic and it’s just all so completely balls-out pure fail.

So the question becomes, can he top it by being even less coherent?

There are also innocents down in Silicon Valley. The techies think of themselves as hip and progressive and sneer at conservatives. But Walter Russell Mead warns that big government understands the power of the information age only too well and it wants more of it; the Obamis just finished using the Google guys to micro-target the electorate for the 2012 election.

Gold star for effort, but you just managed to be a hair too lucid there. You’re still eligible for a copy of our home game, though.

And heh… yeah, you keep telling yourself that your band of octogenarian cloud-yodelers have your pace-maker assisted beat on the pulse of the modern internet. Yeah, uh huh.

You totally microtargeted the electorate using sabermetrics and all that jazz. And only a year and change late too! Good job, bucko! Clearly, with that, you’ll spring ahead without having to change in any way to the evolving social reality of your antiquated bigotries.

Meanwhile in the Bay Area the Berkeley progressives are starting to stigmatize the tech companies as Big Data and the politicians are desperate for more money. Hey Sergey and Larry! Are you guys up to the embarrassment of lunching with a Neanderthal conservative at the Chick-fil-A down the road in Sunnyvale? You might be desperate for our support in the coming years.

Wow, could he sound anymore like a snubbed prom date in this paragraph?

Sniff, sure, she and Bobby are probably out having fun, but the hippie chicks are going to laugh at her and she’ll be crawling back to me! You hear me, crawling! And I’ll be like, no, you had your chance babe, and then I’ll get on my combination rocketship/motorbike and blast off to the moon with the Fonz on my back going “eyyy” and it’ll be amazing and she won’t be able to come along. She’ll see! SHE’LL SEE!

This year we have the ObamaCare disaster, and the naïve liberals that drank the KoolAid about helping the “uninsured” find to their dismay that they are the ones paying for it.

Oooh, scary! Helping the so-called “uninsured” so-called “not die”. Ooohh, well, we’ll see how you feel about that now that you realize that it costs a tiny fraction of money in taxes that don’t end up going to killing brown people! How do you feel now?!?

I’m sorry. “Pretty good because I’m not a sociopath” is not a phrase I understand. Please repeat your answer in the form of a batlike screech about the indignity of ever having to pay taxes.

Now a Wall Street Journal report says that most of the ObamaCare signups are people that already had insurance. The “uninsured” aren’t signing up.
Hey innocents! You voted for a guy that blew up the health care system and now ObamaCare isn’t even going to get health insurance to the uninsured!

No shit.

I mean, that’s pretty much how it was supposed to work thanks to years of conservative philosophy about poor people “gaming the system” and getting something “they haven’t earned”.

Those who had insurance or were otherwise financially well off go on the exchange, buy a new insurance if they want it or see if anything is any cheaper and better and are on their way. The rest of us on the bottom? We get to navigate the lower-level systems where we are assumed to be thieves until proven otherwise and seventeen layers of background checks need to be performed until you believe we’re really as poor as we say we are.

I mean, I signed up pretty close to when it went up. It took only a couple of hours and was pretty painless on my end. I then got to wait a fuckton of months until all the various layers of “are you poor, um, let’s double-check” went through and now I’ve almost got official healthcare (which may even cover trans*-related care, so woo on that).

It’s just how the system works because you made it work that way and underfunded everything to the point where it can’t work otherwise.

And pointing to that reality and pretending it’s proof that there was never a need for people to get insurance (because apparently on Chris’s robot homeworld, uninsured people are a myth invented by space jews) will very quickly prove an impossible fiction to maintain.

Oh, who am I kidding? At that point, you’ll probably just point to everyone having insurance as proof that there never were any uninsured people to begin with.

Liberal innocents buy into the moral urgency of the “universal system.” There has to be a system, they cry, a system so that every child gets an education and everybody gets health care.

Is he still trying to play at wanna-be faux-anarchist?

That’s just cute.

Also, a great blast of nostalgia for all the punk references I snuck into the post the last time he tried this shit. Ahh, good times.**

The problem with a catch-word like that is that it always ends up covering up a monster. Here’s one unearthed by the New York Post (H/T Peggy Noonan).

It appears that there’s a school in Far Rockaway in Queens that’s a poster child for what’s wrong with the universal system of childhood education.

There are no gym or art classes… The library is a junk room; the nurse’s office lacks essentials; there are no math or reading books for the Common Core curriculum.

And the principal, Marcella Sills, doesn’t show up for work much.

Uh… what? So because one school is an underfunded broken down mess, the idea that every kid deserves and is entitled to childhood education is disproven because… poor kids shouldn’t even have the pantomime of a fair shot at education and instead should prepare themselves for the inevitability of their lives as brood-slaves for the High Queen Xbix’ptah?

I could try and look at the article linked, but the last time I read anything by Peggy “everything in the world should be revolved around rich Washington DC parties” Noonan, I tried to scoop out my forebrain with a rusty pair of nail clippers…

Ehhhhh… YOLO.

Oh thank sweet baby Billy Christ, there’s a paywall. Yeah, no, there’s no power in the ‘verse that could compel me to pay to read the fetid leavings of Peggy fucking Noonan.

Looking around online, I mostly am only seeing some minor wingnut noise trying to link this random school to all teachers everywhere with all getting their information from a single NY post article that I’m not going to bother linking to here, because it crashed my whole computer when I tried to open it.

What little I can find seems to paint what may be some minor corruption on the level of administration (which given the anti-education wingnut saturation those levels often have, would not surprise me, my school had an administrator flipping up kid’s dresses and then got promoted because she was a wingnut in good standing) or may just be a poor ass school struggling to get enough materials to start the school year with a budget in the zeros and a bunch of villain-seeking conservative assholes looking for something to blame other than themselves for why a good number of poorer schools struggle to afford books.

And honestly, I’m tempted to favor the latter largely because a lot of the pieces on it mostly talk about how “they don’t have art and gym” even though programs like that are pretty much the first gutted when the budget gets tight. Fuck, my rich ass public school back in the early 2000s was cutting back the arts programs, I doubt poor schools in the modern day after the various blitzkriegs against the very notion of a public education system wouldn’t be hard-pressed to cancel math and english at this point of underfunding (on a completely unrelated note, remind me why I’m a teacher again, seeing as how we as a society literally values little less than a good education? Oh right, I love it and believe in its power for good.).

But even if we were to assume the worst. The principal of Random Ass school middle of WhoCaresville was Super Satan and was blowing the school money on gambling debts and underaged hookers while the students were receiving only education in how to table-dance for money. Um… what would that prove?

That one school was run by corrupt conservative assholes and was poorly serving its public?

I mean, I note this, largely because old Cyberman Chris here seems to think this is some killing blow that totally proves that public education should be eliminated and Huck Finn needs to be returned home at once lest he start gettin’ uppity thoughts ’bout bein’ smarter than his ol’ man and um… no.

No more than Christopher Chantrill’s existence proves that America needs to be turned into a glowing green glass desert.

This is why I keep banging away on the idea that government is force.

So… because one random school is criminally underfunded and run by some random incompetent, the government is force?

*DING* Oh good, the popcorn is done. One sec, let me get situated and… praytell, continue.

Because once you forget that you forget a lot more things.

That’s not government. That’s Alzheimer’s.

Try again.

You forget that system is domination and that universal system is universal domination (H/T Frankfurt School).

Ohhhhhhhh, the government is force, because the system is domination and other faux-anarchist platitudes pulled right out of your ass. Well, before you make me start banging to my Against Me! or Chumbawamba, allow me to make a brief detour to note just how happy I am that some wingnut has actually taken the plunge to straight up arguing that we should become Somalia instead of beating around the bush. Way to put your bitcoins where your mouth is.

When you remember that government is force, you realize that the government is not interested in education, except as education increases its power; not interested in science, except as science increases its power.

You know what?

This is accurate.

Or rather, this is accurate to governments that right-wingers try and put into place. Being authoritarians at heart, they want their government to reflect that. To force a particular way of living on those they deem as scapegoats or different. To block education and science and any means of understanding the world if it is not in service to propaganda that aids right-wing ideology. It is the reason that Southern schools still try and teach a fiction about a “War of Northern Aggression”. It is the reason that history of minority activism is treated as not “real” history deserving to be taught in class. It is the reason that we are still only teaching European history in our “World” history classes despite the fact that our students have heritages from around the world and the regional histories of various regions are having real impact on current global events. It is the reason that evolution is only occasionally taught in the subject most affected by its reality. It is the reason that those who seek to work as teachers are some of the most gagged and silenced populations in the US outside of prisons and military bases.

But it shouldn’t be that way. And it doesn’t have to be.

We have a choice to say enough is enough to the right-wing anti-education zealots and truly inform our kids in schools. And if we fail, then Ms. Internet will fill our void and reveal what conservatives seek to silence.

And that knowledge is what makes earlier pantomimes like this anti-education fuck trying to pretend he loves the internet all sorts of hilarious.

Dr. Ben Santer’s Livermore Laboratory was opened by Edward Teller to research the nuclear physics for Curtis LeMay’s bombology.

I tend to get impatient with the liberal innocents I know.

Because you are a small-minded bully who uses interruptions and threats to avoid any accidental encounter between your self-image and your reality as an aggressively ignorant weasel worried that you are just a tiny-mind unworthy of respect or awe and will not be remembered upon your ignoble passing?

After all, an educated person ought to know better.

Oh I’m sorry, I forgot the IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION. Clearly it is because you are a supergenius who always puts those egghead Nobel prize winners to shame right before you go home to bang your supermodel wife.

But we will turn the innocents away from liberalism more by friendly conversation that by didactic impatience. Mea culpa.

I mean, after all, he is clearly superbrain, what with him knowing words like didactic and latin phrases like “mea culpa”. Sure, he doesn’t use either correctly, but it sounds smart and that’s all that matters.

Please, say it’s all that matters, the self-delusion circuits weren’t built to handle this raw load and if we overclock them anymore they’re going to *POOF*

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. The saddest part is they could use all the effort they put into trying to pretend to be intelligent and informed and stressing over it to simply educate themselves. I mean, it wouldn’t be that hard. But I guess that would involve admitting to not knowing everything now and they’ll die before that. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

*Oh fuck, the incoherence is rubbing off. It’s only a matter of time before my responses are entirely Goo goo, Ma ma, Da da, Fluberts are a crucial part of advancing the homosexual agenda, and other introductory baby phrases.

**On that note, Against Me! just released a new album titled Transgender Dysphoria Blues which is all about what it is like to be a trans* person in modern society. It was the first album I ever pre-ordered and it’d be worth supporting even if it was shit because it’s one of the first albums to explore this kind of shit. Luckily, it’s also some of their finest songs of all time and fucking brilliant on every level. I don’t often plug shit on this blog, but I’ll gladly make an exception this time.

And if that isn’t a good enough selling point, they have a song titled “FUCKMYLIFE666”. Yeah. You know you want in on this.


Comments: 336


But Dr. Santer needs to understand that science has been a concubine of the politicians

It is rare for someone to come out and literally complain about the liberal bias of reality.


Prussians invented the research university. The idea was to make the German state more modern and powerful.

Sadly, no.

Features [of Humboldt’s model for the 1810 University of Berlin] included the unity of teaching and research, the pursuit of higher learning in the philosophy faculty, freedom of study for students (Lernfreiheit, contrasted with the prescriptive curricula of the French system), the educational ideal of Bildung based on neo-humanist admiration for ancient Greece, corporate autonomy for universities despite their funding by the state, and the notion of academic freedom.

You forget that system is domination and that universal system is universal domination (H/T Frankfurt School).

Ah, I see, the guy’s a feckin’ post-modernist. Alles klar.


I’ll be damned if I have the foggiest notion of what that passing fart of a thought is. I’ve gone over that sentence about a hundred times by now and it is no less penetrable now.

And a muddy fart at that, if you get what I mean (and I think you do).

I tried desciphering Clantrill’s fart by breaking it into its TWO gaseous components. (Also, for clarity, I’ve replaced pronouns with referents, and expanded contractions.) Thus:

(1) Liberals do not see feminists as the professional class making a virtue out of poor women raising their children.

Which is true enough, of course. Clantrill could just as easily have written ‘Liberals do not see feminists as gigantic irradiated blood-sucking lemurs from Fukushima.’

As I parse it, this puff of flatulance was intended as mockery, as in liberals should see feminists in that manner… for that is how Clantrill sees feminists.

What stumps me–and I’m guessing Cerb, too–is the phrase “the professional class making a virtue out of poor women raising their children”. As far as I see, this part of Clantrill’s fart is simply mud.

(2) Liberals think of career women and two-income families as a simple natural progress [sic] from darkness to light.

Welp. I give up. This part of Clantrill’s fart is ALL mud.


Okay, here’s a possible take on the shit-stain portion of the first flatulance:

…feminists as the professional class making a virtue out of poor women raising their children.

Feminists are hypocrites! They are elite, professional women, all limosine liberals whose children are being raised by poor women (presumably nannies).

Here is a sure-fire sign of bad writing: Readers have to work to figure out what it means. I’m not going to waste any more time.


Here is a sure-fire sign of bad writing: Readers have to work to figure out what it means.

I imagine that it’s not easy to write with clarity when you are arguing that facts are stupid things negotiable social constructs and that scientific research is just another hegemonic tool of The Man.


had a before I rushed out to breakfast comment, that was killed by the loss of contact to the ‘trons which I have since forgotton after a post breakfast rant that will be dropped on an asshole co-worker on the morrow. Anyhoo, good to see you back Cerb, good to see the Fenwick, BBBB, Rudis, and other lovlies back, as well as the rest of you loves.

The gorge is rising…


after composing a post breakfast rant…a fuse has been lit.

Carry on.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I don’t know to what extent the particular school cited by Nooners was affected, but the Rockaways were particularly devastated by Sandy.


Nannies. That is all.


They worry about “greed” and “inequality” without realizing that their worry didn’t just issue from concern for fellow humans but from the power project of the big-government advocates.

How deluded do you have to be to think that any attempt to recognize and redress the inequalities on which our society is based, no matter how tentative, is functionally equivalent to letting the red army march into Washington DC?

How does it not occur to them, that if massive grinding poverty and civil rights violations are an integral part of capitalism, and if equality and civil rights and some level of guaranteed minimum prosperity are an integral part of socialism, that lots of people are going to decide capitalism is objectively bad?


How do you know he misused “mea culpa”? Maybe he was apologizing for his terrible essay?


Conservatives: break your window, points to it and says “this is why we should have no windows!”


They don’t see feminists as the professional class making a virtue out of poor women raising their children

Aw, I thought we wanted abortions for everyone? Can’t we get even our stories straight? Sheesh.

There has to be a system, they cry

“They?” The link quotes one TOTALLY REAL person, a Brit. An obvious signifier for the opinion of the American left.


They worry about “greed” and “inequality” without realizing that their worry didn’t just issue from concern for fellow humans but from the power project of the big-government advocates.

Mind-reading: started by the Prussians to make this guy look like a dumbass.


They worry about “greed” and “inequality” without realizing that their worry didn’t just issue from concern for fellow humans but from the power project of the big-government advocates.

This weather is something else. It was too cold and snowy for the fedex truck to deliver my worry from big government advocates. What am I supposed to wory about today?


It was too cold and snowy for the fedex truck to deliver my worry from big government advocates.

Hey, I got it to the airport. I don’t control the truck drivers.


They worry about “greed” and “inequality” without realizing that their worry didn’t just issue from concern for fellow humans but from the power project of the big-government advocates.

I think what the author is trying to say here is that if the worry isn’t ideologically pure* (‘didn’t just issue from concern … but from … big-government advocates …” – emphasis added), it doesn’t count.

And I agree with Fenwick about bad writing. Of course, for his intended audience, it’s probably simply a matter of having the right filters, and he doesn’t care about anyone outside his audience, but it’s still bad writing.

*I know.


They worry about “greed” and “inequality” without realizing that their worry didn’t just issue from concern for fellow humans but from the power project of the big-government advocates.

How deluded do you have to be to think that any attempt to recognize and redress the inequalities on which our society is based, no matter how tentative, is functionally equivalent to letting the red army march into Washington DC?

How does it not occur to them, that if massive grinding poverty and civil rights violations are an integral part of capitalism, and if equality and civil rights and some level of guaranteed minimum prosperity are an integral part of socialism, that lots of people are going to decide capitalism is objectively bad?

Once again, IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION. Their opinions are received opinions, their ideology is given to them. Facts and reality be damned, the dogma is not to be questioned. So they think liberals also do not think for ourselves.


Hey, I got it to the airport. I don’t control the truck drivers.

I don’t blame them, the weather was crap. I’ll just have twice the big government advocates’ worrying to do when they drop off Saturday’s and Monday’s sinister agenda. I’ll tell you, this whole mind-control-by-insidious-malevolent-organizations-masquerading-as-concern-for-my-fellow-man thing has been a big relief to me. Now I just worry about what I’m told to, and who cares about the consequences!


Also, TIL a new word that is apt for that word salad (aside from it being electron pipes and all) namely bumf.


Cerb, The Against Me tune linked at the last was awesome, thanks for the heads up.

Awesome post as well. Not sure how you got through some of the colossal fail, I found myself subject to what might be termed a “rational person’s mental vapor lock” attempting to parse a variety of the tidbits offered.

I may add an addendum or two after refreshing my memory of mid nineteenth century Europe to satisfy my inner historical pedant, though I am sure that there are better things I could do with this day off.

Let’s see…Root my phone, look into how the Queens Park Rangers faired this weekend, catch up with my reading of other woefully under-compensated bloggers from whose toenail clippings and fallen eyelashes possess more wit than the vast majority of wingnut welfare howler monkeys combined.

I could as the Major says, retire to my bunk, but I am at the ‘bucks currently, I would have to retire to the bathroom, and currently there is no pron on the fone…I could fix that…

I guess Ill start with the History Lesson.



Dr. Ben Santer’s Livermore Laboratory was opened by Edward Teller to research the nuclear physics for Curtis LeMay’s bombology.

Assuming this is true, whats. his. fuckin. point?!… Was the science bad? Is it bad now? What about LeMay? U.S. bombing a la LeMay: acceptable use of otherwise-noxious state power?

If Obama invented cold fusion, and gave a demonstration, Chantrill would refuse to believe his lying eyes. You could apparently nuke this guy, and he’d have his doubts about the science behind it, argle bargle hey did you know Einstein was a socialist.


I guess I’d think this sort of shit was funny if it was funny…

Liberal concern for the poor stems from two things:

1) Empathy–we can’t all be born into white middle class families in the US or a few other advanced, wealthy nations, and we don’t see why a few should own wealth that matches what the bottom 95% has. Reality check: The vast majority of people living in poverty can’t do a motherfucking thing about it, despite all your awesome advice about bootstraps and working so damn hard all your life to inherit a fortune from mommy and daddy.

2) Security–Why do poor people eventually rise up and revolt? Because they’re HUNGRY and sick and tired of watching rich people be rich and fat while they starve. Reality check: Open a history book to 18th and 19th century Europe and then see how you feel about an impoverished underclass. I think that if Louis XVI could do it all over again, he wouldn’t have believed that God gave him and his vassals the right to all that wealth while his subjects starved to death.


Against Me! is getting ALL kinds of coverage. They had a longish interview on either Morning Edition or ATC, maybe both. She was on Jian Gomeshi’s show Q. Terry Gross had her on. Good for the trans* community, I think. Visibility is probably the most important thing in the struggle for rights, just as it was for lesbians and gays years ago.


Dr. Ben Santer’s Livermore Laboratory was opened by Edward Teller to research the nuclear physics for Curtis LeMay’s bombology.

And relativity is Jewish Science.

You forget that system is domination and that universal system is universal domination (H/T Frankfurt School).

Does he quote Foucault? Please tell me that he quotes Foucault.

Christine O'Donnell

And I’m not a witch.


We used to hustle over the border for health care we received in Canada. And I think now, isn’t that ironic


Nuh-uh. A Rich Person has said that liberals are killer diller Nazis who are doing unto to the rich what the Nazis did to the Jews only with mean words instead of torture and mass murder. Because there’s no difference, really.

Mr. So-Called Conservative Chiantix needs to get his facts straight.


Todd Starnes of Fux reacts to Macklemore’s performance of “Same Love” at the Grammys where 33 gay and straight couples were married.

Q: How many times was Christianity mentioned during that mass wedding?

A: Zero

Moral of the story: BIGOTRY HATRED ANTICHRISTIAN…and stuff.


Th fact is gay weddings are an afront to God fearing American christians. To watch Queen Loofah perform gay marriages on national telivision is a disgrace. Con servatives have been slapped in the face too many times by libs forcing gay marriage down our throats.


Moral of the story: BIGOTRY HATRED ANTICHRISTIAN…and stuff.

yeah, so starnes apparently got all worked up by a singer singing things such as, ‘hey, we’re not going to let you call us fags and treat us like shit anymore’ as directly attacking christianity and as being intolerant and feels that his crew were the assholes being referred to? hmmmmmm…if he identifies that readily, perhaps he should just quit being like that…


hmmmmmm…if he identifies that readily, perhaps he should just quit being like that…

SO not a sign of a guilty conscience…

“Honey, howcome you’re so late getting home?”



Con servatives have been slapped in the face too many times


You Con Servatives haven’t been slapped in the face or the nuts nearly enough times.


“Hehe.”–Hillary Clinton

That’s when I knew it wasn’t really her … but seriously:

I know I shouldn’t bite, but I will be tickled if the wingnuts make this “Hillary doesn’t drive” thing a component of their attack. With Bush, we were supposed to want to have a beer with him (except I’d much rather have drinks with Al Gore or even Kerry). Then Romney rendered this facet of the ordinary-guy schtick useless. Next, whoever they run against Hillary will be the man you’d like to share a road with. (I guess Romney could’ve been that guy, depending how one feels about the treatment of dogs.) If this is a thing in 2015-16, it won’t help, since the idiot vote is already sewn up, and it’ll just give everyone else an excuse to remember that “he’s alot like us normal folk” is generally untrue and also a stupid reason to vote one way or another.

Me and Warren Buffett both enjoy hamburgers. Sure, he was the wealthiest person in the world until recently, but the hamburger thing tells you more about the man. If you don’t get that, you don’t get us, or burgers, or America.


I know I shouldn’t bite, but I will be tickled if the wingnuts make this “Hillary doesn’t drive” thing a component of their attack.

i am already annoyed by this…i bet there are lots and lots of pols that don’t drive…or know how to dial out of the capitol…or do lots of things that they used to do for themselves…that’s what happens people…and guess what? it’s not a party based phenomena, cripes what dipshits…


I guess I’d think this sort of shit was funny if it was funny…

Liberal concern for the poor stems from two things:

1) Empathy–we can’t all be born into white middle class families in the US or a few other advanced, wealthy nations, and we don’t see why a few should own wealth that matches what the bottom 95% has. Reality check: The vast majority of people living in poverty can’t do a motherfucking thing about it, despite all your awesome advice about bootstraps and working so damn hard all your life to inherit a fortune from mommy and daddy.

2) Security–Why do poor people eventually rise up and revolt? Because they’re HUNGRY and sick and tired of watching rich people be rich and fat while they starve. Reality check: Open a history book to 18th and 19th century Europe and then see how you feel about an impoverished underclass. I think that if Louis XVI could do it all over again, he wouldn’t have believed that God gave him and his vassals the right to all that wealth while his subjects starved to death.

3) Self-interest. Many, many, many more of us that would care to admit it are just one run of bad luck away from sinking into that same poverty. We’d like to know someone’s going to be there to catch us if that ever happens, and because of that we’re willing to help catch other people when they’re the ones who fall.

It overlaps with both empathy and security, but still deserves its own point.


Self-interest. Many, many, many more of us that would care to admit it are just one run of bad luck away from sinking into that same poverty

i was just thinking about this today on our way to our friend’s funeral…just about everybody i know would be screwed by an accident like his health insurance or not…lifeflights, icu, all that stuff is not cheap…then you follow that up with an unexpected funeral…

it shouldn’t be this way…corporations should not be profiting so obscenely on the misfortune of others…


so…anyhoo, we had an amazing weekend (stupid blizzard notwithstanding)…daughter’s award reception and dinner was much fun, we met up with paleo and his lovely wife, took the daughter to toby keith’s bar (she’s a huge fan)…but, finding out about this may have been the coolest thing about the weekend…it fits in so closely with what i my dream foundation is that it gives me hope that i could actually do it! anyhow, tons of stuff and money were donated to the cause…


I don’t drive. I have never been behind the wheel of a car. Also, I would not want to drink a beer with a dry drunk.


It overlaps with both empathy and security, but still deserves its own point.

Good point. I’m not afraid to admit that I’m about 1-1/2 paychecks away from financial catastrophe. I’m guessing that applies to well over half the adult population of this nation.


My mother-in-law has never driven. I’m not sure why. She lives in a very rural area and has no way to get around other than people driving her.

She thinks she’s too old to learn how but I think she’s just scared to try.


Kody’s Closet?
Yeah, that’s some folks who “get it”.
That kinda stuff gives me the warm fuzzies.


Does he quote Foucault? Please tell me that he quotes Foucault.

I saw no citing of Foucault but he does quote Sokal heavily.


Sponsor Of South Dakota Anti-Gay Bill Warns Gay Rights Taking Us ‘Down The Road of Iran’


(It’s OK, I’m in a hotel. It’s not my desk.)


The subzero weather has taught me that not all “union suits” (one-piece cold weather underwear) are equal … a good ass-flap is key. How big is the flap? Do the buttons function well, and are they well-placed? Should I throw all three wife-gifted suits away, and spring for several more sets of space-age, sheer thermal tops and bottoms? (Yes, but that’d be profligate.) Waiting for it to warm up isn’t working. Twas -6 (before wind chill) when I was pumpin’ me gas this evening.


And I agree with Fenwick about bad writing. Of course, for his intended audience, it’s probably simply a matter of having the right filters, and he doesn’t care about anyone outside his audience, but it’s still bad writing.

As I ‘splained at Roy’s place, much “successful” conservative commentary is premised on copying-and-pasting the proper sprinklings of Yang worship words (you shall not SPEAK them!) into the word salad shooter before pulling the trigger.


i bet there are lots and lots of pols that don’t drive

76% of them can accurately tell you off the top of their heads how many homes they own, I hear.


The other thing about Hillary is that she’s been under Secret Service protection since 1992. What’s up with that? I don’t know about you, but I go about my business differently. I need a president who can remember what it’s like to not have a few suits with earpieces ‘n’ shoulder holsters hanging around. What if a tough-on-crime bill hits her desk — she’ll be all, “VETO, HEHE, the people have their security details,” amirite? It’s just weird. Get a concealed-carry permit, lady, or are you too good to shoot your own behoodied sorts? For that matter, somebody should ask her when she last hunted and/or dressed a kill.


They don’t see feminists as the professional class making a virtue out of poor women raising their children

Looks like a generic “LIMO-LIBS LOL” cheap shot to me.

Sometimes when you stare too long into the plate of beans, the plate of beans stares into you.

Show me a trope including the schizoid cat-herd of what calls itself liberalism being portrayed as a regimented mob of naive automatons in thrall to their shadowy masters & I’ll show you a loaded shotgun & one seriously torpid fish adrift in the Snark Barrel.


Show me a trope including the schizoid cat-herd of what calls itself liberalism being portrayed as a regimented mob of naive automatons in thrall to their shadowy masters & I’ll show you a loaded shotgun & one seriously torpid fish adrift in the Snark Barrel.

This read (red) as a Hunter Thompson -esque passage, from where I stood, at that time not so long ago, as a reader.


When they express dismay about the retreat of “Merry Christmas” into “Happy Holidays”
It appears that the War on Christmas is not the fault of liberals, after all… except inasmuch as liberals should have spotted the true culprit, but are too naive (I can’t be asked reading who the true culprit is). Apparently the defeats in that war are to the dismay of some on the left.

they don’t realize that “Merry Christmas” — like Eeyore — was pushed.
Sadly, no! Is nothing beyond this buffoon’s powers of getting-it-wrong? Eeyore was not pushed:

“How did you fall in, Eeyore?” asked Rabbit, as he dried him with Piglet’s handkerchief.
“I didn’t,” said Eeyore.
“But how–”
“I was BOUNCED,” said Eeyore.
“Oo,” said Roo excitedly, “did somebody push you?”
“Somebody BOUNCED me. I was just thinking by the side of the river — thinking, if any of you know what that means — when I received a loud BOUNCE.”

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I know I shouldn’t bite, but I will be tickled if the wingnuts make this “Hillary doesn’t drive” thing a component of their attack.

They want to appeal to youthful voters.


3) Self-interest. Many, many, many more of us that would care to admit it are just one run of bad luck away from sinking into that same poverty. We’d like to know someone’s going to be there to catch us if that ever happens, and because of that we’re willing to help catch other people when they’re the ones who fall.

It overlaps with both empathy and security, but still deserves its own point.

Firstly, awesome addendum to tsam’s (also brilliant distillation).

Secondly, some of the folks around here and other places in which I had a somewhat ubiquitous presence helped me out when my back was against the wall and my feet were on fire.

In other news there is an asshole that I work with that I had scheduled a chat with the boss about hoping to prevent myself; going nuclear on his ass during business hours and in front of the FSM and everybody (the only room is the bathroom or out of doors in the alley.)

I am of the management school that one should praise in public and admonish in private.

So as today is my friday, I will sleep on it and avoid a day of rancor. In a small way I feel like a bit of a coward.

Fuck I forgot the goddamn CD (sometimes I think I might share too much.) BRB.


As I ‘splained at Roy’s place, much “successful” conservative commentary is premised on copying-and-pasting the proper sprinklings of Yang worship words (you shall not SPEAK them!) into the word salad shooter before pulling the trigger.

Fristly, nice to hear that you are covering some of my previous shifts at alicublog, secondly the combination of Yang worship words and word salad shooter almost cost me a laptop.

/shakes fist in a southeasterly direction

I really have to make it down to your neck of the woods, pal.


Sometimes when you stare too long into the plate of beans, the plate of beans stares into you.

Show me a trope including the schizoid cat-herd of what calls itself liberalism being portrayed as a regimented mob of naive automatons in thrall to their shadowy masters & I’ll show you a loaded shotgun & one seriously torpid fish adrift in the Snark Barrel.

It has been far too long since I have read my Hunter S. but this shit killed me.

Also, too, I see that someone has decided to start fucking a different chicken, I guess the first one died before it “worked”.


Hickey told the AP that “religious rights need to continue to trump gay rights” in order to prevent the country from “heading down the road to Iran,” an odd argument since Iran is an theocracy in which gay people can face flogging or the death penalty.

Hickey, pastor of a Sioux Falls church, said a court ruling legalizing gay marriage in South Dakota might expose him to lawsuits or prosecution because he believes in traditional marriage between a man and a woman.

“Religious rights need to continue to trump gay rights. Otherwise, we’re heading down the road of Iran, where it’s convert or die, be quiet or die,” Hickey said. “If we want to talk about church and state, this is a bill that keeps the state out of my church.”

The bill is clearly aimed at LGBT people, but its wording is ambiguous, potentially opening the door for many other kinds of discrimination as well.

From pup’s link above. Call me a cynic, but Imma guessing that the last bit is more feature than bug.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

RIP Pete Seeger! Right wing rage fest in 3… 2… 1…


Just to be clear here. There is some sort of equivalence between Hilary doesn’t drive and Mitt Romney has an elevator just for his cars. That’s the implication, right?

I am no Clinton fan, but we’re looking at equating Hilary has a driver to Mitt has an elevator for his cars. A fucking elevator. Just for cars.

zomg! His mansion is on a cliff! He needs space for his cars!

It’s a four car garage. Wait, three cars and one elevator. The elevator takes you down to a 3600 square foot additional parking area. Could he have built a ramp down with 3600 square feet to work with? Probably, but that would have cut his indoor parking space from 13 down to maybe only 9 or 10.

OMG, Hilary doesn’t drive!!! Yeah, it’s teh biased lie-berals what do the inconsistent standards and looking the other way.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

The real false equivalence is that Hilary is a high ranking government official who needs a security and transportation detail while Romney is just some private schmuck.


…Romney is just some private schmuck.

I’m sure that he must have residual security provided by the Taxechussets Secret security.


Driving!? Do you seriously expect a man of my talent to drive!


Thanx for teh reminders. It’s not even a case of Hilary doesn’t drive, it is that she is not allowed to drive due to Secret Service protocols. Whereas poor RMoney just wanted to demolish his beachside mansion and replace it with one with more square footage on just the underground parking. So huge a house that even in swanky beachfront mansion land, it was so far beyond allowable zoning that he hired lobbyists to get his building permits.

Totally the same.


“Religious rights need to continue to trump gay rights. Otherwise, we’re heading down the road of Iran, where it’s convert or die, be quiet or die,” Hickey said.”

Wait, if religion *doesn’t* trump gay people’s rights *then* we’re heading toward a society where religion trumps all rights? I think this guy has participated in one too many stonings…


Sometimes when you stare too long into the plate of beans, the plate of beans stares into you.

The idea of staring at a plate of beans made a segue in my head into the lyrics in the opening verse of John Prine’s song Illegal Smile. [from memory:]

When I woke up this morning, things were looking grim.
Sometimes it seems like the bottom is the only place I’ve been.
A bowl of oatmeal tried to stare me down. And won.
And by twelve o’clock I realized I was havin’ no fun.

But fortunately
I have the key
to escape reality.

And you may see me tonight with an illegal smile.
It don’t cost very much, but it lasts a long while.
Won’t you please tell the man I didn’t kill anyone.
I’m just tryin’ to have me some fun.

So that’s my contribution today….


RIP Pete Seeger!

A grand talent, BBBB. Everyone who loves the Hudson River Valley as much as you do, must feel the loss of a great friend.

And yet… and yet… And yet, I’ve never been able to erase of image of an enraged Pete Seeger trying to cut to the power during Dylan’s electric set at Newport. I should let time and death erase that moment, or at least gentle it, because

It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue.

(((Am I gonna hafta dig up a link or write an explanation for the Young Whippersnappers here? Newport was an epochal, watershed moment back in the music of the Cretaceous. Nah! I’ll bet most Sadlyville residents have seen Scorcese’s Dylan documentary.)))


Maybe as tickled as you were cackling like a hyena over Romney’s plans to place a $55,000 Phantom Park car lift in his home renovation for a house built on a cliff.

See, both stories involve cars.


May I suggest that residents please observe the Do Not Feed signs posted at both ends of the Sadlyville Bridge.


Also, the Sadlytown Volunteer Sanitation and Public Works Department will eventually come around, clean up the mess, and erase the idiotic graffiti.

And all freshly-cleaned threads earn Big Extra-Special Bonuses of SOROS BUCKS for our public-spirited Sadlyburg volunteers!

Now, to show our civic appreciation for their steadfast efforts, let’s all give the SVS&PWD a laurel and hardy handshake!


Or we could give them a laural and hardy milkshake. They’re delicious!


Gee, that’s tempting and I appreciate the compliment (or so I take it) … but I must be a good citizen and heed the signs on the bridge.


Does anyone know any stories about dogs? Dogs and/or cars?… (Waits.)

I don’t see stories, and that worries me. My, um, friend needs them for a project.

Okay, okay — I am the “friend.” Thanks in advance…

It’s me, and I’m fucking a chicken.


The real false equivalence is that Hilary is a high ranking government official who needs a security and transportation detail while Romney is just some private schmuck.

i meant to make this point yesterday, so thanks for bringing it up…it’s also the obama’s fault that any time they go somewhere, security costs a fortune…and because presidents and their families have never before taken state trips or gone on vacation in the history of the presidency until now…


a wanker comment:

•7 days ago
I met a liberal lady once who told me about how after college she moved into an inner city neighborhood so she could work with disadvantaged children.
She got mugged twice and raped once. After that she moved out of the city and into an area that was exclusively white and middle class.
Talking with her she was hurt that the very people she tried to help actually hurt her. The rapist was a father of one of her students! She actually said to us “that she did not understand what she did to the people that hurt her!”
I laughed at her and asked her if she was stupid or simply brain dead? To this day she will not speak to me.
I find stupidity and ignorance to be infuriating and can not generate any sympathy for people who “feel” rather than think.
My compassion is reserved for those who actually deserve it.

filed under: huh, go figure…


i also leanerd while i was over there that not wanting to discuss politics with persons with whom you are not politically aligned with = shallowness and ignorance…this is especially true if you refuse to talk politics at family gatherings…also, mitt romney is a very nice person and he just didn’t want the presidency badly enough…


Does anyone know any stories about dogs? Dogs and/or cars?

Homer wrote a good story about an old, old dog who recognizes his master returning incognito after many years of wandering.

Alas, there were no cars in The Odyssey.


Well, no cars except for Circe’s Studebaker.


No cars, but to revive an archaic phrase, the ancient Greeks were in the Van of Progress.


Gee, DA. I’m only an occaisional practitioner. Fake Gary is a hard art to master, imo. Anyway there have been some fine efforts from other Fake Garys recently: Two excellent specimens in the last thread.


The ancient Greeks were in the Van of Progress, see, but it was a windowless van and they were molesting boys in it.

… Too soon?


Before I forget…. Here are some Studebaker pictures.


Say, could someone provide a quickie refresher alchemy on how to transmute a Link into Text? The ” a: href ” thingamabob.


Say, could someone provide a quickie refresher alchemy on how to transmute a Link into Text? The ” a: href ” thingamabob.

Less than symbol a href=”http://yourlinkhere.comnetedumilgovorg” greater than symbol text you want to be clickable less than symbol /a greater than symbol.


Less than symbol a href=”http://yourlinkhere.comnetedumilgovorg” greater than symbol text you want to be clickable less than symbol /a greater than symbol.

A translation, for the more visual:

<a href=”http://yourlinkhere.comnetedumilgovorg”>PENIS</a>


Well, no cars except for Circe’s Studebaker.

I would’ve thought she rode a Harley.


Well, no cars except for Circe’s Studebaker.

My parents had a Studebaker Lark. I was too young at the time to remember it.


So that’s my contribution today….

john prine is always an awesome contribution…


Hang down your heads, sadlies.

Pete Seeger has passed.


Yes, I know that wasn’t his song–it was just what came to mind.


Say, could someone provide a quickie refresher alchemy on how to transmute a Link into Text?

I’m lazy Fenwick. I use a link generator:

Link Generator


I’m lazy Fenwick. I use a link generator:

huh…who knew? oddly enough, the lengthy and at times cumbersome text link is the one tag i do not fail…


I laughed at her and asked her if she was stupid or simply brain dead? To this day she will not speak to me.

Imagine that.


Fenwick said,

January 28, 2014 at 20:23

That weren’t me, Fenwick. Accept no substitutes!


Dogs and/or cars?
Dogs travel by Grayhound. Duh.


I’m lazy Fenwick.

No, HE’S Lazy Fenwick.


Imagine that ^these events actually eventuated.

The cute thing about the neocons is they don’t know when to stop when they make up their Dear Free State Forum, fairy tales.

It isn’t enough to have a stupid bleeding heart n****r loving liberal. He had to throw in the violent dread dark ones who rape our wimmenz and follow with a vicious put down of the stupid hussy who dared to mix with them.


I gotta say, “are you stupid, or simply brain dead?” is a pretty shitty zinger, or whatever it is.


They worry about “greed” and “inequality” without realizing that their worry didn’t just issue from concern for fellow humans but from the power project of the big-government advocates.

I, too, worry about greed and inequality.

But conservatives tell me that government intervention is bad, unions are bad, the minimum wage is bad, welfare is bad, etc, etc.

So therefore I’ve decided to be practical and wait for leprechauns and/or unicorns to come along and help stamp out greed and inequality.


My compassion narcissistic in-group approval is reserved for those who actually deserve it.

Like “charity”, it’s easy to pride oneself on one’s “compassion” when it only needs to be shared across a short-list of people who deserve it.


Like “charity”, it’s easy to pride oneself on one’s “compassion” when it only needs to be shared across a short-list of people who deserve it.

i like how their nym is ‘lessthantolerant’…cuz that’s something to be proud of!


Once upon a time, it was said that the Democrats were the “Mommy” party and the Republicans were the “Daddy” party.

But nowadays, the Republicans have decided it’s way more fun to be the “Crazy Uncle” party.

And soon, we can look forward to them being the “Senile Grandpa” party.


When the test for “does this person deserve my compassion?” is simply “am I feeling compassion for this person?”, most of us can convince ourselves that we’re compassionate.


More like the pervy uncle, what with the obsession with sex and sticking things in women who don’t want things stuck in them.


The next thing you’ll know, it’ll be cats and dogs living together.


the test for “does this person deserve my compassion?”

Merely following the example Jesus set for us, see?

Captain Ned, H.M.S. The Raging Queen

We talk about Jesus once a week, on Sunday before the late morning brunch.


Of course, this only answers one question, which is what happens to the rate of unemployment.

It doesn’t tell us whether people are finding jobs or just totally dropping out of the workforce. But even if this is mostly a function of people dropping out of the labor force, the actual unemployment rate does still matter for Fed policy. So if you think this has any predictive value for the national number (which could be debated) ths [sic] number still matters.

Wow! The number of people receiving unemployment benefits drops when you cut unemployment benefits.

We don’t know what the fuck happens to these people. Maybe they find some sort of work. Maybe they just drop out of the workforce, which is a nifty euphemism for dropping dead. Maybe they’re plotting to rise up and shove The Privileged into tumbrils. Ha ha, just kidding about the last one.

Who cares what happens to the moochers? There’s a chart that kind of sorta proves that cutting aide to people causes the charts to change!


That’s the problem with how we calculate our official unemployment percentage. It’s only those actively drawing unemployment and seeking work. It completely ignores those who have expired benefits, just given the fuck up, or whatever happens to them (Living with relatives and dragging them down, I assume).

I like how they calculate inflation–excluding food and energy. So durable good stay relatively flat while food and energy are skyrocketing, so it’s only poor families that suffer. BREAK OUT THE GODDAMN CHAMPAGNE MOTHERFUCKERS


I grew up with a video of one of Seeger’s concerts for children. I want to listen to “Abiyoyo” again.


And stupid is as stupid does.


I have a shirt from Smithsonian Folkways Recording that has a banjo that says “This machine surrounds hate…and forces it to surrender” (Pete Seeger) and on the front it has a guitar with Woody Gunthrie’s “This Machine Kills Fascists”. Support Smithsonian Folkways Recording! *insert link here*

Captain Ned, H.M.S. The Raging Queen

Someone is having a difficult time of the month. I recommend water skiing to relieve the cramps.


Great review of K-Lo here with an appropriate summation of her career:

Yet another one. And as dimwitted as the rest.


I’m having bourbon with SOTU. If he declares war on Iran or revives Single Payer, I am going to still be drunk next week.


Whoo, I am totes troll bait.

Facts are facts, Shaka.

Hmmm. Imagine I lmgtfy “North Carolina Participation Rate” here.

Look at what’s happened to North Carolina’s labor-force participation rate, which hit a 37-year-low (!) in October


Sure, be glad to oblige:

Welcome to the Encyclopedia of American Loons!
Welcome to a new and exciting series presenting you with a representative sample of American Loons from A-Z!

This blog will be updated frequently until we have a full collection of influential American Loons, assembled nicely in alphabetical order. Credit for all of the blog posts you will read after this one belongs entirely to Fredrik Haraldsen, with only minor occasional edits and additions (photos, etc) by me. I am merely posting these excellent entries on his behalf (and of course with his permission). Enjoy!


Well golly, miss Lillian, that’s a very nice response to my comment. Now go fuck yourself.


We talk about Jesus once a week, on Sunday before the late morning brunch.

We talk about Jesus at brunch but only if he didn’t show up that week. He and Pedro have been skipping our brunches a lot since they got married.


I’m lazy Fenwick.

No, HE’S Lazy Fenwick.

Okay, I’ll try to construct a multiple-part contribution to the thread … to refute the invidious calumny against my industriousness!

Actually, it will give me an opportunity to write about the epochal event in American music that occured at Newport in 1965. … which I mentioned earlier in the thread [16:29].

Writing about the watershed moment at the 1965 Newport Folk Festival will also provide an opportunity to practice the spiffy alchemy that transmutes a Link into Text. (Thanx muchly to OBS and others for re-fresheing my memory!) I’ll work on the various parts of the tale off and on this evening and into the night. Some of the tale will be autobiographical … and also a glimpse into the ancient past of the 1960’s when dinosaurs roamed the earth.

Such attractions await!: Rambling Fenwickian autobiography. Wiki excerpts. The text of brilliant lyrics. YouToob link to a fine version of an epic–and epochal–song.

It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue


In today’s WTF edition of Christianist leaders committing crimes (though the sex is absent from this one but just barely) http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/01/28/colorado-pastor-arrested-for-impersonating-u-s-marshal-to-kidnap-and-rob-gay-man/

Fenwick the Long-Winded

Messieurs et mesdames: Attendez-vous the signs at both ends of the Pont du Sadlie, s’il vous plait. The intrepid Public Works Volunteers will draw nigh eventually. Merci.


If only the pastor had put out an ad for police roleplay instead of subjecting vanilla dudes to his fetish!


The image for the White House YouTube SOTU lead-in is last year’s Constipated Boehner photobomb.


until we have a full collection of influential American Loons
Much as I admire the industrious people behind the E.A.L., I am not convinced that a complete catalog is attainable.


What, just me? No one else is doing co-ordinated drinking tonight?


Co-ordinated?… I’m drinking (Sierra Nevada’s “Ruthless Rye IPA”) and modding CIV 5 and I have the SOTU page open if I feel the urge to watch at any moment.

I can’t coordinate the drinking: it will proceed apace, whatever Obama might say.


David Limbaugh is the younger, dumber, and less charismatic brother of Rush Limbaugh, and he promotes pretty much the same bullshit with pretty the same level of sophistication – although David is more obviously a religious nutter.



Well, that seems concise and accurate.

Victory! on the CIV 5 front — I have learned (from others, and it’s no big deal) how to modify map scripts to ensure that the east and west boundaries contain only ocean, not land (whether the map is a wrappin’ cylinder, or has impassible edges). (Maps that represent spheres are currently not possible in-game, at least in terms of units’ movement and the coherence of the terrain — you can, of course, duplicate whatever projection you like.)

That being accomplished, I suppose I could listen to the president.


Whoa. Came out swinging.


Whoa. Some Occupiers slipped a graf or two in.


Whoa. You’re either with us, or you’re left behind.


Hmmmm. Corporate tax cuts.


Hmmm. Some deregulation talk, then tech tech tech and now shades of fracking.

Natural gas powered cars? Really Obama?


Whoa. Solar PV shoutout – I guess to bait conservatives into yelling Solyndra. And then Climate Change IS REAL.


And now immigration. It’s like he’s ratcheting up from wingnut hot button to wingnut hotter button in a crazy escalating vicious hot button pushing spiral.


It’s like he’s ratcheting up from wingnut hot button to wingnut hotter button

They’re going to shriek anyways. Might as well give ’em something to shriek about.


Blah blah blah training blah blah blah training blah blah blah restore long-term unemployed benefits. Nice, lull them into a false sense of security and them whammo.


Oh shit. Obama hit Lily White’s whine. “Need them in the game.” Because surprise, the long term unemployed don’t disappear from existence when their benefits run out.


Audience shot, two old white dudes napping.


Whoa. Obama’s war on women is to make ’em get jobs.


“No one who works full-time should ever have to raise a family in poverty.”


LOL … there’s nowhere Obama the Orator would rather be.


So far the theme tonight is that Obama is tired of working with Congress, and is now going to work around it. Making Boehner sit behind him as he kicks Congress repeatedly is interesting.


Finally on to Obamacare.


Put up or shut up on Obamacare repeals.


It’s actually colder here tonight than in Leafs Suck.


+1 for “Call your mom”


Whoa. Gun control. “With or without Congress.”


Almost an hour in and he’s finally gotten to servicemembers. Not entirely, there was a reference to cutting and running from Iraq earlier. And now he’s cutting and running from Afghanistan.


POTUS giving this Congress his list of things to do is like me giving my wife a list of supermodels I’d like to bang. #GoodLuckWithThatBro

Folks, call me crazy but I think Lillian White is Dennis. Or maybe any one of our nation’s embittered, humorless, douchey scolds — it’s hard to say.


zomg. Calling out teh idea that teh War on Terrarism has been counter productive.


But keep your powder dry, “Lillian” — I’ve got smaller fish to fry. Bye y’all.


lol Gitmo. Well, lol if it weren’t so ridiculously sad.


Palestine. Isreal.
Iran and nuke proliferation.


Whoa. F U to teh “no negotiations crowd”. JFK and Reagan negotiated with teh Ebil Empire so shut it. Send me a sanctions bill and I will veto.


Geez Rob Ford. Obama just called out every nation on the planet except one. I blame my mayor.


Obama just called veterans crazy.


Coery’s like “geez, let me sit down already. Say something Barry and get these folsk to let me sit!”


And it’s over. I think he pulled a Naruto there at the end. Believe it!

Some moments of brilliance – MC Barry O can still rock teh mike. But teh whole thing was kinda rambly. Yeah, I know, SOTU – rambly is feature not bug. But I guess teh thing that bothered me was teh bright spots only served to highlight how lacking the rest of it was.


Much better than teh Sputnik edition though.


IPU, Barry just called your country teh Greetiest Nation on Erf and you just let a Canook liveblog your SOTU whilst you stood around twiddling your fingers.

Was I drinking alone? Maybe I’ll see if Ultra Ninja wants some bourbon.


Now the real comedy starts.


‘kay, I did Obama. Someone else gets to do Aqua Buddha.


To liveblog Rand Paul is dishonorable. We are but simple folk with no points to spare.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Now this is what I expect of a GOP SOTU response.

Classy! Too bad the video cut off Errol Louis’ reaction. Errol is a fixture of NYC media.


Classy! Too bad the video cut off Errol Louis’ reaction.

“I’ll break you in half. Like a boy.”

Judging from his choice of words, the Congressman has tested his breaking-in-half capabilities on various objects, enough to use “a boy” as the referent in his analogy.


Well that was purdy stoopit, to promise a Tale about an event from 1965 that nobody much even remembers anymore, except a few dinosaurs like myself. And to imagine doing a muti-part comment on the same night when America is watching one of the great spectacles in our National Kabuki Theater, the Staid of the Onion.

What folly, Fenwick! What thoughts could have been running through your feeble, 10-watt mind, imagining this, of all nights, would be a good time to mount a multi-part Fenwickian comment that was actually About Something (for a change).

So fuggedabowdit. I decided instead to drink some white wine … then had a smoke …. and somebody spoke and I feel into a dream. (((You surely recognize THAT lyrical reference of course…?)))

I can probably cobble together a bare-bones version of my 10-watt Comment … but it will certainly bypass the autobiographical Fenwickian stuff, e.g., how Bob Dylan had a major impact on my development as a writer…long before I set my mind to writing fiction. Bypasses, too, Pete Seeger’s rage, his anger so in tune with–and expressive of–the audience’s scorn on that fateful night in 1965.

Anyway, Scorsese tells the Newport story–hell shows it–far better in No Direction Home, his Dylan documentary.

Okay, I’ll make some coffee and attempt a truncated, non-autobiographical, barebones version of my Tale…..


Here’s some cut-and-paste background from various Wiki articles:

First, on the Newport Folk Festival, a premier venue of the American folk music revival of the 1950’s – 1960’s. Wiki hones in on the epochal moment:

[re-paragraphed to aid the eye. Emphasis added.] Bob Dylan’s 1963 and 1964 performances solo and with [Joan] Baez had made him popular with the Newport crowd, but on July 25, 1965 Dylan was booed by some fans when he played with backing from Mike Bloomfield on guitar and others from an electric blues/rock and roll band known as the Paul Butterfield Blues Band while headlining the festival.

It is usually said that the reason for the hostile reception by a small number of fans was Dylan’s “abandoning of the folk orthodoxy, or poor sound quality on the night (or a combination of the two). The controversy regarding the reaction of the audience at this event is often overplayed, as it was not the general reaction of the audience, but rather that of a small number of folk “purists”, and of the organizers themselves, including Pete Seeger. (***)

The reaction of “the crowd” to Dylan’s performance, certainly from eyewitness accounts, was generally quite enthusiastic. This performance, Dylan’s first live “plugged-in” set of his professional career, marked the shift in his artistic direction from folk to rock, and had wider implications for both styles of music.

(***) Seeger, enraged, actually tried to break the electical connections to the stage to silence the electric instruments. I never saw Pete Seeger in quite the same way after this moment. A truly great talent, and great man, but this episode diminished him in my eyes.

Dylan and the Paul Butterfield Blues Band (whom I later saw in Cedar Rapids!) tried to play through the catcalls and boos, with Dylan pugnaciously telling the band to crank up the volume but–eventually drowned out by the Folkee Purists–Dylan and his back-up musicians quit after two numbers (as I recall) and walked off stage to boos and catcalls of ‘Sellout!’.

The announcer–Was it Paul Stookey of PP&M?–quieted the crowd and said that Bob was going to come back with an accoustic guitar. Which he eventually did, after being persuaded offstage. He was greeted by a tremendous roar of approval from the Folkie Purist who had ‘won’. Without introducing it, or addressing the crowd, Dylan played one accoustic song…It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue… then walked off the stage without a word….and never played Newport again.

Okay. I’ll continue the next part of the tale later, with some Wiki notes about the song … its complete lyrics … and a link to an excellent cover by Bonnie Riatt.

To set myself up for the continuation of the Tale, I’m gonna get a coffee re-fill and a super bowl….


Before I forget: Scorsese’s documentary won a Peabody and Grammy. Dylan cooperated for 10 hours of interviews and provided some photos and artifacts from his own archives. No Direction Home is a fine film for anyone who appreciates top-notch documentary film-making. Highly (heh) recommended by Fenwick….


Various snippets from Wiki. Re-paragraphed for ease on the eye; emphasis added.

[It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue] was originally recorded on January 15, 1965 with Dylan’s acoustic guitar and harmonica and William E. Lee’s bass guitar the only instrumentation. The lyrics were heavily influenced by Symbolist poetry and bid farewell to the titular “Baby Blue.” There has been much speculation about the real life identity of “Baby Blue”, with suspects including Joan Baez, David Blue, Paul Clayton, Dylan’s folk music audience, and even Dylan himself.

I tend to dismiss any easy one-to-one ‘equivalency’–e.g. “Baby Blue” equals “Joan Baez”–in most of Dylan’s lyrics…or at least as key referents that will somehow ‘unlock’ the meaning of a song. That’s never the way Dylan’s writing operated on me, anyway.

For me, the idea of multiple potential layers of ‘meaning’ is one of the great rewards and subtleties of Dylan’s writing. I personally see Baby Blue as addressed to the folkie purists … and to himself (particularly in the imperatives of the opening and closing lines).

Of course, that interpretation may flow from the meanings the song holds for ME …the ‘soundtrack of your life’ effect: Baby Blue was to me a stricture to firmly close the door at last on a seven-year affair ended by a lover …. and to open a new chapter in my life by joining the Army, which I fully expected to be a career. I was making–so I thought–an irrevocable break with a past life…. and the beginning of striking out in a radically new direction.

“You must leave now…”
“Strike another match, go start anew…”

Fudge. This is turning into exactly the sort of obscure autiobiographical stuff that I was going to avoid. I’m going to put this slice of the Tale on the thread …. then think about where to take this next. (Or even if I should even attempt to take it anywhere…)


To advance the Tale, I’ll add a few more Wiki snippets:

Another interpretation of the song is that it is directed at Dylan’s folk music audience.[8] The song was written at a time when he was moving away from the folk protest movement musically and, as such, can be seen as a farewell to his days as an acoustic guitar-playing protest singer.[4] Dylan’s choice of performing “It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue” as his last acoustic song at the infamous Newport Folk Festival of 1965, after having had his electric set met with boos, is often used as evidence to support this theory.[4] ….

Yet another interpretation is that Dylan is directing the farewell to himself, particularly his acoustic performer self.[5][7][8][9][10] The opening line “You must leave now” can be a command, similar to the line “Go away from my window” that opens “It Ain’t Me, Babe”.[9] But it can also be an imperative, meaning just that it is necessary that you leave.[9] And the song is as much about new beginnings as it is about endings.

For those familiar with Dylan discography:

The track was recorded on the same day Dylan recorded the other three songs on side 2 of the [Bringing It All Back Home] album: “Mr. Tambourine Man”, “Gates of Eden” and “It’s Alright Ma (I’m Only Bleeding)”.[2] However, Dylan had been playing those other songs live for some time, allowing them to evolve before recording of the album commenced.[2] For “It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue”, Dylan wanted to record the song before he became too familiar with it.[2]

For folks not familiar with the body of Dylan’s work, Baby Blue is generally regarded as among the very finest of the hundreds and hundreds of songs he has written over the last half-century:

In a 2005 readers’ poll reported in Mojo, “It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue” was listed as the #10 all time best Bob Dylan song, and a similar poll of artists ranked the song #7.[14] In 2002, Uncut listed it as the #11 all time best Bob Dylan song.[15]

Coming up next: The Lyrics and the Link.


I dare say that I consider Bob Dylan to be a much better songwriter than singer.

The guy’s voice is just patently awful. I’d much rather listen to someone else cover a Bob Dylan song than hear him sing one.


Nice, Fenwick, maybe I’ll have time to read all this when I get to work. Heh.


I know many people have problems listening to Dylan’s singing voice; fortunately, Baby Blue has been covered by many, many performers. I’ve selected a cover by Bonnie Riatt. I very much like her: Bonnie Raitt is not just a chord strummer; she is a top-notch bottleneck slide player…which is a sound I’ve always loved(*). Plus I have had a crush on Bonnie Riatt for years; it’s the Redhead Thing.(**) Also dimples.

(*) especially when bottleneck slide is married with pedal steel guitar. Good sounds for looking at mesas, buttes, canyons, mountains, deserts. I’m gonna have fun building a soundtrack for my 2014 Colorado Plateau journey….

(**) Speaking of redhead fixations, has anybody heard from Spear lately?

Okay. Now I’ll try the Arcane Href Alchemy using OBS’s example, and thereby transmuting the You-Tube link into the Magic of Text! I hope it works!!! (There is no moving video; simply close your eyes and listen to the music and the words.)

It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue

You must leave now, take what you need, you think will last.
But whatever you wish to keep, you better grab it fast,
Yonder stands your orphan with his gun
Crying like a fire in the sun.
Look out the saints are comin’ through
And it’s all over now, Baby Blue.

The highway is for gamblers, better use your sense.
Take what you have gathered from coincidence.
The empty-handed painter from your streets
Is drawing crazy patterns on your sheets.
This sky, too, is folding under you
And it’s all over now, Baby Blue.

All your seasick sailors, they are rowing home.
All your reindeer armies, are all going home.
The lover who just walked out your door
Has taken all his blankets from the floor.
The carpet, too, is moving under you
And it’s all over now, Baby Blue.

Leave your stepping stones behind, something calls for you.
Forget the dead you’ve left, they will not follow you.
The vagabond who’s rapping at your door
Is standing in the clothes that you once wore.
Strike another match, go start anew
And it’s all over now, Baby Blue.


So I’m no long Lazy Fenwick: Not when I’ve put up–what?–six comments overnight. Remember, all this got started w-a-y back when I saw BBBB’s note saying that Pete Seeger had died. One thing led to another. (This has also been a peek into how my synapses fire.)

We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.


The guy’s voice is just patently awful. I’d much rather listen to someone else cover a Bob Dylan song than hear him sing one.

I agree. However, I would pay a billion Quatloons to hear him cover Pink Floyd’s Have a Cigar. There is a possibility it will ignite all the oceans and destroy the earth, but I’m willing to take the risk.


Blogwhoring my take on SOTU.

Worth reading, y’all! (Also, thanx DK-W)


Hmmm that’s different. Well I’m on record as being okay with nym-jacks so wev. For the record, I am not a DeGrassi fan despite having grown up in the actual neighbourhood.


It was a CBC music reviewer that coined the definitive description of Dylan’s singing, saying of his christmas album ( ! ) that it sounded “like a frog with a Dylan caught in its throat.”


I dare say that I consider Bob Dylan to be a much better songwriter than singer.

Songwriting: Genius level
Guitar: Meh. Average
Singing: Absolutely fucking horrible

*Which is not to imply that my singing–which I do often in a band–is a whole lot better, but I at least AIM for the right key. Dylan couldn’t have played in a band if he was tone deaf, but he certainly made no effort to sing like a human person.*


Also: Leonard Cohen is easily Dylan’s equal in songwriting, a better singer and better guitar player. He’s my favorite superhuman songwriter/lyricist/musician/poet.


re: snow in the South

This is a pretty bad situation that I am not going to make fun of. From the pics, they got real snowfall. Probably less than we did here in LEAFS SUCK on our previous snow and we didn’t even notice it but an actual non-zero amount of snow.

That here in Southern Ontario snowfalls like that are such a common occurance that it’s a big meh and a shrug – it is because they are common that we ignore them. Because we deal with it and much worse every winter. But with no plows, drivers who have never seen lane markers covered by snow, what’s a winter tire – it makes sense that a storm like that would be crippling.

Just before Christmas, we got hammered by an Ice Storm, which left hundreds of thousands without power, some of them for over a week. Roads were closed and people were urged to not travel unless absolutely necessary. LEAFS SUCK was pretty crippled. I certainly appreciated that Montreal loudmouths weren’t everywhere pointing out that our Ice Storm was just a wee babby one compared to what they get.


just perusing the thread is giving me a giant sad that i did not watch th sotu…i was instead being a productive citizen and stuffing envelopes and getting a paper cut on the tip of my middle finger which is proving to be a tish painful when typing…but on the upside, i can flip people off while showing them my owie…


Just rain here in Okefenokee land but it’s snowing in Savannah and on St Simons Island. Whacky. It’s still crazy in Atlanta where 40 people slept over in a friend’s office because of the chaos on the roads.


We’re getting snowed on here in the Inland Northwest, but we’re accustomed to that sort of th–HAHAHA no we aren’t. There are like 30 vehicles in the ditches aside our local freeway.

Fucking people. SO DUMB.


Oh, bbkf… time for you to go “HULK SMASH!” on this thread.


But with no plows, drivers who have never seen lane markers covered by snow, what’s a winter tire – it makes sense that a storm like that would be crippling.

I was living in Austin, TX in the early-mid 1980s when we got absolutely hammered by a snowstorm. It dropped several inches (for some reason, 6″ sticks in my mind, but I don’t remember that much snow falling) total (which may or may not have been accumulation), and it had pretty much melted completely away within 24 hours. It took me 5 hours to travel the 7 miles home, and I only got home that quickly because I had chains.

There were a number of factors:

It doesn’t snow much in Austin.

No snowplows. No salt trucks. No salt. The city was, eventually, able to get some dump trucks on the road filled with sand/fine geavel, and a couple of guys with shovels tossing it onto the road. This wasn’t terribly helpful, because they, like everyine else, were trapped in the same massive traffic jam.

Everyone was sent home at the same time. Rush hour on steroids ensued.

Austin has/had lots of bridges (which became icy – no salt, remember?), usually with curves before and after. Also lots of hills (“Hill Country” is a common sobriquet). So lots of places where one can come to grief. I still remember watching a jackknifed semi sliding back down a hill. Fortunately, there was no one behind him.

Locals knew we didn’t know how to drive in the stuff, so were taking it slowly, hampered somewhat by the folks from Up North, who thought they knew, but were the ones having accidents (they were forgetting their experience was on roads properly preoared for snow and ice).

I mentioned I made it home in “only” 5 hours – there was an icy hill that had defeated so many drivers that only one vehicle with chains on at a time was allowed to climb it. I had chains only because of some peculiar circumstances, so was one of the allowed vehicles. Most people didn’t have chains. A lot of people just left their cars and walked home or stayed over somewhere. This also complicated things,


Silly me for thinking it was snowing on the coast just because of dumb people on the intertoobz; not snowing just worrying about snow. Sheesh.


a jackknifed semi sliding back down a hill

Having slid down a hill backwards in a Class 2 flatbed towing a loaded equipment trailer I’ll tell you what; it’s a mighty hopeless feeling.


a jackknifed semi sliding back down a hill

It’s bad when you realize “It’s all up to physics at this point”.


RE: BBBB’s link, the guy who dropped the R bomb on the most esteemed Samantha Bee

Schiff was born in New Haven, Connecticut. His father is Irwin Schiff, a prominent figure in the U.S. tax protester movement, who is currently serving a 13-year sentence for tax evasion in Federal prison.[10][11] Peter Schiff attended Beverly Hills High School in California,[12] and graduated from the University of California, Berkeley in 1987 with a BS in Accounting and Finance.

Silver spooned spawn of a tax dodging criminal. Very qualified to speak about the effects of wages on the economy.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I have to say that I love, LOVE, LOVE Samantha Bee.


I was living in Austin, TX in the early-mid 1980s when we got absolutely hammered by a snowstorm.

Me too. I remember that.

It dropped several inches (for some reason, 6? sticks in my mind, but I don’t remember that much snow falling) total (which may or may not have been accumulation),

As I recall it was closer to three or four inches but my memories from that time are … well, less than clear. I was in outside B2B sales. I, who learned to drive in the snowy Allegheny Mountains made every appt. that day but of course I only met with one prospect. Who was so impressed by my diligence that he bought the deal. I do have a pretty vivid memory of picking my way through the abandoned cars on Lamar as I headed to Dirty Sally’s for an end of the day cocktail.


It’s all up to physics at this point

— strikes me as a phrase that could have many uses and shadings.

What did the doctor tell you about that lump? IAUTPATP
Is that all there is?
Where do you wanna go for lunch?
Uh I don’t think I can *finish*
And how does that make you feel?
(any question or setting works, really.)


And it was early 80s, not later than 83, I should think.


As I recall it was closer to three or four inches

That figure makes much more sense. The big thing was the weather had been cold enough for the snow to stick (for a while, anyway). As I lived in South Austin, my choice of roads to take was limited to the ones that had bridges over the Colorado* River. Which for me, meant IH-35 or Congress Ave. I chose IH-35, along with just about everyone else heading south. I had switched to the frontage road (also along with everyone else), as 35 itself was where the jackknifed semi was.

*For those unfamiliar with Austin: no, different river. Also, it appeared to be a regional thing to call it IH-35, not I-35. Interstate Highway 35, don’cha know.


And it was early 80s, not later than 83, I should think.

Probably 83. That was the year it was so cold. I know it couldn’t have been later than 85, based on where I was working. I tried a quick Gazoogle, but the 80s were so long ago …


Are you really going to eat all that? –IAUTPATP


It’s all up to physics at this point

In an aircraft it’s called “going ballistic”, meaning you have absolutely no control over it at that moment.


Well, in a godless clockwork world, it’s now my answer to everything.


I’m warning you people, I’ll throw you off this fucking balcony. I’ll break you in half, like so many boys. It’s all up to physics at this point, capiche?


I have to say that I love, LOVE, LOVE Samantha Bee.

She is the best


It isn’t loss of control of the vehicle I’m in that is as scary. Knowing I might die because some asshole thinks snow means they should drive faster and cut their braking time is what sucks.

In an aircraft it’s called “going ballistic”, meaning you have absolutely no control over it at that moment.

Describes the action of one’s bowels, I guess?


Describes the action of one’s bowels, I guess?

“First you say it, then you do it.”


Describes the action of one’s bowels, I guess?

The one time it happened to me I had the seat cushion sucked so far up into my bowels nothing could have come out.


My understanding is that one boy is easy to break in half, but try a bundle of them — it cannot be done, my friends.


Schiff said. “I believe in the principles this country was founded on.”

“I’m not going to say that we’re all created equal,”

Ha ha. He believes in the principles the country was founded on except for the one IN THE FIRST SENTENCE OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE.


I was getting a lot of cold air through my brand new living-room windows. These were not cheap, by the way.

They sent a guy out to look at them. I now have a broken living room window, glass on order, and I am (in the words of my father) heating the entire neighborhood.

Oh, and it’s 13 degrees outside.

I’m doing an admirable job of restraining my temper but if these bastards don’t get here soon with some plywood they’re going to see me angry.

You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.


Ha ha. He believes in the principles the country was founded on except for the one IN THE FIRST SENTENCE OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE.

Here, in one sentence, is the root of conservative philosophy. They’ve tried to invent science to prove it, used anecdotal/fabricated stories to support it, and outright said it. It’s pretty fucking scary when you think about it.


You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.

The other definition of “going ballistic”.


I have to say that I love, LOVE, LOVE Samantha Bee.

as do i…as for going smash hulk on the rawstory thread, i think you did a superb job of making the point b^4…i might add my two cents in though…ooooh! i think i just came up with my comment!



this is totes my new favorite thing…


This is NOT the weather for that sort of thing MK. Can you put some plastic over it in the meantime?

We are regretting the decision to leave one of the window units in for the winter. (We didn’t bother removing any of them last winter).

Well, I’m regretting it. The cats love it because the birds like to huddle around the warm air leaking out, and it is in the sewing room where only I go.

Yes, we use window units for A/C. Don’t Judge!


This is NOT the weather for that sort of thing MK. Can you put some plastic over it in the meantime?

They replaced the glass with some type of fiber-board. I just got done mopping up all the water/dirt/mud they tracked on my floors.


You’re very even tempered. I don’t like strange dudes in the place as it is. If a worker left a mess he’d be able to mop up by swinging his hips.


I wanted them out of here before they did any more damage.


Yes, we use window units for A/C. Don’t Judge!

This is my judgey face o_0



I wanted them out of here before they did any more damage.

I know ballistic means having zero control, but try to avoid throwing them through another of the windows. That won’t help your situation at all.

Captain Obvious is obvious.


And it was early 80s, not later than 83, I should think.

yeah…that sounds about right…we were living near dallas then…people just freaked the fuck out even though the snow was literally melting as it hit the ground…as minnesota kids, we were quite entertained by the reaction…


Yes, we use window units for A/C. Don’t Judge!

we also do for our upstairs…so, tsam can show his judgey face ALL THE TIME or he can come here AND PUT SOME VENTWORK IN MY HOUSE…


Oh, bbkf… time for you to go “HULK SMASH!” on this thread.

well, i made a comment, so i guess iautpatp…


tsam can show his judgey face ALL THE TIME

I DO show my judgey face all the time, That’s why all my friends are on the internet.


The wind blew and you got stuck that way.


The wind blew and you got stuck that way.



I DO show my judgey face all the time, That’s why all my friends are on the internet.

okay, fine…i won’t look at your judgey face while you are putting ventwork in my house…because we agreed you were going to do that, right?


ohmygoodness! mom’s asshat husband emailed another missive about edumacation…i has not read it yet and do not intend to…although i’m tempted to post it here…do you wanna see it?


The wind blew and you got stuck that way.




because we agreed you were going to do that, right?

I um…yeah. OK. You won’t be inspecting anything after I’m done, will you?


I um…yeah. OK. You won’t be inspecting anything after I’m done, will you?

just your ass…


just your ass…



You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.

What makes you think you’re liked now? [emoticon goes here]

Made a huge batch of chili for dinner last night. Now enjoying it for lunch. The skillet cornbread is also good. Too.


Damn that Ferrari is fugly.


So those F1 cars go faster than NASCAR cars and turn more than one direction. I can’t believe they don’t kill one or two drivers per race.


So those F1 cars go faster than NASCAR cars and turn more than one direction. I can’t believe they don’t kill one or two drivers per race.

They sure as hell used to. Ok, maybe not once a race but several a season. There was a particularly deadly crash at Monza Italy that killed a driver and 15 spectators.
for more info:


So those F1 cars go faster than NASCAR cars and turn more than one direction. I can’t believe they don’t kill one or two drivers per race.

They go faster, with a tiny engine in comparison — this year they’re moving to a 1.6 liter turbocharged V6, from the former 2.4 liter normally-aspirated V8s that have been in use for about 10 years. Even the 2.4 liter motor was half the size of NASCAR’s big-ol engines. The new V6 is expected to make similar power, and better MPG.

Oh, and to make wingnut jeebus cry — F1 cars are hybrids. They get a 161hp boost for up to 33 seconds per lap from two different kinetic and heat energy recovery systems. One system recovers energy from braking, and the other, newer one, recovers waste heat energy from the turbo and runs it back into the powertrain.

Really cool technology, I expect reliability will be a big issue initially.


Looks like they’ve tapered off pretty sharply in recent years. Still scary as fuck, tho.


Really cool technology, I expect reliability will be a big issue initially.

Is that to reduce fuel stops, or are they trying to conserve energy?


They sure as hell used to. Ok, maybe not once a race but several a season.

Yeah, safety has been improved immensely. Even minor injuries are fairly rare these days, with drivers routinely walking away from crashes that would’ve killed them 15+ years ago.


Really cool technology, I expect reliability will be a big issue initially.

I agree. With the boost levels some of those turbos can produce, it’s almost like they brought the ‘grenade’ engines back.


After Senna and Ratzenburger the sport dove headlong into intensive driver safety measures. Senna was the last fatal crash, I think.


Is that to reduce fuel stops, or are they trying to conserve energy?

No fuel stops at all in F1 anymore, just tire changes that take 2 seconds, believe it or not.

But yeah, they’re trying to be “green” — they must run the whole race on 100kg of fuel (that’s also new this year).


There are major formula changes every ten years or so and F1 decided they needed to update their image. It’s supposed to be the most advanced auto engineering on the planet so they thought it’d be appropriate to go back to turbos and have the hybrid features. The Kinetic Energy Recovery System has been used for several years now. The heat recovery system is brand new.

I don’t recall when no refueling was instituted but for some years now the races are done on a single tank. They still pit for tires but no refueling.

As they are trying to be all relevant and shit* the new formula is really pushing the envelope on max power from the least gas.

* as though anything in F1 is in any way relevant to the real world. Tolerances that require circulating hot oil in the engine before it can even start. Pneumatic valves. Castings made from pure unobtainium. The V8s were rev limited to 18,000 rpm. They were capable of 20 fucking thousand rpm! Carbon fiber brakes (though those do appear on some very expensive road cars now).



That all sounds kind of cool.


Portland is gearing up for the Super Bowl in a most Portlandish way. http://i.imgur.com/msR08TN.jpg


Carbon fiber brakes

We’ve had carbon brakes on aircraft for several years now. They can be a bit touchy.


recovers waste heat energy from the turbo and runs it back into the powertrain

How are they doing that? Turbo-compounding like the engines on a Super Constellation or a DC-7?


How are they doing that? Turbo-compounding like the engines on a Super Constellation or a DC-7?

Here’s an explanation of what Renault is doing. Others will be similar. Here’s a tidbit from that page:

The considerable energy contained in exhaust gases as they exit an engine equates to almost 55 percent of the energy provided by the fuel (see “Energy is never lost…” sidebar). This is a huge loss. In the case of the 2014 power unit, however, the motor-generator unit (MGU-H) mounted on the turbo will permit a proportion of this otherwise wasted thermal energy (eliminated via a ‘waste gate’) to be recovered and converted into electricity. This electricity is then stored in the battery or used by the other motor-generator unit (MGU-K) to drive the car. This system will allow the MGU-K to be used for practically an entire lap. This system is known as ERS-H (Energy Recovery System – Heat).

An ERS-K (Energy Recovery System – Kinetic) twice as powerful as today’s KERS and capable of releasing stored energy for 34 seconds per lap Under braking, the kinetic energy of a racecar is dissipated by the brakes in the form of heat. The regulations allow a proportion of this energy to be transformed into electricity via the MGU-K motor generator unit connected to the crankshaft of the internal combustion engine.


are you boys done talking about your weiners cars yet?


are you boys done talking about your weiners cars yet?

You should go mango hunting for us…


OK – stand back. Rant time !
Why, oh why, do USAians have so many manufactured “Traditions”?
See : Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Superbowl Sunday, Black Friday, Exchange-your-unwanted-Xmas-gifts Day (I forget the name), Valentines Day, Groundhog Day, Pardon-the-turkey Day etc etc etc. And I know there’s more that I am simply forgetting about.
Now I know that most of youse guys know this is simply marketing but you nevertheless buy into the whole schtick. Everything has to be a Thing with Yanks. Sometimes I just don’t understand you at all.

/end rant with a sigh


Why, oh why, do USAians have so many manufactured “Traditions”?

Well, that’s an easy one: Money.


Yeah, I understand that, OBS, but you are going to do it anyway, aren’t you?
I mean, get together with mates to watch a football game with certain “traditional” prescribed foods and drinks on Sunday. I mean – traditions imposed by marketeers shouldn’t count among my intelligent Sadly friends.


You forgot Valentine’s Day 2 Electric Bugaboo aka Swedish Day.


In Japan on Valentine’s Day, women and girls give their boyfriends and husbands chocolate. Candy manufacturers decided to add another day called White Day where the boys return the favor with white chocolate. The US doesn’t have a monpoly on marketing holidays.


Yeah, I understand that, OBS, but you are going to do it anyway, aren’t you?

No, actually. I’m not a sportsball fan, so I couldn’t care less about the Stupor Bowl.


What’s wrong with getting together with mates, drinking rather a lot of beer, watching a game, munching out on fun foods, having a post game orgy …

Just because its marketed one way doesn’t mean we necessarily consume it that way. Sound on the boob tube is off. Homemade goodies to eat. Excellent beers from local microbreweries. I seriously do not think there’s anything wrong with that. As we do with Xmas, we avail ourselves of the good parts and eschew the plastic bulk of it. So the great unwashed masses are suckers – I don’t give a shit about them to begin with.


Nor should you.


As we do with Xmas, we avail ourselves of the good parts and eschew the plastic bulk of it.

Yeah, this. I mean, if I were invited to a Stupor Bowl party (and who knows, maybe I will be) I’d go, drink beer and eat food, and ignore the game just like half the people there would.


I’m partial to the Puppy Bowl myself– a silly piece of counterprogramming that took on a life of its own (and is now getting its own counterprogramming via Hallmark’s Kitten Bowl).

Mostly, friends and I get together, have drinks and snacks of the sorts we like and shoot the shit.


Everything has to be a Thing with Yanks. Sometimes I just don’t understand you at all.

Yeah, you got us there. I don’t know why.


are you boys done talking about your weiners cars yet?

Sorry bbkf. I’ve had a fascination with all things mechanical since a very young age. I used to take my toys apart to see how they worked and I usually managed to put them back together.


I plan to ignore it (not being at all fond of US Football). The only attention I will be paying is if any of my neighbors start yelling – I was wondering if someone was being attacked a couple of weekends ago, until I realized (from the lack of sirens) that it must have been a Game.

Off the top of my head:
January: New Year’s Day, MLK day
February: Valentine’s Day, and I supoose that Superbowl thing, too. I think there’s “President’s Day (formerly Washington’s and Lincoln’s birthdays) too.
March: St Patrick’s Day
April:Tax Day (not celebrated, though)
May: Mother’s Day (actually began as an anti-war observance), possibly school graduations, depending on the schedule, Memorial Day, my family celebrated May Day by going around in the ore-dawn and dropping small baskets of flowers off at friends houses, then going out for breakfast (luxury!) then school if it was a school day
June: Father’s Day (which was an invention of the greeting card people, I think), and the rest if the grads
July: Independence Day
August: ??
September: Labor Day
October: Halloween, Columbus Day
November: Thanksgiving
December: Christmas

Easter’s in there sometime in the spring, of course, and there are also Grandparent’s Day, Administrative Assistant’s Day, Talk Like a Pirate Day, and others I’ve compketely forgotten. All with their associated ad campaigns and designated gifts, etc. because Money, of course. Just about any day I open my newspaper (old fart that I am), there’s probably advertising for some sake ir another associated with some celebration or another.

Next on the books for me – Chinese New Year. I expect fireworks. Not as many as at 12/31, but fireworks, nonetheless.


August: The Emporer’s birthday.


OK, the biggest sports day in SA is probably playing rugby against NZ. I mean, that’s huge. All the restaurants and bars will play the game on the biggest screens they can get and certainly encourage people to come and watch, eat and drink. And I am sure that across the country, there will be some groups of mates getting together to watch. But it’s not mandatory.
I nevertheless take Pup and OBS ‘s point about just enjoying the parts of it that you enjoy and want to do.

/whisper : still find it odd, though.


I’m partial to the Puppy Bowl myself

ha! i’m glad to hear you say this…i am just dying to watch it…keyboard cat at half-time!!!

suez, you do make a good point…i think it’s mostly consumerism and trying to outdo the joneses…me, the only holiday i truly celebrate in my heart of hearts is vaffeledagen…because, mmmmmmmm….waffles…

also, obs…i will go mango hunting WHEN I AM DAMN GOOD AND READY!


/whisper : still find it odd, though.

also, i think part of it is the usa’s incessant need for everything to be about me! me! me! and we celebrate our exceptionalism by creating a holiday for everyone!!!


huh…guess i killed the thread…now it’s autpatp…


Thanks, bbkf. Pondering it’s autpatp.


Pondering it’s autpatp.

Apparently I spawned a new catch-phrase earlier:

It’s All Up To Physics At This Point


So my Prius is alot like a Formula One car, which explains why I’ve been so much sexier since 2007.

I was super-stressed today. Had to take my wife to the airport. Warmer weather today, but still cold. The car starts getting a slow flat — I noticed serious flattage upon picking up the wife. No way I could drive 40 mins. on that pressure.

Nearest gas station has an air pump, but it’s labeled “OUT OF ORDER” because apparently those hoses freeze up. The wife ran into this earlier in the month, and said no, we can probably unfreeze that hose (if it’s still really frozen) by sticking the nozzle in our exhaust pipe briefly. A gas station dude showed her how, recently.

But the fucking station had locked down the pump. You couldn’t put money in it.

I gauged our travel time and decided fuck it, I’m gonna put that fix-a-flat stuff in this tire. Quicker option than coercing the Mobil staff (who were super busy, god knows why, outside Oconomowoc, WI) to unlock the air pump, and besides, what if the tire just went flat again too soon?

So I buy a bottle of the stuff for $7.50 and put it in the tire. Not enough! I buy another bottle — still noticeably saggy. WTF? Is it just a ripoff, or ineffective at 15 fahrenheit?

In any case, I got the wife to her super-important flight on time, but the whole experience sucked balls. I coulda throttled an innocent bystander. I really didn’t want to put that stuff in my tire, but having done so, I would have preferred better results.


CRA, do you have a spare? I always keep a full-sized spare in the car, and I always use a cruciform lug wrench, because the tire iron just doesn’t cut it if you have to remove lug nuts put on with an impact gun.

Get that flat off, baby!


I always use a cruciform lug wrench

My wife had a flat on her Audi station wagon a while back. She was close to home so I brought my 2-foot-long 1/2″ drive breaker bar. Snapped it in half. Went and bought another one – broke the socket this time.

I’ve never seen a set of lugs put on so tight. Had to get the car towed on a flatbed because it’s All Wheel Drive.


Emperor too.


BBBB — my spare is not the full-sized kind.

Even if it was, you can imagine my temptation to get to the airport then worry about a real fix later.

Major — do you suppose some jackass with a power tool over-tightened those nuts?

I am dependent on these people, ugh.


I don’t drive all that much — my mileage on the paid-off Prius is below what you might expect — so I suppose the real spare hasn’t occured to me. I have used the fake spare, once.


We’ve had carbon brakes on aircraft for several years now. They can be a bit touchy.

This last weekend was the Daytona 24 Hours. At one point they were talking about the tech in the Prototype cars and the subject of the carbon brakes came up. Tommy Kendall recalled his first time using them and the fact that when cold you got nothing when you hit the brakes then all of a sudden WHAM! You stop in a big hurry — “the sweat would fly off your face and hit your visor.”


I used to take my toys apart to see how they worked and I usually managed to put them back together.

You do that to JUST ONE PET and you never hear the end of it.


And so the night shift arrives.

Night shift.

Adjective and noun? Noun and verb?

Ain’t it just like the night to play tricks when you’re trying to be so quiet?


Makes me wonder if Buckley owned a couple Pete Seeger records and put them on when he recounted his off-shore pot smoking adventures:



Shorter: Seeger was Roosevelt’s Leni Riefenstahl, the architect of the Gulag, and a minor chord away from being a Dixie Chick.


Also, Obama gave Jonah a sad but Jonah can’t remember, and/or is too tired to remember, why.

“I’ll leave it to others to fact-check the thing. There were more than a few statements that struck me as the sort of thing that wouldn’t bear up well under close scrutiny — particularly on Iran’s nuclear program, women’s pay, and domestic energy — but I’m too tired to do the scrutinizing now.”



Major — do you suppose some jackass with a power tool over-tightened those nuts?

Big time. I’d had the aluminum wheels refinished (a lot cheaper than replacing them) and the shop badly over-tightened them.

I had the dealer loosen them all and tighten to factory spec.


Also, Obama gave Jonah a sad but Jonah can’t remember, and/or is too tired to remember, why.

oh, ffs! could the man be any fricking lazier?! not only is he not even mailing it in anymore, he went home when he was halfway to the mailbox…


Virgin Ben:

The only rationale for getting married on the Grammys en masse would be either attention-seeking or spite toward Americans with traditional values, or both. Neither of these rationales scream “love,” “commitment” or “societal building block.”

First, ITS ALWAYS PROJECTION. Also he goes on to get beaten by the straw man he set up.


Portland is gearing up for the Super Bowl in a most Portlandish way. http://i.imgur.com/msR08TN.jpg

See, you guys just know how to do stuff. Strippers, football, Xbox. That’s just doing shit properly.


It’s the version of the Wicker Man where the virgin builds the man, climbs inside and torches it off. Triumphantly.


Strippers, football, Xbox

And meat!


Virgin Ben:

creepiest. dude. ever. if that scowling picture of him doesn’t scream ‘serial killer’ i don’t know what does…also, too, since you didn’t provide a link, i kagoozled virgin ben…did not go to icky town hall link and went to joe my god instead…quite the wittay crew over there!

i saw on the fb this morning that a christian singer who was nominated for some grammys walked out of the ceremony…presumably over the marriage thing…i didn’t bother to read the story…lots and lots of peopel ‘liked’ that she did that…i wonder, does she also walk out on or away from people and situations where other sins are occurring?


are you boys done talking about your weiners cars yet?



i saw on the fb this morning that a christian singer who was nominated for some grammys walked out of the ceremony…presumably over the marriage thing

K Bye


Why, oh why, do USAians have so many manufactured “Traditions”?
See : Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Superbowl Sunday, Black Friday, Exchange-your-unwanted-Xmas-gifts Day (I forget the name), Valentines Day, Groundhog Day, Pardon-the-turkey Day etc etc etc. And I know there’s more that I am simply forgetting about.

It’s a marketing ORGY. Americans have this very very strange need to blend in with traditions and customs. It’s downright scary. One thing I hate about conservatives is their creepy fascination with tradition and the past.

Now I know that most of youse guys know this is simply marketing but you nevertheless buy into the whole schtick. Everything has to be a Thing with Yanks. Sometimes I just don’t understand you at all.

We don’t understand us either, but most of us find our own little satisfactions in Xmas and Thanksgiving and the Stupor Bowl, etc…I find it a good excuse to hang out with friends and family and do something besides fix some fucking thing or build something or do fucking yardwork or some other soul crushing bullshit that is also an American “thing” that I find completely and utterly fucking DUMB.

Shorter: Hellifino–just how we roll.


We don’t understand us either, but most of us find our own little satisfactions in Xmas and Thanksgiving and the Stupor Bowl, etc…I find it a good excuse to hang out with friends and family and do something besides fix some fucking thing or build something or do fucking yardwork or some other soul crushing bullshit that is also an American “thing” that I find completely and utterly fucking DUMB.

Shorter: Hellifino–just how we roll.

so well put, tsam…i also find these occasions an excuse for drinking…


“I’ll leave it to others to fact-check the thing. There were more than a few statements that struck me as the sort of thing that wouldn’t bear up well under close scrutiny — particularly on Iran’s nuclear program, women’s pay, and domestic energy — but I’m too tired to do the scrutinizing now.”

This sack of farts has a fucking intern and this is the best he can do.

But as a sponge to soak up wingnut dollars, he’ll do as well as any other lazy know-nothing.


Speaking of Joemygod, http://joemygod.blogspot.com/2014/01/ex-gay-group-if-you-hook-up-at-our.html

The Restored Hope Network, which arose from the ashes of Exodus International, will hold its annual convention in Portland, Oregon during the last weekend in June just in case anybody was planning on attending gay pride. And should you totally by accident find your mouth on a cock during your late night wanderings around the host hotel? No refund!

Imma hafta put grindr on my fone to watch the hijinks.


i saw on the fb this morning that a christian singer who was nominated for some grammys walked out of the ceremony…presumably over the marriage thing

oooh, i have since found out that it could have been: 1)the beyonce jay-z sex show 2) the katy perry demon fest 3) the marriage thing or 4)just general disgust and annoyance at the ‘deliberately designed’ entirety of the grammys which was to offend as many christians as possible*…

*and of course the christians on the site that i read this on whined and whined that THEY are not allowed to say ANYTHING that might offend non-christians but EVERYONE can feel free to offend christians ALL THE TIME…


I give you that most rare of rarities, a living Darwin award nominee: BALLS.


“I’ll leave it to others to fact-check the thing




so well put, tsam…i also find these occasions an excuse for drinking…

That’s RIGHT! The point is you find something entertaining and cathartic in sharing these things with people you love. Everything else on this planet is work, which is necessary, but these things are every bit as necessary as the work.


Speaking of Joemygod, http://joemygod.blogspot.com/2014/01/ex-gay-group-if-you-hook-up-at-our.html

I went to the link. I assume Joe didn’t mess with the logo? Because it looks kinda like a guy taking a piss. It could just be me, of course.


There are several interpretations of that logo in the comments. At least one mentioned a cross taking a piss, which is what I saw when I first looked at it.


“I’ll leave it to others to fact-check the thing. There were more than a few statements that struck me as the sort of thing that wouldn’t bear up well under close scrutiny — particularly on Iran’s nuclear program, women’s pay, and domestic energy — but I’m too tired to do the scrutinizing now.”

This sack of farts has a fucking intern and this is the best he can do.

But as a sponge to soak up wingnut dollars, he’ll do as well as any other lazy know-nothing.

I think you have it. I’d like to make a tweak, though:

and this is the best he can most he can be bothered to do.


“I’ll leave it to others to fact-check the thing. There were more than a few statements that struck me as the sort of thing that wouldn’t bear up well under close scrutiny — particularly on Iran’s nuclear program, women’s pay, and domestic energy — but I’m too tired to do the scrutinizing now.” — Jonah Goldberg

But remember, folks, Jonah does not want you to dismiss his book Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change without reading it carefully, even though everything you need to know about it is in the title.


There are several interpretations of that logo in the comments. At least one mentioned a cross taking a piss, which is what I saw when I first looked at it.

I’m not alone, then. I’ll have to go back and read the rest of the comments, then – I only read the top few.


This sack of farts has a fucking intern and this is the best he can do.

I assume he hired his own intern. And given he brings the same attention to detail he exhibits in his writing process to the hiring process, what the hell would you expect. The only difference is now there’s two people in the room who wouldn’t know well researched journalism and a well constructed argument if they teamed up and stole both their lunch money.


teamed up and stole both their lunch money.

Make sure it’s done in the Salt Lake School District. According to a post I read at CPP’s place, if it turns out you don’t have money in your account to pay for the school lunch you just got (the only time the system will tell you the account balance), they’re under orders to take the child’s lunch away, throw it out (probably in the child’s presence with as many other people around as possible to make sure the experience is as bad as possibke), and give the child milk and a piece of fruit.

Because nothing says “fiscal responsibility” quite like wasting food, and giving out extra (though they’re probably charging the tossed food and the milk and fruit to the delinquent account). And we’ll not even begin to discuss what that hippy librul Jesus guy might have said about it.


And we’ll not even begin to discuss what that hippy librul Jesus guy might have said about it. … though I’m sure that Smith grifter would be fine with it.


How much are these shitty lunches they’re feeding kids? $3.00/day?

Whoever decided to do that needs to fucking die. So does anyone who complied with their orders.

Taking food away from a hungry child is a capital offense under tsam law. Letting a kid go hungry while watching all the other kids eat is cruel and disgusting.

IF this story is true, I’d like the opportunity to explain to the people behind this bullshit the error of their ways. In person. Alone.


IF this story is true, I’d like the opportunity to explain to the people behind this bullshit the error of their ways. In person. Alone.



“This can be easily prevented,” Olsen said. “We need to make sure proper notification goes out to the parents and they have time to put money in the accounts.”

But Olsen said he would not describe the tactic as a mistake.

“If students were humiliated and upset,” Olsen said, “that’s very unfortunate and not what we wanted to happen.”

I see my original assessment was correct. I need to junkpunch this fuck, like, HARD.



A person who made a career of education had no idea that a child would be humiliated and upset over having his/her lunch taken away…

Somebody is in the wrong line of work. I’d suggest looking into a career in wingnut welfare.


But remember, folks, Jonah does not want you to dismiss his book Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change without reading it carefully, even though everything you need to know about it is in the title.

Sane Person: “Jonah, your book Liberal Fascism is a fact free bundle of toilet paper that has earned you a spot in the Dumbshit Hall of Fame.”

Jonah: “Whaaaaa? Did you even read the book?”

Sane Person: “No, I’ll leave that to others. I’m too tired.”

Jonah: “Very well.”

Is that how you all imagine that conversation going?


One of the weird things about the President pardoning one turkey every year is it implies all the other turkeys are criminals on death row. What sins could a turkey commit?


“If students were humiliated and upset,” Olsen said, “that’s very unfortunate and not what we wanted to happen.”

out of all the shitty shitstains, i think this guy and whoever comprises his crew are the shittiest of the shitstains…times infinity…


What sins could a turkey commit?

The turkeys I hung out with when I was younger committed all manner of crimes. Mostly vandalism and being dry when cooked improperly.


I always wondered how they chose which turkey would be pardoned. One that shares the same political values as the prez? The one who made the biggest campaign contribution? WHY WON’T THEY TELL US?


I went to the link. I assume Joe didn’t mess with the logo? Because it looks kinda like a guy taking a piss. It could just be me, of course.

a triumphant guy taking a piss…

this is the best comment:

Only Jesus can fuck them in the ass now. And Jesus is pushing rope.


I always wondered how they chose which turkey would be pardoned. One that shares the same political values as the prez? The one who made the biggest campaign contribution? WHY WON’T THEY TELL US?

any turkey that survived this*, of course…

*warning: loud gobbling and crowing about to commence…but the turkeys are mostly quiet…


Sarah Palin: Her DERP has to be represented in scientific notation to make it fit on a page.


Only Jesus can fuck them in the ass now. And Jesus is pushing rope.

Give him three days…


I always wondered how they chose which turkey would be pardoned. One that shares the same political values as the prez? The one who made the biggest campaign contribution? WHY WON’T THEY TELL US?

I assumed that they were hardened criminal turkeys who managed to survive an all-but-sucidal commando raid on a high value enemy target, in exchange for a pardon, a la “The Dirty Dozen”


Give him three days…

but no longer than 4 hours…


hardened criminal turkeys

Lee Marvin and I approve.


survive an all-but-sucidal commando raid parachute drop on a high value enemy target, in exchange for a pardon

Fixed for internet traditionality.


Also too, bonus turkey Ozploitation.


bbkf – Look what I found while rummaging in a closet. http://i.imgur.com/LPv1prK.jpg Don’t know where Teh Ho got it.


Mmmmmmm Olivia Hussey


New post!


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