Frothy Mixtures and Presidential Aspirations
Remember kiddies, if you’re planning on interacting with Santorum, wear protection. Wear ALL the protection you can.
George Will, The Washington Host:
For Santorum, the fight goes on
Obamacare, Obamacare, impeachment fantasy, Obamacare, Obamacare, $@*^ football, Obamacare…
There are moments with the right-wing wurlitzer where it’s more exhausting than anything else. I mean, what else is there to say about their continued attempts to last-minute sabotage a plan they would have cheered 10 years ago?
Yeah, it’s a bunch of anarchist-wannabe whiners unable to cope with the fact that they not only lost but they were fighting on the wrong side of history (oh hai, confederacy revivalists, I didn’t see you there). Yeah, it’s the starkest demonstration that they will fight to the literal death to prevent even the barest amount of improvement in the daily life of actual people. Yeah, it reveals just how little respect these wanna-be fascists have for the whole institution of democracy and how little they can handle basic reality or the notion that actions have consequences. And yeah, buried in there is the meager hope that maybe just maybe the iron grip of these fuckers is slipping and we’re getting really close to putting them behind us and having a brief revolutionary window where we can fix one or two things before the olds and the moderates get scared again.
So yeah, fuck that, let’s watch George Will openly sob into a box of wine instead.
Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):
- Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. Is the gravy train finally stopping? Um, ignore the current predicament, dream of a Reagan to save us in 2016. Uh, who could be our Reagan. Well, there’s… er… him… but… uh… Fuck. It’s goddamn frothy mixture Santorum, isn’t it? Well fuck. Time to break out the cyanide cocktails, gentleman. And bottoms up!
Oh yeah, call me a sadist, because that is doing it for me.
Yeah, George Will, mastered practitioner of pseudo-intellectual obfuscation tactics regarding the inherent nature of the races. In other words, he’s an over-pompous windbag who hides his Klan-esque racist bullshit under a giant cloud of big words and pretenses to scientific authority in order to deceive morons who want to seem intelligent into thinking he’s some sort of moderate or deep thinker.
And here he is, nearly a year after the election, still trying to flog his dead horse and make it a star and apparently in deep denial that it ever had a chance in the first place.
So cue infinite jokes about Will being unable to wash off the Santorum or getting Santorum all over him.
Perhaps Rick Santorum is demonstrating persistence beyond the call of plausibility, but he says that compelling political logic and high duty converge.
Oh, you mean, he has nothing better to do?
Just because you know how to doll up turds in fancy linens and expensive makeups, doesn’t actually mean it’s stopped being fucking bullshit.
Although he has not made a decision about 2016, he candidly says he is doing “everything consistent with running” — traveling to speak to sympathetic groups and donors. His hand is on his sword’s hilt.
It’s 2013. Has this endless theatre of “election horse race” bullshit expanded so far that it’s literally become never-ending?
And the media wonders why it’s increasingly becoming irrelevant in a modern world.
When Santorum entered the fray for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, he drew that sword and threw away the scabbard. The stakes could not, he thought, be higher, so he was in it for the long haul, which ended with the April 3 Wisconsin primary.
Because running for President when you’re running for President is truly the epitome of militaristic bravery. Why those soldiers still stuck in Afghanistan are looking stateside in raw awe at Frothy Mixture’s brave action of not immediately bailing like previous wingnut love icon Rick Perry.
Now the former senator from Pennsylvania, who wound up being the last man standing between Mitt Romney and the nomination, probably needs a new scabbard to toss aside.
Oh, you mean the “technically” last man standing because he was too stupid to accept that he lost to what may very well have been the worst Presidential Nominee in the history of this country.
Yeah, bet it hurt having to stretch that much to paint that as a positive.
With disarmingly cheerful ferocity, he relishes combat in what he calls “a two-front civil war” within the GOP. The party is, he says, in danger of becoming “a one-legged stool.” The “Eastern establishment types” want to saw off the cultural conservatism leg, concentrating on economic issues. The rising libertarian faction, exemplified by Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, wants to saw off the strong foreign policy leg. Furthermore, Santorum says, “Americans are not ready for a dramatic withdrawal of government from their lives” of the sort many tea party types advocate.
Wait… this metaphorical stool started out as a three-legged stool? Um, Ricky Boy, a three-legged stool isn’t actually the fucking ideal, it’s a mere acceptable compromise.
Also, if you cut off one of the legs of this three-legged stool then the stool still falls the fuck over.
But hey, perhaps I shouldn’t judge this metaphor too harshly. It’s remarkable on its own that a sentient mound of cum and shit would be able to talk, much less make coherent metaphors.
This self-described “blue-collar Republican” insists, “We are not the anti-government party.” Government has a role in the creation of jobs for the many “who are not going to college.”
Oh, did the “drown the government in the bath” fantasy lead your party into a dark hole where they are making themselves more and more an object of hate as they refuse to let the government fix even the smallest of problems in fear that it will reveal their philosophy as bankrupt?
Did you want a mulligan on your successes now that you have to reap the harvest of shattering infrastructure and increasingly angry constituents quickly realizing that the government actually fucking does shit?
Aw, too bad, fuckwad. You made this cum and shit sandwich, so now you get to eat it.
Santorum became a senator at age 36, a member of the Republican Senate leadership at 42 and an ex-senator at 48, when in 2006 he lost by 17 points in his bid for a third term.
Muahaha! Yeah and I notice little mention of exactly how he managed to so thoroughly disgrace himself that he was thrown out of politics in disgrace and became an unperson, even out in the wastelands of rural Pennsylvania.
And how the little “google problem” that spawned, may, just may make him kinda unelectable (a fact we are all very very thankful off).
And that’s before we note the additional bits of crazy he’s revealed since then, such as his creepy fetus fetishism while pretending his wife’s choice of abortion somehow isn’t at all hypocritical. Or the way he treats his kids as literal objects to show off his fertility than as real people. Or his horrifying views on everything from the role of women to the humanity of those identified as queer and so on.
There may be a world so utterly fucked up to elect him to high office, but I shudder to even consider it.
In 2011, however, this devout Catholic thought the other candidates for the nomination were perfunctory in their embrace of the social issues — principally, opposition to abortion — so he headed to all 99 Iowa counties.
Yeah, there was that. Of course, the following election revealed that Iowa’s Republican caucus has shrunk to the point that only the true believer fundie nutjobs who wanted a revenge vote against “homosexuals” for so utterly losing the gay marriage debate were left in it.
But hey, take the message to heart that you just need to keep electing the most far-right psychotics you can to end the long nightmare of liberals almost having enough elected officials to think about almost being able to fix things one day.
Each rival had a brief moment as “not Romney”;
Oh hai, self-awareness. Wasn’t expecting to see you here.
Santorum’s moment came, serendipitously, on the eve of the Iowa caucuses. In the first vote tabulation he lost by just eight votes. Sixteen days later, a revised tally showed that he had defeated Romney by 34 votes, 29,839 to 29,805. He believes he might have won the nomination if the first headlines had said “Santorum wins.”
You know, I might have been a little sore about all the annoying old white paeans for the poor young hordes to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and somehow make the country not economically fucked up, but that’s only because those same rich fucks prove so utterly incapable of taking even the slightest amount of responsibility for their far more immense fuckups.
Oh, did you manage to lose the nomination race against someone who was a straight up comic book villain?
Well, it couldn’t be your fault for being just that terrible of an option. Nope, it must be that nasty liberal media not pimping your saggy ass enough.
Just like it was all Dan Savage’s fault you lost your high-paying Senatorial gig or that you’ve become a national joke.
Speaking as someone who hasn’t ever really gotten to enjoy the privilege of being able to make a genuine “my fault” mistake, the way these high-born twits manage to fail through life yet consider themselves aggrieved geniuses just fucking grates against my last nerve in a way that is way too intimate for my consent boundaries.
He won 10 more states, but his campaign essentially ended when he lost by seven points in Wisconsin, where he had hoped to prove he could win where evangelical Christians were relatively thin on the ground.
Well, seeing as how the 27% of Rapture-believing psychotics are quickly becoming the only Republicans left in the party, maybe he’s right that his star is coming any day now.
But I think that’ll be the day that the Republican candidate officially becomes a meaningless afterthought.
Ah, one can only dream.
Looking to 2016, Santorum rightly says Republicans “have got to work on the hopeful and optimistic side” of politics. But he wants to compel a troubling conversation the nation would rather not have.
Well, isn’t that an invitation to a giant anal plug release of Santorum. Well, Will, you’ve set this disgusting show of fail, so go on then, yank the cord and let’s see what you’ve been hard at work creating.
“At any given moment,” wrote George Orwell in 1948, “there is a sort of all-prevailing orthodoxy, a general tacit agreement not to discuss some large and uncomfortable fact.” Today that fact is family disintegration: 41 percent of American children are born to unmarried women, including nearly half of first births, 53 percent of Hispanic children and 72 percent of African American children. In 2015, these facts will be discussed in connection with the 50th anniversary of the Moynihan Report.
In March 1965, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, then a 37-year-old toiling in the Labor Department’s office of policy planning and research, published “The Negro Family: The Case for National Action.” It said that in inner cities “the center of the tangle of pathology” was the fact that 23.6?percent of African American children were born out of wedlock, compared to just 3.07 percent of white children.
Moynihan knew he was handling dynamite — he had only 100 copies printed, all marked “For Official Use Only” — but was stunned by the way discussion was shut down by accusations of “racism” and “blaming the victim.”
Racial sham practices and shadowy intimations that being a single mother is some obvious negative instance in and of itself.
Why, this is so different than the shit you’ve been selling for the last 50 years, Mr. Will, clearly I cannot give you my money fast enough for this aged property!
Sigh, I know you’ve been an old bitter hack all your life, but fuck, at least rewrite the script from time to time. I mean, seriously, you had to roll back your rolodex to the 60s just to find some racist think tank hack to sell a “those people don’t believe in family values, hint hint” dog whistle?
Really?!? After the last 5 years and all the right-wing think tanks on the planet going full bore Klan member? You still needed to go all the way back to some segregationist from the 60s?
There are no words capable of encompassing how utterly you failed here. None except: “2012 Santorum Presidential Campaign”.
Santorum says that if Republicans will not speak for the many millions of voters concerned about social issues, “We’ll be more competitive in states we lose and will lose states we should win,” and “we will become the Whig Party and be done.”
…yeeessssss. That’s what will happen if you don’t go all in on archaic bigotry in raw defiance of the slow march of history. Yup.
Making a point? Who, us? No, you just keep doing what you’re doing. I’m sure it’ll work out great for you.
Before the 2012 Iowa caucuses, he participated in 381 town hall meetings.
Um… I know that things to praise about fucking Rick Santorum are as thin on the ground as the standing pool of gunk left behind, but uh… George?
Going to town hall meetings is a presidential candidate’s job. That’s what they do for work. It isn’t some impressive achievement or some grand display of competence any more than managing to roll out of bed and drag yourself to a job you hate is.
Actually, much less of an impressive task, seeing as how a presidential candidate is doing their work for a hell of a lot more pay and for the hope of achieving a position of a hell of a lot more power than the average schlub just trying to make enough to pay the heating bill this winter.
And hey, maybe you’ve long since forgotten what real work looks like, since you started mailing in your articles a long fucking time ago, but it certainly doesn’t look impressive to all of us who actually have to work for a living. I’m currently working about 6 days a week with 5 jobs and that’s only because I clawed out a day off because a straight 7 day a week schedule was killing me.
Someone showing up for the meetings that their election manager scheduled for them for way more money than I’ll receive in my life in order to try and secure a position as the most powerful person in the country DOES. NOT. IMPRESS.
One can, however, be a novelty only once, and although Santorum is a young-looking 55, in 2016 he will have younger rivals.
And there’s the revelation of gay crush.
At this point, in any conservative puff piece, you can set your watch by the revelation of squishy closeted queer longing.
Furthermore, he may not strike many Republicans as the answer to the party’s problems with female voters and blue states.
… Well that’s putting it mildly. Yes, a psychotic disciple of Gilead who wants to turn women into broodmares, queers into dead people, and America into a theocratic state ala Iran, may, just may be unpopular with all sane members of the Republic.
In the same way that the majority of Americans may be wary of guzzling the concoction that has become synonymous with his name.
Nevertheless, there are gallantry and dignity in his steadfast determination to tack against the prevailing wind.
Two responses:
1) Tacking doesn’t mean sailing full fucking sail into a head-wind you ignorant, wannabe intelligent asshole. Tacking is a means of actually reacting to the wind, turning most of the blunt to the side so that you can essentially zig-zag up a headwind. It’s responsive to the reality of the wind it is facing and must be moved quickly if say “the wind changes” to avoid capsizing completely. Steadfast refusal to believe in wind or that the wind can be fixed by just never adapting or changing to new realities, to borrow the sailing metaphor you butchered, is a recipe for disaster. Much like the current Republican Party.
2) He’s raised up rigid against a hard blow and this makes him “gallant and full of dignity”, eh? And this excites you beyond compare? It is a wonder beyond belief that anyone ever bought that you were straight.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. If Frothy Mixture is the best they can do for 2016, then Republicans better get used to never seeing the inside of the White House outside of the free tours. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
His hand is on his sword’s hilt.
In preparation for seppuku, one hopes.
He believes he might have won the nomination if the first headlines [from Iowa] had said “Santorum wins.”
Sure, and I believe that the Cubs would have won the pennant if Theo Epstein had just brought most of the Red Sox with him.
It’s 2013. Has this endless theatre of “election horse race” bullshit expanded so far that it’s literally become never-ending?
Yes yes yes. Gee-zuzs, yes. I don’t remember it being it quite this bad so early in 2009, but yes.
I just hope Al Sharpton stays the fuck home this time.
For Republicans, it’s either the New Fascism of Ted “Canadian” Cruz, or the Bully Pulpit/East Coast Asswipe stylings of Chris Christie.
Hard choice there.
Sorry to go OT so early, but Notre Dame is barely keeping ahead of Navy. Notre Dame keeps scheduling the service academies to fatten up on them and they’re still blowing it. I guess next year they’ll have to schedule the Coast Guard Academy.
Oh, and sportscasters: A “differential” is the joint in the rear axle of your car. The teams have a four-point difference.
For Republicans, it’s either the New Fascism of Ted “Canadian” Cruz, or the Bully Pulpit/East Coast Asswipe stylings of Chris Christie.
Don’t forget Rand “It Sucks that Some Businesses Don’t Want Negro Customers but Do We Really Need a Law About It”? Paul.
party’s problems with female voters and blue states
Srsly, how long until a “legit” or “plausible” GOP candidate starts w/ the women are draining our manly essences bit? 2020?
steadfast* determination to tack against the prevailing wind
I think he meant Frothy’s steadfastly determined to attack windmills.
*What th’? Is it Victorian Nostalgia Wk.? (Turns out every wk. is for Mr. Will.)
Yeah, dunno which institution is more oppressive but I’m happy to see the Middies giving those mackerel-snapping Papists a run for their money. Money the Papists should have paid in damages to their victims.
O.K., “was” happy.
The fact is, what are you going to do with all the illigitimte black men who have been doing all the crime, making more mixed race babies and being unable or unwilling to support, and “muh dikk” and being in jail and costing taxpayers, and why do we pay them to make more babies and take drugs and shoot?
He wasn’t even the worst presidential nominee in that primary. Which is genuinely terrifying.
Santorum’s running again? Oh pleasepleasepleaseplease let it be true!
“muh dikk”?
In this slough of despond it cheers one to imagine the clown car they’re gonna come up with.
mixed race babies
I never get people’s deal with this. Free country, isn’t it? You want some sort of nanny state intervention to stop people from falling in love with who they fall in love with? Bah.
Santorum has got to be the dumbest major politician in the US today. He gleefully doubles down when he ought to lighten up. He’s the living embodiment of the idea that conservatism cannot fail, it can only be failed. His information bubble is so airtight, he’s in danger of asphyxiation. He’s like a little brown-noser that never in his 48 years of life ever even considered questioning authority.
I never get people’s deal with this.
Almost exact quote from an ancestor: “It’s not fair to the children, they don’t know who they are.” Or “what they are/where they ‘belong’,” depending.
Often prefaced w/ “I don’t care what adults do, but they shouldn’t have children because it’s not fair to the children …” (You know, the reasonable attitude about it, avoiding all that “Aaaaah, white wimmens w/ colored men!!” stuff that makes you sound like a KKK member.)
I don’t get it either.
It’s not just white people who get upset at interracial romance. Sometimes people of color are upset when members of their race date a white person because that means less partners for them. Black women get angry at white women for taking their men, Asian men get angry at white men for taking their women.
Almost exact quote from an ancestor: “It’s not fair to the children, they don’t know who they are.” Or “what they are/where they ‘belong’,” depending.
To all such persons who are so concerned about “the children,” I have two pieces of advice:
1) Don’t treat mixed-race children (nor black, nor any other) with bigotry.
2) Don’t tolerate those who do.
Oh right Dennis. And what’s the big fucking sacred tradition with Air Force?
“I don’t care what adults do, but they shouldn’t have children because it’s not fair to the children …”
They might (gasp) get elected President or something.
And what’s the big fucking sacred tradition with Air Force?
Beware of Mr. Baker.
I suppose the fact that conservative welfare practices – where a single mother could get housing and food for her children but a married mother could not – discriminated against family units might have had an impact back in the 60s, eh?
I have a quibble with your word choice. I’m not sure that Little Ricky Santorum actually qualifies as “sentient.” Also, he’s a crook, and a particularly stupid (and arrogant) one at that. It’s only the fact that he’s a straight white Republican male that’s kept him from being laughed off the stage.
I had time to do another Alien Series drawing today. Here are The Blues.
Christie is a credible threat if he can submit to starring in the same “Compassionate Conservative” con that Bush pulled in 1999-2000.
Other than him, the GOP has nobody. Cruz makes Nixon look wholesome & Santorum has more issues than Reader’s Digest.
I still don’t see how Rmoney managed to beat a guy who carries around his own Lucky Fetus.
And what’s the big fucking sacred tradition with Air Force?
I don’t recall too many.
1. You give your instructor pilot a dollar after your first flight, called your “dollar ride”. This may go back to when barnstormers sold airplane rides for a dollar.
2. You buy your instructor a bottle of liquor after they send you on your first solo flight. Not sure why.
3. After your first solo flight your classmates toss you into a tank of water. Not sure where this one came from either.
4. The officer’s club bar has a bell. If you ring the bell, you buy a round.
5. If you wear your hat into the bar, or if you put your hat on the bar, you buy a round.
6. The crew chief and pilot exchange salutes as you taxi out for a mission.
“His hand is on his sword’s hilt.”
That’s certainly a delightsome euphemism for “he’s been jacking himself off since 2012”. That’s gotta chafe.
This wasn’t about Santorum. This was about Will’s as-yet-announced / but-slyly-just-announced forthcoming magnum opus on how “unwed mothers” have destroyed America’s super superpower. Thus: “In 2015, these facts will be discussed in connection with the 50th anniversary of the Moynihan Report.” The only people in America today who even KNOW there was such a thing as the “Moynihan Report,” let alone who think it worthy of a Golden Jubilee celebration — which there will INEVITABLY be, at Heritage, AEI, Hoover, Hudson, etc. — are tiresome old white windbags like George Will — though you can also be sure John Dilulio, Jr. and Charles Murray and the other Scientific Racists of the conservative wingnutosphere will also be putting in appearances.
And what’s the big fucking sacred tradition with Air Force? This got me thinking about two women I knew that were Vietnam era Chiefs (one a Master Chief) in the Navy. There is an initiation ceremony which has been very much toned down in recent years. Both of them believe the recent changes are wrong because they feel it weakens the authority of the Chiefs. From what I gather it involved being forced to dress up in whatever they tell you too, drink/eat nasty concoctions (one of my friend’s managed to avoid this due to a food allergy), and do silly things. For example, one had to be part of a human cannon on the driveway of the commanding admiral in Brussels (which was on the same street as many diplomats) and yell “boom fucking boom”.
Please make sure to always use the HTML ref tag whenever typing Santorum‘s name on a computer.
(Shift comma)a href=””(shift period)Santorum(shift comma)/a(shift period)
@acrannymint – what you’re referring to there is the Crossing The Line ceremony, a ritual that’s performed by most European navies, all the Anglo-American navies, and a number of commercial merchant fleets as well to mark the first time a sailor (or mariner) crosses the Equator (there are less-common versions for other major lines of longitude and latitude). In it, the sailor goes from being a “Pollywog” to a “Shellback.” There are records of it in the Royal Navy from as far back as the 1600s, and in the 1600s the ceremony was referred to as “ancient.”
George Will only use the non-sequitur because Obama smokes some cigarettes
Conservodouche needs an article…
racist undertones, check.
suffering hero complex, check
irrelevant tangents that take pot shots at undesirables, check
give the reader something to be scared of, check
this shit really works
Sadly Daily: Pennis approval level still 0%
Sadly Daily: Pennis approval level still 0%
And trending negative….
And what do you come here for?
I mean, I don’t spend my spare time trolling RedState or FreeRepublic.
In other words, he’s an over-pompous windbag…
If anyone is capable of being over-pompous, it’s George Will.
Oh boy. Heeeeeeeere we go!
@Dennis @MajorKong @AKA DA®
Yes! Dennis! It’s a crisis of confidence! Obama’s approval rating is crashing! Crashing to 2 points higher than George W. Bush’s approval rating at the exact same point in his presidency! Crashing to 2.5 points lower than the average Gallup daily approval rating for all presidents at the same point in their presidency! In other words! It’s pretty much the same as every president’s! Plus sentient people know that the Gallup dailies are only slightly less important than the Gallup weeklies, which is to say, Not Important! Oh no! How will Obama reverse this tragic crashing of his approval rating?!?
Oh. By just waiting for the next Gallup poll? Hmm. It’s almost as if the daily tracking polls don’t matter at all.
Notre Dame keeps scheduling the service academies to fatten up on them and they’re still blowing it.
Notre Dame continues to play Navy because during World War II, the Navy used the Notre Dame campus as an officer training school, which saved Notre Dame from going out of business. As long as Navy wants to continue the series (which provides a big fat payday every other year when they move the game to NFL stadiums in Baltimore and Washington), the series will continue.
And if Notre Dame schedules service academies to “fatten up” on them, how come SEC schools don’t follow suit?
Nice try, Dennis. But you know, when you cover your eyes, the rest of us can still see you.
Despite your demonstrable lack of knowledge and understanding of how polling works, I’ll pretend you’re actually able to understand the following: daily polling averages are meaningless snapshots of an average of the public’s viewpoint (represented by a sample of about 1,100 people). Inasmuch as the running daily average is incredibly noisy, the most any reasonable person could say is that the bad news associated with the ACA rollout has caught people’s attention — which one would both expect and hope for, inasmuch as it means people are paying some attention to something.
If you want to pretend to be really sophisticated, you can actually go to the Gallup Presidential Approval website and run the data yourself. I encourage you to look at the Historical Trend tab — you might discover that there’s a quite predictable pattern to presidential approval by quarter that few presidents — Ike, Reagan, and Clinton — ever out-performed.
Obama – 43%
Truman – 37%
Eisenhower – 58%
Kennedy – NA
Johnson – 42%
Nixon – 27%
Ford – NA
Carter – NA
Reagan – 61%
Bush – NA
Clinton – 59%
Bush – 41%
Presidential Average in Quarter 20 – 45.7%
Crashing to 2 points higher than George W. Bush’s approval rating at the exact same point in his presidency!
Obama’s doomed in the next presidential election.
Why don’t you go comment someplace where people give a flying fuck about your stupid ass opinion?
It must be tough being smarter than everyone else is the room. Do people go the other way when they see you coming or look at their watches and claim prior commitments?
The expression is usually sunlight to a vampire, dipstick. Very few vampires in fiction are damaged by any light at all (there are a some, but they’re few and far between). Even then, it would be inaccurate, as the the sunlight rule is far from universal. The idea that vampires are killed by sunlight was introduced in the film Nosferatu, and didn’t exist in fiction or folklore prior to that.
Dennis: wrong on vampires; wrong for America. I’m Spearhafoc, and I approved this message.
*There are some, also too.
Spearhafoc: wrong on grammar; wrong for Canada. I’m Spearhafoc, and I approved this message.
I see we’re supposed to have forgotten how Gallup started suddenly exactly agreeing with Rasmussen in the runup to the last election as well.
It’s not just white people who get upset at interracial romance. Sometimes people of color are upset when members of their race date a white person because that means less partners for them.
You have completely, utterly missed the point of radical critiques of the racist dynamics that can arise within and through interracial relationships.
These are not interchangeable attitudes. One key difference: Only white people are concerned that interracial relationships might erode their privilege.
You know what Churchill said about the “sacred traditions” of the Navy, which are pretty much the same sacred traditions of Notre Dame? Rum, sodomy, and the lash.
You know what Churchill said about the “sacred traditions” of the Navy, which are pretty much the same sacred traditions of Notre Dame? Rum, sodomy, and the lash.
But no cannibalism!
YEEHAW! I love it when there’s a Monty Python reference!
Speaking of…
OMFG! A Quote Falsely Attributed!
BTW, hello from Rochester NY where I am visiting my lil’ sister. Drove up here by myself yesterday, proud of myself I am.
There you go again, Dennis, bringing your butter knife wit to a mental gunfight.
Oh noes, Churchill had a speechwriter, so that doesn’t count. Gosh, I guess that means your hero Ronald Reagan didn’t call the Soviet Union an “Evil Empire” because Tony Dolan wrote that speech, and didn’t honor the 2nd Ranger Battalion on D-Day because Peggy Noonan wrote the “Boys of Pointe du Hoc” speech, and never told Gorbachev to “tear down this wall” because Peter Robinson wrote that speech, and never coined the term, “Reagan Revolution,” because Peggy Noonan wrote that speech, and your other hero George W. Bush never went to war against an “Axis of Evil” because David Frum wrote that speech.
Dennis, in a battle of wits you’re an unarmed man. Ma
Oh, you mean I argue like someone with the capacity for sentient thought? What a nice thing to say. Now run along, little man,and take a break. Sll this Googling must be wearing you out. There must be an episode of “Storage Wars” on “Pawnshop Kings” on right now.
There are radical critiques of the racism that can arise in interracial relationships, but there are also people whining that white people are taking all the good partners.
Even the sock puppets have sock puppets.
over-pompous windbag…
What is the correct level of pompousness for a windbag? AFAF
but there are also people whining that white people are taking all the good partners
Our beauty standards equate whiteness with superiority, virtue, and power, and tend to only value non-white bodies as fetish objects. Whining about “taking all the good partners” occurs in the context of a culture where having a white partner is seen as a status symbol, and internalized racism is a very real psychological burden.
I thought you were making some bullshit false equivalence between that and white anxiety over loss of status.
I apologize if I misread you.
Our beauty standards equate whiteness with superiority, virtue, and power, and tend to only value non-white bodies as fetish objects.
In my case I was just trying to increase the odds of getting a date.
Yeah, I know they aren’t the same. It is a good point that white people are seen as superior partners in our racist society.
Thanks! So uh… you have plans Saturday?
Just trying out Comrade Rutherford’s HTML suggestion:
Best 2012 political headline: “Santorum Surging in Iowa!”
Aw . . . didn’t work. Trying again, this time using apostrophes instead of quote marks around the headline: ‘Santorum Surging in Iowa!’
One more try, with no quotes or apostrophes: Santorum Surging in Iowa!
It keeps directing to “www.spreadingsantorum.xn com 9o0a” . . . any suggestions for what I’m doing wrong?
The http: is missing from the URL.
For Santorum, try:
[Less than]a href=[Greater than]Santorum[Less than]/a[Greater than]
Santorum coming from behind!
It’s an old British naval tradition to miscredit Winston Churchill for a quotation about rum, sodomy and the lash.
Winston Churchill is the British Yogi Berra.
Mrs. JP and I got our food stamps cut as of today. Thank you, Uncle Sam.
The fact is, if your food stamps are cut, maybe you should get a job.
New sad one up.
The fact is, if your food stamps are cut, maybe you should get a job.
I guess if there are plenty of jobs to go around Obama must be doing a great job with the economy.
So which is it? You can’t have it both ways.
And when you get a job and it doesn’t pay enough to keep you from needing food stamps you’re supposed to suck it up because you’re lucky to have a job in these times.
And when you get a job and it doesn’t pay enough to keep you from needing food stamps you’re supposed to suck it up because you’re lucky to have a job in these times.
Nevertheless, there are gallantry and dignity in his steadfast determination to tack against the prevailing wind.
whew! thank goodness for gallantry and dignity! they’re even better than bootstraps…
Just think. I could have passed my days without the image of Frothy’s hand on his “sword hilt” befouling my synapses.
Just think. I could have passed my days without the image of Frothy’s hand on his “sword hilt” befouling my synapses.
i wonder if g.w. did a little ‘tee-hee’ when he typed in that evocative turn of phrase…
Needs moar recipe.
steadfast* determination to tack against the prevailing wind
*What th’? Is it Victorian Nostalgia Wk.? (Turns out every wk. is for Mr. Will.)
I was hoping for “stalwart”. But Will seems to be aiming more for Napoleonic naval-war nostalgia, as if he recently watched “Captain & Commander”.
Spearhafoc, who is not a nymjacker said,
November 4, 2013 at 1:27
My god, it’s full of stars.
There are radical critiques of the racism that can arise in interracial relationships, but there are also people whining that white people are taking all the good partners.
Hm, I know this doesn’t apply universally but in my experience with reading the diatribes (not really whining per se) in the Jewish and Black communities about dating shiksas/honkies that the anger is directed at the community member (not the outsider) for rejecting their ethnic identity by seeking a lover or marriage partner outside of the community–and yes, I realize that it’s a free country but some people take it as some sort of personal rejection. See also the perception by the black community of mixed race persons’ identities, such as in THE BOONDOCKS where the formation of mixed race identity is seen as a way to evade, avoid, or abnegate a Black identity. See also every book talking about how intermarriage will mean the end of the Jewish race and Jewish identity not to mention Judaism itself.
Btw, I see the people making these arguments as ur-conservatives, if not Republican voters although some of them THINK of themselves as revolutionary lefty types.
The GOP is really dumb… they should be an easy pick for anybody with a paranoid, everyone’s rejecting me so I’d better reject them first born loser’s personality, but they got so caught up in white identity politics in their quest to snooker the dumber elements of the white working class and the hella stupid and mean white bourgeoisie that they scare off anyone not in the white/Christian/straight/male/has-a-decent-job demographic.
To which I say: ha hawww.
Don’t know if the Sadlies have heard of Kurt Schlichter, legal bozo, he wrote a column slamming the kiddies for voting Obama:
“You Millenials voted for Obama by a margin of 28 percent, which will make it a lot easier for me to accept the benefits you will be paying for.”
Some of the young-fogey sniveling:
“I have been told that being hard on you Millennials will turn you against conservatism, that I should offer you a positive, hopeful message that avoids the touchy problem of your manifest stupidity.
No. There’s no sugar-coating it – your votes for Democrats have ensured that you are the first generation in American history that will fail to exceed what their parents attained. Embracing liberalism was a stupid thing to do, done for the stupidest of reasons, and I will now let you subsidize my affluent lifestyle without a shred of guilt.
I’m a 48 year old trial lawyer living on the coast in California – I should have “Hope and Change” tattooed on my glutes. I’d have an excuse to be lib-curious, but you Millennials? Why do you support an ideology that pillages you to pay-off Democrat constituencies? Your time in the indoctrination factories of academia trained you in a form of “critical thinking” that is neither. Somehow, you came to embrace the bizarre notion that conservatives are psychotic Jesus freaks who want to Footloosisze America into a land of mandatory Sunday school and no dancing.”
Even ends it with:
“Thanks again, suckers. Now get off my lawn.”
For those of you using the [Less than]a href=[Greater than]Santorum[Less than]/a[Greater than] to denote Santorum, I have a text file with that text all laid out. So whenever I need to enter Santorum‘s name in a comment, I simply open that text file, which is titled appropriately ‘Santorum‘, and cut and paste the Santorum text into the comment.
I urge you all to consider using this href tag whenever you mention Santorum‘s name. This will help Santorum‘s election campaign NOT.
I’m still having problems with the amount of cognitive dissonance needed by modern Rightists to be “anarchist wannabe whiners” & simultaneously send Sex Police into people’s bedrooms to prevent teh sodomy. Yes, look it up on teh Google, “Frothy Mix” Rick did advocate in Senatorial debates that police enter people’s bedrooms and arrest those practicing anal or getting blow jobs. I’m sure the subtext was that it’s okay for married Christian couples and only the gheys should actually be rounded up and jailed.
Didn’t “Crazy Cooch” Cucinelli just lose the Va. Governor’s race because he was too reactionary on social issues to get women’s votes? Little Ricky Santorum was primarily obsessed with gay sex during his entire political career, the clearest red flag for a closet case. I wonder if having a last name like “Coochy Nellie” triggered Crazy Cooch’s obsession as well.
So in 2013, his hand is on his sword hilt.
But a year earlier in 2012, he threw the scabbard away.