Don’t Sample the Product, Dummy!
Memo to morons: The “kids today” aren’t cheering you on, they’re cheering your impending deaths and the day we actually can affect some positive fucking change in the world.
Chriss Street, American Wishful Thinking:
Times Are A-Changin’ for Conservatives
It’s been absolutely fascinating to watch the wingnut brigade rip each other apart these days.
I’ve been noting with some haughty bemusement just how resistant the conservative horde has been to even the barest personal responsibility for just how thoroughly they have tried to destroy the country in the name of punishing “liberals”.
The notion that there are actually consequences for literally running on destroying a president and preventing anything positive being done during a Second Depression or for pissing on every group but an ever shrinking pool of rich white heteronormative men, is so appalling to them that they are quickly spinning around trying to point to anyone who walks past as the “real culprit”.
And it has also been amazing to see the proud faces of those who have tried to invent “Tea Party” as something “new” and “nascent” and proof that conservatism is on the rise blanch and stiffen to the Old Guard bigots being only too happy to give them full credit for the latest self-fail of the Republican Party.
And of course, being creatures wholly incapable of accepting any reality that is anything short of adulatory, it has led only to a deranged version of the bargaining phase of grief.
For example:
Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):
- Nuh uh, the kids totally love us for trying to destroy them repeatedly and they’re going to swarm in and save our decrepit ancient asses from ever having to change and I’ll fight to the death against any meanie head wingnut who doesn’t share this delusion.
My proof of this is that this generation is more liberal than the guy we’ve decided is Super Stalin, the fact that the bullshit we’ve been selling to the public in a last bid to shutdown Obamacare has been claiming to do so in the name of those pesky youth, and lastly and most importantly, the fact that youth have been a force for transformative change in the past. QED, permanent Republican Majority, motherfuckers!
Hee hee, wingnuts are so cute when they are too coked out on the product they are selling to actually bother with the “selling it” phase.
Many conservative writers become so emotionally traumatized when presented with the growing evidence that liberalism’s grasp on America’s youth is shrinking, they revert to denial and name calling.
A) “Revert”? Yeah, uh huh, sure, that’s the tactic of last resort all right.
B) Heh. But before I guffaw into unending laughter, let me give the poor bastard this. Yes, I imagine that there are a number of conservative writers who are traumatized by the very notion that those filthy young whippersnappers could be politically aligned with them.
Conservatism these days is wholly defined by violent physical revulsion to the notion of sharing one’s country with the growing hordes of “undesirables”. The idea that our systems of justice and aid could ever do a single thing to ease the lives of queers, non-white people, women who dare think differently than their husbands or fathers have beaten into them, and, of course, those uppity children who ever dared leave their household in the first place.
It’s a large part of their current problems. After so many years of carefully targeting various minorities and shaming them for being “lesser” and not worth keeping in “Real America”, it has been humbling to realize that all those minorities are becoming a strong majority that is only becoming stronger every time conservatives go out of their way to antagonize and demonize them.
That being said, though…
C) BWAHAHAHA! Oh my aching sides. Yeah, asshole, the kids these days are just aching to belong to the Archaic Fossil Party. I mean, there’s so much to like. Such as the way the conservatives have blocked any attempt to fix Great Depression II: Electric Boogaloo, so that kids can have a chance at actually building a fucking life with the huge amount of education and skillsets they have to offer. Or maybe the way modern capitalism has only given them endless consensual oral sex instead of an endless parade of bullshit and disappointment. Or maybe the way that their close friends have been targeted and demonized by bitter old bigots and how they’ve been targeted for daring to stand up for said friends.
Hey, maybe it was all the posts during the past 6 years ranting about how us filthy young ‘uns needed to be taught a lesson and were ignorant sluts who were easily swayed by the first black face to wander past. Or the number of legislation attempts to literally punish the “youth vote” for daring to cross those who still personally remember Segregation fondly.
Or the way you’ve prevented political reality from catching up with social reality for decades, despite the best efforts of the “young” to try and change something, anything for the better.
Yeah, sorry douchebag, but that ship of willful delusion sailed so fucking long ago, it’s already returning, it’s deck overladen with stolen goods and the bitter remnants of attempted genocide.
An especially virulent outbreak of this malady overwhelmed Selwyn Duke upon reading my September 4th article, ‘The Millennial Generation Is Abandoning Liberalism’.
Snrk. BWAH!
The post he’s so protective about actually nearly made it onto the site way back when. I mean, with a title how could I pass it up? But other better fodder came up and it ended up just barely missing the cut until it was already old news.
So thank you Chrissssssssss, for giving me this opportunity to belatedly do this:
Shorter Wingnut Fantasy
- Hey guys, what’s the average age of our movement again? (Eyes Widen)… Fuuuuuuuuuuucck.
Since Mr. Duke published his manifesto, “It’s the Liberalism, Stupid”, he regularly trumpets as settled science to conservatives his theory that “there has been a consistent, but accelerating, degeneration ever since” the Founding Fathers established the Republic. But when a conservative rejects two hundred years of American Exceptionalism, he accepts confinement in liberalism intellectual house of straw.
… You know, I always suspected that when wingnuts claimed “American Exceptionalism”, they meant, “MAGIC!” but I’ve never been lucky enough to encounter a wingnut dumb enough to admit it before now. So thank you, Ironically Named Website for lowering the bar once more for my benefit.
While Selwyn Duke tells conservatives to denounce the rising independence of Millennials as “our latest movement toward idiocracy;” I celebrate Millennials’ move to the middle as a remarkably positive shift toward political sanity.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that Chrissy. I bet if you keep repeating it, maybe one day you’ll believe it yourself.
But who knows? Maybe he’s on to something. Maybe there is an undercurrent of deep moderation in modern youth, a willingness to extend one’s hand across the aisle and accept the nutjob old bigots who may very well be their abusive drunken fathers as wise truth-tellers soothsaying the grim reality of our blackity black overlords.
Let’s look to his carefully gathered evidence.
On September 4th, the United States Senate was expected to quickly approve President Obama’s request to use military force in Syria. According to the 2011 Congressional Research Service publication “Declarations of War and Authorizations for the Use of Military Force, Historical Background and Legal Implications,” Congress granted all 11 Presidential requests for a declaration of war and all 11 Presidential requests for authorization to use of military force. But despite capturing 61% of the votes of Millennials in the last election, only 12% of Millennials supported President Obama’s request to use force in Syria.
Of Millennials being more liberal than the man you keep trying to paint as the Icepick Vanguard of our Trotskyist Dystopia.
Great job!
Also, heh on all the desperate attempts by wingnuts to co-opt liberals being disappointed in Obama not being liberal enough as proof that everyone is just as angry as they are that Obama isn’t revealing his long-form vault-sealed super-secret childhood decoder ring version of his elementary school immunization records that will prove he’s an Antichrist Mulsim from the Zulu Nation.
Facing overwhelming opposition from the key demographic that delivered his election victory, Obama became the first president in the history of the nation to be forced to withdraw a Congressional request to use force.
Which is why this same demographic will clearly be aching to join up with the movement and party that feels like military force should be used for everything, from paper cuts to hangnails.
The Obama Administration assumed going into the October 1st government shutdown,
Why hello oddly passive phrasing of shutdown, whatever could you be doing here? Did your daddy throw you out of the house again?
It’s okay, little one, he’ll come around and accept you as his son someday.
a large number of the 72 million Millennials could be mobilized through social media to surround the Capitol and clog Congressional phone lines in defense of ObamaCare.
Um, yeah, no. As much as you want to pretend your 101st Hoverund Patrol had Obama on the ropes, ready to completely override existing laws in a weeping embrace of wingnut temper tantrums, it really didn’t.
Obama didn’t need to do anything other than hang back and watch you demonstrate before the prized “low information” voters just how stupid you all really were and hope upon hope that there were enough survival instinct remnant in your faux-anarchist club to prevent a complete immolation.
But this turned into a very difficult sell after a National Center for Public Policy Research study revealed that single, childless Americans between the ages of 18 and 34 could save at least $500 by opting out of Obamacare and paying the $95 individual mandate penalty.
Proof that the kids are abandoning health care? Why, we really want to pretend that the kids don’t want no stinking health care, because it would be convenient for our propaganda. Therefore it’s true!
Circular reasoning? Bah, circular reasoning is for pansies! Real men go straight to shoving their face in the raw product and inhaling until everything goes white.
According to FreedomWorks,
And… fail.
I don’t know what you were going to say, but instant fail.
a website followed by 6 million Millennials:
Oh wingnut math, will you ever cease to be amusing as fuck?
“It’s a social injustice to draft young, healthy Americans into a coercive program where they are expected to pay more money to get less coverage, all in the name of subsidizing people older and richer than they are. If ObamaCare is so effective, why does it have to be mandatory? After more than a week of the shutdown the only mobilized groups coming out in size are the Tea Parties, who oppose ObamaCare.
We are selling as hard as we can, why won’t you ignorant fucks buy it?!?
Mr. Duke does acknowledge “Millennials may have soured on Obama somewhat,
Because DC moderate is about 3 levels of conservative behind what 20-something moderate is? Yeah, fancy that.
but this reflects cynicism more than conservatism.”
Oh. Oh fuck. Did I just… agree with Selwyn fucking Duke on something?
I think I’m going to be sick
Given that cynicism is the belief individuals are motivated by self-interest,
*Lift head from toilet* The what now?
Um… no. Cynicism is the belief that shit is going to suck. That people are going to let you down. That things won’t change. Things are always going to feel like shit or get worse or change so utterly little that it’ll feel your whole life that you’re pushing a boulder up a hill while fuckers keep trying to jump on top of it as if it was a fucking ride.
It’s the learned response to a world where Republicans have so fucked everything that our nation’s youth have literally grown up being told on every level that everything is broke and there isn’t anything we can do to fix it until all the assholes die so hope you like waiting forever.
I mean, yeah, maybe you could interpret it as the “belief that people will act in their own self-interest” but only if you were ready to admit just how much the Randian bullshit of the last 3 decades has completely fucked this country and frankly, I don’t think you have that ounce of truth in you.
the Founding Fathers were all for that.
Yeah. Didn’t. Fucking. Think. So.
The Declaration of Independence states: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Yes, you’re right. I can also see the invisible ink saying “So, if you were born after Reagan’s presidency, enjoy entering a world stacked against you from the word go.” It all makes so much sense now…
Um, apropos of nothing, what was in this cigarette you handed me?
Prior to the American Revolution, individuals had no rights as the collectivist subjects of the king.
You thought we were stretching shit when we tried to equate socialism with fascism?
Fuck, you ain’t seen nothing yet, socialism is now feudalism, bitches!
Up is down, black is white, and cats aren’t cute little harbingers of death and pain.
Selwyn Duke blames Millennials’ cynical attitudes on the “feckless, morally-confused adults in their homes, schools, government, houses of worship and elsewhere” that have let them down.
Yes, clearly it is blah blah blah dog whistle about “urban upbringings”, “single mothers”, and not enough family values infiltrating our bedrooms as little frightened tykes.
Couldn’t be that we’ve inherited the world that’s been fucked over by 3 uninterrupted decades of continuous conservative “victories”. That we’re trying to survive in the economy you created with the safety nets you created, coming from the education systems you created, with the debt systems you created, with the access to medical and psychological resources you created, and living under the presidents and political climates you created.
Nope, that would involve actually accepting the consequences of your little self-serving spree and Bob knows, we can’t have that.
The Founders’ generation had much in common with today’s Millennials,
Uh… huh… go on.
since the majority were similar in age; Marquis de Lafayette and James Monroe were 18, Gilbert Stuart and Aaron Burr were 20, Alexander Hamilton was 21, Betsy Ross was 24 and James Madison was 25.
That’s how it works. The young are always the poor bastards who drive the revolutionary spirit, the ones most willing to rail against the system and attempt to change it for the better. Largely because the young are the ones with the most liberal notions of freedom, benefiting as they have from the gains of the past generation in growing up in a world where they can assume an even more liberal utopic dream.
It’s why you endless cheerleaders of the aristocracy hate us so much. Because we are more liberal, because we “upset the natural order, because we actually try and change shit rather than sit and accept the nothing as our daily bread.
It’s also why you fear us so much and why every generation goes through the same bullshit of fearing the next and penning articles about how the kids today have no respect for tradition and are ruining everything.
And it’s why everyone who actually gives a fuck wants to grow up to be the old person still keeping the revolution alive and who doesn’t just take the easy path to being a bitter relic clinging to old battles long since lost.
Undoubtedly, the London newspapers of 1776 used similar epithets to describe moral depravity of the parents, teachers, and ministers that failed to prevent the Founders from rebelling against their Sovereign King.
So what you are admitting is that you and your movement are not the Founding Fathers you cling to, but rather the British and the Tories, telling the damn kids to get off your lawn.
Five years before declaring their independence, the Founders were predominantly the aristocratic progeny of staunch supporters of King George III. They were expected to obediently fly the Union Jack and optimistically look forward to lives as Englishmen. But endless wars, deficit spending and new taxes drove the Founders to cynically reject the venality and vested interests of the British Colonial Office. It has been five years of endless wars, deficit spending and new taxes that are driving Millennials to cynically reject the venality and vested interests of American liberalism.
Masturbation, masturbation. Fanfics are such masturbation.
Bob Dylan heralded the rising political importance of baby boomers when he sang: “Come writers and critics who prophesize with your pen, and keep your eyes wide the chance won’t come again.” The boomers soured on liberalism after experiencing Jimmy Carter and for the next three decades they voted as Reagan conservatives. Millennials are souring on liberalism after experiencing Barack Obama. Conservative writers should open their eyes to this wonderful opportunity, “For the times they are a-changin'”.
*Roll eyes*
Yup, that’s how it worked. All the hippies saw a guy try to fix things and decided to go ape-shit conservative in response. Not that there was actually a split among the kids and the conservative branch that was bitter about the hippies having fun while they were denying themselves joined with the olds and the yuppies to break all the shit.
But you know what? Who the fuck cares?
All the bitter angry whining from sad fucks pissed that they missed out on molesting a hippie chick while they were busy ranting about feminists and niggers?
It’s been the rallying cry of the movement that’s spent the last 33 years creating the world we live in today and we youth? We couldn’t give a fucking shit.
You want to know why we hate you and will never ever support you?
It’s not hippie brainwashing. It’s not liberal teachers or bad pastors or not enough spankings.
It’s that we’ve gotten to experience what you consider an ideal world. We got to grow up in the world you worked your ass off to create. All the “opportunity” and the “freedom” you claimed would set us loose and make everything better.
We got to live through your successes. Grow up under it and not have the nice option of ducking into a safe alcove before hand.
It has been our whole life.
We are the political consequence of you dragging this country as far right as you could.
Which might be why you all need to pretend so hard that we’re going to save you from this quicksand that you got yourself into.
Because you physically can’t handle the personal responsibility for your successes.
Which is a shame, because it leaves you thrashing and confused, wondering why our Wednesday Addams little pigtailed face is just watching you sink down with a creeping smile.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Which reminds me, I need to add Addams Family Values to my Netflix queue before October runs out. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
See, that’s one of the things that continues to chap me about our wholly owned “journalists.” They continue to repeat the chosen narrative of “if we could only be permitted to try these new ideas,” completely ignoring the fact that most of the problems are caused by the implementation of those “new” ideas.
I’m one of the younger boomers, and I’ve noticed that my politics, which haven’t really changed much, are now defined as “far left” when I used to be considered pretty moderate.
I’m one of the younger boomers
“If ObamaCare is so effective, why does it have to be mandatory?”
I’ve read this quote before, elsewhere. Can’t remember where. But it’s hilarious. It’s a lot like asking if Freedom of Speech is such a good thing, why does it have to be in the Constitution?
And, Cerb, I think the following might be slightly more accurate:
I mean, they’re the ones who have been busily dismantling all the anti-Gilded Age measures put in after the last one to make this one, having done as much as they could to destroy the New Deal, the Fair Deal, and the Great Society.
I’m so old, I was able to get an excellent education in the public schools and a college education from a public university that didn’t break me financially (“registration” – they couldn’t call it tuition – cost me about $1,000/year). I’m also old enough that my sibs and I made it through the normal childhood illnesses and misadventures, courtesy of a pediatrician who would make house calls if necessary, and it didn’t break our single-mother finances.
Of course, I’m also old enough to have heard various family members seriously discussing if it was right for a woman to vote contrary to the way she knew her husband was going to vote. Of course, they were Texans.
Just saw an ad sponsored in part by NOM.
What is it with people who define their privilege by what other people can’t do? And fiercely defend said (frequently unearned) privilege as if it was a necessity of life?
It has been five years of endless wars, deficit spending and new taxes that are driving Millennials to cynically reject the venality and vested interests of American liberalism.
History began in January, 2009 for these fucks.
Is it unkind of me that I heard a little bit of Suicidal Tendencies’ “Institutionalized” reading that?
It’s nice to see that they’re suddenly against endless wars, at least until the next GOP administration.
Then it will be back to “You’re either with us or you’re with the terrorists”.
confinement in liberalism intellectual house of straw.
the collectivist subjects of the king.
to describe moral depravity of the parents, teachers, and ministers
Is there a “Write like Pastor Swank” competition at AmThink??
Undoubtedly, the London newspapers of 1776 used similar epithets to describe moral depravity of the parents, teachers, and ministers that failed to prevent the Founders from rebelling against their Sovereign King.
“Undoubtedly”? I guess that’s easier than actual feckin’ research; reading London newspapers is such hard work.
reading London newspapers is such hard work
It can be a bit ftrenuouf.
The long s is easy to get used to. (Will FYWP let it through: ??)
I downloaded the complete works of Sir William Jones from the Internet Archive. The set they scanned was from 1799, and I’ve got to say, I really like the first word or two from the next page printed below the bottom line on the right, to give you a head start while you’re turning the page. A pity that fell out of use.
easy to get used to
If you fay fo.
The kids LIKE US! Now if they’d only pull up their pants and turn down that gangster rap music…
It has been five years of endless wars, deficit spending and new taxes that are driving Millennials to cynically reject the venality and vested interests of American liberalism.
It’s actually 12 years, but who’s counting, amirite?
Also, this crowd he’s talking about is the Rand/Ron “gimme weed and I won’t worry about all the rest of the atrocities you’re committing in the name of free markets” crowd, not the educated younger people.
Also, the Bob Dylan references are LOLOLOL. Reminds me of the Repigs playing “Born in the USA” at their convention and cheering along with it…
liberal nlog
Anything liberal is unlikely to be order nlog, we’re very factorial.
That was for the math geeks.
Wasn’t the message in 2012 all those young people voted for Obama only because of abortions and student loans and insurance till 25 when they should have voted for someone who wouldn’t give them what they wanted because they don’t deserve it?
How do I get dancing badgers for my Android tab?
But despite capturing 61% of the votes of Millennials in the last election, only 12% of Millennials supported President Obama’s request to use force in Syria.
And there’s nothing more left than supporting military engagement!
since the majority were similar in age; Marquis de Lafayette and James Monroe were 18, Gilbert Stuart and Aaron Burr were 20, Alexander Hamilton was 21, Betsy Ross was 24 and James Madison was 25.
Hey, so was I! Once.
Undoubtedly, the London newspapers of 1776 used similar epithets to describe moral depravity of the parents, teachers, and ministers that failed to prevent the Founders from rebelling against their Sovereign King.
If only there were some way to find out! Alas, there is not. PS neener, Smut.
Prior to the American Revolution, individuals had no skeletal structure and were unable to metabolize glucose.
Prior to the American Revolution, individuals had no rights as the collectivist subjects of the king.
Also their mothers were hamsters and their fathers smelt of elderberries.
Prior to the Revolution, there was no Ted Nugent from whom to draw inspiration.
Prior to the Revolution, things never turned around more than 90 degrees.
Yeah, the US Constitution rose up, complete, whole, and unprecedented, from the foreheads of Teh Founders (TM). Nothing like the Magna Carta or English common law existed (to name purely English examples) on which to build.
Muhgawd, these people are ignorant fools.
From Chriss Street’s bio at Huffington Post:
Chriss Street is known for entrepreneurial approach combined with honesty, integrity, and high ethical standards.
Street goes on to describe his inspiring performance as Treasurer of Orange County, but he seems to have forgotten to include a few minor details.
Hmm, Greasemonkey’s on Android…
Snorg, linky no worky. Broke.
I’ll check that out when I get home – on iFone now.
Snorg, linky no worky. Broke.
Which one? Both work for me.
Before becoming county treasurer Street was trustee for the bankrupt Fruehauf truck trailer manufacturing company. He was forced out in mid-2005 by the company’s creditors and subsequently sued by his successor as trustee, Los Angeles money manager Dan Harrow.
By the time the suit came to trial in early 2010, Street was Orange County’s elected treasurer and was seeking re-election. Neiter’s ruling that Street had breached his fiduciary duty to the trust effectively ended Street’s campaign and his political career.
Breach of fiduciary duty, entrepreneurial approach, it’s merely a semantic difference, right?
Who knows more about fiscal restraint than bankrupt people?
In America, fiduciary breaches you.
Yeah, it’s kinda like Dr Moreau being the head of the local PETA chapter.
Icepick Vanguard
Band name?
Yup, Dylan would mos def have supported the Glorious Teatard Shutdown!
Prior to the American Revolution, individuals had no skeletal structure and were unable to metabolize glucose.
Nonsense! Prior to the American Revolution, individuals were vast disembodied brains floating in culture vats.
VCarl: Terrific comment at 6:30 ! Every word matches my experience as an Old Boomerish Dude; I will hit 65 in March. From other conversations here, I suspect that you and I align closely on most political and social issues.
I’m so ancient, I watched MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech live on a flickering black-and-white teevee. I was 14. I got goosebumps listening to it. It formed the North Star in my political / moral firmament. I carried an honest-to-goodness draft card during the Vietnam War. I worked in radio during Watergate and tore the latest bulletins off the AP teleprinter.
Shit, I remember when there actually WAS a moderate wing to the GOP: Dwight Eisenhower, Everett Dirkson, Lowell Wicker, Nelson Rockefeller, John Lindsay, Mark Hatfield, Lincoln Chaffee, Mac Mathias.
Christ, I feel positively ancient sometimes.
I began listening to Dylan in high school; my head is still stuffed full of his lyrics. I recalled the previous verse from memory alone. Indeed, I would cite Dylan as a major influence on my writing; he is a master of imagery, dialogue, and narrative.
Fwiw, I was also considered ‘moderate’ in my 20’s. I’ve become more leftish as I’ve aged–though the definitional window has since shifted far to right–and now I define myself as a socialist on the European model.
I’ve changed some of my politcal views over the last four decades, of course. These have come slowly and incrementally, like turning an ocean liner around. For example, I was only wary and suspicious of the Democratic Party at first. (Hell, I was even a dues-paying member!) But the final triumph of the DLC–and Clinton’s first term–drove me away from the Two-Party system forever … and I’ve been doing whatever I can to undermine it during the last twenty years.
But on the vital values of life–especially political life–I’ve remained remarkably consistent with the views I held as a young man. Indeed, my experience in life has deepened many of them.
The point, I suppose, is that not all Boomers are selfish, racist, low-information assholes. I delight in, and learn from, young people. (Example: I think Chris is one of best commentators here. Where IS he, btw?)
Okay, enough autobiography already. Now you kids get offa my lawn!
Tongue in cheek, I’ll wager….
Wuups! Above is a response to a troll. Never mind! Thanks to the vigilant guardians on patrol….
You know, if we’d just let Republicans run things, like say Rick Scott, there would never be any problems with new systems roll outs.,0,
Another good poll !
As with LBGT rights, as more states approve legalized sweet smoke–and the Whole World Does NOT Collapse–public acceptance will become even larger.
Obama is against it (of course)…and still sends the federal narcs to pursue businesses and users that are in compliance with state law. He won’t even support FDA re-classification!
Well, fuck him with a rusty harpoon.
since the majority were similar in age; Marquis de Lafayette and James Monroe were 18, Gilbert Stuart and Aaron Burr were 20, Alexander Hamilton was 21, Betsy Ross was 24 and James Madison was 25.
Far be it from me to point out the obvious, but wasn’t the average lifespan in the 18th-century something to the tune that James Monroe and Marquis de Lafayette were going through their mid-life crises at the time?
Also there’s this.
And who was President when the US ‘ended welfare as we know it’? Well, the same guy who was President when Glass-Steagall was repealed. And he pushed hard for both policies and signed ’em both.
I’d say you ought to say no the Girl Scout cookies too.
Great, more for me then. Yum……..Samoas……
St Trotsky: Also Ben Franklin wasn’t any spring chicken…
The point is James Madison wasn’t twerking and didn’t have tattoos.
Wow. That Swanson dude has serious adequacy issues. He seems to be utterly convinced he couldn’t possibly succeed if he faced any more than minimal competition.
At least, that’s the way I interpret it. Of course, I also believe that any person who uses another person’s dress, demeanor, state of consciousness, state of inebriation, attitude, location, etc. as a reason for the other person’s rape should be locked securely away and not he allowed out in public without a keeper. They have, after all, admitted they don’t think they have any impulse control or any regard for other people.
The point is James Madison wasn’t twerking and didn’t have tattoos.
Actually, Madison had a copy of the Constitution tattooed on his chest with the words “who’s your daddy?” underneath. There is no record of him ever twerking though.
I don’t want to support lesbianism, I don’t want to support Planned Parenthood and I don’t want to support abortion, and if that be the case I’m not buying Girl Scout cookies.
God damn, I only ever got a stuffed animal for selling.
Now I suppose if you take a big, fat, black magic marker and you say, ‘give me that box,’ and you start marking out all of the references to the Girl Scouts of America on all the boxes then maybe we’re not promoting that organization anymore and I’d be willing to buy it.
Yeah, and write “Jesus” on the boxes so then the money would go straight to GOD. Make sure you push the little girls around some, too… it’s not bullying if you’re savings their SOULS!
There is no record of him ever twerking though.
Dolly was a party ANIMAL.
That’s because he got rid of all the records!
The point is James Madison wasn’t twerking
__[citation needed]__ You can’t prove he wasn’t!!!
There is no record of him ever twerking though.
A quick bit of Miley – Madison photoshopping will soon fix that.
In my Boy Scout days I once volunteered to help out at a Girl Scout camp for two weeks. They were not completely forthcoming when they signed me up, so it wasn’t until I showed up the first day that I found out I was only there to baby sit the small children of the adults running the camp. Still, being an adolescent American male I tried to keep an eye on what the young ladies were doing around the camp. I can’t believe I missed all the Planned Parenthood sanctioned lesbian abortions that must have been going on all around me. Ah, will I ever be that naive again?
I was a Girl Scout once – I joined for the
campinghot lesbian abortions. I never went to a GS camp, so I must have missed out on all the action. The closest I ever came to an anti-religion lecture was when I asked the leader if the part of the promise mentioning God ( … To serve God and my country, …) wasn’t exclusionary, and the leader rather snippily told me atheists didn’t belong in the Girl Scouts.John Hawkins has a — you’ll never guess — LIST!
Et cetera.
This of course explains why the passage of legislation is so darned easy.
There is no record of him ever twerking though.
That’s because he got rid of all the records!
OMG, the burning of the White House was A CONSPIRACY!
The 10 Rules In The Establishment Republican Handbook
5) Communication skills are completely irrelevant
It never ceases to amaze me how THE COUNTRY IS GOING BANKRUPT!!!!! whenever the conservatives are out of power.
But then as soon as the conservatives are in power it’s TAX CUTS NOW!!!! and WE DEMAND WAR!!!!
However, it is considered bad form for liberals to point this out to the lyin’ lunatics.
But then as soon as the conservatives are in power it’s TAX CUTS NOW!!!! and WE DEMAND WAR!!!!
(offer not good during Democratic administrations)
BTW, Ayn Rand was a Cynic? Wow.
An interesting idea:
I am disappoint this had nothing to do with eating Republicans.
*Dances on thread’s grave*
BTW: I am disappoint.
But the T at the site says “I am disappointment,” which could almost be correct, in the “I am legend” or “I am woman” sense.
“I am disappoint” is the pure mangle – accept no substitutes.
Young people are cynical
Cynics are selfish
Republicans are selfish
Young people are Republicans
Sorry I forgot a step in my geometric proof:
The Founding Fathers were once young
Good thing you remembered.
If ObamaCare is so effective, why does it have to be mandatory?
If Social Security is so solvent, why do I have to pay into it?
Street goes on to describe his inspiring performance as Treasurer of Orange County, but he seems to have forgotten to include a few minor details.
So this guy totally fucks up his career in both private and public finance and now is sputtering nonsense on a fifth-rate wingnut website. Great career arc.
If traffic lights are such a good idea, why do I have to stop at them?
ObamaCare is terrible, and the website is so hard to access!
On an unrelated note: the food at this restaurant is terrible and comes in such small portions!
Mike Flannigan asks why the Democrats feel the need to negotiate with a political party that hasn’t enough steam left to close down a hot dog stand.
*Dances on thread’s grave*
I’m not dead yet!
I’m feeling better…
I think I’ll go for a walk.
You shovel the warm soft fresh comforting bullshit you have, not the warm soft fresh comforting bullshit you WISH you had.
“I am disappoint” is the pure mangle – accept no substitutes.
I had actually forgotten the text on the shirt (which I WILL own someday), but, given the propensity I see these days (esp. here in the South) to idiotically drop suffixes, I vote for “I am disappoint in you’re grammar” as a truly improved version.
(esp. here in the South) to idiotically drop suffixes, I vote for “I am disappoint in you’re grammar” as a truly improved version.
You best not be talking against my grammer.
Remember – Obama is weak, ineffective and panicked AND simultaneously a Stalinist Chicago thug and strongman dictator.
Which all reminds me – Michelle Obama hasn’t contacted me yet today to tell me what to wear, eat and drink.
I hate him because Egypt me on my bum-fucking.
Why do vultures appear
every time you’re near?
Why do plants start to die, every time you walk by?
Just like me, they want to be
Away from you!
Mike Flannigan asks why the Democrats feel the need to negotiate with a political party that hasn’t enough steam left to close down a hot dog stand.
I’d say because most of the news media legitimizes the reactionary right by letting them parrot their “he won’t negotiate with us after we let a shutdown happen and threatened default over defunding a law that was passed and upheld by the SCOTUS” bullshit. People believe that kind of bullshit when you put a sniveling teabagger on and let him perform his comedy act.
I think the only reason non-trolls are deleted is to discourage trolls from continuing to post, like cutting out healthy tissue to remove a cancer.
No, it’s not working. Triumph of optimism over realism, I suppose.
Let’s see what’s gonna happen when I don’t post here for a while. Have a Happy Halloween, everyone.
Non-trolls are deleted if they are seen as egging the troll on, or angling for a response from the troll. If the non-troll has a certain history with the troll, the bar for being seen as egging the troll on gets much lower.
Also, if the past is any indication, we’ll be getting a whole lotta nymjacking pretty soon. If someone’s responses seem a little off, remember it could be the troll.
Yes, that’s true, but it certainly doesn’t give the troll anything to crow about. “you’re deleted for responding to me almost as much as I am for being me!” Um, go you! No, really, go.
Yeah, asshole, the kids these days are just aching to belong to the Archaic Fossil Party. I mean, there’s so much to like. Such as the way the conservatives have blocked any attempt to fix Great Depression II: Electric Boogaloo, so that kids can have a chance at actually building a fucking life with the huge amount of education and skillsets they have to offer.
My generation got out of college during the worst economic recession since the 1930s. And here’s what happened next;
Herman Cain told us to blame ourselves for the mess we were saddled with.
Mitt Romney said he’d never get us to take responsibility for our lives anyway.
And Ron Paul said if we couldn’t afford health insurance, we should just die.
I’m not going to say my generation’s crazy about Barack Obama. But I suspect we’ll remember for most of our lives that he wasn’t the one trying to blame us for the crimes that had been inflicted on us or telling us to hurry up and die to decrease the surplus population. I further suspect that we’ll remember exactly who was.
It’s a social injustice to draft young, healthy Americans into a coercive program where they are expected to pay more money to get less coverage
I further suspect my generation will remember that the “coercive program” is what allowed many of us to stay on our parents’ health insurance program for a few much needed years, thus relieving us of one of the worst economic burdens one faces when young and on shaky economic grounds – especially during the worst recession of our time.
As for “more money for less coverage?” It can’t possibly be “less” than the Ron Paul Insurance Plan of “die quickly.”
Prior to the American Revolution, individuals had no rights as the collectivist subjects of the king.
Not exactly the same thing, but there’s a Saint Jim quote from this website a few years back that I saved, addressing a similar comparison between modern liberalism/socialism/communism and King George III (both were the same because “big, centralized government,” apparently) and the claim that the Founding Fathers would’ve opposed both. Because it’s worth the repost:
I think the only reason non-trolls are deleted is to discourage trolls from continuing to post, like cutting out healthy tissue to remove a cancer.
Collateral damage. Sounds like you got caught in the blast radius.
Now, you shoulda actually left that one up- it was so twisted it was thrilling.
For those who missed it, the Big Troll was telling us how we should be thanking him because he drove the Little Troll away. Hilarious.
Forget all that shit!
I shan’t sleep until I know.
“I had a cunning plan …”
Duck says “queck”.
For example, if I suddenly become lucid and non-sarcastic, it is not me!
Far be it from me to point out the obvious, but wasn’t the average lifespan in the 18th-century something to the tune that James Monroe and Marquis de Lafayette were going through their mid-life crises at the time?
I think the meaning has been lost or misconstrued. Someone who made it to 12 as a reasonable healthy kid (say, a child of wealth, like many of the founding daddies) would live to not that much shorter than we live now. It was all the ingrates dying in childbirth skewing the life expectancy.
“I had a cunning plan …”
I am a cunning linguist.
For example, if I suddenly become lucid and non-sarcastic, it is not me!
can’t…parse statement. is it… shake? or… evil?
Also too, if tigris says something really clever and funny, it was actually me, stealing her nym.
“big, centralized government” was about as likely as big, centralized industrial sectors, or Dalek invasions.
Hell. I haz a screwdriver and everything.
Another part of the reason is that Peoria is a world-class dump. Think Flint, MI or Youngstown, OH with the headquarters of a major global corporation plopped in the center.
Sign on the front of a liquor store:
Jesus, Smut, do it already. I could use the boost.
Not even baby’s what? New pair of shoes? Also: requires extremely large values of one.
Baby’s cheese fer buyin da hooch??
No idea.
It’s really to take the heat off store employees. When you see a baby in distress it’s hard not to help it out with a fifth of gin.
I still have one of those TNG remotes, I think.
That’s in the same class as signs offering, say, “Three for .33 cents.” I am always tempted to slap a penny down in payment. It’s just not fair to the kids trying to learn their decimals.
When you see a baby in distress it’s hard not to help it out with a fifth of gin.
It’s the right thing to do. Why should self medicating be limited to adults? Most of our problems are self inflicted.
I remember when I was kid there was a symbol for cents. I rarely see that anymore.
But three for a penny is a good price for whatever that is, unless it’s black licorice, which is an abomination that Jesus hates worse than gay marriage and taxes.
New drawing!
New drawing!
Looks like my cousin Eddie.
I know, right?
And the one that sticks in my mind is hot dogs, which makes it a much better deal than even Costco.
I LOVE HOT DOGS–especially the ones at Costco because they have sauerkraut and that machine that dumps out endless chopped onions and oh my god I WANT ONE NOW>
As for the ¢ sign my keyboard didn’t show it, and I just substituted typing it out. But, yes, the signs I don’t like are usually “.33¢ each”
Option+4 on my Mac—let’s see if WP likes it or not: ¢.
Well, hoodathunkit!
VC beat me to it.
It’s ampersand cent semicolon in html.
Dunno what the fox says. The cat says fiddle I fee.
Feckin fone
ZOMFG I just found out Teh Ho’s brother is firends on Facebook with Don Surber.
Maybe YOU can be friends too!
Just draw a face on your toe, the conversation will be better.
Ooh, with Senor Wences on my hand we could have a three way.
Ooh, with Senor Wences on my hand we could have a three way.
Dear Penthouse Forum,
I never thought I’d be writing to you…
Thanks for reminding me, VC. I looked up the Turkish undotted “i” that I like to use to type “shit” in those prudish comment sections: shıt. Ampersand-pound-305-semicolon.
I don’t know that it’s really any quicker than pulling down the Turkish keyboard, hitting “r” and switching back, though. But if I’m ever on a Windoze machine I’ll have to remember that.
Redbirds looking pretty shaky.
So, there are automated nannies on some comments sections? Wow. What? Disney and K-12s? Some people really lack a sense of proportion.
By the way, I’d really love for John Roberts, Scalia, and their buddies to get some embarrassing and debilitating (but not serious) illness every time they even think about putting on their nifty black robes.
Sciblogs for starters. Oh yeah, on Balloon Juice you can’t say “socialism” because it has “cialis” in the middle and goes straight to the spam filter. So does “shoes”—nobody can figure that one out.
Reminds me of the nanny filters at my former place of employment. R&D, lots of chemists, lots of need for analytical products and services. Though it would have been simplicity itself to go to IT, explain this little quirk, and get that particular part of the filter removed or altered, some of them were shy about asking. Made me wonder, when I heard that.
Hmmmm. That explains a comment I tried to make over there a couple of weeks ago.
Some Commie ad agency needs to get on this. “Remember, Comrades, you can’t spell “socialism” without “Cialis!!”
Of course, you can’t spell “socialized medicine” without “die, old man” either also. QED.
I miss Seb.
Thanks to this site I can never see Surber’s name without thinking of that classic tailpipe photoshop.
Oooh, look, my Redbirds finally scored!
Redbirds looking pretty shaky.
I can’t figure out why the pop fly that dropped between Wainwright and Molina wasn’t ruled an error. Seemed an obvious error to me. (Perhaps it has something to do with the infield fly rules?) If I was scoring there would be FOUR errors by the Cards. Which is mucho sloppy baseball.
Big win for the Saux beating Wainwright; terrific job by Lester to go 7.2. Also the Boston bats have come alive. Tomorrow should be fun with Lackey pitching against the phenominal Micheal Wacha.
Let’s go Red Sox! (Fenwick is an AL-East guy.)
Just sayin’: I think the series goes seven. It’s far from over! Imo, tomorrow is a ‘must-win’ for the Sox. Wacha is THAT good.
I hope Beltran wasn’t seriously injured on that fantastic catch robbing Ortiz of a grand slam. He is such a key part of the Cards offense3.
I have a medical condition that my local health care people cannot figure out, so Monday I drive across the state to visit the Cleveland Clinic. I hope we can get this figured out before Obamacare kicks in in January. Otherwise it might just be the death panel for me.
Well, to me, the fox usually says “No, I don’t want to dance with you. Bugger off!”
So does “shoes”—nobody can figure that one out.
Sbros before shoes?
Jacking the nym.
Remember that priest that tried to hire a hit man to kill his sex abuse victim ? Convicted yesterday. Read the whole thing – his defense was amusing.
Golly, a stale-dated St. jim citation!
Not to mention:
Pretty sure that’s horseshit too – there’ve actually been very few regimes post-Renaissance that gave their proles literally ZERO rights … subjects of British monarchs had the minimal rights given by the Magna Carta, as well as the right to expect protection from other monarchs conquering & enslaving them.
Gotta laugh at the valiant effort to retcon Mad King George as Lenin with a crown (“collectivist subjects”) … I can just imagine what this goober would do with a subject like the Tragedy of The Commons.
It would be a strange world if a child-rapist’s life wasn’t in danger.
If it’s inconvenient to stand your ground then hiring a professional seems reasonable.
For them the analytic task of history is to divide everyone who has gone before into “Good/Agrees with me” and “Bad/Disagrees.”
Anyone who is generally acknowledged to be good must categorically agree with them, which is how you get Fundamentalist Founding Fathers and Republican MLK.
Anyone who is either bad or disagrees is part of an undifferentiated mass of Commie-Fascist-Vegetarianism.
Sometimes the line can seem a little arbitrary. For example:
Susan B. Anthony/Elizabeth Cady Stanton = Phyllis Schlafly
Margaret Sanger = Dr. Mengele
But, you have to make choices in life.
Republican Party = Rosicrucian Party.
Nice to see you back in the S,N! Hot tub, ped. Where the fuck have you been hiding?
For them the analytic task of history is to divide everyone who has gone before into “Good/Agrees with me” and “Bad/Disagrees.”
Or, like David Barton, just make up totally counter factual bullshit to sell to the rubes.
Dinner last night inspired by Daniel Bouloud’s Poulet à l’Estragon. It were fabulous.
That looks like it would be fabulous. I went to a four-course dinner/wine pairing thing last night. OMFG was it delicious. Even more so since I didn’t have to cook, or pay.
Daily Show clip, in which a Republican tells the truth.
It’s cathartic and horrifying at the same time. I need drugs.
Ok, how about THIS link?
Thanks for that. I’ve been avoiding watching TDS since Stewart’s choice of guests to suck off has been so bad (I mean WTF? Krauthammer? Greenspan? O’Reilly?). I actually wish Oliver was back.
This was good though.
Oh dear.
Is there poulet a la Vladimir or would that be a long wait?
That sounds a little fancy for Mickey Dee’s.
The fucking comments! People are so fucking shitty. I hates them.
Once I wrote for a trade mag that did a big feature on Pfizer, maker of Viagra. What a goddamn nightmare it was getting drafts of that article past our e-mail spam filter.
The end of Pup’s link to the trial of the murderous ex-priest is priceless:
Who ya gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?
Tonight it’ll be the bottom round roast I’ve been Sauerbratenizing in the fridge all week. Pennsylvania Dutch style german potato salad. Rotkohl. Maybe I make some rye bread this afternoon.
I just haven’t been foodpr0nning lately is all, thought I’d try to catch up.
Oh dear indeed. I went and read the article, and my takeaway was that Mickey D’s and other low wage employers are enriching themselves (but not their employees) at taxpayer expense. And wouldn’t it be so much better for us if we had that 20:1 pay ratio?
Then I saw the remarks about the comments, so I went back and read them. Holy shit! We didn’t read different articles, because they were referencing things from the article I read. But their takeaway was … gross. I mean, talk about victim blaming! It’s all the fault of the employee (who’s not making a living wage at her full-time permanent job, and raising kids), rather than the extremely profitable corporation, with all its resources. Talk about your two Americas!
I’ve got yer food prOn. I’m doing a picnic for a dozen tomorrow, one of whom is a chef. Wild shrimp vichyssoise garnished w/lemon braised leeks and croutons, romaine salad with guanciale black eyed pea vinaigrette, pears, balsamic braised onion, roquefort and spiced walnuts (Commander’s Palace, whoo hoo! them guys were nuts). Quiches, some Lorraine w/guanciale, others house cured ham and spinach.
A dessert wasn’t requested but I’m thinkin’ about it.
This sort of corporate welfare has been going on for 40 years. We all subsidize those companies so that they can pay them shit wages and sell Big Macs for the same price they were in the 1950s.
Walmart and Wall Street get all the bad press for it, but several thousand other very profitable companies do the same fucking thing, and the states and Washington just keep carrying the load.
Everyone gets mad at Microsoft for charging $99.00 for a complete operating system, while they cram a $3.50 quarter pounder in their pukeholes. WTF?
It’s all the fault of the employee (who’s not making a living wage at her full-time permanent job, and raising kids)
Yeah, wow, where is Junkpuncho when you need him?
Yeah, wow, where is Junkpuncho when you need him?
He’s REALLY busy these days. Congress alone is a full time job.
A dessert wasn’t requested but I’m thinkin’ about it.
Pear clafoutis would be perfect.
I’d thought about various fruit/custard ideas and considered flan because I have some amazing honey, but with the quiches I can’t serve a custard dessert.
The new crop of pecans isn’t in yet or I’d make sables.
While I did buy a superb flat of pears and have ripened them on schedule they’ll be great in the salad.
Oh, the quiches. How about poaching those pears in spiced red wine and garnishing with a bit of fresh thyme and mint? And maybe some chocolate shavings.
I’ve got pears on the brain lately.
Though I’m planning apple tarte Tatin for tonight.
I really lucked out on the pears, they’re perfect.
It’s all happening out in a field and I’m not setting up a poaching station. I’m leaning towards a 60’s bar cookie recipe of my mom’s, layers of dense white cake, nuts and choco chips covered with a browned vanilla meringue.
Oops, kilt it.
why am i still continuously amazed at the wingnut hypocripsy? moar recipes would be helpful to get me through…today marks the son’s golden birthday…i’m feeling old that my baby is 24…but also supremely grateful that i have him to keep me realizing that our younger generation isn’t completely awful…
also, too…i was at a writer’s workshop over the weekend, mostly local/regional writers in attendance…at the end of it i was visiting with an author who i know to be pretty evangelical…she has published a christian children’s book which has been pretty successful on a regional level…she is seriously…and i reiterate: seriously considering writing under a pen name because she is worried that muslims will get pissy about her book (regionally acclaimed) and start either killing family members or herself. needless to say, my gab was flabbered…i told her that she had to own whatever it was she was publishing, or why else should she do it? she thought i was talking about copywright. i really really REALLY wanted to ask her: how would jesus feel about you writing stuff and then hiding from what you wrote; and wouldn’t dying spreading jesus’ word be the ultimate sacrifice? but i didn’t because i had a totally amazing weekend and didn’t want to be a douche…anyway, i’m still amazed that anyone living in a tiny, predominately white city in minnesota would be convinced that muslims are going to kill her or her family over a children’s book she wrote…
oh…and this: my mother, who is dying from some yet undiagnosed hypochodriac disease has to have an another angioplasty, just like last year after her stress test…she and her asshat husband want to get to arizona asap…OMG!!! they have to wait like, a week for the hospital in sioux falls to rearrange some appointments to get her in…want to know why she is convinced she has to wait? OBAMACARE…not that they already had a full schedule…and that other people have lives and maybe need appointments at certain times…nope…damn that obama…
bbkf: I think the phrase you are looking for to describe that author is “unwarranted self-importance”.
“Rich fantasy life” also comes to mind.
What the hell kind of children’s books is she writing? Is she doing the Life of Mohammed with all the characters as pigs printed on pigskin?
Are she writing.
What the hell kind of children’s books is she writing
i is afraid to say…what if the muslims found out that i kinda sorta read some of it?!
Eeek! Muslims!
Let me know when it’s safe to come from under the bed. Good thing I have a wireless connection.
Careful, you might have Muslin bed sheets.
“Rich fantasy life” also comes to mind.
As does “loonytune.”
First they came for Ben Ghazi but I said nothing…
Hey Major Kong: If you still have battery trouble, I found you a new airport car. The best feature is that if your plane breaks down you could just load the cargo into the car and drive it to the destination.
I found you a new airport car.
that is sweet…i drove something similar in high school circa 1982-1984…
OBS, I’m surprised you managed to find a vehicle that gets worse mileage than a 737. I’ll grant you that the cargo capacities are similar.
HEY–my brother had one of those classic super-duper wagons. 77 Ford. FOURFUCKINGTWENTYNINE engine.
One of my fondest memories of my teen years was riding in that thing with my brother. One day some supergenius staged a pile of bark in the street in front of his house, but made the tragic mistake of leaving it uncovered overnight.
Mike backed up the fraggin wagon on the pile, and floored it, sending bark shooting miles down the street.
We were such little assholes but damn that was so funny.
I found you a new airport car.
Cool. Almost too nice for an airport car. Something like that is actually worth preserving.
Heh. My dad had a New Yorker wagon (T&C) of somewhat earlier vintage, a 64 as I recall. He had some connections and went to the factory to watch it being made. It was one of very very few, if not the only one, made with the 426 hemi and six pack. Awesome beast. I don’t recall what kind of mileage it got (dad, being an engineer’s kind of engineer, tracked every drop of gas, oil, etc.) I can remember several times when, on vacation somewhere in the midwest, we would pull in for gas then pull right out because 21¢ was too much to pay for a gallon of gas.
Mental health crisis,34163/
Cars ! Oy !
I drive a Nissan Sentra 1990 model. I use it at most twice a week to go shopping or to the bank etc. Really short trips just because I can no longer walk those few blocks. Got a new battery a few months ago. BUT because it mostly sits in the garage, the battery doesn’t recharge (is that right?). So, like yesterday, every few trips, the battery dies – either it won’t start at all or it dies when I switch off at the shop. I am getting embarrased to ask the garage guy to recharge for me again – this must be the eighth time.
Aaaaargh – no car again this weekend.
You need a battery tender or a trickle charger. It’s a little doodad that is hooked up to your car’s electrical system that allows you to plug the battery in household current. It keeps the battery charged, and in situations like yours, can extend the life of the battery. (batteries don’t like to be completely discharged) For my motorcycle, here in the US, one costs about $40.
For my motorcycle, here in the US, one costs about $40.
Obviously not a genuine Ducati accessory – unless you missed a zero.
You are correct. I assume a Ducati branded one would be half as heavy, twice as fast and ten times as expensive. 🙂
Also have someone check to make sure your car’s charging system is actually working properly. It’s a 5-minute job for a mechanic with an electrical tester.
Have ’em check the battery, too – once it’s discharged too often, it just won’t keep a charge. I look after my sister’s car (the folks’1991 Volvo), and it’s tough for me to remember to drive it often enough. I also had a bad battery, for a while – the shop gave ma a new one free because the old one stopped being able to keep a charge within a year. For a while, Mom had a battery disconnector – something you put on one of the posts to easily disconnect the battery without having to use tools, so the little charges modern cars pull just sitting there don’t draw the battery down. It meant the connection wasn’t as solid, so jouncing along on our local roads sometimes wholly or partially disconnected the battery, and we took it off.
My trusty old Ford Ranger I bought new in ’95 still runs great, probably because it was built in St. Paul. I tell people it’s old enough to vote.
My mom had a really nice ’76 Cadillac Sedan DeVille with a 400 in it, leather seats wide enough to lay across and she was
nicefoolish enough to let me take to the prom. I wanted to see what it would do and buried the needle and it still felt like just cruising down the road. Then my friend with his Electra 455 passed me. I’m glad I survived my yoot.Then my friend with his Electra 455 passed me. I’m glad I survived my yoot.
well at least your car didn’t only drive in reverse…
Oh Jesus fuck.
Got a new battery a few months ago. BUT because it mostly sits in the garage, the battery doesn’t recharge (is that right?). So, like yesterday, every few trips, the battery dies – either it won’t start at all or it dies when I switch off at the shop. I am getting embarrased to ask the garage guy to recharge for me again – this must be the eighth time.
Aaaaargh – no car again this weekend.
If you just got a new battery and it drained within a couple of months of sitting, you have another problem. There’s a closed circuit somewhere–your dome light isn’t on, is it?
Short trips are always a problem for replenishing the charge in your battery each time you start it. You have to give it the best chance. Aside from all the obvious inadequacies—alternator (that was barely adequate to begin with) wearing out, loose and/or slipping alternator belt, bad voltage regulator not charging the battery up to full voltage—there’s one fix that took me years to figure out.
After replacing several voltage regulators on my old Fords, I finally got smart (feel free to slam me on this comment). Screwing a (painted) electrical part to the (painted) sheet metal unibody of the car and using that for the ground return is a miserable idea. I don’t know how they’re still getting away with it. Anyway, I took off the voltage regulator and scored up the back of it and the inner fender underneath till plenty of bare metal was showing, paying special attention to the screw holes, put it back on, and never had any more problems. All the ones I threw away were perfectly good in all probability, just had a bad connection.
I’m glad I survived my yoot.
Fortunately the statute of limitations has run out on the stuff I did back then.
Anyway, I took off the voltage regulator and scored up the back of it and the inner fender underneath till plenty of bare metal was showing, paying special attention to the screw holes, put it back on, and never had any more problems. except for the fender rusting away and falling off.
Srsly, I can’t count the number of times I’ve fixed a problem that was due solely to a bad ground. The engineering term for such is “loose disconnection.”
Tag fail. I blame bbkf.
Oh Jesus fuck.
America’s Campaign to Render the Onion Irrelevant continues.
Nice to see you back in the S,N! Hot tub, ped. Where the fuck have you been hiding?
I started law school – so drinking, mostly. I’ve missed you guys though!
I started law school
– so drinking, mostly.
Even better!
America’s Campaign to Render the Onion Irrelevant continues.
An idea worth discussing: gun owners should have to serve in the National Guard!
churchPENISAn idea worth discussing: gun owners should have to serve in the National Guard!
I’m weighing the poetic justice of this idea vs. the image of George Zimmerman, Ted Nugent, Instapundit, et al in uniforms “patrolling” the states.
Yeah, I’m uncomfortable with the idea too. I don’t want to give gun nuts more time around guns.
Where is even the slightest evidence that Cruz would make nice in this way in order to win the White House? Right now, he’s alienating rich establishment donors. He’s alienating fellow Republicans. He is not exactly a go-along-to-get-along kind of guy. Sure, he wants to be president, but only if he can retain the title that clearly means more to him: President of His Base. Think Ron Paul, not Mitt Romney.
Me, neither. But explicit in that article was the idea of training and screening – as well as the actual “serving in the reserves” part, which would put them in whatever war of choice we happen to be engaged in at the moment. It does put a greater proportion of potential grandstanders and loons too close to people actually interested in serving. Of course, I’d also like to see non-military choices for service, too.
which would put them in whatever war of choice we happen to be engaged in at the moment
Only if we get to use them as cannon-fodder like in the opening scenes of Enemy at the Gates.
An idea worth discussing: gun owners should have to serve in the National Guard!
I still think the Swiss have found the best setup (which is basically like this). Serve your time in the military, stay in the reserves when you’re done, and keep your gun. That’s your background checks, your periodic weapons training, and your gun registration all rolled into one. And what you and your country get for your troubles? Wait for it – “a well regulated militia,” exactly what the Second Amendment says we’re supposed to have and exactly what the NRA and assorted teabangelicals are determined to ensure we never get.
I still think the Swiss have found the best setup
They get to keep the gun but I don’t believe they’re issued ammunition for it except in the event of the reserves being called up.
Otherwise gun ownership in Switzerland is about as tightly regulated as other countries in Western Europe.
As long as there’s a parallel non-military service option for those of us with religious/moral/philosophical objections to violence.
Swiss can’t keep military ordnance at home any more according to wikipedia. Seems to have been some scandal with reservists committing suicide with it. But you can own a hunting rifle w/ appropriate payload.
That’s the thing that really kills me with this NRA crap. Conflating totally legitimate hunting tools with criminal’s weapons with war otaku cosplay equipment with survivalist CT freaks’ arsenals.
shoop & a bad one at that
I did some google mapping to see if I could find the original, no luck yet although Elmhurst, IL was provocative
Search for corner of 2nd st and highland ave, Dixon, Illinois 61021 and view satellite image.
Search for corner of 2nd st and highland ave, Dixon, Illinois 61021 and view satellite image.
That’s not the first big dick to come out of Dixon, IL.,_Illinois#Notable_people
I wish gun hobbists would just get realistic airsoft or paintball guns so they could have their fun posing like action heroes without hurting the rest of us (or themselves). However, I think there are laws against realistic fake guns.
As if we needed it – further proof Mittens is a 12-year-old.
Search for corner of 2nd st and highland ave, Dixon, Illinois 61021 and view satellite image.
Just north of Haymarket Square.
Must mean something.
I’m willing to say that if one is opposed to violence, one does not need a gun. If one is comfortable with shooting someone or something for self defense or hunting, that’s enough comfort with violence to be in the military. If one wanted to serve as a wilderness firefighter or teacher, they certainly should be allowed to keep a shovel and chainsaw or teacher’s edition textbook at home.
Hey, man, those targets DESERVED it.
I put that in because serving in the Swiss military is cumpulsory. I’d be fine with a compulsory service for young adults, provided it included non-military options, things like the CCC, for instance. Also provided the service included an education benefit – not just college, but apprenticeships, trade schools, and so forth. Maybe civics instruction at the end of the service period, on the theory that someone in their early 20s might be a better listener than someone in their early teens.
It would also make the average college freshman a few years older, which I think would help. Maybe more actual studying would occur.
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