My Liberal Brain Can’t Handle THIS Much Personal Responsibility

And there was a thundering of hooves and a clattering of swords, and when the dust cleared, only one remained standing. Her armor dented, but gleaming red in the noon-day sun.

James W. Lucas, American Can We Get a Mulligan, Please?:
Sun Tzu, Ken Cuccinelli, and the “War on Women” Gambit

I’m sorry, is that a title or the next question in a game of “fuck, marry, kill”?

So yeah, guess who has two thumbs and a semi-functional federal government again? The able-bodied members of this country, aw yeah!

So far, my favorite quote of the whole failed douchebag maneuver has to be the quote from Boehner in this article that goes: “Blocking the bipartisan agreement reached today by the members of the Senate will not be a tactic for us.”

Aww, poor baby, did it turn out your brilliant strategy of pouting really hard and demanding to be given the keys to the government break down at the first realization that reality actually exists and there are consequences to being a giant fuckwad?

I so sowwy.

Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):

  • What? Turns out women can vote and we don’t actually have the numbers necessary to win elections entirely on the backs of the 27%. Uhhhh, well, let’s just do the same shit we always do and hope that everything goes back to normal and makes us electorally viable again without having to change. If this keeps happening, I might have to admit that our right-wing insane bullshit actually isn’t as universally applauded as I want to pretend it is and us wingnuts might have to accept some personal responsibility for making it slightly more favorable to elect raw sewage than anyone with an R next to their name… NAH!

Oh, right, this post.

So, yeah, it seems it’s finally starting to dawn on the 27% that despite the endless media attention, no one actually likes them anymore and the gravy train might finally be coming to a halt on people politely putting up with this gang of nihilists and wanna-be fascists that call themselves a political party.

And as expected from the party that has turned Personal Responsibility into an all-purpose weapon to be used on anyone from rape victims to 9/11 survivors, the wingnuts have only been too eager to accept the nasty reputation they have helped earn for conservatism and seek to improve-

Oh who am I kidding?

Maybe we really have fallen through the looking glass.

“But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked.
“Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat: “we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.”
“How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice.
“You must be,” said the Cat, or you wouldn’t have come here.”

Virginia’s highly qualified and able Attorney General, Ken Cuccinelli

That’s the “let’s rape everyone who seeks an abortion, including the rape victims” guy, right?

And the one who has worked his ass off to try and bring back sodomy laws, because nothing says non-police-state like making the bedroom practices of 90% of Americans illegal.

I mean, I don’t want to get him confused with other “highly qualified and able” wingnut worship icons here.

continues to trail shady political hack Terry McAuliffe in recent polls of the Virginia governor’s race.

Yeah, not going to lie, that’s pretty fucking pitiful. I mean, McAuliffe is awful (… I hang my head in shame for that one). Managing to lose against him is like managing to lose to a man suffering from the final stages of leprosy.

You really had to try to lose this one.

The gap consists entirely of women voters, with 53% favoring McAuliffe to 34% for Cuccinelli.

Well, luckily women aren’t allowed to vote and… fuuuuuck, I knew we forgot something.

At least some of that gap comes from McAuliffe’s active use of the “war on women” gambit, which the Democrats developed in the 2012 elections.

Well, you kinda did gift-wrap that shit by declaring war on every woman and homo in the state.

I know you fuckers are deathly allergic to the concept of ever suffering even the tiniest consequence from your brutal attempts to dominate and destroy anyone who isn’t white, male, and heterosexual, but that doesn’t actually make all the nasty “others” disappear into the fog from whence they spawned.

All those people you abuse and denigrate still get to vote when election season comes around and they’ll still remember the guy who tried to stick them in the alleyway.

Did you just assume because you are all amnesics that can’t remember more than 2 minutes into the past that the rest of us would follow suit?

Of course, the whole “war on women” gambit is as phony as Obama’s campaign promise to reduce the deficit (see here and here), but if the Democrats win with it in Virginia, we will be hearing nothing but in 2014. (Not to mention that the Old Dominion will be stuck with an incompetent, job-destroying, tax-raising leftist as governor.)

Gosh, that would be terrible wouldn’t it? I mean, just because you went on one little extended tantrum about punishing those filthy dirty women for daring to elect in the black man and argued that anyone who is on any form of contraception is a slut who deserves to die, suddenly all the liberals get on your tits about it come election season as if it was, yanno, relevant.

I mean, when are you fuckers going to learn that politics are just a game where dominant groups get everything they want, always, and oppressed groups learn to like it if they don’t want to get smacked again?

I mean, you’re acting like a functional democracy means you can actually oust politicians who try and make your life more miserable for…

Hey, that’s not fair. You’re not allowed to do that. Stop! We’ll shutdown the government again if you keep acting like you’re a human being with rights!

Can we counter this newest variation on the Big Lie? Yes, by using one of the stratagems attributed to the ancient Chinese military philosopher, Sun Tzu.

So, by conservative logic, this means you are commie pinko China-lovers who hate America and apple pie, right?

This is to “use the enemy’s strength against him.”

So, the same Rovian tactics you’ve been overusing for at least the last 15 years?

Yeah, you do keep using those.

How have they been working out for you lately?

What’s that, it turns out that while the majority of the public can in fact be fooled, eventually people catch on the bullshit and learn to tune out IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION bullshit, especially when you show just how fucked up your “chosen candidate” is?

Well, how about that?

How could this be applied to defeat the phony “war on women” gambit? Let’s see.

This totally new style is so very NEW and INNOVATIVE. You will just need to see this new model that so isn’t just the old model with a new price tag slapped on the front!

What’s that?

You’re not a complete moron and just because I scream “NEW!” and “EXCITING!”, it doesn’t actually make the same old shit smell any fresher?

Heresy! Kill the capitalism-disbeliever!

We don’t need to change, we just need to shift the marketing strategy and then we’ll all be okay!

Or rather the marketing strategy about the marketing strategy.

Shock and consternations! It turns out putting a bunch of anti-progress authoritarians in charge of updating your political party to survive in the modern day isn’t actually a recipe for necessary radical change.

What is the enemy’s strength? Clearly the leftists’ greatest strength on the issue of life is that decades ago an activist Supreme Court wrote unborn children out of the Constitution. Constitutionalists rightly loathe the Roe v Wade opinion, which rivals Dredd Scott as the worst Supreme Court decision in the nation’s history. Yet it stands, and decades of Republican Supreme Court appointees have not overturned it. For now, why not use it?

The “enemy’s greatest strength” is that we won decades ago and this has all been an extended temper tantrum about that, mostly perpetuated by a bunch of commie-fearing religious crazies willing to sell what remained of their religion’s reputations in order to prolong your death rattle a few more decades worth of terrorism and bloodshed?

Yeah, on that note, how is all that religious approval these days? Doing the Church’s reputation good? Yeah, I thought so.

Here is how it would work in a debate or TV campaign spot

Yeah, let me guess. Blah blah blah DEMONCRAT! ABORTION! BABIEZZZZZZ! Vote Bigot Party!

“My opponent has devoted a huge part of his campaign to false accusations that somehow I am going to outlaw abortion. I am morally opposed to abortion-on-demand. However, in a decision over 40 years ago called Roe v Wade the United States Supreme Court said states could not prohibit most abortion. Now, unlike President Obama and other Democrats such as my opponent, I believe in upholding all the laws, including the ones I believe are wrong. [One inserts here the latest examples of Democrats’ violation of their oaths of office.] Unfortunately, there is nothing a state governor [legislator, member of Congress, etc.] can do to change Roe v Wade.

Therefore, we must ask ourselves, if this issue has already been decided by a Supreme Court decision, why is my opponent spending so much time talking about it? The answer is one simple reason. He is trying to divert attention from the real issues facing us, which are [getting more jobs, helping the economy with lower taxes and regulations, fighting crime, his shady past, etc.]”

Pretty much.

Wait… the part about pretending to actually support that law and accept it as a legal and medically ethical practice instead of pretending that nasty liberals invented it ex nihilo is new…

Wow. The whole War on Women attack on contraception really did a number on your ability to pretend your resistance to abortion is about anything other than the desire to control and dominate women, didn’t it?

About fucking time!

The same approach applies to the even lamer charges that conservatives are out to ban contraception.

Can we call a mulligan on that? Pleaaaaase!

We didn’t realize that you dumb bitches aren’t actually real dolls distracted by shiny objects and…


State laws against the sale of contraceptive items were ruled unconstitutional eight years before Roe v. Wade in a case called Griswold v. Connecticut. When George Stephanopoulos, a Democrat political operative masquerading as a journalist, kept throwing questions about contraception at Republican presidential candidates at a debate in 2012, someone should have simply said, “George, the Supreme Court has settled that as you well know, and no one is proposing to defy the Supreme Court. You are wasting everyone’s time with those questions.”

Yeah, that might’ve been classy.

And if anyone had done that, the wingnuts would have eaten them alive and left their bones to bleach upon the sands for daring to cross the all-holy Rush and his One Inch Scepter of Petulance.

So instead you are here, trying to pretend the last 4 years didn’t happen now that your chosen warriors of the Patriarchy are belatedly realizing that the 19th amendment wasn’t actually repealed.

Good luck with that, by the way.

Of course, this approach will not sway the hardcore leftists.

Denying reality won’t sway those reality-dwelling bastiches?

Does their evil know no bounds?!?

However, it can cut through the Democrat lies which seemed to have unhappily swayed too many moderate and independent women voters.

It’s okay, we’re not sinking. We can still bald-face lie our way through this. We’ll just keep targeting those fucking dipshit low-information voters with our ever-more-transparent bullshit and habit of denying even the most obvious reality. I mean, the media still buys it, so that obviously means the people will follow, right?


… mommy?

This is not a proposal that defenders of the Constitution turn into surrender monkeys on the vital issue of life.



I’m sorry, I know it makes me a complete bitch, but I just can’t help feeling all the schadenfreude over the attempts by the wingnuts to belatedly save their asses and then quickly backtracking as the other wingnuts try and devour them whole for insufficient dedication to the tribe.

They have literally made commitment to self-destruction a requirement for the movement. And to such a degree that even the disingenuous hacks trying to sell bad faith to the liberals are having to bail from their bullshit mid-essay to assure the tribe that they’re still dedicated to riding the raft all the way to the sharp rocks on the bottom.

Which, seeing as how most of their policies these days are specifically about making life for people exactly like me as hard as they can make it… yeah, having a really fucking hard time feeling sorry for the vile bastards.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

However, constitutionalists will have to control the presidency and the Senate for a long time in order to appoint enough truly pro-Constitution Supreme Court justices to reverse this horrendous decision.

Winning elections, pfft, that’s crazy talk! Next you’re going to say that we can’t indefinitely delay the slow march of history and eventually our political climate is going to have to catch up to our social climate.

Many are pursuing “personhood” statutes, but in the end such statutes will still be subject to the Supreme Court. The only sure way to permanently overrule Roe v. Wade and restore respect for life is a constitutional amendment. To enact such an amendment we must first reform the amendment process to enable the states to initiate and enact constitutional amendments without having to go through either Congress or the unworkable and archaic mechanism of a convention.

BWAH! Good luck with that, fuckwads.

And no, I mean, go for it. It’ll be hilarious to see how much blubbering you’ll do when women are voting for Democrats in the same percentages as blacks do.

With that end in view, in the here-and-now let’s use the leftists’ own victories to defeat their “war on women” lies.

We’re not retreating, we’re advancing to Future Victories!

Heh, sorry you dumb fucks, but Sadly, No!

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Apropos of nothing, but do you know what we really need in this country? For the 1/3 of women who have abortions to start standing up and speaking about it. We’d probably have been able to spare a lot of people unnecessary pain and suffering on this issue if we actually made it unmistakably visible the sheer number of people who have personal experience with this legal, medically ethical, and critically important surgical intervention. I know that there is the not at all irrational fear of psychotic terrorists, but as all movements have realized, the terrorism’s point isn’t the violence, so much as the complicit silence afterwards. And if the bigots have done us this big of a favor by shooting themselves in the foot, it’s fucking time to shatter that silence. On that note, my name is Cerberus, and I funded a gay* abortion. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

*My best friend, being poor as fuck, had a condom break and he ended up getting his boyfriend at the time pregnant. I don’t even want to imagine how hellish that experience would have been for that boyfriend if the Republicans had their way. Or if I was unable to send a check their way so they could afford the appointment.


Comments: 392


Oh ho ho ho, conservatives aren’t trying to go up against Griswold. You can get a scrip written. They’ll just refuse to let you pay with it with health insurance and refuse to fill the scrip once you have it. Oh, and if you don’t have health insurance they will shut down the sliding scale women’s clinic where the nurse practitioner would write you a scrip and they’ll ban LNPs from writing bc scrips in the the first place.



Of course, the whole “war on women” gambit is as phony as Obama’s campaign promise to reduce the deficit

So, they admit it:

From the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Updated Budget Projections: Fiscal Years 2013 to 2023

, the budget deficit will shrink this year to $642 billion, CBO estimates, the smallest shortfall since 2008. 

Not phony at all.


 Now, unlike President Obama and other Democrats such as my opponent, I believe in upholding all the laws, including the ones I believe are wrong.

SNERK! Which is why they’re still holding a massive temper tantrum over the settled law (even the Roberts Court upheld it) of the ACA.


Maybe we really have fallen through the looking glass.

Wait, what. Is the confounding of “through the looking-glass” and “down the rabbit hole” a deliberate search for rhetorical novelty, or just some numpty who doesn’t know his Lewis from his Carroll?


Fallen through the looking glass looking glass on the wall in the bathroom please talk free. Who is the fairest one of all?


Can we counter this newest variation on the Big Lie?

Are you ready for what this “new Big Lie” is? Demoncraps and leftsists claim that social conservatives want to ban abortion, but in reality social conservatives want to ban abortion.

Worse, as evidenced in McAuliffe’s latest ad, Demoncraps are saying that social conservatives are ideologically motivated by their religious convictions when in fact social conservatives are actually ideologically motivated by their religious convictions.


Ahem. Canada is too a real country. I wil have you know that a lot of my friends are Canadian.


Notwithstanding the points raised by the skeptics and denialists, Canadians are as mythological as atheists in foxholes and available singles of your gender preference that aren’t deadbeats or jerkoffs. Totes a real thing. Canadians do exist. We do too so!


Anybody else having disqus issues? Roy’s comments crash both my fone browses.


Hey, I’m not your anti-social friend’s “long distance relationship”
I don’t live in a hockey arena or own a bush plane.
And I don’t know Joe from Canada although I’m certain that he’s really polite, aside from that tendency to passive-aggressively rant.

I have a notionally bicameral parliament where the Senate has no power as opposed to a notionally bicameral republic where the Senate has all the power.
I speak English and “high school French”, not ‘Murkan.
And I pronounce it “your mom”, not “ur mum”.

I can proudly trumpet my nationality wherever I go without fear of judgement, but yeah – as if a Camuck would ever.
I prefer peace to peacekeeping and don’t like police actions at all.
Mosaic not melting pot
And the beaver is a noble and proud animal with skin valuable enough to finance the building of a nation.

Canada is the second largest country name ending in “-nada”
The first nation in butter tarts,
And the best part of the world for Canadaphiles.

My pseudonym is Dragon-King Wangchuck and


This is going to be a fun morning. I have have been scintillating scotoma since I woke up. It could be just a weird transient thing that goes away, or it could be the harbinger of a productivity wrecking miserable migraine. Whee!


*experiencing scintillating scotoma


Therefore, we must ask ourselves, if this issue has already been decided by a Supreme Court decision, why is my opponent spending so much time talking about it? The answer is one simple reason. He is trying to divert attention from the real issues facing us, which are [getting more jobs, helping the economy with lower taxes and regulations, fighting crime, his shady past, etc.]“

Ha hrm, seems to me the ACA was decided by the Supreme Court as well.

And yes, haven’t the GOP/Teashites spent SO much time on jobs and security, what with votes to repeal the ACA, restrictions on voting, regulations on women’s health centers, opposing gun registration, opposing a living wage, etc. etc. which might, god forbid, take their time away from re-naming post offices after all.


OK, so what he’s saying is a Republican candidate should say “Stop distracting people with all this abortion talk! Roe v. Wade was settled decades ago, so let’s talk about the economy…and a Constitutional amendment to ban abortion!”

Yeah, that’ll go over well.


(Not to mention that the Old Dominion will be stuck with an incompetent, job-destroying, tax-raising leftist as governor.)

Yeah, all those vaginal wanders are going to lose their jobs!

Clearly the leftists’ greatest strength on the issue of life is that decades ago an activist Supreme Court wrote unborn children out of the Constitution*.

Yeah, they crossed out all the clear references to fetal rights.

Therefore, we must ask ourselves, if this issue has already been decided by a Supreme Court decision, why is my opponent spending so much time talking about it? The answer is one simple reason.

Yeah, your clear statements IN THIS VERY ARTICLE that once you get enough people elected to change the Supreme Court or the “outdated” amendment process* you’re going to work your ass off to make sure it’s overturned. Did you think folks wouldn’t notice that?

*I note in passing the (spurious) claim of originalism then the clear refutation of it.


In addition: YEAH.


Mmm! My hugbox futures are up nearly 700% since Monday.
Good times.

Pere Ubu, from The Place Of Labor

DO dragons even HAVE genders?


I wish to invite badgers to my Nexus so as to avoid the hourly Tom and Jerry show.


Yeah, your clear statements IN THIS VERY ARTICLE that once you get enough people elected to change the Supreme Court or the “outdated” amendment process* you’re going to work your ass off to make sure it’s overturned. Did you think folks wouldn’t notice that?

YEAH! their ineptitude at hatching great plans continues to amaze me…


Mmm! My hugbox futures are up nearly 700% since Monday

is that anything like a squeezebox?


Yes, by using one of the stratagems attributed to the ancient Chinese military philosopher, Sun Tzu.

Actually he was general and his experience came from actual war, not sitting around in his mom’s basement, clad only in her eye makeup converted to camo paint, rolling around on his 50,000 GI Joe dolls and “philosophizing.”

At least some of that gap comes from McAuliffe’s active use of the “war on women” gambit, which the Democrats developed in the 2012 elections.

As recently as that, eh?

I bet these people couldn’t fart properly if you fed them a tin of cold beans.


Canada is the second largest country name ending in “-nada”

OK, you’ve stumped me DKW. The only other place I can think of that ends in “nada” is Encenada, Mexico and it’s not a country.


what about grenada?


I should have known that one. We invaded it. That’s the only way Americans learn geography.


I should have known that one*. We invaded it. That’s the only way Americans learn geography.

ha! that reminds me of a ‘frasier’ bit that i saw last night while on my way to the fx channel…

Martin: What’re you guys talkin’ about?
Frasier: Oh, just our pathetic love lives.
Martin: Well, you know, why don’t you do what my buddies and I used to do when we were young and hard up for dates?
Frasier: Invade Korea?

*also, too i am shocked that i, a geographobe, would know this one…


The Heartland – Real Murka!

It’s like some sort of perfect summation of everything that’s wrong with ‘Murka all in one photo. Charming! I think I’ll print one and frame it.


The Heartland – Real Murka!

American ingenuity…Homo Habilus would be proud…


The Heartland – Real Murka!

o.m.g. i waited on a couple like that this summer…they came in to the club on their anniversary for supper after a hard day of touring the fair circuit…they were both pretty rotund, mid-fifties to early 60s and pulled a trailer behind their vehicle which contained two mobility scooters which they proudly told me they use at the fairgrounds…thought they were quite ingenius…


Charming! I think I’ll print one and frame it.

I think I’ll do the same. It’ll make a nice album CD cover for the one I am making for a co-worker who was quite adamant about paying for one. I finally settled for 5 bucks; a dollar for each member of the band….

And as OBS said “It’s like some sort of perfect summation of everything that’s wrong with ‘Murka all in one photo.”

Pup, where do you find this shit, and have you thought about a tumblr?


Pup, where do you find this shit,

The Internet, duh. :-P. That one I found at, a veritable smorgasboard of WTF though there’s an awful lot of meh there too.


I wish to invite badgers to my Nexus so as to avoid the hourly Tom and Jerry show.

I rate for Tom.


I did have Grenada in mind, but the phrasing comes from from the original, and was also intended as a tribute to Pete in his Mickey Mouse Clubhouse incarnation.


Abortion is murder. Wait, I’m losing? Abortion is the law of the land and I respect the law. Hey, wait, where are you all going?


Good catch, jim the heretical. This blog is more a hugbox than a hot tub.

So what if it is? If I want to have the same arguments over and over again with the same bunch of trolls I’ll go back to Huffington Post.


It’s like some sort of perfect summation of everything that’s wrong with ‘Murka all in one photo. Charming! I think I’ll print one and frame it.

You’re supposed to get it as a tattoo.


OMG! I’ll swear I saw this couple at the Washington State Fair just a few weeks ago.


How could this be applied to defeat the phony “war on women” gambit? Let’s see.

1. On the path your opponent is walking, dig a pit and fill it with starving women.
2. Launch a large women at him from a catapult.
3. Feed your opponent a women. The women is actually full of dynamite.


Teh Ho posted this never gets old link on his fb. I’m putting it here in you haven’t seen it.


I’m getting whiplash just from reading that. I’m not always rational but damn that’s some hard-core doublethink right there. Normally you need a visit to Room 101 at the Ministry of Love to be able to contradict yourself so completely.


from the comments:

The Left is able to
attract women by promising them brute power and wars of domination.
The Left is also promising women to “relieve” them of their maternal
duties, and thus, is directly hurting the family and the children.

well now i’m really pissed…none of you have ever offered to relieve me of my maternal duties…jerks!


It doesn’t take rocket science to outsmart the left. Just put out bizarre accusations about them and let them spend time and money denying the charges. It’s how the ERA amendment went down in flames. The narrative that was floated out there was that if this Amendment was passed, there would no longer be separate bathrooms for men and women. They would all become unisex. Men united in droves to shut down this from happening. It died.


[this bit of indignation is in a sub-thread about abortion, but proves the old adage that it’s always projection]

Please get your facts straight. This is from the VA bill, as passed:

“If gestational age cannot be determined by a transabdominal ultrasound, then the patient undergoing the abortion shall be verbally offered other ultrasound imaging to determine gestational age, which she may refuse.”

It DID NOT require trans-vaginal ultrasound. I can understand how you made this mistake, as the “Media” and its parent Party have pushed this lie since the bill’s inception.

This makes me question some of your other “facts”, as well.

so, let’s agree with ‘go ahead and tells lies to get your own way’ but then get seriously hissy and factual when replying to a comment you’ve mis-read…yep, it’s a regular old brain trust over there…


The Left is able to
attract women by promising them brute power and wars of domination.

Indeed, there is nothing women dig more than brute power and wars of domination. It’s the only explanation for why missiles are penis-shaped.


It DID NOT require trans-vaginal ultrasound. I can understand how you made this mistake, as the “Media” and its parent Party have pushed this lie since the bill’s inception.

It DID require it, they REVISED the bill to the “she may refuse” AFTER the bill got serious push-back and the Governor lost his nerve. link


The Left is able to
attract women by promising them brute power and wars of domination.

I thought that’s what the wingnuts are promising … oh, yeah – IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION – I’d forgotten that for a bit.

The Left is also promising women to “relieve” them of their maternal
duties, and thus, is directly hurting the family and the children.

Are they talking about abortion, in which case, may I remind them that, except for some truly obnoxious control freaks, the men are also anxious to be “relieved” of the much less onerous part of the parenting job they had a significant role in forming?

Or are they admitting that the only job a woman should have is producing and raising children, and the only part of parenting a man should participate in is procreation? Yes, I know that a disturbingly large number of people believe this, but making it explicit doesn’t hurt.


i know it’s the first, last and only thing i think about all day…amirite, ladies?!

It seems that we have many people who only live for abortion(s). My…my. I guess they don’t realize that there is more to life. Electing a corrupt politician so you can have access to abortion is like cutting off your nose to breath bettter.

eh? what war on wimmen you say? no! the conservatives LOVES wimmen…just lookee here:

Nothing will get in the way of the American Feminist’ right to abort children whenever they want.

And do it on government funds, with plenty of support personnel standing by telling them they are doing the right thing.

Fiscal policy, individual rights, foreign policy, nothing else matters except for abortions and free Women’s health care.

Repeal the 19th Amendment.

isn’t their respect and love for women totes obvious?


It DID require it, they REVISED the bill to the “she may refuse” AFTER the bill got serious push-back and the Governor lost his nerve. link

You mean, after people pointed out that what he was requiring was legally defined as “rape with an object?”

Which is why I don’t call him “Governor Ultrasound.” I call him “Governor Rape with an Object.”


It doesn’t take rocket science to outsmart the left. Just put out bizarre accusations about them and let them spend time and money denying the charges. It’s how the ERA amendment went down in flames. The narrative that was floated out there was that if this Amendment was passed, there would no longer be separate bathrooms for men and women. They would all become unisex. Men united in droves to shut down this from happening. It died.

You know, when you can only win by bullshitting dim-bulbs to vote with you, it’s not the left you’re outsmarting.


It seems that we have many people who only live for abortion(s). My…my. I guess they don’t realize that there is more to life. Electing a corrupt politician so you can have access to abortion is like cutting off your nose to breath bettter.

Jesus. Some people care TOO MUCH about being able to decide what to do with their own bodies, and not being forced to do something painful, expensive, and potentially dangerous against their will! How short-sighted of them!


Men united in droves to shut down this from happening.

so just what DO men do in bathrooms that they don’t want women to see?


and not being forced to do something painful, expensive, and potentially dangerous against their will! How short-sighted of them!

not to mention that it also affects another person…oh wait…they’re only persons until they’re born…nvm…


Nothing will get in the way of the American Feminist’ right to abort children whenever they want.

Actually, the forced childbirth folks have been pretty successful at getting in the way. Personally, I feel that abortions should be legal, and easily available, at any stage of pregnancy. First, because it’s her body, and it’s the woman who psys the physical, emotional, and (usually) financial costs of pregnancy. Second, because children are too impirtant to be callously used as weapons to punish women.

Repeal the 19th Amendment

And now we get to the real source of their anger. Women thinking we’re actual people, with actual rights and stuff.


so just what DO men do in bathrooms that they don’t want women to see?

Obviously they don’t know about the cameras we’ve installed in men’s rooms, and the monitors in ladies’. Which leads me to answer, “not washing their hands.”


Obviously they don’t know about the cameras we’ve installed in men’s rooms, and the monitors in ladies’. Which leads me to answer, “not washing their hands.”

In case some guys were wondering, the bathrooms with the monitors are the ones with the combined “icks” and uproarious laughter. The ones that haven’t been properly insulated for sound, yet, anyway.


Obviously they don’t know about the cameras we’ve installed in men’s rooms, and the monitors in ladies’. Which leads me to answer, “not washing their hands.”

or shaking it more than once…and also, too…do men realize that women would really not use the same bathroom as them?


Not without shoe covers. I mean SHEESH, learn to aim!


I mean SHEESH, learn to aim!

ewwww…the supper club i work at has the world’s worstly shaped urinal…i swear it actually deflects the pee and every night there’s a pee puddle on the floor…gross. also, too…it doesn’t help that the average age of our male customers is 112…although, you would think that would help, what with those giant prostates and all…



so what are you going to cover that up with?


so what are you going to cover that up with?

A nice black and white portrait of a friend’s grandfather to be used as a birthday present. I’m charging slightly less than minimum wage for it. Yay!


do men realize that women would really not use the same bathroom as them?

Actually, we do often use the same bathrooms – any function that uses portapotties, for instance, or some businesses that just have one or two bathrooms undifferentiated by gender. I’m generally happy not to have to wait in line for the inadequate women’s room, though I do wish I didn’t have to know that poor aim and inadequate knowledge of physics (where do you think the urine will go if you shake it like that?) was so prevalent among men.


Actually, we do often use the same bathrooms –

true, but in the sphere of public restrooms, i know i wouldn’t want to be peeing with a bunch of guys…and gross as men’s rooms can be, i am not above sneaking into one when in desperate need…i.e. when there’s a freaking humongous line for the one women’s toilet in the place…

also, i see i left out a word…i meant to say would really rather not…


I see no problem with unisex washrooms. As long as the urinals have those dividers so no ladies see my comically small penis.


it doesn’t help that the average age of our male customers is 112…although, you would think that would help, what with those giant prostates and all…

As Dad got older, his tremor got worse. So did his vision, I suspect, though he was still able to pass the vision test for his driver’s license.


welp, any uni bathroom would need this…

As Dad got older, his tremor got worse. So did his vision,

indeed…that would not help…


I see no problem with unisex washrooms.

I’ve seen them over in Europe. It was usually one room full of sinks and another room that had toilet stalls. The doors on the stalls were almost floor-to-ceiling so you nobody was going to see anything.


DKW: Before I jump into the swamp and read Cerb’s latest, I agree with yer comment closing the last thread. And I am a historian. (Well, sorta. University major in Modern European history, concentrating on military history in my first incarnation as a college student, back in the Cretaceous.)

If Chris shows up, I’m pretty sure he would also second yer observation. Speaking of whom, where IS Chris? Come back, Shane!


It’s how the ERA amendment went down in flames. The narrative that was floated out there was that if this Amendment was passed, there would no longer be separate bathrooms for men and women.

I don’t think ERA died because of unisex bathrooms. Or even the prospect of a unisex draft. (No one has been drafted since 1973.) ERA died because of a backlash against feminism, stoked by resentment over Roe v. Wade.


I smell a nymjacker. A very tiresome one who will not fuck off, no matter how many times he is told to do so.


I smell a nymjacker

I don’t think bbkf’s Poo-Pourri” would help.


The Heartland – Real Murka!

And the background elements are PERFECT: Neon “Shoot” signs … and a pig cartoon for a police officer!

I’m so far behind on this thread. Must do errands pronto!



Wish I was!

(Do the goddam errands, Fenwick! Break away from this addictive site.!)


so what are you going to cover that up with?

A very large penis gourd.


so just what DO men do in bathrooms that they don’t want women to see?

We do it in the bathroom because you don’t want to see it. You should leave that one alone.


Teh Ho posted this never gets old link on his fb. I’m putting it here in you haven’t seen it.

Does anyone see a resemblence to Amy Poehler? Or am I just going insane? (Well, it’s clear I’m not going on my errands yet….)


All of the newer, trendy bars here in Spokane have unisex bathrooms, but they’re single occupant only.

NOBODY poops in them and they’re relatively clean.

Also, what the fuck would be wrong with a unisex bathroom with stalls? (Tall ones that pervs can’t peek over or under)


Wait. What was that about the duty to relieve matronly women?


That is why the Jacksonian hero defies the experts and entrenched elites and “dares to say what the people feel” without caring in the least what the liberal media will say about him. (Think Ted Cruz.)


so just what DO men do in bathrooms that they don’t want women to see?

You should ask Larry Craig.


I smell a nymjacker

I don’t think bbkf’s Poo-Pourri” would help.

I actually have some of that stuff. The company sent my magazine a free sample. (Don’t ask.) It works great if you don’t mind having your bathroom smell like eucalyptus.

I’d be willing to see what happens when you spray some into Dennis’ mouth.


Dirty Daphne said,
October 17, 2013 at 23:19

That is why the Jacksonian hero defies the experts and entrenched elites and “dares to say the way you make me feel


I’d be willing to see what happens when you spray some into Dennis’ mouth.

♬My breathspray brings all the koalas to the yard♬



If I said that I would be accused of objectifying men through synecdoche.


We have a neon pig here in a remote part of the San Joaquin Valley:

It wasn’t long that the duo had a good feel for the business, and using the knowledge they learned from their mother, made another successful eating place called the Pig Pen.

A lot of local people remember the Pig Pen, not only for the excellent food but for a meeting place where old friends met and new friendships were formed.

“The neon sign is still there,” Emma said.


so just what DO men do in bathrooms that they don’t want women to see?

Advanced maths. Because, women. Amirite? Lol.

But srsly, some guys have problems peeing if there’s another dude in the room. Probably a significant overlap with guys that have troubles doing anything coherent if there’s a ladyfolks present. Co-ed facilities would probably increase the rate of bladder cancer. Or something.


Recursive occlusion huh? Well in that case


Part of the problem in using the facilities with ladies present might be a little shame at just how helpful your fellow brothers can be when the pee won’t come out.



So I went to Slate to see some absolutely stunning pictures of Saturn, just returned from Cassini, and I find this POS.

I thought it was a joke a first, but it’s sadly not.


Be afraid. Be very afraid

K. I am.

Wow. I have no words.


and I find this POS.

I thought it was a joke a first, but it’s sadly not.

Here’s a good response:


Be afraid. Be very afraid.

So seizing power and everyone else’s money is In Accordance with the Divine Plan? Funny how it all works out so well.


tigris & bbkf: Righteous comments! ALL of them !!!


Oh, and VCarl, also, too, and moreover !!!


So seizing power and everyone else’s money is In Accordance with the Divine Plan?

Not when LIBERALS do it by getting elected and voting for small, incremental tax rate hikes on those who can most afford it, DUH.


Cruz’ father Rafael Cruz indicated that his son was among the evangelical Christians who are anointed as “kings” to take control of all sectors of society […] and “bring the spoils of war to the priests”, thus helping to bring about a prophesied “great transfer of wealth”, from the “wicked” to righteous gentile believers.

Yes, yes, but Obama attended a church where the preacher accepted some daft conspiracy theories, so BOTH SIDES DO IT.

PZMyers is going to have a field-day with this.


By my definitions of “wicked” and “righteous” I may have a bunch of coin coming in.


Btw, the picture of Saturn is incredible…

It shows a hexagonal wind pattern at the Northern pole that apparently occurs here on Earth as well. I had no fucking clue.


By my definitions of “wicked” and “righteous” I may have a bunch of coin coming in.

Joke’s on YOU! HAHA!

You have to wish death upon at least 666 homosexuals so as to cleanse them of their demons before you get your Rychus Jentyle Bux, bro.


Joke’s on YOU! HAHA!



So I went to Slate to see some absolutely stunning pictures of Saturn, just returned from Cassini,

I was expecting jokes about Uranus.


I was expecting jokes about Uranus.

I got too mad to come up with one after reading a woman telling hos not drink so much so that helplessly horny boiz would quit raping all up in ’em.


tsam: Amazing. If you embidden it to the largest size, there is a third moon at about 11 o’clock (in addition to the two moons at 1 o’clock and 2 o’clock mentioned in the article). The hexagonal wind pattern at the pole is s-o-o-o weird. Thanx for the link!


I was expecting jokes about Uranus.

Good thing you got a muslimgayabortion.


El Manquécito is in disgrace for stealing a “House steganographer” joke which I had been planning.


Do your best Smyt, I’ve aired it out and I tell ya, I’m dyin’ out there.


those giant prostates

Great band name.


Prostatic enlargement is no joke. BTW, prostate massage AKA Teh Buttseks may reduce the risk of prostate cancer. True story.


prostate massage AKA Teh Buttseks

You don’t HAVE to do it internally.


You don’t HAVE to do it internally.

Or intestinally.


I thought it was a joke a first, but it’s sadly not.

okay, so when i first started catching up with the thread i was annoyed because hilarity and hijinks…then i clicked that link and holyfuckingshitgoddammit, really? i’m really at a loss for words except to maybe garble: men. do. not. rape. why should we have to change anyfuckinggoddamnthing to avoid not being raped?!

but now, i’m happy that i at least got a few good drinks in tonight and will hopefully sleep the good sleep and forget that atrocious ‘wimmenz it’s yer fault if you get raped’ fucking bullshit article…


Yeah, I gotta wonder about all those Japanese women who hit the bars with their coworkers after work and get drunk and walk home and mysteriously don’t. get. raped. or at least not at US rates, not even close. (Rate of violent crime is much lower in Japan.)

Every once in a while a US serviceman makes US-Japan relations more sour by raping a local girl. I guess he figured woulda got away with it in South Cackalacky or Phuket, now the funny-talking locals are ittai okotte pisssssed and all beikokujin kaereeee (yankee fuckstick go home).

Men. Don’t rape.

Pundits. Stop blaming video games, tv, porn (all of which, except porn, are even more prolific in Japan than the US… yes guys, despite the rep, porn in Japan is censored a lot and all that explicit stuff you get in the states was produced for export… really… company called Central Park Media has been importing since the 80s at least and dubbing using US porn stars… they do also release in Japan but it’s censored with often crappy dubbing… and there is a black market in reimporting uncensored porn from the US… this dates to Shogunate who thought that smexy pickshures would ennervate the weak hearts of the non-warrior masses), and girls trusting people/having fun, as if that’s evil or morally weak.


re: Yoffe

I think Atrios has a good take on it.

People drink. Sometimes people drink to excess. By itself, these are things which society has accepted. There may be some disapproval of drunks, but no legal prohibitions against drunkeness in and of itself. Rape is another story – unmitigated bad. Illegal in every civilized jurisdiction in the world. From a legal perspective, possibly worse than murder because there is such a thing as justifiable homicide.

As a PENIS-haver, the worst that can happen to me if I get blackout drunk is that it takes several hours to realize my eyebrows have been replaced by assorted doodles in Sharpie marker. Which also, despite being nowhere near as illegal as rape, happens much less frequently. From a “Markets!” perspective, this means that there must be some sort of strong incentivization of sexually assaulting an unconscious body – strong enough to totally overwhelm the disincentives of lengthy jail time and movers hip into the Registered Sex Offenders Club.

That’s basic evidence of the thing referred to as rape culture. Implying that the victim has any culpability because they drank a lot (or dressed provocatively or dared to venture outdoors without a chaperone or whatever) is part of rape culture. Rapists aren’t a monolith. There is a wide range of fucked up criminal mind sets. Anything which supports the “marginal” rapist who would never force himself on anyone but that sluuuut is soooo druuuuunk – well that’s enabling rapists. Also too, that “marginal” rapist is still a rapist.


FU autocorrect. “movers hip” was supposed to be “membership”.


I don’t trust Japan’s low rape rates. I think given their culture it could be just a very low reportage rape. Women and girls aren’t in danger of getting raped in the street but there still may be danger at home.


not a gator skrev:

this dates to Shogunate who thought that smexy pickshures would ennervate the weak hearts of the non-warrior masses

And here I thought it was down to the Occupation and the deep blue Kirishitan nose of Douglas McArthur.


Oh no now Dennis is going to get into a rape discussion with us? This should be fun.


*I* was given to understand that the whole Japanese self-censorship thing started during the first contact with the West, and the Christian influence on Japanese society.

Mind you, they still have a holiday dedicated to giant PENIS, so there’s that.


Except really funny thing, the author didn’t say that or imply it. In fact, she expressly stated she had no intention if giving that impression or placing blame on anyone but the rapists. Unfortunately, the “marginal” rapist often goes unpunished when the woman is blitzed, as the author describes in detail and supports with factual evidence.

well then i guess the really funny thing is that she said this:

But nothing is going to be as effective at preventing alcohol-facilitated assaults as a reduction in alcohol consumption. The 2009 campus sexual assault study, co-authored by Krebs, found campus alcohol education programs “seldom emphasize the important link” between women’s voluntary alcohol and drug use “and becoming a victim of sexual assault.” It goes on to say students must get the explicit message that limiting alcohol intake and avoiding drugs “are important sexual assault sex protection strategies.” I think it would be beneficial for younger students to hear accounts of alcohol-facilitated sexual assault from female juniors and seniors who’ve lived through it.

that’s on the second page under the heading: “tell college women to stop getting so wasted”…

so let’s recap, just this little bit, shall we? she cites the link between alcohol and sexual assault and then reinforces that with her own thoughts that girls should be scared sober by the horror stories of victims…victims who likely didn’t get any justice because the colleges didn’t do anything to the rapist. she also tells an anecdote about a serial predator, who has intoxicated and raped who knows how many females, but still, her take home message is: girls, don’t drink!

she never once gives any advice to the men on how to stop being rapists. the closest she comes is that she would tell her son not to be a drunken frat boy. oh, and a sentence about how a woman who is incapacitated cannot give consent.

clearly, binge drinking is dangerous…we should be teaching both genders the risks and not condone their going off to college as a four year drunk…we should be teaching all of them how to be safe and to use some freaking common sense.

i was going to point out that we should be teaching our girls to use the buddy system: never go out by yourself, avoid skeevy areas, etc., etc…but you know what? fuck that…it’s really enraging and belittling that women have to take on special precautions to avoid being raped…especially given that it can happen any time, anywhere drunk or sober…i don’t know what the answer is, but if you have a penis, you best stfu about women getting raped unless it’s to pound it into your brothers* about treating women as people and not as sex toys

*i see what i did there…


It’s just not possible for someone to say something outright that is completely subverted by their subtext: “I’m not doing such and such, but…


Rape has to stop with men not raping, not women ‘increasing their chances’ because they’ve had a little or a lot to drink. As Amanda wrote a few months ago:

Greta Christina wrote yesterday about an anti-rape campaign that is being considered a success by law enforcement in Edmonton. It’s the “Don’t Be That Guy” campaign, and after the city was blanketed with it, the rape rate went down 10%. Greta cited it, correctly, as an example of how anti-rape messages aimed at telling men not to rape work, and much better than telling women to live their lives in fear of rapists.


Dennis is going to get into a rape discussion with us?

Nuh uh, you don’t argue with badgers.


no, dennis, essentially what i’m saying is that artilces like this, that even though the author may point out that she doesn’t let the rapist off the hook when the headline to your magnum opus (and when you get to be ‘ask prudence’ you probably have some say in your column’s headline and if you don’t stand behind your headline 100%, you should make it known that the headline is very fucking misleading) the bulk of the article and some of the authors own quotes blame the woman.

and the penis thing? that was directed at you, not emily joffe…i’m saying YOU should stfu up about it…and duh, the buddy system doesn’t always work…i got that…that’s why i explicity said that i wasn’t even going to offer it as a solution…the only solution is for men. to. stop. raping. and for the justice system, parents, faculties, adminstrations to treat any kind of sexual assault as the actual serious life altering crime that it is…it’s not just a matter of telling college girls not to get drunk, it’s in our culture…we recognize that and start dealing with it with something other than victim blaming…

and seriously, unless you have something helpful to offer, just stfu…


Can’t argue with the fact of a 10% drop in rape after the campaign in Edmonton, no matter if it was pointed out by Amanda Marcotte or the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


What she should have done was not undermine it with the rest of the article.


Women and girls aren’t in danger of getting raped in the street but there still may be danger at home.

I had a friend who married here specifically to get out of Japan. She hated being a woman there.


I have no problem with that message, and I allow the message could have been written better, but if you, tsam and D-KW are such the experts on the subject, then there’s no reason to lie and distort what she wrote.

nor do i, dennis, that’s the message we need to reinforce with all of our children male or female. and yes, i consider myself a bit of an expert since i am a victim…and guess what? i wasn’t drunk at all…you know why? because i was 11. so reading an article by woman who points out that she doesn’t drink to excess telling other women not to drink to excess because they stand a better chance of getting raped doesn’t fly with me…because i was 11, dennis…in my own home…with family present…not in the room, but present…i’m all for spreading the message about not getting wasted and i know alcohol contributes a lot to sexual assault, but articles like this one continue to blame the victim and doesn’t even come close to addressing the real issue…no lies, no distortions…


What the other CUNT (Not Dennis–Yoffe) is doing is establishing a mitigating circumstance for rape. That’s not acceptable.

Again, any woman, regardless of age or attractiveness, should be able to be passed out wasted in super secksay lingerie and EXPECT to not get raped.

If a man wants any sex other than consensual, INTERACTIVE sex, he is a creepy fuck and a rapist. It really is that simple.

Look, we all instruct our daughters to keep their wits and faculties available when they’re drinking to mitigate the danger of being raped by a rapey rapist. But that doesn’t mean it is OK in any circumstance to consider the behavior, dress or amount of intoxication any sort of justification for rape. The reason we instruct our daughters to be careful is because society STILL thinks there is a blurred line (I hope you see what I did there) between a violently initiated rape and the rape of a woman who is incapacitated from a drug–self induced or otherwise.

There IS no room to debate this. There is no grey area.


Thank FSM for badgers.


Why the fuck is anyone debating with the troll? Where is the clean up crew?

What the other CUNT

Aw that’s cute. I hope your ass is invaded by fire ants.


Aw that’s cute. I hope your ass is invaded by fire ants.

You talking to me?


Troll says he isn’t going to get into a rape discussion and then proceeds to talk about rape for several comments.


There’s now another thread at LGM about this, perhaps the trolls can go hang out there for a while. Variety is the spice of life after all.


Why the fuck is anyone debating with the troll?

you make a good point…you may or may not have noticed that i’m touchy about the subject…but it’s still no excuse for engaging…and i wasn’t even drunk when i did it! badum dum!

regarding the c word, i’m not a big fan of it and feel it should only be used for the most egregious among us…it’s an icky word and too generally used to demean those of us with vaginas…have you seen or read any of the commentary about us ‘owning’ the word…i stumbled upon a website once (which i totes can’t google at work, obv) that went into the whole history of the word and how it’s not misogynistic and they used it as much as possible to take the stigma away from it…wasn’t totally sold on the argument…


I’m against using that word on general principles but even if you’re not, a good reason not to use it is because doing so sends the troll off into spasms of fake outrage and then we have to cleanup after it.


Thanks for clean-up OBS. As they put it around here ‘we appreciate you’, pronounced, ‘preeshiaytchuh’.


My earlier link went to a page where the author rewrote the advice to young men, I assume to highlight how rarely one sees that advice.

Here’s a link to Atrios which, I think, helps define (part of) what’s so objectionable about Joffe’s piece:

I’ll do a little repackaging, too.

“Don’t get stupid drunk” is good advice, but it only seems to be given to women. It should be given to men, too.

Other reasonable advice, like “Try not to be in sketchy areas if you can avoid it” also tends only to be given to women.

When a woman is raped, all the reasonable advice for trying to avoid trouble, plus some outright offensive stuff – like how she was dressed – gets trotted out as excuses for the rapist. Implied or explicit, they’re still excusing the rapist.

All the helpful advice to women is usually framed (implicitly or explicitly) as “how not to get raped” advice. This sets the whole situation up as something the woman is wholly responsible for avoiding. Even when a woman or girl has done nothing other than be female in the general vicinity of a rapist, the ensuing rape becomes her fault, and she is expected to be shamed.

So. Trotting out the same old warnings, almost exclusively to women, reinforces the whole “it was still your fault, even if it wasn’t” crap going on in our society. Packaging it as somehow novel advice is just offensive.


Thanks for clean-up OBS.

No biggy, it’s a team effort.


have you seen or read any of the commentary about us ‘owning’ the word

Melissa McEwan.


Thanks for clean-up OBS.

yes, thanks for this…feel free to delete mine as well…it’s always embarrassing to be caught troll-engaging…

also, too…thanks for the link to the lgm thread…it made me feel less splodey…


Melissa McEwan.

ahhhhh, yes…i found it all kinda weird…


yes, thanks for this…feel free to delete mine as well…it’s always embarrassing to be caught troll-engaging…

Your punishment is having to see them sit there, reminding you of your transgressions against the Sacred Hawt Tub (glory be, praise the FSM!).


Your punishment is having to see them sit there, reminding you of your transgressions against the Sacred Hawt Tub (glory be, praise the FSM!).

it’s like the blue pee-detecting dye in a swimming pool…


so is tsam being nym-jacked by our resident troll or the really, really freaky one…and i’m still not convinced they are not all one guy…


I’ll use whatever fucking word I want to describe a stupid asshole that tries to mitigate the definition of rape to make it less of a crime if a woman is dressed a certain way, behaving “provocatively”, or incapacitated by a drug.

Feel free to just go ahead an read past my posts if you have fucking problem with it. That’s what I do with a certain group of people that just increased by one.

Concern trolls are almost as bad as troll trolls.


bbkf should avoid The British Isles and especially Ireland. The c word is bandied about with mad abandon. Straya too.


“Don’t get stupid drunk” is good advice, but it only seems to be given to women. It should be given to men, too.

It should be–as well as “any sex that isn’t absolutely consensual and interactive is RAPE.

Other reasonable advice, like “Try not to be in sketchy areas if you can avoid it” also tends only to be given to women

It’s mostly given to women because women make up a sickeningly large majority of violent crime victims.


have you seen or read any of the commentary about us ‘owning’ the word…

It’s called cooption. We queers took back “queer” by making it our own. Idea is that they can no longer use it as an epithet when we use it ourselves. Some of us tried to the same with “fag” but it didn’t get widely enough accepted so fag is still a nasty word.


so is tsam being nym-jacked by our resident troll or the really, really freaky one.

Somewhat unsurprisingly, it’s been done by both freaks.


That’s what I do with a certain group of people that just increased by one.

Concern trolls are almost as bad as troll trolls.

dude…you were nym-jacked and were attributed several pretty disgusting ‘jokes’…so settle…

bbkf should avoid The British Isles and especially Ireland. The c word is bandied about with mad abandon. Straya too.

oooh, i know! it’s not that i’m being disapproving of the word…it’s just not one i’m comfortable with using on a reglar basis…but i also used to think that way about ‘fuck’ and look how much i use it now!


I’m against using that word on general principles but even if you’re not, a good reason not to use it is because doing so sends the troll off into spasms of fake outrage and then we have to cleanup after it.

I apologize to you for that, but I’m not going to apologize to anyone else. This is the second time I’ve been outwardly or implicitly accused of being sexist because I decided to use the nastiest word I could find for the nastiest person I found yesterday.


Some of us tried to the same with “fag” but it didn’t get widely enough accepted so fag is still a nasty word.

luckily, for me, ‘retard’ didn’t suffer that same fate…i get the same argument about it though…that by co-opting it, we’ll weaken it’s power…but the thing is, others have the cognizance to recognize who they are…people with special needs, for the most part, can’t make that distinction…


This is the second time I’ve been outwardly or implicitly accused of being sexist because I decided to use the nastiest word I could find for the nastiest person I found yesterday.

well, do not lump me in with them or i will junkpunch you into next week…


I’m not lumping you in with that. People who did it know who they are and can junksuck it into next week.


I’m not lumping you in with that.

whew…good…now we can go back to regularly scheduled nonsense…


Did somebody say… NONSENSE!

There will be no skins of performances or dogs of charities.
The Revolution will be dabbled!
The Revolution will not be decided.
There will be no dandelions of aspects or cartographies of cancers.
There will be no daisies of feelings.
The Revolution will be ran!
The Revolution will not be pleased, brother.
The Revolution will not be contributed, brother.
You will not be able to swing the anxiety.
The Revolution will not be dehorned, brother.
The Revolution will not bring displeasure to the nut, brother.
The Revolution will not rip up the screw-up, brother.
There will be no abdomens of clarifications or commotions of clarifications.
There will be no censorships of pleasures or cancellations of games.
There will be no earlobes of injustices, brother.
The Revolution will not bring zits to the chowderhead, brother.


Yes we can, unless I’m still mad…

Nope, I’m good. Carry on, people.


Wingnuts discuss class action suit against homosexuality, I shit you not…


I’m guessing they’re going to track down Dorothy and serve her the papers?


“Yeah I think that’s great,” LaBarbera replied. “I would love to see it. We always wanted to see one of the kid in high school who was counseled by the official school counselor to just be gay, then he comes down with HIV. But we never really got the client for that.”

It would be SO TERRIFIC if a kid got AIDS. Fingers crossed!


We always wanted to see one of the kid in high school who was counseled by the official school counselor to just be gay, then he comes down with HIV. But we never really got the client for that

I weep for your loss.


Wingnuts discuss class action suit against homosexuality, I shit you not…

That is a can of worms I would have thought they would be smart enough not to open. I mean, if that works, why do they imagine they would be safe from class action wrongful death lawsuits from the families of every gay person ever murdered or driven to suicide by evangelical nutjobs?


Wingnuts discuss class action suit against homosexuality, I shit you not…

soooooo…homosexuality is just like smoking? and one can just kick the butt habit?


Wingnuts discuss class action suit against homosexuality, I shit you not…

Hey, when I post nonsense it was at least sorta funny… Oh wait, that’s a real thing. Never mind.


soooooo…homosexuality is just like smoking? and one can just kick the butt habit?

Not just like quitting smoking, the patch is bigger and differently shaped for one thing…


Let the fatcats at Big Homo put THAT in their pipes and…hang on…


If anybody wants to feel just little more stabby, the awful slate woman wrote a self-congratulatory followup article.



If they’re going to sue the corporation that makes gays, then we can sue the corporations that make guns when kids/innocents get killed by them. I say we take that road.


So who would be the defendant in a class action suit against homosexuality? Is there a gay pope or are they incorporated?


It’s kinda hard to quit the butt habit, since my e-penis is shaped just like a penis.


So who would be the defendant in a class action suit against homosexuality?

Either Kathy Griffin or Flo from the Progressive commercials.


If you think you can sue because of AIDS, though, lesbians are not going to be your target. It’s like thinking lung cancer is bad so you sue dry ice smoke machines.


If they’re going to sue the corporation that makes gays, then we can sue the corporations that make guns when kids/innocents get killed by them. I say we take that road.

they’ll continue along that path until they have another, ‘oh shit’ moment when they realize the incredible stupidity and hypocrisy of their argument…but i guess the original topic of this thread would prove that wrong, wouldn’t it…and i’ll give you one good guess why that is…


In other only tangentially-related news, a certain zombie just alerted me to this gloriousness.


In other only tangentially-related news, a certain zombie just alerted me to this gloriousness.

ooooh…i hit the jackpot:
Asshole dickheaded communist.


Who you callin’ an asshole dickheaded communist, you COWARDLY CONSTITUTION-SHREDDING RINO TRAITOR!


I wish I could be Boehner just long enough to reply:




Yellow-bellied Muslim-loving socialist.


My moral authority is Absolut™.

Response #1; now you’re speaking my language.

Answer B; that is, like, so eighties.


O man I got rickrolled.


O man I got ricktrolled.



Yeah buddy.


O man I got ricktrolled.


Well played, sir! Well played! Perhaps a slightly scruffy internet for you, sir?

Also, might I suggest this as a term of use anytime someone runs afoul of our little nymjacker?


We have a winner!


Lying dead Breitbart killed the thread.


Ugh. It’s been an annoying (and expensive) day.

I spent the day in Memphis sorting out a dead battery on my trusty 94 Buick “airport car”.

Long story short it involved getting a hotel room, a rental car, a new battery and a new solar-powered battery charger plus a couple trips back and forth across Memphis. Probably came to $400 by the time it was all said and done. Oh well, cost of doing business.

The car gets driven very rarely but I need to be confident that it will start when I need it.



Sure do, OBS.


Holy shit moment.

Yes, because is SUCH a reliable source for information about the ACA.

Rating F, must try harder, see me after class.


Comment on a post and it immediately disappears.

As Alice said, “Things flow here so!”


Some of those solar chargers work good. Car like that you could get the marine panels and epoxy them to the roof.


I don’t like trolls.


Stupid troll is stupid.


I don’t like trolls.

Me neither. Nasty little vandals.


Car like that you could get the marine panels and epoxy them to the roof.

I’ve thought about it. It wouldn’t look any worse and it might be an improvement.

I bought this thing because:

1. It was the last of the big, rear-wheel-drive GMs.

2. It has enough motor (5.7 V8 same as that year’s Corvette) to stay out of the way of stupid Memphis drivers.

3. It has enough metal in case #2 fails.


“What I’m saying,” Fischer explained, “is that if we do not, as a nation, come to the place of national repentance over the sin of abortion, there’s going to be civil war again in this country; there is going to be anarchy, there is going to be unrest, there will be growing violence”

DHS might want to have a lil’ talk with him about that and whether or not it constitutes a threat, especially being that Fissssscher is the one who’s given Obama an ultimatum to get out of the WH or else.


1. It was the last of the big, rear-wheel-drive GMs.

Is the fuel economy better or worse than the planes you fly?


Is the fuel economy better or worse than the planes you fly?

Gas mileage on the highway is surprisingly good. I’ve seen as high as 27.

Around town it’s about what you’d expect. I’m not sure the car even gets driven 1000 miles in a year so it’s not that big a deal.

It only gets used when I’m in Memphis for training or on the occasional day when I get stuck here between trips.


I used to borrow a 90 Park Ave. for road trips and did a lot of comfy miles in it. Doesn’t fit a bass real well but if either of us could bring a groupie sea hag wench along we’d settle for electric bass guitar.


“What I’m saying,” Fischer explained, “is that if we do not, as a nation, come to the place of national repentance over the sin of abortion, there’s going to be civil war again in this country; there is going to be anarchy, there is going to be unrest, there will be growing violence”

Sounds like a threat to me, too.

especially being that Fissssscher is the one who’s given Obama an ultimatum to get out of the WH or else

And that definitely sounds like one.

That guy’s repugnant. If he weren’t an American by birth, he’d be flinging bombs, perhaps literally, at the ungodly Americans.


Doesn’t fit a bass real well

I’ve got the sedan, but a Roadmaster wagon would probably fit a bass in the back pretty easily.


The bass around there don’t grow that big, do they? I mean, it ain’t Texas.


If he weren’t an American by birth, he’d be flinging bombs, perhaps literally, at the ungodly Americans.

Seems to me he just threatened to bombs, literally, at the ungodly Americans.


Seems to me he just threatened to bombs, literally, at the ungodly Americans.

Well, yeah. What I was trying to say, too circuitously, is the guy’s basically anti-American. If he weren’t a birthright American, no way would he qualify.


This isn’t the first time Fisssscher has speculated about wonderful, wonderful violence against America:

“There are a number of avenues,” Fischer stated, “starting right where we’re at right now that could lead to bloodshed, could lead to anarchy, could lead to chaos in America.”

After insisting that he does not want to see anything like that happen, Fischer warned that the fact that members of Congress are reluctant to hold town hall meetings during the August recess could lead to a revolution.


Major: Are Memphis drivers really stupid? Are they crazy stupid, like in Boston, or just too dumb to know what they’re doing? I might have to drive there soon.


After insisting that he does not want to see anything like that happen

Nice country yous got here. It’d be a shame if somethin’ was to happen to it, knowwhatimean?


Nice country yous got here. It’d be a shame if somethin’ was to happen to it, knowwhatimean?

c.f. the GOP, 2009-present.


Nice country yous got here. It’d be a shame if somethin’ was to happen to it, knowwhatimean?

c.f. the GOP, 2009-present.

Seems to me it’s been going on a bit longer than that.

I tend to blame Reagan, who, after all, had a sworn enemy of the US (remember the Ayatollah Khomeni?) actively supporting him.


Major: Are Memphis drivers really stupid? Are they crazy stupid, like in Boston, or just too dumb to know what they’re doing?

Boston drivers are very aggressive but they’re at least predictable.

Memphis drivers can also be aggressive but they tend to do stupid random shit when you least expect it.

I had an example just today.

I was returning my rental car. It’s clearly marked “Rental Car Return – no private vehicles”.

I’m already in the exit for the car-return lane, with curbs on either side, when the guy moron ahead of me, who obviously didn’t read the sign, realizes his mistake and starts BACKING UP!!!!

Be very careful driving here. Half of them are trying to go 90 and the other half are trying to go 50. It doesn’t mix well.


Half of them are trying to go 90 and the other half are trying to go 50. It doesn’t mix well.

Sounds like Tampa. The chicos in the muscle cars didn’t mix well with grandpa and grandma in the Escalade. Ugh. One more thing to look forward to.


The chicos in the muscle cars didn’t mix well with grandpa and grandma in the Escalade.

Same kind of thing here except the fast-movers tend to be either the guys with 20″ rims or the F-350 crowd.

Watch the intersections too. They’re really bad about running red lights here.


Drivers down here in SC seem to think they’re all NASCAR drivers… I had someone merge into my lane the other day with all of 6 inches to spare between us, both of us doing over 65 at the time, Fun times, fun times.


“What I’m saying,” Fischer explained, “is that if we do not, as a nation, come to the place of national repentance over the sin of abortion, there’s going to be civil war again in this country; there is going to be anarchy, there is going to be unrest, there will be growing violence”

Man, fetuses hold grudges.


Drivers down here in SC seem to think they’re all NASCAR drivers

My absolute worst driving experience ever was going from West Virginia–over the Appalachians. Two-lane mountain roads, mile after mile after mile, at night in foggy rain, with visibility maybe 40 yards. The worst part was, several times cars whipped around me and left me behind. Now I know why NASCAR is so big in W. Va. I’ve never been so glad to get anywhere in my life as I was to pull into that hotel.

Funny thing was, I drove back the same way the next day, during a bright clear day, and it was one of the prettiest drives I’ve ever had.


If zombie feti were so vengeful you’d think they’d scourge Russia or Romania where fetus ghosts are teeming like Alaska mosquitoes.


there is going to be anarchy, there is going to be unrest, there will be growing violence”

Anarchy, heh, in a police state.
Unrest; throwing Krispy Kremes at the teevee.
Violence; lowest crime rates in a generation.


If you want a picture of the future, imagine a maple leaf, fluttering against a human face—forever!


Two-lane mountain roads, mile after mile after mile, at night in foggy rain, with visibility maybe 40 yards.

Makes landing in Huntington WV an experience. Even when the visibility is good, they built the relatively short runway by leveling off a mountain top.


I don’t like trolls.

For those who have Netflix streaming, I suggest Trollhunter, an inventive Norwegian film (subtitles, but easy to watch). It is filmed in the ‘found footage’ style, but is wonderfully watchable, imo. I gave it 5 stars and have watched it twice. (The average of 601,000 rating is 3.6.) Netflix tags the film as “exciting” and “imaginative” … and some parts of it are hilarious. Netflix describes it thusly:

While investigating a series of suspicious bear killings, a group of students trail a mysterious “hunter” who tries to elude them at every turn. The group soon learns that his prey is far more dangerous and mystical than mere bears.

There are multiple troll species portrayed in the film. Perhaps our own vigilant Trollhunters will recognize Dennis and the Nymjackers (*)…

(*) band name?


It’s been an annoying (and expensive) day.

Me, too, Major. Dropped $1,200 on multiple repairs and new tires. Fooey.


Worst drivers I’ve ever encountered: Naples, Italy.
Worst US drivers I’ve ever encountered: Boston, Mass.
Most likely US city for a fenderbender: Washington, DC

Let the horror stories commence…


I was wondering if that movie was any good Fenwick. I’ll be sure to add it to my Netflix queue.


I’m still dead. I admit to murdering this thread.


Major! I thought Breitbart had murdered the thread. I’m glad you resuscitated it!


I’m getting ready to fly to the aforementioned Huntington West Virginia.


I suggest Trollhunter, an inventive Norwegian film

Seconding Fenwick.


No thanks, too early for pasta.


Is holy shit what happens when you wash down a meal with holy water, or when you take Holy Metamucil® when you’re constipated?


Point? That is true.


*sigh* Trash to take out, on a Saturday morning….


They’re indefatigable and why they do it here is an enduring mystery.


something that conservatives used to accuse libruls of doing back in the good ol’ days

Back before the Encrazenment.


Only the FRESHEST badgers!


DURR frat boys gonna rape DURR DURR dat what they do DURR DURR can’t help it DURR


Dennis and the Nymjackers (*)…

(*) band name?

Probably another lame-ass Led Zep cover band.


Remember, kids, PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY is the keyword of conservativism, unless you’re a fratboy in which case shit rape happens. Because humans are animals except when they’re God’s image, blah blah blah.


Dennis and the Nymjackers

I thought it was the group formerly known as DeYoung Forever!


Boring copypasta troll is still boring.


go out drinking to the point of passing out and their shirts off and legs spread open on the floor of a frat house in the wee hours of the morning

Something you’ve put a lot of thought into, eh?


I am glad i missed most of the rapey rape apologia.

Thanks, guys and gals. On at leazt three occasions I was pleasanty surprised to be beaten to the punch.


I wonder if I should have a window placed in my abdomen so that our resident idiot can see where it is going. The feeling is akin to having four legs, though two of them drag behind.


This thread is as dead as Rick Santorum’s Fetus-In-A-Jar.


This thread is as dead as George W. Bush’s brain cells.


this thread is as dead as Darth Cheney’s conscience.


This thread is as dead as John Boehner’s liver cells.


the Encrazenment.

Wonderful, JP. Imma gonna steel it!


i’m here to volunteer for the liberal war on personal responsibility and freedom

i think it has something to do with free will and predestinarianism, doesn’t it?


This thread is as dead as Rick Santorum’s Fetus-In-A-Jar.

i couldn’t find anymore at walmart i looked all over the store


Portland band can’t get trademark

Well, alls they have to do is add another member. Then they can be the Slant Six!


This thread makes no sense!

Make more sense, thread!


P.S. Cue trollypants: “iftheycansayitwhywhywhywhaaaaaa……….”


The Slant Six is the best band name I’ve heard in a long time.


Then they can be the Slant Six!

As an old Mopar guy I approve this message.


If one had a Celtic gig it could be the Sláinte Six.


Sláinte Six

Oh crap! I may have to de-retire…………………..


The Revolution will not bring displeasure to the nut, brother.
The Revolution will not rip up the screw-up, brother.

Damn, it looks like the prophesies say the the Tea Party will win.


If one had a Celtic gig it could be the Sláinte Six.

I would listen to a John Cage cover band called the Silent Six.


Hey Smyt, got any ideas about this polypore?

First look.

Second look.

I think it comes under the category of edible but not delicious but I’d listen to second opinions, it’s semi-tropical and I haven’t been able to nail it down.


Oh yeah, that’s 13 cm across.


A true conservative and leader of the peeple gets convicted for battery:

A jury dealt a swift blow to Brian Calhoun’s justification for fighting with a female student in March, taking only one hour to find the former Fresno City College instructor guilty of misdemeanor battery.

Calhoun, 69, closed his eyes and had a scowl once the verdict was announced in Fresno County Superior Court. His attorney, Roger Nuttall, grabbed Calhoun’s right arm and shook it, but Calhoun kept this eyes closed even while jurors were being polled individually about their verdict.

Once Judge Denise Whitehead scheduled a Nov. 22 sentencing date, Calhoun rushed out of Department 72, bypassed the elevator and raced down seven flights of stairs without commenting.

His wife, Elaine, followed in his wake.

Calhoun lost his job over the March 22 incident and was sued by the victim, Kevynn Gomez — who was portrayed Friday by Calhoun’s attorney as part of “the thug culture.”

In 2004, Calhoun pleaded guilty to drunken driving after getting pulled over on Election night after winning a second term to the Fresno City Council. He was given probation back then.


Fuck knows if person A does something wrong it is an indictment of all people in A’s category, unless OF COURSE A is a conservative. BSUTW.


Funny you should ask that, troll:

October 19, 2013, 5:19 p.m.

SAN DIEGO – A day earlier than anticipated, ex-Mayor Bob Filner, who pleaded guilty to three charges of mistreating women, was booked and released Saturday morning at the downtown county jail.

San Diego County Superior Court Judge Robert Trentacosta had ordered that Filner be booked and released Sunday. Instead, the 71-year-old appeared at the jail and was photographed and fingerprinted by 9 a.m.

Filner on Tuesday pleaded guilty to felony false imprisonment and two counts of misdemeanor battery. Prosecutors did not seek to require bail.

Trentacosta ordered a probation report be done before the Dec. 9 sentencing.

Under a plea agreement with the state attorney general’s office, Filner will not serve any jail or prison time, but will spend three months of home confinement, undergo mental health counseling and agree never to seek public office.

He may also face fines and restitution to three victims, identified as Jane Doe 1, 2 and 3.

The plea bargain also calls for him to forfeit most of his mayoral pension. His pensions from being a history professor at San Diego State and a member of the U.S. House of Representatives won’t be touched.

Filner, the city’s first Democratic mayor in two decades, resigned Aug. 30 under an agreement with the City Council in which the city will defend him against a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by his former director of communications. She was one of 19 women who went public with accusations against Filner during a six-week scandal.


Yep, justice is served to yet another mayor of San Diego. Maybe when he finishes serving his sentence, he can do a PSA about how women have to not get too drunk in public lest they meet someone like him.


Sadly, No! isn’t being funny right now. I think it’s broken.


I think it’s broken.

Well, there’s your problem. Someone keeps obsessively jamming a spanner into the works.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

El Manquécito said,
October 20, 2013 at 0:14

The Slant Six is the best band name I’ve heard in a long time.

Please insert joke involving the words “flathead” or “stovebolt” right around here….


Please insert joke involving the words “flathead” or “stovebolt” right around here….

Manifold Destiny.


helped ensure that the sick fucks who did the raping go free because the passed out victim couldn’t offer enough credible testimony to convict the sick fuck who raped her.

Jesus fucking Christ, that’s like saying that we should have income caps because if you earn too much money it’s an incentive for someone to mug you.

Anything not to blame the fratboys, though, right? Boys will be boys! HURR HURR


I know they’re omnipresent Pere but hang tough; do not engage.


you’re in favor of encouraging behavior that contributed to their rape,

Just in case you missed it the first time:

Greta cited it, correctly, as an example of how anti-rape messages aimed at telling men not to rape work, and much better than telling women to live their lives in fear of rapists.


Hey Smyt, got any ideas about this polypore?

Looks like a bolete, but I’ve never seen one with a shaggy top like that.


It is a right of every person in the world to be able to get drunk as a thousand rabbits, to explore the outer limits of their consciousness to dance bare foot on a grave and sing hallelujah and not not be raped.
It is a searing indictment upon the pathetic excuses for men that we, as a society raise, that women have to even think about “being careful”. Why should this be?
You leave me alone and I leave you alone. Unless there is mutual agreement about the jigginess of the occasion.
Fuck off rape apologists.


“you don’t care that you’ve increased the odds of their getting raped beforehand.”

We didn’t increase the odds of anything. We’re not telling college girls, or anyone else, to drink in excess–or how to drink at all. We’re simply saying that if a young woman should commit the very human weakness of drinking too much, being raped is not a price she should have to pay, and saying “don’t drink too much” is singularly unhelpful advice for a rape victim.


So I guess if I’m at a party and someone passes out drunk it’s OK for me to take their wallet.

I mean, hey, they were asking for it.


I guess it’s OK for me to take their watch and sell it on ebay while I’m at it.

They should know better than to drink too much.


Definitely a bolete, growing on mimosa (invasive, not native) stump.I’ve collected strobilomyces here and this seems similar. There’s a dozen of them around the yard today and they’re tempting, maybe for drying and stock making.


And if they left their car keys sitting out they obviously wanted me to have their car.


Ever leave your plane keys out, Major?

(Do planes even have keys? I’ve always wondered about that.)


(Do planes even have keys? I’ve always wondered about that.)

General aviation aircraft (Cessnas and such) have keys.

Air Force aircraft are guarded by bored 18-year-olds with M-16s who would love nothing more than to shoot someone because it would at least be a break from the mind-numbing boredom.


No, the Major sums it up perfectly well.


There’s a dozen of them around the yard today and they’re tempting, maybe for drying and stock making.

Makes sense, you can let them dry while you find out what they are.


All y’all that were watching badgers dance and not listening to game 6, well, you missed something amazing.


Dinosaur erotica!
Medieval dinosaur erotica!!.


I’ll have some Holy Metamucil in the Divine Cherry flavor before I take a Holy Shit.


And if they left their car keys sitting out they obviously wanted me to have their car.

Thanks for the first giggle of the day. 🙂



Hm. The few comments I’ve seen from the troll appear to be an exercise in Not Getting It. Must be hard to keep it up for…nigh on 24 hours now.

Poor babby must be exhausted.


Where is everyone? When the troll’s away, the Sadlies should play.


Poor babby must be exhausted.

I dunno, do fish get tired of swimming?


El Manquécito, I disagree with Herr Doktor, don’t think it looks like cepes at all. I’d ask the experts at reddit. If you don’t have a reddit account I’ll post an ID request for you.


“There are old mushroom hunters, there are bold mushroom hunters, but there are no old, bold, mushroom hunters.”

Something to keep in mind when dealing with specimens of Basidiomycota.


There are old mushroom hunters, there are bold mushroom hunters, but there are no old, bold, mushroom hunters

Some varieties of mushroom are particularly dangerous because they don’t make you sick right away. Then a few weeks later your organs start failing for no apparent reason.


I still see badgers aplenty.


Must be the mushrooms.


There are some varieties that have the same effect as Antabuse, they can be poisonous if you eat them and ingest wine or another form of alcohol at the same time.


Never said it was cepes Pup, there’s lots of boletes. It solved the problem by deliquescing into a black puddle like coprinus (shaggy mane) which it obviously wasn’t either. I like shaggy manes.

There’s a bunch of polypores around here that are just not culinarily attractive and this can be added to the list.


Thanks for the offer of the reddit ID. Imma gonna see a local naturalist friend later in the week and she’ll have the answer. As to the scary dangers of wild mushroom eating, well, y’all don’t have to.


I had a micophile friend that made a venison/red wine/shaggy mane stew like a civet only eastern European that was so excellent served on wide egg noodles.


Change of pace today. No eggs Benny, we’re out for dim sum. Yum.


I’ve got no coprinus pics but I do have my own log grown shitakes.


Curses. I’d have to drive four hours to get to decent dim sum.


Guy who splits his time here and Hong Kong rec’d this place. ‘Syummy.


Better to be a worry-wart about wild mushroom consumption that to be on a waiting list for a liver transplant, IMHO.


The Slant Six is the best band name I’ve heard in a long time.

Been done.


I had a couple LARGE downed oak trees in my PA yard on which I farmed shiitakes intensely. One of the few things I really miss about central PA.


Yeah, growing shiitakes is fun. Best duxelles ever.


Commericially grown mushrooms are a perfectly congruent representation of Teahadis:

They’re grown in the dark.

They’re fed bullshit.

They provide profit to the growers, in this analogy, that would be the Koch Bros and Freedumb Works.


Now that I think about it, living in Oregon with a truffle hunting dog more than makes up for the shiitake garden. Also I snagged a shitload of beautiful chanterelles near Mt. Hood last week.


I snagged a shitload of beautiful chanterelles
What, then, is the appropriate unit for measuring quantities of shiitakes?


Bukkake buckets?




What, then, is the appropriate unit for measuring quantities of shiitakes?



Myriad girls, half a myriad of cups.


Moon bukkake.

Goodnight moon!


Moon bukkake.

Watch out for santorum.


Moon bukkake.

Watch out for santorum.


Where’s the brain bleach?

Absolut Moral Authority

[ Imagine a combination coroner / concertmaster! ]


Americans are starting to wake up and realize what a train wreck the Republican Party has become:


Which is TOTALLY less trustworthy than a Guardian report quoting two unnamed HHS employees.


Aw, that still eating at you? Poor ickle thing.


A bit of celebration today–New Jersey begins same sex marriages!

Current tally of states: 14. We’re on our way, people!


Congratulations to the people of the state of NJ, its a good reminder that not everything is getting worse at an increasing rate.


When can we start banning opposite sex marriage?


Why is everyone so down on marriage?


Trolls have learned there’s a morning mod gap (a yawning gap, natch).


Yeah, JFK cut the top tax rate all the way down to something like 65%.

Want to go back to that, troll-eoleo?


LOL @ Tea Party patriot


Ooh! Ooh! Can I play?

Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid.
– President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 11/8/54


How about one from St. Ronnie of Raygun:

We’re going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share. In theory, some of those loopholes were understandable, but in practice they sometimes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing, while a bus driver was paying ten percent of his salary, and that’s crazy. […] Do you think the millionaire ought to pay more in taxes than the bus driver or less?


Here’s another one from that socialist hippie Ronald Reagan:

Where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost.


If I recall correctly, didn’t Ronald Reagan get his start in politics shortly after his term as president of the Screen Actors Guild? So- not just a union member, also a union president.


So- not just a union member, also a union president.

Wouldn’t the correct Fox News terminology be “big labor boss” or better yet “union thug”?


If I recall correctly, didn’t Ronld Reagan get his start in politics shortly after his term as president of the Screen Actors Guild? So- not just a union member, also a union president.

Guess he had a liberal (or at least pro-union) speechwriter then. As my mother remarked while he was CA Governor, the problem with Ronnie was that he always did what his advisors told him to. Since you had no way of knowing in advance who his advisors would be, you didn’t know what he’d be doing.


Elephant PEE.

The team filmed rats, dogs, goats, cows and elephants urinating and gathered footage from YouTube of others relieving themselves. Combining this with data on mass, bladder pressure and urethra size, they were able to create a mathematical model of urinary systems to show why mammals take the same time to empty their bladder, despite the difference in bladder size.


Beaten to the link post, but I bet Wayne LaPierre is harder than Chinese algebra right now.


Process servers can’t find the Oregon Tea Party founder, who’s more than three years behind on mortgage payments.

Probably thinks he’s a “too-big-to-fail” bank, and can get away with stuff like that.


Former Tea Party Candidate Against Government Healthcare Has 10 Kids on Medicaid
The guy believes that it is morally wrong to accept government healthcare and wants you to stop him receiving it by abolishing the benefit so that no-one receives it. Personal responsibility!
To put it another way… he wants to discredit the system so that everyone else shares his contempt for it. And the best way to do that is to abuse it. So not only is he receiving $$$, his behaviour turns out to meet his high moral standards after all. Marvellous how neatly it works out.


The next time someone complains about how Christians are persecuted and treated unfairly in this country, show ’em this:


Tea partiers are the welfare moms who drive cadillacs.


Here’s another one from that socialist hippie Ronald Reagan:

Where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost.

That must have been said in his impetuous youth. He later found himself when he fired the air traffic controllers. He didn’t forbid that union, merely crushed it.


Tea partiers are the welfare moms who drive cadillacs.

I dunno. Since “welfare moms who drive Cadillacs”* are a fiction, and the TPers are all too real, I’d disagree. Unless, of course, you’re casting the TPers as people who get far more out of the system than others, at everyone else’s expense. Then I’d agree, though I’d say the “welfare mom, etc” also carries the “those people” dogwhistle.

*Largely fictional. There probably are welfare moms driving old Caddy beaters, because they can’t afford anything better/more reliable/cheaper to drive.


Cadillacs are the home-school busses of Tea-party welfarism.


Since “welfare moms who drive Cadillacs”* are a fiction

In the Reaganite sense, absolutely. Political scammers and bankers are another matter.


In the Reaganite sense, absolutely. Political scammers and bankers are another matter.

And blackmailers. Don’t forget blackmailers.


Tea partiers are the welfare moms who drive cadillacs.

I didn’t know Cadillac made a scooter!


Re Xian persecution, did you see that bit the other day where some godbothering bimbo cited the Crusades as evidence of historical (and ongoing) persecution of Xians?


Robots with machine guns could be on the battlefield within 5 years.
What could possibly go wrong?
Actually I’m almost surprised some deranged, tech savvy person hasn’t already rigged a homebrew version of this up, for a mass shooting.


That must have been said in his impetuous youth. He later found himself when he fired the air traffic controllers.

I suspect he was talking about Solidarnosc (Solidarity). He was fine with unions as long as they were in Poland.


Ah, here it is.

Wright, the former head of Concerned Women for America who is now vice president of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-FAM), was upset about a Daily Show segment from 2005 that poked fun of the “Christian persecution complex,” noting Christianity’s ascendency in the West following the conversion of Constantine I. Wright said she couldn’t understand why Stewart thinks “we are in charge and we are the oppressors,” referring to the Crusades as an instance in which Christians faced persecution. “I guess he never heard of the Crusades; the Crusades were actually defensive against the Muslim hordes,” she said.”


Actually I’m almost surprised some deranged, tech savvy person hasn’t already rigged a homebrew version of this up, for a mass shooting.

Might as well think big. Build an army of them and hold the world hostage for one meeeeeelion dollars!


the Crusades were actually defensive against the Muslim hordes

The Crusades were an excuse to get the knights out of France and give them something to do besides tearing up everything in France fighting with each other.


The Crusades were an excuse to get the knights out of France and give them something to do besides tearing up everything in France fighting with each other.

And invading homes, raping women and children, etc…

There was also the genocide cuz gawd said so…


Concerned Women for America


Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute


referring to the Crusades as an instance in which Christians faced persecution


“I guess he never heard of the Crusades


the Crusades were actually defensive against the Muslim hordes,”


Hordes, huh? Untermensch…?


the Crusades were actually defensive against the Muslim hordes

Just like Bush in Iraq!


Just like Bush in Iraq!

A whole horde of them fits neatly in the prison at Guantanamo Bay.


And invading homes, raping women and children, etc…

Not to mention sacking Constantinople and killing every Jew they met on the way to the holy land.


Read a book about Eleanor of Aquitaine a while back. As I recall, the Crusade she put together was a complete and total fuckup. They lost most of their army and ended up attacking Damascus (even though Damascus was at that time non-hostile and trading with Jerusalem) becuase, well, they had to attack _something_! Said attack failed miserably.


” the Crusades were actually defensive against the Muslim hordes,” 

Sure, in the “he hit my fist with his face” sense.


Not to mention sacking Constantinople and killing every Jew they met on the way to the holy land.



The Crusaders were just standing their ground!


Not to mention sacking Constantinople

And if one were to suggest to her this drastically weakened Constantinople so they were less able to withstand the Ottomans…


Ever seen those home videos of dad getting whacked in the nuts by a baby? Well THE CRUSADERS SAW THOSE VIDEOS TOO.


What does the name “Substance” mean? A name is much more than just a name!

S is for secret, that you can certainly keep.
U is for unbreakable, your spirit is strong.
B is for busy, your never idle life.
S is for sweetheart, you really are!
T is for tender, loving nature.
A is for able, for you surely are.
N is for name, a pleasant one indeed.
C is for captive, your web of charm.
E is for enrich, a quality you share.

Out of 5,364,811 records in the U.S. Social Security Administration public data, the name “Substance” was not present. It is possible the name you are searching has less than five occurrences per year in each state. You might want to use a short version of your first name or perhaps your nickname.

On the other hand, you simply have a name that no one else in America is using. For 132 years only your parents have thought of using your name. Hoorah! You are a unique individual.

Substance, know more about your family history and ancestors. You can search over 1.5 billion records online!

Your name in reverse order is “Ecnatsbus”. A random rearrangement of the letters in your name (anagram) will give ‘Ebsutnsac’.

Your past life Substance:

I do not know how you feel about it, but you were a female in your last earthly incarnation. You were born somewhere around the territory of Thailand approximately on 1750. Your profession was sailor, shoemaker.

Your brief psychological profile in that past life:

Inquisitive, inventive, liked to get to the very bottom of things and to rummage in books. Talent for drama, natural born actor.

Lessons that your last past life brought to present:

Your lesson – to learn discretion and reason and then teach others to do that. Your life will be happier, when you help those who lack reasoning.

Now do you remember?


Why does it not surprise me that Substance is delinquent on his payroll taxes.



it’s also possible that you have (unintentionally?) triggered an English bad word listed in the profanity database.


It’s a good thing I’m on my fone or y’all would learn the meaning of Manquécito.



I told you guys years ago that the fucking trolls weren’t real, and letting them piss all over your living room in the name of some kind of fucking ‘openness’ was stupid, and destructive to the community.

Wonder what it could have been like if SN! admins had the courage to shut down the stupid….


Your name in reverse order is “Daerht”. A random rearrangement of the letters in your name (anagram) will give ‘Adhert’.

I also was a sailor/shoemaker in my past life, which seems an odd combination. I was a Japanese male though, about 5 years younger than past-life Substance. But Substance and I have the same lesson to bring to this new life. I guess our lives will be miserable until we can figure out some way to help Dennis.


Robots with machine guns could be on the battlefield within 5 years.

Like Mecha-Castro here?


A.mikey’s (almost) always right.
2. the 2 or 3 dozen regulars lost through trollage are missed
III. it will undoubtedly get worse and worse
Quatre. Sauve qui peut.


New post.

It turns out I’m not a fan of the current wingnut attempt to beg the kids they’ve been abusing and hating on to save their fucking asses from their own easily avoidable follies.


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