Time-Travelers and Hypocrites
God doesn’t like it when you know your partner, luckily, we can fix that booboo right up. Oh stop crying, this is for your own good.
Marsha West, Anti-Rooibos America:
Sin is at the heart of what is wrong in your life
Conservatives are weird.
Which yeah, understatement of the millennium, but it’s worth noting because of all the hard-selling they do for the status quo and the way they so utterly fixate on any minor difference and excuse they can use to abuse and mistreat in the name of “normality” and “conformity”, they are still, really really fucking weird.
A lifetime of locking one’s arms and digging in one’s heels in the hopes of halting the ever-forward momentum of history and the millions whose broken and battered bodies make it so means a lifetime of growing more and more separated from its impacts or changes.
And it leaves the poor confused dears like time travelers from the times when things used to suck even more, cheerfully relating how the perfidy of the Irish is destroying the Protestant heritage of this country as everyone glances nervously at their glasses and wonders exactly how strong their drinks really were.
Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):
- Now some Christians may have abandoned getting hung up on that “living in sin” thing what with it being a no-brainer to have some experience actually living with one’s partner before getting incredibly entangled in what is often intended to be a life-long commitment, but real Christians know that those fakers are going to be burning for eternity in Hell right alongside the faggots and those who engage in the demon sport known as dancing.
Which reminds me of that whole wingnuts eating their own thing I was talking about last week. Every last one of those narrow-minded bigots can thank us freaks and outcasts, forever bleeding to make life’s infinite spectrum that slight bit more acceptable and taken as given and serving as the focus for their combined ire. Because without us, you’d gladly rip each other apart on a one way trip to the iron-clad boxes of the literal Dark Ages.
Bill and Beth (not their real names) are professing Christians. Bill gave Beth a “promise ring” so she decided that God would be okay with them living together as man and wife. If the arrangement works out, they’ll marry. If it doesn’t work out they’ll move on to the next relationship.
Yep, our time-traveler is so utterly separated from the time-stream that even the creepy “promise ring” psychos are too faux-Christian for her.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Beth’s mom is also a Christian. Beth opened up to me that when her mom found out she had decided to live in sin her only concern was that she could become pregnant. Both of Beth’s sisters have children out of wedlock and this understandably distresses Mom as she worries that her youngest may follow in her two older sisters’ footsteps.
Snrk. How’s that abstinent only/ ban them from any information about reproduction and biology thing working out for ya?
To me what’s more troubling than the pregnancy issue
Well yeah, I mean, like pretty much every conservative, you are emotionally incapable of considering any other life experience other than your own and since you don’t… have need to concern in that department as it were, it’s obvious that would take backseat to giving you the old hot flash that you can only get from hardcore judging.
is that this Christian mother isn’t all that concerned that by living together Beth and Bill are sinning against God! In fact, she hasn’t even broached the subject with her daughter.
Oh well, I can clear up this little conundrum. It’s because no one fucking gives a shit anymore. I mean, when even the fundies are admitting that maybe this is an archaic practice that gets in the way of real life and what people need, you’ve not only lost the game, you’ve lost the season, the crowd, the stadium, and 100,000 quid to a skeevy loan shark named One-Eyed Paulie.
Except for Christmas and Easter, Beth and Bill haven’t attended church together. According to Beth, Bill has a hang up about church that he prefers keeping to himself. Since she doesn’t want to probe too deeply into her man’s past, she has decided that it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie
And make no mistake, this “Beth” is hardcore fundie to the point where even bothering to know who the man you are planning to marry is is commie treason brainwashing.
But damnitt, if she didn’t want to be judged as a pagan junkie slut, she would have tried even harder to deny herself for an insane ideology.
I mean, what else is she going to do? Realize that there is literally nothing she can do to get in the good graces of the bitter old lady club and she might as well abandon this hateful ideology altogether and stop letting some asshole’s personal Invisible Sky Dictator rule their life…
(in bed on Sunday)
Ha! Good one, Marsh. That’ll have the rotary club rolling in the aisles.
and join her mother for the service. What would happen, I queried, if Bill doesn’t get over his church hang up? Beth replied sharply, “Well, he’d better!”
I also asked what her pastor would say if he knew that she was living with her boyfriend without the benefit of marriage. She appeared surprised and said with conviction, “Nothing!”
I pressed on. “A minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ has no problem with Christians living in sin?” Her bemused expression spoke volumes: “If he doesn’t like it, I’ll change churches,” she stated matter-of-factly. In other words, Beth would shop around for a church with a more progressive thinker in the pulpit; a church that bends to her life-style choices, one that meets her needs.
Oh noes! Not having one’s spiritual institution actually having relevant things to say about one’s life! That would be the worst thing EVAR!
By Beth’s way of thinking, the church she chooses will have to accept the sort of behavior that’s explicitly forbidden in Scripture or she’ll find one that does!
Oh no! She joined a church that lets people eat the flesh of pigs or shellfish? Or one that tolerates those who dare wait more than a night to pay wages? Oh fuck! You don’t mean she joined one of those nasty liberal churches that don’t send women to Menstruation Huts when it is their unclean time?
That harlot!
After listening to Beth attempt to justify her sinful lifestyle for several agonizing minutes,
Oh you poor baby, did you have to suffer listening to someone who isn’t you?
Sigh… when will those monsters learn?
I passed on the Apostle Paul’s instructions concerning how the Church body should handle those who indulged in overt sin. Briefly stated, Paul made clear that couples involved in sex out of wedlock (heterosexual or homosexual) must be counseled by church leaders to abstain forthwith. Moreover, they had to repent of their sin and separate. Unrepentant sinners were prevailed upon by their church family to leave. This is known as “church discipline.” Paul’s instructions still apply today. In other words, God has not changed his mind.
Would this be during the letter where he begged a slaveowner to sell him the rentboy he had been renting him on the cheap because no one could lift his luggage quite as well?
Also, I just want to take the time to point out that Little Miss “The Bible Says” is so ignorant of her own “all hallowed text” that she seems to think that the closet case wannabe tyrant stapled to the end as a “guide” to “the early Church” counts as the unerring word of God as well.
Which, of course these fuckers don’t actually read their “holy works”. Because they don’t actually worship the Book or their God, despite all their posing. What they really worship is the judgment. The excuse to look down on others and consider themselves superior to all others based entirely on accidents of birth.
Well, Beth was shocked. “That’s ridiculous!” she gasped. “They can’t make me leave my church, can they?”
That would be it. The power trip of making someone wholly dependent on an abusive organization and then yanking away its protections for arbitrary and poorly defended reasons.
And luckily, every year, thanks to those they despise more than anyone else, this worshiped power becomes ever weaker and less able to wound. And its most fervent disciples are left to wither, the forgotten memories they’ve always been.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. In the holy name of Trent Reznor, God is dead and no one cares. Amen. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Judie Brown, Rabid America:
Mercifully killing our cat
Alternative Shorter:
- My hard and difficult decision to spare my beloved pet the prolonged pain and suffering of unnecessary medical intervention demonstrates clearly that human beings should be spared the same dignity.
Hey wait a minute on the sidebar of the original…
Marsha West is a religious/political writer and owner of EmailBrigade.com. She is also the founder and editor of the Email Brigade News Report, a biweekly news resource for people of faith that is chock-full of critical news and information.
You’re the fucker who creates those endless religious chains that senile family members send to everyone in their address book.
Paul, in fact, recommended keeping away from icky girls ALTOGETHER.
But if you HAD to, you know, GO THAT WAY, well yeah, you’d better damn well do it by the Book.
Hawai’i is due to have a Special Session to decide on same-sex marriage in about 3 weeks. The usual suspects are against it, and are, also as usual, spreading lies, too. Since the bill says that if an organization offers, say hall rentals, to the public, they can’t refuse said public if they’re gay. This has magically turned into “they’re gonna make you perform (gulp) gay marriages!” Since the anti-gay marriage folks have prevented gay marriages for everyone, regardless of whether or not they’re members of their churches (including other churches that don’t have a problem with marrying same-sex couples), I suppose it’s not too surprising, given their complete inability to consider the views of anyone not them, so they assume other people will act the same way they have.
I passed on the Apostle Paul’s instructions concerning how the Church body should handle those who indulged in overt sin. Briefly stated, Paul made clear that couples involved in sex out of wedlock (heterosexual or homosexual) must be counseled by church leaders to abstain forthwith. Moreover, they had to repent of their sin and separate. Unrepentant sinners were prevailed upon by their church family to leave. This is known as “church discipline.” Paul’s instructions still apply today. In other words, God has not changed his mind.
So I Googled “church discipline” and after scanning through a selection of media from my bunk, I found Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians, which doesn’t really talk about “living in sin”. So I then Googled “sexual immorality” and had to work my way through yet more image and video clips before finding Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. Which also does not explicitly address non-marital cohabitation.
I’m not saying that Paul doesn’t say what Marsha says he says – heck I am certainly no biblical scholar. Would be nice if they provided a reference. You know, if you’re going to quote chapter and verse, how’s about letting us know which chapter and what verses.
In thinking about that old chestnut about someone giving you a time machine so you could go back and assassinate any historical figure—but just one—who would you pick, I have to say Saul of Tarsus would be at the top of my short list. Any suggestions for any one else whose removal would ameliorate the human condition any more?
Oooh, I got off teh boat. There’s tons of clickees over there. Nice to know I hit the two epistles right. I’m still clicking to find stuff about non-marital sex.
Any suggestions for any one else whose removal would ameliorate the human condition any more?
The guy who came up with pop-under ads?
Of course, this guy would be a strong candidate as well.
That’s the problem with being fundamentalist. You can never be fundamentalist enough. There’s always someone out there who’s even further off the deep end than you are that’s going to call you a sinner or a heretic.
Sort of like being a GOP candidate these days.
oof…i read her entire post…marsha has to be a blast at parties or any social gathering…
i absolutely love how marsha is shocked at how shocked ‘beth’ is with her gasping ‘they can’t make me leave my church, can they?!?!?’ isn’t that pretty much how all the different denominations and sects came to be in the first place? somebody gets whizzed off either at their church or their pastor and they go set up their own church that pertains to their beliefs more closely? like dkw, i also am no biblical scholar, but isn’t that pretty accurate?
so what’s marsha’s deal? that her ‘church’ follows the actual word of god and/or jesus? like the original church? and she knows this how? her belief that the bible is the actual word of god? and the bible hasn’t been translated, edited, watered down, trumped up or otherwise tampered with and can be credibly relied upon to be ‘the actual word’? well, okay…whatever floats her boat. but damn, sister…tone down the sanctimony a bit, mkay?
a biweekly news resource for people of faith that is chock-full of critical news and information
yes, heavy on the ‘critical’…
“It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman.”
Paul is oddly silent on the alternative IYKWIAITYD
“But since sexual immorality is occurring, each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and each woman with her own husband.”
Ummmmmm, k.
“Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer.
Huh? That’s just … weird. First he’s all “well if you must” but now he’s like “fuck ALL the hours! But pray when your not boinking”
“Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.”
This guy clearly has … issues.
“I say this as a concession, not as a command.‘
What, exactly do you mean? None of that crap is a command? Or just the last bit?
” I wish that all of you were as I am. But each of you has your own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that.”
“Now to the unmarried[a] and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do. 9 But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.”
Marriage kills passion, got it. I’ve heard that before.
So far we haven’t seen any command, wonder what she was on about.
“To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. 11 But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife.”
Ahhhh, the one thing that actually is god’s command is the one they’re fine with doing. Isn’t that just typical.
Just want to mention that we anti-theist types are far more likely to have actually read the bibble. I’ve noticed that the people who are most insistent that EVERYONE live by the bibble rules tend to have not actually read the damn thing.
Welp, I was gonna link to the Rosanne quote about their religion: “Basically we believe in being good—we’re Good People™” Dan: “Yeah, but we’re not Practicing”, but apparently IMDb doesn’t exist any more?
I had taken up the “sword of the Spirit” (Ephesians 6:17) to defend my position
What she means is she’d taken up the “first stone” (John 8:7) to huck at that ho.
I’ve noticed that the people who are most insistent that EVERYONE live by the bibble rules tend to have not actually read the damn thing.
oh, i bet marsha has read the bible…especially the really judgey parts…i’m pretty sure she loves her some good bible porn where she can read certain passages and fantasize about taking up the sword of the spirit against certain sinners…
ew, i’ve just seriously squicked myself out…
I’m sorry. There’s an teeny error in your … hang on.
There. Sorry.
Pennis couldn’t be more obtuse if he tried.
Oh, ye of little faith!
awwww…finally something they can agree on…maybe that long-awaited hook up is going to happen after all…
Atheists and agnostics, Jews and Mormons are among the highest-scoring groups on a new survey of religious knowledge, outperforming evangelical Protestants, mainline Protestants and Catholics on questions about the core teachings, history and leading figures of major world religions.
They don’t need to actually read the Bible to get to the judgey parts. Abusive pastors are all to willing to help them find the really good, awesome, burn-the-fornicators parts without having to get through the give-up-your-wealth, camel-eye-of-needle, love-everyone (and that means the guy who really burns your cookies back there) dreck that might give the flock the wrong idea.
Then the sheep can highlight those sections, thumb to them, read them over and over, probably in soft lighting with mood music going in the background.
I borked the link. http://www.pewforum.org/2010/09/28/u-s-religious-knowledge-survey/
“Properly read the Bible is the greatest force for atheism ever conceived.” – Isaac Asimov
“It ain’t those parts of the Bible that I can’t understand that bother me, it is the parts that I do understand.” – Mark Twain
Thanks for helping Pup and I find common ground. Matthew 5:9.
They all think that.
That’s why there are some 20,000 Christian sects, each one of which will happily explain to you in minute detail how the others are all wrong wrong wrong.
They all think that.
That’s why there are some 20,000 Christian sects, each one of which will happily explain to you in minute detail how the others are all wrong wrong wrong.
exactly…which is why i can’t take organized religion seriously anymore…
Too bad they can’t be locked in a room together. I was at a state park a few weeks ago, trying to fish, and some J.W.s rolled up at 7 fucking am and handed me The Watchtower. This is what I get for being an early riser.
Matthew 19:9 And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.”
How come the thumpers never call out Ronnie and Newt for their SINS?
Because it would take all fucking day to list them, and they’d never get anything else done?
Off topic but interesting
I guess a side effect of getting hit on the nose by a football is becoming insufferably judgmental.
If “Beth” and “Bill” ever do get married, do you have a sneaking suspicion that Marsha won’t be invited to the wedding?
Typical Pennis/Christianists tactic. Demand proof then say it isn’t what it is. HAHAHAHAHAHA
You know, I’ve been thinking about her claim that “Paul made clear that couples involved in sex out of wedlock … had to repent of their sin and separate.” That goes against the common understanding that fornicators should wed, “make an honest man/woman” of the partner. I wonder where she gets her clear understanding that’s diametrically opposed to everyone else’s?
That finding doesn’t support your statement about groups as a whole being more knowledgeable about the Bible.
Not in Pennis-world, no.
But in the “reality-based community”, definitely!
“Paul made clear that couples involved in sex out of wedlock … had to repent of their sin and separate.”
i read it as they had to separate from the church, not from each other since that’s what marshamarshamarsha was on about…
also, too, i can’t help but wonder about hubbkf’s and my situation…we did not live together before marriage, but it was pretty close…and we did a LOT of fornicating…so…did god make the daughter developmentally disabled because we didn’t repent of our sin? if we would have lived together, would she be worse? idk…from marshamarshamarsha’s take on it, it seems that any of us may be struck by god’s whim at any given moment for any given sin we committed (knowingly or unwittingly) at any time…
so…did god make the daughter developmentally disabled because we didn’t repent of our sin?
No. Marsha would surely disagree. Gleefully.
As I understand it, there’s a really good reason friend Paul seems to say contradictory things: there’s the stuff he actually wrote, and the stuff that was added later (around the 4th Century, when the Christian religion first became part of the State). Oddly, it’s the really nasty bits (the parts that were added later by “church fathers” intent on, among other things, making sure the women Knew Their Place) that the Christianists are so fond of. As I understand it, the agreement about this among biblical scholars is at the same level as agreement about anthropogenic climate change is among climate scientists.
No. Marsha would surely disagree. Gleefully.
as i thought…
i read it as they had to separate from the church, not from each other since that’s what marshamarshamarsha was on about…
I don’t think so, as her next bit is how the UNrepentant ones are to be disfellowshipped.
I don’t think so, as her next bit is how the UNrepentant ones are to be disfellowshipped.
you are correct, madam…my reading skillz weren’t too sharp there…
so, my favorite bit is this:
I could go on and on about these wolves, but I am drifting from my point.
i bet marsha drifts a LOT…
VCarlson is correct about there being later “Paul” documents. I don’t recall the details of which is what but the notion of them being crafted as he said fits perfectly with the early church modus operandis. The always excellent Elaine Pagels gave a detailed rundown in The Origin of Satan which was subtitled “how the early church demonized pagans and Jews” or something like that.
Not only Paul, but the ending of the Gospel According to Mark was tacked on later for a boffo ending:
Long standing resentment regarding the one who got away?
A desire to see a happily unwed couple miserable?
Remember, shitsacks like this don’t care until something bothers them personally. They will latch on to whatever allows them to nurse a grudge and tell themselves the world should be exactly as they say it should be. (Or people will be sorry!) Her drug is religion. It could easily be libertoonism.
See, not only have we anti-theists read more religious texts (including, for many of us, non-Xian ones) we’ve also read FAR MORE about religion.
From the Pew Link:
A certain commenter has, apparently, been pithed.
huh…we are in a tornado watch…what up with that? it’s october for pete’s sake!
In other words, Beth would shop around for a church with a more progressive thinker in the pulpit; a church that bends to her life-style choices, one that meets her needs.
Just curious what Marsha proposes as the alternative. Are people permanently assigned to churches by some governing body or something?
I would imagine that the Catholics in question probably think that the bread ‘represents’ the body of Christ, so they take the invocation of the priest as a statement of that fact, not that he has hoodooed an ordinary wheat product into the actual B&B of Christ. It’s a bit of an arcane point of theology, much less important, than say, the centrality of ML to the Protestant Reformation.
In searching for a church with some bend it should be remembered that both Cthulu and the FSM have very flexible parts.
If the Bible is supposed to be the ultimate authority, then my interpretation of it is just as good as Pat Robertson’s or John Hagee’s or Pastor Bob’s down at First Baptist.
If you’re going to say that some pastor, or group of pastors, or college of divinity gets the final say as to what’s in the Bible then congratulations you’ve just become the Catholics and you may as well elect yourself a pope.
Yep, yep & yep. The Bible’s an insanely diverse olio, us heretics nearly always make believers look like chumps in regard to it because UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE, we don’t go in for rejecting skeevy-smelling shit from a state of utter purblind ignorance toward its actual content … & it’s as plain as the dead hippy on your cross that anyone who was a bonafide KJB-Final-Boss-Level Full Metal Xtian™ would be finding their holy self taking a slow trip up the river on multiple felony indictments in very short order. Making orthodoxy humanly impossible ain’t a bug – it’s a hook. Redeeming (heh) said orthodoxy for your very own personal mink-lined front-row seat so you can watch that lowlife motherfucker who cut you off in traffic being slow-grilled unto eternity = the bait.
PS: Er, IMHO it’s sort of cheat-y to say that MC Luther was the sole sire of Protestantism – I think peeps oughta give my homies Zwingli & Calvin some major props there too, yo.
Abstain forthwith!
See how well that works?
but evangelicals fare less well compared with other groups on questions about world religions such as Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism
color me shocked…
If you have not seen this already, it looks like a good project for the Sadly,Naughts!
Abstain forthwith!
Is Thwith the autumnal version of Lent?
but evangelicals fare less well compared with other groups on questions about world religions such as Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism
Lack of empathy and/or intellectual curiosity tends to do that…
Hey, thanks for coming to my defense.
Theologically speaking, I mean.
acrannymint said,
October 11, 2013 at 20:40
you know what has been driving me a bit crazy? quite a while ago you mentioned that your nym was an anagram…i cannot figure it out…
God has not changed his mind
Fortunately when God *does* change his mind there is always a pope or a holy father to explain the details.
Or an opportunistic monk who wants to marry a nun, like Martin Luther, or a King who wants a divorce, like Henry VIII or a seller of patent medicine who wants a few more wives like Joseph Smith… Anyone seeing a pattern here?
All of you just misunderstood My words right up until now.
Nice one Cerb!
I am currently mo[u]*rning the loss of a lengthy draft that I though was gonna be a great piece. The inspiration was extemporaneous and time dependent and I don’t think I can start from scratch…
This what happens when you compose in a text editor without auto-save and forget to plug in the powersupply and forget to save, because you are on a fucking roll.
*sue me…Still pissed at myself.
All of you just misunderstood My words right up until now.
Sometimes world events lead us to realize our misunderstanding. Washington State’s legalization of pot and marriage equality, for example, revealed that If a man lies with a man … they shall be stoned. we totes misunderstood.
God has not changed his mind
“If a man seduces a virgin who is not pledged to be married and sleeps with her, he must pay the bride-price, and she shall be his wife.”
Anti-rooibos? Really? I want to hear that screed.
a skeevy loan shark named One-Eyed Paulie.
It is such a blast to read Cerb and encounter gems like this one.
Would it be fair to say you’ve got to be morning after your draft?
Badaboom, badabing.
and if we’re lucky, we can get someone stopping by to tell us that we are intolerant, racist, sexist, hypocritical, clique-ish, immature, arrogant liberals…so we don’t even have to watch fox or read wingnut sites anymore…so we got that going for us…
Anti-rooibos? Really? I want to hear that screed.
Rooibos is FAKE TEA! And it’s from SOUTH AFRICA, which used to be EVIL!
We have to be reminded how small-minded and hateful we are, all day, every day. That’s the burden of being the Liberal Fascists of liberal snark blogs, which is central to my point.
Not for long. Not nearly long enough to watch a movie with all the projection.
Gary Ruppert works at the Vatican? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/italy/10370809/Vatican-pulls-medals-bearing-name-of-Lesus.html
I liked the tagline for the article:
Non-religious aside: Joe the Plumber opens his stupid fucking mouth for our edification.
Clean-up on aisle Durrrr……………………………..
Go home to Sri Lanka, camellia ! and lay off us natural indigenous types.
Speciesist !
In the spirit of ecumenism, I will drink ANY cup of rooibos OR Camellia sinensis made for me and served with a small plate of something sweet.
Joe the Plumber makes me wish Junkpuncho the Junk Punching Alpaca were real, in Joe’s neighborhood, and had a few spare days to do a really thorough job.
Actually, I have a lot more issues with Jesus’ sinning in your heart thing than I do with Paul’s idiocy. Hating someone is the same thing as committing violence against them. Lusting after someone is the same as adultery. Etc.
As someone with OCD, I really can’t control the, sometimes horrible, thoughts that go through my head. Believe me, I’ve tried. I’m on tons of medication and the most its done is soften my reaction to them – my need to perform repetitive tasks to “cleanse” myself of them. I imagine if I were religious, my OCD and my life would be even worse than it is.
In other words, fuck Jesus. Also, the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard is some bullshit.
Cue the Sanjuro jokes………..
In the spirit of ecumenism, I will drink ANY cup of rooibos OR Camellia sinensis
If it’s friendliness and ecumenism you’re after, obviously the hot drink of choice is Yerba Mate.
Yay! More reminders that there’s no end to the festering cock knobbery of the GOP!
My gourd is still in transit, but if you’re offering…
Spearafoc, the way I read it is he was saying: “Look, everybody’s done something, and one thing’s about as bad as the other. So get off your high horse and stop judging other people.”
a couple of comments from joe the plumber’s site…left here with no comment:
Not even George Bush, as smart a man as he is, could undo the damage Bill Clinton did to this economy.
Not even George Bush, as smart a man as he is, could undo the damage Bill Clinton did to this economy.
I wouldn’t sell him short. He did a great job fixing that surplus.
Yes, Jesus was more about ‘Go and sin no more’ than reminding people was lowlife sinners they were. According to one work which looks at the narrative and story of Jesus from a cultural perspective, demonic possession was an idiom for referring to what were probably psychiatric disorders. In John, He’s accused of being demon-possessed, as a way of saying he was crazy. So it’s a bit more complicated than it looks on the surface.
Good Samaritan.
My gourd is still in transit
And your hovercraft. Is it still full of eels?
You mean unagi? Yum. I mean YES.
In gourd we trust.
All others pay in casabas.
Follow the gourd!
I am currently morning the loss of a lengthy draft…
Ale? Lager? What?
On the first comments page of Joe’s screed, three people thought Joe was on-target. (bbkf sampled two of them) They were totes drenched by liberal rebuttal and scornful laughter. It is diverting. I may go back and see what sort of goofballs show up on the other pages.
The gourd works in mysterious ways.
Whoop! Whoop! Warning! Warning! Failure to capitalize the name of the almighty indicates liberal initiated decrease in morals! Whoop! Whoop!
But Mr. Plumber’s Helper posits that a white Republican prez will mean people can go back to criticizing the prez. without being called racist. (Without of course pausing to separate the criticisms of Obama that are racist from those that aren’t and because his ass probably thinks the fact a black bank teller doesn’t spit in his eye means he is “down” avec the “homies”. Besides which, that sort of analysis will cut into the performance of synchronized butthurtling.)
What this mendacious sack of chitterlings glosses over is last time people criticized white Republican prez., they got called traitors.
But anything to get back in front of the cameras I guess. If this doesn’t work, he can try “We need to get that nggr out of the White House!” and so on until Faux gives him a call.
Loss of business, lack of god
Love how losing a little business takes precedence over God. Priorities!
I do not wish to subscribe to Joe Not-a-plumber’s newsletter. Nevertheless, I am intrigued by his argument that only white males should be eligible for the presidency, as long as racism persists in the US, since it makes people reluctant to criticise anyone who is differently-skin-coloured (not to mention differently-gendered and differently-religious). I assume this also holds for any other public office.
It is a natural extension of the argument to restrict the vote itself to white males. The current situation allows inner city thugs to vote for their own self-interest, and pundits are unable to criticise them for it, for fear of being called racist.
Speaking of stoning:
Why stoning? There are many reasons. First, the implements of execution are available to everyone at virtually no cost…executions are community projects–not with spectators who watch a professional executioner do `his’ duty, but rather with actual participants…That modern Christians never consider the possibility of the reintroduction of stoning for capital crimes indicates how thoroughly humanistic concepts of punishment have influenced the thinking of Christians.
Speaking of stoning:
I’m going to have to award two pinocchios to that Rational-Wiki article, since it omitted the balancing information that Liberals are the real fascists.
Speaking of stoning
My only advice to Gary North is he’d better find a nice smooth, rounded stone so it doesn’t hurt as bad when I take it from him and forcibly put it in a very uncomfortable place.
I’m getting really sick of these people.
That modern Christians never consider the possibility of the reintroduction of stoning for capital crimes indicates how thoroughly humanistic concepts of punishment have influenced the thinking of Christians.
Ha ha, until I followed the link I thought he was counting that as a positive. Fucking Calvinists.
Capital crimes? naturally, that includes blasphemy:
Leviticus 24:16
Whoever blasphemes the name of the Lord shall surely be put to death. All the congregation shall stone him. The sojourner as well as the native, when he blasphemes the Name, shall be put to death.
You’d need to gather a lot of people together who are without sin.
Well, I’ve missed a month of S,N!
And why is Barbara Eden in this Photochop?
He said ‘Jehovah’!
I distinctly said, “Jemima.”
Well, it was kind of overcast and/or rainy all day today, so — oh, without sin!
Wait, he wasn’t? We have been regressing at a nice clip. Why, it seems like only 10 years or so ago we were having a national conversation about how much torture was OK.
Oh, wait.
And the people advocating torture are still not only not incarcerated in a nice, cozy cell somewhere, many of them are still considered Very Serious People. Crap.
Jennifer Rubin in the WAPO, trying to polish the shutdown turd.
What the hell is Charlie Pierce doing in Ludowici? (heard on Only a Game) For a while it was the most famous speed trap/kangaroo court in America and they still keep up the tradition but I can’t think of any sporting events that occur there. There’s only one bar, maybe I’ll go up and see if I can find Charlie.
Republicans to make wise choices for 2014 and 2016 and for sober, effective leaders to emerge who can take on a much-needed course correction.
snicker… nnnnnhgh…
… *gasp*…
right. Sure.
No indeed. The GOP should listen only to the murmurings of their sycophantic cock jockeys who just want the GOP to excuse the 1% from paying taxes, smoosh poors and frag Muslims.
Riiiiight. If we pretend this latest unpleasantness is a completely unprecedented bout of madness from an otherwise rational party (no doubt caused by Democrats spiking the punch), then that kind of sort of makes sense.
It all boils down to the fact that Cruz Missile’s style is too brash for her refained tastes. If he were just a bit more civil and collegial while he tries to fuck up the country she’d be humping his leg with the rest of the Teahaddists.
But a look at the comments reveals she’s been declared a CINO for her pains.
Apropos of nothing, Obamacare rollout critique.
For a while it was the most famous speed trap/kangaroo court in America
I think New Rome, Ohio used to have that distinction until the state finally got fed up and dissolved the local government.
New Rome
Sure, New Rome, a contender. Ludowici got so crazy that the gov. posted warnings at the border welcome centers sparking a Life magazine article. That was a while ago but they haven’t forgotten.
It looks like some of the computer code for signing up for the ACA is indeed FUBAR.
Computer codes can be fixed, as I’m sure these will eventually be.
What will be interesting is whether deliberate sabotage was a factor.
Given the Manichaean mindset of the GOP, “it would be irresponsible not to speculate”.
“According to Beth, Bill has a hang up about church that he prefers keeping to himself.”
I would literally pay money to see the look on Miss Old Biddy’s face if she confronted “Bill” about this and he said “Matthew 6:6” and walked away.
Mic drop totally optional. 😉
People are laughing at them
FTFY, Denny.
In a dial-in conference call with the group called “Truckers Ride for the Constitution,” one of the protest organizers — Zeeda Andrews — chatted with a truck driver who was going by the name General Lee (otherwise known as Ernest Lee from Bullhead City, Ariz.), and other organizers.
“According to Beth, Bill has a hang up about church that he prefers keeping to himself.”
perhaps when bill was a lad he was raised catholic?
So now all of a sudden people like you are talking about it again and somehow you think it’s a win?
Woo hoo! Well golly they sure showed us!
That’s setting the bar pretty damn low if “people talking about it” counts as a win.
Why on earth would liberals have decided CONVOYGEDDON was a hoax (in addition a joke)? It isn’t as though one of the head organizers said he made up the threat to get attention.
Oh sorry, he did say he made it up to get attention.
Well, that’s what liberals get for listening to angel dust gobbling right wing herpderpers. Everyone knows those people can’t open their mouths without dropping seven or eight lies on their feet.
See, liberals iz stupid!!
OT but I had to share this. Read it in the voice of Michael Palin telling the PFJ of his plan to topple the Roman Empire in six months:
For more wingnut blood and tears go here: http://www.redstate.com/2013/10/11/get-out-your-checkbook-now/
I know there is a great deal of concern and even Concern that having a single party nation will be problematic in the long run.
But not only do I sincerely hope these blood sucking SOBs tear each other to shreds (in front of cameras so we can watch), that’s essentially what we’ve had since Bush II, the sequel. The GOP can no longer effectively govern. It can only break shit and throw shit.
Mr. Conlon any comment?
Har har! Stoopid libruls you believed something a Teahaddist said!
White Plains got a cousin of mine. He’s from Edmonton, he needs to travel, so he had to pay an outrageous amount and make a court date.
Josh St. Lawrence?
White Plains got a cousin of mine.
In Fer-de-Lance, the White Plains constabulary and the DA don’t come off looking very well, I don’t know how reality-based that was for back in the mid1930s
Investigators said the naked man hit the hunter repeatedly in the head with a rock, but the hunter managed to eventually fight off his attacker. He held the man at bay with his hunting rifle until deputies arrived.
huh…he didn’t shoot him…what a novel approach!
For a while White Plains and Portchester were duking it out for bad police but budget cuts have brought them both down. I got along with both of them but I’m NOT CANADIAN.
Oh fer fucks sake, this shit is STILL going on here?
There can’t be a connection.
Is the page borked for anyone else? Looks like someone lost their html somewhere, or it was stolen maybe.
Page looks fine here.
one big purge, bite the bullet in the lame duck process
Needs moar Fascist Octopus.
The fact is, there were a million truckers on the DC Beltway, only you liverals were too stupid to see that almost all of them decided to crive cars instead.
Are the Sadlyburg borderers taking a coffee break or sumpin’? There seems to be a whole mess of
Dennispoop on my screen….I’ve got no problem if Dennis plays nicely, but this whole Dennis and DA thing is sorta like Mothra and Godzilla. Amusing in a campy way for a while, but after fake Tokyo gets pulverized again and again and again by two guys in rubber monster suits in endless sequels, it just gets old.
Hooboy! http://www.rightwingwatch.org/ Documenting the lunacy at the value voters summit.
Jim Bob Duggar Compares US To Nazi Germany During The Holocaust
Bomberger: Gays Like Kleptomaniacs, Homophobia A Myth
Rios: Matthew Shepard Murder A ‘Complete Fraud’
Bachmann: Obama Is Supporting Al Qaeda, Proving That We Are In The End Times
Santorum: Contraception Mandate Is A ‘Descendant Of The French Revolution’
My favorite: Rios: Gays And Lesbians ‘Caught In A Powerful Web Of Deceit’
Also the At VVS Heritage Predicts ‘Massive Upheaval’ and Right-Wing Takeover of GOP story is a hoot!
What, are they claiming Matthew Shepard isn’t really dead or something?
Pup, did any of them start frothing and gibbering and screaming about demons?
Looking again at the lineup I see the frothing and screaming about demons were covered. I wonder who handled the gibbering?
Alas, no gibbeting occurred.
If you want to see true complete delusion go see that redstate comment thread I linked. The South Will Rise Agin!
When Boehner does cave the freakout will be epic. The monster will rise up against Dr. Frankenstein.
When Boehner does cave the freakout will be epic. The monster will rise up against Dr. Frankenstein.
From your lips to FSM’s noodley aural appendages.
Gays Like Kleptomaniacs
Now a major motion picture! Let them steal your heart!
I wonder who handled the gibbering?
I’ll take “Dennis” for two hundred dollars, Alec…
Prediction: This prediction will soon be filed with all the other ten million liberal blog predictions of the impending demise of the Republican Party.
Oh, yeah, because the GOP is looking SO GOOOD these days.
They can’t even cooperate WITH EACH OTHER now.
That’s a recipe for winning elections, uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh.
Prediction: This prediction will soon be filed with all the other ten million liberal blog predictions of the impending demise of the Republican Party.
Take away the constant infusions of money from the likes of the Koch Brothers, the noisy media ghettos of Fox News and talk radio, gerrymandered Congressional districts and vote-suppression laws and let them contend in the free marketplace of ideas and see how far they’d get then. As it is, no, they’re not disappearing any time soon.
And when Boehner caves, the freakout will be delightful to watch.
Gays Like Kleptomaniacs
“Gaze like Kleptomaniacs” was the B-side of “Walk Like an Egyptian”.
Sheesh, just lock DA and Dennis in a room and let them get their hatefuck on.
Oh Portland.
The demand for shit coffer is skyrocketing
Right, that’s why Obama’s most outspoken critics were allowed to congregate and grope some hotel’s staff.
Yeah so the Everything is Nazis /Hitler is getting kind of tatty. We’ve already had the following Everythings:
What’s next? I’m thinking rape. They already flirted with it during there SHOVED DOWN OUR THROATS phase and we know they don’t hesitate to trivialize horrific things in the order keep on with the synchronized butthurting.
The lampshade industry is doing just fine.
Jim Bob Duggar Compares US To Nazi Germany During The Holocaust
I guess that’s why Ted Cruz and John Boehner are rotting in some secret prison as we speak.
a full Ted Cruz in every bar!
Penn State wins at home against Michigan in. 4th OT!
Penn State wins
Go Fightin’ Pedophiles!
I hear the sadness.
So where have you been hiding JP?
I know we’re not supposed to interact with you-know-who, but “I’ve been googling it for the lady hour” has the makings of a new internet meme.
I’ve only seen one book in my lifetime get serious mainstream exposure that said “hey, everyone, I’m pretty sure that despite the hateful propaganda of Liberal Fascists in academia, concentration camps are actually AWESOME!” That book wasn’t by Janeane Garofalo or Bernie Sanders, it was by Michelle Malkin … lest we forget, the naked subtext at the time was “now that the Patriot Act lets us arbitrarily cornhole the Constitution, it’d be even MOAR awesome to have oodles of shiny new ones for all those icky liberal anti-war freaks that keep harshing my deathbuzz.” Surely the simultaneous screed from Jonah Goldberg proclaiming that teh hippies are secretly Mussolini’s spiritual grandkids was nothing more than a remarkable coincidence, nichts wahr?
Also too, it ain’t the DFH set that just discovered its collective chubby for Vladimir “KGB” Putin.
It’s the brain-trust at NRO, Twitchy & Townhall.
Major Kong skrev:
…the back of a Volkswagen? 🙂
right now i can’t decide if i love tigris or smut clyde more…
When I was a professing Pagan, I came up with a theory that humans are naturally polygamous. That even when they don’t worship a pantheon of gods, they will make a pantheon out of monotheism/Christianity. The Jesus of the Baptists is different from the Pentacostal Jesus, which is different from the Catholic Jesus, etc etc.
Each of these different Jesus’s has different rules and rituals and so on. So instead of picking a god out of a pantheon to worship, you shop around for the right Jesus sect tailored for you. Sort of a Pantheon where all the gods are named Jesus. I became a Christian, and you know… I still think this. =)
Definitely tigris. She is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.
The Jesus I’m missing is J.C. Christian. Hope you are well, good sir.
OK, so they’re living in their own created reality. Why do they insist on dragging the rest of us into it?
Also, I know this is a silly question, but why isn’t the MSM publishing this for all to see how far down the rabbit hole they’ve gone? Not just publishing, but pointing and laughing.
I wanted to share.
From Cheezburger: common collective nouns
OK, so they’re living in their own created reality. Why do they insist on dragging the rest of us into it?
You need a certain critical mass of co-believers — and an absence of reality-minded skeptics — to create a viable, self-sustaining alternative reality. I thought everyone had read Fiddler’s Green.
That’s proof that Obama is completely ineffective as dictator and should resign. /RW “logic”
I actually think a bunch of well-off white guys who make a living by screaming about how persecuted and mistreated they are does wonders for the sane party. So they should keep it up.
I believe you mean polytheistic. Unless you’re thinking of the God on Human action that crops up in every religion.
Many of the “saints” of the Catholic and Orthodox Church were rebooted to take on the trappings of local gods, remaining below the Old Man, the Kid, and the Spook in terms of the celestial hierarchy, their new function to serve as intercessors between humans and the Godhead.
So where have you been hiding JP?
In a hole. A dark, damp, cold hole.
In a hole. A dark, damp, cold hole.
I thought maybe you’d hooked up with Taylor Swift (you do live in Nashville) and just didn’t have time for us any more.
In a hole. A dark, damp, cold hole.
did you get de-moted at work or emotional crisis…
Were you thinking of this situation?
de-moated, perhaps?
And when Boehner caves, the freakout will be delightful to watch.
Boehner caves: worst vacation spot EVER.
Boehner caves: worst vacation spot EVER.
In other caves they say “Watch your step.” At Boehner Caverns, they say “Watch your seat.”
We saw the movie Gravity today. I was pretty impressed. I’d say it’s actually worth paying to see this one in 3D on the big screen.
The Major’s movie review is good enough for me. Matinee tomorrow afternoon…
In a hole. A dark, damp, cold hole.
Larry Elvis and Curley are there to help….
If you’re going to watch Gravity definitely see in 3D. Without the neato factor it would be a dog. Teh Ho liked it much more than I did – I just couldn’t suspend my disbelief for all the WRNOG physics. The big dramatic scene that sets up the rest of the movie was just fucking … WORNG. Gravity does NOT work that way.
Hollywood physics are usually much more interesting than real physics.
But when the BIG SCENE is so hopelessly impossible, a blatant contrivance, its’ not very interesting. You know the one I mean, the one where they _aren’t_ rotating and in microgravity.
It was just heinous.
I was at Bible Camp, learning how to be more judgmental…
Saul/Paul was a Roman Agent sent in to corrupt the teachings of Jesus and bend it to fit within the confines of Roman civilization. He was the one that railed against Jesus until his sudden and half-hearted ‘conversion’, after which he putsched out the other true apostles and took over control for himself, even getting Judas to be the fall guy for his own betrayal. I don’t believe one word Saul/Paul says.
To be fair to Martin Luther, I don’t think he split from the church to have sex with a nun. I don’t think he had even met Katharina von Bora yet when he wrote the 95 Theses.
Interesting fact: English monoarchs have the title Defender of the Faith after the Pope gave it to Henry VII for his take-down of Martin Luther (glutton Henry was especially upset about the Eucharist). Henry had the chutzpah to keep that title even after he was excommunicated.
I saw Gravity and I loved it. I’m glad I don’t know physics if they got it wrong.
I was at Bible Camp and there was this guy there who was turning water into wine, except it was really shitty Mogen David.
And I’m not even going to mention the fish sandwiches.
If Star Trek spaceships or starships or whatever the fuck they are can go many times faster than the speed of light, then Gravity be as preposterous as it wants, as far as I’m concerned.
I’m disappointed. Tonight’s episode of Boardwalk Empire had a body-count of zero. Where’s the fun if no one gets hurt?
Sequestration victory lap by Erick Son of Erick. How else to read it other than he’s happy about the outcome, Obamacare be damned. It’s Goldberg-level history and all the weirder for framing all of human history into the last six months and declaring victory.
Too bad they can’t be locked in a room together. I was at a state park a few weeks ago, trying to fish, and some J.W.s rolled up at 7 fucking am and handed me The Watchtower. This is what I get for being an early riser.
I always go the sympathetic route, tell them it’s a shame they’re too late to be one of the 144,000 elect. On the other hand, cheer up, because the bible says the 144,000 will be eunuchs.
You know, I’ve been thinking about her claim that “Paul made clear that couples involved in sex out of wedlock … had to repent of their sin and separate.” That goes against the common understanding that fornicators should wed, “make an honest man/woman” of the partner. I wonder where she gets her clear understanding that’s diametrically opposed to everyone else’s?
She must have got it all muddled up with what the courts do in stat rape cases, where the elder party can have no contact with the victim. (I don’t want to throw any shade on the cases where these laws really do protect vulnerable victims but of course there are also cases where the law is a case of taking an ICBM to a knife fight, like when both parties are young people, the relationship was consensual, and they’re both highly motivated to keep seeing each other. However, I don’t know what the answer is when judges throw out sentences for actual rapes because the victim was “really grown up” or some shit.)
It’s all fun until no one gets hurt.
I don’t think it’s fair to bring Star Trek into it–I mean, you have to sell that shit. When Star Trek was really just a veiled metaphor about colonialism and racism, who cares of their tech was just a convenient way to save money on sets? Which is to say the “science” in the last damn “Star Trek” movie was so bad it was not even wrong and since they’ve totally lost the plot as to what the whole thing was about… ugh… and the writing was bad. I mean bad. Those young actors tried so hard, too.
When Star Trek was really just a veiled metaphor about colonialism and racism
The Twilight Zone was the same way. They couldn’t deal openly with those subjects at the time so they did it through metaphor with science fiction and supernatural storylines. Some of the best written television ever, unfortunately produced on a shoestring budget.
Boehner caves: worst vacation spot EVER.
In fairness, the do have great tanning beds.
And it’s pretty hard to complain about their ’24/7 happy hour’ policy…
Has Ewwick reached the “Seize on random thing and wave the Mission Accomplished banner” stage?
That’s always fun. I expect other pinheads are claiming the BATTLE OF THE WWII MEMORIAL is proof that they’ve won. But each victory is Pyrrhic because #Winning clashes with #Victim.
That may be why I never really enjoyed Star Trek or Twilight Zone or classic Sci Fi like “The Day the Earth Stood Still”, it always seemed like the most clumsy heavy-handed moralizing. It always hits me like the ‘moral’ tacked on the end of really bad children’s cartoons. Don’t get me wrong, I understand that drama is a great way to impart lessons to an audience and sometimes to get them to examine an issue from a different viewpoint. In my experience, it needs to be done with a lot more finesse than is usually employed, because there’s a lot of crap fiction out there that is less subtle than a half-assed after-school special.
I dunno, “Tomorrow is Yesterday” is a good episode Star Trek about time travel and the paradoxes that can arise from it. No moralizing, a few fights, and Mr. Spock and Dr. McCoy have their usual disagreement.
On the other hand, cheer up, because the bible says the 144,000 will be eunuchs
But about two dozen of those spots are already taken by the Heaven’s Haters. The race is on JWs, get your butts in gear!
kerT ratS is SciFi. Star Wars is SciFi. Gravity is supposed to be realistic. The movie is supposed to be about something that could really happen. I would expect the makers of a film called Gravity, about stuff that could plausibly happen, to at least get fucking gravity right.
FYautocorrect. Gaters.
So why are Cruz and Palin and their pet veterans not being arrested for trespass and vandalism for their little piss-fest?
IOKIYATB, presumably.
kerT ratS is SciFi. Star Wars is SciFi
You could argue that Star Trek is SciFi but Star Wars is definitely “space opera”. Star Wars borrows from just about every genre:
King Arthur and medieval knights
Samurai movies
Detective films
WWII movies
I’m sure there’s more but I think I hit the highlights.
I dunno, it would seem that Tea Baggers don’t understand the concept of action and consequences, given that they signed on to closing the government in the first place.
I hold movies to a higher standard than TV. If a movie, with its budget and time advantages, can’t get something right, I cut it far less slack than a TV show. I haven’t seen Gravity, but I remember how irritated I was with Stargate. Two human populations separated by 10,000 years, and at least one of them didn’t give the other the equivalent of smallpox?
I’m more likely to be irritated by a violation of the law of gravity, which I experience and about which which I’ve read many fictional accounts, than I am the speed of light. I’m willing to accept “doubletalk generators” and get on with the story, as without FTL travel there can’t be space opera.
How often do you experience violations of the law of gravity, VCarlson?
I never watched Firefly, so I’d have to say that Babylon 5 most somewhat closely approximated real space flight in that:
A ship doesn’t have to be facing in the direction it’s traveling.
A ship will maintain its present heading and velocity until some force is applied in a different direction.
Versus say, Star Wars, which was World War II dogfights in space.
Democrats ensured the GOP had no seat at the table for Obamacare.
o rly?
without FTL travel there can’t be space opera.
IIRC the Lensman series didn’t introduce FTL until the second book. Triplanetary is mos def space opera.
There, I’ve run rings ’round you logically.
Firefly had Christina Hendricks as a recurring character. Oh, and it was good, too. You should definitely watch it.
Odd that the MSM has for the most part ignored HR 368(?) which prevented the dems from bringing the Senate bill to the floor for a vote. “We don’t WANT a shutdown!” ESADIAF Cantor and crew.
someone is off his meds today.
Actually, there is FTL in Triplanetary, in the last 3rd of the book.
That would be telling.
Also, I’ve never read the Lensman books. I had the complete collection for a while, given to me by a friend of my mother’s, who’d read one of Smith’s books, liked it, run out and bought all the others, then discovered the one she’d read was the only one she liked. Knowing I liked SF, she’d given them to me. Although I’m addicted to reading, I’ve always had this quirk – if I’m “supposed” to read it, my interest plummets. Apparently, getting a bunch of books in a plastic bag counted as “supposed to read” to my contrary little heart. So, never read any of Smith’s stuff.
I re-read them all a couple years ago. They hold up surprisingly well, and are easy to get through. They’re also easy to find cheap at the used bookstore.
Unless you’re a big fan of ’30s SciFi, or space opera in general, I don’t think you’re really missing a lot. The aliens aren’t badly drawn, but Hal Clement did a better job describing life as we don’t know it 20 years later.
I watched the movie Battleship a while back.
While for the most part a rather stupid movie, I thought the aliens were surprisingly well thought out.
hubbkf and i started watching ‘falling skies’ i give it a ‘meh’…little too predictable for me…and some of the diaglogue is pretty hokey…
Clooney making the cut for a space mission?
Also, I’ve never read the Lensman books.
By Klono’s platinum-iridium kidney stones!
A new level of batshit insane “conservative libertarian” has been reached.
Hidden Warnings in New U.S. Money, Message of Destruction Under Obama.
“Cowboy Bebop”, which is a film noir series IN SPACE, used gates instead of generic FTL travel.
I’ll see you in one of the Nine Purple Hells of Palain VII!
Here’s Triplanetary, via Project Gutenberg:
What they said, cadet!
All liberal villains are The Riddler, completely unable to commit their crimes without leaving clues all over the place.
Smith’s version of FTL is all kinds of messed up, anyway – evidently he decided that if you could eliminate mass from an object, it’d be possible to accelerate it to an infinite speed. So you wouldn’t need a special FTL drive; the usual ship’s thrusters would work, given enough energy.
They assume liberals are so dumb that they think that the hidden messages will only be seen by their co-conspirators, much like how during WWI the Tsarist Russians, didn’t encrypt their military radio broadcasts relying on sending them really late at night to keep them secret.
You should see if the dialog in the comic books is any better.
And we’d be much less obvious about it if we weren’t required to wear such a hideous uniform.
Can it be? Is Harry actually playing hardball?
McGrumpy butthurt.
And — and we should be sitting down, and the president should be engaged, and the Democrats, they better understand something. What goes around comes around. And if they try to humiliate Republicans, things change in American politics, and I know what it’s like to be in the majority and in the minority, and it won’t be forgotten. Now is the time to be magnanimous and sit down and get this thing done.
Now is the time to be magnanimous
Yes, but Cowboy Bebop is one of the more brilliant things to happen to cartoons. (Next to Aqua Teen Hunger Force, of course).
Hey, I’m not saying that I agree with this guy or anything. I’m just saying that he’s been accurate and repeating what he says and saying we should give him a listen. What are you, close minded or something?
McPOW is just trying to distract everyone from the fact his former running mate and his party’s golden boy are running around D.C. with Confederate flag waving birthers.
Not working.
While I don’t promote Mr. Kleck’s visionary religious theory or any other aspects of his work other than the graphical discoveries, there is an uncanny coincidence at a minimum.
Yeah, and you can fold the Land O’ Lakes box so the lady’s knees look like bewbs. UNCANNY. Clearly O’bama is up to summat.
The government wanted to tell us about a massive conspiracy but they don’t want to tell EVERYone so they encrypt it such that only bill-folding adepts can read it. Sounds legit.
Well, if I fold my dollar bill (which is all I have due to the government shutdown) just right, I can make George Washington frown. Which proves that Washington is totally against sequestration!
Also, If Obama were any good at this redistribution of wealth thing then conservatives like Kleck wouldn’t have any fifty or hundred dollar bills to fold.
If you’re wondering how he eats and breathes, and other science facts, then repeat to yourself “It’s just a show, I should really just relax”….
Don’t forget – the CONSPIRACY leaves us clues everywhere to their nefarious plans not because they’re incompetent but to show us WE ARE POWERLESS, nya-ha-ha. *moustache twirl*
we’d be much less obvious about it if we weren’t required to wear such a hideous uniform.
But our opponents are so stupid we ensnare them with coathangers….
Major: That’s my approach to science-fictioney stuff. I’m interested in the fiction–the characters, the plot. Don’t know physics, but I know what I like.
(But I surely understand Pup’s POV: If I encounter crappy history, I’m more likely to bridle.) Suspension of disbelief, I haz it.
To our credit, a fœtus is pretty wiggly.
[yes, I WENT THERE!]
Contrary to my usual practice, I clicked that link. I even watched some of what’s-his-face’s vid. So I’m pretty sure this guy never goes outside and/or looks at clouds, because he’d be in sensory overload from all the dire messages encoded in the clouds. Which might explain a lot, now I think of it.
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 is pretty much a pun thread. Trash compared to the first one, but there was more than enough funny to make the bad bits more irritating than they would be in a crappier movie.
Please make your own mind up as to the legitimacy of the information I am providing. I only offer it for your information and review.
Note also that if you “make your own mind up” THE WRONG WAY, i.e. differing from their conclusions, you are a) part of the conspiracy and/or b) one of the sheeple who refuses to step out under the light of TRUTH.
Heads he wins, tails we all lose.
Oddly, here’s a minor thing that irritates me about many films depicting modern ground warfare: Too many troops bunched together to keep everybody in frame. (Occurs even in excellent portrayals like Band of Brothers and Saving Private Ryan.) It’s like nobody’s heard of dispersal. Especially annoying when the troops depicted are ‘elites’–they should KNOW better!
However, it would be almost impossible for the audience to keep track of the characters if they were properly dispersed so I can let that slide. Just as in Gravity, or The Abyss, where all the actors are face lit with lights inside their helmets so we can see who is who. In real life, that kind of lighting would make it very difficult to see things outside the helmet.
And we are all losing. My local paper ran a front page article on climate change this past Friday, pointing out that in 30 years, Honolulu will be “off the charts hot,” and the ocean acidity tipping point was reached 5 years ago. But the yahoos are still blocking/rolling back even puny environmental steps, because: science makes them feel inadequate so it must be bad/teh LIEbruls want it/teh bibble sez we can screw things up, so there/it would cost The Masters (short term) money/something even wackier/any or all of the above.
This is not iTunes. I hear a great album, I’m going to go buy it, boom, I buy it, and it’s a one-time easy transaction. This is health care. It’s very involved.
Answering one’s own question.
Getting health care is just a lleeeeetle more complicated than buying a Green Day song. Also there’s the fact that five times more people tried to get on the site than they had planned for, which proves people hate Obamacare because shut up that’s why. And never mind what the budget cuts due to the sequester might have done to the pre-roll out testing needed.
Not to mention the perceived need to avoid hissy fits and/or outright sabotage causing them to keep many technical parts of the rollout under wraps until the last possible minute – and beyond.
I goggled “hissy fit,” just ’cause, and turned up the expected dictionary sites (Merriam-Webster needs to improve their research. They say the first known use was 1970. Is it possible they aren’t querying anything from the southern US?). But there was also a how-to link: http://www.wikihow.com/Throw-a-Good-Hissy-Fit
We knew there were going to be some glitches, but these were glitches that go, quite frankly, way beyond the pale of what should be expected.
Bookmark it, conservatards… deliberate sabotage caused some of the problems.
Because if YOU were a conservatard hacker who believed that ObamaCare is the work of Satan, what would YOU do?
Aw, they’ve been studying KKKarl’s playbook. The whole single sheet.*
*Because his “genius” seemed to consist entirely of “ratfucking good” and “go dirty early and often.”
Bookmark it, libs!
Well, if I fold my dollar bill (which is all I have due to the government shutdown) just right, I can make George Washington frown.
Just for my Sadlies, and I apologize if someone beat me to it, but I can fold a $1 bill so that it reveals George Washington’s penis.
Diqus has taken a full dump.
Relevant to my previous comment…
Okay, I’ll turn out the lights on my way out.
Especially annoying when the troops depicted are ‘elites’–they should KNOW better!
The troops in Saving Private Ryan acted nothing like the elite unit that they were supposed to be. The Army Ranger units trained together for a year prior to the Normandy invasion.
In Dubya’s time they would get promoted. But, seeing as how it was all done by the Montauk minions, we’ll never find out what really happened.
I’ve been. I don’t get it. Is it a riff on cloud-man’s imagination?
I’m responding to ghost comments. Let’s who can reconstruct the ghost from my reply.
Thread: I let it slide, too. Like I said, only a minor irritation. Same thing with minor defects in costumes or props. Suspension of disbelief, I haz it.
I’ve been. I don’t get it. Is it a riff on cloud-man’s imagination?
It’s a riff on one of Washington’s thirty gaddamned dicks.
Fwiw, BBC article: “Can science fiction ever get the science right?”
I’m a lover not a fighter! Wait, let me check…
Leader not tweeter
Obama’s Debt Default is on His Shoulders While We Shoulder His Impeachable Offenses
oh, the stupid burns.
Also, many people have commented on the sheer idiotic inappropriateness* of the fool who brought his (large) Confederate flag to a rally nominally in support of the Union.
What I find interesting is the “Oath Keepers” flag that can be seen behind born in Canada Cruz. I’m sure the minutemen types in that organization disagree, but I believe these guys are advocating oath breaking. They are advocating for the deliberate choice to forfeit on a promise to pay legitimate debts, among other things. “Other things” including running up extra debt because of their actions.
*Not to mention making their real objection to Obama even clearer.
I think some people must think the Confederate flag is just a cooler “rebel” version of the United States flag.
In particular when the idiot is waving it along side the U S Marine Corp flag. 480 marines died in the War Against Southern Treason.
*Not to mention making their real objection to Obama even clearer.
but it’s all about Southern pride and heritage! and something something mumble mumble dems real racists blurp blurp
Gibbs: This ObamaCare rollout has been “excruciatingly embarrassing”
He did not, however, go on to say:
Excruciatingly embarrassing to all those Tea Party Republicans who ran on the one plank platform of repealing ObamaCare. The ones that are now embarrassing themselves further by shutting down the government in a childish tantrum.
Leader not tweeter
What’s this I hear about Leda?
Indeed, a glitchy website experience will discourage people from buying health insurance. They’ll forget all about needing it and the fact that they can’t afford it through the free market moar freedom channels.
Plus iTunes was perfect the moment it ships and never needs bug fixes.
All the IT people I know think that it’s working amazingly well for a program of its size and complexity.
New post.
Also, all the wingnuts pretending like there’s a point to be made about the servers being overloaded have clearly never played an online game in their lives. Every launch of every MMORPG or online game pretty much crashes like hell the first week due to sheer number of subscribers and weird bugs that didn’t show up in the test environment. So a service affecting way more people, which has way more security and processing needs with regards to input in order to avoid any bugs? Yeah, it’s a fucking miracle it’s managing to work this well.
Also, seriously, with all the whiny posts about how it’s going to fail because the kids totally are wingnuts and will protest buying insurance, it must have been a punch to the gut to see the millions actually gravitating to the only port in the storm rather than joining them on the dock throwing molotov cocktails into the sea.
What I love are the arguments that “People were just happy with the healthcare they already had!” You know, people LOVED getting suddenly dropped from healthcare plans once they actually needed it, they loved going into bankruptcy, and loosing everything they had, and they were thrilled with the simple, yet easy to understand paperwork required with every hospital/clinic visit.
Ah, those were truly the days of FREEDOM.
whack-job conspiracy theories of sabotage by conservatives
Perhaps it has escaped your notice that whack-job conservatives are currently threatening to sabotage the entire world economy?
Man I just love it when she tells the story of the Lord aborting King David’s baby.