And if Wishes were Ponyboys, you could have a Submissive Harem

Bruce is watching and waiting for his young cohort to see the light.

Kurt, World’s Worst Homosexuals Incorporated:
Conservatives, gay politics, and lost opportunities

Dear Bob, they’re asexually multiplying and not in the fun way.

Which honestly just baffles me. I mean, who looks at Bruce Daniel Blatt, poster child to internalized homophobia and self-loathing and goes “gosh, I really want to cover his lazy ass and assure that the glorious mission of ensuring that life sucks for people exactly like me continues unabated”?

That being said… I’m not entirely sure new whipping boy Kurt is as invested in creative self-destruction as the other two embarrassments to homosexuality.

Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):

  • Man, wouldn’t it be great if conservatives knocked off this homophobia shit so I could feel fully comfortable supporting them in their war against brown and poor people instead of pissing on myself out of a sense of tribal loyalty to people who despise me for the way I was born. I mean, they wouldn’t have to try too fucking hard, just claim credit for the work of liberals or eeling away on a technicality like they’ve been doing with the civil rights movement and then I could cheer for things that affect my life personally without worrying about my fellow conservatives tearing me apart for being a secret socialist.

Well yes, Kurt, I imagine it would be easier for you and your fellow docuhenozzles to rationalize working for the enemy that hates you personally and wants everyone like you to suffer and die if said enemy started accepting their inevitable defeat and moved on from exploiting homophobia.

But see, just like those black people, women, and trans* people you’d love to piss on from on high, you were born with the near-fatal notbeingawhitecisstraightmale disease that makes you instantly lesser in the eyes of your Imaginary Rich Republican Sugar Daddies. And you will never be anything less than a useful idiot and whipping boy to them. Because of what you were born as.

At the time of the Supreme Court rulings on same-sex marriage this summer, it seemed to me that by ruling as it did, the Supreme Court had involuntarily handed many conservatives a great opportunity to move beyond the issue of gay marriage in ways that they hadn’t in the past. Instead of making it a social or cultural issue, many conservatives could have sidestepped the issue entirely by talking more about economic issues and questions of taxation and state-sponsored benefits instead.

After all, the plaintiff in the case which challenged the Defense of Marriage Act was moved to file suit largely because of the estate taxes she incurred when her partner passed away. So instead of viewing it as a social or cultural issue, they could have taken up the cause of greatly reducing estate taxes for all regardless of marital status.

Yes. Yes, they could.

They could also have offered to provide free unicorns to all Self-Hating Gay Republicans.

But they didn’t. Because, as stated before, they don’t fucking view you as worth salvaging. Too much of their “traditional values” of women and children as property is wrapped up in denying that two men or two women (and Bob forbid more than that in any other arrangement than one man and his harem of white women property) can function as equals without one being ground under the heel of the other according to the NATURAL dictates of their sexes. Furthermore, not being born gay is one more thing they can congratulate themselves for as making them inherently “better” or more mural just for having the luck to have been born straight.

They may eventually drop their resistance to you to a less overt hatred, but as occasional flare-ups of anti-catholic bigotry demonstrate, they will never fully accept you as “one of them”.

As your attempts to sell standing behind gay rights gains on an excuse that lets them get out of actually supporting gay rights aptly demonstrate.

While I’m obviously biased on the issue,

Well, I’m sure a few months writing for the Internalized Homophobia Times will knock that self-respect out of you, Clockwork Orange style.

I mean, seriously, could you be any more of an identity politics hippie liberal bastard, what with acknowledging that the desires of privileged class bigots might not be the one shop solution its sold as?

it seems to me that running on an anti-gay agenda is not a winning issue for conservatives.


Neither is overt and archaic sexism and racism. Or the attempts to bring back Jim Crow. Or pissing on the poor victims of their economic catastrophes over the last 30 years. Or openly dismissing the very concept of democracy and working to prevent people from being able to trust elections. Or actively resisting any attempt to fix the damage they have done to this country on every level. Or blocking any real health care reform.

Conservatives abandoned “winning” a long time ago in favor of a twisted anarchy of burning down the building so that no one else can inhabit it. Because the Southern Strategy and Reagan Revolution have bred a generation of fuckweasels who will gladly live in a gutter as long as the filthy liberal’s gutter has spikes and is on fire.

I recognize that social conservatives played a very big role in the Reagan revolution, and I acknowledge that social conservatives are still an important part of the base that the Republican Party needs to keep winning elections.

Heh. You still think the Republican Party can keep winning elections outside of very specific regionalism and outright fraud… so cute.

Also, um… have you seen your fellow mouthbreathers, lately? I’m pretty sure the “social conservatives”, i.e. intractable bigots, make up the sole membership of the conservative movement. Or have you just not counted things like having to support a wife-beating child murderer as a modern day saint because he killed a black kid or being against even birth control because a woman somewhere might not be punished for having sex or be uppity enough to “deserve” getting raped which won’t a “rape rape”, because they didn’t affect you personally.

Sorry, dickweasel, they weren’t going to let you sit at the people table just because you’re happy to suck off closeted repression.

But I believe that there are ways to accommodate social conservatives without alienating other potential voters.


Good luck with that.

Talking about court appointments is one way of doing this, because one needn’t be a social conservative to believe that the court should focus more on applying and interpreting the actual intent of the Constitution rather than legislating from the bench. Likewise, one can have an honest debate about tax policy and whether or not it is in the state’s interest to carve out special exceptions for marriage or whether the state should get out of the marriage business all together and just simplify the tax code instead.

C’mon guys, I can recite the dog whistles just as well as you can. Can’t you just overlook my sexuality and focus on how very white and male I am?

There are some signs that more and more Republican are getting this message. On September 11 of this year, Politico reported on a survey that showed that more and more Republicans are embracing libertarian views about government.

Naaaaaaah. Really? Fancy that. Republicans embracing libertarian ideas?!? Hey, in related news, I heard that Xe might be embracing the ideas of Blackwater. Also Altria might be embracing the ideas of Philip Morris. What with it being the desperate attempt at rebranding the same old shit and all.

I mean, for fuck’s sake, do you think we’re all as stupid as well, you?

The Politico piece goes on to quote the Republican pollster who ran the poll saying that more and more voters are disturbed by both the size and the intrusiveness of government in the Obama era:

Really? Reflexive hatred of anything a liberal does, while proudly supporting anything a conservative does? Even if it is quite literally the same shit. Gosh, that sure would be the actions of a group that isn’t the willing slaveboys of the Grand Ole Dom.

It all sounds great so far from my perspective. I think this is a direction that Republicans need to embrace to be able to win significantly in the future.

Ha! You actually think that homophobia will be dropped in the rebranding. You poor deluded bastards.

And then, there’s the sad case of Virginia. I first heard of Ken Cuccinelli when he was elected Attorney General of Virginia in 2009, in an election that many viewed as a sign of trouble ahead for the Democrats in 2010. I knew he had played a large role in fighting Obamacare and in bringing the fight to the Supreme Court, and so it seemed to me that he would have a good chance of being elected Governor of Virginia this year, especially since he is running against corrupt Clinton crony Terry McAuliffe. Over the summer, though, I kept hearing that Cuccinelli was not doing well against McAuliffe in the polls, and I wondered why that might be.

Then, two weeks ago, I read this piece by Eric Scheie at Classical Values which made it clear for me why Cuccinelli was so unpopular with Virginia voters. Scheie quotes an article from Slate which maintains that Cuccinelli has fully embraced the agenda of the social conservatives.

The Classical Values piece points out that not only does Cuccinelli campaign on saving the anti-sodomy statutes, but that he thinks “gays belong in jail.”

Yeah, that dignity and self-respect is the sticking piece ain’t it. I mean, you’d love to join the jeering mob punching the filthy hippie to the ground and rubbing their filthy minority status in their face. And then you look up and see the boot coming at your head and you realize that all those bastards who hate the “right” people, also hate you. That because of who you are, you are considered no different than those filthy poor people, or women, or racial minorities. That your “heroes” would gladly support laws you assumed were long since abandoned, rekindle fights you thought resolved enough for you to be publicly yourself in organizations that despise you.

That your willingness to support the “right” ideas” and say the “right” things and fear the “right” boogeymen would allow you to be seen as yourself, a vile fuck just like them. But because of who you are, all they’ll see is a faggot who should burn in Hell, some hippie commie freak who can never be like them.

And so begins Kurt’s real journey. Will the dissonance get enough for empathy to finally kindle? Or will he choose the path that Bruce and Jeff have completed, hating their very own selves in desperate bids to be considered honorary straights?

Spoiler Warning: It’ll be the latter.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. If I ever become self-loathing enough to sell out my people, please do not hesitate to brain me with a rock. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 400


There’s a post by another hero(ine) of mine that I would love to rip into, but sadly, it’s a bit old. Oh well.


Eh, go for it if you really want to! You’re always entertaining reading.


Baby steps. Now if he would realize that killing Obamacare is a loser issue as well, he might one day achieve sentience.


Is this willful ignorance or his he really deluded enough to think that the GOP won’t double down on the homophobia as they see their base continuing to shrink.


I didn’t realize there was a Swedish jungle anything. I don’t recall seeing any jungles last time I was there.


I guess the ideal SCOTUS candidate for Self-Loathing Patriot would be Anthony Kennedy, only supporting decisions that help rich white guys. That seems to be his philosophy at this point. So we get DOMA out but VRA out too. Rich white guys who are gay (and other people as a by-product) get something. Meanwhile minorities who may well vote against the interests of rich white guys get screwed.


I find these “gay conservatives” tiring. They’re like battered kids that won’t let go of their abusive parents. It’s hard to watch.


Hint to Republicans wanting sanity: the US Democratic Party is pretty right-wing. You can join it without actually moving that much to the left.


the US Democratic Party is pretty right-wing

Sad but true. We’ve got one centrist/corporatist party and one batshit insane party.


Sad but true. We’ve got one centrist/corporatist party and one batshit insane party.

The 1964 Republican primary has become our entire political spectrum.


Another hint for Republicans: Sanity, as it pertains to political views, is a matter of choice among people who aren’t clinically insane. You don’t have a be a racist, xenophobic, homophobic, classist asshole if you don’t want to be. It’s not exactly difficult to turn on the old thinkbox and take control of your mind.


And there’s another mass shooting. This time it’s at the Navy Yard in Washington DC. At least 10 people have been wounded, and there are reports of some deaths.


“If only these people had been armed…” lamentations in 3… 2…


What–? Fuck. I like Navy Yard. A bit cramped, though.


Interestingly, if the victims of the shooting were like Kurt, they would have lamented why the shooter didn’t accept and love them with their last dying breath.


Kurt doesn’t realize the hatred the social conservatives have of homosexuals because they Do the thing that makes Jesus want to puke.


… Anthony Kennedy, only supporting decisions that help rich white guys. 

I will never forgive that shit for saying that canning someone for being pregnant wasn’t discrimination on the basis of gender.


Sad but true. We’ve got one centrist/corporatist party and one batshit insane party.

I’ve been saying for years that the smart, relatively sane Republicans saw the writing on the wall and moved to the Dems years ago. They have been busily remaking the party since. Helped of course, by the DNC types.


Found out one of my housemates is homophobic. It came up out of nowhere when we were making small talk and the guy said he lived with 11 girls. She said at least it wasn’t all male because then it would be “hah-mo-sexual”. (But all-female houses like ours aren’t?) I asked her if she was against ho-mo-sexuality and she said she didn’t hate hah-mo-sexuals but she thought it was wrong and when two people of the same sex mate it hurts them. Then the guy said we should stop talking politics and the conversation changed to other things. God, the housemate is already loud and annoying and now she’s also homophobic? Great.


Because the Southern Strategy and Reagan Revolution have bred a generation of fuckweasels who will gladly live in a gutter as long as the filthy liberal’s gutter has spikes and is on fire.

Your gutter has fire? And spikes? LOOXURY! If I want spikes I have to gnaw them out of raw steel wif me teef!


Failure Artist said,
September 16, 2013 at 21:12

You need to start flirting with her right now! We need the LULZ.


Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but just ourselves
And Immortality.
We slowly drove, he knew no haste,
And I had put away
My labor, and my leisure too,
For his civility.

We passed the school, where children strove
At recess, in the ring;
We passed the fields of gazing grain,
We passed the setting sun.

Or rather, he passed us;
The dews grew quivering and chill,
For only gossamer my gown,
My tippet only tulle.

We paused before a house that seemed
A swelling of the ground;
The roof was scarcely visible,
The cornice but a mound.

Since then ’tis centuries, and yet each
Feels shorter than the day
I first surmised the horses’ heads
Were toward eternity.


On Wenlock Edge the wood’s in trouble
His forest fleece the Wrekin heaves;
The gale, it plies the saplings double,
And thick on Severn snow the leaves.

’Twould blow like this through holt and hanger
When Uricon the city stood:
’Tis the old wind in the old anger,
But then it threshed another wood.

Then, ’twas before my time, the Roman
At yonder heaving hill would stare: 10
The blood that warms an English yeoman,
The thoughts that hurt him, they were there.

There, like the wind through woods in riot,
Through him the gale of life blew high;
The tree of man was never quiet:
Then ’twas the Roman, now ’tis I.

The gale, it plies the saplings double,
It blows so hard, ’twill soon be gone:
To-day the Roman and his trouble
Are ashes under Uricon.


I’ve been saying for years that the smart, relatively sane Republicans saw the writing on the wall and moved to the Dems years ago. They have been busily remaking the party since. Helped of course, by the DNC types.

I don’t think they “saw the writing on the wall” so much as they were forcibly removed by the party’s obsession with ideological purity and with primarying all who don’t conform to it (they think McCain is too moderate, FFS). Post-Southern Strategy, either you made your peace with the newly dominant right wing or you were kicked out.

(Unless you’re just talking about the voters, in which case, what you said).


You need to start flirting with her right now! We need the LULZ.




She’s a withered skinny old woman with missing teeth.


She is a nice enough person otherwise and I feel sorry for her because she suffers a lot of mental problems. She just had a bout in the hospital in fact.


In the English Civil War a Major Thomas Smallman of nearby Wilderhope Manor was a Royalist officer who was forced to flee from Cromwell’s approaching troops after escaping from his manor. As he was carrying important dispatches, he was cornered on the Wenlock Edge. Rather than surrender, he galloped his horse off the edge falling some 200 feet. His horse was killed but the Major was saved by falling into an apple tree. He made his way on foot to Shrewsbury where he delivered the despatches. The area where he made the jump is known as Major’s Leap and is said to be haunted by the Major and his horse.


Cerb: Tiny typo (the ‘passes spellcheck’ variety); last line of 3rd para after the first blockquote from Kurt Boy.

making them inherently “better” or more mural

(My first guess was that it was another touch of yer celebrated imagery: “The bozos have painted themselves into a corner again.”)

Hoping to be helpful for the Best of Cerebrus anthology…..


remember beyond death nothingness so make the most of your days on this earth here as you’re a long time dead like forever and forever a void


the US Democratic Party is pretty right-wing


We’ve got one centrist/corporatist party and one batshit insane party.

And this.

The 1964 Republican primary has become our entire political spectrum.

And this. Leprosy, say I.


the affairs of man all pointless in the end


death I embrace you


The last time I embraced death, he got a little handsy if you know what I mean. I mostly just shake his hand when we run in to each other these days.


Because I could not stop for Death –
He then unfriended me –


wanfalkee: Yer last comment seems ominous. I hope it’s only melancholy speaking. If, however, it stems from something darker and more dangerous, talk to a friend. Or call a prevention hotline. Some of the folks here in Sadlyville have been to that dark and dangerous place. (I among them.) Even if the affairs of man are pointless in the end, it is possible to forge individual meaning–and even joy–in life.


Through early morning fog I see
Visions of the things to be
The pains that withheld for me
I realize and I can see

That suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it
If I please.


I just watched that MASH movie again. Not much of a fan.


suicide is painless

Not for people who love you.


Suicide: Permanent solution to a short term problem.

../Not valid in cases of chronic, terminal suffering…


wanfalkee: Yer last comment seems ominous.

Bored troll wants entertainment.


Suicide: Permanent solution to a short term problem.

../Not valid in cases of chronic, terminal suffering…

That’s the trick, though, isn’t it? Telling the truly hopeless from the “merely” grim.

Personally, I’m glad my mother did not succeed on her serious attempt. I think she was, too, but she did have to battle depression her whole life.


Bored troll wants entertainment.

That’s my guess, too. Can’t be arsed, etc., but I suspect all the postings are quotes from somewhere else. The first one was really … unconnected from … anything.


Bored troll wants entertainment.

As the Magic 8 ball says, “Signs point to yes.”


She’s a withered skinny old woman with missing teeth.

Careful, you’ll send tsam off to his bunk with sexy talk like that.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon



Careful, you’ll send tsam off to his bunk with sexy talk like that.

Already gone. Next up, nude Sarah Palin fakes.


Next up, nude Sarah Palin fakes.

OK errybody pour one out for my dead libido.


I suspect all the postings are quotes from somewhere else. The first one was really … unconnected from … anything.

See also previous thread. Apparently the monkeys are not providing sufficient entertainment.


Apparently the monkeys are not providing sufficient entertainment.

Entertainment value depends on the monkey.


the affairs of man all pointless in the end

Well getting there can be most of the fun. Also too, a little patience, understanding and lube might help getting the point in the end.


Okay. Just reading about the shooter. How does a guy with multiple incidents involving firearms including “anger fueled blackouts” get his hands on an assault rifle?

Seriously. What. The. Fucking. Fuck.


How does a guy with multiple incidents involving firearms including “anger fueled blackouts” get his hands on an assault rifle?

Second Amendment rights!


From the first comment over there (heartily endorsed by “Kurt,” whoever he is):

People in the Republican Party need to aggressively decouple gay issues from the rest of the social conservative slate…

Oh please. That’s like telling the pilot of a twin-engined plane that he needs to “aggressively decouple” one of the engines from the fuselage. If it wasn’t for “gays are perverts” and “abortion is murder,” there wouldn’t be any fucking “social conservative slate.”


How does a guy with multiple incidents involving firearms including “anger fueled blackouts” get his hands on an assault rifle?

1. Gun show
2. Cash
3. Repeat


That’s like telling the pilot of a twin-engined plane that he needs to “aggressively decouple” one of the engines from the fuselage.

It worked in “Flight of the Phoenix”!


When are we going to fix the columns so that the main column is main instead of secondary? For some reason the blog roll is in the body of the page 😛


That’s like telling the pilot of a twin-engined plane that he needs to “aggressively decouple” one of the engines from the fuselage.

That was the nice thing about having eight. I could just say “wake me up if we lose a couple more”.


On Cassie Claire:

What ARE meaningful consequences? The scorn of a fandom she is basically leaving can mean little to her. The laptop and iPod and profits she made from selling Very Secret Diary tee shirts are unlikely to be ever taken from her. The benefits she’s achieved from her duplicity cannot be taken back: assuming she is not stupid enough to actually plagiarise in her yet-to-be-published original novels (I’ve seen compelling suggestions of borrowing, but I don’t know that calling a group of good guys “Dark Hunters” is an actionable literary crime), she never will suffer meaningful consequences.

So, even though I think that reports like this are interesting and necessary, and I’m glad that more people are learning the truth about Cassandra Claire, I don’t really think that the take-home message has anything to do with her. I think that people need to look at their own fandoms, and their own preferences. Am I willing to excuse someone for being an ass just because she writes great fic? Am I afraid to call out a popular artist for saying something stupid? The lack of an established ethic has people groping about blind, and I think that the current set of netiquette when it comes to internet fandoms is too piecemeal and idiosyncratic to ever be useful when dealing with cases like Cassie’s.

I know that forgiveness is a wonderful part of fandom, but too many people are forgiven for crimes that they show absolutely no repentance for. I don’t believe that there is any such thing as an unforgivable crime: despite the absolutely galling magnitude of what CC has done, I think even she could be forgiven. But there is no point in forgiving her until and unless she owns up to her own flaws, and if I had to pinpoint one general fandom sin that allows such things to go on, it is the totally erroneous belief that time can manufacture repentence.

And then this thread: and all the other subthreads/discussions on other FtB blogs, all of them, inevitably, invaded by Dawkins-fanbois who state things like 99.9% of what Dawkins says is pure fucking molten gold and we need this great hero to fight Ray Comfort (oh yeah, I’m quaking in my Wolverine work books thinking about banana man’s latest YouTube video) and so on.

PZ is right: No Gods. No Masters. No Heroes

Why do people do this? Run around defending the indefensible like rabid raccoon swarms and attacking anyone who dares to tell the truth?


The person I quoted above is JF user herongale.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Did I just miss Dennis’s meltdown because the Navy Yard shooter was black-black-blackity-black before it was removed or did he literally spazz out and die of fright when he heard the news? They’re coming for you, Pennis!! Run!! Run!! Hide!! Hide!!


aggressively decouple gay



No. I refuse to read a Cerberus post about this guy. Is that homophobic? And, please, no more talk of decoupling.




When are we going to fix the columns so that the main column is main instead of secondary? For some reason the blog roll is in the body of the page 😛

soon. mayhaps, not with the expected alacrity, but it is on the list…


Experiments in moderation are afoot. Current Mods, do as you please, your judgment has more than earned our trust.



[Troll taunt terminated]


[Troll taunt terminated]


[Troll taunt terminated]


How does a guy with multiple incidents involving firearms including “anger fueled blackouts” get his hands on an assault rifle?

1. Gun show
2. Cash
3. Repeat

If it’s a long gun, and even a handgun in most cases, there isn’t a federal NCIC check. Just a local and whatever turns up in the national database. Without an involuntary commitment, felony, domestic violence or drug CONVICTION (not arrest–or not the original charges that could be plead down), you’re free to buy a gun.


But yes, a private sale or gun show sale is almost always completely unrestricted.


If what I read in the paper this morning is correct, he bought the assault rifles at a gun store in northern Virginia last week.


If what I read in the paper this morning is correct, he bought the assault rifles at a gun store in northern Virginia last week.

Looks like it’s still too early to say. From what I can tell, he may have bought the shotgun and taken the pistol(s) from guards; it isn’t even clear if he had a long gun at this point.

From NBC:

The gunman was armed with an assault-style rifle, a shotgun and a handgun when he was killed, authorities said. But law enforcement officials told NBC News they believed he arrived packing only the shotgun, which he bought last week from a gun dealer in Lorton, Va., about 20 miles from Washington.

CNN has a different story, suggesting that there might not be an assault rifle involved and might have been two pistols.

What I can’t figure out is why, given the incident in Seattle, he was able to buy a shotgun.


What I can’t figure out is why, given the incident in Seattle, he was able to buy a shotgun.

NRA babyyyyyyyyyy!


What I can’t figure out is why, given the incident in Seattle, he was able to buy a shotgun.

He wasn’t convicted of anything evidently, “only” arrested. Not sure if a conviction would have stopped it either though. And the way the talking heads gloss over the two incidents is astonishing — “well, he was arrested twice for gun related items, but they were no big deal, he only shot out some dude’s tires and ‘accidentally’ shot through into his upstairs neighbor’s apartment. No big deal. Oh, but we would like to also note with grave concern that he was very interested in violent video games! [dun dun DUN!]”


Normal people don’t shoot guns off randomly in public, don’t act so fucking nonchalant about it. And if even a tiny percentage of people that played violent video games went on shooting rampages the country would be in smoldering ruins.

Regardless, it’s way too fucking easy to get guns in this country.


I heard a report that he may have commandeered the M16 from a victim.

Still too early to believe much of anything at this point…

But the idea that a mentally ill criminal bought a gun legally is not implausible in any way. It happens all the time. The communication and history reporting is still stuck in the dark ages.


Also, too: Blast from the past. Please note the dates on the last two comments.

LOL @ “the Bakersfield sound.” Do. Not. Want.


[Troll taunt terminated]

It’s amazing how many times this guy has been told to knock off the troll-taunting, and he just keeps on doing it.


Didn’t BLT do a rap somewhere? Vague memories of a different kind of pity.


Twerking is a defiant act against Jesus and his teachings

Trying to figure out if that story is real or parody. Poe’s Law is very much in effect here. National Report almost looks like it could be The Onion’s poor cousin.


Major, there’s a ’75 Norton Commando advertised on craigslist near me for $6500. Interested?


Major, there’s a ’75 Norton Commando advertised on craigslist near me for $6500. Interested?

Not after all the money I’ve been spending on my house the last few months. Thanks though.


“Twerking is a defiant act against Jesus and his teachings



Is BLT reformed now? Moved on to Dubstep?


Roadster or Interstate? I think the only difference was a bigger tank. And what color?


Having now gone to their front page, looks like satire. Santorum sexiest Republican can’t be anything but.


Pup, I’m not sure of the differences between the models, but here is the ad.


Hmmm. Pretty sure the 75s had left side shifting. My 76 had the shifter on the left. Hafta research it …


Anyway, that’s the base Commando, not the Interstate. (As though anyone would be stupid enough to try riding the POS interstate distances)


It’s not a combat commando, but if I had the means, I’d still buy it.


A “suicide shift” wasn’t a right-foot shifter. It was a hand-shifter on the right side of the gas tank.

They called it that because you had to take your hand off the handlebars to shift gears.

They were common on really old bikes like Indian.

Fenwick aka Mr. Gullible

re bored troll:  My apologies for feeding it. Shoulda seen that the first comment came out of nowhere and was completely unrelated to the post or the thread. I need to upgrade my Troll Detection Radar….


They were common on really old bikes like Indian.

I’ll wager the Sadlytown motosickle buffs have seen The World’s Fastest Indian, a film featuring Anthony Hopkins as an obsessed grandfatherly dude trying to set a speed record with his heavily-modified motosickle. Based on actual person and events.

I enjoyed the film and highly recommend it to non-motosickle Sadlies. It’s a wonderful study in obsession, tenacity, friendship, and geezerhood accomplishment. The World’s Fastest Indian is on Netflix streaming.


Countries all over the world play the same violent video games as Americans yet for some reason they never go out on shooting sprees. Why is that? Must be American Exceptionalism.


Victims of gun violence–especially of massacres–should be buried with Second Amendment Rites.


Let’s see, I have played many, many sports related video games, but I do not go out and perform random acts of athletics. I have played many auto racing games and have not yet been call by any Formula 1 teams looking for a driver. I haven’t even gotten a speeding ticket. I have played my fair share of first person shooter games, played war with toy guns when I was a kid and even did a bit of paintball when that was a new thing. And yet I have never felt the urge to go out and shoot anyone, or even shoot an inanimate target. I’ve never even had the urge to own a real gun. I guess I just didn’t play those violent games properly.


Hey Pup –

I’m trying to make Lobster Bisque for the first time. Should I strain the liquid after it’s cooked or puree the vegetables? I’ve seen different recipes call for either.


People in the Republican Party need to aggressively decouple gay issues from the rest of the social conservative slate…

Oh please. That’s like telling the pilot of a twin-engined plane that he needs to “aggressively decouple” one of the engines from the fuselage. If it wasn’t for “gays are perverts” and “abortion is murder,” there wouldn’t be any fucking “social conservative slate.”

That doesn’t even begin to touch it. Hey “Kurt,” don’t you remember when compassionate conservatism meant demonizing teh gheys a MAJOR CAMPAIGN ISSUE? Your conservative buddies in several states who are refusing to sign up married gay National Guard members for federal benefits? Yeah, they’re doing it BECAUSE THEY HATE YOU. Because they LIVE FOR BASHING GAYS. How about that LA sherriff who refused to stop enforcing anti-sodomy laws. How about Kansas, Texas and ♫Oooooooklahomosexual, ♬ where the queens come screaming ‘cross the plain ♫, refuse to take their antisodomy laws off the books because …. well because THEY HATE YOU. They are gleefully spiteful. You might as well ask them to cut their right hands off.


Let’s see…I get tax breaks if I can avoid the pitchforks of the enraged mob. Hmm…


I assumed World’s Fastest Indian was about what’s-his-name. Carl Weathers, I wanna say. No, that’s wrong. (Remember before Google ‘n’ such?)


I assumed World’s Fastest Indian was about what’s-his-name. Carl Weathers, I wanna say. No, that’s wrong.

You mean Willie Mays Hayes? Wesley Snipes?


The veggies from the lobster stock? I strain.


I press them through a coarse mesh strainer. I’m in Maine now, lobster’s quite reasonable.


I guess if I was cooking for hire I’d strain because those folks want things fine whilst I lean towards hearty.


remember beyond death nothingness so make the most of your days on this earth here as you’re a long time dead like forever and forever a void

Apparently not if I drive my horse off a cliff.


How much food do you suppose $7,500,000.00 would buy?

Pfft, not paying that for a USED CAR. Also: Butt. Ugly.


I can’t help telling y’all that the other night I did a good ‘un, venison backstrap medallions a la steak Dianne, leek and new potato gratin, Brandywine tomato salad w/fresh greens and beets. Maybe the best meal I’ve done this year.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Ha! I’m old enough to remember the gold-plated DeLorean—exactly the same as the regular car, except the brushed stainless steel was electroplated in gold. And oh, yeah—it cost $100,000 instead of $25,000. That saved the brand, all right!

And why do I always miss the troll-stomping? Rats!


For my parents. On their abomination of a ceramic top electric cooking appliance.


Pfft, not paying that for a USED CAR. Also: Butt. Ugly.

Not even a real car, just a 1/8 scale model. Psh.

If you’re building or buying $7.5M model cars, you have too much money. Please take .0001 of that money and buy yourself a heroin overdose. Give the rest to charity, you fucker, along with the rest of your ill-gotten wealth.


I have several times riffed on Jennifer Paterson’s venison tenderloin medallions – sauced basically the same as au poivre (with demiglace of course), topped with a dollop of blackberry jam and blackberries. Delightful.


Jim Thorpe?


I saw the Troll-stomping Rats at Glastonbury once. They were faaaaabulous.


And its not even a car! How fucking useless. For that money you could get NINE Porsche 918 Spyders. I’ll be in my bunk.


How much food do you suppose $7,500,000.00 would buy?

How much food do you suppose $14.8 billion of your people’s money would buy?


I have played many, many sports related video games, but I do not go out and perform random acts of athletics

OTOH, I am often struck by the urge to go wandering across a mine-field.


The bisque was lobsterific.


And its not even a car! How fucking useless. For that money you could get NINE Porsche 918 Spyders.

And enter NINE demolition derbies!


Even if I was filthy rich I’d feel like the ultimate sucker to pay any more for a car than about the cost of a nice Lexus.

Ferraris, Porches, Lambos…I’ll leave those to the dudes with combovers and microscopic penii.


But the new Porsche broke the seven minute mark on the Nordschleiffe! DESTROYED the previous record by 14 seconds and even better, they said they took another 10 seconds off using slicks. tsam has NO APPRECIATION FOR THE GOOD STUFF.


and microscopic penii.



Jim Thorpe, yes, thank you.


Maybe the $7,500,000 gold scale model is worth it to a certain kind of masochist. He (I’m assuming the eventual buyer will be male) can look from the car to a mirror, and say “I am the world’s biggest douche. I hate myself. Suicide would be too good for me.”



That’s probably true.


OMG I was wonderingwhy I had this and looked him up and felt nostalgia for The Poor Man.


Suicide would be too good for me.

To which I’d reply: try it and see.


I too lift a nostalgic glass to The Poor Man.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I agree with tsam about Ferraris and Lambos, but I’ve wanted a Porsche ever since the choice was between the 356 (N)ormal or (S)uper. (And wouldn’t have my driver’s license for 10 years yet.) I admit they’re overpriced nowadays, but if I had any money I’d restore a ~1969 911E. (Not an S—trying to keep that Kugelfischer mechanical fuel injection working right was too big a job even when it was current—whereas from my VWs I know everything there is to kow about the Bosch K-Jetronic.)


I’ve had a soft spot for 912s ever since I saw a beauty for sale cheap in Athens GA in the early 90s. I still covet that little guy.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Problem with the 912 is, it’s the 911 body with the four-cylinder engine from the 356 Super. So besides being underpowered, it’s really delicate—the old four was built like a Swiss watch, whereas the six was/is much more robust.


I drive rarely and like a granny, so if I ever get one it won’t be a problem. Not making any plans, though.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Yeah, I’m really easy on my machinery, too. You want a Porsche for the twisties, anyway, so raw performance you’d never use is irrelevant.


You want a Porsche for the twisties

They are nice but I’m fond of Jaguars. Even though my XJ12 spent half its time in the shop it was still beautiful.

I let my mom drive it once. I was expecting her to baby it, instead she floored it. My mom is very cool.


They are nice but I’m fond of Jaguars. Even though my XJ12 spent half its time in the shop it was still beautiful.

The father of one of my college roommates was into classic cars (she drove a Barracuda, which she dusted). She swore they had a bumper sticker that said “The pieces you see falling off this car are genuine Jaguar parts.”


I had a bicycle once.


I had a bicycle once.

With wheels?


Luxury, I know.


Luxury, I know.

Bet they were even round.


” … Back when Fortran was not even twotran …”


[Gratuitous copypasta redacted]


I had an aunt who wanted to get a Jaguar, until one of my cousins told her that she should speak to the service manager of the local dealership about what owning one would mean in terms of maintenance and repairs, etc.


To do it properly you need to own 3 Jags.

One to be in the shop.
One to drive while the first one’s in the shop.
And one for your spouse to pick you up in when that one breaks.


Someone using that name posts on a couple other blogs, but this sounds like a nymjack.


If you’re talking about the post @13:33 for today, you are correct, sir.


[offensive vulgarity removed]

The Dark God of Time, AKA DA



[Shameless self-promoting photo of morbidly obese actor extracted]


If I was filthy rich, I couldn’t see spending 100k or more on a car either, except perhaps for a Tesla just to support the technology. However, I would make sure word got out that I was in the market for a fancy supercar and would go out and “test drive” all of them. Then I would probably buy an old 240z. I miss my old 240z.


Looks like some troll posts are being missed.

If I were filthy rich, I’d be willing to spend up to $100K on a car but considering that that would get you a pretty nice Porsche or new ‘Vette or a very nice BMW or Audi, I wouldn’t feel any need to spend more on driveway jewelry. Everybody needs a track car, don’t they?

I’d still keep the Subaru for grocery hauling.


I’ve never really lusted after “supercars”. I’d love to drive a Ferrari once just to say I’ve done it but I don’t think I’d want one for my daily driver.

I’m partial to the big German sedans any more because I like performance without calling too much attention to myself. Driving something like a 911 just screams “Hey cops! Here I am!”.

I bought a used 2004 A8 five years ago and it does everything I want. It’s fast, comfortable, does well in snow, handles well for a car that size and even gets 25 mpg on the highway.

I wouldn’t recommend them to most people because the maintenance can be a bit pricy but it’s worked well for me so far.


If there’s any car more beautiful than a Jaguar E-type, I haven’t seen it. Although I’ll give the Ferrari 250 LM an honorable mention.


Looks like some troll posts are being missed.

I think I got most of them. Zowie nymjacks sure are a clever and original way to troll.

If I were filthy rich, I’d be willing to spend up to $100K on a car but considering that that would get you a pretty nice Porsche or new ‘Vette or a very nice BMW or Audi, I wouldn’t feel any need to spend more on driveway jewelry. Everybody needs a track car, don’t they?

I’d still keep the Subaru for grocery hauling.

My needs are relatively modest: I just want a Lotus Super 7. I’d even take a Caterham. Hell, I’d “settle” for a Locost.


[trolling denied]


If I were going to get a Lotus, I’d be thinking Exige. Remember, we’re all filthy rich in this fantasy. What’s $70K to us?

That’d be a great track dog.


If there’s any car more beautiful than a Jaguar E-type, I haven’t seen it.

It is pretty but it lost some of its appeal when Grassroots Motorsports raced it against a Honda Odyssey…and it lost.


If there’s any car more beautiful than a Jaguar E-type, I haven’t seen it.

67 Chevelle or GTO.




except perhaps for a Tesla just to support the technology

I did fall in love with a Tesla I saw driving across the I-90 bridge in Seattle as I was taking my daughter back to school last week.



It is pretty but it lost some of its appeal when Grassroots Motorsports raced it against a Honda Odyssey…and it lost.

One of the years I was at the SCCA Solo II nationals somebody brought out an original Superbird and one of the SCCA folks took it out on course. He then went out in an Odyssey and beat the Superbird’s time by something like 10 seconds.


The point about high-end race cars for me is this:

1) SHITTY gas mileage, meaning I’m giving more money to the oil companies that I absolutely have to

2) I still think flaunting wealth is sign of a true fuck. Being the pussy, guilt ridden liberal I am, I could NOT bring myself to drive by a homeless family in my 100k car. I could spend $40k on a super nice Lexus and give the other $60k to the local food bank or shelter.

3) I don’t want to drive something that I’m going to lose sleep over getting a fucking scratch in a parking lot. Just not worth it.


It is pretty but it lost some of its appeal when Grassroots Motorsports raced it against a Honda Odyssey…and it lost.

Top Gear raced a Ferrari 308 (the Magnum PI car) against a Toyota Sienna minivan and the minivan won easily.

Most of those cars back in the day weren’t nearly as quick as people remember them to be.

If you look at the numbers, a V6 Honda Accord will take all but the fastest of the 60s muscle cars 0-60 or 1/4 mile.


If there’s any car more beautiful than a Jaguar E-type, I haven’t seen it.

Remember, we’re all filthy rich in this fantasy.


except perhaps for a Tesla just to support the technology

I like the Tesla but the level of Elon Musk worship I run into from some of his devotees borders on cult-like.


67 Chevelle or GTO.

I had a 66 GTO back in the 1980s before the prices on them went through the stratosphere. I still kick myself for selling it.


The E type is admittedly one of The prettiest. I don’t think there can be one prettiest though. The Cisitalia on display at MOMA is also pretty damn sweet.


It is pretty but it lost some of its appeal when Grassroots Motorsports raced it against a Honda Odyssey…and it lost.

Notice I didn’t say it was the fastest or most agile. Sadly, it doesn’t compare well to modern cars in performance. To get the best of both worlds one would have to get a kit car e-type body and put it on a modern all wheel drive sports car chassis, even if wider tires would give it away to anyone who knows anything about cars.


1) SHITTY gas mileage, meaning I’m giving more money to the oil companies that I absolutely have to

That’s one of the reasons I’d want a Lotus — they’re small and light so they use smaller engines and get decent mileage.

I’m hoping that electric technology keeps moving forward and we start getting fun fast electrics, that don’t cost as much as the Tesla.


I had a 73 Challenger (fake) RT when I was in high school. 340 engine. That was a gorgeous car.


What mileage do those V12 Jags get? I’m guessing 10 if you keep your foot out of them…?


To do it properly you need to own 3 Jags.

One to be in the shop.
One to drive while the first one’s in the shop.
And one for your spouse to pick you up in when that one breaks.

I work at a medium sized airport. When I first started here I was dispatching the taxis on the night shift. Normally, all our flights are in by about midnight. One evening we had a delayed flight come in around 3AM. I quickly filled all the taxis I had available but held them so I could double up rides if needed. The last person out was a middle aged gentleman in an expensive suit with expensive luggage. He asked for a limo to his destination. I told him I do not provide limo service he would have to arrange that himself and it might be tricky at this time of day, I did have a taxi ready to go but he’d have to share the cab. He bowed himself up and tried to look as menacing as possible and huffed, “I have the second largest real estate conglomerate in the country and I only flew down this way because my jet is broken down!” I looked him back in the eye and with a wry smile replied, “that’s why it’s always been MY policy to have two jets and a good mechanic.” He started to reply, but then thought better of it and got in the cab and left.


Did no one notice that Porsche is a plug-in hybrid?


What mileage do those V12 Jags get? I’m guessing 10 if you keep your foot out of them

Mind got 15, maybe 17 on the highway.

Fortunately this was in the 90s when gas was still close to $1/gallon.

Rear wheel drive so it was terrible in snow. I hit ice one night and as it started fishtailing all I could think was “Damn the bodywork’s going to be expensive if this thing hits the wall”.


Did no one notice that Porsche is a plug-in hybrid?

Yeah. The site shows 3.3liters per 100k, which equates to 71 MPG. That’s pretty fucking cool — hopefully something affordable will eventually do something similar.


[trolling denied]


Could’ve been the luckiest day of your life had you helped him out, Reverend Al.

I did help him out, I got him to his destination as quickly and efficiently as possible.


Yeah. The site shows 3.3 liters per 100k, which equates to 71 MPG. That’s pretty fucking cool — hopefully something affordable will eventually do something similar.

Well the Model S is a tenth the price (although still not affordable) and is rated around 90 mpge. Sure it’s only half as fast as the 918, but that’s still a top speed around 200 kph. And it seats seven.


[trolling denied]


I’ve seen a Tesla Roadster around here several times as well as a Lotus Elise of a similar color just to confuse things. I have also recently seen three different Tesla Sedans in the area. So Tesla is doing well around here. We even have a supercharger here.


So Tesla is doing well around here.

Do you live on the West coast?

I’ve seen exactly one Tesla in this area. It was parked in front of a hotel in Indianapolis.


I’ve seen a few Model S’es here in LEAFS SUCK, and we don’t have a Supercharger.

If we’re moving away from luxury sports vehicles &c. the Model X crossover is the next in the pipe and due out next year at a lower price point than the Model S. Probably still not in the “affordable” range, but getting close enough that payback time in fuel savings makes it viable for a lot of drivers. Plus fancy doors.


Do you live on the West coast?

Yes, the west coast of Florida.


There are two Tesla Model Ses (how the fuck should I pluralize that? Esses?) in my little burg. Of course that doesn’t really mean much, considering the college kids renting a house not far from me have a Maserati, Aston Martin, Skyline GTR and Audi R8 in their driveway. I guess going to a state school saves enough dough to have a fancy car or four.


Of course that doesn’t really mean much, considering the college kids renting a house not far from me have a Maserati, Aston Martin, Skyline GTR and Audi R8 in their driveway. I guess going to a state school saves enough dough to have a fancy car or four.

They probably came with the Obamaphones.


the Model X crossover is the next in the pipe and due out next year at a lower price point than the Model S. Probably still not in the “affordable” range, but getting close enough that payback time in fuel savings makes it viable for a lot of drivers. Plus fancy doors.

After that they are planning on the next generation of roadsters and are just starting to hint at the possibility of a mass market electric for around 35k in about 4 years.


The S I see often in our neighborhood has plate “NIKOLA”. Saw one on 84 with this plate: JOULES. another I noted was tagged “GAS LOL.”

There a number of taxi companies using or planning to use Tesla S(es) in several states.


It just occurred to me why conservatives (like out old friend Surber) are doing everything they can to discourage the development of electric vehicles. THERE ARE NO TAILPIPES!!!


The S I see often in our neighborhood has plate “NIKOLA”. Saw one on 84 with this plate: JOULES. another I noted was tagged “GAS LOL.”

Not as clever as my favorite.



I think if I had a Tesla I’d just go with OUTAGAS.


It’s the battery pack what does it for Tesla. They’re leveraging mass market consumer electronics to manage the price of an EV’s most notoriously expensive component.

Well, maybe a couple other things too. Building out their charging network, some pretty eye-catching designs, fancy doors – the general attitude that sees EV’s as performance vehicles instead of golf carts. But a lot of it is them battery packs.


I’m still curious to see how well they perform in a Midwest winter where you’re running the heat, lights, defrost and wipers extensively.



Related somewhat. I particularly liked this turn of phrase:

Business is simple: there is money and there are assholes and each one feeds the other in a tantric masturbatory Ouroboros where nobody ever climaxes.


If I could afford a Tesla then I could also afford to GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE MIDWEST.


Which, believe you me, I would do in a New York minute. Heh.


Hm. I’m surprised to hear that Kansas isn’t your cup o’fleas, Pup. What gives?


For OBS, et al:

A new meaning for the phrase Six-pack ABS


I’ve been drooling over the Model S ever since it was announced. I looked into getting one, but even with amortizing the guaranteed $30k resale value over 3 years, it still works out to a monthly cost of nearly $1000, and that’s not including insurance, electricity, or the costs of upgrading the garage with an appropriate circuit for charging.

And when I have a car that’s paid for, runs great, and gets nearly 30 MPG, I can’t justify a new Tesla.



A new meaning for the phrase Six-pack ABS…

Beer gut!


So, the guy’s drunk most of the time. But he’s from Texas, I’m surprised anybody even noticed.


I’m still curious to see how well they perform in a Midwest winter where you’re running the heat, lights, defrost and wipers extensively.

Cold temperatures also adversely affect batteries pretty severely. Mitsubishi was running a test in Boucherville, Quebec with a fleet of 50 i-MiEVs, but I can’t find any info on how it turned out.


If I could afford a Tesla then I could also afford to GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE MIDWEST.

The commute to KMEM from the West Coast would kill me. It would be a 4-hour ride in the jumpseat ,or worse, two hops just to get to work.

I’d need to have enough seniority to hold our LAX pilot base or at least be able to bid trips that originate on the West Coast.


I’d need to have enough seniority to hold our LAX pilot base or at least be able to bid trips that originate on the West Coast.

The coasts are more desirable than the midwest? Does the trend continue, to the point where they have to recruit for flights to the most desolate places? Cause if so, I’d totally fly out of Nunavut or Patagonia for a decade or so, if they pick up the cost of training and a minor stipend.


The coasts are more desirable than the midwest?

We bought Flying Tigers back in 1996, which was mostly a West Coast to Asia operation. A lot of our more senior pilots were originally with Flying Tigers and most of them live out West.

Our other pilot bases are Anchorage, Hong Kong and Cologne Germany.

Once my wife retires from her state job I’d like to talk her into going to Cologne for a few years.


Honey, let’s move to Köln.
Köln, you know, Cologne?
Oh, da toilet!


I could drink kölsch for a couple of years I’m pretty sure.


A new meaning for the phrase Six-pack ABS…
Beer gut!

Sadly, that story proves to have started out as an article in a SCIRP journal, i.e. a bottom-feeding vanity press whose idea of ‘peer review’ consists of “waiting for the author’s cheque to clear.” SCIRP is notorious for publishing *anything*, including articles written by random-number software.

So it is certainly *possible* that some random Texan is only drunk all the time because of mutant yeast in his gut fermenting his food. It is also *possible* that the dubious chemicals in my own bloodstream were released there by my athlete’s foot, which has somehow become spliced with the genes for psilocybin.


There was a case on record where a priest had a strain of bacteria in his gut that excreted methane, not alcohol, as the result of fermentation(it’s theoretically possible, although with some other fungus that isn’t one of the species used as bakers’ and brewers’ yeast).

He discovered this when blowing out the candles at the end of a Mass and finding that fire-breathing could be more than a metaphor.


Once, as a kid, I managed to grow a 7lb watermelon in my tummy. #trufax


fire-breathing could be more than a metaphor.

A priest with flammable breath? UNPOSSIBLE.


t is also *possible* that the dubious chemicals in my own bloodstream were released there by my athlete’s foot, which has somehow become spliced with the genes for psilocybin



I’m gonna guess that my 1990 Nissan Sentra won’t really make it in this penis-substitute-measuring contest. Old ladies always finish last.


“67 Chevelle”

I lost my virginity in the back seat of that car!


I lost 50c down the back of the couch but you don’t catch me going on about it for decades afterwards.


I lost my virginity in the back seat of that car!

Today it’s a $50,000 car in perfect condition. The prices on these things have gone way past stupid and well into ludicrous.

I’ve seen Dodge and Plymouth muscle cars fetching six figures at auction.

Nobody ever went broke betting on baby-boomer nostalgia.


Nobody ever went broke betting on baby-boomer nostalgia.

Curiously, owners of mint condition AMC Pacers are untroubled by the relentless attention of classic car enthusiasts.


You might be surprised Helmut.

There is a very small but devoted bunch of AMC collectors out there. There are people who, believe it or not, want a mint condition Gremlin or Pacer.


Having spent a large fraction of my childhood riding in the back of my dad’s two Pacers, I am surprised by this information. Are there people that are nostalgic for scurvy too?



Tom DeLay verdict overturned by Texas appellate court

HOUSTON -– A Texas Court of Appeals in Austin has overturned the conviction of former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, attorney Brian Wice told KVUE sister station KHOU 11 News.

In documents released early Thursday, the court said the evidence in the case was “legally insufficient to sustain DeLay’s convictions.”

The court said all judgments against DeLay were reversed, and the former congressman was formally acquitted.


Wonderful, a corrupt Congressman is freed to again infect the body politic.

Is this a great country or what!


ARRRRRRRRR what ya be skwawkin bout.


Aye! ’tis talk like a pirate day ye scurvy dogs!


chicago trip is coming up: best places to eat…go!


Via the LGM ketchup thread, I’d say here:


i want the feel…i want the taste…i want the meats that are encased…that’s pretty awesome!


chicago trip is coming up: best places to eat…go!

It depends on where you’ll be staying and what you’re looking for. They have just about everything.

Our favorite place is Havana at 412 N Clark. It’s Cuban/South American.


For pizza I’d say the locals prefer Lou Malnati’s over Gino’s or Uno, which are more for the tourists.


chicago trip is coming up: best places to eat…go!

I hear the Applebees by the Interstate has an excellent salad bar.


I can vouch for Hot Dougs, although you’d better be prepared to wait, esp if you go on Friday or Saturday when the fries are cooked in duck fat, yum. The place is crazy popular and Doug insists on taking each order himself. Also make sure to call ahead before going bc sometime he’ll shut down for weeks/months to go traveling.

Lou Malnati is fine pizza but I honestly don’t care for deep-dish/stuffed/whatever you want to call it. Just a giant mess of cheese. I like thin crust.

If you want to do the steakhouse experience I would suggest Joe’s Stone Crab. I know the focus is on seafood but they have an amazing dry aged ribeye. Also, David Burke is fairly new but has become legendary for their dry-aged ribeye.

My wife’s cousin is a chef at Embeya so I gotta throw that out there. Haven’t been there yet but I’ve heard good things.

Also you can get a really nice lunch at Rick Bayless’ restaurant Xoco, no reservations required. I know he takes a lot of crap but the food at all three of his restaurants is really good and Xoco is at least reasonably priced.

Ok better get back to work!


An exceptional country, actually.

Unless you’re a fan of Vlad the Putin. Now there’s a manly man.


Pupienus Maximus said,
September 19, 2013 at 17:59 · Edit

ARRRRRRRRR what ya be skwawkin bout.

Avast! I’ve been caught unawares that me mateys in nearby Albany were the originators of this day. Perhaps I’ll plot a course 10 miles east this evening for some grog at the party they’re having.


Encasing the meat.


but they have an amazing dry aged ribeye.

consider me there…

thanks for all the tips…

Encasing the meat.



Ugh, Tom Delay conviction being overturne do appeal is really depressing, so is WNY, so I am just going to ACTIVATE DENIAL and squeeee! that Cassie Cla(i)re’s movie only took $9mil first weekend, a veritable belly flop, and looks like it will lose money even with international boxoffice. Also, sales of the most recent books in her series are … weak.

For someone who got famous by ripping off Joss Whedon dialogue and putting it in OOC HP characters’ mouths, who shamelessly stole whole passages from other YA authors’ work and when caught claimed “it’s just fanfic”, may I just say, the Schadenfreude today? It is delicious.


overturned on appeal

wtf was that–I can’t even blame my phone this time


Also, too–Tennessee or Florida on Saturday?

Want to know if I will be dealing with angry drunk fans or happy drunk fans on Saturday night. FYI both species suck.


Also, too–Tennessee or Florida on Saturday?

I think Hamilton’s gonna take pole* after missing out at Monza, but then Vettel’s gonna win, again, the little shit.

*Pupienus bait


Hey OBS, what about Arcadian Ales? Yea or nay?


OBS, mebbe u could run that by me again, this time in English, pls?

/not a football fan either~~~


Hey OBS, what about Arcadian Ales? Yea or nay?

Sadly, no opinion, never had them.


OBS, mebbe u could run that by me again, this time in English, pls?

There’s a Formula 1 race in Singapore this weekend.


Ron Howard’s new racing movie got a decent review out of Mark Kermode.


No wonder I was confused.

Dare I ask, what is up with the different ‘flavors’ of car racing? Is it like AL vs NL or something?


Ron Howard’s new racing movie

The long -anticipated sequel to “Eat My Dust!”?


Sadly, no opinion, never had them.

Well, we’ll have an opinion soon, a friend is going there today. Ain’t that in yer neighborhood?


Dare I ask, what is up with the different ‘flavors’ of car racing? Is it like AL vs NL or something?

Nah, there are all sorts of different kinds of cars raced all over the world in all sorts of different ways.

Formula 1 is considered the “pinnacle” of motorsport, where the best drivers and fastest/best handling cars are. They compete all over the world.

Ron Howard’s new movie is Rush, re-telling the 1976 F1 championship season and rivalry between drivers James Hunt and Nikki Lauda


I like Kimi, but I’m not sure how things will go now that he’s leaving Lotus. I think with his competitive nature he will still be a factor. And after a couple bad outings I think he’ll be fired up this weekend.


The differences are mostly in how much $$$ is required, and if they turn right also too, or as I did with my 67 Buick GS400 (which is much better looking than the Chebby or Poncho versions) if they turn at all.


The big question though is: is Alonzo really thinking of leaving Ferrari? To go where?


TB, word is now out that Kimi went to Ferrari because Lotus hasn’t been making with the paychecks. Sepang T

Lots of people – Michael Schumacher among them – saying the Alonso/Raikkonen pairing is going to be disaster. Alonso, the line goes, will try to weasle some advantage (because he’s a whiny little primadonna) and that will cause the team (the TEAM, not the drivers) to fall into severe dysfunction.


Alonso has nowhere to go. No way he’d go anywhere except a team that has a real chance of winning the title. He couldn’t possibly go back to McLaren. Red Bull won’t have him. Mercedes is quite happy with Rosberg/Hamilton. Lotus, if they don’t become a Renault factory team again, will NOT be in the hunt.


That’s what happened at McLaren when he was paired with Hamilton.


BTW, Rush is not a film just for F1 or even motorsport fans. The Lauda/Hunt story is compelling and he reportedly made a fine film about it. In fact, over at the formula1 reddit, the brits (it was released first in England) are disappointed that it doesn’t have enough race footage.


That’s what happened at McLaren when he was paired with Hamilton.



Hello, again!

I saw my shadow.


I like Kimi, but I don’t really like Ferrari, and I absolutely can’t stand Alonso. Popcorn will be called for often next season, what with the team shakeups and the vast difference in the technology formula next year. It’ll be fun to watch. It’d be cool if Sauber and/or Williams could get their shit together again.


I saw my shadow.

Does that mean we get two more weeks of Summer? Sweet!


Well, we’ll have an opinion soon, a friend is going there today. Ain’t that in yer neighborhood?

Nope, they’re in Battle Creek, MI — long way from Oregon.


Since we’re on a brew tangent OBS have you ever tried a fraoch and if so what did you think of it?


Since we’re on a brew tangent OBS have you ever tried a fraoch and if so what did you think of it?

I don’t know if I’ve ever had a “true” fraoch but I’ve had a few beers made with heather and other non-hop bittering agents. Most recently had a really nice Summer Saison from a small local brewery (Agrarian Ales) that used a combination of spruce tips, flowering yarrow and river sage tips instead of hops. It was really, really nice.


Does that mean we get two more weeks of Summer? Sweet!

Sorry to burst your bubble, but my when I blew out my ACL a few weeks ago, it was described as a ‘season ending injury’. So, summer’s over and it’s probably my fault.


I’m thinking of trying a heather ale recipe. Unfortunately most of the non-hop bittering agents don’t grow well down here in the warm weather so I can’t use fresh ingredients. But a heather ale appeals to the Scot blood in me so I will probably try a gallon batch with dries heather tips and see what happens. (It might be fun to brew with Heather, but I hear she can be bitter)


I’m thinking of trying a heather ale recipe.

Cool, it’ll be good to hear how it turns out.


bbkf: Kingston Mines on Halsted in Lincoln Park.

Blues, Beer and BBQ. Not the absolute best of any one of ’em, but good examples of each. Combined there, it’s a fkn blast.

Note the hours: 7PM to 4AM. Not a typo.

Music starts about 9 or 10pm and lasts All. Night. Long.

No trip to Ch’cahgo is complete without it.


Over heard at the ScottishClown™ across the way was a TrueBeliever™ indoctrinating an 8 year old in the ways of Jihad, and the many places in the bible where verse can be found supporting “justifiable homicide”, as well as references to “stand your ground” and various other shit that we all to often come across in the various mangrove swamps on the intertubes…In a way it was almost like opening a door and finding yourself in the comment section of The American Thinker.

As I was leaving, I thought I had to say something so I said: “Be afraid, always be afraid.” In as sarcastic a tone as I could manage. Unfortunately, without missing a beat, the paranoid wingnut said “Yes!” without a hint of irony and thinking that I was supporting his point of view.

I gotta say that it was a bit surreal. I mean I know that these jokers are out there, but round these parts I just don’t come across them in the wild and shamelessly outspoken to boot.


Dunno whether to laugh or cry, Provider … well neither, or both I guess.


[copypasta troll]


Soooooo we started letting people out of the lunatic asylums in 1969 and Nixon gets re-elected in 1972 followed by Reagan in 1980.

Hey! It’s all starting to make sense now!

Meanie-meanie, tickle a person

After this latest shooting, will the left finally let us do something about the dangerously mentally ill?

Them that don’t do history are condemned to be bit on the ass by it…

Q: What happens when you cut (and keep cutting over the decades) State and Federal funding for MHMR services, “State Hospitals”, and the like?

A: If I have to explain it, you ain’t gonna understand it…


I noticed that the House chopped 40 billion off of food aid for the poor.

What a country. Wars good, food for poor kids, BAD.


tsam, it just proves that American exceptionalism is alive and well. Among the 1st World countries, we’re #1 in starving the poor.


It also proves that all those right wing fundamentalist Christians have completely forgotten what Christ was fundamentally all about.

After this latest shooting, will the left finally let us do something about the dangerously mentally ill?

And what the folks on the right mean by “doing something about the dangerously mentally ill” is why won’t the left let us take them off somewhere out of sight and perform experiments on them that they won’t let us perform on animals anymore. Or at least let us take them ’round back and shoot them.


BTW, Rush is not a film just for F1 or even motorsport fans. The Lauda/Hunt story is compelling and he reportedly made a fine film about it.

yep…and that one guy in it looks pretty hot…

Among the 1st World countries, we’re #1 in starving the poor.

AND denying health care coverage! but, on the other hand, the goopers are showing the world that they are masters of stick-to-it-tiveness with their 800th try at defeating obamacare…


It’s called RESOLVE, bbkf. Resolve.

Apparently futility has no impact on their resolve. But it’s resolve nonetheless, and we must respect it!


It also proves that all those right wing fundamentalist Christians have completely forgotten what Christ was fundamentally all about.

Say, wait a second. Didn’t right-wing fundamentalist Christianity really start to take off in the 70s and 80s? After we closed down all the mental hospitals?

I tell you it all fits together! I think I’ve discovered the Unified Theory of Wingnuttiness!

Someone call the Nobel committee!


Note the hours: 7PM to 4AM. Not a typo.

Music starts about 9 or 10pm and lasts All. Night. Long.

i know enough about myself to know that this would be extremely dangerous for me and i would be doing the walk of shame into the conference every morning…

i do have one pretty firm plan though…imma meet up with one of b^4’s friends at this place on sunday upon arrival…


I tell you it all fits together! I think I’ve discovered the Unified Theory of Wingnuttiness!

Someone call the Nobel committee!

by jove, i think you’ve got it!!!


Yes, “ignore our guns and concentrate on the dangerous mentally ill that walk among us”. What an odious red herring.

As if conservatives in America would fund the recreation of the network of mental health hospitals that was destroyed in the last 40 years, primarily under Reagan.

As if they would stand for the mandatory mental health screening of every single American once or twice a year that it would take to detect potentially dangerous individuals.

As if the first time some ‘eccentric’ pastor or businessman was institutionalized for being a danger to himself or others that pundits wouldn’t break their legs racing to be the first one to decry the “fascism of big mental health”.

As if the NRA wouldn’t leap to defend the second amendment rights of, sociopaths, psychopaths and those with bipolar disorder or paranoid schizophrenia.

As if that would do anything to stop perfectly sane criminals from using readily available guns for armed robbery and murder.


On a srs note, there’s a damn good reason they started closing those mental hospitals. People there were basically prisoners. It was awful. No education, no chance at improving and free living in the community. The only decent this Jerry Rivers did in his career was giving RFK a platform to condemn the “institutions” children were shut up in for conditions as diverse as cerebral palsy, Down’s Syndrome, autism, etc.

I’m pretty sure that, as with all things, the funding was cut by Reagan. That’s when they tossed the people who couldn’t live independently (*cough* schizophrenics *cough*) into the streets.

I like the British way better (but oh noes, more taxes) where they do home welfare checks weekly or more often for vulnerable people living independently.


As if the NRA wouldn’t leap to defend the second amendment rights of, sociopaths, psychopaths and those with bipolar disorder or paranoid schizophrenia.

Isn’t that most of their membership?


All this talk about F1 driver relationships reminds me of a TV fan forum where people speculate about plot developments when the show goes on hiatus. But at least it’s not Supernatural fandom.


Right, don’t you have to have a throbbing, overactive amygdala to start having the “paranoia, auditory and visual hallucinations” to actually think that the urban warfare fantasies of NRA mags are TWOOOOOTH and you need to BAI MOAR GUNZZZ?


Not, a gator, I concede the point that some of those hospitals were a horror show, and that many people were institutionalized who should not have been. But I think we can do better than our current reactive practice of housing mentally ill people in prisons, after they have broken the law in some way, either by self medicating with illegal drugs, or by acts of violence.


What a country. Wars good, food for poor kids, BAD.

They’re the post-natal, you see. Pre-natal, they’re useful for punishing the sluttyslutslut aquaria carrying them. Now, they’re poor, which means they are unworthy, and deserve whatever misery they’re suffering. The wingnut god demands it.


I do wonder if some of them think “suffer the little children” means they’re supposed to make kids suffer, since they’re all about out of fontext cherrypicking.


On a srs note, there’s a damn good reason they started closing those mental hospitals. People there were basically prisoners. It was awful. No education, no chance at improving and free living in the community. The only decent this Jerry Rivers did in his career was giving RFK a platform to condemn the “institutions” children were shut up in for conditions as diverse as cerebral palsy, Down’s Syndrome, autism, etc.

that’s the sort of scenarios that keep me awake at night…my biggest fear is hubbkf, son and i are all off this earthly plane and that daughter is at the mercy of the state in just such a horrible institution…and even the decent places have awful, horrible people working at them…because they page such shit wages and basically zero benefits (because of shitty reimbursement) that they are always desperate for employees. we’ve even seen some of that in the privately run corporation that takes care of the daughter…but by all means, let’s keep cutting funding you motherfuckers! pretty much every consumer who is on ssi or in a group home in minnesota is automatically enrolled in medical assistance…guess what? they cut things like dental and medical check-ups to once a year…pretty awesome for a mentally and physically disable person isn’t it? and because of our wonderful healthcare/insurance system, things such the daughter and her entire house drove 45 miles to get one of the housemate’s insulin (at walmart, natch) only to be told they couldn’t pick it up because his insurance company was being dicks…are becoming commonplace…

i can’t imagine what people who have no one to advocate go through…in fact i literally cannot imagine it because to even start makes me sick…

have i ever told y’all that my dream job is to be a vigilanted social worker?

I’m pretty sure that, as with all things, the funding was cut by Reagan. That’s when they tossed the people who couldn’t live independently (*cough* schizophrenics *cough*) into the streets.

I like the British way better (but oh noes, more taxes) where they do home welfare checks weekly or more often for vulnerable people living independently.


fontext cherrypicking

fontext cherrypicking using comic sans makes us all suffer…


Returning to an earlier thread…
[Alonzo] couldn’t possibly go back to McLaren.

I’m not so sure about this. Alonzo might be the best talent they could get at this point and I suspect he’d be much better at helping develop the next car than Button or Perez. Everyone might be willing to let bygones be bygones at this point.

Don’t get me wrong, I like Button but he can’t drive like Alonzo can.


bbkf said,

September 20, 2013 at 19:34

ha, ha…i just cherrypicked my own brain! aren’t you glad to have me back?

i meant to also say too:

I like the British way better (but oh noes, more taxes) where they do home welfare checks weekly or more often for vulnerable people living independently.

here in minnesota, there’s a big push for this…i hope to hell it happens in my lifetime…but still worry about what could happen down the road if the the goopers continue on with their slash and burn antics…anyhoo, i finally told my mother (she of the ‘obama better not ruin my ‘good’ insurance!’ fame) to just stfu about it…i’m basically working my second job so that the son and i can pay for medical insurance and wtf is wrong with wanting a single payer system? she doesn’t have to use it if she doesn’t want to so quit the fucking whining about how awful you have it after spending a lifetime getting paid for doing nothing and using benefit that she did not directly earn…there was an uncomfortable silence after that…


Why was I too shortsighted to build a dummy that’d sit at my desk for the rest of the afternoon, working as it were?


also, i received another email from my mom’s asshat husband with the subject line: global warming, the emperor’s clothing…debunks global flooding…unlike his last missive, this one went straight into the trash without being read…srsly…he knows this would piss me off, so why send it? sometimes i think he’s trying to give my mom a stroke or an infarction…but i tell ya, i am half-tempted to retrieve it just for the mockery opportunities…


I’m not so sure about this. Alonzo might be the best talent they could get at this point and I suspect he’d be much better at helping develop the next car than Button or Perez. Everyone might be willing to let bygones be bygones at this point.

Just today Eddie Jordan (who called Kimi to Ferrari among other at the time unlikely predictions) said Alonso will go to McLaren NEXT YEAR! If not then 2015.

Alonso doesn’t want to have to fight for the #1 driver seat.

Word is that Ferrari aren’t confident in their (all new V6 turbo) engine for the new formula. In 2015 McLaren is back together with Honda with whom they had mucho success with, using their turbo engines.

Ron Dennis, with whom Alonso had his battles, is all but out at McLaren these days.

Martin Whitmarsh, McLaren team chief honcho, said they made contact with Alonso.

Just when you thought silly season couldn’t get any sillier…

Also, if it happens I will be so pissed at being proved wrong by a crazy person (Jordan).


I have it on good authority that Pupienus and Oregon Beer Snob will be handed the driver seats for Ferrari next year. It’s a good bet that Major Kong and tsam will be driving for Red Bull and Mercedes will rely on tigris and Big Bad Bald Bastard. The folks at Lotus have made it clear that they are looking to sign up Thread Bear and Whale Chowder while McLaren have their sights on bbkf and VCarlson. El Manquécito and Cerberus seem to be in line for seats at Force India leaving Smut Clyde and CRA likely to go to STR. Sauber, Williams and Marussia are all currently unsettled. Caterham seems determined to go with The Dark God of Time and Dennis, leaving experts to speculate whether the team could actually accomplish anything with all the bickering that is likely to come with that pairing.


Mentally ill people have a right to treatment for their illness. The rest of society has a right to expect the danger from potentially violent people to be minimized.

The government should act in good faith to help these people. That never has and never will mean warehousing them at a funny farm. It means treatment, medication, in-home visits, help with job placement…a program tailored to the needs of the individuals.


he knows this would piss me off, so why send it?

Didn’t this question answer itself?


The Dark God of Time and Dennis, leaving experts to speculate whether the team could actually accomplish anything with all the bickering that is likely to come with that pairing.

I wish they’d just fuck and get it overwith. This Maddie and David business isn’t fun to watch anymore.


OBS; sorry I had the wrong name, it’s Agrarian Ales. That Arcadia place is a Pugsley house and unlikely to make anything I’d like.


In the last thread, I posed this question, and got some interesting responses:

Imagine I had a time machine, and set the controls for 2513. I emerge, meet some Future People, and we get to know each other, thoroughly. Finally I excuse myself to use the john.

QUESTION: in the best-case scenario for the most people, what do my future-dwelling acquaintances say about me, now that I’ve left the room?

I never gave my own answer, though, so for those who’ve been holding their breath:

It’s best if the Future People agree that I’m a monster, or at least a cretin, an idiot, an all-around bad fellow. Best if they agree and are largely correct, that is. Best because those conditions taken together would mean that humanity advanced a great deal in the intervening five centuries.

At risk of muddying the time-travel scenario, if I’m looking down or up from heaven or hell and see the above come to pass, I’ll be glad, and won’t shed a tear for my shattered reputation. Try to understand me, yes, but don’t fail to judge me in order to prop up some imaginary golden age for your own purposes, Future People.


The government should act in good faith to help these people. That never has and never will mean warehousing them at a funny farm. It means treatment, medication, in-home visits, help with job placement…a program tailored to the needs of the individuals.

that’s pretty hilarious given the way the government can’t/won’t/doesn’t take care of its veterans…

I wish they’d just fuck and get it overwith.

i’ve literally begged them to but THEY WILL NOT and so will apparently just continue to bore us to death with their homo-erotic version of the odd couple…


if it happens I will be so pissed at being proved wrong by a crazy person (Jordan)

Phew, I’m glad you put in that final qualifier.

The folks at Lotus have made it clear that they are looking to sign up Thread Bear and Whale Chowder

Hey, why am I the second driver?! Oh wait, that means I get the cool dayglo green camera housing. Carry on then.


their homo-erotic version of the odd couple…

Aren’t all versions of The Odd Couple at least homo-suggestive? C’mon, two “lifelong bachelors,” one a neat freak?


OBS; sorry I had the wrong name, it’s Agrarian Ales. That Arcadia place is a Pugsley house and unlikely to make anything I’d like.

I love Agrarian! Great guys, brewing really interesting beer. Their brewery is in a beautiful spot out in the country too.


McLaren have their sights on bbkf and VCarlson

Could we have Tannim and his guys in our team? I realize that could be adking for a lot of trouble …


I have it on good authority that Pupienus and Oregon Beer Snob will be handed the driver seats for Ferrari next year.

Even though I don’t really like Ferrari, I’m cool with that. I’ll spend my newfound millions wisely with ridiculous abandon.


what do my future-dwelling acquaintances say about me, now that I’ve left the room?

“That skinny guy, him sure smart!”

“Yeah. Me go get guns.”


Aren’t all versions of The Odd Couple at least homo-suggestive? C’mon, two “lifelong bachelors,” one a neat freak?

I wonder if he knew his boyfriend was GAY???


asking for a lot of trouble. Adking raises some interesting possibilities, though.


Suezboo said,
September 19, 2013 at 9:19

I’m gonna guess that my 1990 Nissan Sentra won’t really make it in this penis-substitute-measuring contest. Old ladies always finish last.

You might be surprised what some people do with Sentras.


Could we have Tannim and his guys in our team? I realize that could be adking for a lot of trouble …

are we at least on a decent team?




I got a pilot, see? I can build a flying car and you can all eat our JETWASH


I got a pilot, see? I can build a flying car and you can all eat our JETWASH

or i could just junkpunch you…jklol! or am i?


And I continue to hold my breath about Texas (OK, there are a lot of things about Texas that call for breatholding, at least) wrt my stepbrother. See, he’s very schizophrenic, probably bipolar, and, thank FSM, installed in a group home (Texas will only pay for group homes for the non-physically disabled mentally ill once they’re over 50). He can’t live on his own, the State Hospital is very bad for him, and he can’t live with family -he was living in an apartment in my dad and stepmother’s garage, but he’d come into the house at night foraging for food (leaving it scattered over the counters – including stuff he’d pulled from the fridge and freezer), pounding on their BR door at 3am demanding the day’s cigs, and starting to resist when his mother reminded him about taking his meds. In the group home, he takes his meds, he helps keep the place clean, he can bear to be in a crowd of people for an hour or two, and he’s thinking about music again (not that he’s likely to be an undiscovered musical genius – it’s something he enjoyed, then couldn’t bear because his illness made it impossible for him).

I’m just wondering why Perry and his Psychopaths (band name!) haven’t yet defunded mental health in Texas (more than they have).


Dennis is a good driver, so I usually let him get credits for the wins. He doesn’t know how to talk to the pit crew like they aren’t ‘takers’, so he usually leaves that to me.


I’m just wondering why Perry and his Psychopaths (band name!) haven’t yet defunded mental health in Texas (more than they have).

ever see a predator toy with its prey?


are we at least on a decent team?

Well, it has us, doesn’t it? So it must be good. The wiki entry looked pretty cool, though I didn’t read any of the technical bits, as I’m profoundly uninterested in auto racing (to be honest, I’m profoundly uninterested in most spectator sports).


Well, it has us, doesn’t it? So it must be good. The wiki entry looked pretty cool, though I didn’t read any of the technical bits, as I’m profoundly uninterested in auto racing (to be honest, I’m profoundly uninterested in most spectator sports).

point one, duly noted…as for the rest, uhhhh…yeah…i tend to snooze or chat my way through any event i am expected to spectate at…except for the the-a-tuh, of course…


Well, fine. I assume I was left out because I’m clearly going to be showing the other riders how it’s done* at Ducati Corse in Moto GP. *it in this case probably means ‘cripple myself while destroying a million dollar race bike in an accident that is both hilarious and terrifying in front of a global audience’


I thought DG and Pennis were still angling to get a drive with HRT (a now defunct team – Ed.) because THEY LIVE IN THE FUCKING PAST.


*it in this case probably means ‘cripple myself while destroying a million dollar race bike in an accident that is both hilarious and terrifying in front of a global audience’

Not likely given how fucking SLOW the Ducs are. Even Rossi was mid-field on the Duc.


Well, fine. I assume I was left out because I’m clearly going to be showing the other riders how it’s done* at Ducati Corse in Moto GP.

well, duh…your name is HELMUT…


Not likely given how fucking SLOW the Ducs are. Even Rossi was mid-field on the Duc.

I think it’s possible to have a horrifying / hilarious crash even on a “slow” Duc. I recognize you’re kidding but even the slowest Moto GP bike is both faster and meaner than any street bike from what I’ve read.


*it in this case probably means ‘cripple myself while destroying a million dollar race bike in an accident that is both hilarious and terrifying in front of a global audience’

I’d go to see that.




Hey, wait, I wanna ride, I mean, drive an F1 car next year, too, also, as well…


Hey, don’t panic. Between Sauber, Williams and Marussia there are still six seats left.


Between Sauber, Williams and Marussia there are still six seats left.

Since we’re well into fantasyland anyhow, UNE can be in the Pink Brony F1 team with the Pretty Pony Powerplant. He may not win but he’ll be FAAABULOUS!


Since we’re well into fantasyland anyhow, UNE can be in the Pink Brony F1 team with the Pretty Pony Powerplant. He may not win but he’ll be FAAABULOUS!

Provider doesn’t deserve that fate! Let’s put the two trolls on the Brony team, and we’ll add some random Furry as their reserve driver. Provider can be on Sauber or Williams.


I would rock the Pink Brony with the Pretty Pony Powerplant. Accessorized with hello kitty™ clusters if you have to know.


I can’t drive a shift car, so can I be a mechanic, please.
Helmut and I can be the Lead Mechanics for whichever motorsickle team Pup deems worthy.


I would rock the Pink Brony with the Pretty Pony Powerplant. Accessorized with hello kitty™ clusters if you have to know.

I can totally picture you crossing the finish line first, powersliding into a handful of donuts, then leaping out and laying down a badass bass lick (with the bass you had stored on board) on the front straight at Monza.



I can’t drive a shift car, so can I be a mechanic, please.

Of course you can! But, it’s all paddle-shifting in F1 so other than starts, “shifter” is a sort of a conceptual thing. It’s all handled by the car. You could be UNE’s teammate, where the Pretty Pony Powerplant takes care of it all and you just sail along, waving at the cheering crowd.


I can totally picture you crossing the finish line first, powersliding into a handful of donuts, then leaping out and laying down a badass bass lick (with the bass you had stored on board) on the front straight at Monza.

Monza may not be the best venue for that, the Italians might riot.

Suzuka on the other hand… The Japanese would probably make Provider Emperor-For-Life.


Have y’all ever seen a man drivin a Peterbilt fulla race cars? I have.


I assume the mention of “Japan” along with Bronies has killed the thread because you’re now all off watching Brony-themed tentacle porn.


mmm, tentacles.


I got to see the time trials for Monaco a few years ago. I recall seeing Michael Schumacher. This would have been around the time he was driving for Ferrari.


Michelle Malkin on the attack against Jeb early:

This is priceless. Former Fla. GOP Gov. Jeb Bush, consummate politician and 2016 presidential aspirant, has now bitterly accused opponents of his federal education schemes of possessing “purely political” motives. Projection, anyone?

Having previously suggested that critics of the so-called Common Core standards program are crazy, ignorant and lying, Bush piled on at a National Press Club appearance this week. Jeb the Insult Comic Dog did not hold back. Not only is the growing anti-Fed Ed movement of parents, teachers, school board members, academics, privacy advocates and state legislators of all stripes “purely political,” Bush sniped, but the Common Core backlash that’s causing him conniption fits is also opposed to academic excellence.

Yep. If you question Jeb Bush and his Big Business/Big Government cronies, you stand foursquare against student achievement and intellectual rigor. Pay attention, all you informed moms and dads who have raised pointed, carefully researched questions about the costs, quality, validity, constitutionality and intrusiveness of Common Core. Bush thinks you are “purely political” beasts who are recklessly harming your own kids’ scholastic advancement.


Good news everybody! You potheads and baby killers get to join us homos in being responsible for the latest act of doG.

Welcome aboard!


Pastor blames Colo. floods …

Why didn’t God limit his wrath to the more sinful parts of Colorado? Like that area that wanted to secede just recently.

I’m always puzzled at these notions that a god, or the god of the Bible, would be deeply concerned about lines we make on maps and the political entities we dream up. Such thinking is a legacy of the tribal flavor of the Old Testament I guess. Not that old-timey Jews invented the notion of a special people or a god that cares about groups and tribes, that rewards or punishes collectively. That’s old news. But I feel confident in saying it’s not terribly Christian. Individual salvation or damnation being central to the NT gospel? Nations, tribes, etc. don’t have souls, right?


I’m somebody now!

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Nations, tribes, etc. don’t have souls, right?

I don’t know, if the judiciary is willing to suggest corporations are people (and the definition is “ensouled being”), then the logic then follows that any grouping of people legally recognized as a mass-entity is therefore a person and therefore has a soul.

I mean, like corporations, pretty much all such “people” have enough stains on their collective soul to condemn them to hell, but hey.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Michelle Malkin on the attack against Jeb early:

On the one hand, Jeb Bush is horrible, and his effect on the collapse of the Florida public school system through standardized testing and charter schools is even worse.

On the other hand, Michelle Malkin is horrible, and her attacking Bush on the program is probably one of those right-wing convergent evolution things where even if they’re making supportable noise, the reasoning behind it is so dire and awful and probably about destroying the public school system in an even worse way than simple corporate enrichment, malfeasance and fucking the poor.


Michelle Malkin is horrible

I’m not sure if “horrible” even comes close to describing the evil that is Michele Malkin.

Let’s just say Cthulu’s lucky he didn’t have to compete with her for the job.


Food for thought, my popish friend.


crossing the finish line first, powersliding into a handful of donuts, then leaping out and laying down a badass bass lick

Another Buckaroo Banzai wannabee…


File under : Onion News Tomorrow Today Tonight.

. . . A University of Wisconsin student with a nickname of “Silo” is eating his way through school — competitively. . .

. . .”I’m eating for my education,” he said. “It helps me get through.” . . .


[Nym-jacking Googled copy and paste removed]

apparently the weather channel doesn’t know shit…

. . . A University of Wisconsin student with a nickname of “Silo” is eating his way through school — competitively. . .

silo must have some pretty big bootstraps…cuz that is bootstrappiness at it’s finest!


[copious amounts of irrelevant nonsense sent to Nym-jacking Troll Recycle Bin]


[copious amounts of irrelevant nonsense sent to Troll Recycle Bin]

Kind of like mucking out the stalls at the horse stables?


If you question Jeb Bush and his Big Business/Big Government cronies, you stand foursquare against student achievement and intellectual rigor.

But Malkin and Jeb Bush can find common ground in their longstanding foursquare support of intellectual rigor mortis.

Meanie-meanie, tickle a person

. . . A University of Wisconsin student with a nickname of “Silo” is eating his way through school — competitively. . .

Literally “food for thought”…


FYI moderators, the posts @ 13:44, 15:27 and 17:19 aren’t mine. Check the ISPs against this one if you have any doubts. Feel free to delete this comment as well.


Oh Pup, come on. Being a Catholic priest does not automatically qualify someone as “God bothering.”

Look, I’m an atheist who thinks religion is a pile of shit. And I hope this particular bastard gets what’s coming to him. But there are a lot of good people in the Catholic clergy who work really hard to make the world a better place. They do not deserve to be tarred with this brush.


Oh Pup, come on. Being a Catholic priest does not automatically qualify someone as “God bothering.”

enh…im going with pedophile priest = god botherer…but your larger point is well taken…


Caterham seems determined to go with The Dark God of Time and Dennis, leaving experts to speculate whether the team could actually accomplish anything with all the bickering that is likely to come with that pairing.

Like an old married couple!

Didn’t Sinclair make a crack about that once. /b5 fan here


Have y’all ever seen a man drivin a Peterbilt fulla race cars? I have.

ooo ooo ooo, can I drive the Peterbilt? Can I? Finally, a role for me!

I’ll be sure to hit the jake brakes in an urban area, so noisy and fun!


Allegedly Paulish told police he was at the campus working on his homily when he met the teen, who he said was in emotional distress, and began counseling him.

Keeping your own counsel.


The Pope hisownself sed Teh Catlicks is going on too much about those (right whingy) social issues. Perhaps you don’t pay as much attention to such things as I do so you might not be aware of the priests and bishops and archbishops and cardinals thrusting (heh) the church into politics.

Sure, there are lots of good people in the church. Those nuns who are getting spanked because they weren’t sufficiently homophobic and such come to mind.

I’m not going to apologize for calling a hypocritical, slimy, CL hookup prone priest a god botherer.


Nations, tribes, etc. don’t have souls, right?

“Rome is the mob.”
“No! Rome is an eternal thought in the mind of God.”

Related to the Aaron Sorkin quote about people who love America but can’t stand Americans.


i am pretty stoked right now…went to goodwill and got a bright yellow evan picone peacoat for $8…i also purchased my first pair of yoga pants ever…i hear they are the ultimate in comfort whether you yoga or not, so we’ll see…also going out tonight to hear a female band called ‘maneater’…my plane better not crash tomorrow or this excellent day will have been for naught…


Is it forgiveness you’re asking for, or is this another sneaky way for you to ask permission to carry it on.

I don’t know how you get troll taunting from the comment I made about being nym-jacked today, but, whatever.


[Trolling removed]


Allegedly Paulish told police

However much you might dislike your first name, at least your parents didn’t call you ‘Allegedly’.


“I love mankind……………….it’s PEOPLE I can’t stand.”

-Linus van Pelt


my plane better not crash tomorrow or this excellent day will have been for naught

What’s the last thing that goes through your mind in a plane crash?

Sheet metal.


I don’t see how the Dark God is hurting Sadlyburg. I enjoy his commentary and like having him around. Also troll-taunting is a great tradition here. Also nym-jacking is a crappy craptastic thing.

Also the moderators do a good job of tidying up the shit. Thanx to all of them. Including OBS.


Major: Chuckled !


What’s the last thing that goes through your mind in a plane crash?

Sheet metal.

“Don’t ever hit your mother with a shovel…

It leaves a dull impression on her mind…”


Sheet metal.

you are always such a comfort…actually my doc (who’s also my boss) told me the i (in particular) had a higher likelihood of getting killed walking across the parking lot to his office than dying on a flight to chicago…


actually my doc (who’s also my boss) told me the i (in particular) had a higher likelihood of getting killed walking across the parking lot to his office than dying on a flight to chicago…

Very true actually. The drive to the airport is probably the most dangerous leg of the trip by far.


For future reference, only the posts where my name goes to this link are authentic. Feel free to ignore any post where that is not the case.


4 freakin’ hondred, bitchezz!!


New post everybody.


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