Wiggers*, please!
Shorter Laura Ingraham:
How cool am I that I can take a dump on the fiftieth anniversary of the
march on Washington by not only denigrating the topics covered by the speeches, but by
punctuating my dump with a gunshot. /rimshot /fuk you libs /low fives all around…
And on to Howard Kurtz. Actually, fuck him, lets pull a comment:
RioBravoHombre Fed up Fed
• 6 hours agoHe’s worried about revealing attire? Has he seen the Foxtitutes and their
Ailes’ uniform of fuck-me heels, and lowcut microminis?
Foxtitutes, Imma gonna have to steal that one.
Next we will take a look at something that CRA brought to my attention in the previous thread,
which while I have yet to get through promises to be rich vein of
Wigger Gold
Shorter asshole:
The President is a Nigger. I suggested that we shoot the Nigger, because the Nigger is not
even a real Amercian, but my suggestion that we shoot the non Amercian Nigger was not a threat, I was just blowing
off steam
Which is to say that the original article that I was exposed to from CRA’s link put paid to the ruse:
…and you’re left with maybe the perfect example of what many, myself included, don’t think is a caricature of the Tea Party movement
This is what they are: a whole slew of white resentment, ignorance and hate.
I would only add that missing from the description is the predilection for the protection of Privilege, which in my mind
Is the foundation of Wiggerism™
*WingNut is good at getting everything wRong.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
I think we should all go out and put colored stickers on TB mailboxes. Especialky if we can find some rainbow ones.
Did he capitalize “nigger?” Just seems like that would indicate somethingorother about his febrile and bizarre “Mentation.”
She interrupted John Lewis’ speech with “the sound of a loud gunshot.” That’s terrifyingly funny. Cornered animals and all that…
OT, if I had any talent (which I do not) I’d recut Leonard Cohen’s Democracy is Coming (to the USA) OR whatever it is (the live in London recording is delightful) as Gay Marriage is Coming …
And just when, Mr. Pupienus, will you be making an honest ho of The Ho?
I find this selection to be a highly amusing bed for certain people’s audio & visual efforts.
“the sound of a loud gunshot.”
What better way to show that Republicans are the only ones who truly respect the heritage of MLK Jnr?
And on to Howard Kurtz. Actually, fuck him, lets pull a comment:
Hehe, talk about making short work of someone.
“We’re about to lose our benefits because of this ass****.”–Marston
The Bangor Daily News figured they’d have to spell out “ass” or nobody would guess “asshole,” but the last four letters could be something else.
“They’ve shown us how [faking a birth certificate is] done,” he said. “It’s all done in layers on computers.”
Yeah, he’s no caricature, this is the Tea Party … He’s left me wondering, damn, the dude’s been retired for a few years now, and nobody’s tricked him out of his nest egg yet? Hello Goldline, I’ve got a hot lead for you … Somebody fly to Maine and sell this genius some magic beans … Whatever, just rap at him in what he thinks is tech talk.
It appears that http://xkcd.com guy has paid us a visit :-/
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our moderaters. I would also suggest that the party who has a hard on for the resident annoyance put his business in hand and play with it in the garage.
I give ’em six months before they start using ‘wigga’. You know, a way to take power back from the … oh wait … anyhoo, Wiggas With Attitude, I am so not copping to that.
Thanks to Ingram, Faux Snooze’s piece about the problems of Rap music on the anniversary of MLK’s speech isn’t the least classy WingNut response.
Re: Ingraham’s gunshot sound effect: OK, she’s a well-known asshole (the archaic term “villain of the deepest dye” leapt to mind, which is odd because it’s inapplicable), and a racist, but still, my reaction is a big WTF?!
Why? What’s the motivation? What amusement, or benefit? Was a point made, and to whom?
It’s easier for me to grasp why she’d burn a cross on somebody’s lawn, and that’s saying something. I don’t get it at all.
After, M. Bouffant, we speak with an accountant. And depending on what it says.
To be clear, she’s a VotDD in the classic sense, but I don’t care to associate darkness with villainy in this context.
I don’t get it at all
The Ho – who may or may not soon become of the honest variety – and I were discussing it last night. He came to the same end as you. I told “I know you don’t get it and that’s the problem.” Rochefoucault and all that, you don’t see the enormity of their perfidy. She thought it would be funny. Yes, funny. And a big fuck you to those worthless niggers.
That people like you and my Ho don’t realize the vast depravity of those pople is a problem
Why? What’s the motivation? What amusement, or benefit? Was a point made, and to whom?
It’s easier for me to grasp why she’d burn a cross on somebody’s lawn, and that’s saying something. I don’t get it at all.
She thought it would be funny. Yes, funny. And a big fuck you to those worthless niggers.
i’m guessing that cra ‘gets’ that what pup posted is exactly what ingraham’s perfidy (love that word!) was all about…i think he, like most normal people, just can’t grasp why things like ingraham exist and do what they do…at least that’s how i see it…
It’s not a big surprise that there are racist hate-mongers like Ingraham and Marston out there, but the sad thing is is that there are enough of them that they feel that antics like this will get them enough votes to win an election or enough listeners to keep them on the air.
“Those who are incapable of committing great crimes do not readily suspect them in others.”
Is what I was citing. CRA and Teh Ho, e.g.
ot…my mom’s asshat husband sent me another of his emails…the little bit i read referred to a ‘sometimes contentious’ conversation he ha with the only son who will talk to him about the terms ‘asian food’ or ‘oriental food’…i’m guessing you can figure out who used the archaic term, and then went on to his and my ‘discusion’ about the constitution…i immediately sent it to the trash bin…but now i’m curious as to what he is peddling about his version of the constitution and american history…
as an added bonus, he also bitchec about getting ‘gouged’ at a motel in montana that is ‘obviously taking advantage of weary travelers who can’t go any further’…imma say that anyone who celebrates capitalism and participates in the stock market to a great extent and brags about their investing prowess should stfu about whatever price they have to pay for any thing…
whoa…typing skills egregious today…
Is it just me or is the term ‘wigger’ every bit as detestable as the word on which it was based? I think using that ‘w’ is offensive because without the ‘n’ word, it is meaningless. The ‘n’ word is used to dehumanize an entire slice of humanity because of the color of their skin, and the corresponding ‘w’ word only works as a put down if you accept the validity of the ‘n’ word. So, I guess use that word if you want, but I think ‘hateful ignoramus’ gets the concept across without using racist terminology.
Right. She thought it would be funny. By now I should recognize wingnut “humor.” There are people (including, I’d say, most U.S. movement conservatives) who are fundamentally unfunny: they are poor producers and consumers of humor. Now, if we were talking about another art form, they would lack incentive to participate, to appropriate the forms and responses … Rush Limbaugh, for example, sees no reason to claim that he makes music; his fans see no reason to say he makes sweet music.
The pretense of humor, however, is useful for bullies, bigots, etc. and the people who appreciate their views. What’s funny or not is so subjective that crude hijacking of the joke form, for ex., can occur constantly and strategically for non-comedic purposes. This also being why people publicly “laugh” at faux humor. It is understood to be the proper response if one agrees with the bully or the bigot. “That’s funny,” one says, meaning that yes, a black civil rights leader should be shot like MLK.
bryan fischer needs a kick to the old, saggy nutsack…
I want to see BryBry strapped into a chair with his eyes propped open watching Hills’ inauguration
I had a discussion with one of my coworkers, who is otherwise a very nice guy, about the “n word”.
He’s from Texas (go figure) and tried to use the logic that “There are white n-words as well as black n-words” so it isn’t racist to use that term.
I pointed out that there are plenty of better terms for “low life” that don’t carry so much baggage.
Better an old saggy face than an old saggy brain. Or, in Fischer’s case, both.
He’s from Texas (go figure) and tried to use the logic that “There are white n-words as well as black n-words” so it isn’t racist to use that term.
Besides the looong history of entirely racist usage, it’s slang for a word meaning “black,” so how does that work out?
I thought wigger only applied to white people who adopt/misappropriate African-American culture, the way Weebo refers to white people who do the same with Japanese culture, not to any white person who behaves badly. Still is a problematic term because it is derived from nigger.
Oh my. Preliminary estimates approach five figures. Get me to the altar on time!
Foxitutes is good but I’d go with Fauxitutes –
Foxitutes is good but I’d go with Fauxitutes –
fauxs for short…
Hos before fauxs.
Re: Ingraham’s gunshot sound effect:
Why? What’s the motivation? What amusement, or benefit? Was a point made, and to whom?
She was faced with the problem that nooses don’t have an immediately-recognisable sound effect.
“By the way, I’ve never done that joke again, ever, and I probably never will. ‘Cos some people that were racist thought they had license to say nigger. So, I’m done with that routine.”–Chris Rock
It must be tiresome to hear David Marsters types explain that they’re only talking about the bad ones. His “Mass. blacks call whites niggers” claim is related to the Chris Rock distinction, in that once you’ve asserted that bad behavior earns the slur, not race, you’re free to apply it to whites.
I had the same notion of “wiggers” as Failure Artist. They’re a modern version of Norman Mailer’s “white negro.” Mailer’s essay avoids the slur (IIRC) but relies on a distorted view of Black Americans as noble savages who, finding themselves in the mid-20th century U.S., end up demonstrating life-as-art existentialism to white hipsters without losing their cool by striving or thinking too much.
So why “nigger” with a “w” becomes a question of whether the white person is genuinely engaged and involved in good faith with black people and culture — or seeks to play at quasi-orientalist fantasy in which various useful attributes are projected onto the exotic blacks: physicality, sexual freedom, spontaneity, and expressiveness not tainted with too much cogitation. (See: descriptions of blues and even jazz as primitive, purely emotional, Dionysian not Apollonian — recurrent ideas that hold great allure for U.S. and Euro whites, and some blacks too).
Shorter Rep Louie Gohmert: Liberals are the real eliminationists, who want to cull world populations (by keeping people alive with vaccines).
Smut, if we go by the ‘it’s always projection’ rule, that’s kinda terrifying.
Is Gohmert smart enough to project?
As Foghorn Leghorn once said “That boy’s about as sharp as a sack full of wet mice.”
Is Gohmert smart enough to project?
Maybe a 3rd grade project, you know, with baking soda a vinegar.
Pro? Hardly. More like Amateur-ject, amiright.
OT and Confession Time. I know it’s totes bandwagon corporate sell out yadda yadda and such, but I cannot stop myself from developing the hugest crush on Anna Kendrick.
On the topic of wiggers and Foxtitutes and my crushes,
Whoa, only a little past seven and I’m on bourbon number three. This is going to be either be amazingly awesome, epically embarassing, or passing out within the hour. Which is actually win-win-win, so yayys bourbon!
OMG, everyone’s actually doing stuff on this last Friday night afore teh Labour Day weekend. Or wev. I don’t care, because teh only important thing is THIS THREAD IS MINE!
I got a bourbon in this fancy glass,
It fits so nicely in my hand.
I’m half loaded so early in the evening
I hope my toddler understands
When I’m drunk.
When I’m drunk!
I am obnoxious when I’m drunk.
I’m quite loud and offensively proud
I’m quite obnoxious when I’m drunk
I’m drinking bourbon from this fancy glass
Not gin nor vodka nor the rum
Getting loaded on a Friday night
Before I got to fuck your mum.
When I’m drunk.
When I’m drunk!
I your mom when I’m drunk.
I like to do – your mom when I’m sober too,
But I love to fuck your mom when I’m drunk.
everyone’s actually doing stuff on this last Friday night afore teh Labour Day weekend
Only if you count sitting in a hotel room in Dayton across from a Walmart. Living the dream baby!
Myself, I did a site visit to a landfill, and then drove a couple hundred miles to get back home. I guess that’s a tiny fraction of your mileage, but I ain’t used to it.
Also on the plus side of the ledger, I get to pass out at home.
Nice red-eared slider, did you put him on a swing for that first photo?!
Yes and no. He puts himself up there, but I turn on the basking light.
Nope. You don’t own it. I WAS going to be doing stuff but right now I’m in an ambulance on the way to the ER. Afib, right branch bundle block, tachycardia, ST elev…
I hope they ain’t gonna split me open again, that shit sucks. Maybe a stent will do it??? I hope I hope OH PLEASE NOT ANOTHER FUCKING BYPASS!
Okay, I can share. For example, I share your mom with lots of folks.
Anyways. Anna Kendrick. Massive crush.
Did I mention, massive crush?
Wait. I did not mean that I am sharing Anna Kendrick. Find your own curshes you peons – she’s mine until after the restraining order is issued.
Uh. wait again. You gonna be okay Pup?
right now I’m in an ambulance on the way to the ER
Sometimes I doant rede too goodlies. You be good to your ticker PeeJ. You know we’ve given you ours, but I ain’t sure they’ll pump as well.
right now I’m in an ambulance on the way to the ER.
Shit … skimmed that post the first time … best wishes, you gotta keep living yer life for my vicarious pleasure, and for other reasons!
Atrial fibrillation? Give that man a pacemaker.
Well I ain’t dead yet.
Good news. Hope you heal up quick.
Me, I’m hanging with friends at LoneStar Con 3 in San Antonio. Just got back from a merely OK meal on the Riverwalk. But the company and conversation (and most of the drinks) were goid, so no one cared.
I’m about to operate Dayton to Memphis and back to Dayton.
If I feel rested when I get to Dayton in the morning I’ll drive straight home to Columbus. Otherwise I’ll go to the hotel and sleep for a few hours first.
Tomorrow go to Paisanos, get the shrimp. Useta be very good. Or, for “authentic” texMex, hit up Mi Tiera in the old market. It’s old school San Antonio mescan.
So what’s the scoop, Pup? You going to stick with us? Maybe cut down on mainlining lard, as we’d like to keep you.
I haven’t been to S.A. in some years – as I recall the BBQ place on the river walk is majorly so so.
I used to go a place called County Line BBQ when I was stationed in S.A.
It changed locations a couple times so I’m not sure exactly where it is today.
I’ll mention it tomorrow, thanks.
we really liked the Esquire bar, last night.
I remember a place of that name in Austin, when I lived there, nearly 30 years ago.
My standard for Texas BBQ remains Louie Mueller’s in Taylor.
No dying. Where else can I find a Pupienus fix for god’s sake?
My standard for Texas BBQ remains Louie Mueller’s in Taylor.
HERESY! Kreuz market in Lockhart!
No word yet on whether I’m going home or staying. 🙁
So long as it remains a question of whether or not you’ll leave the hospital in the short term, and not this plane of existence entirely.
ERM, yeah, the former.
Hmph. Looks like we’ll just have to disagree.
They misspelled wanker.
Good news: Theys gonna lemme go home! YAYS!
Bad news: Doc wants me to have no more than one martini a day. We’ll see.
Glad no chest splitting was required, Pup.
We’re now in Bend, having traveled Mendocino-Crescent City-Bend in two hops. I found Hwy 20 out of Ft. Bragg to be as fun or maybe moreso than Hwy. 1. More refined road and a better flow to it IMO. 199 from Crescent City to Grant’s Pass was fun but too crowded. An hour wait in 90 degree weather for wrap-up of a fatal head-on on Hwy 97 put a bit of a damper on the afternoon but a pitcher of margaritas and Peruvian soul food has put that right.
Y’all enjoy your weekend now. No surgeries!
Jeebus, Pup, way to scare me awake on a Saturday.
So, do you feel like hitting one of those foodtrucks for something inappropriate or like lying quietly and sipping camomile tea ?
Take care of yourself for our sake – we would be bereft without you.
Rest easy, Pup. Whip up some of your favorite comfort foods(*) … and tell us the ingredients, the prep, alternate recipes … and all the delicious details we’ve come to expect from the Emperor of Food Pr0n.
(*) Non lard-based, at least for now.)
Holy crap pup! Rest up.
Whale Chowder: go to Good Life brewing if you get the chance while you’re in Bend…
while you’re in Bend…
also, watch out for my crazy neighbor lady…look out for a bleached blonde in her mid-sixties…she’ll be literally tottering with a vodka bottle in hand and talking incessantly…srsly, she’s a pain…
speaking of pain, DAMMIT PUP, BEHAVE!!!
So it turns out my heart issues have nothing much to do with my previous problems. The 12 year old triple bypass seems to be in fine shape, and they said no part of my heart was blood/oxy deprived. So WTF, right? Atrial flutter, tachycardia, all that shit just sometimes happens. According to the so-called “doctors,” that is. On a beta blocker and getting an echo cardiogram next week. “Just don’t over exert yourself” they said. Oh, and check pulse frequently.
Thanx for the well-wishes eerbody!
Remember to call your doctor if the erection persists for more than 4 hours.
Yayys! Good to hear Pup, excepting of course that whole “so your heart just kinda went outta control for a bit. They do that sometimes” thing.
Jeez! Sorry I crapped out so early last night! Be well, PM! Well at least I got to see the good news now instead of worrying for hours like everybody else, so I got that goin’ for me….
Oh, and check pulse frequently.
Did they give any instructions if you find it’s stopped?
Check a mirror?
Did they give any instructions if you find it’s stopped?
Jumper cables and a car battery.
Self-administered cardiac massage.
Did they give any instructions if you find it’s stopped?
An exciting career awaits you in Today’s GOP!!
Shorter Rep Louie Gohmert: Liberals are the real eliminationists, who want to cull world populations (by keeping people alive with vaccines).
Before Pupienus so rudely interrupted with his palpitations, I was about to link to the delightful Ms Sioux.
laura ingraham and ann coulter…cage match…who wins?
New post! It’s epic sized to serve as my epic sized thank you to all of you.
Laura Ingraham… What a sickie… Probably a big Bible thumper, amirite?
Have you ever noticed that the passage in the Bible that its enthusiasts NEVER take literally is— the Golden Rule.