Poor Decisions is the Bridge that Brings College Students and Wingnuts Together
No flashing ahead to the results of this poor decision.
There is a drinking activity known as “shotgunning”, I say like the complete teetotaler I am (Hey guys, did you know you can ferment vegetables or fruits in order to induce an altered state of consciousness? Oh, really? Majority of the sum of human history has already known this? Oh.). Usually this technique is employed in college party circles where finances and lack of palate ensure that the beer on offering is only of the lowest quality possible and thus quickly imbibing is one’s only hope for saving one’s taste buds the agony of being able to remember drinking Bud Light or PBR (Is it wrong that when I drink, I mostly like to drink for taste? The answer is yes. Extremely. Bad Cerberus.), I say as if you didn’t already know this.
Well, the point I was trying to get to before you so rudely interrupted me, random imaginary reader, is this. Oftentimes, when I dive into the floating cheap beer infested swimming pool that is Outer Wingnuttistan, I drink carefully and slowly, swirling every rotted mango microbrew failure around for true palate immersion.
And while this is clearly a solid method for ensuring a long, prosperous and not at all prone to food poisoning life, sometimes, my taste buds, having listened to vile liberal college professors, decide to go on strike and demand the sweet release that only a binge drinking purge can provide.
So who am I to deny the tortured metaphor any further? Let jam the sharpened blade in and guzzle deep of whatever may have once resembled dignity among these overwrought wastes of space.
Shorter Tom Trinko, American Sorrow
Atheism and the First Amendment:
- When the Founding Fathers wrote that claptrap about not establishing a national religion whose religious laws are set to be the law of the land because of its direct incapability with a free and just society, they clearly only intended it for heathen non-Christian religions like Hinduism or Presbyterian. I mean, it’s clear as day as long as you read the Constitution “literally”, in the same way as we “literally” read the Bible! Also, atheism is now a religion because the notion that we’re losing to a rival religion instead of poisoning all the wells of faith with our hatred is much more palatable.
Favorite mango?
But according to the atheist faith, there is no God and morality must be subjective; hence rights can only flow from the political process. To paraphrase Mao, “Rights grow out of the barrel of a gun.”
We’re not the psychotic gun nuts, YOU’RE the psychotic gun nuts! YOU YOU YOU! Waaah, mommy, make them take responsibility for our actions like they’re supposed to!
Ops, new can.
Shorter Eileen Toplansky, American Wallow
Please, Let’s Have that Honest Conversation about Race:
- All right, you fucking niggers. You want us to speak directly about all the hateful ignorant racist shit and half-remembered paranoia we hold against you and sublimate into murderous laws like Stand Your Ground? Fine! We’ll say it all, we’re not scared! Ugh, look at us, brave race warriors, totally having the conversation you are scared of having, yeah, who’s the scared little privilege babies now?!? Uh, wait. Are you actually responding to our racism, noting how flawed our arguments are and using our words and actions to illustrate larger social points about how race operates in America and critique our blatant horse shit? You’re not allowed to do that. That’s not how a conversation works. Mommy, tell them that’s not how it’s supposed to work! WAAAH!!!!! Can’t we just spew our self-serving bullshit and let all the people who matter nod along in silent agreement while you are shut out of the conversation like always?
Favorite mango?
And since when does disagreeing with someone’s ideas constitute racism? If I disagree with the ADL’s Jewish leaders, does that make me anti-Semitic? If I disagree with John McCain, does that mean I hate whites?
I mean, all I do is assume the complete lack of humanity of black people, isolating their life experiences to a couple of people we’ve been running decades long smear campaigns against in order to pretend that our racist horseshit is just a “difference of opinion” as if reality was some amorphous blob that no one can ever test opinions against.
Isn’t that as filled with bullshit as the ways we right-wingers try and pretend that disagreements with our prime slime-merchants are somehow massive level reverse bigotry? Oh, fuck, did I just give away the game on those scams? Shit!
Ugh, that last one is making my stomach feel sick, maybe I should. Oh hey, another can.
Shorter Lloyd Marcus, American Unladen Swallow
Black America’s True Nemesis: Liberals, Not Zimmerman:
- We’re doing this? We’re really doing this? Making a child murderer our national hero as if being a paranoid violent psychotic who gets a thrill out of beating and snuffing weaker and less privileged people was the equivalent of delivering the Gettysburg Address? Sigh… blacks are the real racists and are inherently thugs and subliterate subhuman reprobates who deserve death if they ever think of walking the streets like decent god-fearing white people. At this point, petitioning Ronald Reagan for entrance into White Heaven is my only hope as my soul has been sold so many times to the service of people who despise me that I don’t know who even has it, much less how I would begin buying it back.
“Favorite” mango?
To strengthen their “America is racist” storyline the MSM creatively called Zimmerman a “white Hispanic.” The MSM edited Zimmerman’s 911 call to make him sound racist. To gin up black rage, the MSM promoted a photo of Martin as an innocent 12-year-old rather than the 17-year-old 6’2″-160-lb. thug he was at the time of the incident. Yes, Martin’s history documents that he was a thug.
Trayvon Martin deserved to die because right-wing kerning has determined that he once smoked the wacky tobacky and thus is one of those crazed homicidal rapists that the documentary “Reefer Madness” warned us about. Clearly, Zimmerman was a national hero for hunting one of these inhuman monsters down and snuffing his life out. Also, this laughable “evidence” of “imperfection” on Trayvon Martin totally wipes out the fact that Zimmerman was a violent child murderer who has spent his whole life inflicting violence on those “beneath” him and then expecting his law-enforcement buddies to bail him out. Because smearing some kid (EDITwho it is probably meaningless to note was a pretty bright student who had earned himself a full scholarship to college which is not easy*(see footnotes)) will somehow make it retroactively okay we lynched him and protected the man who killed him.
Huh? What was in this? Is that a piece of a black kid’s finger? Oh god, I’m going to vomit. Why did I ever think this was a-?!? Oh, next drunk. I mean drink.
Shorter Lester Jackson, American Callous Disregard for Human Life
The Sleazy Semantics of Death Penalty Opponents:
- Sick, fucking, anti-death-penalty activists! Trying to create a justice system that is actually just! Noting the humanity of those on death row! And daring to note that the vengeance of survivors is not a substitute for either the facts on the ground or what is best as a society to discourage violent crimes!
I am so unbelievably angry about the unmitigated gall of these ghouls that I will summon ever last reserve of rhetorical prowess I can and distill down the vast evidence for my absolutist position and… Uh… Wasn’t there once a…? Anything that even remotely supported my…? Huh. Uh, er, lemme give you an intro English lesson that would better serve my ideological compatriots as if you were complete idiots rather than a movement mostly made up of academics and lawyers with extensive knowledge on the subject. And then, I’ll declare victory by way of “but look at the families and how sad they’ll be if we don’t kill somebody, anybody to ‘make up’ the body, I mean person they lost. And if it turns out to be a dead black person, then yay! Bonus!”
Favorite mango:
Anyone familiar with television crime dramas is aware that “humanizing” the inhumane long has been a tactic of fanatics seeking to keep alive murderers convicted of the worst depravity — while simultaneously sacrificing, with little concern, the lives of decent, innocent law-abiding individuals sure to be slaughtered by some of those given a “second chance.”
I mean, look at television, that perfect and true arbiter of actual reality, and how those “silly” “humanizing” characters just get mass murderers on the street all the time or how keeping a killer alive in prison is just proof that they’re going to escape long enough to teach the “death penalty doubter” an important lesson about how evil people need to get slain by a white hero with a gun (a lesson that is totally not at all partially responsible for attitudes like Zimmerman’s). After all, there is no such thing as life in prison and no people like Charles Manson who are in prison for life and not being allowed to go around slaughtering people for fun. And there’s no wrongly accused people stuck on death row in embarrassing numbers (so embarrassing in fact that its the primary argument against the death penalty). And it’s definitely not true that killing someone won’t in any way bring back those stolen away or in any shape or form make up for the tragedy those murderers have enacted.
And it’s certainly not like the majority of the writers on the very blog you are writing for aren’t currently at this moment, cheering a murderer as a hero, dehumanizing his victim and attempting to paint the murderer himself as some great hero, aiding a broken justice system in getting him back on the streets where it is practically a guarantee he will kill again.
Irony, thy name is wingnut.
Ugh. No, really, I don’t think this was a good idea. I feel sick and not in the “too much booze way”. My insides are burning. My taste buds have partially rotted. I really don’t think this is helping at all. One more? Do I have your promise that this is the last one? …well, okay then.
Shorter Fay Voshell, American Phallus
The Lust to Lead:
- The only people who should be allowed to hold any office ever are romantic asexuals, because they often fall in love without lust. Also, we really really need to see every sexual detail in every liberal’s sex life ever, because we’re not at all sad repressed people in desperate need of a porn subscription.
And in case you were thinking I was joking.
Second, it is difficult to accept unrestrained, lustful addiction as a merely “private” matter when the person in question is aiming for the governance of America’s premier city. Lust for sexual encounters with anonymous women allies itself with other addictions, including lust for power, control, and money. One lust inevitably teams up with others to make a noxious concoction that, once imbibed, produces corruption, both personal and political, in the entire body. The metastasizing of unrestrained lusts has the capacity of bringing down and even destroying both the man and, eventually, the city he wishes to govern.
There is a huge difference between lust and love. Lust of any kind is not a proper foundation for right governance. Citizens should reject those who are lustful, starting with those who are sexual exhibitionists.
Bow before your romantic asexual masters and mistresses, America!
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must bow before the porcelain god and offer it some fermented mangos of my own. Muttermutter. Stupid tastebuds, I should have just hired scabs in the first place. Muttermutter.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. I wonder what the long term strategy is on publicly deifying a violent murderer of children as the living saint of your movement? Though, I wondered what the point was in deifying “AIDS, what AIDS” Reagan, so… We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
*Sigh. That’s what I get for just inserting some shit I’ve heard from my partner without double-checking on google when I want to insert a parenthetical aside. As such, I completely torpedoed the important point, which is that the bullshit circus devoted to smearing one kid in the hope of explaining how he was stereotypically black enough to deserve to die is horrifying in the extreme and sickening on every level. No kid. No person deserves to be stalked and murdered. Full stop. And the way the racist gun nuts have expanded the legal definitions of when it’s okay to commit a murder is just… yeah. I mean, we’ve somehow settled as a society that is okay to rob someone of life if they threaten your property. Not you. Not your life and safety. But property. And that’s before we get into any of the “Stand Your Ground” shit.
But the step in ghoulishness beyond has got to be the smear campaigns. Trayvon Martin was a kid and by all reports was a pretty damn good kid. Hell, the only reason he was out there to get shot by some fucked up racist psychotic was because he was buying some skittles for his little brother. It wouldn’t change the circumstances if Trayvon Martin was a fucked up kid, any more than it would if Zimmerman actually was the hero he deluded himself to be.
But the fact that the circumstances are what they are and still wingnuts stream out of the woodwork to find every single tiny thing they can to try and make a child sound like a 10 ft Venom-injected monster who raped kittens in his spare time and make a violent asshole with a giant chip on his shoulder sound like the second coming of Jesus Christ is both appalling and a tactic. They are trying to smear a kid in order to set a cultural precedent beyond the lawless land of Florida that it is okay to shoot “thugs” (and that every black person you see is a “thug”). And the worst part is that white people who should know better are falling for it, letting the wingnuts rewrite reality. I’ve seen far too many white liberals buying ludicrous horseshit they have no reason to buy, like Zimmerman’s bullshit “trayvon martin for totes real started punching me even though I had no injuries at the time” or “trayvon martin was once suspended thus he was totes a punk teenager”.
And that speaks to the unconscious racism we all carry that allows horrifying violations of justice like this to continue. It is simply too easy for White America to believe that a black male is a “thug”, something scary, violent, and outside of the law, no matter what they do. And this not only allows White America to justify things like Trayvon Martin’s lynching, but also the unbelievably high incarceration rate for young black men, the War on Drugs bullshit, the way black men are routinely harassed by law enforcement and assumed to be “up to no good”, and yes, why a white man shooting a black kid was assumed to be innocent no matter the evidence when a black woman firing off a warning shot away from her abusive husband was seen as guilty no matter what. Or why a pack of black dykes were jailed for defending themselves against violent attack. Or why so many unarmed black men are gunned down by cops and wannabe Rent-a-Cops alike.
And it’s a mode of thinking that we of the pale persuasion need to excise immediately if we’re going to help undo the rot that has festered in our broken systems for so long.
If some sick racist with a hardon for killing him a nigger hadn’t lynched Trayvon Martin, Trayvon Martin wouldn’t have gone on to a life of crime or violent attacks. He would have brought home a can of Ice Tea and a packet of Skittles home to his little brother. That’s it.
The fact that he did that doesn’t make him “more innocent”, doesn’t make it okay to kill him if he had been some gangbanging thug cruising for PCP and some hos. But the fact that it is so easy for White America to see the latter in some skinny little kid walking home in his gated community… well, yeah.
NEW POST!!! And I *wanted* to get some sleep. Oh well.
Wow, schmorgasborged..uh, smores aboard? shmors-go-go-bored? Dammit Cerb, thems a lot of topics!
I’m a break it down for y’all that jump to comments without (*ahem* you know who you are) reading the article. Up there amongst all the words are AT LEAST the following (and I may have missed some):
Atheists are totes also a religion! Null hypothesis wha-wha?
Race!? We don’t need no steeeeenkin’ race! We won! White is right! Shutupthatswhy!
Those (libs) speaking up (for minorities) are the true oppressors! If they’d just SHUTUPTHATSWHY, then we could all forget the minorities even exist! Unless they’re cleaning or serving something I guess. Yeah, that’s allowed.
Death penalty uber alles! They wouldn’t BE on death row if’n they didn’t deserver to die, amirite?!
No lusties in the office. Or running for office. Only love. Loving lust. You can love lust, because it’s not lusting. It’s love. IOKIYAR!
Everyone knows if you reeeeally wanna go cheap…Lucky Lager! I mean, dinner and a show (comes with a puzzle in the cap). I mean, you can’t go with Popov vodka and OJ concentrate every night, can ya? Sometimes you just gotta splurge and get something in a BOTTLE.
Can you still go back behind the end of the cooler and get those cases of never-the-same-brand-name-twice 11 oz. stubby bottles that you know are Luckies because of the rebuses in the cap? Now that was some cheap drinkin’!
I really think this deification of Zimmerman is going to cost them in the long run. Of course, the MSM has their back in turning their obvious lies into received opinion, but I don’t think it’s taking, among anyone who’s not already a rabid wingnut.
Yeah, I was a C+ student, suspended for fighting and for hacking, and I was a national Merit Scholar runner-up and got into my first-choice university, one of the most expensive and exclusive engineering schools in the country.
And I snuck around at night, and had the cops called on me at least once.
So, yeah, maybe I deserved to be shot.
Wait, no, I never actually broke any laws, let alone was actually caught and charged with anything. Ugh. That racist video about a can of tea being code word for DXM dosing is really pissing me off.
Even if Weiner is good for nothing else, he’s done a fine job of drawing out the contemporary Anti-Sex League cretins from the shadows like a bloody charm.
Oh, & what pray tell exactly do blacks in America have to dread from liberals? That they’ll help them get full equal sufferage & intergration AGAIN?
Wanna live in a bubble?
Better remember to hook up an air-hose first.
I’ve been away from my place of residence … Wow, the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport terminal that I spent 15 minutes in had ALOT of tablets to force everyone to place their food & drink orders in that manner. It was cool …
17-year-old 6’2?-160-lb.
One of the surreal elements of this story is the way stats like these (not that wingnuts experience Trayvon as less than 10′ tall and around 500#, with certified turbo legs and patented kill-tech, making him the moral and legal equivalent of a carnivorous dinosaur) compare to my own at that age … I am a type of white person. Reached 6’2″ at age 14, then at a mere 135#. Reaching 160# was a milestone, again around age 17. At which point I was not scary and in no need of killing … If age 17, Trayvon-shaped-but-white me met his counterpart, nobody would be harmed or inconvenienced.
If I disagree with the ADL’s Jewish leaders, does that make me anti-Semitic?
I wonder what Eileen’s written about people who criticize the Likudnik policy of settlement in the West Bank.
Stupid tastebuds, I should have just hired scabs in the first place. Muttermutter.
I’m sure your tastebuds are scabs now.
BitterScribe, thanks for the news…I saw something on the chyron at my after-work wifi and beer (really, you are charging 10 quarters for a pint of my favorite locally brewed IPA) joint, but missed the salient parts, i.e. the first half…May have busy mucking the stable at that point.
If you have the offside rule kinda, sorta figgered out, then you are golden. It might be time to start thinking about picking a professional side on one of the Euro leagues. It might take a bit of time, but worthy of the effort. I Finally settled on QueensParkRangers, formerly of the EPL and via relegation (coolest thing–unless your team is subject) is now in the English equivalent of AAA ball. In other words, one might say that I have picked my soccer version of the Cubs.
If you want your mind blown…..(looking for the proper Zidane highlight vids…brb) check out the following:
imma gonna blame the laziness via linkage on a freshly bruised rib.
Who calls fruit juice cocktail ‘iced tea’?
Arnold Palmer?
Speaking of the rib injuried program related activities, I have to salute pup on his 300 mile journey with 2 broken ones. I hope the pain meds are helping.
imma gonna blame the laziness via linkage on a freshly bruised rib.
You and pup both with the rib problems… far out.
From the Toplansky bit,
I will only note that there was no citation to back up the anecdote in question. Though upon further review I think that I should fixate on something:
She was merely echoing the implacable hatred that she learned at home .
The octoplex awaits the return of its 50000000 lumen bulb.
gotta run laptop about to die….
I will only note that there was no citation to back up the anecdote in question.
There never is, there never is.
People in fictional anticdotes are often implacable.
fuck anecdotes. i thought i changed it
Anticdote is actually a damn good neologism, a story about the antics of improbably Republican urban legends… and I mean “urban” legends IYKWIMAITTYD.
17-year-old 6’2?-160-lb
I’m dating myself here, but that’s what we used to call a “beanpole”.
Ah yes. I went fishing at a local park yesterday (no fish were harmed unless they hurt themselves laughing at me) and on one of the park benches someone Deep Thoughter had scrawled an angry screed re: The “Spanish Community’s” failure to support Zimmerman. The author put it down to a fear of deportation or loss of food stamps, charged them not to believe Obama because he lies and finished with “Latino Suck.”
How dare the “Spanish Community” pass up on a chance to be some Caucasian bigots’ new Latino Friends and bond over the greatness of a guy who stalked and killed a teenager?! I mean, it isn’t like the same guys who are slobbering over Zimmerman’s knob for killing Martin have shown a great deal of hostility to the “Spanish Community.” Oh well, they missed their chance. Now there will have to be more whuppins.
If we, as a species, are ever put on trial by an Enlightened Gatherum of Cosmic Consciousnesses, American Stinker will be exhibit A in the prosecution’s case for sterilizing the human infection at its source. (Exhibit B, of course, will be every smug, nook-sniffing word Joel Stein has ever inflicted on innocent eyeballs.)
Oh, and Cerb, I hate to admit Dennis might actually have a point, but I googled “trayvon martin scholarship” and then “trayvon martin scholarship full ride”, and all I found was Tom Joyner offering to pay Rachel Jeantel’s way through college. This is still work Dennis could’ve done himself, mind you, if he found it so “unbelievable” that Trayvon could’ve been eligible for a scholarship.
I’m playing with my new iPad the company sent me. It has all my charts and manuals on it instead of dragging a suitcase full of paper charts around like we used to. Pretty slick little device.
Yeah, I think you may have gotten the scholarship thing wrong, cerb. Let’s no oversell the kid here. He doesn’t need to be a straight A student to not deserve to get shot.
However, I do not give a fuck about what sugary concotion Trayvon was drinking. Dennis is on his own there.
Who knew the Tea Party was actually passionate about tea?
He may have been a punk teenager for all I know, but then I suspect a lot of us were. Except being a white, middle class, suburbanite, I got the benefit of the doubt on more than one occasion.
17-year-old 6’2?-160-lb.
According to Snopes, the coroners report had the late Mr. Martin at 5’11” and 158#. For a 17 year old kid, that is average. When I graduated high school, I was 5’10” and 155 and I was not very physically fit.
Many of the pictures circulated by wingnuts that allegedly portray Travyon, course, of totally different people.
It’s amazing actually that I survived to adulthood with all my parts intact and no permanent criminal record.
Martin’s height/weight was average for a normal teenager. But he was a blah boy wearing a hoodie and by wingnut calculations that makes him a crucial few and totally shootable inches taller.
5’11” or even 6’2″ is not at all uncommon for a teenager these days. I’m amazed at how tall kids are today – even girls.
Seems to go in waves, though. My cohort was one thing—I was one of 4 or 5 guys in my 6th grade class that were over 6′ tall. Then we aged out of the population and I remember driving by my old high school during the 70s and 80s and being amazed at how short everybody was. Now they seem to be growing again. I blame Obama!
Variability in human height, besides having a genetic component, is affected by nutrition in the formative years. Post-WWII Japan demonstrated this as the average height increased due to better nutrition available to the population than before the war.
Meanwhile, the KKK wants to make your neighborHOOD and your PENIS safer.
I will only note that there was no citation to back up the anecdote in question.
Not only that, there’s apparently no evidence for it *except this column*. Now, I haven’t visited every page of the Google results for “Duke Ellington” “white man’s music”, but every one I did visit that was related to this anecdote was somebody quoting this very column…
But according to the atheist faith, there is no God and morality must be subjective; hence rights can only flow from the political process. To paraphrase Mao, “Rights grow out of the barrel of a gun.”
None of these statements are givens, no matter how hard you hand-wave. You AT LEAST need to show that not only is nothing else capable of providing an objective moral framework, but also that God *is*, because history says not so fast.
Shorter Power Line:
“The fact that Thomas Friedman has a big house means that Paul Krugman, an entirely different person, is wrong about suburban sprawl.”
“Dennis,” reality isn’t decided by whether or not someone posts under a pseudonym. That post linked tapes of the 911 calls that showed BabyJustice’s version of the story, that Zimmerman had single-handedly pulled a family from a blazing car and they would otherwise have died, was wrong, and was meant to torque him, not stick a quarter in you. I am sorry the use of a pseudonym bothers you so much, and I’m really sorry that bother has served to make you even more boringly repetitive than usual.
I’m not sure I understand the effectiveness of using Duke Ellington here, unless the relator of this totally trustworthy anut-dote believes Ellington is white, which wouldn’t be surprising since it is not a stretch to imagine these gibbering drool buckets believe that Duke is a title and Mr. Ellington was a musically gifted member of England’s royal family (see also the Duke of Earl).
Otherwise the argument would be that learning Ellington was black would further harden the child’s racist attitudes.
I think she’s trying for a two-fer, that the black kid is ignorant AND racist! And yeah, she specifically says that the teacher saying Ellington was black would “reinforce” the girl’s racism.
Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is what many people call insanity.
I just told you why I posted it, to troll BabyJustice. I don’t know if the cop calling Zimmerman speculation is true or not, but Baby’s story was not. At any rate, what’s it to you? It’s given you the opportunity to opine endlessly and make the same joke countless times, so wipe away your tears and focus on the positives.
I love to hear someone use make-believe TV shows to prove a debate point. Almost as funny as quoting the Pope or the Bible.
Any description of his calves?
I hate like hell to reinforce any wingnut memes, but I have personally on more than one occasion, heard “white music” used to describe anything that’s not rap—from Bach to Jimi Hendrix.
Yes it is amazing the number of white people I’ve met who aren’t aware Jimi isn’t one of them.
A birthday present for Bitter Scribe.
Irish kittens!
Personally, I don’t think Jimi was one of anybody. He was a unique gem.
I’ll repost what was deleted last time, and this time they won’t delete it because.
If it works for you, Dennis, who am I to complain?
17-year-old 6’2?-160-lb
yeah, the son is 5’11” tops and weighs in at about 150…not a scary specimen of brawn by any means…
One lust inevitably teams up with others to make a noxious concoction that,
oooh…forget team edward, imma going team lust!
You and I are going on like around 5 years, DA
happy anniversary guys! now go celebrate…like in your own room or something…and then live happily ever after…somewhere far away…
News flash: 15 year old kid shoots off her mouth about things she knows nothing about.
I for one am shocked and stunned to hear about this unprecedented event in human history.
And since when does disagreeing with someone’s ideas constitute racism?
Exactly! All those Deep South registrars and sheriffs and so on did was disagree with someone’s idea that black people should be allowed to vote. And all James Earl Ray did was disagree with Martin Luther King’s idea that he should be allowed to live. Does that make them racists?
Misread “5th grade” as “15 year old”. Oh my God! A TEN year old kid shot her mouth off about things she knows nothing about! These are truly the End Times.
I’m sorry, bbfk, but Dennis just won’t get quit of me, whether I answer him or not. But thanks for the input, I’ll take it into consideration in the future.
5’11” 155, eh? I’ve been that for some decades now. I was known as a skinny little shit, less threatening in appearance than Kermit the frog.
I knew a psychologist who frequently counseled the families of murder victims. According to him, the execution of the death penalty (wait what did I just write?) never brings the satisfaction they expect. Usually leaves them even more empty.
And lets not get into all the wrong people getting offed by the state. Most freq
Fucking tablet is behaving bizarrely.
Most of the innocents just happen to be black.
It’s sad jazz has been so colonized that a black girl would assume everyone in jazz is white.
Of course, blanket hatred of rap music as “thug” isn’t racist.
Funny, because if you say that at an NRA or teabagger rally, and don’t mention Mao, you’ll get a high five at the least.
Yes, Dennis, I followed you here, even back in 2005:
Note that http://djur.desperance.net/sadlyno/rss/feed?bad_users=|Fenwick|actor212|Dennis|St.*|Conserva*|jurass*|Get+Chut*|Got+Cour*|The+Dark*|Justiceiss* still works just fine as an RSS feed.
Badgers! Badgers everywhere!
Dennis, get over yourself. I’ve posted here for years, back when Seb was running things here. If you think I followed you here because of your bitchy feud with Actor212, then you’re just as delusional as ever.
I just make random kitten links under my nym to make you think I’ve been kittened by the management, Dennis. If you check the kitten links under my name, they aren’t the same as those used to replace “The Usual Idiot” postings.
You’re not very bright, Dennis. I like that in a conservative.
trinko comment mango:
The State and their worshipers don’t stop there. They humiliate and discriminate against all those who question them They burn their non-believers at the stake, figuratively perhaps, but they nearly sent an innocent man to prison for 30 years in the case of George Zimmerman. He was a lamb to be sacrificed on the alter of Statolgy, the religion of the Left.
imma admit i have no clue what this means…just found it relevant…
Hmm, seems like every time I try to post a link these days //www.sadlyno.com/archives/ gets added to the front end of it. Is it FYWP or am I doing something wrong?
Bitter Scribes birthday present:
I find this comment to be better than average.
Same problem here, just assumed I sux at linking.
Abbi Huntsman. ROWR.
That is all.
Work related injuries.
I love the first comment
Yep, heaven forbid that anyone should have to stand trial just because they kill one kid. Utterly barbaric.
Their butts get tenderer by the moment. Soon they will be like big globular soap bubbles that fall apart under their own weight.
…they nearly sent an innocent man to prison for 30 years in the case of George Zimmerman.
So did Trayvon Martin fake his own death or was Zimmerman framed by a one-armed man?
DJ, thanks for your input. Please feel free to e-mail Cerb or Provider about me, and quit getting hysterical about my posting here.
Who’s the freakier, the freak or the one who can’t get quit of the freak?
kg, you have to have your cursor go through the link to the end of your post, to see if the link will refer to the site in question. Otherwise, the preview at the bottom will show the link as referring to this thread.
Meanwhile in Florida, more brave patriots face persecution for defending a car from a scary blah man.
True it was his mother’s car and he was visiting her at the time, but who can say what might have happened to the innocent automobile if we make up a completely different set of facts?!
Oh no, I’m sorry. He was at his own house. What is a black man doing with a house I ask you?!?!
Oh Shakezula, you fool. It was obviously the liberal anti-smoking fascist who were behind the whole thing.
Abbi Huntsman. ROWR.
Well, at least we know that Affirmative Action for rich, white people is still working.
DJ, who are we?
I think Ass be Gone is only sold in Canada these days?
Poor decisions, one example would be paying attention to what you write here.
Hey Cerb you forgot to mention Zimmerman also sexually molested his cousin for a decade or so – that not only makes him a child murderer but also a child molestor http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/16/george-zimmerman_n_1676729.html
Hey Cerb you forgot to mention Zimmerman also sexually molested his cousin for a decade or so – that not only makes him a child murderer but also a child molestor
Republican family values!
Sherrie Flowers
God shielded him indeed. Prayers for the family.
Reply · 8 · Like · Follow Post · 5 hours ago
Noah Stephens · Detroit, Michigan
He got shot shot several times and is in the hospital. God didn’t “shield” him very well. :-/
Reply · 14 · Like · 4 hours ago
Sharon Cooper · Top Commenter · Mary Washington
Noah Stephens He kept him from being killed, and gave him enough to sue for a very large amount of money.
That’s a pretty fair amount of shielding, actually.
that god does work in mysterious ways…
Hmm, gonna wait on that one.
that god does work in mysterious ways…
As has been said here before (hi tigris!), christ god’s an asshole.
To be fair that variety of lackwittedness is preferable to what I was expecting. The one dumblefuck who wanted to check the kerning on how long the victim was in his driveway was sorted pretty quickly.
The pot angle didn’t work, now the dupes are spreading the new “Watermelon AriZona and Skittles iz a DRUUUG!11!” Purple Drank bullshit. I’m not gonna link. The Gazoogle is drowning in it.
To be fair that variety of lackwittedness is preferable to what I was expecting. The one dumblefuck who wanted to check the kerning on how long the victim was in his driveway was sorted pretty quickly.
i also was pleasantly surprised…i especially liked the commenter who posted that she sometimes sits in her car for an hour after she drives home from work…why? because it’s her motherfucking car, in her motherfucking driveway, that’s why!*
*expletives mine…
you know what else has mysterious ways? adobe…g-dang it, i hate their products sometimes!!!
“Watermelon AriZona and Skittles iz a DRUUUG!11!” Purple Drank bullshit.
Apparently purple drank IS made with a beverage and occasionally a piece of candy, so close enough, right? In my defense, I’d only know it if Grimace were gripping and sipping.
Well, at least we know that Affirmative Action for rich, white people is still working.
Well, there is such a thing as a sugar high.
True it was his mother’s car…now full of holes.
“Responsible gun ownership:” standing feet away from your “perp” you fire 17 rounds, sixteen of which do not hit your target (thank bog) and are stopped by the car behind him (instead of even more innocent victims, thank bog x2).
What are the citizenship requirements for Antarctica?
What are the citizenship requirements for Antarctica?
Crap. That leaves me out.
Simply unimaginable pulsating protoplasmbacks. Amnesty? NO.
“Responsible gun ownership:” standing feet away from your “perp” you fire 17 rounds, sixteen of which do not hit your target
“Holy shit! Black guy! Blam! Blam! Blam! Blam! Blam! Blam! Blam! Blam!”
Isn’t the Cato institute already run by Shoggoths?
I’ve always thought Mitch McConnell has that Innsmouth look.
It’s sad jazz has been so colonized that a black girl would assume everyone in jazz is white.
That’s at least partly because it’s true. And THAT’s because for the last 30 years or so, the majority (heh) of kids who could get the private instruction required to propel them into the upper musical echelons have been white.
Not to put too fine a point on it but part of the rise of rap is (IMO) because you could do it for nothing and you didn’t need a formal education to become proficient.
Yes, I believe that Deep Ones born in American or on the continental shelf within the 200 mile limit should have all the rights we grant to humans.
Thanks for helping me to advance the dialog, Dennis.
My husband came to me with the SkittlezIceTea = SCARY DRUGZ bullshit from some listserve or other two weeks before the verdict. He really must learn to apply critical thinking to what he reads and hears while he is still cute.
We do understand that there is zero factual basis for this story, don’t we?
(Fits your world view is not factual basis.)
When this happened to me, I figured out later it was ’cause I forgot the http colon slashslash. Hope that helps.
That would explain all the Youtube videos popping up recently basically of the Convenience Store video of Trayvon Martin buying ice tea and skittles. I guess, Trutherism is addicting.
That’s hilarious and it will allow evil minded people to scare the shit out of Wingnuts by leaving a single Skittles candy on the sidewalk.
I am sure it is just a matter of time before one of these geniuses connects the dots between Skittles’ Taste the Rainbow campaign and the Homosexual Agenda. Ermahgard, Martin was trying to rape Zimmerman while high on Iced Tea!
You could leave little trails of Skittles around, ending with a pile under a box propped up by a stick with a string on it.
Catch the rainbow!
Rainbows for all servitors of the Great Old Ones!
What are the citizenship requirements for Antarctica?
One of the regular common taters knows a good but about such things. But that was under a different nym.
Can someone tell me what skittles really are?
“Fruit” flavored candy with a very strange (bad) texture.
It’s like M&Ms, but with soft chewy candy like Starburst candy inside a hard candy shell instead of chocolate.
It’s a petroleum byproduct. When mixed with Slurm and poppy seeds it makes a drink called a Dank Nurple.
It does contain palm kernel oil, which is excellent for use in soap making , not so much as an edible food stuff because it’s high in saturated fats.
Isn’t the Cato institute already run by Shoggoths?
Nah, shoggoths do actual work.
actual fb post:
Not sure why people need to do stupid things like this! Guess they don’t like their freedom!!
i’m not sure if she means freedom as in being out of jail or ‘murcan freedom…since she’s a gun-totin’, ‘all darks are on welfare and abusing the sysstem’, what i do is right and what you do is wrong, flag wavin’ patriot, i’m guessing the latter…she’d probably feel better if they would have shot each other…
okay, so i’ve been doing a google search about arizona tea and skittles and martin, so far all i’ve found links for are wingnutty sites, trying to find his toxicology results led me to find out that zimmerman was on librax and temazepam at thet time…interesting in that some of lbrax’s side effects are:
and, although it’s rare, temazepam can cause behavioral problems…so, how do we know zimmeran wasn’t trippin’ balls on prescription drugs?
I return. As if summoned from the depths of time itself. Antarctica has no government of its own. Many countries lay claim to parts of Antarctica, these claims often overlap with other countries claims. There is an international Antarctic treaty, by which every country with a “scientific” base in Antarctica gets to agree on things like preservation and pollution. If you go to Antarctica you are still bound by the laws of your home country, to respect the terms of the Antarctic treaty. Basically that means no introducing foreign species. (Don’t secretly bring polar bears to Antarctica nd release them) Also don’t drill for oil or start a giant strip mine. Don’t kill any wildlife, especially if you can’t make the case that you are doing it for scientific research. In practice, this means don’t do too much of the above. We were regularly served Antarctic cod in the cafeteria after the scientists had caught them and did science to them. (lots of people enjoyed eating it, so sometimes the science was ‘yep, that’ a cod all right, give it to the cooks’)
If you wanted to move to Antarctica, you totally could. Assuming you could live on only the food and shelter you brought with you and you found a way to dispose of your waste without polluting. Or that nobody caught you hunting fishing or polluting, not that there’s any police in Antarctica.
It would be about a million times more practical to move to wilderness in Alaska, where you can legally homestead and hunt and fish for food, and grow all the crops you can in your 3 month growing season.
The big thing about the Antarctica treaty, and the reason it has been respected for the last fifty years or so, is that it is convenient. It means that the signatory nations of the treaty can quietly build giant runways and huge bases while pretending to do science. If there ware another energy crisis like in the early ’70s I feel sure that oil rigs and coal mining gear and deep sea trawlers would head down there as fast as they could. Antarctica is a pristine, largely unspoiled wilderness. And it will stay that way as long as the cost of extracting its wealth is higher than the cost of the suffering another energy crisis would cause. The NZ navy already chases pirate fishing boats out of the Antarctic ocean on a regular basis.
Guess I won’t need any ibrax cause those symptoms are completely covered by the single word ‘age’.
Those poor kids now taking arizona “watermelon” fruit punch and skittles together thinking they can get a PCP-like high from them. They should stick to asprin and coke.
Interesting 77′, bbkf is killing me, and it would seem that some glorious bastard has taken care of business. Also pretty much all of you are killing it.
DGoT/DA skrev:
I’ve always thought Mitch McConnell has that Innsmouth look.
…that actually makes at least as much sense as my theory that they just don’t make very good human masks on his home planet.
‘American unladen swallow’
/golf clap and a bow in yer direction
One man is in jail and two people are in the hospital after a stabbing in Sioux Falls.
EMTs have a saying: “Knife victims go to the emergency room, gunshot victims go to the morgue”.
So, I’m just curious here, is there any official confirmation that Treyvon had watermelon fruit punch rather than ice tea? Or is it just wingnuts being racist again?
It’s a rare kid that knows anything about jazz music.
Many years ago* I gave a little neighborhood kid a ride home from playing with my little brother. I was playing mid-1960s Coltrane in the car. Smug ten-year-old boy sez: “Sounds like a Captain Crunch commercial.” It’s not clear how white those are.
*25 years ago, but nothing’s changed, Jimmy Juicepak no grok jazz. But I was playing it on a tape deck, that’s the diff.
Apparently, watermelon punch is a variety of Arizona Iced Tea, so it would be more correct to say that he bought Arizona Ice Tea Watermelon Punch.
The most dangerous flavor.
(Don’t secretly bring polar bears to Antarctica nd release them)
damn…there goes my plan to slip n_b a couple of roofies and take off with him to antarctica! stupid treaty…
Don’t kill any wildlife, especially if you can’t make the case that you are
doing it for scientific research.standing your ground.just because i’m a smartass…
Its an important distinction in that if he had plain iced tea , not watermelon, that would constitute suspicious behavior. For which GZ would be totally right in capping his black ass.
If you go to Antarctica you are still bound by the laws of your home country, to respect the terms of the Antarctic treaty.
Don’t die of methanol poisoning under circumstances where it is uncertain whether it was suicide, accident or murder.
Don’t appear in Antarctica-based police thrillers unless you are Kate Beckinsale.
It would be about a million times more practical to move to wilderness in Alaska, where you can legally homestead and hunt and fish for food, and grow all the crops you can in your 3 month growing season.
That sort of defeats the purpose of getting as far away from gun-crazy America as possible but thanks for the (actually quite interesting) description of Antarctic law.
Don’t die of methanol poisoning
Gee thanks Uncle Smut, that sounds like good advice!
Much better advice than that time he told me to smear bacon grease on myself and go play with the coyotes.
Facebook is sending around a story about some poor dude who was yanked off his scooter by a pack of crazed Trayvon supporters and beaten mostly to death.
Of course no evidence to support the claim is included, but that don’t stop them Facebookin’ doofnozzles from spreading it like cream cheese on a bagel.
In these, the last several decades of my life, I have time for just some of the things. Along one spectrum, there are cool, or interesting, or awesome things — these are noteworthy. Then you have significant stuff, important stuff that is not sexy so to speak but that I still have time for. Maybe the “two spectrums” model is flawed, but nevertheless.
Mislabeling it as Arizona tea was first done by the Sanford Police in their initial report, out of sloppiness.
There was a lot of sloppiness in that investigation. The difference between ice tea and watermelon punch should be the smallest concern out of it.
By jove! If Master Martin was drinking fruit punch and not iced tea, that must mean Baron Zimmerman is innocent! Excellent deduction, my fine sir.
Of course no evidence to support the claim is included
It’s a feature, not a bug.
There was a lot of sloppiness in that investigation. The difference between ice tea and watermelon punch should be the smallest concern out of it.
Or does that difference stand in for the whole? Not the whole trial (Zimmerman was acquitted, so the trial was gold) but the mayn-streem mediuh cov’ridge? Traitorous, wunnit? The tea/punch sloppiness is just par for that course! Kinda crystallizes liberal, race-pimp thought in the 21st century, ya know? Not tea but punch, see … It’s like when Dan Rather had to resign, only more refreshing …
OK no. Thread Bear was right.
I’m interested in knowing why …
I don’t think you are. Is the exact beverage and candy combo relevant, or not? If getting it right is just window dressing on an important conclusion, could getting the beverage or the candy wrong invalidate an otherwise well-proven conclusion about matters of real significance?
Thought briefly that those fresh antarctic breezes had blown away the sour troll pong but nay, no such luck.
He’s dropping chaff.
We would drop chaff and flares to decoy missiles. The idea is to get the seeker to lock on to something other than the real target.
In this case it works to draw the conversation off into a pointless argument about nothing.
I think Trayvon was drinking pink lemonade and eating salt-water taffy. Cancel your appointments, thinkers, we’ve gotta explore the ramifications … Kong is right as a deadly rain.
I hear that peach tea is much favored by the Deep Ones, it’s the #1 best-seller in many Innsmouth mini-marts.
And the big difference between said Juice Drink and Tea Drink is that the former isn’t sold at most groceries? (although I think mine has it, the hotdog stand doesn’t.)
I wonder if Dudienus knows how the new nym he’s sporting is pronounced?
I wish someone would at least have the creativity and initiative to come up with an original insult once in a while instead of just copying and pasting the same one they’ve been using over and over.
Too lazy even to be a good troll.
As it is, they’re all sold in the same size can with colorful markings, all for the same price, and have the same range of calories and nutrition across all the lines of drinks.
In other words, the flavor is completely immaterial, unless you’re going to brew kombucha with it, since it’ll want something with more tannins lest you just get alcohol instead of drinkable vinegar.
Holy fuck, I turn my back and the “argument” turns to what flavor beverage the unarmed kid who was shot to death was drinking? There’s something wrong here and I promise you it ain’t the mislabeling of the soda the kid had.
Fuck, why are you people responding to him?
Fuck fuck fuckity fuck.
It’s hard to separate the weak from the chaff.
Shoggoths, OTOH, like nothing better than a gallon of apple juice after a busy night of roaming and terrorizing the central Massachusetts countryside.
Let’s change the conversation: PENIS.
You would drop splattery turds to decoy missiles?
What the fuck difference does it make??? The AriZona company has been selling iced tea for, like, *ever*. Like a lot of bottling concerns, they’ve added other flavors since. To most people who don’t drink the shit, if they see that AriZona logo they automatically think “tea” because THAT’S WHAT THEY’VE ALWAYS MADE!!! So fucking what?
As to “drank”, I had a FB friend comment on one of *his* friend’s post about this “dangerous new drug that proves Trayvon was a thug and was probably all wacked out and capable of killing Godzilla!!11!”
The post even used the phrase “…mirrors for COCAINE. Increases: AGGRESSIVENESS” This friend-of-a-friend is a serial teabagger losing political candidate. (not sure why this music connected friend has him as a friend, Imma guess schoolmates)
The key ingredient? Robitussin.
That’s right, these dimwits think that somehow the sweet drink and candy somehow magically change codeine into a OHMAGERD superdrug, and dimwit roadie friend bought it. (Nevermind that said doofus was present at more parties and gigs than I can count where *serious* fucking-up was done)
I gave him a virtual dope-slap for being so fucking stupid, and shit dun hitted de fan. The phrase “keep fucking that chicken” was used.
This shit isn’t new. Drank, Sizzurp, Lean, or whatever else the hippity hopper kids call it is little more than a way to dilute cough syrup so’s it don’t taste like shit. When my kids were at an age to be hawk-watched, the preferred mix was Sprite or Mt. Dew.
Effects are about what you’d expect,…sleep.
(Which, of course, blows the “crazed” theory out of the water same as the pot angle got blasted.)
Of course, Mr. Loser Teabagger comes back immediately with the same ignorant bullshit that the current crop of trolls have been dragging,…those awful horrible pictures of poor Mr. Zim.
I’m sick of this off the wall crap, and I’m damn near ready to demonstrate in person what a head-bashing is truly all about.
(Blow it out yer ass, troll, I don’t wanna hear your eliminationist claptrap. I’m not the liberal you think I am.)
tl/dr = Fuckin idiots shut the fuck up.
You would drop splattery turds to decoy missiles?
I promise you if I had a missile aimed at me I’d be dropping splattery turds.
Sally Quinn gets her judgy face all wrinkled up over Huma
Again with this shit? REALLY?
Don’t get your PENIS stuck in a toaster. NOW they tell me!
I have read two fanfics of a certain character fucking a toaster. I won’t say the fandom, but the character drinks apple juice.
jesus christ…tedious troll is tedious…my mom calls all macaroni and cheese from a box ‘kraft dinner’…
I rest my case. No “please proceed” required here.
Ok, just for the sake of argument, let’s say that the latest wingnut theory that Treyvon was buying the ingredients for some sort of drug cocktail. That is a police matter and still requires due process and a trial to get a conviction. So if George had done what he was trained to do, and was told several times that night to do, let the police handle it. Then we would be discussing the Treyvon drug trial now. Currently in this country, even for a black man, a conviction on drug charges does not carry a death penalty. So even if Treyvon were to fit the worst case scenario that the wingnuts put forward, my answer to that is a big SO WHAT! What Zimmerman did was still murder.
oh, eff off sally quinn…thanks for your pity…
It was such a setback for women everywhere.
What a sanctimonious fucking idiot. WTF
my mom calls all macaroni and cheese from a box ‘kraft dinner’…
There was a band called the “Beatles.” Out loud, it sounded like “Beetles.” They released a product called “Rubber Soul,” but it was just a phonograph record! Later the pretended to be another band, but the album’s attribution and titling gave them away. These were the “Beatles,” not “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.” That was the name of the record, strangely enough!
They had a record company called “Apple” but you gotta remember, they took LSD and smoked dope and stuff.
is a big SO WHAT! What Zimmerman did was still murder.
exactly! and george was on two prescription medications that could have caused him to be agitated, hallucinatory, etc…
from what i’ve read, drank or whatev it is would cause one to mellow out…as does pot…
so who would be the likely aggressor here?
I think the actual “setback” for women is having some pious fuckhead question her choices and take the focus off of the asshole committing the pervacious acts. (I made that word up and it’s TRADEMARKED so don’t even try it)
The whole idea behind equality for women is the let them make their own choices, and when those choices aren’t harming anyone else, we all respect those choices and feel completely free to shut the fuck up about it.
Fuck, why are you people responding to him?
Sorry. My bad. Disengaging.
sadly she makes all women look like weak and helpless victims.
No she doesn’t, she doesn’t make any other woman look like anything.
pervacious acts. (I made that word up and it’s TRADEMARKED so don’t even try it)
Nice. It’s like “curvaceous,” but a bit of a downer bcuz pervin’ on curves can go too far. I won’t be using it soon.
I won’t be using it soon.
Actually, all my interweb…er…stuff is public domain. Use it at will.
OK thanks, tsam, but when I perv on curves I like to keep it positive. I’m not like those guys …
I really hit it off with the young lady next to me on the plane home. When everyone’s married you can have some good talks and flirtation. Not that I know enough about singles scenes to compare.
No she doesn’t, she doesn’t make any other woman look like anything.
I should have added, “any more than Sally Quinn makes all women look like brainless ninnyhammers.”
No she doesn’t, she doesn’t make any other woman look like anything.
I should have added, “any more than Sally Quinn makes all women look like brainless ninnyhammers.”
Or anymore than Carlos Danger makes married men look like craven poon hounds who lack the discipline to keep their impulses confined to filling their socks while watching web porn.
tig, it is very doubtful that it knows the pronunciation. Equally doubtful is the claim to be a new commenter given that it fails to get it in EXACTLY THE SAME WAY that Pennis fails to get it. Or, Equivalently, tries to troll in theEXACT SAME WAY.
I don’t even want to know who/what Carlos Danger is so please don’t tell me.
Or anymore than Carlos Danger makes married men look like craven poon hounds who lack the discipline to keep their impulses confined to filling their socks while watching web porn.
Wait, we’re not?
I mean, of course we aren’t!
I don’t even want to know who/what Carlos Danger is so please don’t tell me.
Yeah you do. It’s Anthony Wiener’s alter-ego. Carlos took over the sexting after Weiner got in trouble.
See, you’re fine. Tony did fine. Carlos Danger was the best choice of names. Carl Peligro and the other options sucked. Sometimes Anthony Wiener hits a homer, and this is an example. He won’t be mayor but let’s not underestimate him.
I think it’s pronounced Poopy Anus.
Oh FFS,…Please consider this to be a request…no, make that DEMAND for a nuke strike on myself if ever I receive a back pat from the troll again.
Yep. Poopy anus makseemus. Also amusing is how it doesn’t get why my nym is funny and his is full of FAIL.
I have read two fanfics of a certain character fucking a toaster.
“Brave Little Toaster” slash-fic DO NOT WANT.
Wait, we’re not?
Of course we are. The majority of us (I think) keep the poon hounding restricted to our significant others. We bait the master to relieve the pressure that builds up from seeing Kate Upton bikini pictures all over the web and TV, see?
I want to thank Pofty Amos for demonstrating how to lose potential allies and alienate people.
Yep. Women were receiving equal pay, were as respected as their male peers, had unrestricted access to birth control and the idea of violence against women was so unthinkable that the rare person who committed such crimes usually threw themselves under trains out of self-loathing.
But then along came Huma Abedin and ruined everything for everyone.
And that was just after we fixed everything from the time that dim broad Eve ate an apple and tricked her husband into eating one.
Women, sheesh!
Every time I throw myself under a train the bride gets really mad.
Every time I throw myself under a train the bride gets really mad.
i see what you did there and i lol…
soooo…did i miss anything while i was gone?
did i miss anything while i was gone?
Poonhounds, PENIS and poopy anus. In other words, the usual.
Not really. (Ahem)
Time for a puhpeh update?
Oh, and dancing badgers.
for tsam
Poking around in old latrine pits is actually very interesting. I found one for an estate that had stood for over 100 years. Not much intact but the dish shards gave a clear picture of how grand the dinnerware (and by extension the home) must have been. I’m guessing that isn’t the only pit for the place since they had slave and servant quarters but I haven’t been able to find another.
Whale Chowder said,
July 30, 2013 at 23:16 (kill)
Not me, rather a nymjacking asshole.
i see what you did there
You know what I saw there? TEH BUTTOCKS.
Bridesbutt Revisited – A sequel.
“Brave Little Toaster” slash-fic DO NOT WANT.
“Suck it, vacuum cleaner… OH YEAH!!!”
<a href="http://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/washington-whispers/2013/07/29/poll-78-percent-of-young-women-approve-of-weiner"This headline made me laff.
Actually, it was a Homestuck fic. I was hoping everyone would guess Supernatural.
78% of 4th grade *young women* who think it’s hilarious that a guy’s last name is Weiner?
Bridesbutt Revisited – A sequel.
Piece Train
A View of a Frill
for tsam
They say chivalry is dead…BUT IT AIN’T, BITCH! NICE FUCKIN CANZ!
OK, To a Frill
Don’t about 80% of women approve of wiener?
There’s probably some deviation (heh) based on how the question is posed. Wiener, hot dog, longaniça, kielbasa, weisswurst, etc.
Bridesbutt Revisited
Bridesmaidenhead Revisited?
Wiener, hot dog, longaniça, kielbasa, weisswurst, etc.
Just don’t ask them to watch it being made.
“unow a connect for codien?”
“Brave Little Toaster” slash-fic DO NOT WANT.
It’s written by JG Ballard…
Mmm, more dancin’ badgers.
SOMEbody needs to die in a bunker fire.
Sorry tig I know those were bad but I’m trying to keep up the non-troll content.
Sorry tig I know those were bad but I’m trying to keep up the non-troll content.
Man, if the penalty for bad jokes was suicide / burning, the only thing around here besides the trolls would be tumbleweeds.
Actually, my term pervacious was born of the word rapacious.
Only a slight difference between the two. Pervacious should have been a word already. You can’t refudiate that logic, people.
This is a repository for bad jokes. EVERYONE is walking into a bar here.
Pfft, puns are mustard to my bratwurst.
Well, as they say down at Willie’s Wee-Nee Wagon “We relish your bun”
And I thought ‘weak from the chaff’ wasn’t bad.
I am very x 4 afraid of B x 4 and I’m not even a vacuum cleaner.
New post
It’s written by JG Ballard…
We must penetrate the chromium labia with our phallus, and so we do.
I promise you if I had a missile aimed at me I’d be dropping splattery turds.
This x 1000. I’ve never been but enough of my family have to cure my ass of ever wanting glory.