I give it a year
If the source you quote to support your argument is yourself, would it be reasonable to expect that you can properly quote what you wrote not even one year ago? Not if you’re Megan McArdle.
Original argument:
Between 1992 and 2008, the number of bachelor’s degrees awarded rose almost 50 percent, from around 1.1 million to more than 1.6 million. According to Vedder, 60 percent of those additional students ended up in jobs that have not historically required a degree–waitress, electrician, secretary, mail carrier.
[Emphasis added and really, mail carriers?]
Not yet a year later, what has become of this “fact”? New Coke version:
Yet playing with the interest rate on student loans is not going to give much of a boost to the middle class when already 60 percent of college graduates are taking jobs that haven’t traditionally required a college degree. Better educated waitresses may be a fine thing for America, but is it really bolstering our bourgeoisie?
[Emphasis added, misquoting in the original.]
I would call it a big jump to go from 60% of of the additional 500,000 college grads taking jobs that have “historically” not requiring a college degree to 60% of all college grads taking up jobs as waiters, etc… As in, a jump from 300,000 to 960,000. Must be one of those it’s a hypothetical, not a statistic sort of thing.
What, does her calculator have gastritis again?
In the immortal words of Fred Allen, what Me-Me-Megan knows about statistics could fit in a fleas’ belly button, along with a caraway seed and an agents’ heart,
I think she’s switched from pink Himalayan salt to bath salts.
Leave Megan alooooone! Math is hard for Ivy grads with a vested interest in misunderstanding.
And what percentage of those better educated waitresses are working in a restaurant because she needs to eat until she can find a job using her degree? I thought the glibertarian ideal was to take any job you can find and work your way up the ladder until you own the company.
Ummm, 60%? Guess we’ll find out in about a year…
Yes, and how many of those degrees come from places like Beck University or Pensacola Christian College?
Oops, nym error.
Next McArdicle: Since all them waitresses have college degrees and don’t need em, why are we bothering with trying to get the underclass higher education? Seems like a waste, don’t it?
In praise of stupidity(not really!)
Bitter angry troll is bitter. And angry.
Hey McGurgle, you know what else doesn’t traditionally require a college degree?
Being wrong all of the goddamned time.
Is that some sort of wild cat? Whatever they are, they are gorgeous.
The McArdle School of Randroid “math” at work yet again.
Just be grateful there isn’t a 2×4 involved … THIS time.
So, is a McArdle Unit equal to 1.9 Friedmans?
Love that “confession of impotence” in the URL (damned if I’ll sully my precious mind with McArdle’s hydrocephalic drivel this early in the morning). Gotta neuter the scary black
PENISPOTUS at all costs, after all.Oh, & better educated waitresses DO bolster the bourgeoisie, you stupid twunt. Make better small talk with customers = get better tips = afford a good outfit for an interview for a more lucrative job. Or: make better small talk with customers = get a gig at the kind of swank joint where the waitresses make more to start than she’d make even in her field of choice as senior staff = more disposable income, ergo more capital in the retail economy.
More evidence that snark is not suitable for children under 5, or adults with equivalent intellects.
Down down & away! From the Atlantic to the Daily Beast to Bloomberg.com … how long before McMegan finally sinks to her natural level, posting vanity pieces on NRO &/or Townhall?
I give it about 2.5 McArdle Units.
By channeling the dumbest doofus who ever graduated from a 4-year institution in this country.
Any other questions?
I am a celibate, madam!
Can you ever really get to 60%? You first have to get to 30%, and before that you have to get to 15% and before that 7.5% and so on, an infinity of percentage succession keeping us from our goals. Therefore cut taxes.
A better educated population in general is vastly preferable to one that isn’t.
I’ve also seen increasing signs that the Randroids are no longer satisfied with Shruggin’ it. They are starting to envision a Brave New World where Epsilons clean their toilets and Deltas drive the cabs. If this can’t be accomplished by science, it must be accomplished by People Knowing Their Place and not seeking (or being allowed) to Ape Their Betters. Does everyone really need to know how to read?
Because at bottom, McGurgle and her kind hate the fact that she might encounter an “underling” who is smarter than she.
They are starting to envision a Brave New World where Epsilons clean their toilets and Deltas drive the cabs. If this can’t be accomplished by science, it must be accomplished by People Knowing Their Place and not seeking (or being allowed) to Ape Their Betters. Does everyone really need to know how to read?
Interestingly, “Betters” always includes the people who think such things and “People Who Should Know Their Place” never does, no matter how innately dumb they are.
Actually, McArdle is wrong.
But according to a new study out, half of all graduates aren’t getting jobs requiring any degree (or shouldn’t require a degree:
Because at bottom, McGurgle and her kind hate the fact that she might encounter an “underling” who is smarter than she.
This list just points out yet again why we should be more interested in the rancid fart of a diseased chipmunk than in anything Megan McArglebargle says.
This “post.” This fucking POST gdammint.
What’s all this horseshit about “forget the education for waitresses” anyway? We already DID that. Now we get reps and senators like Steve King, John Boner, Rand Paul, Ron Paul, Turd Cruz, Eric Can’tor, Michelle Bachman, Louie Gohmert, Bitch McConnell, Saxby Chambliss, my rep Cathy McMorris Governess Rogers…fuck, I could do this all day.
Also George W. Bush, too.
NPR lately has been touting the benefits of not spending all those hard earned greenbacks on unnecessary higher education. Why buy education if you’re going to North Dakota to frac the goddamn shit out of North America?
Repubs do a happy jig every time someone spouts that phony bullshit.
Are you back from Eureka? Did you hit the various breweries in the area? If you’re on your bike, Highway 1 down to Fort Bragg is awesome…
Don’t forget to click here every time the troll posts. We’ll give the foundation another cent each time you preview the song.
Trying again.
And the hits just keep on comin’.
I only stopped in Eureka on my to and back from Laguna Seca. By ververyvery indirect routes. Went to some brewpub – cant recall the name, right on main drag- for dinner on overnight stop on way down. Didn’t want to be drinking at lunch before carving up rte 96 on way back. Turned a 1600 mile trip into a 2400 miler by taking “interesting” roads.
J. Neo: is there any other outlet for that deal? My Linux box -> proxy -> iTunes is an unhappy combination. Amazon?
Pup: How were the races? That is a trip I want to take at some point.
Whale Chowder: It will be on Amazon soon, but apparently they haven’t finished processing it yet. I’ll post the link when it’s up.
Had a fucking blast at Laguna Seca. As I do every year. And there’s some EPIC AWESOME riding between here and there. Hey, when the iconic Cali Hwy 1 (except for certain sections) isn’t even at the top of the list, that say something dunnit? Also, PENIS
That is one awesome penis.
Nice! I’m way jealous. Next time you go that way, be sure to stop at North Coast brewing in Fort Bragg, really great beer and the food is good too.
For S. McG..
Had to bring this MBouffant comment over from the last thread:
I have beer, cigarettes, anti-depressants, hallucinogens, porn, a devastatingly beautiful girlfriend, my guitar, a stressful job and good food to numb the pain of the existential torture. For me, not knowing when it is coming is much worse than knowing it is imminent and there is not a damn thing I can do about it.
Let’s go with BETTER rather than WORSE. K?
Carlos Danger. You go ‘way now, kthxbai.
The best kind. Reminds me – I still haven’t read Blue Highways. Think I’ll fix that.
Geez. Ok, I give up.
Karl GeFahr
The NOT KNOWING is the source of the psychic pain. As Dr. Johnson said (paraphrasing) nothing settles a man’s mind so much as the knowledge that he will be hanged in the morning.” 20-couple years ago I was given a 6 – 12 month prognosis. I know whereof Dr. Johnson was speaking. Trust me – the pain goes away as does most of the fear when one is certain of imminent death.
Karl Gefahr don’t know why I capitalized that F
The NOT KNOWING is the source of the psychic pain.
Nuh-uh because you can just ignore it and pretend you’ll live forever.
Well until your hips and shoulders hurt all day and you look at your thirteen year old dog and see the inevitable coming and then look at your 98 year old mom and realize that’s not the worst option.
My grandmothers’ cousin was married to a man who was interned in, and survived, the same concentration camp, that Anne Frank died in, on the mens’ side, of course. He said the same thing, that when he was told he would be killed in the camp, a sense of peace came over him, same as what you’re describing, Pupienus.
So on a happier note, the missus and I will be riding to Mendocino just for the hell of it in late August, all the way down the coast. Tomorrow we go in to Rich’s Custom Seats to get the torture platform reworked for comfortable riding.
Fuck getting old, I’m not going to sit around waiting to die.
Don DeLillo, White Noise. A little helping of death for everyone.
So on a happier note, the missus and I will be riding to Mendocino
Excellent! Don’t even THINK about buying gas in Mendo – it was $6 / gallon last year, sure it’s $8 this year. Fort Bragg is like 8 miles north and has lots of gas. The section of Hwy 1 from 101 at Leggett where it drops down to the coast may be my favorite piece of road on the planet. There’s something almost spiritual about riding through there. First time I ever went that way I got to the coast, turned around and rode back to Leggett then rinsed and repeated.
Also, I didn’t go to North Coast brewing in Bragg but we did go to Piaci’s where I had an excellent pizza and one of my brothers had what he called “the best sandwich I ever had.” Don’t even bother thinking about the seafood restaurants on the harbor in Bragg. Lame lame lame.
The Schooner in Netarts has the best clam chowder, by far, on the Oregon coast.
The Newton (not Ian) Drury scenic parkway south of Crescent City is worth taking – it’s a slight diversion from 101. Also be sure to go down the
Allley of the Big PolesAvenue of the Giants north of Garberville. Go through the drive-through tree.DO NOT stay at the Super 8 motel in Crescent City. You WILL be disappointed, frustrated angry, pissed off even.
Make sure you have some warm togs – even in August it’s chilly in Eureka. Along Arcate Bay and Humboldt Bay it’s fucking cold. Last time there was a warm day in Eureka there was only one continent.
FTFY. Crescent City is a shithole. The beach is nice there though. We stayed at the Curly Redwood Lodge, which looks really cool from the outside but is not actually nice at all on the inside.
Unfortunately it’s a really good spot to use as a base for some of the amazing redwood parks in the area.
Eureka was once described me as “where the hippies met the last of the loggers”.
We went through there a few years back, but we stayed at a B&B in Ferndale.
Also, since we’re on the NorCal topic — the Jedediah Smith redwood park just outside Crescent City is really cool, mostly because it’s the only redwood park that was never logged at all. Also seems to be slightly less busy than the others. But yeah, the Avenue Of The Giants is something everybody should see.
Good choice. Ferndale has about the most adorable/cheesy Victorian downtown I’ve ever seen. There’s also a really pretty graveyard there on a hill overlooking the town.
Hollywood will sometimes use Ferndale as stand-in for New England.
We did the Avenue of the Giants back when they were saplings. OK maybe not that long ago but back in the go-go ’80s when we were living in SFO. Beautiful and worth seeing again. Thanks for the other tips too, will try to fit in as much as we can.
My own impression of Eureka is that it’s an open-air theater featuring homeless people. Here are a few photos from this January.
Good choice. Ferndale has about the most adorable/cheesy Victorian downtown I’ve ever seen.
I see what you did there. For the unwashed, ignorant masses, Ferndale is littered with big old Victorians built by the dairy farmers. They’re known as “butter palaces.” There’s a butcher shop or something that serves enormous sandwiches for a pittance. Most unfancy things in the world but wonderful.
If you have the time and stamina, ride the “lost coast” – Mattole Rd. – out of Ferndale through Petrolia and Honeydew, which brings you back to 101 through Humboldt Redwood Park. Incredible views but the pavement is VERY broken. Nearly killed me on my sportbike with the clipons but that plush FeeJer should do it without pain.
The elaborate Victorian mansion I photographed was built by a local timber baron. It’s now a private club, I don’t know how “exclusive” this club is. I imagine it is very costly to maintain if all the rooms are in use at one time or another.
The kitten setting is no longer adequate. Our trollfestation needs to be dropped into the dirty coffee cup of hell.
Because at bottom, McGurgle and her kind hate the fact that she might encounter an “underling” who is smarter than she.
Every trip to Crate and Barrel must feel like a kick in the gut to her.
Eureka was once described me as “where the hippies met the last of the loggers”.
We went through there a few years back, but we stayed at a B&B in Ferndale.
Back in the 90’s, in the course of a cross-country road trip, I stayed in a really sleazy motel (as a noted Navy man would put it, it was a trap- next door was an Indian restaurant, so the string of well-run Patel motels that served us well lulled us into not expecting extras from “Deliverance” working the front desk). The door to the room was flimsy, the room reeked of an awful fake-citrus air freshener.
I ended up sleeping on the floor in front of the door, thinking, “Whatever happens, they won’t get me unaware, and they won’t get me alive.”
Yep. When I was there a couple years ago it was a pretty stark contrast to see all the homeless folk milling around just across the street from that mansion/club. And I can’t imagine that feature helps the club with attracting membership. Not that I feel the slightest bit sorry for them for that.
I ended up sleeping on the floor in front of the door, thinking, “Whatever happens, they won’t get me unaware, and they won’t get me alive.”
Reminds me of place I stayed in the ‘urbs of Detroit after a one off gig sitting in for a friend who had family commitments. I remember pacing the room, looking over both mattresses, for quite a while, studying the bath-tub, and ultimately deciding upon another layer of clothing and a spot on the floor near the front door. IIRC it was along the wall that the interior handle of the door would touch when opened. I was much more concerned with sanitation in the case than personal safety, but I catch your drift. Well, actually that is not entirely right, I also did a walk around the block attempting to scout a superior outdoor location in which to lay my head….
Thanks for the memories, some of the numerous shitholes in which I have taken shelter have come streaming back into view. Oh to be young, adventurous, foolish and poor…Good times…
Thanks for the memories, some of the numerous shitholes in which I have taken shelter have come streaming back into view. Oh to be young, adventurous, foolish and poor…Good times…
Sleeping on a tarp in Death Valley was palatial compared to that Eureka shithole.
Every encounter with a crate or a barrel must feel like a slap in the face.
Every encounter with a crate or a barrel must feel like a slap in the face.
“A box of rocks, how can I cook a sub-par meal with this?”
McArdle recipe for stone soup: DO NOT WANT.
McArdle recipe for stone soup: DO NOT WANT.
Stoned McArdle recipe for soup: DO NOT WANT.
The kitten setting is apparently on cute.
Let’s go with BETTER rather than WORSE. K?
Ha ha, Freudian typo.
Sleeping on a tarp in Death Valley
The best kind. Reminds me – I still haven’t read Blue Highways. Think I’ll fix that.
fix that immediately…love wlhm…and it’s an amazing read…
wow, i’ve been off and about for the past few days and a plethora of posting occurs…someone more paranoid might think there’s a connection…
I ended up sleeping on the floor in front of the door, thinking, “Whatever happens, they won’t get me unaware, and they won’t get me alive.”
reminds me of a place my sister and i stayed at in independence, mo…skeery and skeevy…we ended up leaving there at 2 a.m. and hitting the road as no sleep was coming to either of us…
Well, Mr or Ms Polls, that’s certainly believable.
Super juice?
Also ignored in McArdle’s argle bargle is the fact that it’s not the graduates waking up one day and going “hey, you know what I’d like to waste my higher education on? Working in the service industry for below living wage!”
Thanks to feudalism supporters like her, our economy has been in the toilet and there simply are no jobs and no access to jobs that pay middle class wages. If there’s a job that requires a college degree, chances are it (in reality) also requires 20+ years of experience working in the industry because everyone’s desperate and looking for work. This also means that jobs that don’t require degrees are filling up with a lot of semi-recent college graduates because, well, you gotta eat and besides those companies are pretty much requiring them by the same “in reality” factor that allows the entry level middle class positions to expect huge levels of experience in the industry they are entry level for.
What that means is that if college graduates didn’t have that college experience, they not only wouldn’t have the entry level jobs in their chosen industries, but also their current “doesn’t pay the rent jobs”, because fucking big box stores can get away with requiring a college degree to be a cashier.
But then fixing that might a) mean the rich people who pay them ludicrous amounts of money to write their propaganda might stop doing so, b) actually allow pathways to those who are not already rich and white to enter the middle and upper classes, and c) allow the poor a moment to breathe and focus on something other than immediate survival, like just how broken our system really is at every level.
All this incoming flak means you must be over the target, eh?
Let’s go with BETTER rather than WORSE. K?
Ha ha, Freudian typo.
Yeah–almost like I knew my death was imminent or some shit.
All this incoming flak means you must be over the target, eh?
That, or a bored /b/tard-wannabe has now failed all the way down to the S’s* in its URL database.
Almost gotta admire the fanatical kamikaze dedication to ADHD &/or tunnel-vision it takes to be bored … in 2013!
* Look out, salon.com: you’re about to be HERPYDERPYDERPed within an inch of your lives!
Are The Cute Kittens That Must Not Be Named now morphing into spam?
* Look out, salon.com: you’re about to be HERPYDERPYDERPed within an inch of your lives!
Oh, they already get plenty of those “My friend’s roommate’s cat made $90K just working on her computer last month jdisfsdbc.bit.hk” thingies.
From Jim’s second link:
Well, yeah, of course. Duh. How else would you do it?
If there’s a job that requires a college degree, chances are it (in reality) also requires 20+ years of experience working in the industry because everyone’s desperate and looking for work.
Hi cerb. I have to disagree with you on this one small point.
20+ years experience means you’re an old guy like me and they’ll probably tell you you’re “overqualified”.
If my time working in IT was any indicator, they probably want 3-5 years experience but not more than that because then you’d actually expect to get paid.
At 51 years old, if anything were to happen to my flying gig, I fear my job prospects would be rather slim.
At 51 years old, if anything were to happen to my flying gig, I fear my job prospects would be rather slim.
Happened to my dad in his 50s. Retired cop, 4 year degree, wanted a no-brain job to make fishing money and keep himself busy. NOBODY wanted him. He finally found a job driving lost/delayed luggage from the Spokane airport to the victims’ homes…but then realized he was the one doing all the deliveries in the dead of winter that required driving over treacherously icy roads.
tigris said,
July 26, 2013 at 19:37
Can’t say I didn’t see that one coming.
I never even bothered looking into this story when the trolls were hyperventilating about it, because I knew it was pure, unadulterated crap.
The main effect of the internet is that it makes it possible for people to spread the most ludicrous, ridiculous hogwash without having to keep a straight face.
I know I was convinced when the troll came back with a credible link confirming the original story…oh, wait, that never happened.
Everybody knows that only stories under an obviously real name, such as “Justiceisserved” can possibly be accurate.
Again, we are all waiting for an actual confirmation of the daring rescue story. I mean, it should be easy to find, right?
Everything about this story has stunk to high heaven since day 1. George Zimmerman came up with a story so unbelievable, most of us wouldn’t trust it, if it was spoken by our best friends. I am not shocked that the defenders of Mr. Zimmerman continue to try and protect Mr. Zimmerman and to prop up his reputation. I am surprised that they are so bad at it.
I saw an overturned clown car on the side of the road and pulled Sean KKKlannity, Rush Limpballs and Dennis from the burning wreckage. Don’t ask why I did it and poopyhead wingtards can prove I didn’t, so that’s proof in RightWingWorld that I’m a hero, or something.
Everything on the internet is true.
I read that on a blog somewhere.
Did that poor cat ever get his cheezburger?
“Rainy Night In Florida” Amazon link is now up for Whale Chowder and others. Click early and often!
Zimmerman needs to stage a fake rescue of blah people if he really wants to build up his reputation. Maybe Allen West and a few other oreo cookies could put on hoodies and go into a gated (ie. white) community and Zimmerman could rescue them before some gun-toting nut has to confront them and Stand His Ground. That’s a win-win on so many levels.
Did that poor cat ever get his cheezburger?
George MUST be a good guy, after all the royals named their latest heir after him.
Fucking Jesus, Dennis is stupid. Nobody “put themselves in harm’s way”. There was an accident. Zimmerman’s handler in the Sanford PD sent him to the scene to pretend to be a hero. And the brainless wingnuts ate it up with a spoon.
Everything on the internet is true.
I read that on a blog somewhere.
Everything on the internet is false.
I read that on the internet.
George MUST be a good guy, after all the royals named their latest heir after him.
Shya, he delivered the kid.
Agree with the Major (except about the guy part, nearly unavoidable because of our language). I’m also going to add that many of us over 50 types are out of work in the first place because we’re over 50. Older employees mean higher premiums, higher pay, etc. You might think that’s illegal, but when has a little matter like that ever stopped Big Bizness?
If names matter, Y U SO MAD BRO? That link was posted by somebody named “tigris,” for Christ’s sake. Just ignore it and do whatever important stuff you’re skipping while defending the unimpeachable truth of a story posted by “justiceisserved.”
Well, there’s about as much evidence for Zimmerman’s heroism as there is for the existence of the historical Jesus. In two millennia, wingnuts will be worshipping Zimmerman.
“He killed for your sins”
“He killed for your sins”
He’s a more appropriate deity for wingnuts than that “turn the other cheek” guy.
In the Church of the Holy Zimmerman, they use creepy ass crackers as hosts. Is it transubstantiation when a creepy ass cracker is transformed into a creepy ass cracker, or is it just substantiation?
The church of Zimmerman demands sacrifice!
The church of Zimmerman demands sacrifice!
He’s Moloch’s only begotten son.
Everything on the internet is false.
I read that on the internet.
But wait………………..if everything……….on the internet…………is false,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,then–wait, I don’t……….I………..I
(smoke comes out of ears)
Norman, Coordinate!!
Gated communities are predominantly white. However, I don’t patrol any with a gun stuffed down my pants, and if I did, I’m such an idiot, I would make a point to know who lived there. Zimmerman is the racist idiot who assumed just because he saw a black teen (in a complex that is allegedly 50% non-white) that he was “up to no good and on drugs or something” and immediately called 911. Good neighbor Zimmerman, serving the security needs of his neighborhood, apparently didn’t know that there’s a good possibility that a black teen could actually be a fucking resident and instead of educating himself called the cops on him and eventually killed him and made up a self-defense story with cops providing cover and incompetence. Anyone who buys Zimmerman’s story is a bigger idiot than he is.
Not too surprising, given my impression that GZ is not terribly bright/too encased in his own reality/both. I can see him going along with the scheme to repair his rep. It also seems right in line with the local LEOs past behavior – pretty stupid, and potentially lethal to the people they’re supposed to be serving. Really? Waiting to call for help until after calling GZ for his photo op? Good thing the people already on site did no such thing.
As for whatever wingnut Church of Zimmy might exist in the future, you may be certain George will have gotten the same aryanization Jesus has gotten.
I’ll be all around in the dark. I’ll be everywhere. Wherever you can look, wherever there’s a black kid to hassle, so white folks can eat peacefully, I’ll be there. Wherever there’s a cop beatin’ up a guy, I’ll be there helping. I’ll be in the way guys yell when they’re mad as hell and they’re not gonna take it any more. I’ll be in the way kids laugh when they’re hungry and they know supper’s ready for them but not for the poor folks, and when the people are eatin’ the truffles they pay for and livin’ in the mansions they hire peons to build, I’ll be there, too.
Church of Zimmy? Is that why he gained 100lbs in jail, so he could look like Buddha.
Siddharta Gautama was an honest-to-fuck “Aryan”. As Chandler Bing once asked Joey Tribbiani: “How do you not fall down more?”
I, as a liberal, own joking about a Buddha belly and the Right owns exterminating Jews in death camps, among other numerous crimes. Thanks Pennis for making that obvious.
I, as a liberal, own joking about a Buddha belly
Behold the liberal fatsism in action!
The Right also owns mistaking agnostics who were raised Methodist for entire bags full of Jews.
Subby channels the ghost of Tom Choad.
Liberal fatsism. Doughy Pantload could write another book and rake in that sweet, sweet wingnut welfare they handout when they buy up crates of said book and pitch them into the Hudson or Phyllis Schlafley’s twat.
5’7 may be considered slightly short, but 280 lbs on a 5’7 man is not “slightly” overweight.
It’s also racist to say babies look like Churchill. Even the little cigar smoking ones who wear homburgs.
They just wear the Homburgs to hide their bald heads, which is also very Churchillian. Winnie was also “slightly” overweight. The bigotry abounds!
McGurgle and her kind hate the fact that she might encounter an “underling” who is smarter than she.
This is a demanding task, but there must be *some* way of shielding her from people who know what they are talking about.
I have a cask of Amontillado which may help.
It’s also racist to say babies look like Churchill. Even the little cigar smoking ones who wear homburgs.
The Doktorling Sonja looked like Mussolini. Sad, but true.
In the Church of the Holy Zimmerman, they use creepy ass crackers as hosts
Forgive me if I visualise a row of choir boys lined up like a toast-rack.
Zim self describes as white, as many Hispanics do. Other than bullshit out of O’Mara’s mouth, there’s nothing supporting Dennis’ wank fest he’s having over this rescue story. The AP report, Fox, etc say the family IS NOT talking to media. I won’t believe anything O’Mara says without independent verification.
Shouldn’t have put her in stripey generalissimo pants.
I have beer, cigarettes, anti-depressants, hallucinogens, porn, a devastatingly beautiful girlfriend, my guitar, a stressful job and good food to numb the pain of the existential torture.
I has #6, i.e. the Frau Doktorin, and whisky. This combination also seems to work.
I wonder if our resident shithead knows how all those breweries in Mexico got started. There are tons of Mexicans that are paler than the average Minnesotan, one of my old professors was married to one.
So I wonder what George Zimmerman had for breakfast today, SINCE THAT’S ALL ANYONE SEEMS TO WANT TO TALK ABOUT!!!!!
I have a cask of Amontillado which may help.
Too late, Ann Althouse drank it.
Crap, tagfail.
Crackers, of course.
Can you guess my name?
Perhaps. But I am pleased to meet you.
Pup: wash your hands, seal his fate.
What is this, the world’s most boring quiz show?
ewwww…so glad i dropped by for this…GROSS…DO NOT CARRY ON…
You don’t like sweet little kitty cats?
Hey! That last one looked TOO OLD to still be a kitten!
And where was Hillary Clinton when this was taken, mmm, libtards?
Wow. Must have been a rough night. There’s kittens all over the place in here.
Good morning, friends and freaks.
Fuck it. Nuke ’em all.
Fuck it. Nuke ‘em all.
It’s the only way to be sure.
qué chinga
Jeebus fucking keerist !!
Why did all of these troll freaks have to choose my fave Usual Gang of Idiots to shit on ? Don’t they have their own blogs for this garbage ?
I wanna read Pups, WC, DKW, B4, bbkf, tigris, Smut, tsam,Major K etc etc.and they have been crowded out and put off by these ridiculous stunts.
Is there nothing you can do to restore the blog? I appeal to you, Cerb,Provider, Tintin – save our hangout – with extreme prejudice, if necessary.
PS This is really me, really swearing.
The badger hopper is gonna need more badgers.
It is rather annoying Suezboo. It’s like trying to have a conversation when some idiot with a loudspeaker walks up and starts yelling obscenities at you.
I hear you suezboo, and it drives away the lurkers, drive-bys and occasionals that used to make this place more fun. But these are trollz on a mission.
Nobody here cares about your feud with DA, you malignant pustule. Nobody believes your stories about whatever imaginary sins you think he’s committed (which you could link to if they actually occurred, but you know damn well they didn’t). He was an occasional commenter here, and nobody has anything against him. You, on the other hand, have been a fucking plague for years and years. Your florid personality disorder needs professional treatment, probably in an institutional setting.
If you don’t like DA, start your own blog and ban him from it. Trying to close down some third-party blog because he also happens to comment on it occasionally really shows the right-wing bully stereotype to perfect advantage. The racist and homophobic bilge you spew under your sockpuppet nyms (while being so holier-than-thou under your “Dennis” nym) would get you banned from any other blog, but this one has always tried to retain an openness that a sociopath like you is happy to take advantage of. You’ll notice anybody trying to post any contrary opinions on any righty blogs will be banned immediately, while being buried under an avalanche of abuse. See the difference between sane people (us) and right-wing socipaths (you). It’s clear as day.
Let me reemphasize that nobody here cares what sins you think DA has committed. Nobody believes you to begin with, and undoubtedly they wouldn’t be particularly objectionable anywhere but in the wingnut-butthurt-o-verse, where the tiniest contradiction constitutes a crime against humanity. Go the fuck away, you toad!
Dennis, I’m sorry that you think I posted that shit @ 4:00 AM this morning, but please, for your own sanity, get a life outside of berating me for everything bad that’s happened since the 1933 Reichstag fire.
Dennis, this blog would be much improved if you could force yourself to quit shitting on it in the guise of being concerned about the folks who run it and comment here.
Dennis’ smelly ass said,
July 27, 2013 at 18:04
aka Dennis’ D’Anus
I used to be puzzled about McArdle. Her posts sounded like those of the high school valedictorian who knows it all, like the Reese Witherspoon character in Election. She would ramble on with certitude about topics it was obvious she didn’t master. Once I read that, it all made much more sense. No meritocracy could produce such low quality content for this long.
Since Pup has done good stock tutorials here it’s possible that there are lurkers with vats of delicious stock wondering what to do with it. One of my favorites is panade, a French country casserole that combines alliums, bread, rich stock, bitter greens and cheese into a delicious melange.
Chop and saute three large yellow onions in pork fat or olive oil, adding 6 cloves of garlic for the last ten minutes, until golden. Cube pain ordinaire, maybe 5 cups and toss it with some warm stock. Heat more stock, say 4-5 cups to a simmer. Grate cheese, 6 oz total, the most traditional would be aged gruyere but I like a mixture of parmesan and cheddar. For the greens, chard is iconic but many bitter greens can be used, including tatsoi, endive or kale. Steam till tender, press and then shred. In a soufflé dish or casserole layer the ingredients, starting with the onions, then bread cubes, then greens and cheese. Make 2 or three layers of everything. Whatever fresh herbs you have, thyme, parsley should be layered as well, chives are good too, some dry herbes de Provence if you must. Do I need to say that all layers, stock, alliums and greens should be correctly seasoned/salted? Pour the hot stock (it must be very good rich stock, it is the heart of the dish) over all to within an inch of the top. Bake in a slow oven (300F) for 90 to 100 minutes and serve hot. A large salad is the perfect accompaniment. Leftovers can be fried like hash and served with eggs.
Thanks for that link. McArdle is an easy one to take for granted and it’s good to get a refresher on her well-documented vileness.
Oh man, JJ Cale died. I’m crushed.
Whale Chowder said,
July 27, 2013 at 13:15 (kill)
…was not me, for those who had any doubts.
And yeah, loss of JJ Cale among other blues greats lately, is a sad sad thing.
Too much cocaine after midnight?
You have GOT to be kiddin’ me here.
I came all the way back from overseas for THIS tepid trickle of puppy-puke?
Someone owes me a fresh pack of Gitanes, if not a lapdance.
No, I am not “replying” to this adult infant, & no, it’s most decidedly not because they’re oh-so-hardcore.
It’s because I have actual standards … as quaint & anachronistic as that word seems these days.
When I want to bitch-slap an adult infant I’ll just go to CPAC & do it for real, thanks.
Methinks the local Dunning-Kruger workshop/geek-act is about to be summarily cancelled.
I doubt the mods here have very much patience left for this mewling jackhole’s “hey everyone, watch me refill my psychic diaper so you can all be blessed by the aroma of my glorious failure yet again” routine. Plainly the commentariat at large wouldn’t much mind a timely autoerotic-asphyxiation-related mishap to permanently “edit” the ongoing local stream of keyboard-based bilge – & it’s sure easy to see why. Only thing worse than a toxic emo fuckwit is a persistent toxic emo fuckwit.
As with any other bandwidth-parasitic attention-whoring scum elsewhere on the Interwebz, here too the use of a simple moderation delay from submission to posting will royally fuck this goof’s shit up for good … not that I’m making any suggestions or anything. Ain’t enough proxies on Earth to keep the Mighty Banhammer (praise be upon it) off their sad ass once that particular filter snaps on. Oh, & that’d also nix any cutesy spam-redirect pussy-trolling, too.
Those who think threadshitting is awesome need to go & do it IRL at a sports bar.
PS: Whatever happened to premium quality trolling? Back in teh day, yon valiant trolls of yore had the timing, skill & dexterity that could (& did) render even a big site seriously FUBAR for months – or even kill it – with a single comment, sweet & smooth as a stilleto wrapped in silk … now they all frantically crank out their sad little anemic logs of faux-drama for dear life, with the overall long-term net impact of a unicorn fart in a mineshaft. Like putting a bloody Tesla Roadster next to a 1976 Ford Pinto, murrah.
She don’t lie.
He let it all hang out. RIP
Dang, I haven’t made a panade since forever. Need to rectify that real soon. But I did make panzanella the other day. So there’s that.
Today Imma make oxtail soup/stew. With marrow croutons. It will be delicious when it’s ready to eat tomorrow, after a long slow cook and a night in the fridge,
Carrots are a good addition to oxtail stew, just add them in late in the cooking process so that they aren’t mushy when served.
FWIW, I like to use a mix of Gruyere and Emmental Switzerland in panade. The Emmental is savory while the (aged) Gruyere is sharp and salty. Makes a wonderful combo.
Tonight’s dinner be simple, perfectly roasted chicken. I caint hardly think of anything as glorious as a perfectly roasted chicken.
Yes, we don’t roast chickens during the summertime unless it’s early in the morning for the day’s lunch/dinner. Too damn hot otherwise.
Clearly Pup has never seen a perfectly toasted pop tart.
Or some of the pop art I did when toasted.
He let it all hang out. RIP
I remember Clapton changed that line to “let it all hang down.” Did he feel the original didn’t have enough PENIS?
I *may* have misremembered (heh, “member”) the line. Now I hasta look it up.
I’m reminded of when a bunch of Juggalos decided to spam a forum I was reading because the forum members thought they were hilarious/hideous.
Their posts looked like they were slapping the keyboards with their genitals and they were STILL more entertaining than the current crop of troll.
Yes, our cowardly troll is certainly tough with words and on the English language as well.
Daaaaaaamn, troll. U MAD?
Troll meltdown! Red Alert!
With marrow croutons
what the eff is a marrow crouton?
fyi: small town celebrations are intoxicating affairs…
fyi: small town affairs are intoxicating celebrations…
Got a nice amount of wild raspberries on the job this afternoon. May make a tart if I’m ambitious, smoothies if I’m lazy.
There is a mulberry tree right beside the art museum in Dulwich, and Londoners do not seem to know what mulberries are or that they are edible.
[Hides juice-stained hands].
Wow. A small part of me wants to know just what variety of projectile diarrhea our imploding idiot is uncontrollably spewing. A very small part. Much happier with kittens and such, really.
Somebody clearly took all their meds too early in the month.
When I was in Monterey, there were blackberry bushes by the side of the road, if they were somewhere else where there wasn’t a lot of traffic, I would’ve been tempted to eat some of them.
oh great…as if worrying about catching something from mosquitoes isn’t enough, now i have to worry about squirrels?!?! feck…
Re : small town celebrations.
We just had our annual Xmas in Winter weekend. Snow on the mountains, Father Christmas on the fire engine, logfires and traditional Xmas food in all the restaurants, bands and choirs – great fun.
Loads of tourists, too – desperately needed for our economy.
We just had our annual Xmas in Winter weekend.
oh how cool is that? i guess i never thought of yall having actual xmas when it’s your summer…weird, but you know, any excuse to be festive is fine by me…enjoy, and i hope your little shop prospers 🙂
There is a mulberry tree right beside the art museum in Dulwich, and Londoners do not seem to know what mulberries are or that they are edible.
A lot of urbanites aren’t aware of the bounty that’s around them. Hell, you can even eat the ginkgo nuts that stink up so many urban neighborhoods.
We just had our annual Xmas in Winter weekend. Snow on the mountains, Father Christmas on the fire engine, logfires and traditional Xmas food in all the restaurants, bands and choirs – great fun.
I guess it’s usually Father Christmas on the beach, eh?
now i have to worry about squirrels?!?! feck…
If you don’t touch or handle a live critter, and stay away from any tree rat cadavers, you’ll probably avoid infection altogether. The main thing with BP is that it’s an example of a fast-acting infection that use to be common with other infectious agents back before antibiotics were discovered. They treat it with the same stuff they were handing out after the anthrax attacks, if you get some within 2-3 days after acute symptoms appear, you’ll probably live.
You’re probably more likely to run into some animal with rabies, or, with rabbits, tularemia. The latter f*cked up a lot of German soldiers during the Battle of Stalingrad because of their habit of ‘fluffing up’ any hay they were to sleep/rest on, which produced tiny airborne particles containing live bacteria which were highly infectious.
And the Wiki, as usual, mixes the true and bizarre in one sentence on this topic.
Am I considered a troll?
Damn, that’s the title I should’ve used!
FAILURE ARTIST!(Smacks himself on the head)
I think that’s a really shitty title.
A lot of urbanites aren’t aware
Copy that.
now i have to worry about squirrels?
A squirrel is just a rat with a good PR man.
Cityfolk don’t know either that (gray) squirrels are not only edible they’s downright tasty. I had et a fair number of ’em. They do not taste like chicken. Nor do they taste like lagomorphs which fluffy little adorable beasts I also enjoyed killing and eating, in days gone by. My favorite small game would be, of course, woodcock.
Also for bbkf, marrow croutons am just little chunks of marrow. Beef marrow in my experience. You can be all fancy with soaking overnight in several changes of salted water, you can bread them, you can … For oxtail soup I don’t bother with the fancies.
Teh Ho, who I usually ban from the kitchen, took pity on me because I have a couple broken ribs and did me proud today by making a lovely brunch of bacon, hash browns with onion and bell pepper, and shirred eggs. The eggs were baked on a bed of creamed spinach. His culinary skills are much improved of late.
Marrow is difficult, it oxidizes easily and picks up airborne flavors fast. If you know a good butcher or are cutting beef critters yourself it can be a super special luxury. Run the long leg bones lengthwise through a band saw,pass them under a broiler then scoop the marrow, salted, onto dark rye or pumpernickel toast.
Now, that’s a good title for a crime novel, “Fuck off, DA”.
Here it is:
I look forward to seeing you there.
Irony: not nearly as dead as originally reported after all.
Yeah, I thought to bring the PSoB out of sabbatical this morning – & his big fat comment was summarily voided, whether by mods or serendipity is academic.
PROTIP: The local attention-whores want you to post as many replies as possible so you can help them to threadshit.
Said saintly apparition also noted that a simple moderation queue would shut this ongoing stream of bandwidth-wasting infantile faux-drama gibberish off before any of it ever saw the light of day. A point to ponder.
I have a couple broken ribs
And just how did you manage to do that?
As I’ve stated before, there are a number of commentators here who could be trusted to moderate threads and throw out the trolls as needed. Any volunteers?
You say that like it’s a BAD thing!
Oops, I mean “kittens.”
Halliburton™ – Putting The Fun Back Into Crime!
Any volunteers?
I enjoy finger-wrestling with FYWP roughly 0.0003% as much as I enjoy a hangnail.
Also I’m a cyber-schnook, as demonstrated with ugly detail in my blog archives.
That said, I’d be fine with Tuesdays &/or Wednesdays.
Plus I bet I could craft the odd snarky post to boot, heh, indeedy-doodle.
Who’s a big scawwy nasty Interwebs-Tough-Kitty twoll?
Who is?
WHO is???
Attention please:
“Cockrub Warriors of Mars” gets MSTed
(Sadly, the author gets horrific tagfail halfway through, and the first half of the text is repeated in full failure mode.)
Re: Ms McAddled has a degree
“By channeling the dumbest doofus who ever graduated from a 4-year institution in this country.”
I won’t believe it until she produces her “long-form” transcripts.
Give jim the keys!
(Sadly, the author gets horrific tagfail halfway through, and the first half of the text is repeated in full failure mode.)
Or full VICTORY mode!!!
New post up.
Most people will get pipe (marrow) bones frozen. You can si,ply roast the bobes. You all DO have marrow forks, yes? http://i.imgur.com/E5dS4.jpg
Megan sez:
Her blog comes with a “not intended to be a factual statement” warning in the ‘About …’ section. What else did we expect from Megan ‘Noisy and Uncertain’ McArdle?