Apparently Shooting Unarmed Children Isn’t Even Manslaughter

Our Justice System is totally not broken, what are you talking about?

Shorter Zimmerman Trial Jury:

  • Shooting a nigger kid is always legal, no matter what the damn law, facts, or reality says. P.S. Racism? What racism? I mean, it’s not like we’re still lynchi-EEE anyway, look over there.

Fuck. The. World.

Fuck America. Fuck our broken Justice System. Fuck the whole pox-ridden limp-dick state that could have possibly engineered the near constant stream of fail that has characterized the Zimmerman trial on every level. Fuck every wingnut who is going to be cheering this on for weeks as a personal validation of every id impulse they’ve ever had. Fuck our toxic masculinity gun culture and the way its erosion of rights have conspired to invent a means to turn LYNCHING into America’s Favorite Legal Pastime. Fuck the vile soulless husk masquerading as Florida’s Attorney General and her nonexistent rationale for why this even masquerades as something other than a travesty of justice. Fuck the Defense Attorney and his slimy opportunist bullshit. Fuck the Florida Police Department and its attempts to cover this shit up. Fuck the news organizations who were forced by protesters to even pay attention and chose to do so in the most sensationally racist fashion possible. Fuck the trial for making the machinations surrounding Manning’s trial look dignified. And Fuck Zimmerman, most of all, hood-wearing, child-murdering fuck who counted on the law letting him getting away with stalking and murdering a kid just because he was black.

Fuck me for still having the ability to be shocked and appalled by bullshit like this.

Fuck everything, because maybe in the empty embrace of sweating heaving bodies, maybe we can forget for one solitary second what this represents for our country and our society and how far we still have to come to fix ANYTHING worth mattering.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 142


The fact is, I am enjoying this liberal freakout. I hope those blacks realize that rioting now is not a form of free speech. In my neigborhood we will keep them out. America is beautiful.


“Apparently Shooting Unarmed Children Isn’t Even Manslaughter As Long As You Choose The Right Ones To Hunt Down

“Improved” that for you.

Watch your six, kids – it’s stupid out there.


Good god, not even manslaughter. But I expected as much, given the state of the law in Florida.

I think some ways the tide is turning in my lifetime, but on the other hand, the more I pay attention the more it seems like a dark age squared right here in what my people imagine is the center of the universe. And if reality smacks then down too fast and too soon, they’ll go fascist like this poor planet and its people have never seen, just as we’re scrambling to pick up some pieces.

Anyhow. One reason I’m around here alot is that the wife’s out of the country for some time. Last couple nights I got around to watching Brokeback Mountain. It’s a helluva movie. I avoid dramas because only the best are worth my time. I get enough drama in real life. But this one’s drawing me in. Got 40 mins. left.


But thank “insert deity here” that this woman is safely behind bars


Let’s try this again – link damnit


Link’s broke, arannymint, but I know who you mean.


Shoulda known you’d notice — ah well, now we have two angles.


The fact is, I am grateful that O.J. is applauding the verdict.


Florida is definitely off my list of possible vacation destinations. As near as I can tell, it’s pretty much open season on anyone – if you’re smart enough to tell a good story and stay away from surveillance cameras.

If I were a hitman, I’d lure my victim into a parking garage, yell out their name, shoot the victim as they turned around, and claim that the victim spun around quickly and I thought they were armed, so I shot first.


I feel the same way as Cerb. This is the pathetic travesty of justice. And fuck every last one of these goddamn trolls, whose sociopathic gloatings only re-enforce my desire to put every Republican’s head on the spike.


Sorry, forgot to explain what “dissed” meant (that was the reason for the asterisk.)

“Dissed” is African American slang for “disrespected.” It is a proximate casue of a huge proportion of black initiated violence. In this case, the hoodlum attacked someone he thought he could easily physically overpower. The hoodlum had punched bus drivers and others he thought he could intimidate.

This time, though, it was different. His victim was armed. Game over, hoodlum. Special thanks to the Martin family for pursuing this and making sure everyone knew exactly what a useless thug Trayvon was.

And look, guys, I really am enjoying your outrage, but it seems a bit unfair. The facts are so obvious here that I’m wondering if you just enjoy — ah to heck with it! This is too delightful a day to look too closely at it.


Wow. Whitesplaining.


You might not be the regular troll, but fuck it, you picked the wrong damn thread to gloat on. Bye.


The prosecution deliberately threw the case. They deserve their share of the blame.


Unfortunately I thought the SOB would walk. At least I hope the family hits him with a wrongful death suit big enough to be sure that motherfucker is scrounging for handouts the rest of his life.

I hope no one riots, it plays right into their hands.

Quiet rage.


Someone on another blog posted something about “why are the wingnuts SO invested in this guy?” Why do they see him as a hero?


Why do they see him as a hero?

He used his righteous bang-bang to kill a blah. AND GOT OFF.


… and isn’t that what most wingers desire more than anything in the world? To “defend” themselves against some swarthy sub-human, using a big penis substitute?


So far my FB feed is running 17-1 in favor of outrage, the exception being a smug yuppie banjo player.


JP, I think you nailed it.

Fucking Bronson wannabees.


Last couple nights I got around to watching Brokeback Mountain. It’s a helluva movie. I avoid dramas because only the best are worth my time. I get enough drama in real life. But this one’s drawing me in. Got 40 mins. left.

I think you’d really like Brokeback Snake Mountain.


Florida is definitely off my list of possible vacation destinations. As near as I can tell, it’s pretty much open season on anyone – if you’re smart enough to tell a good story and stay away from surveillance cameras.

Yeah, it’s like Kandahar West.


These assholes always get away.


These assholes always get away.



I was fearing Zimmerman would walk because of a mistrial when the jury deadlocked on what charges to convict on, but son of a bitch.


Gah, you just know that Zimmerman is going to be next year’s CPAC keynote speaker.


Even the smug banjoist’s friends are beating him up. I don’t think this is a win for the NRA.


To my nasty, suspicious mind, it looks like the prosecution set itself up to fail, choosing the practically impossible to prove beyond a reasonable doubt (given it’s Florida, the jury pool, it’s Florida, etc) 2nd degree charge as it did. It’s almost as if they didn’t really want to even arrest Zimmerman, never mind actually prosecute him for anything. It’s not as if he did anything particularly wrong or anything.

I only hope this might provide a way for Ms. Alexander to get some justice, what with the increased exposure to her travesty of justice and all.

And yeah. Florida is on my list of places not to go, not even to change planes.


I guess the trollz are enjoying the sleep of the righteous. Whew.


I guess the trollz are enjoying the sleep of the righteous. Whew.

Nah, their hands are cramped from all the masturbating.


He or his dad are shoe-ins for CPAC. On the bright side, maybe Fox News won’t hire them. They strike me as the types who’d drop the N-bomb on the air. Their legal team, however, is all but guaranteed to become Fox’s new legal commenters. 🙁


Well that’s depressing. I guess Martin needed to be armed so he could Stand his Ground.

Godless Liberal

#nojustice – they let that prick go for stalking, shooting and killing an innocent teenager just because he was black, then threw this black woman – – in jail for 20 years because she fired a warning shot – fuck you Florida – never, ever going to visit you again.


fuck you Florida – never, ever going to visit you again.

I think this is the best tack to take. Hit them in the pocketbook, they depend on tourist dollars. Write to “Disney”, ask their P.R. department if your family would be safe travelling through the lead-laden skies of the Florida to get to the Magic Kingdom.


Florida is definitely off my list of possible vacation destinations

Unfortunately, I have to live there. For now. So, not an option for me. Still, Miami ain’t quite Cracker Central.

Unfortunately I thought the SOB would walk

I didn’t. I expected him to get a strongly reduced sentence compared to what he deserved but I didn’t expect nothing – manslaughter would’ve been a nice way out. Suppose it’s another testament to how us white liberals who grew up decades after civil rights can never fully process just how racist this country is. (People my dad’s age, who remember the process, have no such delusions).

Someone on another blog posted something about “why are the wingnuts SO invested in this guy?” Why do they see him as a hero?

Because when liberals correctly pointed out that this shooting was living proof of how fucked up the Stand Your Ground law was for essentially legalizing murder, every bottom feeder who lives his whole life fantasizing about doing what Zimmerman did crawled out of the woodwork to defend their right to do it.

So far my FB feed is running 17-1 in favor of outrage, the exception being a smug yuppie banjo player.

Unfriended a guy tonight after reading “my heart goes out to all the people who will be murdered by thugs looking for revenge tonight.” If nothing else, Facebook is a wonderful detector of just how fucked up people are; they say shit there that they’d never in a million years say in public. And in so doing, help me determine whether or not they’re worth keeping in contact with.


As an addendum, it’s fitting as hell that this comes so soon after the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down sections of the VRA, and all these arguments that “that was a long time ago, the South has evolved since then.” No. No, it hasn’t. It just re-legalized lynching.


Because when liberals correctly pointed out that this shooting was living proof of how fucked up the Stand Your Ground law was for essentially legalizing murder, every bottom feeder who lives his whole life fantasizing about doing what Zimmerman did crawled out of the woodwork to defend their right to do it.

Zimmerman lived the dream. Neal Boortz pretty much gave the game away a year before Martin was shot.

Bozo the Cocksucker

I had to wake up to this bullshit. Fuck everything in the entire fucking universe to death.


Fuck everything in the entire fucking universe to death.

I tried, but I’m just one man.

Lurking Canadian

Coming out of semi-retirement to say, fuck I can’t believe this. Digby made the excellent point today that at least Zimmerman should be as guilty as somebody who gets behind the wheel drunk and kills somebody else.

Stalk and kill an unarmed kid. And get away with it. Fuck.


Oh. Okay. So if a scared kid pokes me in the nose, I can shoot him to death and get away with it. Got it.


I’m sorry, guys. This is just beyond awful. And here I thought we had already reached Peak Wingnut. Only today, I guess.


Nope, racist asshole, justice was shafted in the ass yesterday.

American Patriot

Instead of rioting, people should start resisting taxes from now as a form of protesting this racist justice system. Why? Because we clearly have a case of “taxation without representation.” Plus, having people get arrested/arrested for this form of civil disobedience would send a stronger message anyway.


The reasons you outline are exactly why justice wasn’t served.


I’m out of snark today, folks.

American Patriot

“That has little to do with justice not being served.”

If there’s anything that this case proves, it’s the possibility that Stand Your Ground laws could be abused by racist individuals to kill with impunity. After all, as long as there’s reasonable doubt, they could always claim self-defense.

“I’ve been wronged by this verdict, so I shouldn’t have to pay into a system that I ultimately benefit from if I can establish that I’ve suffered from a jury decision that has nothing to do with me other than personal interest.”

Personal interest? This is a matter of life and death. How is the system ever going to benefit people who could be arrested for simply Breathing While Black?


Florida needs to have a boycott same magnitude as Arizona if not large. I have just cancelled my vacation to Disney world/ magic Kingdom.. We as Black people sat and allowed the state to preside over this case. When they allowed a jury of 4 white woman , one Hispanic (not white Hispanic but Black just to say there was a so called black on jury). Also 4 of the woman had experience in carrying guns, as well as the female prosecutor who said just this morning that she believed in the right to carry arms…What!!!…We have lots of work to do. Instead of being distracted by bull shit music and other distractors mothers start educating your children at home and discussing with them about…this broken racist systems.


Stand Your Ground had nothing to do with this case-the defence never raised the issue. The result would have been the same in any State of the Union


If you don’t know what happened because of scant evidence for your very own contrived narrative

We know that Zimmerman was requested to stay in his vehicle.

We know that he went up to Martin even though Martin was doing nothing remotely illegal by walking where he was.

We know that the confrontation resulted in Martin’s death.

So, yeah, tell me that I don’t know what happened.


I don’t see Mr. Zimmerman living long and prospering, for some reason.


“I’m waiting for Fox to end up hiring Zimmerman after all of the cheerleading they’ve done for him since this case gained national attention. Maybe he can be Hannity’s new sidekick. Or maybe they’ll bring him in as a specialist on race relations alongside of Mark Fuhrman.”
–Fox Blames President Obama for Zimmerman Verdict


I don’t see Mr. Zimmerman living long and prospering, for some reason.

Not if he keeps eating his defense attorneys.


Is this dude the same Gay Patriot that gets roasted here regularly? I found his pathetic ass here, gloating over the verdict.


What the fuck. Lester Chambers’ son reported that his father was assaulted on stage at The Russell City Hayward Blues Festival by “a crazed woman” after he dedicated “People Get Ready” to Trayvon Martin.


Hi it’s still me!

Poor Cerebrus, your tender feelings can’t take the fact that justice prevailed here. I expect this IP address to be banned next, which is laughable (and the reason you think no one disagrees with you). Until then, just remember:

The only real fact in this case is that Travyon felt “disrespected” by George and thus felt free to ambush and assault him. Whoops, sorry homie, the softie you thought you could beat on was armed and defended himself.

Everything else is noise. Enjoy! I know I am!!


At TPM a reader who claims to be a lawyer told Josh Marshall he doesn’t see who Zimmerman can claim self-defense without testifying! That guy passed his bar exam by dint, no doubt, of local ordinances inscribed on his shirt-cuffs.
I mean, Zimmerman didn’t need to testify! All he had to do was sit there, .and his skin testified in his behalf.


“He’d be no less safe and no less hated had he been convicted of murder and sent to prison”

Yes, leading the prison branch of the Ayran Brotherhood is a risky job…. Oh whoops, I guess Zimmerman couldn’t get in to the Ayran Brotherhood, on account of his obstinate non-salvation.


“The only real fact in this case is that Travyon felt “disrespected” by George and thus felt free to ambush and assault him. Whoops, sorry homie, the softie you thought you could beat on was armed and defended himself.”
I marvel at your ability to know what Travyon felt. I envy you psychic abilities. However, your lack of knowledge between assault and battery leaves a little to be desired.


Yes. justice. It wasn’t Zimmerman on trial; it was Martin. And he was found guilty of daring to stand his ground while wearing the wrong wardrobe.


Hi Paul,

The evidence was pretty clear at the trial. Travyon called his friend and made clear his intent to confront the white man who disrepected him. He wanted to practice on him (like when he punched a bus driver) and – oops – the man defended himself.

Face it, not guilty.

And the implications are clear. The next time some homey wants to up his street credibility by attacking someone, he may think twice. That’s a good result, folks. No reason to weep all over the internets.

Plus, Trayvon has no future victims. His clear career path (drugs, burglary, assault) would have seen him put on trial later anyway. Special thanks to the Martin / whatever his mother’s name was family for bringing this all to everyone’s attention.

Really, this is win-win all around. Delete my comments if you wish, delicate flowers that you are, this is what most normal people think but are too afraid to say in public.

Great day!!


If there’s anything that this case proves, it’s the possibilitycertainty that Stand Your Ground laws could be abused by racist individuals to kill with impunity. After all, as long as there’s reasonable doubt, they could always claim self-defense.


I think this very kind of situation was brought up when these laws started popping up.

I want that time machine hurried up, so all these bozos working to make the rest of us live in the 19th century can be sent back there themselves.

Bozo the Cocksucker

detonate the entire continental united states

also alaska


Nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


There seems to be a generally accepted idea that the possibility of someone beating you up/taking your stuff is good and sufficient reason to escalate to deadly violence.

To me, anyone choosing to carry a loaded gun with them whose job does not require it (and some who do) has decided that their stuff is worth more than someone else’s life.


BTW, even under Florida law this was a misuse of the self-defense defense.

Helmut Monotreme

I don’t see Mr. Zimmerman living long and prospering, for some reason.

Even if he spends the rest of his life in the reddest of red states, he’s still George Zimmerman. He’s a wannabe cop with serious anger problems, serious violence problems, and nowhere near enough self control who regularly carries a loaded firearm. He will not die at 90 in his bed, surrounded by his loved ones. He doesn’t have the sense to put down that fucking gun and get some help before he kills someone else.


detonate the entire continental united states

When youre ready let me know. I know a nice boat but it’s a half hour away.


Things are gonna be really awkward next time Zimmerman gets together with his black friends.


BTW, even under Florida law this was a misuse of the self-defense defense.

Obviously, we don’t have the special glasses (not enough boxtops?) to show us that this was precisely the purpose for which that law was written. Marissa Alexander (12 minutes to a 20 year conviction) did not realize that she, doubly tainted as black and a wife, had no such “stand your ground” rights, even if she deliberately pointed the gun away from her abusive husband, as said husband testified. I’m gonna go out on a limb here and guess the husband is also black, and therefore not worth listening to. Welcome to “post racial” America, remarkably like the old one.


Even if he spends the rest of his life in the reddest of red states, he’s still George Zimmerman. He’s a wannabe cop with serious anger problems, serious violence problems, and nowhere near enough self control who regularly carries a loaded firearm. He will not die at 90 in his bed, surrounded by his loved ones. He doesn’t have the sense to put down that fucking gun and get some help before he kills someone else.

I can see him ending up in the Gaius Baltar dilemma. Absorbed, post-acquittal, into a cult he grows quite quickly to detest.

Somehow, I doubt it’ll end with him strolling the prehistoric African savannah, though.


Justice !

Eventually, sure.


“He wanted to practice on him (like when he punched a bus driver) and – oops – the man defended himself.’
I so tired of hearing this. He didn’t “defend himself, ” he shot the kid dead. Lethal self-defense claim is based on what a reasonable person would consider life threatening, not just what Zimmerman thought. I find it simply not creditable that someone the size of Zimmerman had his life in jeopardy from a punch in the nose and a throw-down, I live in heavily armed redneck Oklahoma where I’ve witnessed many a bloody, bloody bar brawl in my day, and none of the combatants I ever saw drew a gun . They usually all got together the next morning, nursing handovers and bragging about how bruised they were. What’s with the rightwingers these days? ..buncha goddamn pussies..”oooo he hurt me. I had to shoot him.”
I’m also tired of hearing about how we’re going back to the Wild West.
Sorry, we’re more wild. Claims of self-defense from gunplay had to be brought before a board of inquiry of a judge; they weren’t just simply accepted by the local law enforcement.


nothing worth repeating.


Everyone should read this book: American Frankenstein – How the United States Created a Monster! It explains it all!.


Civil suit. Take all this creep’s wingnut money and put him out on the street.


And the implications are clear. The next time some homey wants to up his street credibility by attacking someone, he may think twice. That’s a good result, folks. No reason to weep all over the internets.

Actually, the implications are clear. Homies gotta walk around strapped because you never know when some wack cracker’s gonna stalk you with lethal intent and the only logical response is to Stand Your Ground.

Enjoy your escalation!


I don’t believe in justice, obviously.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

So the jury wasn’t allowed to see the tapes from the night of the murder where Zimmerman didn’t have a mark on him? It was only when he started making up this ridiculous story of Trayvon “beating him up” that all these “injuries” miraculously appeared.


I have no real life, can you tell?


Can FYWP filter by the user’s URL? I recommend using that, if possible.


I have some experience with BuddyPress over WordPress, if anyone wants to consult on a solution.


This case certainly sends a clear message to black Floridians. Arm yourselves. And if you see Zimmerman, stand your ground.


Black Woman In Florida Marissa Alexander Gets 20 Years For Firing Warning

Shoot a wall, you get 20 years. Shoot a black kid, you get a walk.
I only been to Florida once. That’s enough.


And the implications are clear. The next time some homey wants to up his street credibility by attacking someone, he may think twice. That’s a good result, folks. No reason to weep all over the internets.

Plus, Trayvon has no future victims. His clear career path (drugs, burglary, assault) would have seen him put on trial later anyway. Special thanks to the Martin / whatever his mother’s name was family for bringing this all to everyone’s attention.

Holy fuck, I get this rationale now! These fucking psychotic wingnuts are brilliant!

Adam Lanza was standing his ground at Sandy Hook Elementary School! Why, those evil little grade-school thugs were armed with pencils, for fuck’s sake! What choice did Lanza have but to shoot every one of those little potential villains and their highly lethal pointy pencils?! Some of those privileged brats might have grown up to be shady Wall Street traders! Or worse, just plain snobs. Kill ’em all! Snort! Spit!



Yep, folks, saying justice wasn’t served=saying Zimmerman should die.

After all, when has Sadly, No!s’ premiere troll ever been wrong about anything?


That’s no way to talk about yourself and the other troll, BA. I suggest you get some psychological help before you start harming yourself.



Fit li’l fuckers, too.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Jesus, I cannot live in a country where assholes like this fucking troll think JUSTICE!!! was done when a pathetic pants-pissing cop wannabe decides he’s going to kill himself a nigger, picks out an unarmed teenage boy, stalks, chases down, and murders him in cold blood—AND GETS OFF!

Hey asshole: The “self defense” crap is just that! THERE WAS NO FIGHT!!!! Zimmerman didn’t have a mark on him the night of the murder! It’s on tape! Deal with that, you festering pustule!


Your solicitude is touching, troll, but somehow I’ll get on with life while your comment will be in the ashheap of history, if you know what I mean, Vern.


I don’t think BA will be coming out to his friends and family, troll. But I don’t think the possibility of self-harm shouldn’t be ruled out, even for someone with the twisted psychology it demonstrates here on an almost daily basis.


All black gods now being fed to badgers, also.


So if a scared kid pokes me in the nose, I can shoot him to death and get away with it.

If a scared kid pokes you in the nose after you’ve been stalking him, even. I can’t get over how this allows the aggressor to claim their final aggression was self-defense that was justified by the actual self-defense of the victim.

He doesn’t have the sense to put down that fucking gun and get some help before he kills someone else.

I fear you may be right.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Hey, troll: deal with the fact that there WAS NO FIGHT!!! There wasn’t a mark on Zimmerman the night of the murder!!!!! He committed premeditated, racially motivated, first degree murder, and GOT OFF!!! JUSTICE!!! My ass!


We’ll see how well that works


Rev. Battleaxe? Meet my friends, the badgers.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

NOT A MARK ON HIM THE NIGHT OF THE MURDER!!!! Asshole! Deal with that FACT, you fucknozzle!



The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Yeah, I know, JP, SIWOTI syndrome strikes again. My excuse is even though I’m 3000 miles away from East Harlem, it’s fucking hot!


I’m sorry, what I meant to say was that I have nothing further to contribute on the subject.

JP, goodby and thanks for all the fish.


Even if he spends the rest of his life in the reddest of red states, he’s still George Zimmerman. He’s a wannabe cop with serious anger problems, serious violence problems, and nowhere near enough self control who regularly carries a loaded firearm.

He’ll probably move to Phoenix and become a boil on Joe Arpaio’s ass. He’ll be the brown face of anti-Latino sentiment (he apparently has a history of disparaging Mexicans, as well as a history of beating up women, hitting a cop, and killing a black teen).


All black gods now being fed to badgers, also.

What an inversion! The animals are usually sacrificed to the gods.


What an inversion! The animals are usually sacrificed to the gods.

Heh! All Avengers, all Troll Responders, all references to idiocy that aren’t remotely funny — in the bag with the badgers.


Heh! All Avengers, all Troll Responders, all references to idiocy that aren’t remotely funny — in the bag with the badgers.

He and the troll follow each other around the internet like Captain A-hole and the Great White Fail.


He and the troll follow each other around the internet like Captain A-hole and the Great White Fail.

They can stay in the bag until I get a good behavior report from the committee.


They can stay in the bag until I get a good behavior report from the committee.
Not sure I’d bother waiting. They’re a team.

hells littlest angel

Just another reminder that we don’t live in America, we live in Ignorantmotherfuckerland.


Not sure I’d bother waiting.

What waiting? They’re bagged. Permanent until someone vouches for them. Done, said, finished!

Snark & badgers!

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

They can stay in the bag until I get a good behavior report from the committee.

“Get in the fookin’ sack!”

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

BTW, my apologies for all the troll feeding I did today. It’s a combination of the heat, the outrage, and the despair that anything can redeem this fucking country, as evidenced by…well, you’ve all seen it.


He’ll probably move to Phoenix and become a boil on Joe Arpaio’s ass. He’ll be the brown face of anti-Latino sentiment (he apparently has a history of disparaging Mexicans, as well as a history of beating up women, hitting a cop, and killing a black teen).

Hey, he can be the next Charles Coughlin.

“I’m Irish. You’re WASPs. I’m Catholic. You’re Protestants. But deep down, we both hate Jews, and deep down, we both hate blacks! Let us set aside our differences and join together in order to hate those who are different!”


Believe me, Rev Axe, I understand completely. It was only the assumption that The Authentic Fuckwad was already in the bag with Gwawl mab Clud that prevented me telling it, “Sir, madam or Fido, with every iota of respect that it is actually possible for you to be due: please eat all the shit in the world and die in a penis fire.” Even with that knowledge, it’s damn cathartic to say it.


eat all the shit in the world and die in a penis fire

Me new favorite phrase.


my apologies

I knew you’d hate it in the bag. 😉


What waiting?
…until someone vouches for them.

Badgers forever.
FSM itself could deify them and they’ll keep right on dancin’.


Hamsters dance.

Badgers do calisthenics.


eat all the shit in the world and die in a penis fire

Oooooh! I like it! It has a certain ring to it.


Florida Nazis.

I hate Florida Nazis.


The big picture being ugly as fuck, wingnuts are clinging to flotsam and jetsam in defending this verdict.

One fig leaf I’ve seen at several places today can be summarized as “the police dispatcher had no authority to tell Zimmerman not to follow Trayvon Martin.” Fine, but does anyone believe any PD wants Zimmerman types to push the envelope?… Zimmerman’s legal team was powerless to compel him, too — yet he obeyed when it suited him.

A variant: in April, the Daily Caller played games with the transcript. In this gossamer-thin argument, the recording shows that Zimmerman stopped following Trayvon shortly after being told not to. Zimmerman replied “OK,” stopped breathing heavily into his phone, and stated that he’d momentarily lost his quarry — we’re to believe this proves that Trayvon had flipped the script and began stalking Zimmerman.

Whatever. The big moral picture is damning for Zimmerman and Wingnuttia. We are all long-since aware that the legal system often results in travesties of justice. It is not just imperfect, but purposefully structured against the poor, minorities, etc. Jerking off with technicalities and pseudo-technicalities (“the feds can’t pursue a civil case, that’s double jeopardy”) just squanders their hand. The verdict’s defenders are reduced to straight-faced absurdities and haven’t the sense to play straight and calm. They’re fucking celebrating, starting with O’Mara. But what’s new … start shoring up your threadbare myth, because you’re alternate reality depends on it now, much like your bizarro world civil war, & c. & c.


What we are dealing with here is a perfect sociopath, a lynching machine. It’s really a miracle of evolution. All this machine does is troll and lynch and make little sociopaths, and that’s all.


If I’d shot someone every time in my life I took a punch – the streets would be littered with corpses.


Florida is definitely off my list of possible vacation destinations…

I hope hope hope to God the rest of the World (all those Europeans & Asians who visit Disneyworld) decides to shun Florida, too.


Badgers do calisthenics.

I am sooo out of shape.


Got nothin’ funny to say about this, sadly – can’t believe it, don’t want to believe it.

Florida is Loony Central…


Beauty is skin-deep, stupidity goes all the way to the bone.


Florida is Loony Central…

Cock Codgers in the 21st-and-a-half Centuryyyyy!!!


Well, in case UNE is listening… ya gotta know I’m all about being part of the solution, and wasn’t intending to be critical (on Cerb’s thread, even). 😉 If y’all wanna schedule another G+ hangout, I will do my best to participate, but last-minute, I’m as likely to be in bed ’cause I’m old and get worked like a dog, some days. 🙂


So Martin doesn’t get to stand his ground. Martin’s admission of doing so apparently clears his murderer of any wrongdoing.

So I guess you don’t have the right to stand your ground, do you?


Martin exceeded the maximum allowed melanin limit imposed by the law.


The Granite Countertops made this today. (Much more fun than feeding trolls.)

Rainy Night In Florida.


(For values of “fun” including “enraged catharsis”)


Nude post.


Florida is definitely off my list of possible vacation destinations…

I hope hope hope to God the rest of the World (all those Europeans & Asians who visit Disneyworld) decides to shun Florida, too.

For this European the entire US is off the menu. Too many asshats with guns


“He’s a wannabe cop with serious anger problems, serious violence problems, and nowhere near enough self control who regularly carries a loaded firearm.”

Stop shoving, ladies! Stop all that pushing! Please, take a number, and you’ll all get your turn. We understand a real man like Zimmerman doesn’t come along every day, but still, mind your manners!


Bravo. Other than the fact that I have to live here in Florida and deal with the ignorant yahoos like that first guy who commented, I have nothing to add to what you said.


It was first degree murder the day Zimmy got his gun and the concealed carry permit and dreamed of the day he could use it to off someone, preferably a blackity black walking somewhere whites didnt want him to. That’s guaranteed to get away with it.

What did you tell your children?

Ask al sharpton and joan Walsh to google roderick Scott.

Go ahead, I’ll wait.

What I tell my children

I’m a jackass.


[…] known as 2 days before… perspective. Which, yes, that statement would be considered ludicrous on any day of the week with even the […]


Welcome to Hell…


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