Where Assholes Dare
And if this was the way he chose to live his life, we’d have so many fewer issues with this unrepentant piece of shit.
Neal Boortz: Asshole for Hire, Clownhall:
So yeah, there was a plane crash in my neck of the woods, killed two people, injured more. Now, you or I or someone with a rudimentary understanding of basic human decency and a functional sense of empathy, might react to such a tragedy with concern, shock, or sadness. One of those fleeting type human emotions that we filthy “caring about other people” liberal-type people infect ourselves with on a regular basis.
So when it came time for Neal Boo-rtz, narcissist and low-functioning sociopath, to react to the crash, he knew that such vile hippie-claptrap wasn’t for him. Instead, he chose a different tack.
Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):
- Goddamn liberals. It’s all their fault I ended up noticing that Fox News sucks. And it’s all their fault that I can’t stop watching. And it’s all their fault I ranted like the asshole that I am on Twitter.
But Cerberus, you say, how the fuck does any of that follow from a runway crash of an Asiana Air flight?
And to you, dear reader, I say:
You had to ask, didn’t you?
You just HAD to ask! Sigh… Our story begins-
OK … I’ll admit it. I did get a little testy on Twitter (@Talkmaster) Saturday afternoon while watching coverage of the crash landing of that Asiana 777 in San Francisco. There’s an explanation.
I am an immense asshole, he continued with unprecedented honesty. I mean, did you see the tweets the following day where I fumed about people acknowledging that Trayvon Martin was only 17 years old when he was stalked and gunned down by an unrepentant fuck or where I whined about how exercise better be magic, because I could have slept in otherwise or where I “joked” about buying my 4-year-old granddaughter a Mercedes as a transparent means to brag about what penis-compensating car I drive? I mean, seriously, being a narcissistic asshole on twitter and in real life is kind of my general shtick.
My first hint at a problem at SFO was a video a follower sent me of the smoke from the burning aircraft. I immediately went to the usual sites on the Internet and TV to see what was going on. Nothing. Nobody had a clue.
WAAAAH! Instant news gratification wasn’t met! WAAAH! I didn’t get what I WANT! WAAAAH!
Sigh… And these are the fuckers penning endless articles about how the bitchy Millennials are always expecting instant payouts on things like “jobs” or “ability to actually pay off the crippling student loan debt they are saddled with and expected to be able to keep up with instantaneously despite our economy being in the shitter”…
Twitter beat out the big boys.
Yes. That’s how it works.
If you’re looking for raw speed, then nothing, simply nothing is going to be faster than the raw crowdsourcing power of the collected half thoughts of a million random bystanders. Tweets about Earthquakes have managed to speed past actual Earthquakes. There’s nothing, and I do mean nothing that our 24/7 cable news cycle can do to beat the sheer response time of Twitter.
Now if you want to argue that this reveals rather starkly the farce that is our endless cable news cycle, which regularly sacrifices either ability to quickly respond, provide meaningful analysis, or even cover more raw news stories than traditional once a day TV news programming, then yes, please, let’s have that conversation.
But if you’re crying foul because the very service designed to allow people instantaneous communication of important events beat out a service that theoretically is supposed to take the time to do a rudimentary investigation and writing of a story before it can go on air, then, well… get used to disappointment is all I can say to that.
Eventually, though, the coverage started to break on CNN and Fox News.
Also, just want to take a moment and bookmark this whole “WAAHHH! Twitter was faster!” whine as I strongly suspect that it’s about to become retroactively hilarious.
I chose Fox. This was the only way I could be assured that Piers Morgan wasn’t going to be part of the coverage.
Piers Morgan made Tribesman Alex Jones look like the psychotic moron he was! BAD PIERS MORGAN! We HATE now! Grr! Piers Morgan no more Tribesman! Must complete trial of thousand hot volcanic rocks to be welcomed back to Tribe!
Right off the bat it became clear that Fox was relying on reports from people who barely new the difference between a DC7 and a 777. The errors and impossibilities in the reporting were laughable,
Fox News not being able to get basic facts of a story right? IT’S UNPOSSIBLE!
so I switched to CNN. Not much better there … and loyalties are loyalties … so it was back to Fox.
I don’t quite know what to say here. I mean, we’ve made a thousand jokes about wingnuts operating like a wingnut’s understanding of ancient tribal culture, but… I didn’t quite expect them to just blatantly admit that they only do something because “Grog must! For tribe!” Next he’ll be blatantly revealing the rather obvious fact that wingnuts only do most of the things they do because they think it’ll piss off a liberal somewhere-
We need Fox News. Oh, I know Fox drives the proggies nuts. They’re so used to having a lock on the principal news outlets that they can scarcely believe there are people out there reporting from a different perspective.
Have I teleported to a magical land where wingnuts have managed to finally grasp SELF-AWARENESS?!? Oh wow! Think of how many problems this will solve! We’ll finally be able to address the severe personality defects surrounding prominent wingnut arguments! Or actually address real problems instead of circling around the same set of fictional bullshit wingnuts cling to in order to distract us from anything real! Oh, oh, we might even be able to resurrect our broken and battered political system in time to stave off the worst of the crises befalling us and-
Without Fox News we never would have known of Obama’s failed gun running program Fast & Furious. Fox News kept us in the loop on Benghazi. While other networks, broadcast and cable, were telling us the story on the IRS scandal was pretty much over, Fox was still revealing new angles; including the fact that the orders to drop the IRS hammer on conservative organizations came from the Obama junta.
Oh… oh… false alarm, everybody…
I… It’ll be okay. I just need a moment alone to… yeah… *snff*
I’m persona non grata on Fox these days.
Wow. I guess we’ve finally got the answer to the question: “How big of an asshole do you have to be that Fox News stops accepting your calls?”
Maybe it was that sports coat I wore on Cavuto. Perhaps they think I was the one who goaded Beckel into dropping that F-bomb. Maybe they didn’t appreciate me telling folks that although Shep Smith is an incredible anchor, he really is quite a jerk in person. Who knows? I’m retired, and I’m fine with it. The makeup made my face break out anyway.
*Snff* I didn’t even want in your stupid club anyways! Meany poopyheads.
But I still watch Fox News (right up until Hubcap O’Reilly at 8:00) and I revel in the way they clobber CNN and annihilate MSNBC in the ratings.
But don’t worry, fellow Tribesmen (and it is always TribesMEN), I am still a giant mark! You need not throw me in the volcano! *Awkward smile*
So here’s the problem. Fox News is attacked constantly by the left because they dare to report what the leftist media won’t. To repel these attacks, Fox News has to work harder than most to retain its reputation for accuracy in news reporting. People who hear absurdities solemnly presented in the coverage of a major aviation story are very likely to lose confidence in the political side of Fox reporting as well.
*Snrk* Yeah, totally, all of us non-wingnuts will totally start losing faith in Fox News’s political coverage if they happen to bring their “stellar” record for fact-based reporting to regular news stories as well. *Snrk* Makes perfect sense, as long as by stellar, you are actually referring to a supernova explosion and by “start” you mean “start mixing some uncontrollable laughter with the sad shakings of the head”.
Just what mistakes did various Fox reporters make this weekend? Well here’s a few:
Okay. So, every single fiber of my body is literally shaking with the urge to vomit as I put these words to the text editor, but… “In defense of Fox News-” Oh, Bob, one sec, I need to rush to the toilet.
Ugh, all right, so yes, in defense of… things… any 24/7 cable news circus is going to be hard-pressed to produce shoddy quick bullshit reporting. Since the endless “news” stations have no interest in actually processing reality and providing in-depth analyses of long-term standing issues in between coverage of actual news events and instead have been trading off their ability to be “faster” than traditional media outlets, they’ve dug their own Internet shaped grave.
Simply put, the internet, specifically services like Twitter and Facebook are going to be “faster” to any given news story, leaving the slower moving 24/7 stations to stagger into the role of being the “accurate” service, a role they are woefully incompetent at. And one they have no space to try and get competent at, because of endless viewers like Neal Boortz who expect that as soon as they hear about a news story on Twitter, they’ll be able to flip on a 24/7 station and receive a more in-depth version of what they are already getting.
Unless any of these star chasers want to accept the fate of being “constantly beat out” to the story, they are locked into a never-ending race they can’t win. To quickly churn out something, anything, based on the half-clear musings of a thousand ignorant bees in the first moments of a tragedy, and thus be left to the mercy of lending their *snrk* “credibility” to said collected ignorance.
Which of course leads to the hilarious cycle that has come to define the 24/7 news cycle where the reporters endlessly report “we’ve heard X, but we have no real news. Tune in soon for more. In the meantime, we’ve heard X, but we have no real news and uh… let’s go to some bloviating assholes to pontificate on what that would mean if it were true.”
Now, that doesn’t at all excuse the 24/7 cycle for creating this race to the bottom in the first place or raising “first to ignorance” to the point of “ideal” for all news services everywhere. And especially not Fox News for using their “victories” in this record as a cudgel to beat other news services into line.
Part of my angst here is surely due to my own personal interest in aviation. I studied aerospace engineering. I’ve been a pilot for about 35 years.
But of course, Neal Boortz, narcissist that he is, is unable to remove himself from his expectation of the world to bend over backwards because he happens to have lucked into money and actually look at this problem and how it has come to affect him on a subject he has, or at least thinks he has, some small amount of knowledge.
I’ve heard liberals like Obama demonize the evil “rich” people who own and fly their own private aircraft, even though the average value of a single-engine piston airplane flying today is less than the cost of a new bass rig.
Yeah, poopyhead Obama knocking on the “evils” of rich people just because they own and fly their own private aircraft to and from their unearned jobs ruining the global economy for tiny short-term gains they pump into useless “show off” luxury items like collecting airplanes or airports while the rest of us struggle in vain just to earn enough to eat until the next paycheck.
What a meanie.
Aviation and the flying public are poorly served by people who know nothing about the subject engaging in wild and mindless speculation when an incident happens. Fox, CNN and the rest of the broadcast media can, and should, do better.
Yes. They should do better.
Not just in random details in initial reporting on plane crashes at major international airports. But in everything. Not cutting to a staff of “he said/he said” know-nothings to “debate how X real problem will affect Y political horse race because that’s the only angle that matters”. Not drowning real news stories in endless reiterations of whatever bullshit Drudge has managed to promote onto the Fox News airwaves. Not aiding the authoritarian forces in our government when they try and eliminate the lifeblood that a free press lives on. Not turning a blind eye to a serious news story because it may make you look “liberal” to some hypothetical octogenarian viewer.
Actually, sitting down and doing real journalism. Like real journalists. Even if that means accepting the label “liberal” from Fox News. Even if it means being last in the scrum to new news stories.
Because our broken system is crying out for such a reliable service. When people are tuning into to comedians and snark blogs for their real news information, it’s a stark and piercing cry for help from a public painfully ill-served.
And when even self-absorbed twits like Neal Boortz are noticing… well, I think we can safely say that things have officially reached critical levels.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Damn reality and its infernal liberal bias. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
*Cause nothing says “earnest pouring of good-will to the victims of this terrible plane crash” like stealing your post title from a fucking comedy.
This guy’s an asshole.
1. Average price of a used single engine plane seems to run about 20-25K. That’ll get you one helluva bass rig.
B. Obama’s been trying to cut tax breaks for private JET owners. Entry level for one of these babies runs around 4-5 million smackers.
III. Did I mention that this guy’s an asshole?
Oh, so Neil Boortz is going to lecture me about aviation now?
Fucking moron.
Oh, I know Fox drives the proggies nuts. They’re so used to having a lock on the principal news outlets that they can scarcely believe there are people out there reporting from a different perspective.
I got yer epistemic closure RIGHT HERE!!!
Oh, I know Fox drives the proggies nuts
Fox News – As fair as a Syrian election. As balanced as Lindsey Lohan on a 3-day bender.
Average price of a used single engine plane seems to run about 20-25K.
It’s not the buying, it’s the keeping. You have to rent hangar space or ramp space. You have to get an annual inspection. The engine has to be overhauled after so many hours of operation $$$. You have to insure it. You have to put expensive avgas in it.
Owning an airplane is a lot more expensive than the 25K purchase price would suggest.
Owning an airplane is a lot more expensive than the 25K purchase price would suggest.
Yeah, Major, I was gonna bring all that in as well, just lazy. Plus I was surprised to find out you can keep a plane in a hangar for “only” 300 bucks a month.
A DC-7, seriously? Fuck, I thought I was old!
The fact is, Fox News is still far more American than the other liberal liars.
CNN can blow me.
Jennifer Rubin can kiss my ass!
The fact is, Fox News is still far more American than the other liberal liars.
Indeed. Vox BATSHIT!!!
But did they know the difference between “new” and “knew”?
Damn you to hell for that phsop. DAMN YOU!
And I can’t even tell what, exactly, he is on about.
In other news Penis!
Damn you to hell for that phsop. DAMN YOU!
It could have been worse, it could have been an actual photo of Boortz in a Speedo.
Here is a few mistakes.
In other news Penis!
I almost said that dude is in the wrong business, but being a hedge fund douche pays alot more than porn stud.
If he intends to go for a stroll, he could throw the limp one over his should along with his blazer.
Hi, Tom.
B4 – Please be quiet. Some of us would like to not puke forever. Thank you.
B4 – Please be quiet. Some of us would like to not puke forever. Thank you.
No way, I’m heavily invested in brain-bleach futures!
We need a troll clean-up too, starting at 14:59
Looks like the man with the hook has been through.
It occurs to me that the word ‘FATuous’ perfectly and succinctly describes Boortz.
Is that Jewish Orthodox underwear he’s attituding in??
People who hear absurdities solemnly presented in the coverage of a major aviation story are very likely to lose confidence in the political side of Fox reporting as well.
Fox fans who hear absurdities solemnly presented on Fox are a) unaware of the absurdity and b) unlikely to ever question anything presented on Fox.
The title of this post fits perfectly with my re-discovered love of Iron Maiden (thx to OBS) so I thought this would be fitting.
The title of this post fits perfectly with my re-discovered love of Iron Maiden (thx to OBS) so I thought this would be fitting.
I’m probably the only person on earth who prefers Bruce Dickinson’s solo work to Iron Maiden’s oeuvre. Yeah, I prefer dumb Bruce to brainy Bruce.
So Boortz just now figured out that reporting of actual events on the 24/7 news networks kinda sucks? Someone’s late to the party.
I’ve been told that CNN used to have a hell of a news machine – best of the age, maybe best ever. Unfortunately, I was a little young to be following the news in the 90’s. By the time I had an interest in world events, it was after 9/11 and Fox News was ascendant. I got news for Boortz – Fox News never had good reporting. Outfoxed has a more in-depth rundown of the CNN-Fox brawl, but here’s the summary: Fox News was an anemic, understaffed organization that was scooped by CNN every time something came up. They didn’t get big by being the best, they got big by being exploitative, inflammatory and, above all, cheap.
That’s the trick, and it’s the reason why things aren’t likely to get better – good reporting just isn’t that profitable. The modern cable networks are amazingly cheap to run because…well, they don’t do anything, do they? CNN has spent the last decade slashing itself to the bone, and it really shows. They don’t have money for anyone but the personalities that draw eyeballs in the first place. It’s why they lean so heavily on dubious online sources. It’s why they steal photographs (though pretty much everyone does this nowadays – CNN’s just more brazen than most). It’s why they close overseas bureaus and essentially stop talking to anyone they can’t reach by phone. All of these things are cheap, and it was fucking Fox that introduced cheapness as a strength in the first place.
So if Boortz has a problem with modern reporting, he should look in the mirror. Honest, quality journalism was sacrificed so that windy assholes like him could have careers.
To repel these attacks, Fox News has to work harder than most to retain its reputation for accuracy in news reporting.
Arguing in court that intentionally falsifying and distorting the news is not legally actionable vis a vis whistleblowers might have been working a little TOO hard.
They didn’t get big by being the best, they got big by being exploitative, inflammatory and, above all, cheap.
Yeah, ever see pictures of Megyn Kelly’s desk? It actually has a cutaway so creepy old guys who haven’t figured out how to download porn can get their spank on.
Here’s a fun game: Take any female personality from Fox News, type her name into the search bar on YouTube along with “legs.” You’ll find dozens of videos, some with six-figure view counts.
There are people out there who are literally masturbating to the news.
Pravda had more shame than Fox News.
good reporting just isn’t that profitable.
It never was. Back in the “only three stations” days the news divisions always ran at a loss. The rest of the programming existed to support it because news was considered a responsibility.
Getting networks to devote 30 minutes to a single broadcast was a struggle at first.
I’m convinced conservatives love Fox News because it shows them the world the way they think it should be.
Tough, square-jawed conservatives smacking down effete liberals while perky blondes cheer them on.
It must fit into their fantasy about being the captain of the high school football team and beating up the nerdy kid from the chess club or something.
I admit I am only familiar with Faux denizens from screen caps, but I can’t think of a single oneI would describe as square jawed. Square JOWLED, maybe…
Square JOWLED, maybe…
And…. we’re back to guanciale!
Square JOWLED, maybe…
but they are still squared jawed in their minds…
No, not noble, but far more entertaining. And photoshopping liberal snark bloggers don’t try to convince others that their photoshops are actual fact.
I, for one, would like to welcome our new noble, photoshopping, liberal, snark-blogging overlords.
At FOX, even when there’s no smacking-down underway, everyone in the tribe speaks with confidence and complete certainty. You can see it in their faces, too (see also).
There’s ample evidence that conservatives fear uncertainty, among other things. And FOX has negative informational value. It’s just psychodrama, like the rest of the right-wing mediaverse. They stoke negative emotion and then soothe same with comforting B.S. right down to the vibes, expressions, attitudes, and tones that convey dominance, power, control, certainty.
It was never brilliant or deep, but it WAS almost all news all the time, and for some reason that’s rare now.
Politics aside, Fox always seems to have this very strident tone in everything down to the little tune that plays on their intro.
“Dun! Dun! Dun! You must listen to this! This is really important!”
It’s like they’re shouting all the time.
I wonder if they insist on closed captions being in ALL CAPS. With !!!!s after each sentence.
It’s not just Fox News. Look at the conservative echo chamber as a whole; tally up the female figures who are not “sexy,” or at least trying to be. Even Pam Gellar and Michelle Malkin are trying, with some success (personal aversions aside).
It’s chauvinistic, objectifying, androcentric. Because to succeed in conservative society, a woman — especially a smart woman — must show that she still knows her place… that she is still a sex object.
And it’s all tacit, unspoken, understood from preadolescence. It doesn’t matter what you say, because the talking points are all predetermined. What matters is how you look saying it.
The right takes pride in having so many “hot” female spokesmen. It’s not an honor at all, though. It reveals their culture of chauvanism.
Hell, I’d take that.
Last time I saw anything on CNN was a little under a year ago. I was at a restaurant with my father, and the television in the bar area was on CNN. Kind of a surprise, since people in that part of the country pretty much watch FNC 24 hours a day, but whatever. At the time, there was one story I’d been following for a while – a territorial dispute between the PRC and Japan that had grown really ugly, but had barely been covered by the Western mainstream press. Right before we went out, I’d been reading all these Pacific Rim commentators, and the general buzz was that a shooting war was a very real possibility.
So I’m sitting in the bar during one of CNN’s alleged hard news segments, thinking “Oh, they have to cover it now.” But no, what did I see? A discussion on whether the iPhone’s map feature was a disappointment. If this were in the privacy of my own home, that would have been interrupted by an unbroken stream of inchoate obscenity.
I, for one, would like to welcome CRA and all weasels to Sadly, No!
in the privacy of my own home, that would have been interrupted by an unbroken stream of inchoate obscenity.
Sounds like my place!
It’s like they’re shouting all the time.
Like? LIKE?!?!
Yeah, I noticed that immediately and thought “there must be some sort of Iron Maiden-related planetary alignment going on right now or something.”
For those interested, there’s a Ute Oob of the Iron Maiden documentary Flight 666 in my latest stale-ass, week-old blahg post.
If anybody happens by my neighborhood this weekend, we WILL have mangoes!
I’m a pilot, too, and he’s wrong about the cost of piston aircraft. A new Cessna 172 will set you back app. $150,000. Of course, perhaps Boortz buys gold-plated basses.
OK, so it’s discriminatory to call Neil Boortz “FATuous,” but since he’s a lawyer, can I call him Fatticus Inch? Because that’s what I like to call fat lawyers. I have yet to tire of it.
I am about fifty pounds overweight, so I think I’d be, like, laffin’ with him.
I’ve heard liberals like Obama demonize the evil “rich” people who own and fly their own private aircraft, even though the average value of a single-engine piston airplane flying today is less than the cost of a new bass rig.
Obama’s not a fucking liberal, he’s a centrist technocrat. A real liberal would grow your hair back just so it could curl it. And nobody demonizes rich people who own planes, but folks shouldn’t get tax breaks for them and they sure as fuck shouldn’t bitch about how paying taxes gets them nothing while they fly from municipal airport to municipal airport. And also too no wonder conservatives always feel ripped off by life, they’re paying airplane prices for fish hooks.
I hesitate to say so, but Neil might be right. He said the average value of a piston engine aircraft is less than that of a new bass rig. What he says is every home-built, every ultralight and every 5th hand 50 year old piper cub out there have an average value of less than the 25 or 30 thousand bucks a new bass boat with the gazillion horsepower mercury marine motor, two live wells, trolling motor fish finding sonar and trailer will set you back. What he implies, that every hard working American who has a house and a car can easily add an airplane, is bullshit. Cessna hasn’t catered to the middle class for a long time. I believe the energy crisis and product liability laws almost killed private aviation for people who aren’t millionaires in the 70s If you aren’t rich, and you want to fly, you better have a garage, some plans, a lot of tools and a few thousand spare hours.
CNN was once much better than it is now. Wolf Blitzer always gave me the fantods, but there was good coverage of a lot of important stories. All the cable news networks had to go “all young, blond, missing white women all the time” after 9/11 to divert people’s attention from Bush’s lying runup to his Iraq invasion, and it’s been that way ever since.
I’ve told this story before, but on 9/11, I was kind of disoriented, of course, and I’d turn on CNN and let it go for a while, and then I’d say “Aaron Brown? How did I get on Channel 5?” then I’d go around the dial and wind up back where I started: “Huh, that was CNN!” I went through this process about four times before I admitted to myself that yes, Aaron Brown from KING TV actually was on CNN. I notice he didn’t last long—maybe he wasn’t pretty enough, but I suspect that it was because he had some actual journalistic tendencies.
This is worth some LOLs … I think they’re more-or-less serious, too:
The most exquisite men in the conservative world
It goes on and on … devaluing the term ‘exquisite’ quite a bit. Here are the supposed criteria:
#1. Intelligence. These guys are brilliant.
#2. Courage. They aren’t afraid to stand up to challenges, speak the truth and fight for our country.
#3: Passion (See above).
#4: Sense of humor. Self-deprecating gets you extra points.
#5: Looks. This can be either conventionally handsome or someone who simply exudes sexiness.
Louie Gohmert is #8 overall (“Overall Hottest Supermen” being the highest honor, as opposed to narrower lists like radio, etc.)
All the wingnut lady judges are introduced with glamour shots.
#2. Courage. They aren’t afraid to stand up to challenges, speak the truth and fight for our country.
I’d be willing to bet not a single one of them has ever been in the military.
I’m a pilot, too, and he’s wrong about the cost of piston aircraft. A new Cessna 172 will set you back app. $150,000.
When he said $25K he was probably talking about a used Cessna 172, any number of which are available for that price.
There are a lot of light singles from the 1960s and 1970s still in service. Unlike cars, they have to be regularly maintained and inspected (intrusive government regulations and all that).
Price of a used aircraft varies greatly depending on what avionics it has and how many hours the engine has before it’s mandated overhaul.
A Cessna with a “fresh” engine is going to demand a much higher price than one with only a few hundred hours left before a very expensive overhaul.
Well, Major, there’s Allen West — but I don’t suppose you consider him a model soldier or statesman.
And HOLY CRAP the Pink Lady Gun giveaway.
All the wingnut lady judges are introduced with glamour shots.
isn’t that basically all that site is? they are taking quite a drubbing in the comments…as they should…after looking at the candidates, i feel nauseated…i mean, seriously? rush limbaugh is the hottest man in radio? eck…just gave myself the willies, there…
At risk of taking the Politichicks’ beefcake list too seriously (well, too late for that): whose idea was it to have 8-10 lists of 15 guys, each with half-a-dozen runners up? That’s bad listicle writing. It’s how Dennis Prager and several dozen other sexual nonentities got listed, undermining the project’s credibility. They coulda made a list of 10 or 15, but no — Rush has to be hot. Gohmert is not just smart, but “handsome.” Somehow everybody won … I thought cons frowned on that sorta thing.
I’m done being petty for the day, promise.
I hope Ted Cruz gets the republican nomination for president. Dude might actually have less charisma (and I’m not talking looks anymore) than Santorum. They both literally give me the creeps. I didn’t just insist on calling Santorum a “Turd Burglar” because I think it’s funny — it’s an impression he gives. Cruz seems guiltier about it, like maybe someone will find out.
I didn’t just insist on calling Santorum a “Turd Burglar” because I think it’s funny — it’s an impression he gives.
You get the impression he sneaks into latrines and burgles turds?
Looks. This can be either conventionally handsome or someone who simply exudes sexiness.
JONAH GOLDBERG is on one of the lists, as is John Hawkins. If you think that’s what sex exudes you need to see the doctor.
JONAH GOLDBERG is on one of the lists, as is John Hawkins. If you think that’s what sex exudes you need to see the doctor.
What they exude, I would not call that sexiness. Most people call it “sweat.”
they exude, I would not call that sexiness. Most people call it “sweat.”
I’d go with ‘bile.’
Robble, robble!
they exude, I would not call that sexiness. Most people call it “sweat.”
I’d go with ‘bile.’
Flop bile.
You get the impression he sneaks into latrines and burgles turds?
I know Santorum as a public figure. People have different ways of steeling their nerves before a speech. Some folks imagine the audience is naked. I understand some men wear ladies’ underwear. I don’t do that, but I can see how it’d give me an upper hand, lend me a sort of smug confidence. That’s what the freshly-burgled turd in Santorum’s pocket does for him.
But seriously, to me it feels like a metaphor, I dunno for precisely what. We often learn that guys like him have some tawdry skeleton in their closets. But he needn’t be a hypocrite to bug me out. It’s his vision for America, a place I would not like at all, but where (skeletons, hypocrisy, or no) Santorum would be privileged and flourish.
That’s what the freshly-burgled turd in Santorum’s pocket does for him.
So that explains the sweater vests.
So that explains the sweater vests.
I should say so. Consider a cardigan. In the strange grammar of politics, unbuttoning your blazer (or even removing it) is a man-of-the-people move, perhaps followed by rolling up your sleeves to get to work. The cardigan, then, would have to be unbuttoned at some point. The turd-pocket side would then sag and sway, and more importantly, Santorum would not be able to feel the warm turd pressing against his abdomen, just below his heart.
If I could, I would go with “turd-side pocket,” now that I think of it.
Sweet IPU. Teh Walter Pincus – Glenn Greenwald thing is frigging embarassing. The correction has been updated again and is now approximately 40% the length of the original article.
Consider a cardigan
The only Cardigan I ever considered was Nina Persson.
Well,…it isn’t a Fiat.
I’ll expose my flank, and admit that I pretty much stopped reading Greenwald after Obama was elected. I can’t remember why. I used to follow him closely, before and after his move to Salon.
That seems like a good deal for a Sprite. Not my favorite Austin but still.
“After thinking about it, Krissy, my wife, and I decided to actually keep the car and restore it as just kind of a good story for the little one here,” he said.
Right on. By the time she can drive, they could have it fixed up.
Here is a Poynter article about the correction. Seriously though, the correction is nearly half the length of the original post. At what point do the consider retracting?
Also, re: By the time she can drive, they could have it fixed up.
LOL, not likely. I know folks are waiting longer to get their licenses but waiting on a weekend-warrior restoration?
OK yeah. These aren’t even weekend auto-restoration-warriors. They’ve probably never worked on a car … maybe the best they can manage is to flip it? I couldn’t say.
Because our broken system is crying out for such a reliable service. When people are tuning into to comedians and snark blogs for their real news information, it’s a stark and piercing cry for help from a public painfully ill-served.
Don’t mind me, just going to appropriate this sentence to explain away my Gawker addiction.
My Kotaku addiction is fueled by stuff like this kitten playing the ukelele.
I find ukeleles alienating. If I grab one (I play guitar) it’s an Of Mice and Men -type situation, with me as Lenny.
I remember a friend, a bass player, responding with a whiff of pity to my complaint that my Hawaiian souvenir ukelele wouldn’t play in tune. “It’s your touch,” he said, and fingered out a chord or two to demonstrate that it was fine, if cheap.
Hey, I love snark blogs because the climate science I read all the fucking time all points to the likely possibility that our great-grandchildren will be eating each other. (and not in the good way)
I gave that uke to a neighbor kid when we left L.A. (I hate em). His mom looked surprised, and rightly so — I suppose it’s not often someone gives a black preteen a ukelele.
Also too, your LEAFS SUCK Update. Here is teh long awaited Rob Ford Crack Video.
Wow, that uke-impeding kitten is super-persistent. I didn’t know they could do anything for four minutes besides nap.
zomg, I apologize. There is in fact LEAFS SUCK news going on right now. We’re getting a couple byelections for provinical parliament. The Etobicoke-Lakeshore riding is up for grabs and it’s seen as a fight between Deputy Mayor Doug Holyday and the much more progressive councillor Peter Milczyn. A sort of proxy battle between Ford Nation and it’s treasonous liberal elite antagonists.
That’s not the news. The news is that an hour into the all candidates debate, Kevin Clarke has entered the room.
maybe the best they can manage is to flip it? I couldn’t say.
Sure, I’d give him $210 for it RIGHT NOW.
Eyes … burning … must … unsee …
DKW, I hear the National Botialist Party has got wonderful plans…
I don’t like the sound of these ‘ere boncentration bamps.
maybe the best they can manage is to flip it? I couldn’t say.
Perhaps the kid could rebuild it by his sixteenth birthday.
Gawker thread of the day..
Er, or of the couple weeks ago. Still, it’s a winrar.
Something new for y’all.
Yeebus yumpin yennie!
No way in hell I’d let any kid of mine drive wunna those.
There’s a reason we quit building those shortly after they came out. (more than a couple reasons, actually)
Even the guys in Pontiac that built them weren’t sorry to see them go.
GM never saw a cool design that the bean counters couldn’t fuck up.
Conclusion: Refuglicans are fucked.
Also, too: Haven’t speculative fiction authors from Issac Asimov, to Vernor Vinge, to Alastair Reynolds already predicted the impact of shit like this?
Gil Scott-Heron for the 21st Century: The Singularity will not be televised.
Heavens to Murgatroid!
Isaac, even.
Blowin’ a bowl in memory of Carl Sagan.
what, ho! fun words!
I finally find a nym that I’m comfortable with, and then, there in the big display window, is one I’m immediately smitten with.
I can’t do it. It would just be so wrong.
Just pass it by.
Snoutfair Lunting.
It, it, it,…just has something.
I really need to see a doctor about this.
Spermologer. Hur hur hur.
“Case Oopes, Esq, of Snoutfair Lunting”
“Pussyvan” was clearly coined well before the ’70s.
Thanks for that, bbkf, you’re a wonder-wench!
Thanks for that, bbkf, you’re a wonder-wench!
thankee verra much…i’m not always beef-witted…
well before the ’70s
It definitely brings to mind airbrushed Frazetta scenes and tinted bubble windows.
I always wanted one of those… but now that I’m married, I’d probably only use it to wank in at lunchtime.
A quankie.
Subvert that cliche! On your van, instead of a Frazetta painting of a heroic barbarian dude with a pulchritudinous, barely clothed damsel clinging to his rippling muscles, have a modified Frazetta painting of a heroic barbarian dude with a couple handsome, barely clothed dudes clinging to his rippling muscles.
gah! now i am seeing that van with super sarah superimposed over an murikan flag with the 80 or so ‘hot’ conservative men from the politichicks list clinging to her rippling muscles…
i’m pretty sure i need to see a doctor for that…
More from Texas
Please, we’re on to your game. There is no Zimmerpost, you just want to make sure we’re arse deep in Trolls.
I assumed that Provider had decided to hold off until after the Zimmerman verdict. Earlier in the week, I had no idea the trial would conclude so soon. In any case, delays don’t bother me a whit. When announced, they do seem to troll trolls. The poor dears have had to keep their schedules clear for a week or so.
Quick! Someone get Boris Vallejo on the line!
More from Texas
what is most bothersome is that is not too far from actually happening…
Sounds like what you’re describing is Tom of Vanland.
our many weaponsthe judges of the hawtest square-jawled conserperiorgiraffe huntersmen o’ patrioticspeedtypingaction includes thisfawningsterling juggs of character:TV and movie star Morgan Brittany
The ingenue of Sundown: The Vampire In Retreat, and a recurring guest ingenue on Dallas, and the miniature ingenue of an episode of Sea Hunt whose lungs were not aching for air? That Brittany Morgan? Colorado me impressed!
For a given value of impressed. And star. And ingenue.
More from Texas
Borowitz is a damn hero.
“He said the average value of a piston engine aircraft is less than that of a new bass rig.”
You can (I can’t, but go ahead, don’t let me stop you) easily spend that much on a keyboard rig.
“Troll cleanup needed at 14:59…”
The persistence is pathological. Scary.
Oh well, carry me back to old Guanciale! Where it’s chile and hot tamale
Tom of Vanland.
“wouldn’t play in tune. “It’s your touch,” he said”
Just had the same experience with an Epiphone. The strings were of such a ‘slinky’ gage that to fully fret a note pulled it out of tune. D’Addario 11/49’s fixed it up.
Here’s an old Fender bass for $24,500.
I guess one could bid less. You’d think for that price it’d be mint condition, but what do I know.
Of course that’s an electric bass guitar. For a real bass you can pay as much as you want.
I used to be able to scale a bass.
Here’s an old Fender bass for $24,500.
Ha! I can get a singing bass rig for only $125.
I usually just skin bass.
Major Kong occasionally will be haulin’ bass.
I’m back to Sadly, No! After nearly a year away. I missed you so much!
*huuuuuuuuuugs* 🙂
Heh indeedy read the whole thing. Heh. Indeedy.
Imagine that! The justice department helps ensure justice is done. HOW HORRIBLE
what, ho! fun words!
No “hoddypeaked”?
have a modified Frazetta painting of a heroic barbarian dude with a couple handsome, barely clothed dudes clinging to his rippling muscles
No “hoddypeaked”?
looked it up…will become part of my vernacular…
See also: Wingnut.
in the spirit of last night’s Sharknado, I fooer my own suggested animal/weather combinations:
how do I type ‘fooer’ instead of ‘offer’?
Sweet IPU. And here I thought alcohol taxes were high here in Ontar-i-o-i-o. I mean, it’s decent beer and all but $125 seems a little steep to tap that Bass.
Bass rigs are fucking cheap.
I knew I wouldn’t be the only one that watched! Holy FSM was that delightfully, horribly, crappy.
But hey, now that we know you can fly a two-seat helicopter around a tornado (whether or not the tornado has sharks in it) and “put it out” by throwing a 1-pound propane cylinder “bomb” into it, the midwest is going to be a much safer place to live.
As I was reading that linked article, I kept thinking that, deep in its innermost being (not ready to believe existence of heart), women are “nonwhite.” In which case, of course, the gopers are already the minority party.
As fo “More from Texas,” I’m pretty sure Mr. Gohmert would think that was a fine idea. Mr. Perry, too, if I believed him capable of such a complex act.
Also, too:
And this one works on so many levels:
If that’s true, you can probably start a sharknado with a goldfish bowl and a ceiling fan, so it’s a wash really.
Also in Southern Cal, they dread the Panda Ana winds.
Tough job. You’re gonna need a conversion unit, a line of DC power, and a hose to the drain to catch the runoff.
DC power? that’s going to be tough. This building is wired for 7 phase 333volt 2? amps.
ahhhhhh…after taxing my branes to create a form using ‘live cycle’ (FYAdobe!) you have all given me some much needed lols…
Now that we’ve neutered and molded The black god of time into a better commenter,
Not really, I’m still being nym-jacked at other sites and trolled when I made a comment on a site that uses Disqus, but I haven’t been neutered.
Eider downpour
Snail hail
Heifer zephyr
Blue-footed booby twister
Lightning shrike
Beaver flash flood
Groundhog fog
Purple martin haze
Lice storm
Vole Vortex
Brown habooby.
Beaver flash flood
Newsletter? Microfiche? Book-on-tape?
shooting starfish
I, for one, welcome our whining, hypocritical, trolling overlords.
Wind shearwater.
Hurricane toad?
Nor’easter bunny?
cold snapper
goat lightning
Provider went awry with “neutered.” A fertile mind often draws flak but seldom censure. It is evident, however, that some interactions are barren, without viable issue, unproductive of snark or infotainment. These modes of intercourse bear bitter fruit, if any; taste not of it. Leave these malformed neonates exposed to wither and die; ignore their wailings. Step into the light of fecundity of co-imagination with your fellows, whatever their views. It is nothing like having your balls cut off, I mean to say.
Thunderstorm petrel?
I, for one, would like to welcome our neutered and nurturing overlords.
Newtlear winter
Global worming
(Yes, I know I’m mining a dead vein. All my weather and critter books are out at the lake.)
Mice age
I don’t get why this started, but there you have it.
Santa Anaconda winds
crane shower
(Don’t I feel extra clever.)
(…Yes, I know it’s the same damn thing as a sharknado! Sue me.)
Gnuclear winter
OK I get it, saw the “Sharknado” trailer. Mad stoopid. I question the science. Do you suppose they had consultants — marine biologists and meteorologists?
Psyclone’s a-comin!
Do you suppose they had consultants — marine biologists and meteorologists?
You don’t need fancy, shmancy consultants if you get the right screenwriter.
fleazing rain
acid reindeer
There’s got to be a “mistral/kestrel” joke in here somewhere…
blackfish ice
Gully washer
Dik dik gust
Drake effect snow
I’ve done enough damage I guess I’ll stay put of this punshower.
Isn’t that a hot sauce?
Tasmanian dust devil
Ho Lee Clap…
Baby Blue Satan has been on this beat all day, and there have been some good ones… not necessarily animal-nature hybrids, but… like this one, which I feel is ripe for a make:
Illegal Nuclear Tests cause the body of Bin Laden to be reanimated into a 500 foot tall creature complete with laser beams shooting out of his turban… He can only be killed by – suicide pilots.
Snow owls falling on Cedars.
Mockingtrolls, a remake of The Birds
Yes, I’m now going to become a cubicle serf, and surrender to the collective that is American Capitalism.
Wish me luck!
I’m a special snowdrop because I have my own cubicle. How exciting.
“You’re allowed a different name for identification purposes, but effectively you are now a drone here.”
Pray for him, Dennis. While the efficacy of divine supplication has never been scientifically verified, at least not by anything which is (like the toilet in my bathroom) peer-reviewed, a desperate concern for the hopeless plight of those caught in this nexus of iniquity makes believers of us all, wouldn’t you say?
CRA said,
July 12, 2013 at 22:45 (kill)
I salute the engenderer of “Jihadzilla” ! It’s the goods, just like Mother makes, and it’ll hit ’em where the dog bit ’em!
Family entertainment (if your family name happens to be “Manson”, that is) which it will inform, edify, and entertain, without bringing even the faintest blush to maidenly cheeks. Add a couple of Pashtun dialect comedians and some love interest to the melange and ensure a block-buster ensues.
My first “ahem.” So sorry. Great mimes and all that.
I’ve always held that ambition was overrated.
I’ve always contended that you had unrequited love for your mother.
It takes a certain kind of ambition when one is a troll whose comments are deleted on an almost daily basis.
Yes, I’m now going to become a cubicle serf, and surrender to the collective that is American Capitalism.
It’s not too bad once you give up those last few vestiges of self respect.
Friday Yappy Hours at neighborhood dog park.
Ok, but what about Tampon Guns?
OB-47: the very best there is. When you absolutely, positively gotta absorb every motherleaker in the room. Accept no substitutes.
Good Night, B4.
Ho Lee Clap…
Still less squicky to me than the vigilant sages at CNN reporting that the Space Shuttle was making its re-entry at 16 times the speed of light.
Nobody’s been keeping the caves clean OR warm for us, you know.
Laurelwood Portlandia Fils
Widmer hefeweizen
MacTarnahans amber
Ninkasi believer
Sorry, OBS, I wasn’t in charge of the beer.
Went to see “Pacific Rim” at the theater today. Not what I was expecting at all.
I, for one, would like to welcome our soul-selling, unacceptable, trying to be part of the in group, overlords to the hot tub. Last one in is an axolotl!
Use the snark, Luke!
Thanks for reminding me!
I would have never believed such whiny-assed, thin-skinned fucksticks could have existed.
Truth is stranger (and more boring) than fiction, isn’t it, Jeffraham?
I’m disappointed that my cryptic paragraph at (July 12, 2013 at 22:22) fell on blighted ground. I post- and pre-refuted alot of lazy trolling, and invited everyone with a spark of humanity into the light of wholesome comradery-in-freedom-and-difference …
You can lead a scarred humanoid to a Fountain of Healing, but you can’t make it drink.
Hey, can you make up some beef and tomato curry chow mein to go? Chop-chop, if you please.
What’s all this then?
What’s all this then?
Intratroll discussion that fools no one.
What traffic terrific
From Maine to Pacific
What hustle and bustle you’ll see-a
What rivers, what valleys
If nobody dallies
On Nina and Pinta and Santa Maria
Ira Gershwin.
Intratroll discussion that fools no one.
It has a Dadaesque quality, though lacking any humor or whimsy.
Funny seeing the troll’s comments disappear so quickly!
Fuck. I just watched that thing, and I must say, I think they might have achieved their goal. That wreck will be on more “top 10 worst movies of all time” lists than Battlefield Earth. It’s truly a benchmark. It might actually be the worst thing I’ve ever sat through.
I about lost it when whatsherface tried the Quint/Indianapolis speech.
The first link off of Pup’s dogpark pic is currently POOP!
Fuck. I just watched that thing, and I must say, I think they might have achieved their goal. That wreck will be on more “top 10 worst movies of all time” lists than Battlefield Earth
Any publicity is better than no publicity at all, and this shit went viral. Maybe there will eventually be “Sharknado” viewings at midnight in theaters around the country.
Brush up your Shakespear,
start quoting him now
Cole Porter
[…] Read more… […]
I could’ve danced all night
and still have begged for more.
I’m conforming by not doing what the troll wants me to do.
Yeah, they clearly set out to make a stinker. I mean, the thing is, if you’ll pardon the pun, a perfect storm of bad. From the godawful writing to the execrably unwatchable CG, to the… acting(?) it has to be camp. The only things unintentionally that bad are when wingnuts try to make movies, like, say American Carol.
Hey god why don’t you shut your faggit face and stink your thongs in your little pecker eye. Free Zimmerman, and go state of Texas.
Love the DEER
Cabronissimo, que pasa aca?
God your a tic that ingests blood and spreads your HiV all over these stupid ass chat rooms, get a life you delusional psychopath. Free Zimmerman – the deer
F off el mancheto
You must remember this
A kiss is still a kiss.
She gave your very first kiss to you
That was Laura, but she’s only a drean.
Tony Stark makes you feel
He’s a cool exec with a heart of steel.
You’ll behold in breathless wonder
The God of Thunder, mighty Thor!
Only hippies work in banks these days. Paisley and finances go so well together.
Doc Bruce Banner, belted by gamma rays…
Yeah, they clearly set out to make a stinker. I mean, the thing is, if you’ll pardon the pun, a perfect storm of bad.
That’s what I think about 90% of movies ( hi Ted! ) but I’m pretty sure I’m not a target audience.
Can he swing from a thread?
Take a look, overhead.
Thanks for the input, nameless troll.
I have no idea what happened here, haven’t seen the sharkopalypse or whatever. But … hello, CatAssTrophy.
I didn’t see Sharknado either, though I’m wondering how it holds up to Mansquito (which I also didn’t see). My personal standard of movie horribleness remains Highlander II.
I can believe I’m being nym-jacked. I’m such a loser
just kidding. 🙂
I can’t help but be somewhat amused (although the situation is distressing and as far as I can see, completely undeserved.) by all this trolling.
I can just see them gnashing their teeth and screaming “I can’t understand it! We troll Sadly, No! day and night and their hit-count just keeps going up! How can that happen?”
But yeow!, the persistent and infantile maliciousness, where does that come from? If I ever have a hot-tub, I’m giviing all the neighbors carte blanche. Apparently people get very sensitive about it. But then we’ve always depended on the kindness of strangers.
And if Bl;anche can’t get here under her own steam, I’m not sending a surrey, (with or without fringe, two sidelights a winkin’ and blinkin’ or isinglass curtains you can roll right down) for her. She’ll just have to walk. Frankly, she depends way too much on the kindness of strangers.
“I can believe I’m being nym-jacked. I’m such a loser
just kidding. :-)”
Look, Black God, just play it straight, okay? If we all play the straight bat with a stiff upper lip and communicate entirely in 60-70s automotive cliches we can defeat the troll(s). Don’t sew contusion.
Please, just be yourself! Although I cannot, nor do I ever claim to speak for the site or any of the other posters I can say with assurance that when I say “we love you just the way you are” I’ve said a mouthful. And stay the hell out of that New York state of mine, okay?
Years ago I spent a bunch of time on Mexican buses where the depths of bad movies are plumbed. Thus I saw a Robin Williams vehicle called ‘What Dreams May Come. ‘. That there could exist anything more horrible I refuse to believe.
“Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, that’s the definition of insanity.”
Yes, Mooser, it’s amusing how someone seemingly stuck behind their computer comes here and spreads their effluvia of hatred, envy, and resentment, sees their comments deleted, and decides to repeat the process anyway, all the while complaining that someone who doesn’t do what they want him to do is suffering from ‘group think’ and conformism.
It’s just too bad that they can’t take that energy and put it towards niceness instead.
I’ll leave you to a New York state of mind, Mooser, you just can’t take Manhattan unless you have some angels backing you up.
That there could exist anything more horrible I refuse to believe.
Red Planet Mars.
Also, Mars Needs Women:
I’m butthurt.
Oh, Battleship Earth also too.
Sal started an old one-humped camel,
A plain unremarkable mammal.
Then one dromedic day
Another hump came her way
At the hands of a rider named Gamel.
Clearly, this place needs a more robust commenting system, or more sets of keys.
Sure, cheesy sci-fi is bad but the multi-dimensional soul destroying awfulness of ‘What Dreams…’ is so intense that I beg y’all not to expose yourselves to it.
I had mercifully forgotten about that dreadful thing. It’s in its own world of nasty. Bad SF is one thing, this was something else. I seem to recall there was some very heavy-handed preaching of some message I found abhorrent going on. I had managed to forget I’d seen it. Curse you!
the multi-dimensional soul destroying awfulness of ‘What Dreams…’ is so intense that I beg y’all not to expose yourselves to it.
But did MST3K do it? I’ll see your “What Dreams” and raise you “Manos, Hands of Fate.”
MST3K did “Overdrawn at the Memory Bank”, starring a young Raul Julia.
I seem to recall there was some very heavy-handed preaching of some message I found abhorrent going on.
Oh you will LOVE Red Planet Mars. There’s no face walking, though.
“Manos, Hands of Fate”
In ‘Under the Volcano’, the book, the Consul is haunted by the Peter Lorre movie “Los Manos de Orlac”. I’ve always been curious about it but haven’t caught it.
you just can’t take Manhattan unless you have some angels backing you up.
Reminds of a line from Casablanca:
Major Strasser: “How about New York?”
Rick: “Well there are certain sections of New York, Major, that I wouldn’t advise you to try to invade.”
you just can’t take Manhattan unless you have some angels backing you up.
The Muppets took Manhattan, and they don’t have souls, and so I doubt their welfare is on any angels’ plates. But I’m not sure what you’re talking about, so carry on.
You’re saing I’m not doing my job, is that it, JP?
We can fix it in editing. 🙂
The point being that it seems that someone with keys only stops by about every 12 hours, or so. A lot of dookie can build up in that time.
It’s not a criticism aimed at key-holders (who I am sure everyone assumes has better things to do than babysit a blog 24/7). Just the more trusted whackers, the less troll spooge. 🙂
Yes, I’m baiting them by observing what has occurred, and is occurring.
Let me go somewhere else, then. It’s a big enough intertronz.
But I’m not sure what you’re talking about, so carry on.,
I was referring to a Dr Who episode, and the attraction of Dr. Who is like that of jazz: If you have to ask, you ain’t never gonna know.
My very presence on a thread brings out the trolls even when I make no reference to them, Provider_Une, (if that’s who you really are), so this is a classical case of damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
Meh. Until and unless you’ve seen “They Saved Hitler’s Brain”, cheesy movies must be something you’ve only heard about.
And “Terror of Tiny Town” is pretty much required viewing aussi.
Yep, Provider_Une, let’s just not mention the trolls anymore, and they’ll just quit trolling.
I always listen to Revolta but I’ve seen ‘They Saved Hitler’s…’ and I maintain my position. Terror of Tiny Town I’ve, somehow missed.
Also missed a comma.
Utterly unrelated.
German midgets trying to do tough guy Texas dialog. Riding ponies yet!
Enormously bad, in a good way.
You’re pretty much why they’re here in the first place.
If you dressed modestly, DA, you wouldn’t be assaulted.
Oh yeah JR, I remember now, but that’s camp, they study it on campus with readings from Sontag. It doesn’t have the terrifying seriousness and lack of self- awareness of What Dreams May Come. plus Robin Williams and a Mexican bus.
I was referring to a Dr Who episode, and the attraction of Dr. Who is like that of jazz: If you have to ask, you ain’t never gonna know.
I know alot about jazz, and I’ve heard of this Dr. Who fellow.
JP, I can’t help it that I have such a purty mouth 😉
Camp is a funny thing. Some say ya gotta be thinking “camp” when you do it (e.g. John Waters). Some say just the opposite (late Joan Crawford). I dunno what S. Sontag says but these yere midgets apparently took all their dough from the Wizard of Oz and sunk it into this…………..project……………..I think they were really serious about it.
Not that that makes it a better or worse movie. I believe the film sucks on its own merit.
In general I don’t deal in superlatives so I’m perfectly willing to accept that all these films are absolutely chubby with suckitude.
Canned Film Festival
Also, too, after a year and a half of nothing but acoustic bass and flat-top I’ve had to shed on the mandolin and my hands are hurting in new ways so I might be even crankier than usual.
I’m a bad person, and should go away to rid this site of trolls.
Or, I should engage the trolls, get banned, but at least I would demonstrate testicular fortitude on the way out.
I think I’ll do neither.
In general I don’t deal in superlatives so I’m perfectly willing to accept that all these films are absolutely chubby with suckitude.
You don’t deal in superlatives? So my recollection of your comments regarding guanciale were all just a fever-dream?
Got me there.
Uh, sorry about the grammar fail “was” just a fever dream… I blame lack of sleep.
these yere midgets apparently took all their dough from the Wizard of Oz and sunk it into this…………..project……………..I think they were really serious about it.
I haven’t seen “Terror of Tiny Town” but I’ve heard of it … Seriously, is this the story of its production? That’d make it more fascinating.
Related: I grew up in Palm Springs, CA (if you could say I grew up anywhere, but that’s another story, itinerancy and personal development-wise). There is supposedly a gated community of little houses built by little people, obviously including film-industry vets. Therefore the probable petri dish for the ToTT project … Many years ago my brother claimed he stumbled upon (or into?) the subdivision. He wasn’t reacting to the internet, or pulling a prank, he was just passing along what he’d seen.
(I haven’t bothered to google any related topics.)
I’m butthurt!
I’m a manly man. I have balls between my legs!
I was referring to a Dr Who episode
Huh, I thought you were referring to Leonard Cohen lyrics.
I wouldn’t be surprised, CRA, it was very common for back 70-80 years ago for groups of people to buy a large chunk of land and have houses built for their own usage or for rentals.
I have nuts! I am nuts!
In the bad movie sweepstakes, It’s hard to beat Chained for Life, about a siamese twin charged with murdering the other twin’s husband on their wedding night—starring a real pair of siamese twins!
The Worm Eaters is a contender, though.
I’ve tried to like Doctor Who and Red Dwarf and so forth, but I just…can’t. I loved Douglas Adams’ books, for his narration and asides, but the stories were just ludicrous—then the Helliconia trilogy put me off British science fiction permanently. Too bad, too—I read all the Clarke there was when I was a kid.
There’s the head-scratching oddity that is Shanks: a black comedy about re-animating the dead, starring famous mime Marcel Marceau and directed by William “The Tingler” Castle.
A blog and its good-faith commentariat united in attempts at snarky fun and mental stimulation is envigorating to all involved. Not in the least borg-like, comformist, or emasculative: quite the opposite. It goes without saying that disagreements and even arguments are tolerable, and desired insomuch as they result in fun and stimulation. Even eviscerating trolls (or trolling them) can meet these criteria.
Nothing I’ve said is particular to S,N! where (it goes without saying) I have no authority, but merely the commenter’s freedom to exercise my rhetorical and logical powers. These are all any reasonable, decent person needs on the net. (Of course mods have the right to mod their rightful domains.)
I am sympathetic to the idea that there are alot of personal attacks and general nonsense (inc. bigotry) that, on some level, seem to merit refutation. I submit that the needs of the commentariat not only override such considerations in most cases (for ex., when responding is unlikely to provide fun or stimulation to others), but almost always distract the trolled individuals from brighter prospects, here or elsewhere.
In these realms I tend toward heavy-handedness and obsession, so of course when I’m successfully baited I expend more effort than the baiter, which is pointless except to the extent that my powers are gainfully exercised and/or bystanders are amused or educated. In the absence of those outcomes, poking or even vanquishing Dennis (for example) is beneath me. He is not without strengths, but I am not the least concerned that I’d regret provoking him. Rather, I’m doing him a favor by not engaging. Rhetorically, I can castrate Dennis, let alone whatever other trolls may be dropping by.
No, Dennis. And I appreciate the respect you’ve shown me. But again, whatever your “pay grade,” I’ve taken your measure as best I can, and found you an unworthy opponent. I suppose you have potential, but if you were in any shape to confront me, you wouldn’t be behaving as shamefully as I know you are, now would you?
I’m sorry, folks, I forgot to take my meds. Will you ever find it in your hearts to forgive me?
The above wasn’t me.
CRA said,
July 14, 2013 at 3:10
Was not me.
Nothing worth remembering or repeating.
I’m off for the evening. You folks will know it’s me again when I post something long and thoughtful in my signature style. These shits couldn’t begin to imitate me, whatever my faults, thought they’re welcome to try.
I will make a point of not posting again unless it’s substantive, and there’s absolutely no chance readers will be confused. Could be tomorrow, or later.
No, he’s already been castrated. Let it alone.
tigris said,
July 14, 2013 at 3:04
Fuck off. You claim you have balls, prove it by not putting your idiotic sayings in the mouths of others. Pick a damn nym and stand by your bullshit.
I’m lying right now.
Seems the post title was prescient.
The fact is, suck it liberals and race baiters. Real America won. When those blacks riot they will once again prove they are violent loosers and apes. I am proud to be white.
WRT “right-sizing” one’s surroundings, a college friend of mine told me her parents, who were rather short, liked to buy their furniture from model-home furnishers, as that furniture, being 7/8 size (to make the rooms look larger without being noticeably undersized), which was juwt sbout perfect for them.
New post. Filled with jokes. Yup, you’ll all totally love it. Yup. No lies here.
Enormously bad, in a good way.
Not necessarily irrelevant.
Geez. Cleanup in aisle 7.
Bad news for everyone — Zimmerman got off. Entirely.
Well, I guess technically it’s good news for Zimmerman.